Peacock Photographic Studio

Published on Nov 25, 2013


Peacock Photographic Studios 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The night at the Baths was enjoyable. For the previous week, the Photographic Studio had been busy and I didn't seen to get out much. It was good to have a break. Taking photographs is not hard work but it can be tedious and exacting. Getting things just right is difficult.

Clients don't go to a professional photographer to get an adequate image. An average photographer is soon an unemployed photographer. I wanted every image from my studio to be good. This took time and work.

I took Sunday and Mondays off, since Saturday was a good day for businessmen to have their portraits taken. I was sitting in the yard to the rear of my house when Rudolph appeared.

He apologized for dropping by unannounced. He said Gustav had given him my address and had told him that my studio at my house was interesting. I invited him in to see it. When we were in the house, he talked about his experience at the baths. He had enjoyed it greatly.

I don't think he knew what to expect, and the actuality was far beyond what he anticipated. Rudolph was uncomfortable that he enjoyed it so much. I think he was a strong silent type and he felt showing emotion was unmanly.

I showed him some of my photographs. These excited him greatly.

"These men seem to be enjoying themselves," Rudolph said. He was smiling so I assumed he appreciated them.

"Well, what is not to like?" I asked. "All men have just about the same sexual equipment and it works the same way for most of us."

"It is dual function," he remarked. "It serves as a piss drain and a baby maker."

"Am I right in thinking that the piss drain use dominated your thinking?" I asked.

"I think you are right about that," he replied. "I think of the cock as being dirty and something that needs to be hidden."

"You know it is a part of almost every animal? It is an essential part of life."

"I know that and I know using it to make babies is important too," Rudolph said. "I do think that my mother would have been happier if babies came by stork! It was all an ordeal for her. She called it Eve's curse."

"No man ever called it Eve's curse I think," I said. "In your list of genital uses, you didn't mention giver of pleasure. For me it gives the greatest and most intense pleasure I have ever felt."

"I think that is the same for me. It was good when I discovered the solitary vice," Rudolph said. "I thought that represented the upper extreme of physical pleasure. It was as good as it got! I felt so guilty. It can make you blind. It was much more pleasurable at the baths."

I laughed. "If it makes you blind, most of the men in the world would be blind. That is an old wives' tale," I said. "There is no real connection between the cock and the optic nerve. You could say trimming your fingernails makes you blind with the same scientific validity!"

"I sort of thought it was the orgasm," Rudolf said.

"As far as I can tell that while almost all of my body responds to an orgasm, I can definitely say, my eyes were an exception to the rule! They definitely did not have an orgasm."

Rudolph smiled weakly. "You must think I am silly and gullible."

"I think you are human. Up until our modern age, much of what we thought was superstition and folk tales. It's hard to break away from them," I said. "I remember teachers saying Rome fell due to sexual depravity. Rome lasted hundreds of years. Apparently depravity is not a fast acting poison, and it only took affect after Rome converted to Christianity."

"Getting a girl in trouble is bad," he protested.

"If any of the men at the bath get pregnant, let me know!"

He burst out laughing. Someone knocked at the door. It was Dr. Winslow. It told him I had a visitor and I would like them to meet. We went to the conservatory. I could tell Rudolph was immediately attracted to the professor. We talked and Samuel told Rudolph of his scientific interest in sex.

Rudolph told Samuel that the night at the baths had been confusing. He had trouble sorting out the emotions and experiences.

"Was it exciting?" Samuel asked.

"It was, but it was too fast for me to catch my breath," Rudolph replied. "I've never been with a man in bed. Everything has been a quick connection in the dark."

"You are a handsome young man. There are many who would be glad to help you out," Samuel replied.

"Would you do it?" he asked.

Samuel laughed. "Of course I would, as would Horace," he said. "Are you interested?"

I don't think Rudolph needed to answer that question. I could tell he was both interested and excited. I could sense the sexual tension in the air.

"Let me be direct," Samuel added. "I would like to help you come to an understanding of your sexual needs, but I have an interest in my own needs. Sex is the ultimate shared activity. It is best when the participants open themselves to their partner's needs. I can open myself to you, but can you open to me?"

"I don't know, but I think I can," Rudolph replied. He paused. "One of the men at the baths sucked me to a climax. He took my man seed."

"Did that bother you or did it shock you?" I asked.

"I think it surprised me," Rudolph said. "I didn't know anyone would or could do that. It excited me too. One man bent over and exposed his ass to me. I think he wanted me in him."

"Sex is very intimate. I think every human, indeed, every animal has a sex drive, but that sex drive shows itself in many different ways in humans alone. In most animals it is almost a mechanical process," Samuel explained. "In the human animal, sex is infinitely varied. We alone seem to seek out new experiences."

"Let's go to my bedroom," I said. I began moving toward the stair. Rudolph and Samuel followed. My bedroom faces south and is bright and sun filled. I started to remove my clothes. Again, the two men followed my lead.

"You are an athlete," Samuel remarked as he observed Rudolph strip. "I am afraid I am an old man." I think Samuel was fishing for a compliment. He was handsome and in good condition. He was the first to drop his trousers. Samuel's impressive organ was semi erect.

"You look good to me!" Rudolph said with genuine enthusiasm as he dropped his pants. He was fully erect. Rudolph looked at his hard cock. "I'm sorry about that," he murmured.

"We are here to enjoy each other," Samuel said. "Men cannot hide their interests when they are excited. I'm afraid man sex is not much like an academic experiment. In the experiment one should remained detached and impartial. The objective is to lose yourself in the sexual excitement." He went over to Rudolph and dropped to his knees; he started to suck. Rudolph moaned in pleasure.

I went over to them. "Remember the aim is to have fun end enjoy each other. You don't need to be prim and proper," I whispered into Rudolph's ear. "Let Samuel know how much you enjoy this." Rudolph moaned again.

A little later we were on the bed. Samuel had straddled Rudolph's face so the young man could suck his cock. I was at Rudolph's genitals, getting acquainted. His genital fluids were leaking so it was good for me. He had said he was uneasy about his previous sexual experience at the baths. That may have been in his mind, but his cock and balls were clearly enthusiastic.

In some ways I suspected that was typical of most men of our age. Our bodies naturally respond enthusiastically to sex and sexual stimuli. That is an essential part of animal life. Our culture and that odd mixture of old wives tales, myths and taboos tell us these natural tendencies are bad, sinful or unworthy.

I can concede that going at it anytime and anywhere we feel the urge would be problematic, but it seems to me that many self-appointed moral exemplars create a false choice. We either fornicate like monkeys in the zoo, or lead lives ignoring sexual relations except in the marital bed, and then only for procreation. All sex is sinful except for that one instance.

We know that no other members of the animal kingdom have marriage ceremonies, and that few form monogamous pairs. I grant that that is because some males tend to eat their young, and I believe that some fish need to hide from their mothers to avoid being devoured. Humans are different.

By making sex sinful and evil, our culture de humanizes sex. When Rudolph enjoys sex he feels guilty. What is a natural and joyful part of life becomes a sin for all but a few. As I pondered these thoughts, I continued to suck Rudolph. He had huge balls and a long thin cock crowned by a bulbous cock head. The head was very tender and he tended to twitch and shiver when I licked it.

Rudolph also had an unusually wide slit that almost bisected the knob. I was able to get the tip of my tongue into the slit and intercept his sex juices before they emerged. This seemed to excite me greatly. His juices were sweet, plentiful and very fresh.

Suddenly he filled my mouth with thick, rich ball cream. Usually that comes in spurts, but it was more like a flood in Rudolph's case. I would normally pull away when this happened, but I felt no urge to do so.

I could hear Samuel moaning. He had climaxed too, and I assumed his climax generated Rudolph's orgasm. I moved my tongue through the thick cream toward the slit. I could feel the ejaculations tickle my tongue. I slipped my tongue into the slit and gently licked it. We broke apart.

Rudolph was on his back. His mouth was slightly open and I could see Samuel sperm in his mouth. We kissed. The sperm in our mouths was still warm. Samuel joined in the kiss and we savored the man seed.

When I pull away, I saw that Rudolph's cock was still rock hard and oozing the remains of his orgasm. I quickly straddled him and sat on the ridged rod. Once the knob was in, the rest was easy. Rudolph moaned again. His knob had stretched my sphincter to its limit, but once it was on the dark side it was all pleasure for both of us. His knob rubbed my prostate and I responded vigorously.

We tried doing it doggy style and that was real good for Randolph. I shot off and he had a second orgasm. Things calmed down after that. We all talked quietly on the bed. Rudolph had a few experiences; a few weren't good. He had been on a team that had a tradition of fucking the losers in a wrestling match. He was a good wrestler, but he did lose and that wasn't good for him. He had never fucked a loser.

"I had no idea how good it felt to the player who fucked me," Randolph said.

"I don't think of fucking as a punishment," I said. "It's a reward."

"Sucking is easy and always pretty good," Samuel said. "Fucking is more complicated. Getting everything right can be difficult. It takes some care. I think your attitude plays a role. I know some sexual connections are for one time only, but I would always hope that my partner would want to do it again. His pleasure is important to me."

"I don't like to think that I am hurting him. For some sex is an expression of dominance, but I am after pleasure. I may not be the most experienced man in the world, but I can think of no pleasure more intense than an orgasm," Samuel continued. "At one time I thought the pleasure was mostly associated with the orgasm itself. Since I have been associating with Horace and his friends, it seem the pleasure can be extended."

"I was use to the "do it as fast as you can so you won't be caught" school of sexual intercourse. I now know that isn't the sole pleasure," I said. "A nice, slow build up is good. I seems to me that teetering on the edge of a climax is almost as good as the climax itself."

"I hope you don't think we are sex crazed libertines, Rudolph," Samuel said. "This sexual freedom and openness is new to me. It is very exciting. Sometimes I get overly excited."

Rudolph looked at Samuel. "I think there is just the right amount of excitement," he said. "Actually, a little more might be good too." I smiled. I knew exactly what he was feeling.

I remember thinking that nothing could have been more intense and pleasurable than my last experience, until I topped it with my current one. I didn't know if there was an upper limit on sexual pleasure, but I was willing to look for it. Rudolph was willing to join in the quest.

I had a sense that Samuel was the right man to lead the young man. Rudolph was an intelligent college student. Samuel was a distinguished professor. Samuel was more than a good teacher, he was a handsome and well-endowed man. He had the intellectual capacity and the physical equipment to lead.

One might think that if you were desirous of expanding your sexual experiences a modestly endowed man would be the ideal guide. That doesn't take into consideration the inspirational nature of a big cock. While modestly endowed genitals are attractive on Greek statues, I found I personally was attracted to Gustav's oversized equipment. Indeed, his cock was almost gross and out of proportion. That didn't seem to affect my attraction one bit. Once we were intimately connected, the attraction increased. He thought I was an attractive young man. He was not a particularly attractive man.

Gustav was a careful and gentle fucker. Of course his cock wasn't gentle at all. He was so nice, I didn't mind the difficult spots. I also discovered that having a more modest cock probe my ass was very different to have my ass occupied by a cock. Once Gustav was fully lodged in my ass there was no way to avoid it. It seem to dominate my emotions. I became a part of him, or more correctly a part of his cock.

It was exciting when I felt his semen spurting in my ass. I admit was a relief when he pulled out and everything returned to its normal shape and size. It took no more than five or six minutes to begin to want him in me again. I don't think of myself as a superficial man, but once his cock was fully embedded in me the first time, I thought of his cock before I thought of the man. I liked both the man and his cock, but every time he fucked me it was the Fourth of July with fireworks every time.

I hoped that someday Rudolph would find that moment of explosive sexual passion. Let me say Rudolph came close to that level of intimacy as he played with us. Samuel and Rudolph went home, but Rudolph became a regular visitor.

Trevor asked if he would be willing to pose nude in wrestling photographs. Much to my surprise he was interested. Trevor asked if he knew of other wrestlers who would be interested. Rudolph said he would look. A week later he came to the studio with a two friends, Alfred and Monty. Both were impressive specimens. Alfred was big, well over six feet tall and Monty was massive.

Rudolph had explained the studio to them, and apparently he did it in considerable detail. I showed them some of my photographs and they enjoyed them. Alfred loved the more intimate pictures. We went to the conservatory. It was sunny day and the plant filled room looked beautiful. Clive and Trevor were there, both were naked.

"Would you like to try a few trial shots?" Trevor asked. "Did I mention we pay a fee for modeling?" It is $20.00 an hour."

"That would be $10.00 a piece," Monty said.

I smiled. "It's $20.00 a person, if that is acceptable for you"

I could tell it was very good for him. An income of $5.00 a week was typical of laborers. They stripped. Trevor and I striped too. That seemed to make every one more comfortable. I took solo photographs of Monty first then I did the same with Al. Al was a blond god, a Thor or Odin. Monty had black hair, a furry body and was ruddy. He was a Scott

When we finished the solo shots we took a break before we did the actual wrestling. Monty came over to me.

"Do you want me to just do wrestling, or do you want me to do the other stuff too?" he asked in a whisper.

"It depends on what you want to do," I said. "I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable doing." I paused. "I guess you know the more of the other stuff we do, the better the photographs will sell."

He nodded. "The pictures you showed us were real nice and exciting. I didn't know other guys did that sort of thing," he said.

I smiled. "They do and I do too!" I said. "We all like the same things." I reached over and fondled his balls in my hand. They were huge. "Trevor didn't mention we pay an extra five dollars if you shoot off."

"Can you take a picture of that?"

"Not usually, but it shows you are really interested," I explained. I leaned close to him. "I take pictures of your outsides. I get really excited when I see what a man has stored in his balls."

"Al is my pal, but he spits it out," Monty said. I licked my lips. Monty smiled.

We tried several matches. I was a little uneasy that since Al and Monty were playmates, Rudolph might be left out. They were all attractive and both men liked Rudolph. All three discovered that simulated sex turns into real sex easily. It was easier to wrestle than to pretend to be wrestling. I told them to do what they usually did and to let nature take its course.

Photographing the matches was very difficult, but I could work that in later posing sessions. I was just getting the lay of the land. Rudolph and Al had to be back at the University and they left with Trevor and Clive. I was alone with Monty. He lived in a boarding house and had no desire to get home early.

I offered him dinner and we talked. Monty was a polite, intelligent man who was illiterate and came from a poor background. He mentioned a mother but no father and he started working at age eight. By the time he was thirteen he was big enough to get a job with a mason.

He met Al by accident. Monty was set upon by street thugs and Al came to his rescue. Al took him home to dress his wounds and they discovered passion. Al was Alfred Pennyford, the son of a Civil War hero and wealthy manufacturer of machinery.

Monty wasn't cultured or educated at all. He and Al had discovered man sex on their own and finding us was a revelation to them. It told him I came from a strict background and was raised to believe the feeling pleasure was probably sinful.

"I don't think pleasure played any part in my life until I met Al," Monty said. "Having food to eat was a struggle. My mother was sickly and she could only do piecework as seamstress. I never thought I meet a man like Al, or you. None of his friends know I exist."

"Doing the photographs I discovered that when you are naked, no one can tell how much money you have," I said. "I also suspect that sex is the same for everyone. I don't think railroad or bank presidents enjoy sex more than I do. In a posed photograph with a man wearing his best suit, you can see that he is prosperous. Naked he may be flabby and overweight. You have a magnificent body. No one would look at your nude picture and wonder how much money you make, or ask if your family is gentry of if you ancestors signed the constitution."

"Alfred's ancestor did," Monty said.

"Did you think about that when he was sucking your cock?" I asked. Monty laughed. The night was still young and the next day was Sunday. Monte spent the night.

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