Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Jan 27, 2008



All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age (or 21 years of age in some jurisdictions) to read this story. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, or if you live in a location where such content may not be legal for you to read, please read no further, but rather exercise your right to select an alternate form of entertainment elsewhere. This story contains homoerotic subject matter and episodes of social aggression often called "bullying". The author does not endorse this kind of behavior. While inspired by real world events, remember that this is a work of fiction, and the author insists that you do not attempt to re-reenact or recreate any event or activity described in the text of this or other chapters. The story has been written for entertainment purposes for adults only. Please remember that ordinary human decency as well as maturity requires good judgment, safe sex, and the ability to distinguish between fantasies expressed in literary fiction and reality. Your actions may have consequences for others. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.

Thanks to all who contacted me. I have heard from many of you so far. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


"C'mon, let's go to the Pancake House!" Billy said, as if nothing had passed between them.

"Sounds good!" Pee Wee said, trying to think anything else, anything at all that would take his mind off just how deeply he had fallen for Billy.

But less than halfway down the hallway they were intercepted by Jimmy, Billy's older brother, and also a janitor, garbage man, and skateboard anarchist, who was sporting a significant bulge in his shorts. He had the same eyes as his brother and had dirty blonde hair that was shaved at the sides and pulled back in a topknot style ponytail. "Where you guys goin'?" he asked.

"We were heading to Pancake House to get some breakfast," Billy said.

"Wrong," Jimmy countered. "Dad's waiting for ya' in the kitchen. He said you promised to help him out today." Pee Wee knew that Jimmy, who collected their trash, had seen him naked hauling the last sack of garbage out to the curb as the garbage truck drove up to their house.

Billy looked over at Pee Wee and shrugged his shoulders. His father sat at the kitchen table, empty plates in front of him pushed halfway across the table to make room for the morning newspaper. "Need you to do something for me," he said from behind the sport section. "Your Aunt Ruthie's old Rottweiler's been sick the last few days, and she needs you to drive her over to the vet in Harlingen this morning. I told her you'd drive her."

"Sure, dad," Billy turned to Pee Wee, "I'll drop you off at your house on the way over. We'll do breakfast some other time." He winked.

"Wrong again," Jimmy came up behind Billy and put him in a choke hold, loosened up on him as their father started to lower the paper to look over to see what his sons were up to now. "Pee Wee here was assigned to help Dad and I out at the school, but hasn't shown up for the past week. He's gonna help me out today."

Pee Wee's jaw dropped. "What?"

"I got a phone call with Principal Ramón," Janitor Jakes said. He set the newspaper down and looked Pee Wee in the eye. Apparently talking through the sport section was an activity strictly reserved for more familial communications. "Ramón said that the school board has ordered you to perform fifty hours of community service at the school. I got a copy of a signed note from your ma releasing you to work as janitor's assistant at the high school."

Jimmy released his brother, and switched over to Pee Wee, and put him in a chokehold. "So Pee Wee here is mine for the day."

Janitor Jakes pushed his chair away from the table. "That's fine," he said, half listening, "Billy, I need you to drop me off over at the Taylor place." Billy nodded, and slipped on a light jacket, as the two went out the door. The screen door slammed shut behind them, and suddenly Pee Wee found himself alone in the kitchen with Jimmy Jakes, his older brother Troy's best friend before he went off to college.

Jimmy loosened up his hold and slapped Pee Wee on the back. "I remember you, Pee Wee" Jimmy had said, and laughed again, "and you too, little guy!" pulling the same trick he had the night before he reached forward as if to shake Pee Wee's hand, but then snaked down to grab Pee Wee's little pud through his borrowed pants. Jimmy's aim was true. He snagged Pee Wee's pecker in his fingers and squeezed hard, laughing as Pee Wee winced, then used it as a little rod to jerk Pee Wee towards him. Pee Wee was sure his little pole was getting pulled out at the root.

"You owe me a shit load of work already that you were supposed to do this week." Jimmy said, "We'll start out here and then head over to the school.

Jimmy gave him another painful tug, then reached down to unzip a duffel bag left by the kitchen entrance and pulled out a bright red Dickies jumpsuit that had the word "Janitor's Apprentice" embroidered on the back. Jimmy shook it a couple of times, held it up, and then pointed at the name, "Pee Wee Llewellyn" embroidered in large white letters to the right of the Santa Rosa Warriors emblem emblazoned on the front. Pee Wee's face fell when he saw his nickname emblazoned on a janitor's uniform in such large bright lettering.

"Do I have to wear that uniform?" Pee Wee asked.

"No, of course not." Jimmy said and gave him a sly grin, "Go ahead and get undressed."

"So what am I changing into then?"

"Nothing!" Jimmy answered him with a dead stare, "You said you didn't want to wear the janitor's uniform, so you can do your work nude for all I care."

"Okay, okay, I'll wear the uniform," Pee Wee said.

"Actually," Jimmy responded, smirking, "Now you will have to earn the privilege."

"C'mon, for real. What do I have to do?"

"Right now you strip down naked like I said." Jimmy's face looked stern--the face of someone who was exacting revenge for some past transgression. "Now, take my brother's clothes off." Jimmy said.

"No," Pee Wee said, "I'm not doing that."

Jimmy walked over to the table where his father had set down the Local News section of the morning paper, and handed it to Pee Wee. One of the photos that Jessica Bowden had taken of him as he streaked across their lawn. It was blurry, but it had enough of his profile that he wondered if people who knew him would recognize him.

"I wonder if they are giving out a reward for information leading to the identification of capture of the Santa Rosa Streaker?" Jimmy asked and went over to the kitchen phone that was hanging on the wall next to the door that lead into their living room. He looked back at Pee Wee with a look on his face that dared Pee Wee to escalate this situation.

"Okay, okay," Pee Wee said and started pulling down his pants.

"My dad has an old style Polaroid camera, that takes instant pictures that you don't have to wait to get developed." Jimmy said, and pulled the camera from the same duffel bag where his red jumpsuit was stored.

Pee Wee gave him a look. He knew what a Polaroid camera was.

"How about I take a few pictures of you doing some chores. You'll be naked, of course." Jimmy said sardonically. "Even better if you got a bitty little boner. Then I don't have to worry about you slacking off or giving me any more lip."

Jimmy had Pee Wee's attention. Pee Wee's mouth dropped open but he couldn't tell if Jimmy was really serious or just yanking his chain.

"First things first," Jimmy announced, "You're gonna rake the back yard, then go take out the garbage!" and as Pee Wee started to argue with him, he interrupted adding, "I think I wanna see you do it the way you did it the other day. Carry it out to the curb holding it up over your head."

Pee Wee looked up at Jimmy in horror. "What if someone sees me?" Jimmy was making him relive the same stunt Mark had made him do a few days ago. With that Jimmy reached down and slapped him on the ass, herding him out the door and down the steps into their back yard, laughing the entire time.

Pee Wee looked at the stack of ten or so large black lawn bags that were stacked up against the side of the garage. There was a momentary flash and he realized that Jimmy had just taken a Polaroid picture of him standing there in their back yard. There were also several bundles of twigs and small branches remaining from some tree trimming Mr. Jakes had done recently.

"No, please," Pee Wee begged, again realizing the extent of what Jimmy was requiring him to do, and how many trips he would have to make out to the road, where anyone, a neighbor, or someone driving by, would most certainly see him. Something wet hit his shoulder. He looked up at the cloud-cover and realized that it would rain before soon.

Jimmy walked him over to the garage, unlocked the side door and got out a rake, which he shoved into Pee Wee's outstretched right hand.

Pee Wee had never been big on raking autumn leaves, but the morning cold, and the fact that he was naked in the Jakes backyard, motivated him to get to work after he got over the initial shock of being told to rake Jimmy's yard naked. Jimmy watched him from the back door, and after a slow start, mostly because he was resisting the fact that he was actually going to be doing this, he set to work in earnest.

Every step he took reminded him of how deeply and how roughly Billy had fucked him the night before. His ass was still sore. It had hurt so bad he had wanted to cry, had cried. On the other hand he was glad that it had been Billy who had taken his virginity. He could still taste the pungent flavor of Billy's semen. He had been surprised at the sheer volume his friend had unloaded into his mouth. He remembered lying next to him, snuggling up against him after he went to sleep, while he breathed, mere inches away. He wished Billy were here with him now, to be there working alongside him raking and bagging leaves, and maybe jumping in leaf piles with him, leaves all crumbly and woody and smoky and cold and hands grabbing. Laughter from the direction of the house distracted him and he looked down to see his small rod was fully erect. He realized that Jimmy had taken a picture of him raking the yard in the nude, and turned his back toward the house and set back to work. The backyard was raked, trimmed and the leaves bagged and at the side of the garage forty-five minutes later.

Something wet splashed down on his neck and shoulder again. The sky had been spitting at him as he had been raking, but these last drops were larger, and he realized that it was threatening to rain any second.

"You better hurry or you're gonna end up doing this in the rain," Jimmy said. "You might as well get started." Pee Wee looked over as he heard another click and saw a flash out of the corner of his eye.

Pee Wee looked at the stack of bags up against the side of the garage. There had been about ten garbage bags to begin with and he had filled another ten or twelve racking the backyard. At least he had been in the backyard, when Jimmy had him raking up leaves. But carrying this many bags up to the curve, and all the bundles of limbs--well, it seemed inevitable that he would be seen!

"Yeah, but . . . " Pee Wee began.

Pee Wee exhaled in resignation, accepting his lot in life, and set the rake against the side of the garage next to the door, then leaned over and picked up the first bag and lifted it up over his head. It was heavier than he expected, heavier than anything Mark had made him carry, and he almost dropped it. Some asphalt shingles and drywall fell out of it. He scooped the contents back inside the torn bag, adjusted his grip and marched it out to the curb. He struggled the whole way, elbows bending, and had to set it down a couple of times, resting his arms for a few seconds before continuing. By the time he was finished white powder had dusted his right shoulder and sprinkled down the right side of his chest.

Pee Wee picked up the next bag and lifted it up extending his arms up over his head. This one, and the ones that followed, were lighter than the first, and he was able to move a lot quicker, almost running them out to the curve where he set them down in a group.

"You still got a hard-on" Jimmy laughed as Pee Wee ran back for another bag. "There's somethin' in you that likes this shit!" Jimmy exclaimed.

Pee Wee made quick work of running the remaining trash bags out to the curb, hoping and praying that none of their neighbors were looking out their windows. So far there had been no cars driving passed, and he counted himself as lucky.

"Now get those branches carried out. The truck should be here soon." Jimmy said and pointed over to the bundles to twigs and tree trimmings.

These bundles were more difficult to carry than the bags. The branches were rough and scratchy, and hard to keep together. As he set the first of the bundles down by the curb he heard the garbage truck, and craned his head around to see it turn the corner onto the road. He ran for the house, but Jimmy caught him and pointed him at the remaining bundles.

"Get them out there," he said. There was no mistaking the edge in his voice. It was a déjà vu experience. Everything felt exactly the same. Pee Wee looked at the remaining bundles and knew that there was no way he would get them all carried out to the street before the garbage truck was at their curb.

"C'mon, lemme put something on at least?" Pee Wee implored, but Jimmy crossed his arms. He meant business. Pee Wee realized that he also meant for him to be seen. He looked down at his waning erection that now stood straight out from him as it slowly retracted back inside.

Pee Wee ran for another of the bundles of cut branches, but felt it's weight immediately as he tried to lift it up over his shoulders. The branches kept slipping. There was no way he could run it over to the curb. It was all he could do to drag it behind him without dropping branches. He looked at Jimmy, imploring, begging for mercy with his eyes, but found none in his expression

He tapped into some reserve of strength and tried to fast walk the bundle of branches toward the curb where he had set the rest of them, all the while looking up at the garbage truck that was fast approaching. He could see two garbage men jump down and grab up the bags in the next yard. Both of them were well-muscled younger guys, maybe eighteen or twenty, he immediately recognized the dark haired man as the same one he had seen a few morning before. The driver was black and the other collector, riding the back of the truck was a smallish Hispanic youth.

Pee Wee knew that if he could see them that clearly, they could just as easily see him. He managed to set the bundle of branches down as they approached, but this time the garbage truck pulled up into the driveway rather than parking along the curb. From the expression on his face, the guy with the dark hair clearly recognized Pee Wee as he turned and run back to the house. The two men seemed to have a short conversation that Pee Wee couldn't hear. Jimmy intercepted him in the driveway and held him there in a headlock. Pee Wee looked down to see that his erection had retracted back inside him, leaving only the smallest of acorn of a tip to attest that he had a penis at all.

"Laundry day!" Jimmy cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. One of thee two men doubled over, hooting with laughter as the truck came to a stop.

"Mornin' Kevin," Jimmy said as the dark haired man approached them. Jimmy tightened his chokehold around Pee Wee as he felt Pee Wee tense up in some futile effort to break free.

"For someone who ain't got nothing to show off" Kevin approached, and tousled Pee Wee's wet hair. He looked down between Pee Wee's legs at the sparse stubbly new growth of pubic hair, who stood acutely aware of his own nakedness in the presence of these men. He thought, to his surprise, that this boy had nothing between his pegs except a pucker and a tip. "You surely like to show it off." He continued, waggling his little finger and smiling broadly, just as he had the previous morning.

Jimmy laughed and nodded his agreement as the driver climbed down out of the truck.

Pee Wee looked up, careful not to look into Kevin's eyes, to see a thick shock of chest hair peeking out over the neck of his t-shirt. He wondered how hairy and masculine his chest must be to support such a thick mass of hair at the throat. It made Pee Wee feel like even less of a man.

"Whose your friend here, Jimbo?" The driver asked. Pee Wee could see that the man was powerfully built. His head was shaved and he looked like a weight lifter with about 20 pounds of fat well proportioned throughout his body. His uniform was tight and at 6'5" and 267 pounds, he towered over the other young men. The black man let his eyes travel down Pee Wee's naked body, drinking him in visually before he let loose a belly buster of a laugh.

"Colin, let me introduce you to Mister Pee Wee Llewellyn, the Santa Rosa Streaker!" Jimmy answered, and the three men all laughed.

"All you white boy's hung like this?" the driver punched Kevin in the shoulder, and looked back down between Pee Wee's legs, "The dog get your pecker, boy?" And the men laughed again.

"So why's this peckerless white boy lugging your garbage out to the curb in the altogether?" Colin asked. "You're a kinky sumbitch, Jimbo!"

"Well," Jimmy said, "it disappoints me to tell you that he was too proud to put on his janitorial uniform."

As the driver sardonically feigned a shocked expression at what Jimmy had just said, the bottom fell out of the clouds gathering overhead and the rain poured down on them. Jimmy motioned for them to come inside the kitchen, but as Pee Wee approached the door, Jimmy stopped him and pointed over to the bundles still in the back yard.

"Haul those around front," he said, "and load them into the truck. Get those bags you set down at the curb and toss them into the truck too." Pee Wee understood that Jimmy was punishing him for insulting the janitor's uniform, but surely Jimmy must have understood the humiliation of being forced to wear a uniform with his new nickname "Pee Wee" so proudly displayed. Pee Wee looked at him with sad eyes, resigning himself to the ever-growing list of tasks Jimmy kept assigning him to do. "If Kevin's still here when you get done, I'll let you suck his cock." Jimmy said. It was obvious to Pee Wee that Jimmy had noticed his interest in Kevin, "I thought you'd like that!"

Pee Wee turned and walked through the downpour shivering into the backyard as Jimmy poured coffee for the men gathered around the kitchen table. One of them opened up a box of donuts, pulled out a fat apple fritter and bit down into it, offered a glazed donut to Kevin. Pee Wee lifted another of the bundles of branches and carried it around toward the back of the large truck now parked in the driveway, and with no small effort managed to get it loaded.

Once inside, Jimmy laughed and locked both the kitchen door that led out into the back yard and then went to the front of the house ran off to do the same with the front entrance. He shut the windows to Billy's room and then returned to the kitchen watching as Pee Wee came around the sidewalk towards him. He grabbed the handle and pulled, then realized what Jimmy had done. After finding the kitchen door locked, Pee Wee suspected that the other doors would be as well. He knocked on the door and pleaded with Jimmy to let him back inside.

Instead, Jimmy just stood there admiring the sight of the boy with the small penis who has gotten fucked for the first time by his younger brother just the last night. Jimmy didn't have a problem with the fact his younger brother had shot his load up Pee Wee's backdoor, just so long as Pee Wee didn't try to return the favor. He figured Pee Wee's short stem alone would keep that from happening. And now Pee Wee's balls had drawn up tight in the coolness of the pouring rain, and his retracted penis was now altogether absent.

Jimmy opened the door, leaving the screen door locked as a barrier between them. "You want back inside?" He asked, and Pee Wee nodded. "Then go around to the front door." He said and closed the door in Pee Wee's face.

The three men in the kitchen watched as Pee Wee ran past the kitchen windows toward the front yard. Kevin didn't want to miss a second of the action and headed for the front entrance where he found Jimmy standing just inside the open door.

Sure enough, Pee Wee popped up on the front porch, but Jimmy had the screen door locked and Pee Wee lost it and started swearing at him like crazy. Kevin thought that the sight of Pee Wee standing there, dripping wet and shaking the door handle, was absolutely fantastic, though he would never admit that to any of his friends. There was a steady stream of rainwater running off the bottom of his tight little ball sack. After about ten seconds a car turned the corner and Pee Wee apprehensively abandoned the front porch and headed for the privacy of the backyard.

When he got round to the back of the house, Pee Wee went back to banging on the kitchen door, but the driver and the young Hispanic guy pointed toward the front of the house, and then watched as he ran around the house again. Pee Wee paused at the corner of the house and checked the street for cars before returning to the porch. Jimmy smiled at Pee Wee and then pressed his nose against the glass doors to make a stupid face.

"You wanna come inside?" Jimmy asked again, and Pee Wee responded this time by banging against the screen and looking through the glass door at the faces of the two young men who were staring out at him. "Then jerk off, right there where you are, on the porch."

"Let me in," Pee Wee demanded and went back to banging on the door. Then stopped. "I'll do it inside, okay?" He seemed resigned, willing to do what he had been asked, but just wanted in out of the rain, and out of the view of neighbors and passing cars.

"No," Jimmy said. "You do it right there. Right now, and you don't stop 'til we see u shoot."

"What about cars?" Pee Wee said, looking back over his shoulder nervously.

"The sooner you get started, the sooner you get let in." Jimmy said.

Pee Wee looked into their faces and reached down and started tickling the tip of his retracted penis. In a few seconds it emerged from hiding like a small turtle sticking it head of from its shell. As he exposed his boyhood to the wet cool air his small three-inch rod began to pulse and grow hard curving upward. Pee Wee started stroking his small rod in earnest, but after only a few seconds another car turned the corner and Pee Wee looked back over his shoulder, hearing the sound of the approaching engine, then turned back to face the two boys through the panel of glass on the front door.

The expression on his face betrayed his thoughts. He looked like a trapped animal, frozen in headlights, about to run away into the darkness where he might hide. But Pee Wee knew that if he ran now, then Jimmy would not allow him back inside. Or the next task, he was certain, would be made even more difficult. He gave up, and stood there standing on the porch, his naked backside facing the street, his arm pumping madly away. He looked down at his small rod, felt a largish load of pre-cum gather and drip. When he looked up again, he was surprised to see a curtain instead of the faces of the two men watching him masturbate. Every thought in his brain warned him to run, warned him to stop stroking and hightail it around the side of the house.

The car paused for a moment, long enough to roll down the passenger side window, and then slowly moved on. Jimmy watched through the curtain as the car paused again. Clearly whoever was driving that car has seen Pee Wee. It was pretty obvious what he was up to. But there was no way Jimmy would open the door now. Pee Wee looked over and saw the car stop again, and with nothing but a curtain for an audience, even in mid-spurt, his courage failed him and he ran around behind the house. His small penis was bobbing up and down like a miniature fishing pole as he ran.

It was pouring rain and Pee Wee fell twice. The first time he let out a wail as he hit the ground. His erect penis and balls were exposed and had no protection as they slammed into the wet Bermuda grass. The second time he slipped on the muddy slope slanting down at the far end of the backyard and came down hard enough of his small hard rod to near break it in half. It wasn't very far or very steep, but the mudslide where grass grew only in scattered patches was quite slick, and Pee Wee slid down on his stomach all the way. His penis struck an exposed tree root, and if the fall hadn't broke his little pole, the root did for sure. It felt like half his skin scraped off as he slid. He wailed again, sliding down into muddy rows at the foot of the garden, staggered to his feet, covered in filth. He grabbed his crotch and ran.

In the meantime a policeman walked up the steps onto the front porch and knocked. Jimmy ignored the knock, and instead went about refilling his friends' coffee cups and rejoined the other three men at the kitchen table drinking coffee and exchanging stories. After a moment there was a knocking at the kitchen door and, given that the officer could clearly see them sitting around the kitchen table, this time Jimmy opened the door.

The Hispanic cop stood at least 5' 10" in his heavy black boots. He was at least thirty years old with short black hair, brown eyes, and a closely trimmed mustache. His defined jaw and high cheekbones heightened his stern gaze. His police uniform hugged his trim waist and thick chest.

"May I come in?" He asked and stepped inside out of the rain. He stood before the young men gathered in the kitchen with his thumbs locked into the police utility belt he wore around his waist. The belt contained the standard items most policemen carry--pistol, club, keys, radio, flashlight and handcuffs. His nametag said "Martinez". Unlike the cops on television, he never showed Jimmy his badge. "You men notice anyone outside?" He asked the men seated around the table.

"No," Jimmy gave the policeman his best innocent look, "Why?"

The policeman tapped on the newspaper that lay open to the article about the Santa Rose Streaker on the kitchen table. "I just observed a teenage boy, who matches the description of the streaker, standing at your front door." The policeman looked Jimmy in the eye, formulating a way to put the next thing on his mind into words, "I believe he was masturbating while watching you through the window of your front door. You didn't notice him?" He pointed at the front door, which could be seen from the kitchen table.

The policeman's face betrayed the faintest twitch that worked to mask a smile, and Jimmy could see that this local policeman, though working to maintain his professionalism, found some humor in the situation.

"Our door?" Jimmy asked and moved down the hall toward the front door. He explained that the men of the garbage crew often took a coffee break here at his dad's house. He then repeated that they had seen no one suspicious outside or in the neighborhood. The policeman followed him to the front of the house.

As Jimmy tried the lock on the door, the Hispanic officer continued, "He disappeared around the side of your house. Looked like he was heading into your back yard."

The policeman finished opening the door and looked down at the small droplets of cum that Pee Wee had left at the threshold before he ran. There was a small squirt on the door itself. He leaned down and taking out a small swab and vial, he gathered up the evidence, dropped the semen-coated swab into the vial and capped it. Jimmy looked down at the wet spots on the painted wood floor where he had gathered up Pee Wee's spooge.

"I'm going to go have a look in your back yard," The officer said. The cop seemed satisfied for the time being that they knew nothing about what was happening outside.

"I coming with you," Jimmy said and went over to the coat rack where his Santa Rosa Braves letterman jacket hung. He still wore it, even after graduation.

The policeman looked at him, "Better you stay inside right now. I don't think there's anything to worry about. From all our reports it's some naked kid who gets off to exposing himself to people. No one has mentioned him having a weapon," the cop seemed to smile at some internal joke, "but you better stay inside while I check things out."

Jimmy watched as the policeman checked out the yard, and then disappeared behind the garage. He looked over at the small table underneath his jacket where the Polaroid pictures that he had taken of Pee Wee were still laying where he had left them, and wondered if the cop had noticed them. He gathered them up and slipped them into an empty grocery bag in the closet. A few minutes later the officer made his way down the slope toward the weeds, wild shrubs, and scraggy mesquite trees in the untamed woods behind their yard. He reappeared after a few minutes, and Jimmy opened the door for him.

The officer took out several glossy photos that looked much like the one in that morning's paper. He set the photos down on the newspaper in a row. There were two photos that Jimmy hadn't seen on the news, one of which had captured a rather recognizable snapshot of Pee Wee's face, wide eyed and frightened, looking back over his shoulder.

"Any of you boys recognize this person?" The policeman said.

Kevin looked across the table at Jimmy but then shook his head. "Pretty blurry picture." He said, then looking at another picture more carefully, he pointed, saying, "Looks like someone forgot to stem the apple!" Jimmy tapped the picture, "You sure we're looking for a boy and not a girl?"

The policeman smiled slightly and gathered up his photos.

"You boys see anything during your rounds," the officer asked politely, "You be sure to call it in."

The four men assured him that they would most certainly report anyone suspicious that they saw as he left. By the time the officer had pulled away in his unmarked car, the three garbage men were back in their truck and pulling out of the driveway, hoping to put as much distance between themselves and that rather awkward situation as possible.

Jimmy swore in frustration as he looked out at their backyard. Then went back to the table and sat down, wondering how everything could have gone so remarkable awry. Jimmy, who had bullied more than his share of boys, often with Troy's assistance, actually felt remorse about what he had done that morning to Pee Wee. He should never have let it go this far.

About an hour or so later, Jimmy heard a noise as he got out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around him and made his way to the kitchen, where he heard another thud against the kitchen door. There Pee Wee was at the kitchen door, standing naked in the rain, shivering. The mud on his skin trickled down in dirty rivulets.

Pee Wee was totally soaked, looking like a drowned rat, and just as filthy. His face was bloody and bruised somewhat. He was bleeding from his lip, and had several scratches on his legs. As Jimmy opened the door Pee Wee shook his wet hair without thinking and ran toward Jimmy like a lost child seeking the safety of his father's arms. He put his arms around Jimmy and started crying! He was wailing loudly now. Without a word he slipped down on his knees like a supplicant, embraced Jimmy, hugging him tightly with his cheek against Jimmy's towel.

"Help me," Pee Wee said. His voice was pathetic. More tears rolled down his face. His mouth seemed to open in a whispered scream. Jimmy looked down at him and realized that something was different. Something in Pee Wee's personality had shifted. Something about him had changed out there in the backyard while he was hiding from the police officer. Something Jimmy was unable to explain.

"We'll get you cleaned up in my shower," Jimmy told Pee Wee as he walked him down the hallway toward his room. "Then we'll get over to the school and get to work and nobody will know anything."

Pee Wee nodded like he was in shock, still allowing Jimmy to make his decisions for him. Jimmy walked him to the shower, and turned on warm water.

Jimmy led the shivering boy to the bathroom and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature to the hot setting. Then, playfully, he pushed Pee Wee's head into the running shower water, and then went back into his room to dress. Pee Wee stood there, allowing the warm spray to wash over his dirt-smudged body. After a while he got out and walked past Jimmy toward the kitchen.

Without a word, Pee Wee pulled the red jumpsuit out of the duffel bag, and put it on.

Then walked back to Jimmy, who stood there, wearing boxers and a wife-beater, and wondering at Pee Wee's sudden transformation. Pee Wee knelt down between Jimmy's legs and began licking his cock through the fabric of his boxers, giving it little kisses. Pee Wee bent his head down so that he could lick Jimmy's balls through the cotton, and inhaled deeply. Down between Jimmy's legs, under his cock Pee Wee got an even stronger scent of his Jimmy's crotch. He licked at Jimmy's balls before moving back up to Jimmy's cock where he outlined it with his tongue.

It was as he reached the head of Jimmy's cock that was straining to escape the black boxer briefs, that he got his first taste of Jimmy's precum, which had oozed through the soft material.

Jimmy looked down at Pee Wee kneeling before him. Pee Wee grabbed the front of Jimmy's boxers with his fingers and pulled them down to his ankles. Jimmy helped him a little and in a moment Jimmy's erect rod was freed. It was large, even larger than Billy's, and as thick as any dick Pee Wee had ever seen. Guarding Jimmy's shaft was a bush of wiry blond pubic hair.

Pee Wee's pressed his mouth and nose hard against Jimmy's erection. This gave Pee Wee the full taste, smell and feel of Jimmy's manhood. Pee Wee bent down again and began to lick Jimmy's large low hangers. Pee Wee took one into his mouth worshiping it. Then took the other one, lavishing it with the same attention. He wondered if Jimmy's load would be as substantial as his younger brother's.

Pee Wee looked up into Jimmy's eyes, still savoring the musky taste of Jimmy's balls. His eyes bore the truth of his soul. He spoke volumes without words. Whatever vestige of himself that had resisted total humiliation that morning had been broken out there in the rain.

'I am a cum rag,' Pee Wee's confessed to himself silently, 'like the one under Billy's bed, and in just a second I will take another cock inside me, I will take his seed inside of me. I am not a man, and I am no man's equal. I am less than a boy.' Pee Wee looked down as he felt a rush of shame burn through him, this time mixed with acceptance.

Pee Wee kissed Jimmy's manly pole, and Jimmy grabbed the back of his head and pulled Pee Wee forward. Pee Wee felt Jimmy's wide shaft enter his mouth. It took Pee Wee a few seconds to adjust to having his fat shank inside his mouth. He licked Jimmy's head with his tongue, caressing it, paying homage and respect. He took a little bit more inside of his mouth.

Jimmy's cock was huge, the far larger twin of his brother's tool. It had not seemed so much larger when he was looking at it. His mouth told Pee Wee that Jimmy's manhood must be almost all the way in. But he opened his eyes told him that he had only taken a little bit of the giant cock. Pee Wee gasped, and pushed himself forward, and suddenly Jimmy's cock was all the way into the back of his mouth, the huge member pushing his tongue out of the way, demanding that it be allowed inside.

Jimmy kept his hands on the back of Pee Wee's head and began fucking Pee Wee's face. Pee Wee relaxed his throat and allowed Jimmy's bulky shaft to slide down, working diligently to control his urge to gag. Jimmy was actively fucking his face. With each thrust Pee Wee could tell that Jimmy was coming ever closer to climaxing.

Then suddenly Jimmy felt it. Jimmy's cock start to pulse and surge in Pee Wee's mouth when all of a sudden, it exploded. Pee Wee leaned in, pushing forward on Jimmy's cock until he had taken it all in. Much of it hit the back of Pee Wee's mouth. Jimmy grunted and his spewed.

Pee Wee swallowed and Jimmy squirted again. Each time Jimmy shot, Pee Wee struggled to swallow. Huge eruptions of thick, syrupy sperm caught in the back of Pee Wee's throat and he forced himself to swallow.

Jimmy just kept pumping his seed into Pee Wee's mouth, and Pee Wee swallowed every drop. Jimmy's sudden orgasm had pushed Pee Wee over the edge as well, and seconds after Jimmy began to come, without even touching his own sore penis Pee Wee shot his load into the crotch of his new red jumpsuit, leaving a wet stain between his legs.

Jimmy pulled his gushing fire hose out of Pee Wee's mouth, as a thick rope of semen landed in a long streak that stretched from Pee Wee's chin, down his neck, dripped down onto his uniform, landing just above the place where his name had been embroidered. Jimmy moaned again as he fired another load that splattered across one shoulder. And then another. Pee Wee watched in awe as shot after shot of Jimmy's thick seed landed on him. It was whiter, and thicker, much thicker and even more voluminous than Billy's.

Pee Wee had never seen another guy cum this much, not even on the internet!

Pee Wee looked up at Jimmy. His mouth was still slimy with his seed, his face and hair covered with it. Jimmy grabbed at a towel, laying on the floor next to his bed, and wiped his own seed off Pee Wee's face and uniform as best he could.

Jimmy pulled up his boxers and got dressed, while Pee Wee stood at the door waiting patiently. He put on a uniform not so unlike the one Pee Wee was wearing, though it was long faded from many, many washings. Jimmy wrestled an heavy key ring, overcrowded with keys, into his pocket then gestured toward the hallway. He looked at the Pee Wee standing there in his cum stained uniform.

"Mornin's wasted," he said, "We better get to work." Jimmy opened the door and Pee Wee stepped outside. It had stopped raining, but there was water standing everywhere. Pee Wee got in the truck and looked out through the droplets still clinging to the window. Jimmy put the truck in reverse and backed out of the driveway.

Pee Wee looked at the Jakes house. The trees were bare of leaves and altogether it seemed too empty to him. He felt empty, like he had lost or forgotten something back there in that house, something that he needed, but it would be too late to go back for it once he finally figured it all out. Tears welled up into his eyes and wet his face.

He had realized earlier in that rain that he would never become the man he wanted to be. He would end up becoming exactly what the other kids said he was. He might accomplish some things, but nothing would ever make up for what he lacked. There would always be someone, just when he thought he might transform himself, waiting to hand him a red jumpsuit, with the name "Pee Wee" defining him for all the world.

He looked down at the stain between his legs, and felt more tears well up in his eyes. The stained crotch of his uniform seemed to define him and he stared down at it for the longest time. 'If something can't be fixed,' he reminded himself of aphorism his father sometimes quoted, 'you better learn to live with it.'

As they drove past the rain-drenched fields into Santa Rosa, the town looked raw, rode hard and put away wet. It was another expression his father used. He had heard it a hundred times, but today he finally understood what it meant.

Next: Chapter 16

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