Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Mar 14, 2008



All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age (or 21 years of age in some jurisdictions) to read this story. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, or if you live in a location where such content may not be legal for you to read, please read no further, but rather exercise your right to select an alternate form of entertainment elsewhere.

This story contains homoerotic subject matter and episodes of social aggression often called "bullying". The author does not endorse this kind of behavior. While inspired by real world events, remember that THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION, and the author insists that you do not attempt to re-reenact or recreate any event or activity described in the text of this or other chapters. The story has been written for entertainment purposes for adults only, and hopefully to make a point about the problem of bullying in our schools. Please remember that ordinary human decency as well as maturity requires good judgment, safe sex, and the ability to distinguish between fantasies expressed in literary fiction and reality. Your actions may have consequences for others. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.

Juvenile sexual aggression has been a problem of growing concern in American society over the past decade. Currently it is estimated that juveniles account for up to one-fifth of the rapes, and one-half of the cases of child molestation committed in the United States each year. The majority of cases of juvenile sexual aggression appear to involve adolescent male perpetrators. Many adolescent sex offenders grow up in abusive families where alcoholism, substance abuse, and inter-parental violence are commonplace. One study found that 60% of abusers had been physically abused, 50% had been sexually abused, and 70% had experienced neglect in childhood. Over 50% of the adolescents had experienced a combination of these forms of abuse.

Thanks to all who contacted me. I have heard from many of you so far. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


Texas Regional Newsnet

CASTRATED RAPIST GETS HOUSE ARREST Junior High Offenders Get Probation In Plea

Albert Martinez, 17, a senior at Santa Rosa High School in Santa Rosa, Texas with no prior history of arrest was sentenced yesterday to two years of house arrest and eight more years of probation by a sympathetic jury. Martinez made national headlines weeks earlier when the victim he was in the process of sexually assaulting sexually maimed him by nearly biting off his penis.

Principal witnesses, whose testimony resulted in the jury's guilty verdict, included a group of junior-high students, also charged with rape, who received only two years of probation in plea agreement subsequent to successfully completion of sex offender treatment at a juvenile mental health facility.

Outside of the courthouse protesters took to the streets of Brownsville, Texas in support of the Hispanic teen charged in the sexual assault of a white classmate.

It all started an incident of hazing gone awry at Santa Rosa High School when Llewellyn, the target of a group hazing, directed a series of racist statements at Victor Fuentes. A fight ensued, and Llewellyn was taken to the hospital and released several hours later. Two of the three students principally involved, namely Fuentes, and Randy Waters, the nephew of Superintendent Roy Waters, were suspended, and forced to cease participation in high school athletic programs. Llewellyn received community service, but no suspension, though it was perceived that his racial statements provoked the incident.

On March 19, 1994, during the act of forcing Peter "Pee Wee" Llewellyn to perform oral sex Martinez was savagely bitten almost severing his penis in two places. The Santa Rosa Herald quoted officers on the scene as stating that Martinez entered the gym where a group of junior high students were involved in hazing Llewellyn, a high school student.


Martinez reported that Llewellyn, previously subjected to an attack subsequent to making racist remarks, again directed ethnic slurs at Martinez, a Hispanic student. Statements by witnesses varied as to what, if any, ethnic slurs may have been made by Llewellyn.

Llewellyn was reported to have been in a state of shock, having been hazed and raped by the junior high students prior to Martinez arrival. They "taunted him about his micropenis" and then "took turns raping him in the locker room," it was further reported. Llewellyn was performing court ordered community service carrying out janitorial duties at the time of his attack. He had been left unsupervised in the gymnasium on the Junior High campus.

Jimmy Jakes, former janitor at the school, assigned to oversee his community service work, found Llewellyn not long after the attack. His younger brother, who is among the Junior High School students charged with sexual assault, drove Martinez to St. David Hospital in Harlingen, Texas. Martinez had lost an enormous amount of blood and was also in a state of shock when he was rushed to the hospital.


Llewellyn claimed that Martinez attack against him was committed out of revenge. Other high school students were named in a conspiracy allegedly arranged by Randy Waters. Yet if it were, it was not established during the course of the subsequent trial. Llewellyn suggested that he had been subjected to ongoing hazing at the hands of Waters, who was subsequently suspended, including a temporary prohibition from participating in the school athletics program. Llewellyn stated that Waters had then ordered teammates to assault his genitals in retaliation for his re suspension from the baseball team.

Llewellyn said that Martinez acted on Waters' orders. However, the claims have remained unsubstantiated. Interestingly, neither Waters nor Victor Fuentes, previously accused by Llewellyn of assault were arrested, even though Fuentes later confessed to a state police officer.

Martinez initially flatly denied being a part of any conspiracy to assault Llewellyn, either emotionally or physically. Later during cross-examination he changed his testimony, stating that he assaulted Llewellyn under pressure from Randy Waters, who was present outside the gymnasium at the time of Llewellyn's assault. However, during further testimony, his story often conflicted with known facts. No other witnesses corroborated Water's presence. This severely weakened the prosecution's case.


According to witnesses in the gymnasium, Martinez savagely kicked Llewellyn repeatedly in the testicles, requiring Llewellyn to undergo reconstructive surgery to salvage his ruptured testicles.

After kicking Llewellyn in the testicles, Martinez subsequently attempted to force Llewellyn to perform oral sex and was bitten by Llewellyn. Martinez was then driven to St. David's Medical Center's emergency room. Hospital staff said Martinez was still conscious and able to walk upon arrival, although he was "shaking and in shock." Surgeons operated on Martinez for more than 9 hours to reattach his penis. Attempts to reattach Martinez penis were complicated by an infection after being surgically reattached resulting in necrosis and loss of three-quarters of his penile shaft.

Francis Llewellyn, the mother of Peter Llewellyn, later filed suit in a Cameron County federal court against Santa Rosa High School for neglect and failure to protect her son from a series of bullying events. The case was settled out of court.

After Martinez physically recovered from his injuries he finally attended his rape trial. Witnesses in the gymnasium positively identified him as Llewellyn's attacker. The victim's testimony, corroborated by witness statements, was enough for the otherwise sympathetic jury who later found Martinez guilty of rape and sentenced him to two years of house arrest and eight more years of probation.

Llewellyn was traumatized by the experience. Surgeons at St. David's completed repairs to Llewellyn's testicles, both of which had suffered testicular rupture. The procedure was an astounding success given the severity of his injuries and doctors believed that he would regain full functioning after recovery. Even though they were optimistic about Llewellyn's physical condition, they realized that the emotional damage would likely last much longer.

Martinez was charged with first-degree sexual assault. Llewellyn was taken into custody after recovery and charged with "malicious wounding".

The incident gained media attention from around the state. A Newsweek poll revealed that an astounding 60% of newspapers in the state of Texas ran stories about the case.


During a week and half of testimony, the courtroom listened as Peter Llewellyn unfolded a tale of hazing, sexual assault, and bullying at the hands of other Santa Rosa students. During his testimony, he tearfully described his life at the hands of high school bullies at Santa Rosa High School. While on the stand, Llewellyn testified that Martinez acted as a part of a team effort by the Santa Rosa baseball team to retaliate against him because of his role in the suspension of two team captains. He reluctantly described incidents of frequently abuse, being bullied on the school bus, stripped, and forced to engage in oral sex. Later he described being physically assaulted by members of the baseball team who kicked or punched him repeatedly in the groin.

Witnesses for the prosecution painted a very different picture of events at Santa Rosa High School. Llewellyn was described as a sexual predator, a hyperactive homosexual youth, whose seductive behavior, including fashioning a "glory hole" in the boys restroom, provoked the ire of more mainstream heterosexual students, students with no prior records of misconduct.

Several incidents during the trial drew media attention. When asked by Jorge Lopez, Martinez's attorney, how he had gained the nickname "Pee Wee", Llewellyn broke down on the stand, then later grudgingly admitted that this was due to his small penis size. Laughter and derisive comments from high school students attending the trial resulted in Judge Anderson ordering that the courtroom be cleared.

Other witnesses provided supporting testimony, saying that they had seen Martinez, Waters, Fuentes and other students taunt Llewellyn about his exceptionally small penis size at school. His family reported seeing the results of Llewellyn's abuse, such as bruises and cuts on his body. Even Martinez's friends said that he often bragged about how he intended to "scramble Pee Wee's eggs." The defense suggested it was only a matter of time before Llewellyn snapped. At the time he assaulted Martinez he was being orally sodomized, psychologists claimed that he was suffering from clinical depression and possibly posttraumatic stress disorder.


The jury found Llewellyn to be somewhat more credible. After seven hours of deliberation, the jury found Llewelyn "not guilty" due to temporary insanity. The judge ordered Llewellyn to undergo a 45-day evaluation period at a psychiatric hospital in Austin, Texas specializing in the treatment of Sexually Reactive Youth, after which he would be released. Francis Llewellyn stated that she was grateful for the verdict and thanked the judge and members of the jury for recognizing her son's mental illness and need for treatment. School superintendent Roy Waters, was in attendance at the trial, but declined comment regarding the sentencing of Santa Rosa students.

The judgment did little to soothe Martinez who claimed that the attack ruined his life, causing not only permanent physical disfigurement but also long-term emotional damage. "I am no longer a man," Martinez tearfully stated to reporters after the trial making a statement that has escaped quotation in local newspapers. "That dickless fag tried to make me like him. He's destroyed my life!" Martinez said, displaying his electronic tracking device -- the ankle bracelet he had been sentenced to wear for the next two years -- to a sympathetic crowd of onlookers. There is no doubt that Martinez has suffered terribly since his castration.

The protesters cheered Martinez on as he drove away with his family. "We're not coming to condone any kind of violence. We're saying though that there must always be a balance and the criminal justice system can't overcharge some and not charge others," Rev. Juan Munoz explained. "Albert has been mutilated by this miscreant, his future as a man has been ended as he stood upon the threshold of manhood. Yet who bears the heavier sentence? The wounded Hispanic boy has been given a life sentence. His white homosexual attacker walks free. Where is the justice?"

After all that has been said and done, the mere mention of "Pee Wee" Lewellyn's name continues to raise eyebrows, evoke chuckles and make men protectively cross their legs.

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