Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Dec 9, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. This story contains some homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.

Thanks to all who contacted me. It is great to hear from you, and to hear your suggestions. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:


Randy stood directly behind Pee Wee in the aisle waiting to get off the bus the next morning. Pee Wee was still burning over the fact that his mother had left his little brother, Mark, in charge instead of him. Before his older brother Troy went away to college, she had always put him in charge when she was gone. Pee Wee was certain that the fact she had skipped over him and put Mark, his younger brother, in charge was a direct reflection of the fact that she, like everyone else, considered Mark to be more of a man than he was.

One of the younger kids on the bus had spilled the contents of her purple dinosaur backpack at the entrance, bringing the line of kids waiting to get off the bus to a complete standstill while the driver helped her to pick up her possessions before the kids disembarked.

"If you recant your allegations," Randy whispered into his right ear, "and admit that you provoked the fight, tell them it's all your fault, then there's a chance the school board will cancel the suspension for Vic and I." He could feel Randy's breath on the side of his neck and face. He was that close. "When we're back on the team this all ends." He paused, then asked, "How many times did you get kicked in the balls yesterday anyways?"

"There's nothing I can do," Pee Wee responded cautiously. He shrugged his shoulders. "Remember all that stuff you told them about me calling Victor a Spick? Now I have to do 50 hours of community serve helping out the janitor!"

"Is that so?" Randy said, but from the tone of his voice Pee Wee could tell that he could have cared less. "Then I guess I'll see you in the boy's restroom. Get off the bus and go straight there. Take off all your clothes and fold them neatly on the counter by the first sink. Go to the handicapped stall at the end. Be naked. If your there it's because you wanna be. Nobody's making ya'."

"Why should I do that?" Pee Wee cranked his head around and frowned at Randy.

"Because if you do that, then today I tell the guys on the team to stop kicking you in the balls. And if you don't . . ." Randy shrugged his shoulders, "Well, then there's not much I can do to help you." The line ahead of them began to clear as students at the front of the bus began to get off. Randy leaned forward and whispered in Pee Wee's right ear, "Like I said, I wonder how many times a guy can take one in the nuts before they get so messed up that the doctors can't do nothing to save 'em."

Randy gave Pee Wee a friendly pat on the shoulders as they stepped off the bus, and then walked over to where several of his friends were standing. Randy recognized one of them as the boy from the locker bay. The boy made eye contact with him, frowned, like the very fact that Pee Wee was looking at him offended his sensibilities. He made a gesture like he was punching someone in the balls and pointed over at Pee Wee.

Pee Wee averted his eyes.

The girl who had told George to give him his clothes back yesterday smiled at him. "They giving you hell again today?" she asked.

"Yeah," Pee Wee said, and slowly exhaled, managing a half smile. He was unsure just what to say.

"Figures," she smiled back at him. "Still, you're brother really gave it to them yesterday. You owe him." She started to walk ahead slightly, turning her head to look at Pee Wee, "He's got real cojones to stand up to them like that. You ought to try to be more like him, and maybe they'd leave you alone!"

Then she turned away and continued her way toward wherever she was going. Pee Wee blushed, following her with his eyes as she walked on. He noticed her look back in his direction a couple of times as she continued her way toward the Senior locker bay. Pee Wee knew that she was right. He hated what her words implied about Mark as a brother. Mark, who had made him carry the trash out naked earlier that morning. All of the kids on the bus had been witness to Mark coming to his rescue yesterday. Mark the hero. Mark the brave. It called attention to the underlying truth that Pee Wee had needed protection from his brother Mark, a little brother who was already more of a man than he would ever become.

Pee Wee looked back at the bus as it pulled away from the corner. Pee Wee remained silent, worrying about what might happen if he met Randy in the restroom, worrying about what might happen to him if he didn't. Randy had said to him. "I wonder how many times a guy can take one in the nuts before they get so messed up that the doctors can't do nothing to save 'em." The words Randy had said to him echoed in his memory. "When I'm back on the team this all ends, and you get to keep your balls."

Pee Wee understood.

He made his decision and headed straight to the boy's restroom after he got off the bus, just as Randy had instructed him. Walking towards the school building from the bus stop, he felt himself starting to sweat. He became acutely aware of everything that was going on around him. There were several students hanging around outside the restroom, and he wondered if they were some more of Randy's cronies. None of them were his friends. He opened the door and went inside. None of them followed him in.

Nervously Pee Wee shucked his shirt, folded it up and set it on the counter top by the sink, then removed his pants. He hesitated to take his boxers off, but then thought about how having his balls pounded again and again today. But he had not only his own balls to think about; Mark had also been kicked in the balls. Pee Wee looked at his own reflection in the mirror standing there with his hands on the waistband of his boxers and told himself it was not a wise idea to dilly-dally. Not if he wanted to keep his balls. And maybe doing this would at least protect his brother too. He guess he owed him that much.

He pulled his boxers down and then folded them up and laid them on top of his folded clothes. Pee Wee stood there for a moment, looking at his reflection. He felt his entire body blushing. He thought about the boys just outside. He could still here their voices. It was really embarrassing to be totally naked in the boy's restroom and he hoped that no one besides Randy would walk in and find him naked or take his clothes. It would be hard to explain.

This time was different, this time no boys had carried him into the restroom or stripped him. This time he had taken his clothes off on his own, and left them on the counter himself. He had done it voluntarily because Randy told him to, no, he corrected himself, he had done it because he wanted the guys to stop kicking him in the balls.

Pee Wee went into the stall at the far end of the row of partitioned stalls, the one designed for handicapped students, and closed the gate, sitting naked on the cold, hard toilet seat, waiting anxiously for the stall door to open, hoping it would be Randy, and not some other student.

As he waited he noticed that someone had crudely drilled a hole through the partition that separated the stall he was in from the one adjacent to it. It looked like it was just large enough for a guy to stick his dick through, maybe even work his cock and balls through with a bit of effort. A Glory Hole. Pee Wee had heard about them, but had never actually seen one, and knew for sure that this hole hadn't been here just last week.

There was a knock on the door to the handicapped stall, and Pee Wee opened the door to see Blake standing there. Randy was also there, standing a few steps behind Blake smiling. Pee Wee was blushing hard from the humiliation of being naked in the boy's restroom, again, but his boy cock was as hard as ever.

"I think you met Blake yesterday," Randy said. "He's one of the new team captains on the baseball team." Pee Wee caught the inflection. He might be a coward but he wasn't stupid. Also, he remembered Blake from the ride home on the bus yesterday. He and George had stripped him and forced him to play a game of 20-Questions with the kids on the bus to get his clothes back.

Blake spoke up, "We were supposed to have a winning season this year. Everybody has been saying so, maybe even go to state. Now two of our best players, and one of our old team captains, are off the team, and we lost our last game. First time we lost a game this season! A lot of guys are pissed off about that."

"Pee Wee here says there's nothing he can do about it." Randy explained patiently to Blake. He turned to Pee Wee, "When you get a note with a time on it, you do what you gotta do to get here on time. You strip down and wait in here, and ask the guy who comes into that stall if you can suck his dick." Randy said, pointing at the adjacent stall on the other side of the glory hole.

There was a long silence.

Pee Wee looked at him and said, "No way! I am not going to do that."

"Well it is either that or every kid in school is going to see your masturbation show again." Randy said, "You know you love dick. Hell Pee Wee, we all know you wanna suck dick. And I know you wanna suck Victor's dick most of all."

"There's eighteen guys on the baseball team, and a few others too. These are the guys who will be coming in here. You finish 'em off. They leave you alone. Blood simple!"

"How long do I have to keep doing this?" Pee Wee asked.

"The rest of your life," Randy laughed. "You ain't got enough dick to use it for anything I can think of. Gay boy like you better learn how to give good head, cause that's the only thing any guys are gonna want from you." Randy acted like he was going to punch Pee Wee's in the face but pulled his punch, reveling in Pee Wee flinch, and instead redirected his fist to playfully punch Pee Wee in the shoulder. "And if you ain't gay, well fuck, I can't think of anything you could offer a woman. Without a dick, you'd better go gay kid. At least you can be a first class cocksucker!"

Pee Wee's face went completely red as he thought about himself as a "cocksucker" and the shame that Randy intended him to feel coursed through him. "No, I mean now," Pee Wee said, "How long do I have to suck off the guys, you know, on the team and all?"

Pee Wee look down as he felt his penis betrayed him. For reasons he didn't understand, his little pee-pee snapped to attention almost instantly when Randy called him a cocksucker, bouncing rigidly against his pubes, pointing up toward his still distant navel, as he stood there naked before them. A small clear droplet of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his dick.

"I already told you," Randy answered, staring down at Pee Wee's petite pee-pee as it visibly throbbed, "until Victor and I are back on the team."

"So if I give you guys blow jobs you'll stop busting my balls?"

Randy nodded, and looked at Pee Wee. "I'll put the word out."

Pee Wee could not believe he had just agreed to go through with this, but he was just too scared to refuse. He also realized that this meant he might miss more classes. He was already on probation. But his balls were still a bit sore from the day before, and still bruised from Victor kicking him several times the previous week. There was someplace inside him that realized that if the guys on the team wanted to turn his balls to mashed potatoes that they would. And now it wasn't just Randy. He didn't know which guys might ambush him and punch him or kick him in the nuts. Yesterday it had been three different guys.

"And it all starts here and now," Randy announced, "with Blake."

"Wait, Pee Wee, we have to do something before you get started," Randy told them as he turned Pee Wee around.

Pee Wee stood there with his back to Randy and heard the sound of a cap being removed from a pen. Suddenly he smelled the distinctive odor of a permanent marker. "Stand still," Randy commanded, and started writing on his back using the marker. The tip of it felt cool and scritchy as it drug against his skin. After he finished, Randy went back over the letters he had written, apparently darkening the strokes.

"Dude, you must really hate him!" Blake said, and drew his breath. A sense of dread descended on Pee Wee as he stood there, allowing Randy to label him with the permanent marker. He realized that Randy was writing it on his back where it would be especially difficult for him to wash off.

Randy turned to the boy next to him and said, "Blake, get in there." It wasn't a request. Blake looked at him, visibly nervous, as if he was having second thoughts about the whole thing, then slowly shuffled into the stall.

"Oh yeah," Randy then added, as if an afterthought, tossing a sheet of sandpaper over to Pee Wee, "You might wanna hit that hole with this while your in between customers," he smiled, "I mean we don't want any of our guys walking away with scrapes and splinters! Right?"

After a short delay, Blake's semi-erect penis appeared through the glory hole, and Pee Wee looked up at Randy as if was expecting some sort of signal from him. Randy grabbed his hair and forced him to his knees on the dirty concrete floor, pushing him down into a kneeling position in front of the glory hole. As Pee Wee looked up at Blake's penis emerging through the hole in the partition, from his position on his knees, it felt like he was worshipping at Blake's manhood, as if it were some holy relic or religious icon.

"Ask him," Randy instructed Pee Wee, "You want it, don't you?"

"May I suck your dick, please?" Pee Wee asked.

"Do it," Randy commanded when Blake said nothing.

Pee Wee leaned in and stuck his tongue out, touching the tip of Blake's dick. His penis almost jerked back through the hole as Blake reacted to the contact, gasping.

Pee Wee grasped hold of Blake's penis, now fully erect, and pulled it back through, working his balls through the cramped circle of cut wood and Formica. Pee Wee licked the underside of Blake's shaft and felt his balls brush against his chin. He swirled his tongue around the circumcised tip then and back down to his balls. His balls smelled slightly musky, the odor of manliness. As he licked up toward the tip Pee Wee tasted the momentary tang of urine that dissolved into a pungent, slightly salty, taste. Blake let out a soft moan. "Oh yeah, man. That feels great." He whispered.

Pee Wee noticed how smooth his balls were and could see that Blake trimmed his bush. He ran his tongue up the length of Blake's curved shaft again and positioned his lips snugly around the mushroom tip, then slowly pulled the head of Blake's rod into his mouth. He tasted droplets of precum as they emerged from the tip of Blake's cock. Slowly he took the first three of Blake's five and one-half inches into his mouth, then continued until he had taken in the whole of Blake's manhood. Blake moaned again. Pee Wee tightening his lips into a ring and watched the length of Blake's spit-slicked shaft sliding in and out of his mouth, disappearing and reappearing below his nose as he bobbed up and down on it.

Randy watched as Pee Wee lost himself in the moment. Blake moaned and unconsciously began to fuck the glory hole with his hips as Pee Wee continued to suck. Flushed and sweating Pee Wee went to work in earnest sucking Blake, whose moans were turning him on. Suddenly, Pee Wee heard a whimper and realized it was Blake approaching the inevitable.

Pee Wee closed his eyes and concentrated on Blake's scent, on the taste and texture of his cock, when suddenly he felt Blake buck his hips and a flood of spunk hit the back of his throat. Pee Wee loved the taste of cock, but hated the taste of cum. His skills as a cocksucker in real life lagged somewhat behind his imagined expertise in his dreams, and for a moment he gagged. He pulled his head back and somehow managed to swallow the bitter cum flooding his mouth. It tasted slightly acrid, reminding him of the way bleach smells.

Nevertheless, Pee Wee could feel himself on the brink of orgasm. He was close to shooting his load without even touching himself.

He looked up and saw Randy smiling and holding a camera. He hadn't heard a click, but figured out that if Randy had a camera out, he must have taken a picture. The first thing that went through his imagination was another picture on his locker, this time of him servicing dick at a glory hole!

Blake reappeared at Randy's side, breathing hard, and smiling broadly said, "That was good!"

"Now Pee Wee," Randy said, "looks like you still need to take care of your own pee-pee. It's screaming for attention." Randy reached down and casually snapped Pee Wee's erection with his thumb and first finger, and all three boys looked down as Pee Wee's small erection bobbed in response. Now it was standing straight up. The foreskin had pulled back a bit to reveal a head that was a red as a cherry. His short shaft was slick with copious precum.

"Well," Pee Wee stammered, "no, I..." as Randy guided him over to the entrance to the restroom and shoved him down onto his knees, so that he was kneeling naked right in front of the restroom door. Anyone coming in would be sure to see him, or, if not, then trip over him.

"Go ahead," Randy said, "Start jacking!"

Pee Wee hesitated. His face burned. "I can't," he protested, staring at the door, just inches away from his knees. "I can't do this here. Someone will come in. Can I go back in the stall and . . ."

"Jack your fucking baby-dick!" Randy yelled at Pee Wee, "Or I swear I will tell every guy on the baseball team to take a bat to your balls today." He yelled very loud and it scared Pee Wee. The last thing Pee Wee needed was for more students or even a teacher to walk in and such a scene.

Reaching down slowly, Pee Wee closed his fingers around his small rod, throbbing and as rock hard as it had before. It was slippery and even touching it caused him to moan a bit. He was close to shooting his load and he hadn't even started! He then began slowly stroking it, like he was told.

"Now do it with just two fingers like you usually do," Randy instructed and laughed.

Pee Wee closed his eyes and started to masturbate his small penis more vigorously using just two fingers and his thumb. He heard a few clicks, and knew that Randy had taken more pictures of him. Despite the situation, Pee Wee quickly found himself building toward orgasm.

"You better hurry." Randy said, "sooner or later someone is gonna come through that door. Do you want the other kids see your little clit-dick?"

"No," Pee Wee said and started to stroke his pee-pee even faster still kneeling facing the entrance. His fingers moved faster.

"What you got there between your legs?" Randy asked.

"A little clit dick," Pee Wee answered. Randy laughed. He loved the control he exercised over the dickless freak of nature sniveling in front of him. It made him feel powerful.

"Come on," Randy encouraged him. "I want you to catch it in your hand."

Even though he was stroking his cock in front of the restroom entrance, it took less than thirty seconds until his muscles locked up and Pee Wee squirted his seed. For once Pee Wee was happy that he tended to cum quickly, even more quickly he suspected than most boys his age. He cupped his left hand and pumped his load into it. He lifted his hand toward his mouth, sniffing his seed, expecting that he would be instructed to eat it.

"I am not going to make you eat it," Randy announced.

Pee Wee was relieved. He started to move his hand away from his face.

"Stop!" Randy interrupted. "I want you to wipe it into your hair. The whole load."

"But-" Pee Wee began to protest but then did exactly as he was told to do. He lifted his palm that contained all of his clearish watery spunk, and started wiping it into his hair. It felt like he was using some strange and sticky hair gel. When he was finished, he felt disgusted and totally humiliated. His hair was a mess. Randy, on the other hand, seemed very happy, and from the new bulge in Blake's pants, apparent he was too.

"See, now that wasn't so bad now, was it?" Randy asked rhetorically.

Randy smiled at Pee Wee, "I think we found something you're good at," then smirked, and opened the door. Pee Wee fell over trying to move himself away from the entrance before anyone saw him through the wide open door. He heard Blake ask Randy, "Do you have any fucking idea what you're putting him through?" as they walked down the sidewalk, "That guy's never gonna get out of therapy!" The door closed behind them and Pee Wee was alone again in the restroom.

Pee Wee stood up and walked over to the sink he discovered that the clothes he had left there had been replaced with new ones, or rather, used ones, to be more precise.

He turned around so he could read what Randy had written on his back and saw the words "Cock Sucker" scrawled there in letters about four inches tall. He tried to get at them with some soap and a wet paper towel, but they were already absorbed into his skin, and he only succeeded in slightly smearing one letter a bit and leaving his skin red.

When he decided there was little else to do about his new label, he picked up the pair of khaki cargo shorts Randy had left on the counter and discovered that the zipper of had been pulled apart just like before. As he slipped them on and looked down Pee Wee immediately recognized the crusty dried cum stains on the front of the shorts for what they were. Someone had blown a load all over the front of them, perhaps several. For sure, several. The shorts smelled as potent as a often used cum rag. "I'm gonna smell like spunk all day," Pee Wee said to himself, "at least to anyone who gets within arm's distance of me." He tried to brush some off, but it had dried into the material and gotten crusty and stiff in some places.

Pee Wee easily recognized Victor's scent on the wife beater that lay folded, still sweaty and wet in a plastic grocery bag. He removed the shirt from the bag and held it up to his nose inhaling Victor's aroma. It smelled just like Victor had in his dream. And it looked like a shirt that Victor often wore in athletics. Pee Wee guessed that he had probably worn it in athletics for the past several days. It was rank. Really rank. Beyond odiferous, it was ripe with old perspiration, but it was also all Pee Wee had to put on. He decided to rinse it out a few times in the sink, then wrung it out. It still smelled, but Pee Wee thought that it was a bit less smelly.

He turned his back to the mirror again and groaned. The black ink stood out pretty clearly through the wet tank top sticking to his skin. He hoped that when the shirt dried that the other kids wouldn't be able to read "Cock Sucker" as easily through the shirt on his back. He decided that he could wear his backpack in between classes, which would help to hide it.

He put on the rest of the clothes that Randy had left for him. He snapped the closure of the cargo shorts shut, but there was no hiding the open maw of his busted fly. He realized that he would have to carry his backpack in front of him, like he had the last time. He groaned.

Pee Wee sat to his first period class, worrying that every whispered exchange or note passed when the teacher's back was turned, every boy's snicker, every girl's giggle, were all about him. He wondered if the other kids could smell him. As if in answer one of the boys across the aisle from his pinched his nose shut making a face and mouthing, "You stink!" Pee Wee certainly could smell himself. If anything, it seemed like the odor from his clothes had gotten stronger.

Even though he must have checked his gaping zipper fifty times, once he looked down, prompted by some snickering, and discovered the tip of his penis poking out of the maw of his broken fly.

He could almost hear the conversations about him "Did you hear the news? That baby-dicked Pee Wee's a cocksucker! Did you hear? He sucked off the whole baseball team. What a fag! I heard that he likes sucking dick so much he pops when you do, without even touching it!" Even if Randy didn't post that picture Pee Wee knew that word about him sucking guys off at the new school glory hole would get around quickly, passed from student to student.

When he finally got the note, he felt his stomach drop, like he was on some carnival ride. He raised his hand and asked Mrs. Brown if he could use the restroom. She nodded and he stood, ready to leave, but then froze when he looked at the faces of some of the kids who were staring at him.

Maybe he was imagining things, but every head seemed to turn his way as Pee Wee stood up and headed for the door. He wondered if Randy, or some of the other guys had told the other students what was about to happen, what he was about to do! Or maybe they had just read what was written on his back. Pee Wee went into the stall and stood in front of the glory hole waiting for whoever was supposed to meet up with him.

He heard a boy enter the restroom and walk towards one of the urinals. He said nothing, and Pee Wee doubted that this boy knew anything about what was going on. The boy finished up, and then walked out without washing his hands.

Then the restroom door opened and closed again, and this time footsteps made their way directly over to the stall adjacent to the handicapped stall where he was waiting. Though he would never admit it, the humiliation of kneeling in front of the glory hole excited Pee Wee! He never got a look at the teenager's face as the boy entered the stall, but peering through the hole he spied a set of hairy well-muscled legs stretching down from a pair of sand colored shorts. A sizable tent pushed out the front of his pants. This boy knew what he was here for.

"Can I suck your dick, please?" Pee Wee asked.

The boy responded by quickly unzipping his jeans and fishing around inside his boxers. Pee Wee watched through the circular opening as he freed his penis. The boy's cock was roughly five to five and one-half inches long and had a slight downward bend. This boy hesitated for a moment, then shoved his cock through the glory hole. Pee Wee first licked up the bottom of this boy's shaft before wrapping his lips around the tip of the boy's dick.

Pee Wee leaned forward and gently sucked the head, which felt warm and velvety. The boy on the other side of the partition stiffened, but didn't pull his penis away, so Pee Wee sucked his dick deeper into his mouth and gently rolled the shaft around his tongue. Pee Wee continued until his pole went totally rigid, then began to slowly move his mouth down the shaft toward the base of his dick. When Pee Wee reached the base of the boy's dick, he slowly pulled the tightened ring of his lips off until just the head of the dick was in his mouth. He licked around the boy's sensitive frenulum a few times, then slowly pushed his mouth back down the shaft. After a few strokes, Pee Wee heard the boy moan softly in the next stall.

Despite everything, there was a part of him that grew very excited at the thought of sucking another boy's penis like this. He wasn't even sure who the boy was, though he was fairly certain that Randy had probably told the boys coming in here that he, Pee Wee Llewellyn, dickless wonder, cocksucker extraordinaire, was on this side of the glory hole. Some of the boys on the team had great physiques, and he had jerked off in his room alone thinking about more than a few of the school's athletes. He had seen more than a few of them in the locker room, and yearned through his tears of inadequacy to possess of their more manly cocks.

But this boy didn't have much stamina. He moaned again, then slowly began to rhythmically undulate his hips against the partition, as Pee Wee continued to bob up and down the whole length of his rigid shaft. Pee Wee refocused his attention on the sensitive area under the ridge of the delicately defined mushroom dickhead and listened to the boy react by sucking in a breath as he felt himself move ever closer to climax.

Less than ninety seconds after Pee Wee began, he felt the boy's cock swell and twitch as he began blasting out shot after shot. Pee Wee sucked his cock deeper into his throat, as the boy's muscles locked in climax, bobbing his head faster. The boy groaned, then suddenly pulled his dick back out of Pee Wee's mouth, releasing several final powerful streams of spunk that splashed all over Pee Wee--his lips, his hair, the bridge of his nose, and even shot up into one eye. It stung. Cum dripped down off Pee Wee's face onto his chest. He tried to wipe the goo from his eye. What this guy lacked in endurance, he certainly made up in volume.

This boy's cum was significantly more bitter, and perhaps a bit thicker, than anything Pee Wee had tasted before. Pee Wee paused a second, as the boy withdrew his penis, and swallowed his pungent sap anyway. Pee Wee didn't realize the variation in flavors he might experience giving blow jobs to different men. This guy's spunk had an intensely bitter odor that was almost overpowering.

Gasping for breath, "Fuck yeah!" the boy on the other side of the partition pulled his dick back through the hole and stumbled backward, tripping over his pants that were still down around his ankles. He shakily pulled up his pants and pushed open the stall door to leave. From his reaction, Pee Wee wondered if he had ever experienced a blowjob before. After hearing the restroom door close behind the boy as he left, Pee Wee then gathered up his clothes, put them back on, and then left the stall. He went over to the sink, tried rinsing the aftertaste of this last boy's cum out of his mouth, and gargled with the water, then returned to class.

He made his way back into the classroom, carefully positioning his backpack in front of his open zipper. He tried to reposition his erection several times during the walk to class, but it seemed to continue to work its way out of the opening in the front of his shorts and point up at the sky. He stopped and got it tucked back in before entering Mrs. Brown's classroom again and almost made it to his seat. Sally stared wide-eyed in surprise as his small slippery erection popped out of his gaping zipper right in front of her eyes as he bent to slide into the empty seat in front of hers.

He groaned unconsciously, realizing just what she (and apparently everyone else) could see, twisting his hip and raising one leg as he reached down with both hands to push his erection back inside his shorts in an attempt to contain it. He only succeeded in causing his small but stiff rod to strain against his cum-stained shorts. The rigid outline of his painfully erect but tiny penis was obscenely apparent. He couldn't help what was happening to him.

But his pee wee pee-pee refused to remain in his shorts, and continued to work its way free, popping out of his broken fly, and forcing him to continually readjust himself in class. It was like wrangling wild horses in a corral with the gate standing wide open. The whispers and snickering of a few of the other students told him that at least some of the other students had noticed his small problem.

"Peter, answer the question," the Mrs. Brown asked him again. Concerned about his growing infamy, wondering when he would get his next note, and trying to keep his erection contained behind a broken zipper, Pee Wee had let his mind drift. He had no idea what he was being asked. He hastily pulled his hands away from under the desk where he had been trying to worry his feral erection back into his shorts. He tried to regain his poise and looked up at the teacher.

"What?" he asked.

Mrs. Brown repeated the question, but Pee Wee really didn't hear it. He felt his penis shift, slide, and again slip free of the fold he had tucked it into, popping out of his busted fly. It snapped free of its enclosure with an audible "thud" this time, and he was sure that Mrs. Brown must have heard it along with everyone else in class. He desperately wanted to reach back down and cover himself with his hands, but feared that it would only attract more attention to what was going on beneath his desk.

The few students that had figured out what was going on were almost rolling in the aisles with laughter. Thinking they were laughing instead at his inability to answer the question, the teacher shushed them.

As Mrs. Brown shifted her position in front of the class, bringing her to an angle where she might notice what was happening beneath his desk, Pee Wee shifted his posture and tried to raise one leg to hide his hard-on. Instead of softening his little woody, the embarrassment seemed to only solidify his erection to the point it almost hurt. It was weird as he sat there, penis throbbing, all eyes in the class on him as he was supposed to be answering a question he never heard. Pee Wee turned from red to deep crimson.

"Peter, are you okay?" Mrs. Brown asked. "You seemed really distracted."

The din of laughter that suddenly burst out from several of the other students almost drowned out his stammered response. "I'm sorry," Pee Wee faltered. "I'm just am not feeling well today."

"You want to go to the nurse?" She asked.

"No, it's okay." Pee Wee stammered. He imagined even trying to stand up right now. There would be no way to hide his erection. He just wanted to the attention off himself as quickly as he could. "I'll be okay." As she turned her attention to another student, he took a deep breath and felt his skin burn with embarrassment. Through it all, the intensely bitter taste of the last guy's spunk still lingered in his mouth.

Pee Wee got another note before that class was over, instructing him to meet someone in the restroom. He raised his hand again and asked to be excused. Mrs. Brown regarded him skeptically, since this was the second time in one period that he had made such a request, but then dismissed him to go use the restroom. Only minutes after he arrived another boy showed up and made his way directly to the adjacent stall. Pee Wee heard him open the side door.

"May I suck your dick, please?" Pee Wee asked.

The young man grunted "Okay Maricón, get down there," in a familiar voice, then unbuttoned his jeans and hefted out the massive meat he kept tucked away inside. Pee Wee guessed that this guy measured somewhere between seven and a half inches and eight inches maybe. Pee Wee felt a deep guttural moan rise in his throat and his chest tighten as he stared at it through the opening in the partition. The Hispanic youth pushed his dick through the glory hole and it curved distinctly to the left. That's when Pee Wee knew.

Pee Wee could feel his own substantially smaller shaft hardening until the tip of his penis pointed straight up at the ceiling. Victor had a massive penis. Pee Wee had seen it before, up close and personal. Pee Wee's foreskin retracted a bit exposing a clear droplet clinging to the red tip.

Leaning forward, Pee Wee inhaled his deeply masculine scent, recognizing it immediately. Then ran his forefinger across along the head of Victor's dick, and drew the pearl into a liquid thread away from the tip and touched it to his lips. The touched the tip with his tongue and tasted Victor's seed, which was a bit saltier than Blake's.

Pee Wee leaned forward and drew the engorged hairy shaft into his mouth. Because of the thickness he had to stretch open his lips wider and had problems keeping his teeth off this cock. More than once, the Hispanic youth on the other side barked out, "No teeth!" through the partition.

Pee Wee worked Victor's man-sized dick around his mouth in a slow deep motion. He had an immediate urge to attempt to take the whole of Victor's shaft down his throat, but Pee Wee resisted, savoring every vein and curve. Then every few strokes he would try to take more and more of the shaft down his throat, and after a few attempts seemed to gain some mastery over his gag reflex. The groans he heard when Victor's shank went deep told Pee Wee in no uncertain terms that Victor loved what he was doing.

Pee Wee repositioned himself, altering the way he held his head and opening his throat to take Victor's large rod in his mouth. Pee Wee felt the contour of Victor's prow head and bent shaft as it slowly slid all the way down his throat. He had dreamed about sucking Victor's dick, and once attempted it unsuccessfully on the bus, but it felt better now in reality that he had ever imagined. It was satisfying to feel his mouth and throat hold the engorged shaft of this super-sized cock. The full hairy balls felt good resting on Pee Wee's chin, making him proud of his accomplishment.

"Yeah, oh yeah, suck it, cabrón!" the voice from beyond the partition encouraged him, almost begged. "Suck my dick."

Then shortly after Victor's cock buried itself in Pee Wee's throat it actually began pulsing. It felt like the Hispanic boy's large penis grew suddenly even larger, and Pee Wee heard the boy take in several deep breaths before beginning a series of grunts and exhalations as hard shots of creamy spunk projected across his tongue and into the back of his mouth only to be pushed down Pee Wee's throat by the next stroke. Victor kept fucking Pee Wee's mouth with his thick shooting rod for another four or five strokes.

Pee Wee swallowed fast, but volley after volley filled his mouth with the spunky taste of man-seed. The taste was a familiar one. So much jism gushed out of the engorged shaft that Pee Wee couldn't keep up with the volume, and Victor's warm thick juice leaked down his chin, forming warm pools of spunk on his chest, dripped down onto one thigh and onto the floor below.

Pee Wee washed Victor's penis in his mouth, cleaning it with his tongue until the Hispanic youth pulled it back through the opening in the partition. Pee Wee heard him zip up. Pee Wee was exhausted, his jaw was sore, and he was still shaking from excitement. "You're my cocksucker now, aren't you, Chupaverga?" Victor asked him as he fastened his clothes. Pee Wee could hear footsteps and the door latch close as Victor left the adjacent stall.

Pee Wee started to pick up his clothing to get dressed when he heard the door to the stall he was in open up. He turned around to see a boy that he didn't recognize looking at him. Pee Wee tried his best to cover up. In spite of the embarrassment, though, he felt his cock pulsing so hard he could see it visibly throbbing up and down.

"What the hell are you doing?" the kid laughed. Pee Wee didn't recognize this kid, wondered if he was even old enough to be in high school.

"Um, I uh . . ." Pee Wee stammered and started pulling on his shorts.

"Why do you have 'Cock Sucker' written on your back?" the kid asked, and Pee Wee felt himself instantly blush red. "You just sucked Victor's dick didn't you? I could hear you. He called you 'his cocksucker'."

Pee Wee tried to ignore the kid and pushed the door of the stall shut, easily overpowering a much younger, shorter opponent. This time he remembered to latched it shut. The kid pushed against it a couple of times as Pee Wee pulled Victor's wife beater down over his shoulders, tried to tuck it down into his pants. "I can still see it." The boy chortled, now watching Pee Wee through the hole in the partition. Pee Wee wondered is this kid was referring to his penis, which was jutting out of his broken zipper, or the words scrawled on his back.

"I know who you are" The kid said, "You're Pee Wee, the guy with the little dick." The kid continued to gleefully stare at him through the opening in the partition as if he was watching some freak through a tear in a sideshow tent. "They say you have the littlest dick in Santa Rosa. How come it's so small?" he babbled on. "I bet mine is twice as long as yours! Did something happen to it?"

Pee Wee again adjusted his penis, hoping to get it out of this kid's view, trying to tuck it back into a fold in his shorts, angling it to the left. But when he sat down on the toilet to put on his shoes, he felt it slip across the fabric and once again pop free of his shorts and stand to attention through the wide open maw of his broken fly. The kid laughed at his predicament.

Pee Wee looked over and saw the kid shove his penis through the hole in the partition. He was as hard as a rock. "I'm not sucking your dick, kid." Pee Wee told him. "But I might bite it."

The kid pulled his dick back through the hole, and Pee Wee could hear him fasten his clothes. He listened to the kid's footsteps approach the restroom door and he opened it to leave. "Fuck you, Pee Wee!" The kid yelled loudly, very loudly. Then added, "Cock sucker!" before he ran off down the sidewalk.

"Fuck!" Pee Wee said to himself, wondering if there was anyone in the whole city of Santa Rosa who might not have heard that stupid kid yelling. Pee Wee pushed the door open and ran the opposite direction, trying to put as much distance as he could between himself and that kid, before he realized that his class was in the other direction.

Of course his penis was standing at attention again for anyone to see. He thought facetiously about getting a pair of scissors and just cutting it off. It had caused him nothing but problems so far. It was his curse. Everything bad that had happened linked back to the fact that he was hung like a baby.

Pee Wee let out an exasperated sigh, a sigh of defeat, and tried cramming it back inside his shorts for the one-hundredth time. Holding his zipper shut, he went to the nursing station and asked her if she had some safety pins he could use to fix a broken zipper. She smiled and pulled a couple of safety pins out of a medical supply locker. Pee Wee quickly fixed the safety pins into place, closing the open maw in his pants, and then returned to class.

Pee Wee got several more notes that day.

One directed him to go to the restroom at the beginning of his lunch period. When he got to the boy's restroom, there were already several guys waiting there, accompanying the lucky guy who was there to get his dick sucked. Peter's jaw dropped. He could not believe this was happening. He was sure he could never bring himself to do suck this guy off for an audience. And the boys didn't make it easy. They kept teasing the guy Pee Wee was trying to suck off, and it took him a lot longer to climax than any of the other guys Pee Wee had blown so far.

After unloading the boy pulled his penis back through the hole, and Pee Wee turned to get his clothes, then caught sight of another penis emerge through the glory hole, out of the corner of his eye. The shocked realization struck him. These boys weren't just accompanying the one boy to get his blowjob, they all intended to get their dicks sucked!

Pee Wee backed away from the glory hole in distress as the realization struck him. Several banged on the door to Pee Wee's locked stall with their fists and laughed. "We get to each kick him in the balls if he refuses, right!" he heard one of them say.

"¡Le partimos los cojones!" another boy exclaimed.

Then reluctantly, but without hesitation, Pee Wee complied. As a Hispanic boy put his dick through the hole and commanded, "Chupame la verga!" Pee Wee could hear the boys' laughter as he knelt down in shame at the glory hole. Known for having the smallest dick in Santa Rosa, now he was also the town cocksucker. Pee Wee took the next boy's dick into his mouth as he shoved it through the opening. "Se cagó en los pantalones," another boy proclaimed as Pee Wee submitted to their will. His knees were sore already from kneeling on the floor so long already.

One of them climbed up on the dividing walls around the handicapped stall to watch Pee Wee suck off his friend. "Hey guys, you gotta see this." He laughed. "This guy's got 'Cock Sucker' written on his back!" And soon several other guys aroused as they were in their youthful exuberance were scrambling up the Formica panels to get a look.

Even as the shame coursed through him, he looked up at the excited faces looking down at him kneeling naked at the glory hole. Deeply embarrassed, Pee Wee could feel the blood rushing into his cheeks and traveling down his neck to the top of his chest also.

"You ever see anyone blush that red before?" One of the boys asked. Every laugh, every smirk reminded him that soon "Cock Sucker" would be added to the epithets he heard directed at him in the hallways.

"I heard he's been in and out of there since eight o'clock this morning." One guy said, "I just don't get how one guy can swill down spunk from all these guys!"

"As long as you're feeding the fag, but not the fag, who the fuck cares?" Someone answered and everyone laughed. The way these guys were talking Pee Wee feared that by the end of the day everyone in school would know about these blowjobs.

Toward the end of the Lunch period one of the boys shouted out, "Randy was right. This cocksucker loves this shit. His boy clit has been hard the whole time." Pee Wee winced at the derogatory reference to his diminutive member. But the boys were right, something about what was happening had him hard as a rock, so hard his erection actually hurt. He could feel his rampant penis pulse, making little arcs like a metronome in time to his pulse rate. Pee Wee realized that his only cuisine that day had been the cum these guys had fed him.

He received another note during his final class of the day to come to the boy's room immediately after last bell, and found another group of guys there, waiting for him to suck their dicks. He recognized at least three of the boys from the lunch crowd he had serviced, and wondered how many of more of them were coming back for seconds.

After he finished the last of them, they left the restroom. Pee Wee slipped on the wife beater, but before Pee Wee even had a chance to finish getting dressed, yet another boy had found his way into the adjacent stall. From the number of footsteps he heard, Pee Wee could tell he wasn't alone.

This one made quick work of sliding his prow-shaped chub through the hole. The penis was circumcised, not too thick, very sleek and smooth, unmarred by veins, and with a pinkish-brown, smooth, crown of a helmet. The outer end of his shaft, head and tip curved gently upward, exposing the sensitive underside to view. Not a bad piece of goods, Pee Wee thought. It's length and shape reminded him of Troy's erection, and Pee Wee wished that his own penis were as nice as this one. Large enough to be "above average", but not so large as to make it difficult to play with.

Pee Wee wrapped his thumb and fingers around the velvety shaft just behind the prow shaped head. I kissed the spongy tip with his lips, licking the salty sweet, gathering pre-cum onto his tongue, then followed the curvature down toward the base, tickling the sensitive underside.

Pee Wee wrapped his lips around his circumcised helmet again. He licked at the tip, and slid the boy's rod through his lips, across his tongue. Pee Wee removed his hand from the boys shaft, pressed it against the partition, and worked hard to get more of this slightly longer than average length cock deeper into his mouth, slurping on it noisily.

The boy grunted and pressed more of his length through the hole, punching at the back of Pee Wee's throat, his pre-cum flowing over Pee Wee's tongue, coating the insides of his mouth as he swelled, pulsed, and shot his hot, creamy seed into Pee Wee's mouth. Pee Wee gulped, swallowed, and took another several squirts of his thick seed as the boy on the other side emptied his balls full of man-seed into Pee Wee's gasping mouth. Then the boy withdrew his meat slowly.

"How many guys have you sucked off today?" A voice from outside the stall door asked Pee Wee. That had to be the second guy he had heard come in with the guy he had just sucked off.

Pee Wee thought a moment, counting up the times he had knelt before the glory hole. Fourteen? Sixteen? He wasn't sure. He figured that he had sucked off at least four or five guys in the restroom during class-time, but then there had been a whole group of guys at lunch, and another group that he had just finished with.

"I lost count," he said, honestly.

"I'm surprised you don't have a sore throat." The boy laughed. His laugh was so very familiar.

"My jaws are sore," Pee Wee admitted. But then so were his knees. His stomach was a bit queasy as well from all the spunk he had swallowed that day. Pee Wee still hated the taste of cum, though some was tolerable than others, but had to admit that he loved the taste of cock. When it all started that morning before school the thought of it had rather excited him, but then again, he had no idea how many blowjobs Randy had planned for him to perform.

Then it happened.

Pee Wee looked up and saw Mark staring at him over the top of the partition. His eyes went wide as the realization struck him that he had just given his own younger brother a blowjob. The taste of Mark's cum was still in his mouth. His jaw dropped. He tried to stand up, but faltered before he gained his footing. His cock bounced back against his abdomen several times which prompted another laugh from Scott who was also staring down at him over the stall door.

"I knew it was you when I heard what was going on," Mark said. He almost grimaced. "But I had to come and check to be sure!" His younger brother had the same grim look on his face that he had that morning.

"Dude," laughed Scott from the other side of the stall door, "You just sucked off your younger brother! That's so gay!" Scott laughed again, totally amused at the situation.

"Mark you have to understand," Pee Wee tried to explain. "Randy made me . . ."

Mark cut him off in mid sentence. "Fuck Randy! Randy didn't make you do fuck, Pee Wee!" Mark responded scornfully. "I don't see Randy here. I didn't see Randy anywhere near those guys that just left. I just see you. Just you!"

"No, please, Mark! If I don't, they'll keep punching me in the balls! You have to . . ." Pee Wee tried again, unsuccessfully, to explain the situation.

"I don't have to do shit. I'm tired of standing up for you! As far as I'm concerned it's open season on your balls! Learn to stand up for yourself! You don't even try," Mark had gone red in the face. "Fuck!" He exclaimed, "It's embarrassing being your brother!" Mark said. He had said that several times already, and Pee Wee knew every time that he had meant it. "Now get up and get dressed. Our bus will be here in a few minutes! Christ, you don't have a clue, Pee Wee!" he continued his rant, "You have no idea how embarrassing it is being your brother!"

Pee Wee finished dressing, and opened the door. Mark and Scott stood by the entrance to the boy's restroom. Scott was holding the door open.

Mark grabbed the back of Pee Wee's wife beater as he started to walk past them. He pulled it open and looked down the back of his shirt. "What the fuck!" he said, and spun Pee Wee around.

"But you will soon learn just how embarrassing it is to be Pee Wee." He pulled Pee Wee close into his face. Spittle flecked into Pee Wee's face as he spoke, "And you will learn what it means to disappoint and embarrass your family. If Dad was around, and knew what was happening, he would so bust your ass."

"But he's not." Pee Wee said petulantly.

Mark impulsively slapped Pee Wee's face with his free hand. Pee Wee yelped and instantly fell back against Scott. The expression on Mark's face revealed that he was as surprised by his own action as was Pee Wee. The sting brought tears to Pee Wee's eyes. Pee Wee looked down, shamefaced. He could not bring himself to look into Mark's eyes. Part of him wanted to hit him back, but part of him, the part of him that knew Mark was right about everything, felt deeply humiliated.

"You're right," Mark said. "But he's not around. You got me. And now, little brother, you've gone and pissed me off."

Next: Chapter 11

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