Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Jan 5, 2008



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. You must be a minimum of 18 years of age (or 21 years of age in some jurisdictions) to read this story. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then please do not read the story below.

This story contains homoerotic subject matter and episodes of social aggression often called "bullying". The author does not endorse this kind of behavior. Victims of bullying can suffer from long-term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause loneliness, depression, and anxiety as a bullying victim begins to believe that something is wrong with them. Victims can also have a loss of confidence and be more prone to illness. The author certainly does not advocate that people should be hazed or ridiculed for being different (quite the opposite). While inspired by real world events, remember that this is a work of fiction, and the author insists that you do not attempt to re-reenact or recreate any event or activity described in the text of this or other chapters. The story has been written for entertainment purposes for adults only. Please remember that ordinary human decency as well as maturity requires good judgment, safe sex, and the ability to distinguish desires expressed in literary fiction from illegal acts committed by responsible, consenting human beings.

If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, or if you live in a location where such content may not be legal for you to read, please read no further, but rather exercise your right to select an alternate form of entertainment elsewhere. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms.

Thanks to all who contacted me. I have heard from many of you so far. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


"Do you want something to drink?" Billy asked.

"Sounds good." Pee Wee answer, "You got Root Beer?"

"Sure. I'll go get one".

Billy hopped up and went down the hall toward the kitchen. Pee Wee stood up and walked a little uneasily around Billy's room, which wasn't exactly tidy, and smelled a bit pungent. He had known Billy for a long time, their older brothers had been best friends, but they had never been close and he had never been over to his house before. There were more than a few dirty clothes lying around, schoolbooks stacked on his desk, and there were as many clothes on the closet floor as hanging. It was pretty obvious there were no women living in this house.

A few minutes later Billy returned and handed Pee Wee his drink, then sat down on the bed. Pee Wee noticed that Billy locked his bedroom door as he came in. That was not something that would ever be allowed in his own house. Pee Wee was wearing a pair of Billy's baggy faded blue jeans so low that Billy was sure they'd fall off before he made it across the room. He could see the top of the white and gray boxers that he had loaned Pee Wee to wear.

"So what are we going to do the rest of the evening?" Pee Wee asked.

Billy looked at the clock next to his bed. "There might be a good movie on. Or we got a bunch of videos."

"I'm not really in the mood to watch TV," Pee Wee said, "but whatever you want to do."

Billy cleared his throat. "When I offered you a place to stay, I didn't think Jimmy would be here tonight," Billy apologized, "He usually isn't. But you can still crash with me, or I could drive you home if you want." Billy's comment reminded Pee Wee just how startled he had been a few minutes ago to see Billy's brother, Jimmy, as they had walked in on him in old bedroom, laying on his bed in just his boxers. The moment their eyes met Pee Wee knew that Jimmy recognized him from that morning he and his partner had seen Pee Wee naked as their garbage truck drove up to their house. Jimmy got up, laughed out loud, and slapped Pee Wee on the back. "I remember you, Pee Wee" Jimmy had said, and laughed again, "and you too, little guy!" he reached forward as if to shake Pee Wee's hand, but then his free hand snaked down to grab Pee Wee's little pud through his borrowed pants. Jimmy's aim had been true, he had successfully captured Pee Wee's entire pecker in his fingers, and when he realized it, used it as a little rod to jerk Pee Wee towards him. Pee Wee was sure his pole was going to come out at the root. Then Billy grabbed Pee Wee's arm from behind him and pulled him away, back toward his room, apparently oblivious to what had just transpired.

"No, this is fine," Pee Wee said, "You sure you don't mind me in here?"

"No, I don't mind you here." Billy said, "If I minded I wouldn't have asked."

Pee Wee said nothing, but just looked at Billy. For a moment no one said anything. Pee Wee drank some of his Root Beer and put the glass on the table, then headed for the bathroom, still not saying anything.

Pee Wee stood and took a piss, aiming his stubby penis down toward the toilet, trying to keep the flow directed against the porcelain bowl which made less noise that pissing into toilet water. While he was going he thought about pissing on Randy in the restroom, and for some weird reason the thought was erotically charged. He looked over and saw that the restroom had another door, apparently leading into the next room, and he guess that Billy probably shared the restroom with his older brother.

Billy sat back on his bed and turned on the TV and started flipping through channels. Cable wasn't an option where they lived, this far out of town, but Billy's father had sprung for a satellite dish after Billy's mother died. Even so, there was nothing on now that interested him. He looked over at his DVD collection, but there were no titles calling out to him either, so he found a local news broadcast and left it there. Billy felt bad about the way Pee Wee was acting, and didn't know how to get him out of it.

Pee Wee came out of the bathroom wearing nothing except a pair of Billy's shorts. They were a bit loose for him and sagged pretty far down his hips. Billy could see that Pee Wee's trail was beginning to grow back in. He remembered that the boys in the restroom had forced him to shave it off not all that long ago. Billy had been there. And left. Billy wished now that he had done something. Maybe if he had things would be easier for Pee Wee now.

Pee Wee said, "This afternoon really got to me. I don't know how much further I would have gotten if I hadn't found you when I did."

Billy asked him to wait a few minutes while he took a piss. He pulled off his t-shirt as he walked toward the restroom and dropped it unceremoniously on the floor. Pee Wee was lying on his bed and noticed for the first time the tattoo that Billy wore on his back. He didn't bother to shut the door. A lot of guys are like that, Pee Wee thought as he listened to the sound of Billy peeing into the toilet. Pee Wee always closed the door, even though he had been brought up in a household where three boys had long shared a restroom. He could hear Billy flush the toilet and then heard the sink as he brushed his teeth before turning on the shower.

He looked down next to the side of the bed where he was laying and saw a magazine peeking out from the bed skirt. As he started to pull it out for a closer look, he saw a towel that was stuck to it, yellowed now and stiff with the remains of countless jack off sessions. It was obviously the towel Billy had used to clean up with after jerking off. Pee Wee pulled the towel free of the magazine, which had a naked large breasted woman prominently displayed in a dominatrix pose on the cover. He brought the towel up to his face and inhaled deeply, several times, taking in the acrid odor of layers of long dried cum. It wasn't a smell he cared for, yet something about it aroused him.

He started to pick up the magazine to get a better understanding of what kinds of pictures Billy used as source material during his jerk-off sessions when he heard Billy open the restroom door, and quickly slid the magazine back under the bed.

Billy was still toweling off his wet muscular shoulders when he walked back into his bedroom, shaking the water out of his blonde hair. His shower had been quick. His hair was still dripping and all the small beads of water were trickling down his chest and stomach. Droplets of water clung to his dark blond pubic hair, disappeared, absorbed into the towel as he dried his crotch. Pee Wee concentrated on the television, knowing that if he looked over at Billy his eyes would move instinctively down again to stare at Billy crotch, and that Billy would most likely notice. He adjusted the sheet and blanket around him in an effort to hide his sudden erection. Billy sat down on the bed and pulled on a pair or shorts. Pee Wee reached for the remote and was about to flick the TV off, when Billy motioned to him to wait as an anchorwoman on the local news asked the question:

"Who was that undressed teenager?" the anchorwoman said. A stylized symbol of a streaker with the label "Santa Rosa Streaker" appeared behind her on the screen as she continued.

"That's the question at least four startled citizens of the city of Santa Rosa are asking tonight about a teenage boy seen streaking through the city this evening wearing nothing but sneakers."

The screen split and suddenly an old man appeared in a box to the left of the anchorwoman. Pee Wee recognized him immediately as the old man he encountered at the ant infested hedge. "He went running past without so much as a 'Good evening,'" the old man said, as the anchorman continued with, "World War II veteran Theodore Cartman, spotted the naked boy hiding in a neighbor's yard on his way home." Then Cartman, the old man on the screen, continued with the following statement "He was jumping and running like a wild man, rolling around on the grass!" The old war veteran went on to give his opinion that the "streaker" had been "smoking dope". He was certain of it. Pee Wee gulped. The doddering old fool had seen him after all.

Then Cartman disappeared and the reporter continued with her report. "Pam Morales, a resident of Alamo Avenue, reported she was sitting on her couch waiting to check on her laundry when she heard a 'strange noise'. She told police that is when she looked out her window and saw a naked boy that she estimated to be a white male, about 5'11", and between 13 and 15 years of age. She described him as being sweaty and dirty. She stated that she saw the youth standing behind a shrubbery next to her living room window watching the street, so she called 911. As she was on the phone with emergency dispatchers, the naked boy turned and ran down the driveway past her window toward the alley behind her house.

"When police arrived, the woman said she could not offer a better description because she was so shocked by the incident.

The scene switched to a shot of Highway 107 as the anchorwoman spoke. "According to Santa Rosa police an unidentified woman called stating that she encountered a naked teenager crossing the highway as she was driving toward Santa Rosa on Highway 107 earlier this evening. The surprised driver said she encountered the youth when he attempted to climb the highway median. She stated that he looked 'scared' and ran across the highway a short distance in front of her car, then leapt into a ditch and ran south into a grain field."

Suddenly a photograph appeared in a box to the reporter's left again. The resolution of the photograph had been digitally altered to mask Pee Wee's bare butt, which to Pee Wee's mind, only served to sensationalize the photograph even more. Pee Wee looked at the photo and felt his stomach turn. He was glad that his face was turned away from the camera, but he could remember turning around to look back at the car, and hoped, sincerely hoped, that she had not also captured that instant in her camera. Billy pointed at it, saying, "Is that you, Peter?" as the anchorwoman continued, "Sam and Jessica Bowden surprised the teenage prowler when they discovered him in their driveway."

The blurry photograph was replaced by a man identified as Sam Bowden saying, "We turned into our driveway and caught him in our headlights, naked as a jaybird. He took off like a bat out of hell across our yard when we drove in."

Then the anchorwoman continued with her report while another photograph of Peter running naked across their lawn appeared onscreen, similarly digitally masked to prevent the viewing audience from seeing a human butt in motion. "Jessica Bowden managed to capture three photos of the youth as he streaked across their lawn. These photographs have been turned over to the Santa Rosa police department."

"Bowden describes the youth as having dark hair, sweaty pale skin, and lack of body hair," the anchorwoman said, and then another film of Bowden appeared with Bowden saying, "he's in good physical shape, but he ain't got much to show off from what I seen."

The anchorwoman reappeared on the screen then saying, "Although at least four people in the vicinity of Santa Rosa have reported seeing the teenage exhibitionist this evening, police have been unable to identify the youth, and no arrests have been made.

"In the words of World War II veteran Theodore Cartman, "It's sad to think that probably the only time that kid will ever get in the news is by stripping down and showing off his shortcomings!"

"Anyone with information about these incidents should contact Cameron County investigators at 867-5309. We'll be back with sports, right after this," the anchorwoman said, and the screen switched to a commercial.

Billy turned off the TV and reached for his phone just as it rang. Looking at the Caller-ID display, he smiled and pressed the 'talk' button. "Hi, Mark," he said. "Yeah, I just saw the news, too." Billy looked at Pee Wee and mouthed, "Do you want to talk to him?" But when Pee Wee shook his head, said, "No, he's already asleep," He shook his head, and then smiled again, "I think you should talk with him about it before you jump to any conclusions." Billy listened for a bit then asked, "Have you gotten any calls about it?" He paused again, listening to whatever Mark was saying, then, "I'll tell him. Yes. I'm sure he will." He paused again then finished with "Later."

Billy set his phone down. He turned back to the bed where Pee Wee was sitting. "I didn't know I was harboring a fugitive!" He laughed.

"Was that Mark?" Pee Wee asked.

Billy nodded and noticed that Pee Wee was looking very serious and more than a little scared. Billy could see that he wasn't sure just what to say. "Look it sounds like no one recognized you." Billy said, trying to comfort Pee Wee. "I don't think you got anything to worry about."

"You think?" Pee Wee said, unconvinced. He looked at the door like he was expecting police to break it down. "I think I'm going to hit the sack. I just want this day to be over with."

"Good idea," Billy said, "Anyways, I've gotta take a dump, you get some sleep." Wearing only his boxers, he headed for the bathroom.

Pee Wee watched Billy walk to the restroom. "I like your ink. Is that a zodiac sign?" Pee Wee asked, noticing the tattoo centered just below the back of Billy's neck.

"It's a celtic Aries sign." Billy turned off the bathroom light and headed back toward his bed. He crawled into his bed alongside Pee Wee. "Thanks again, for everything," Pee Wee said gratefully.

Billy looked at Pee Wee as he sat down on the left side of the bed and said, "You're a good looking guy, you know that, right?" Pee Wee looked over at him but didn't say anything. "All that shit they been giving you, it doesn't mean anything about you. I'm real sorry I didn't do something that day I saw them fucking with you in the restroom. If I had maybe none of this would be happening to you now."

"It's not your fault," Pee Wee said.

"Well it feels like it is. It really pisses me off that these guys get away with this shit. Randy's protected. There were other kids before you. It's just different this time. Remember that kid they duct-taped to the chair and rolled him out into the gym in his birthday suit?"

"What happened to him?"

"He and his family moved away I think." Billy stared up at the ceiling. Billy then looked over at Pee Wee like he just remembered something, "Hey Peter, I need to ask you something."


"You still wet the bed?" Billy said, "Mark said you did."

Pee Wee felt himself blush deeply. He wanted to scream. He had just wet the bed. He wondered if he was destined to have ever embarrassing moment of his life unfolded for everyone to know!

"I promise I won't pee in your bed," Pee Wee said.

"But when I drove by your house the other day I saw your mattress airing out by the garage. I know that you used to have some problems with that, and my dad still has some plastic we could put down if you think . . ."

"Billy," Pee Wee emphasized, "I have had a day from Hell. Please don't make it worse. I promise, cross my heart, I won't wet the bed."

"Anyways, good night." Billy said, dropping the subject, "I'll drive you over to your place in the morning." Billy turned off the light and folded his arms behind his head looking up at the ceiling.

Pee Wee looked over at him, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness in the room. With his arms folded behind his head his arm pits were exposed and Pee Wee was fascinated by the brown tufts of silky hair in Billy's arm pits, it was dark and thick against his pale white skin. He also had a fine covering of downy blond hairs on his chest that sort of swirled around in the cleft between his pecs. The room was dark, but an outdoor yard light lit the room through Billy's open windows in shadows and reflected light. A droplet of sweat glistened as it emerged from a cluster of pit hairs and ran down Billy's side into shadow.

Soon Billy's bedroom was silent except for the soft breathing of Billy sleeping. Pee Wee was still resting on his elbow, watching Billy, restless, unable to sleep. Despite how exhausted he was, he couldn't sleep. Pee Wee lay with his eyes closed, trying to relax, but all he could think about was the news report, and this nearly naked boy laying next to him.

Pee Wee leaned into Billy as he lay sleeping. He could feel his warm breath against his cheek. He smelled his hair, then lowered his head near Billy's exposed armpit and took in his strong musky scent.

"Are you awake?" he whispered, looking into Billy's face in the dim light. Billy was silent, eyes closed. He put a hand lightly on Billy's chest. "Billy, are you awake?" he asked again. Billy was still sleeping.

Pee Wee's hand moved slowly, and ever so lightly, across the smooth skin of Billy's chest, exploring the downy hairs the grew in the cleft between his pecs. Billy moved. His brought one arm down and rested it across his stomach. Pee Wee slowly let his hand wander down beneath the sheet and onto Billy's soft, cotton underwear. He lay still beneath Pee Wee's ministrations. If Billy was awake, he wasn't complaining. Pee Wee felt his penis grow erect in his shorts. He inched his body closer to Billy. Part of him was delirious with the notion that Billy was awake and enjoying this, another part of him was terrified that Billy would wake up and beat the crap out of him.

When he reached Billy's underwear down he stopped, allowing his had to rest there amid the blond hairs that formed the sparse trail beginning at his navel and spreading out as his trail traveled down beneath the waistband of his shorts. Billy still appeared to be asleep. His breathing was slow and even. Pee Wee extended his fingers out and lightly touched the front of his underpants and found Billy's penis very stiff, straining hard against the front of his shorts, even throbbing. He drew a light circle around the tip, so light that he could barely feel the material he was touching. Then he stopped, and lay there on his side watching Billy laying there, eyes closed, his chest rising and falling. While Pee Wee thought that it wouldn't be right to fondle Billy as he lay asleep, his desire for Billy filled him, left his heart pounding and his cock throbbing. Ultimately it was because Billy had been so kind to him, wanted to be his friend, had actually become a better friend to him during the horror of the last few weeks that helped Pee Wee decide to stop, and withdraw his hand.

Pee Wee exhaled audibly and rolled onto his back. Restraining himself, he felt like groaning out loud. The feelings he felt right then for Billy seemed to well up inside him. He looked at Billy, watched him, wanted him. But he wanted his friendship too much to risk ruining everything, and he kept his hands to himself. Holding back.

He folded his arms behind his head in an imitation of the handsome muscular boy laying next to him and stared at the ceiling, counting the ceiling tiles, listening to Billy's breathing, and the sound of his own heartbeat drumming in his ears. The cool of the thin cotton sheet and comforter was gone. Even his shorts felt constricting. He kicked the cover off and lay beneath the sheet. For a minute he lay quietly, trying to get back to sleep, but despite his exhaustion sleep evaded him and he turned restlessly from one side to the other so that he faced the windows, then changed positions and soon he was again on his back with his arms folded behind his head.

He was certain that sleep would evade him and he would lay there until dawn, restless. But he must have dozed off sometime, because the next thing Pee Wee knew, he felt Billy his shift position next to him and came full awake. Billy's leg was resting across Pee Wee's thigh, and his arm was already stretched across Pee Wee's chest, his fingers touching the base of his throat. Pee Wee felt Billy's erection pressed against his right hip, throbbing. Pee Wee's immediately felt a bolt of electricity course through him. He didn't care if ever slept again. He looked over at Billy, now on his side, snuggled up against him. His eyes were closed.

Then he felt Billy's hand go down beneath the sheet, lightly skimming down his torso. He rested his hand on Pee Wee's lower abdomen. After a few moments, his hand inched southward and came to rest on the waistband of Pee Wee's boxers. Pee Wee could feel his own small erection pulsing against his shorts. As he lay with his eyes squeezed tightly shut his heart was racing.

After a few moments passed, Billy lifted his hand and Pee Wee felt it slide down, ever so lightly until his fingers found his small rod. Billy touched it tentatively at first, and then took a firm but gentle hold on it through the fabric. Pee Wee sucked in his breath as Billy began to inch his fingers under the Waistband of his boxers, slowly, tentatively, until his hand found the head of Pee Wee's cock. The contact was exhilarating and Pee Wee stopped breathing lest he cry out. He felt Billy's strong large fingers take hold of his small shaft and squeeze it tenderly, and he could hear Billy breathing, suddenly more heavily. As his friend continued fondling him, Pee Wee lay motionless, uncertain just what to do.

Suddenly Pee Wee's breathing quickened and he moaned quietly before he realized it. It only took ten or so short strokes before he was spurting into Billy's hand, panting and gasping. It always happened pretty quickly when he touched himself, but he was usually not that premature. Then his penis was so sensitive that he couldn't stand to touch it after he came. But Billy didn't stop, which made Pee Wee wonder again if he were asleep after all. It was too sensitive! Too intense! He wanted to buck and escape as Billy continued to slide his fingers on Pee Wee's slippery shaft. But now Pee Wee felt Billy thrusting his erection against Pee Wee's hip.

Then Billy spoke to him, very quietly saying his name out loud, and Pee Wee knew that he wasn't asleep, "Peter," He whispered, "roll over."

Pee Wee rolled over onto his stomach as Billy pulled his boxers down, lifting him up slightly, taking care to pull them out and down over Pee Wee's stiff little cock. Pee Wee had mixed feelings about what was about to happen. He had sucked dicks before, but no one had ever penetrated him. He feared it would hurt. He had heard that.

"OK," the Billy said, spitting into his hand and wiping it along the length of his hard rod. "Ever had it in the butt?" he asked. Pee Wee shook his head.

As he felt Billy's broad dick head penetrate his anus Pee Wee closed his eyes. Billy started to push in a little and said, "Relax, Peter". He pressed his cock head at the opening, but Pee Wee involuntarily clenched up tight. Billy felt Pee Wee's tight sphincter resisting him.

"I'm sorry, " sobbed Pee Wee.

As Billy began to force his way inside him Pee Wee groaned, and grabbed the edges of the mattress. The pain pressed into him, grew so intense he couldn't stand it any more. It hurt going in, felt like something inside him was ripping. Billy was pushing it into Pee Wee, slowly, but with determination and Pee Wee felt he was being invaded, opened wide, split apart.

"Stop!" Pee Wee said too loudly, grimacing. His face was red. "Take it out!" He was breathing hard. But Billy didn't take it out.

Tears were starting to run down Pee Wee's cheeks as he waited for Billy to pull back, but he didn't. Instead he held Pee Wee's body and encouraged him to relax. He just paused, maintaining his current position, waiting. It seemed to take forever, but slowly he started shoving his engorged shaft in again. Pee Wee gripped the mattress, knuckles turning white. His arms and legs were trembling, and he started sweating profusely.

It felt like Billy had already filled him completely, but he continued to feel Billy shoving into him even deeper. Every move he made, hurt. At last Billy overcame the last resistance of the Pee Wee's virgin sphincter and sank deeply inside him with a single thrust. Pee Wee screamed and Billy wrapped his hand over Pee Wee's mouth to silence him. Then waited for a moment and then started to slide in and then pull back almost out of Pee Wee's ass.

Pee Wee felt Billy's cock, hard and burning. It felt enormous and throbbing inside him. As Billy started to speed up the movement, Pee Wee whimpered and gripped the edge of the mattress. Then Billy started to fuck the boy's virgin ass. Pee Wee bit down into the pillow as Billy's nudged him forward in short thrusts on the bed. Billy gasped, slamming his hard rod deep inside Pee Wee who thrashed beneath him producing a series of interrupted moans that kept time with his thrusts. The discomfort of being penetrated mixed with fleeting surges of pleasure. Now, Pee Wee wasn't sure if he wanted Billy to stop or pound him even harder.

Billy pushed in more deeply, with a few sharp strokes and then grunted as he started exploding inside of Pee Wee. His thrusts grew harder and more violent, and Pee Wee's head hit the headboard a couple of times before he stopped and took the whole of his dick out of Pee Wee's ass. Pee Wee whimpered as it ended. Neither of them noticed the dark shadow standing half hidden by the door to the restroom that connected Billy's room with his brother's. Though the room that was now in deep shadow, the two boys on the bed were backlit clearly with reflected light filtering through Billy's open windows.

"That was great, Pee Wee" Billy said, as he withdrew from Pee Wee and rolled onto to his side facing the window with his back to Pee Wee leaving Pee Wee feeling suddenly empty and utterly confused, but still horny as hell over what Billy had just done to him, even if it had hurt.

Billy fell off to sleep almost immediately. Still aroused, Pee Wee jerked off again, squirting his small load after only a few quick strokes, and then afterward, he too drifted off to sleep.

When he awoke, Pee Wee found himself snuggled up close to Billy, who was still sleeping. His arm was draped over Billy's side, hanging down in front of Billy's belly. He could feel the course hairs of Billy's trail tickling his wrist, and then became aware of the fact that the side of his hand was touching the tip of Billy's dick, which was fully erect, and pointing up toward his navel.

Billy rolled over onto his back and yawned and stretched, making a bit more of a production of waking up than he normally did, and Pee Wee jerked his hand away, fearful again that he had broken some unspoken taboo or revealed to much of himself.

Pee Wee pretended that he'd been woken up by Billy's movements, and rolled onto his back, yawned and stretched in a slightly exaggerated way. He wondered if Billy would say anything about what had happened last night.

"Good morning!" Billy said, his erection made an obvious tent in the sheet. He looked down and realized that his hard on wasn't going to go away, and that Pee Wee was certain to notice it. He started to raise his knees to conceal his morning wood, but then noticed that where Pee Wee had tossed aside the covers his erection was obviously straining against his boxers. "Sleep well?" Billy asked. He was glad to awaken to a dry bed.

"Yeah, you?" Pee Wee asked, feigning another yawn.

"Oh yeah," Billy replied. Pee Wee thought he detected the faintest trace of a smile as Billy answered, and wondered what he was thinking.

Pee Wee glanced down to see his hard on peeking out through the open fly in his borrowed boxers and started to pull the sheet up to cover himself. As he did, he saw that there was another prominent tent jutting up under the covers. Pee Wee saw Billy grinning to himself as he realized that Pee Wee had noticed. Not to be bested Billy reached over and pulled back the covers, revealing Pee Wee's small erection.

"I guess we both need to jack off!" Billy laughed. "You want to go to the bathroom, or do it here?"

"What do you want to do?" Pee Wee asked, smiling bashfully.

"Well, the bed's more comfortable. But I can use the bathroom to do it if you want privacy," Billy said. "Which do you want?"

"We could just both stay here," Pee Wee said, then glanced nervously at the door to the hall. "What about . . .?"

"Don't worry." Billy reassured him, "I locked the door." Billy looked across the bed at Pee Wee, who nervously had pulled sheet up to cover himself. "So, you want to jack off together?" Billy sat up, and settled back against his pillow, rolling onto his side, so he was leaning on his elbow, and contemplated the obviously embarrassed Pee Wee. The redness of face deepened as Billy studied him.

Pee Wee could felt his face heat up. "Um . . ." he began after a minute, as Billy continued just looking at him. "Yeah." He paused and then added, "You want to?"

Pee Wee felt his face burning with redness, waiting anxiously for Billy's response. He hoped Billy wouldn't get freaked out at the idea of jacking off with another guy! But then he thought about what Billy had done to him last night. The idea suddenly occurred to him that Billy Jakes was the boy who had taken his virginity. He had done other things, but no one had been inside Pee Wee before last night. Billy had been the first.

Billy shrugged his shoulders. "Sure," he said. "As long as you're really okay with it, I guess I am too."

Pee Wee felt his small rod pulsate at the thought of lying next to Billy, jerking off. Conflicting desires warred within him. He was suddenly sweating again, and very nervous. Billy just smiled nonchalantly. Then, he reached over and mussed Pee Wee's hair.

"Cool," Billy said, blushing slightly.

The two boys lay next to each other, looking at each other with somewhat dopey looks on their faces. Both were extremely aroused at the thought of what they'd both just agreed to do. They were both a little nervous and embarrassed about it though too.

After a minute Billy laid back down on his back, and pushing the bed covers down, past his knees, revealing his naked body, and throbbing erection. The tip of it appeared to be a little moist. "Well," he said, "If we're gonna do it, let's do it before I blow butter all over these sheets!"

Grinning nervously, Pee Wee pushed his half of the covers down as well, exposing his naked body too. Automatically, he reached for and began fondling his dick.

"Want some lotion?" Billy asked, reaching into the drawer of the nightstand next to his bed.

"No," Pee Wee said, "I never use it."

Smiling, Billy opened the bottle and squirted a large glob of hand cream into his own hand, and set the bottle down. The two looked at each other. Then Billy began to slather the hand lotion all over his circumcised penis. Once he was well lubed, he wrapped his hand around his shaft and began sliding his hand up and down it. He looked over at Pee Wee, and smiled. Grinning back at Billy, Pee Wee reached for his own dick and did the same using two fingers and his thumb. Soon, both boys were watching each other, as their fingers slid up and down their members.

After a moment, Billy reached down and cupped his scrotum in his left hand. He began kneading his testicles. Copying Billy, Pee Wee did the same, causing Billy to grin at him.

"Hey, Billy?" Pee Wee said, after few minutes.

"Yeah?" Billy asked, looking up from Pee Wee's small penis to his face. Pee Wee flushed bright red and hesitated for a moment. Billy grinned as he guessed what Pee Wee wanted to ask. "What? You wanna do me for a minute?" Billy asked.

Pee Wee couldn't believe Billy had guessed what he was about to ask.

"Um... yeah. That okay?" he asked, nervously.

"Sure!" Billy said, smiling. "I get to do you for a minute though too!"

"OK," Pee Wee agreed, grinning.

Billy grinned back at him and let go of his dick. Immediately Pee Wee's hand left his own dick and moved to Billy's.

"Wow! It feels so big!" Pee Wee smiled, as he wrapped his hand around Billy's cock and began to slide it up and down.

"Compared to yours it is!" Billy said, grinning. Pee Wee looked at his grin and realized Billy didn't mean to make fun of him. When Billy reached over and wrapped his fingers around Pee Wee's smaller shaft he decided that Billy hadn't meant to hurt his feelings, only tease him a little. He figured teasing him about his size was something other guys would find hard to resist, and something he probably better get used to hearing.

"Thanks!" Pee Wee said sarcastically, blushing slightly again.

"Feel good?" Billy asked, in a slightly intense tone.

"Oh yeah," Pee Wee sighed. It felt so much better than when he used his own hand. Pee Wee gasped suddenly, then groaned as his muscles locked, and a thin streak of cum shot out his dick, and landed on his stomach and chest. Billy grinned. Pee Wee moaned again, as more shot out of him, splattering his belly.

"That was hot," he said. "You shoot pretty far." Billy looked at Pee Wee's cum splash, then asked, "You always that quick?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Pee Wee blushed.

Billy took his hand away and fell back against his pillow. "I guess we better stop now," Billy said, figuring Pee Wee wouldn't want to continue jerking him off now that he had cum.

"Oh..." Pee Wee said, sounding sad. He grabbed a couple of facial tissues and cleaned up the mess on his stomach and chest.

"Unless you wanna keep going, and make me cum?" Billy asked, silently hoping Pee Wee would agree. "I know you sucked off those other guys at school. You wanna suck mine?"

"Yeah, sure." Pee Wee said, the expression on his face looking deeply aroused.

Pee Wee knelt down in front of the bed positioning himself between Billy's legs and lowered my head. He could see Billy's muscular legs, nicely shape with a rather thick covering of blond hair. He gently grabbed and squeezed Billy's balls and he moaned. Pee Wee leaned in and opened his mouth, bathing Billy's hairy balls with his tongue. He was amazed just how far down they hung. Then he drew his tongue under them and all the way along Billy's dick up towards the tip. He repeated the motion, licking everywhere his tongue could reach, swirling it around the large head and down, covering every inch. Then Pee Wee swallowed as much of Billy's engorged cock as he could manage and began to suck, and Billy was lost in a new wave of pleasure.

Pee Wee continued sliding his hand up and down Billy's stiff shaft as he concentrated on his fat head with his tongue. He heard Billy breathing more deeply, and felt his body begin to tense a little. Pee Wee could feel Billy's dark blond pubic hair on his face, tickling his nose.

Billy sighed and gave himself over to the surge of feelings that coursed through him the moment Pee Wee's tongue touched his dick. He moaned softly and placed his hand on the back of Pee Wee's head, running his fingers through Pee Wee's short hair and urging him on.

Billy took his cock in one hand and pressed it up against Pee Wee's lips. Then slowly pushed it between Pee Wee's parted lips as he opened his mouth. Pee Wee took the head of Belly's cock between his lips and the cock slid into his mouth. Pee Wee couldn't believe he was tasting Billy's cock on his tongue. He was starting to hump his dick at Pee Wee's face but was only getting the head past Pee Wee's lips.

Pee Wee needed very little urging. He took Billy's dick into his mouth and began to suck, very gently at first, slowly increasing the tempo. Billy's fingers began to twine into his hair, to twist and pull as climax neared. He pushed more and more of his thick cock deeper into Pee Wee's mouth, when he reached the entrance to my throat, he stopped for a second, as Pee Wee started to gag wildly. Billy withdrew a little bit, but then thrusting forward with full power, he entered Pee Wee's throat, causing him to choke until he mastered the sensation.

With Billy moving his thick shaft in and out of his mouth, after a while Pee Wee started to taste a slightly salty sap coming out of the end of his dick in an endless stream, substantially more than he had tasted while giving blow jobs to the other boys at school.

Pee Wee started bobbing his head up and down Billy's hard cock. Billy moaned and moved his hips in time to Pee Wee's bobbing head. Billy started to move faster and Pee Wee followed, again taking more and more of his cock, this time more slowly. Then Billy started to get a little forceful, sliding his cock all the way in and out of Pee Wee's mouth. Because of its thickness, it filled Pee Wee's entire mouth and touched the back of his throat. Pee Wee worked not to gag, despite the sensation.

"Um... I think I'm gonna cum soon Pee Wee!" Billy said after a few minutes had gone by. He had a serious look on his face, as his nostrils flared slightly. Pee Wee felt Billy's penis grow even more rigid in his mouth. Realizing Billy was getting ready to cum, Pee Wee too became more excited. He began working his fingers up and down the base of Billy's rod as he sucked. A copious amount of boy juice was leaking from the tip of Billy's dick. The taste was salty and pungent. Of all the guys he had sucked, Billy easily produced the highest volume of sap. It tasted like Billy had exploded in his mouth already.

Billy had a steady pace going in and out of Pee Wee's mouth. Billy put his hands on Pee Wee's head so that he was meeting his thrusting cock with Pee Wee's face. His dick then got noticeably harder and fatter and the skin on his balls Tightened as they drew up.

"I'm gonna cum," Billy said, beset by a sudden anxiety that he should warn Pee Wee, but the boy sucking his dick was beyond caring. Pee Wee felt Billy's body shudder and tense, felt his balls tighten, and then Billy was convulsing in pleasure. Billy's cock start to pulse and surge in Pee Wee's mouth when all of a sudden, it exploded.

Billy tried to push Pee Wee's head away from his engorged shank as he came, but Pee Wee leaned in, pushing forward on Billy's cock until he had taken it all in. Billy grunted and his cock spewed cum. Pee Wee swallowed and Billy spurted again. A sound somewhere between a groan of pleasure and a scream of dismay broke through Billy's locked teeth. Each time Billy spurted, Pee Wee struggled to swallow. Huge blasts of thick, syrupy sperm caught in the back of Pee Wee's throat causing him to cough around Billy's fat, rampant cock.

Billy just kept pumping cum into Pee Wee's mouth, and Pee Wee swallowed every drop. Billy's sudden spasms had pushed Pee Wee over the edge as well, and seconds after Billy began to come, Pee Wee shot his second load all over the side of Billy's bed without ever even touching his own penis.

Billy shoved his head away again, this time more forcefully wrenching his gushing fire hose out of Pee Wee's mouth, as a thick rope of semen landed in a long streak that stretched from his chin, down his neck, and part way down his chest. Billy moaned again as he fired another load of spunk that landed on Pee Wee's face, the main blast going directly in his eye, stinging, then another splattered across one shoulder. And then another. Pee Wee watched in awe as shot after shot of Billy thick semen flew. It was whiter, and thicker, much thicker and more voluminous than his own.

Pee Wee had never seen another guy cum as much--not his brother Troy, not the guys at school, not even Victor Fuentes! He raised his hand near his face and could smell the ropes of Billy's cum that clung to his fingers and the back of his hand.

"Wow!" Pee Wee exclaimed, smiling, and looking over at Billy, "That was awesome!"

Almost upset, Billy shoved Pee Wee back away from the edge of the bed, before using leaning down and grabbing up his crusty cum rag to wipe his stomach. "Why did you do that?" Billy said. His voice tone bordered between confused and annoyed.

"What do you mean?" Pee was confused; he was expecting some other reaction from Billy, but not this. "I thought you wanted me to." He didn't understand why Billy was freaking out.

"You swallowed my spooge!" Billy exclaimed.

"Yeah?" Pee Wee asked it as a question almost, but pieces were falling into place. Billy had gotten caught up in the moment, and already seemed to regret what they had done.

"You shouldn't do that!" Billy chastised him. Somehow Pee Wee swallowing his load had transformed what was happening, from two regular guys just playing around to something homoerotic in Billy's mind. "Did you swallow their loads too?" Billy asked, "You know, the guys in the restroom?"

"Pee Wee looked at his face, saw the panic in Billy's eyes, "No," he lied, "I spit it into the toilet." He looked at the crusty cumrag that Billy still had in his hand, "Did you like the blow job?"

"Yeah," Billy looked over the edge of the bed at the small load of spooge on the side of his mattress and on the floor between his feet. "Did I do that, or did you!" he asked.

"I did." Pee Wee looked down at the mess on the floor. He could easily distinguish between his own watery load and Billy's thick goo.

"You were jerking off while u sucked me?"

"No," Pee Wee blushed, "I didn't even touch myself."

"Dude, that's wild!" Billy laughed. He finished cleaning himself off with his old cumrag, and then threw it back under the bed without thinking. Neither boy spoke for a few minutes. The Billy looked over at Pee Wee. "So what happened to you?" He asked at last.

"What do you mean?" Pee Wee asked.

"I mean, you know," Billy stammered, trying not to offend his friend, but also deeply curious. He had never seen a penis as small as Pee Wee's before. "How come you're so small?"

"I don't know," Pee Wee said, "That's just how I am." He blushed, worried that Billy, like everyone else, had decided he was some kind of dickless freak. Then Pee Wee remembered something, "When I was a kid I had to have surgery, cause my balls didn't drop. They stayed up in side and the doctor had to go up and bring them down." Pee Wee sat up, "See you can still see the little scars on either side of my sack where they did it."

Billy looked, "You think that's why?"

"I don't know." Pee Wee answered. "When I was at the clinic after Victor kicked me in the balls, Dr. Hughes asked the same question, but he said I have an 'idiopathic small phallus' whatever that means."

"It is real small Pee Wee," Billy said frankly without thinking about the impact of the direction he had taken their conversation.

"I know," Pee Wee said sadly, then suddenly seemed almost angry, "Sometimes I wish they had just cut it off and raised me as a girl."

"Do you really think you would rather be a girl, Peter?"

"No," Pee Wee groaned, "It's just I'm not really a boy either."

"I think you are," Billy said, then added, "Maybe there are some pills you can take or something that will help. There's stuff advertised on the Internet all the time. Maybe we should order you one of those penis pumps!"

"You think it might make a difference?" Pee Wee asked.

"Only one way to find out." Billy said, and smiled.

Pee Wee paused. "So... are we gonna do it together like this again?" Pee Wee asked, smiling hopefully.

Billy frowned slightly as he realized, he'd probably allowed things to go to far. Also, he realized if he said "yes", that it would probably trigger Pee Wee to thinking he was queer, and Billy didn't want anyone thinking that. It still bothered him a little that Pee Wee had actually swallowed his cum, and he wondered, now more than ever, if Pee Wee might not be gay.

"Um... well... I don't know if we should really," Billy said.

Pee Wee's face fell, and he immediately looked worried and embarrassed again.

"Have you ever done it with a guy before?" Pee Wee asked?

"Yeah, a couple times in high school." Billy said, "The guy who taught me how to jerk off wanted to suck my cock once, so I let him. But you were a lot better at it."

Billy smiled slightly then said, "Look, what we just did was really nice, but it's not something guys are supposed to do with each other. It's okay that we did it though. I think it probably brought us closer together. So it was a good thing. But, it probably shouldn't happen again!"

"I guess you're right," Pee Wee said. He could still taste Billy cum in his mouth. He tried to sound blasé, as if it didn't really matter to him.

Billy could tell though that Pee Wee was clearly disappointed, "Hey! Like I said, I think we're closer to each other now that we did it! Don't you?" He asked.

Pee Wee smiled a little then and nodded.

"Cool! Now, let's go get something to eat!" Billy said.

"Okay!" Pee Wee agreed.

The two got up then and cleaned themselves off. As he pulled up the baggy jeans that Billy had loaned him, he became lost in his thoughts about the previous day, what had happened last night, and finally what had just happened this morning.

Pee Wee feared that he had exposed himself to Billy. He was afraid that if Billy knew he was gay Billy would turn on him. He thought Billy would hate him both for being gay, and for lying to him. He worried that Billy might begin to ridicule him, like the other boys at school did all the time. Pee Wee wished that things were different, and that he could be honest with Billy. He really needed someone to talk to about all his problems. But more than anything else, Pee Wee realized that he had begun to love Billy very much. It just wasn't something he could confess. To anyone.

After having shared the most intimate of moments, within a couple minutes, both of them were dressed.

"C'mon, let's go to the Pancake House!" Billy said, as if nothing had passed between them.

"Sounds good!" Pee Wee said, trying to think anything else, anything at all that would take his mind off just how deeply he had fallen for Billy.

Next: Chapter 15

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