Pee Wee

By moc.oohay@evad_tacmaerd

Published on Sep 28, 2007



All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. The subject matter of this story deals with small penis life experiences, which includes sexual contact, humiliation. Some of the experiences actually happened (to me) and some of them are re-imagined (from real life experiences some friends with similar issues have shared with me). I haven't used any real names, and I certainly don't advocate that people who are different should be hazed or ridiculed for being different (quite the opposite). But those things are a part of this story, much like they were a part of my own. Look at it this way, I actually lived through the experiences, so perhaps there is some insight to be gained about what it is like to be subject to some of these life experiences. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

This story contains some homoerotic subject mater, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if you consider this type of writing to be morally wrong, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.


Pee Wee

He name was Peter Llewellyn, but everyone in school called him Pee Wee. Hell, even his brothers called him Pee Wee and not because he was short in stature. Sometimes, even a teacher would mistakenly call him by his nickname. He remembered once when Mrs. Horne, the geometry teacher, had called him that and then turned beet red when she realized what she had done. That made it even worse. Because it meant that she knew.

Everybody knew. Of course everybody knew! Santa Rosa was a small Texas town, and everybody knew every secret there was to know. If you grew up in a small town you understand. There are no secrets in a small town. The old folks would say rumors "spread like wildfire". The old folks were right.

What everyone knew in this case was that Pee Wee meant "Pee Wee pee pee."

Pee Wee meant little bitty dick-which was what he had been cursed with.

By the time Peter was 18 years old, he had dark brown hair, classic boy-next-door good looks and a swimmers build that only happens from swimming laps every day for years. The only part that didn't measure up was his penis which measured somewhere between three and four inches hard (depending on just how you measure).

Peter would survive his life in a small town to grow up to become a gay man in a big city with a lot of hang-ups about having a small penis. Size queens thrive in the gay community, and Peter would never really been able to be frank with anyone face to face about his secret. He would spend a lot of time on line making sure someone would be okay with his size before he ever really risked meeting them face to face and experiencing another size rejection. He would spend hours on Measurection talking to other "smaller guys" about their experiences in an effort to make sense of his own experiences and to find his own place in the world.

In elementary school Peter had never noticed. Peter was always athletic, and started swimming before he even started school. He had changed as a young boy in the presence of other boys his own age and never really noticed a difference until . . . Peter went through puberty and watched the other boys in the locker room, and realized that they were leaving him behind. Way behind. By the time he was in high school he had already adopted the habit of pissing in a toilet in a stall rather than in the urinal. What he never could fathom was that he wasn't behind in the height department. By the time he was a freshman he was standing an even 6 feet tall. He would finish growing to 6' 2" by the time he graduated from high school. Being tall made his particular problem even worse simple as a matter of context.

One day, very embarrassed, Peter asked his father why his dick was so much smaller than the other boys. Unlike the other white boys at school, all of whom were circumcised, he still possessed a foreskin. Some of the other boys had teased him about that, telling him he had a "Mexican" dick, comparing him to Hispanic boys, so many of whom were also uncut. Peter's father smiled and told him that he was just "getting a late start" but that if he was patient, he would grow up in "good time". His father tried to be helpful, but basically it all boiled down to his dick was smaller than the other boys and probably always would be.

Peter tried to be patient, but it was clear that he wasn't "growing". Sure, his body was growing. By his Freshman year he had gotten rather tall and lanky, making his diminutive penis seem all that much smaller. Smaller than his little finger. He had seen the other boys who by now had thick shocks of hair growing above their genitals. He had only a fine wisp of downy hair encircling the edge where his genitals met his groin. Most boys had hair in their armpits-he of course had only a few sparse strays. A few boys were even growing hair on their chests. Recently, he had gotten a ruler and measured his penis at three inches when it was erect. He knew, from a book he had found in the public library that six or seven inches was "average" for an adult male. But he wasn't sure what "normal" was for a teenager, and no book ever seemed to mention it. He found one site on the internet that did talk about it, and discoverer to his misfortune that he was a good two inches smaller than "average" for his age. Which meant he didn't even come close to being "normal". His thought that his balls were fairly average, in comparison with other boys, and with his brothers, but his were always up close, held tight against him in a snug scrotum rather than hanging down, swinging when he walked like most of the other boys.

Peter's brother, Mark, was almost exactly two years younger and his birthday was exactly a week before Peter's. Troy, who was close to four years older, was already away at college. When Peter turned 14 all the relatives came round and they had the usual family gathering. But the relatives mostly "oohed" and "aahed" about how grown-up Mark had become, which made Peter sit up and notice. Yes, Mark was growing up very quickly. Peter was still taller, but Mark was stockier, he had what his Uncle Max called a "football player's" build. Mark was always well built, but looking at him now, Peter could now see how big he had become, his voice had broken early and he already had a deeper voice than Peter. One of Peter's aunts jokingly quipped that Peter had better watch out because Mark was catching up on him fast, and that soon Peter would have to start being polite to him.

It also didn't help that Peter's mother insisted on dressing him in an old fashioned way, often in Troy's hand-me-downs. In warm weather, she always laid out shorts for him to wear. Old fashioned shorts with an elastic waist-band along the sides. He wondered where she shopped to find some antiquities. When he tried to convince her to let him wear clothes more like what the other boys wore she would talk about how cute he was and dismiss him like he was a child well past the point in which he should have transformed into an adolescent. Once when he had selected some other clothes from the closet rather than what she had laid out for him she complained to his father until his father insisted he go back and get dressed in what his mother had set out for him. She was a woman accustomed to having her way.

It was pointless to argue.

Once when he was a sophomore he got on the bus to discover that it was full and the only seat available was in the very back of the bus next to Randy, one of the older boys who had a reputation for bullying other kids around. He tried to crowd in to another seat, but one kid just pushed him back into the aisle, and he had to keep moving toward the back seat. He expected that Randy wouldn't let me sit in the seat and that he was going to have to stand, but Randy patted the empty place next to him and Peter sat down.

Peter set his backpack down on the floor between his legs, opened it up and pulled out a book and started reading it. Suddenly he was shoved over against Randy as George, a friend of Randy's got into the seat next to him sandwiching Peter between them.

"Is this your new girlfriend?" George teased Randy, who shoved Peter hard back against George. Peter dropped his book and it slid down beyond his backpack, before George kicked them under the seat toward the front of the bus.

For a while the two boys talked around Peter as if he wasn't there, telling dirty jokes. One of them told a joke about "Dick Tracy" sucking the spit between his teeth when he inhaled in an effort to sound nasty. Then George said the seat was too crowded and lifted Peter's left arm to the top of the seat behind George's shoulders, and scooted closer, sandwiching him firmly between them. Randy did the same thing with Peter's right arm.

"Pull it out, Randy." George said, maintaining a conspiratorial tone, and Randy slid an old porn magazine out of his pack and laid it between them on Peter's lap, and turning the pages, as they looked at the pictures. The magazine was hard core. The pictures were more graphic than anything Peter had ever seen before. He remembered once sneaking a Playboy out from under his cousin Larry's bed, and putting it down the back of his pants. He had taken it home and carefully scrutinized every page.

His two captors were also joking with the guy in the seat ahead of them who was leaning over the back of his seat laughing and joking at looking at the pictures. They kept leaning close together and talking about sex, and talking to each other about girls they had sex with and about "beaver" and "pussies" sexual encounters. The kind of talk that Peter had never encountered at home. When Randy poked his finger against an enlarged close-up of "wide open beaver" he encountered Peter's erection beneath the magazine and announced, "Well looky at what's going on here," and picked the magazine up off Peter's lap. The boys laughed and grabbed Peter's hands before he could bring his arms down from behind their shoulders to cover up his tented shorts

George and Randy held tight to his arms while the guy in the seat in front pulled Peter's shorts and briefs down his legs and off his feet, knocking his shoes off with them. Since Peter was wearing the baggy shorts with only an elastic waist-band, it all happened pretty fast. He struggled while they were pulling his pants down, kicking and trying to stop them, but they boys just trapped his legs with their own, pulling his legs apart and revealing his "stiffy" for all to see.

The boys howled with laughter.

"Where's his dick?" one of them chortled.

"How come his belly button is way down there?" George said.

"It's an itty bitty stiffy." Randy guffawed.

The boy in the seat ahead of them tossed his underwear onto the girl in the seat across from him, and she looked around and saw Peter's "stiffy" and giggled, whispering to her friend and pretty soon all the kids in the back of the bus were looking back and laughing.

A couple of the kids from the front of the bus even ran back to look, before the bus driver yelled back "What's going on back there?" and someone answered, "Nothing, Pee Wee just told us a joke."

"Showed us his joke." Someone else corrected, joining in on the fun at Pee Wee's expense, and the kids started laughing all over again. The bus driver told everyone to settle down and drove on while the boys kept their hold on Peter in the back of the bus.

Peter drew back inside himself in horror. It was the nightmare of being naked in front of all the other kids at school. And what was worse he had a "stiffy". He wanted to die and disappear, and almost immediately his penis got soft and started to shrink back into his body until only tip was exposed--like when it gets cold in the winter--even though it was hot on the bus. The boys pulled his shirt up to his underarms, but it fell back to his waist as he struggled.

"My little brother has a bigger dick that that and he's only in kindergarten." Randy said. in the seat ahead of him said.

Then Peter heard it for the first time, "Hey Pee Wee!" and when he looked up there was a click. From somewhere the kid in the seat ahead of him now had a cheap digital camera and was taking pictures. He would have struggled even harder, but instead he froze in shock. The kids in the seat next to him laughed and talked about the expression on his face.

"Yea, Pee Wee," Randy repeated, and with that his fate was sealed. "So what happened to the rest of your pee pee, Pee Wee?" Randy asked. The kids around him laughed. In Peter's mind, every kid on the bus-hell-even the bus driver was laughing at him. It was the very first time Peter's was called by his new nickname. But it certainly would not be the last time he would hear it.

As the bus turned onto the road his house was on he struggled harder and told them to give him back my pants. He had been trying hard to held back the tears, but now they came.

"Why, you got nothing to hide."

"Yeah, nothin'" Randy snickered.

"Awww," the boy with the camera said, "Pee Wee's cryin'."

Finally as the bus reached Peter's house George handed him his shorts and Peter scrambled into them and picked up his backpack and books from under the seat. His shoes were nowhere to be found. He had time for only one feeble grab at the camera as he went running toward the front of the bus where the bus driver was waiting impatiently. As he got off the bus he heard a "thump, thump" as his shoes landed on the ground near him, and he looked up to see people laughing and one of the boys was holding his underwear up in the back window. He looked back once to see the kid hand the camera to Randy, who took another picture of him through the window of the bus as it started off.

Peter was crying when he went into the house, and when his mother asked why, he told her that it was because some boys were teasing him. She told him that he should just ignore him and they would leave him alone. But he doubted if that was true. Of course, later that night, she noticed his underwear missing from his dirty laundry and asked him where they were. He lied and said he had left them in a locker at the gym, and she gave him a lecture about how important it was to wear underwear.

That night when he went to bed, his name, so far as he knew, was still Peter Llewellyn. By the next afternoon he would already be "Pee Wee", in the minds of the kids at school, and by the next time he went to sleep he would have transformed into Pee Wee in how own mind as well.

It would take less than two days for his brother to catch up with the latest news at school.

Next: Chapter 2

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