Peace at Last

By Alain Mahy

Published on May 3, 2015


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  • The night is till young my lover, and the purpose of making love is not to spurt a load, although it very much enjoyable. The purpose of making love is to express in a physical way what we feel inside. That we reach an orgasm and ejaculate our juices is one thing, but the pleasure we give each other on the way there is much more important to me. This time I didn't ejaculate ... yet! But I enjoyed enormously. You never have to worry about me ejaculating with you. I can ejaculate earlier or later. But as for tonight I enjoyed it that much that it is no must.

  • If you say so, he answered totally not convinced, I will accept it. I don't have a lot of experience as you know, but from what I read, it is the culmination of perfect lovemaking.

  • We don't have to be perfect my love, we just have to be satisfied and for what I am concerned, I am more than satisfied. I am satisfied to the point that I could go on all night, but that's only because I love you so much and wouldn't have enough with one night to express everything my heat feels. I will need many, many nights to express it and if you agree we will have all of those nights.

The very next morning Joe was called into the psychologist's office. He wondered why, but had the suspicion that maybe there was an answer to the request to be on permanent sick leave. When Joe entered the office, his therapist had a pleasant surprise to see that Joe was looking rested. He immediately asked for the reason.

  • Well... Joe said, William came over yesterday and we had a good night sleep. I didn't have any nightmare and could sleep through the night without waking up at all.

  • That is very good, the psychologist said, and is it always like that? I mean, when you sleep with William you don't have the nightmares.

  • Yes indeed, it is, Joe answered.

  • In that case I can only advise and confirm that you're put on sick leave. Of course, you will have to come back for several control sessions. The people "above" us want to have more than one test done before they allow you to leave the army and continue to receive your salary. They are not really keen on that. But by the fact it all happens to you because of the experience you had in Iraq, they nonetheless feel responsible and may accept your case. From today, you are on sick leave and I want to see you again in three months time.

  • Thanks Doc, Joe said as seriously as possible but the joy he felt inside was tremendous.

  • Do you think you will need pills? If so, I can prescribe them.

  • If you don't mind Doc, I would like to try it without any medication. It will give me a more accurate answer right away.

They had a few minutes more of small talk and then his psychologist gave him the paper that said that he could leave base, but would have to present himself again in exactly three months time. They shook hands and Joe left the office. He directly went to his room and packed his things. He then took out his iPhone and called me.

  • Are you ready to leave? Joe asked.

  • What? I asked back. What do you mean?

Joe explained me what had happened during his visit with the psychologist.

  • If you agree, he said, I want to go home with you till I have to present myself again here in three months. Would you like that?

  • Of course I would, I almost shouted. I'll pack my travel bag and we can head for the airport as soon as you are here.

We flew back home that same afternoon. We reached the house in the evening. Vivian was surprised to see us both. She admitted she hadn't expected us so soon but would prepare a light meal for us so we didn't have to go to bed with empty stomachs. Vivian started to be like a mother for us. After serving the meal, she went to her quarters. Joe and I ate and talked. I told him what had happened at the office and that I had sent my boss to hell. He went totally ballistic when he heard it. I had to calm him down and tell him the truth about the heritage from Chris and John. To say he was flabbergasted would be an understatement. He insisted very much on paying for his stay, or at least to share the costs. I knew Joe had his pride and I accepted although I didn't need him to do so. I thought of putting the money he gave me on a bank account and if he ever needed anything, that money would be available to him.

We were both exhausted from the events of the day and the travel. We were also quite tired because we hadn't slept a lot the night before, making love onto the early hours. But just as his psychologist had noticed, Joe seemed relaxed and rested. We went up to my bedroom and had a long, warm shower together. It is totally superfluous to say we were both hard as rock when we stepped out of the shower and drying ourselves. Once we were on the bed, we kissed and caressed. Joe asked me to make love to him, but as I knew he was a virgin in question of being penetrated, I asked him if he was sure.

  • Of course I am sure, he said with a big smile on his face. When I saw how much you enjoyed it yesterday, I want to know what it is like and feel the same thing. You are a big eye-opener William, and with you I don't mind to stay awake the whole night to be on the same path towards good feelings and even happiness.

I took my time to prepare Joe. He had never had anal sex and even as I knew it would hurt, I tried to have him ready as much as I could. I also wanted to show him how it was done properly, preparing your partner for a sudden invasion in the anus. I spread his legs wide and rimmed his as for as long as I could. I used a lot of lubricant pushing in one finger, then two and three till I felt his sphincter muscle relax. I massaged his prostate to stimulate his hormones till he was begging me to fuck him. I came up to him and kissed him before I whispered in his ear that I wouldn't fuck him, but make love to him.

I kneeled between his spread legs and lifted them upon my shoulders. The spit and the lubricant made his buttocks shine like polished silver. I told him to relax and not stop breathing at any time. I pointed my rock-hard cock right on target and moved my hips as to make small thrusts. Suddenly my cock-head passed his sphincter muscle. His eyes shot open and his mouth was gaping. He stopped breathing for a few seconds and then remembered I told him not to. I asked him if he wanted me to stop, but he said no. His cock deflated and shrunk. I put my hands on his chest and massaged, pinched and twisted his nipples. That sensation made him forget for a moment the excruciating pain he had in his ass. I took the opportunity to shove in a little more. When I saw that a smile was forming on his face, I pushed in even more till my pubes were caressing his buttocks. When I was in up to the hilt, I leaned down and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and turned the kiss in one of the most passionate we had ever shared. My hips had a mind of their own and started to move slowly in and out of his tight ass. It was clear that the pain had faded away and that he was discovering the joy of having my manhood glide between his ass-cheeks and pushing on his prostate at each passage. I was so excited that the speed of pacing in and out increased fast. I could feel my juice boiling in my balls and knew I wouldn't last very long. Holding his legs up at the bend of his knees, his hands were just at the height of my nipples that he pinched and twisted. That sent me over the edge and I unloaded in his bowels. He could feel my throbbing cock on his ass-walls.

After catching my breath and letting my heartbeat come back to normal, I slowly withdrew and my cock plopped out of him. I did that on purpose to make him feel the emptiness caused by an almost immediate withdrawal of my cock. As soon as my cock was out, I saw a kind of deception in his eyes.

  • I feel so empty! Joe said.

  • I know, I answered. I did it so you would know what it feels. Do you remember that yesterday I asked you to stay in as long as possible?

Joe nodded.

  • Well, now you know why. I promise you that the next time I'll stay in as long as I can. You didn't ejaculate. Do you want to?

  • I don't need it, Joe said, but I would like to. The feeling in my whole body just before my seed spurts out is so damn good, I want to feel it all the time.

I lowered myself on to his body and reached his genitals. His cock was soft, but as soon as I kissed it and then swallowing it, it grew quickly to full mast. I pushed two fingers in his well-lubricated hole while twirling my tongue over and over his mushroom. It didn't take Joe a long time before emptying his balls in my mouth. I kept his juice there and went up to kiss him and share his own juice.

We embraced and held on to each other tightly. Joe thanked me. I said he as more than welcome and smiled at him. I let myself roll off of him. I was soon on my back and Joe assumed his position with his head on my chest. Dreamland welcomed us very quickly.

As had happened before, we woke up in the same position we had fallen asleep. Joe woke up with a smile on his face. That made me happy. We showered together again. Joe seemed to appreciate that saving of water. There was a lot of kissing and grabbing and finally the cascading water drained our juices.

It was possible Joe was not that experienced in male-to-male sex, but he was a quick learner. The field where he was no virgin at all was the love department. Joe had so much love in him that it was almost bursting out. He still thought a lot about Chuck although his passing away was years old. I discovered that when Joe loved, he did it unconditionally. He gave himself completely, without any restriction. There were no limits for him. He took his time to love again. He respected Chuck so much, apart from loving him deeply. I was convinced that Joe thought he would never love again after Chuck died, but life has so mysterious ways to make you see that you can have more than one purpose in life, more than one person to love. I felt so fortunate that he had decided to love again and that the person he did it with was me.

As Joe was on sick leave and I was without a job, we had all the time in the world to get closer to each other in all possible ways. We discovered in the following days that e had quite a lot in common. We knew a few of them from when he stayed with me on his first visit, but we were looking at our common points with new eyes. Our common points and interests were now forming the base of a relationship based on love, respect and trust. We were so fortunate to have no problems talking, expressing our feelings and fears. We could talk for hours on the simplest subjects. I was so glad that Joe was so much more than just a gorgeous body, as he had also a wonderful mind and a bright intelligence. Since he could get enough sleep, I discovered a man full of life, happy to live and ready to conquer the world. His energy was contagious. I felt so alive at his side.

We went to theatre together. We assisted at concerts as well classical as modern. We visited exhibitions of young artists and marveled at their art. We discovered little restaurants down town that were almost invisible it you didn't pay close attention. We were part of the public to some very interesting conferences and readings. We also started to run every day and go swimming twice a week. In short, we had no time enough to do everything we wanted. The three months the psychologist had prescribed were over in a blink of an eye. Joe had to present himself to his superior and to the psychologist, so we flew down again and I rented the same room in hotel La Playa, just like the previous time. We had purchased one-way tickets because we didn't know how long Joe would have to stay.

The psychologist couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Joe. He saw immediately the benefits of Joe living with me and being able to have full nights sleep. What the psychologist said next left Joe perplexed.

  • Tonight, I want you to sleep here at the infirmary. We will put wires to your head as if we measured your brainwaves. A few video cameras will be set up and will record your night. In the morning I should have the necessary information about what is happening to you.

Joe was not happy with that decision, but he knew he couldn't argue it. He got nervous even before it was time to prepare him for bed. He was so afraid that the nightmares would come back the moment his head hit the pillow. I tried to calm him down over the phone, as I was not admitted on military grounds. I tried to convince him that he just had to think about the nights we had spent together and try to feel the same as when he rested his head on my chest.

The following morning he called me when I was still in bed. He was crying in earnest. His night had been even worse of what he feared. Chuck's faceless head had appeared so many times that he had not even be able to sleep two hours. On top of that, for technical reasons, the light, even if dimmed, stayed on the whole night. He was waiting to see the psychologist but also the board of doctors who had to decide about his future. He was a nervous wreck!

The results of the brainwave test were incredible. Joe had had such a brain activity in his sleep that even the doctors looked at them in awe. They couldn't understand how Joe was still on his feet in the morning. The video they had made was even more frightening. The way Joe moved and turned while "asleep" was scaring. The psychologist called me. He couldn't believe that Joe was sound asleep just because of my presence. So, even though it was not a written test, he asked me if I would accept to sleep with Joe in front of the camera and wired up just like Joe was. I didn't hesitate for a moment in agreeing to do it. Everything that could help Joe's situation and that was in my power, I would do it.

Joe waited for me at the gate of the base. I was introduced to the psychologist who wanted to run a few basic tests with me as to know my mental state. Around eight, after eating in the mess, we were lead to the same room Joe had been "sleeping" the night before. We were wired to the machines and looking at each other we burst out laughing. The sight was hilarious. Those hospital gowns were everything except sexy. The plastic caps we had on, with a hundred wires coming out of it, made us laugh. Around nine (that was early for us) we were sent to bed. We took our usual places with my arm around Joe's shoulder and his head on my chest. It lasted till ten thirty before sleep came.

At six in the morning (that was early again) we were woken and disconnected from the machines. We had the opportunity to shower (but not together) and then we went for breakfast. We were just finished when the psychologist joined us. He had already been looking at the results and if Joe hadn't told him that he was sound asleep in my arms, he would have thought the machine recording our brainwaves was broken. He had the graphics with him and showed them to us, explaining which one was from Joe sleeping alone and which one of last night where we both slept together. Even though we didn't have the first clue as how to read those charts, the difference was enormous! He also said that it was extremely strange that two people, who slept together, didn't move at all eight hours in a row. He had viewed the video in accelerated tempo, but we hadn't moved a hair during the complete night. For him, the case was closed and clear. There was no way Joe could do his job properly if he had to sleep alone. The psychologist suggested that I could move and live close to the base. The army would even provide a free home, but ... he doubted that the army would accept this solution. Everybody knew their position concerning homosexuality. So, for him, the decision was clear: Joe had to receive a pension for the rest of his life, till he retired. At that moment he'd received his retirement fees as any other soldier. Joe had to leave an address where he would be, waiting for the definite answer of the board of doctors. He left the address of the house and we were free to leave.

We were lucky again with the seats for the return flight. Joe pretended that all this luck came because of me. He said I was irradiating positive energy. That was why he slept so well, made love so well, we were happy and ... found seats on the first flight that flew out. The flight was uneventful, but this time I warned Vivian of our return. Knowing her, I knew she would prepare us something to eat, as the food they were giving on the plane was not precisely the best cuisine. I was right. When we opened the door of the house, the smell of a home-cooked meal reached our nostrils. Vivian had waited for us, so she could serve our meal. Once it was done, she left to her quarters. We were so grateful for what she was doing for us that we washed the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge. We then rushed to our bedroom. It had become such a habit to have sexual activity every day, that the two days for Joe's control had made us super horny. We had a quick shower to wash away the burden of the flight and then slipped between the sheets. We made love for hours. We couldn't get enough of it. We were hundred percent versatile and enjoyed as much penetrating as being penetrated, but the biggest part of or lovemaking was kissing. That was our absolute favorite activity, but the skin-to-skin contact was also pleasurable and giving us satisfaction. We unloaded several times before falling asleep in each other's arms.

In the following days Joe and I realized we had a lot of time on our hands. We were far too young to live the rest of our lives without doing something useful. Joe would continue to receive his wages. I didn't really need any more money as Chris and John had left me with enough to reach a hundred years old. But we wanted to do something useful, something to be remembered by, although Joe had only one sister and I had no family at all. Joe's sister was living at the other side of the globe and they had very few contact. Nonetheless, we were blessed by quite a lot of acquaintances and a few real friends.

Winter was finally over. You could see new leaves growing on the threes and here and there a few flowers showed their colors. It was Vivian again who suggested we took care of the front and the backyard. Joe and I looked t each other and it was obvious none of us had green hands, meaning we didn't know the first thing about gardening. Vivian told us that Chris kept a notebook with all the necessary information. I went to look for it on the shelves in the living room and there it was. Oh my... That notebook was incredible. There were quite a lot of drawings of what had been planted where, with notes about which plants had a lot of roots and which hadn't. There was information about the flowers and plants that needed a lot of sun and those who were happier in the shadow. Everything had been planted according to their specific needs of water or not. Chris had even installed an automatic sprinklers system so that every plant would receive the right amount of water. He had even written down what he had planted according to flowers that would have to be replanted and the ones that would grow year after year even if you forgot to give them any attention.

Joe and I went through that book, cuddled up together on the sofa. We were amazed at the amount of useful tips Chris had put in his notebook. Even the colors were taken into account and were going from white to bright and strong colors, with all kinds of softer colors in between forming a gradient pattern. There were a few words and other terminologies that we didn't know or understand and Joe was the first one to switch on the computer and looked it all up on Internet. It took us several days to understand fully what Chris had written down. That was such a powerful tool for people who didn't know the first basics of gardening.

Looking further on the shelves, we found more similar notebooks. There was one more about gardening, but there were also notebooks about cooking, decorating a house and even the basics to keep your car running smoothly. All those books were handwritten and the drawings were absolutely exquisite. My memory went back in time and if it was correct, John had been going to art school. Looking closer to the given information, I could see a little note mentioning the drawings were John's.

On a sunny morning, Joe and I started to take away the bad weed that had grown and leave only the plants that were good. When we doubted about something, we checked in Chris' book and always found the appropriate answer. About a week later, and according to Chris' instructions, the garden was ready to flourish all spring, summer and even autumn. We found the automatic sprinkler system and as soon as it was switched on, the entire garden received its first bath. The garden was splendid and we could be proud off what we had done, but the most important part of it all was that we had done it together. We had not been afraid to put our hands in the ground and get dirty. We wanted Chris and John to be proud of what we did to keep their carefully planted garden regain its original beauty. Of course, working next to Joe was pleasant, but his magnificent, sweat-covered body next to me often distracted me. It was incredible that he was not more aware of how gorgeous he was. When the pearls of sweat appeared on his golden skin, the sun shone through them and formed a kind of aura of light around him. I could have been looking at him for hours. Even in his two or three day stubble on his square chin hosted pearls of sweat and the sun-rays reached those as well. He had "lighted" stubble! Another thing I could look at for hours was when his sweat was rolling down his back or his chest. Seeing those little drops rolling down his soft skin made me imagine it was my tongue following that path. The waistband of his shorts got moist at the beginning, but after a few hours work in the sun, it was wet and had a contrasting color to the rest.

I suggested working in the garden wearing Speedos as to avoid the tan-lines at mid thighs. Joe didn't agree because he said that if I were in Speedos, his hormones would be on full alert all the time. On top of that he mentioned that we had to take care of the front yard and if I were to wear Speedos, I would be arrested for public indecency. I didn't think that was true, but it was how Joe saw it. After all, didn't we create a mutual admiration society? Yes, we did! When the garden was completely finished, we started to look through the other notebooks Chris had written. They were equally well written, with all the details we could expect and as beautifully adorned with John's sketches. The cooking books were exceptional. When I mentioned it to Vivian, she said:

  • Where do you think I got my cooking skills? When I started at Chris and John's service, I could fry an egg and boil water. That was it. Chris took his time to explain how things were done. At the same time, he wrote everything down for me. You found one of those books in the library, but I have five or six more here in my drawer.

She took them out to show us. The first book was really about the ABC of cooking: a lot of basics, without any drawings. But as soon as I opened the second one, I recognized John's addition. Once again I recognized Chris' handwriting that was so beautiful and regular, clear to read and beautiful to look at. It was not just handwriting; it was pure calligraphy! It must have taken him months and years to write those books. It was Joe who made a very good suggestion.

  • You should publish them! In memory of Chris and John. They would have been so proud to see the in the shop-window of a bookstore.

Joe didn't know it, but he had just planted a seed in my garden of ideas. I would have to look for a publisher that would be interested in that kind of books. It would not be an easy task, but I was not in a hurry. It would be good to publish one and see what kind of success it had, how well a general public would receive it. We could call them "Chris' notes" or something like that. It was just a seed for the moment, but I knew the seed would be growing.

Vivian said there were a lot more books like that all over the house. It was not that Chris was hiding them, but when he finished a book, he laid it wherever he found a place and forgot about it, because he immediately started a new one. She even said she was surprised we hadn't found the one that was in the bedroom. I looked puzzled at Vivian and Joe. The one in the bedroom? I hadn't found any notebook of Chris in the bedroom!

  • Have you ever looked in the trunk at the foot of your bed? Vivian asked.

  • Yes I have! There are some blankets and quilts in it.

  • And have you looked under the blankets and quilts?

I ran to the bedroom with Joe following me very close. I entered the bedroom, opened the trunk and pulled out the blankets and quilts. There were three notebooks on the bottom of the trunk. They each had a number on it and I opened the first one, sitting on the bed with Joe next to me with his right arm over my shoulders. We went from page to page, looking at very explicit drawings. It was not pornography. It was pure erotica. I knew form the other books that John was a very skilled drawer, but these drawings were more than exquisite. This was Art with a capital A. These notebooks could fall in any hands without offending anybody. The first book was kind of sexual education. The second was more of a modern Kamasutra and the third was a hundred percent gay. The text written next to each drawing was divided in three parts. The first was more of a scientific explanation of what was shown. The second was a more "human" approach and the third one was telling you what to expect.

When going through the third book, Joe said he would read it very carefully because he just knew we could learn from it. I didn't think Joe needed more things to learn, as over the time we had been together, our sexual activities were more than satisfying. Joe had quickly learned to push all the right buttons and could get me to an orgasm in less time than what I need to explain it. But looking at the drawings and reading random notes, he said we could improve our lovemaking to new heights. I doubted it, but wanted to believe it at the same time. I was happy with our lovemaking, but if Joe thought we could improve it even more, I was not the one to say no to it.

I had to giggle. Joe asked what I was finding funny.

  • I wonder if Vivian went through all three of those books!

Joe smiled and agreed with me. We could ask her, but Joe thought it would place her in an awkward situation.

Joe and I went through the house, searching for more notebooks of Chris, as Vivian had mentioned Chris dropped them a bit everywhere. Each time we found one, it seemed it was even better than all the others. In total we had about twenty notebooks and we were convinced they would make a fantastic collection. We just wondered if it wouldn't be better to keep the sexual one to ourselves. Those three books were for a specific type of readers, although even under-aged children would not be offended by the drawings. The scientific approach could easily pass for sexual education.

That night, Joe went up to our bedroom while I shut off the lights and locked the house. I went to the kitchen to have something to drink and to fetch a bottle of water to take upstairs. When I reached the bedroom, Joe was already finished with his shower and was lying in bed, with the third notebook of Chris in his hands. The bed sheets covered his lower part of his body, but I could see that what he was reading aroused him. Maybe he wasn't at full mast yet, but it was obvious he was not flaccid either.

I took a quick shower and slipped between the sheets. As Joe was sitting up against the headboard, it was my turn to lay my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, but continued his reading. My position was the best, as it allowed me to let my hand travel over his chest, stomach and finally his crotch. I was right. He was aroused and I grabbed his cock in my hand and stroked it softly. My ministrations made his cock swell even more and although he was still concentrated on his reading, his cock told me that he liked what I was doing. I went under the upper sheet and soon reached his swollen organ. I wrapped my lips around it and let it glide between my moist lips. I was softly sucking on it, enjoying the moment. The more I sucked, the more his breathing got heavier. Nonetheless, he was transfixed by the book and could let it go. I didn't mind, I had my pleasure as well. I grabbed his scrotum and pulled on it, knowing that if he were about to come, this would be the trigger to explode in my mouth. A few seconds later, my sucking was rewarded with his hot, sticky juice. I kept sucking till I knew he was completely spent and swallowed his load. I came back up and rested my head once again on his chest. Joe kissed me on the forehead, but kept on reading. I was so at peace that I fell asleep.

In the morning I was awake first. The book was lying on Joe's stomach and the nightstand lamp was still on. He had fallen asleep while reading. I smiled. I took the book and saw that he had almost finished it. I just hoped that his readings would end up as me being the beneficiary as well. I got out of bed as quietly as possible, went to the bathroom for my morning routine and when I was finished, Joe was still asleep. I went down to the kitchen for some much needed coffee. Vivian was the ever- busy bee in her domain. She was just about to leave to run some errands. Since day one I had given her the keys to John's car and a credit card so she wouldn't have to ask for money every time she was going shopping for the house. I trusted her like Chris and John had.

It took Joe about two hours before he came down for his coffee.

  • You should have woken me, he said.

  • You looked like an angel and as I aw you almost finished the book, I guessed you would need your sleep. Besides, there is something really important that happened.

  • What is that? Joe asked.

  • You slept alone and the nightmares didn't appear. If they had I would have heard you screaming and your eyes would have a dark circle around them!

Joe came to the realization that indeed he had slept alone, even if it was only two hours, and had not had nightmares. The smile on his face got brighter with the second. He came over to me and hugged me and then kissed me.

You see the effect you have on me? Joe asked. There is no doubt at all that we were meant to be together. Who knows? Maybe, this is a sign from Chuck, giving us his blessing.

To be continued if you guys tell me you like the story. All comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 4

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