PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 10, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

PC in the UK Chapter 4

Gareth woke the next morning with a smile on his face. He and Alan had gone to sleep with him spooning to Alan's back but woke on his back with Alan's head on his chest and his body half over one side of his. His morning wood was trapped under Alan's hip bone. He reached up and lightly rubbed Alan's arm. As he stretched a little he flexed his hard cock under Alan's hip.

"I guess someone is glad that I am still here." Alan whispered. "All of me is glad that you are still here. Did you sleep well ?" Gareth asked. "Like a baby. You ?" Alan asked as he lifted his head. "Like a baby too. Are you upset about last night ?" Gareth asked. "Why should I be ? The meat pie and greens were good and the coffee fantastic." Alan said. "Way to blow a bloke's ego. You remember meat pie and coffee." Gareth laughed. "BUT... The sex was beyond amazing. I hope you were not disappointed." Alan said. "Only disappointed that it took us this long to get there." Gareth said. "So you aren't kicking me out as soon as I get dressed ?" Alan said. "Yeah I am kicking you out for a short time but I am going with you." Gareth said.

Gareth and Alan showered together. Gareth tried to stop Alan but did not put up much of a resistance as the warm water cascaded over him and Alan was able to push the large mushroom head past his tonsils and deep throat his cock. "UUUUUgggggggggg." Gareth growled as he face fucked Alan and began to spill his seed down Alan's throat and into his mouth. Gareth pulled Alan quickly to his feet and growled again as he kissed Alan and tasted the remanence of his own seed in Alan's mouth.

"What was that all about love ?" Gareth asked. "Breakfast." Alan said and smiled. Gareth reached back and circled Alan's ass ring. "Oh no sir you don't. You will learn that I may like to get freaky during sex but I am also a clean bottom. I need to go to a drug store." Alan said. "You need drugs ?" Gareth asked not thinking clearly because of his orgasm bliss. "NO I guess you would say to the chemist. I need supplies or Gareth's knob will stay outside not inside." Alan said squeezing the still sensitive cock. "Oh sorry love. I wasn't thinking." Gareth said.

Gareth was on the phone when Alan came down the stairs from dressing. "Yes Mum. I will Mum. Just hold on Mum." Gareth said. "Mum and Da want us to come to lunch tomorrow. Do you mind ?" Gareth said. "Are you sure ?" Alan asked. "Yes Mum I heard you." Gareth said with the phone away from his ear. "Tell me what I can fix to bring." Alan said. "Mum said just ourselves." Gareth said. "I will come up with something then. It's all up to you. I don't drive over here remember." Alan said and smiled. "See you then Mum. Tell Da hello and we will see you for tea tomorrow." Gareth said. "Love you too." He said as the call ended.

Gareth was quick to his feet because he could tell Alan had been crying. "Guess I should not have said that in front of you since you lost your parents." Gareth said. "No I love hearing people say it. I need to go to the drug store and the grocery store and I just realized I have no money. I pay my own way. I always have." Alan said. "We will have all that sorted. Paul is sending the card that should be here any minute and you had a couple hundred pounds in the safe at the Hotel. I need to go check on Finn and we can go collect your personals from the Hotel." Gareth said. "I would be lost here without you." Alan said. Gareth just smiled his biggest smile. "Alright. That smile causes wet issues for me." Alan laughed. Gareth quickly made it to Alan. He slid his fingers down the front of Alan's shorts. Once his fingers were well coated he brought them to his lips. "Breakfast." he said and winked at Alan.

Alan breathed a sigh or relief when there was a knock on the door as they were getting ready to leave. The courier had arrived with the package from Paul. Paul was asked to open the package before signing to make sure that everything was in order. Alan smiled seeing that Paul had put one hundred pounds of cash in the package in varying size notes. Alan pulled out a five pound note and handed it to the courier. The young lad just looked at the money and then back at Alan. I am from the US and we are expected to tip everyone. Keep it. Buy some lunch. " Alan said. "Thank you sir." the young man said as he turned and headed back to his vehicle. "You think this will be safe in my pocket this time ?" Alan laughed. Gareth walked up and pulled Alan to his chest. He reached through the band of Alan's shorts so he could get two complete hands full of hairy ass cheeks. "P C Gareth reporting for duty." Gareth said as he leaned over and kissed Alan.

Once on the main highway headed for Exmouth Gareth reached over and placed his hand on Alan's bare leg. "Watch the road PC." Alan laughed. "I like the hospital dressing gown better." Gareth said and slid his hand a little further up Alan's leg. " I need to try that gown on for you later today." Alan said. "I need to check to see if there is a charge of distracting driver." Gareth said squeezing Alan's leg again. "I will gladly pay that fine plus penalties but only if you find me a drug store or well chemist store." Alan said. "Second on the list. First the Hotel, second the chemist, third the station, next late tea and then paying that fine." Gareth said.

As they drove Gareth warned Alan about his mother. "My Mum is so excited to meet you. Don't be surprised though when she gets mad at me. I always get the, I have you know I carried you to the stage when I got my General Certificate of Secondary Education so don't you forget it. She doesn't let me forget it. " Gareth said. "Is that a college degree ?" Alan asked. "No I don't know what you call it but it's when you complete grade eleven." Gareth said. "We call it a diploma but you have to complete the twelfth grade." Alan said.

"So you go an extra year. I guess that makes you lot smarter." Gareth laughed. "I wouldn't go so far as to say that." Alan laughed. "I figured you guys went to grade eleven too." Gareth said. "Nope you have to go for twelve unless you are smart enough to clep some classes and can do it in eleven." Alan said. "I guess you went eleven then." Gareth said. "Oh no. Thought I may have to go thirteen. I was near the top of my class but did not graduate with any honors." Alan laughed.

The Hotel was very helpful and apologetic. They offered two free nights on his next visit. The manager also said that they had contacted the pub and told them that any guests from their Hotel that asked for a cab in the future that they had better call and let the Hotel call for one or they would put them on the ban list. "It wasn't their fault." Alan said. "The cabby was the waitress's Uncle. She knew he was a shabby deal so yes it was their fault." the manager said. Alan quickly signed for the contents he had in the safe. His passport was his main concern. The creit card he had brought for emergencies could have been easily replaced but the passport would be trouble. Alan thanked them for all of their service and praised the staff.

The next stop was the chemist. Alan found the enema bag that he wanted and also a portable douche bottle. He also bought a large bottle of lube to make sure that they did not run out. "Here I will get that. That is the large bottle." Gareth said. "I will get it. You think I may need to get another one while I am here ?" Alan said and smiled. "Might not hurt." Gareth said but quickly stopped Alan from going back for another one.

Next stop was the police station. Alan was introduced to many of Gareth's coworkers. They were all very cordial and seemed to be excited to meet him and also glad that he was alright. Alan waited in one of the observation rooms while Gareth went out to stretch Finn's legs. Alan smiled as Finn came out the caged area and began jumping on Gareth. Moments later he watched as Finn began sniffing Gareth. Finn looked up at him and barked. Gareth tossed his favorite toy in one direction and Finn ran the opposite to the gate and stood on his hine legs with his front on the gate barking. Gareth came to the gate to pull Finn away. Finn sniffed him again and then jumped back on the gate. Finn then got down again and sniffed Gareth before jumping back on the gate and barking.

Gareth looked towards the window and motioned for Alan to come out. Gareth put the lead on Finn just in case he needed to pull him back. Alan walked out to the gate and stood on the outside. Finn had gone from barking to jumping and making a yipping sound wagging his take as fast as he could. Alan was amazed at how large Gareth's arm muscles were when he used the lead to pull Finn off the gate. He held Finn back far enough that he could not quite reach Alan once he was in. He wanted to judge if Finn was aggressive or not. To his surprise Finn had the strength to pull him and Gareth to Alan. Alan was accustomed to dogs and knew what was next. He braced himself as the large sheherd landed his paws on Alan's chest. Alan reached up with his hand held in a submissive pose presenting the back of his hand to which Finn began licking quite quickly. Alan then reached up and rubbed Finn's neck and his head. When Gareth gave the command to heel Finn took his seated stance beside Alan instead of going back to Gareth. "You cheeky bastard." Gareth laughed.

Gareth got one of the jailers to dress in the training outfit. He wanted to try something. When Finn realized that Alan was not leaving he would finally go and take his place beside Gareth. When the man came into the yard he made gesture towards Gareth to which Finn quickly had his arm and growled. The second time he had a couple of good head shakes on the man's arm. Gareth then had Alan stand away from the fence. The man made a gesture towards Alan. The next thing Gareth knew he was flat on the ground face first and Finn had tackled the man and was tearing the training pad to pieces. Gareth called for Finn to heel to no avail. "FINN. STOP THAT." Alan shouted. Finn quickly released the man and ran and sat beside Alan. Gareth even got a slight growl when he approached. "We need to hire this bloke as a dog handler." the jailer laughed as he got up and brushed his training outfit off. He looked down at the arm Finn had attacked. "Never had one do this much damage." he said.

Finn was played out and tired. Alan smiled realizing that Gareth was also played out. They left the station after their goodbyes and stopped at a local restaurant. Alan was amazed but then realized he should not be surprised that everyone knew Gareth. He was introduced again to many people. The lady that owned the restaurant came out and spoke to them. She inquired about Gareth's parents. He informed her that they were going to his parents the next day so they could meet Alan. "He's a keeper there." she said. As they were getting ready to leave the lady returned with a box. "A fresh spotted dick for the Mum. She always stops in for some when she is in town." the lady said. "We may have spotted dick when we get home." Gareth said. "I'll be asking the Mum next time she comes through if you brought that. Don't make me sick Finn on you." she said.

Back in the SUV Gareth took in a deep breath. "Not sure if that spotted dick will make it or not." he said and smiled. "Well I prefer my dicks a fleshy color without spots." Alan said reaching over and squeezing Gareth's package. "Cheeky devil today aren't you." Gareth laughed. "Not a cheeky devil but a horny devil." Alan said. " When we get home we can discuss your fine and payment. Then I can get to work on that horny part." Gareth almost forgot to stop at the grocers. Alan figured he would be safe if he fixed a southern twice baked potato casserole to carry to Gareth's parents. The buggy was half full and Gareth lost the argument about paying. "We have been using your gas, I am staying in your house, I am buying the groceries. Stop arguing." Alan said. Gareth just smiled. "Yes love." he said.

Alan was amazed at how bold Gareth had been. They had stood in the line at the grocery store with Gareth's arm around his side. No one seemed to care. There are very few places in the US that this could happen and they not get stares or comments. Alan was also battling with himself because he had fallen head over heals in love with Gareth. He had known Gareth for only three days and slept through one of those but the tall handsome man had stolen his heart.

He stood back and smiled as they returned with their haul. They had both brought in an arm full of bags. Gareth leaned over and kissed Alan. "You start sorting this and I will get the rest." Gareth said. When Gareth came back with the first load Alan realized that Gareth had removed his clothes and was carrying the groceries naked. Alan reached down and fondled Gareth's bare cock as he put the bags on the counter. "Careful there mate. Wake the knob up and I can hang a couple of the grocery bags left on it." Gareth laughed. "Yeah it does get hard enough." Alan said and gave it a light squeeze.

"Are we in for the night ?" Alan asked. "As far as I know love." Gareth said. "Finn drug you through the dirt so you need to take a quick shower while I put these potatoes on to cook." Gareth said. "Alone ?" Gareth said and pouted. "Alright you. Stop pouting. If you want payment for that ticket then you will shower and now and I will shower shortly." Alan said lifting the bag from the drug store. "Oh. I will be right back." Gareth laughed.

When Gareth returned Alan had the potatoes on to boil for his casserole along with some eggs for deviled eggs. He had also taken the deli meats and cheeses he had gotten and arranged them on a plate for a light dinner. "The potatoes have to boil so they will be fine. I will be back shortly." Alan said. Gareth caught him as he walked by and pulled him in for a deep sensual kiss. Gareth had a hand full of furry ass cheeks in each hand and pulled them wide as they kissed causing Alan to moan as he felt the cool air around his ass ring that was now exposed.

Alan returned to see Gareth propped up on the couch. He had turned the television on for the news but had dozed off. Alan went to the kitchen and checked his potatoes. They were almost ready. He had time to shell the eggs that were ready and make his deviled eggs. Completed, covered and in the refrigerator he then took the potatoes out of the water. He quartered the potatoes and then halved each one again. He removed the meat from inside the potatoes and found a casserole dish in the cabinet. The potatoes were mashed and the butter, sour cream, bacon pieces and cheese had been added. Alan felt the warmth of another person behind him as he began to dip the contents into the dish he had lined with the potato skins. "Mmm.. Smells good. Sorry about nodding off. I guess Finn took more out of me than I realized." Gareth whispered as he wrapped his arms around Alan and pulled him back against his body. "You were so sexy sleeping I didn't have the heart to wake you." Alan said. "Well the sexy chef woke someone up." Gareth said rubbing his hard on against Alan's ass cheeks.

As Alan dipped the contents into the casserole dish Gareth reached around and collected an ample amount of leakage that was not destined for the casserole. Applying this to Alan's ass made him moan and almost miss the dish with a spoon full or casserole mix. Gareth collected more and applied it to his cock and then after spitting in his palm a couple of times he hoped that he and his lover were lubed enough. Gareth placed the mushroom head of his cock against Alan's ass ring. Alan shivered and gasp after Gareth was finally able to breach the ring. Gareth held still letting Alan's body get use to the large intrusion. "I am sorry baby. I should have loosened you up. You were just so damn sexy." Gareth whispered in Alan's ear. Gareth knew that he was fine when Alan pushed back a little causing half of Gareth's eight and half inch cock to slide further into his lover. A few kisses on Alan's neck and Gareth had his full length buried deep inside Alan.

"I need cheese from the frig." Alan said. Gareth wrapped one arm around Alan's waist and the other over his shoulder. He grabbed one of Alan's pecs and almost tried to make a fist with Alan's hairy pec and nipple inside the fist. He slowly walked towards the refrigerator and then back with Alan fully impaled. Alan tried his best to spread the cheese over the top but finally did not care what it looked like. Placing both hands on the counter Alan leaned a little forward and Gareth began a slow in and out motion with his cock from behind. When Gareth would lean over to kiss Alan's neck he would take quick long jabs with his dick up in to Alan until the bottom of his cock stretched Alan even wider.

Gareth walked Alan back from the counter and brought him down with him to the floor as he went to his knees. Gareth pushed Alan's upper body over so that they ended up in a doggie style position. Gareth kept one arm around Alan's waist. His other hand was over Alan's shoulder and reaching down to pull on one of Alan's perk nipples. Alan's moans were load and almost primal. "Does my baby like my big knob fucking his arse." Gareth whispered. "Yes. yes. I love it." Alan whined. "I plan to fuck my babies bum like it has never been fucked and spray batter all inside until he can't hold anymore." Gareth whispered in Alan's ear as he slowly pulled his cock out until the mushroom head was all that was trapped and then shoving back in as quick as possible balls deep. Every time Gareth bottomed out Alan would let out a high pitched moan and squeeze the tight ring around the massive cock. "My baby is so fucking tight around my knob." Gareth whispered. "Just for you my love." Alan said. Gareth felt Alan's body tighten up when he realized what he had just said.

Gareth pushed the two further down so that Alan lay on the floor. Gareth took his knees and placed them on the outside of Alan's legs giving him even deeper access with his thrusts. Gareth still had one arm around Alan's waist and reached one arm under Alan's shoulder putting part of his body weight on his arm and letting the other rest on Alan's back. "Do you want my batter my love ?" Gareth whispered. "Yes. PLEASE...Fuck me and fill me up." Alan said in a trembling voice. Gareth began shoving his cock in and out of Alan's ass as fast as he could. "You feel so fucking good on my knob." Gareth said. "Yes baby and your dick feels perfect buried up my ass." Alan whispered. "Well my baby can have this dick up his ass anytime he wants it." Gareth whispered. Alan could feel Gareth's cock begin to flex inside him and could feel Gareth's breath getting choppy.

Gareth felt Alan's ass ring starting to tighten on his cock. He slid the hand down that was under Alan's waist and gripped the slippery cock. "FFFFFFuuuuucccckkkkkkkkk....." Alan shouted as he body began to quake and buck. Gareth had to be careful to not be thrown from Alan's back. The first tight squeeze on his cock from Alan's beginning orgasm put him over the edge. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... EErrrrrr." Gareth growled and he pulled against Alan's shoulder forcing Alan's body as far back on his cock as possible and his body began to shake as his cock flexed and began to unload deep inside Alan.

The two lay on the floor with Gareth's cock still flexing deep inside Alan. "I hope your Mom doesn't realize what was going on while we were fixing the dish to carry." Alan laughed. "Mum would be happy. She would just ask if I knobbed you proper." Gareth said. "Well I promise you knobbed me proper." Alan said just as Gareth turned his head to the side for a kiss. They lay there for a couple of minutes and Gareth began to soften. Alan tightened his ring on Gareth's cock as he began to pull out. "Oh no my love. I am not done yet." Gareth whispered. When the large mushroom head popped out there was a slight slurping sound. "Sorry." Alan whispered. "Oh no love. Well battered ass it is. Letting old Gareth know that he creamed it up good fashion." Gareth said.

An hour later Alan followed Gareth up stairs with his plate of meats and cheeses. Gareth had a wine bucket with a bottle of blush chilling in one hand and two wine glasses in another. Alan was surprised when he saw the two mats laying on the deck floor. When Gareth had gone up to take his shower he had put two yoga style mats out on the floor of the floor of the deck. Gareth lay down on one of the mats and patted his hand on the adjoining mat. "Aren't you the romantic ?" Alan asked. "Too breezy for candles but just for you my love." Gareth said. Gareth sat up and opened the bottle of wine. "Plan to get me drunk and ravish my body ?" Alan laughed. "Get you comfy and fill that arse to the brim is the plan." Gareth said. "Good plan." Alan said as he leaned over for a kiss.

The two men nibbled on the meats and cheeses and Alan found out a little of what to expect the next day at Gareth's parents. Neither were really drinkers and as they got near the bottom of the wine bottle they were both feeling the warming affects of the alcohol. Alan lost all his inhibitions and once he got Gareth's hard cock inside him they ended up fucking in almost every position they could imagine. From a hard pounding doggie style to Alan riding Gareth's knob. They lay on their side with Alan's back on the floor but his hips twisted as Gareth kissed him and slowly moved his cock in and out. The neighborhood had to know that Gareth's cock was exploding inside someone due to his shout as Alan had his arms and legs wrapped around Gareth pulling him deeper in by his ass cheeks as he shot in him for the second time in a couple of hours.

When Gareth got his breath back he rolled off Alan and lay back on the mat. With one arm across his forehead his hairy chest and stomach rose high and dropped very quickly as he tried to catch his breath. Alan lay there looking up at the stars wondering if they were in heaven or just stars in his eyes from the intense full body orgasm he had just had. Alan rolled over and lightly played with the hair around one of Gareth's nipples. "Can we talk ?" Alan asked. "After the sex we just had babe we can talk about anything." Gareth said.

"You may want me to leave after I say this." Alan said. Gareth moved his arm from over his eyes and looked into the beautiful blue sea that he equated Alan's eyes as. "I know that we don't know what the future holds but I have fallen head over heals in love with you P C Gareth. You may have just been looking for a quick fling and if that is what this is then I can take the train to London and be out of your hair. I just had to let you know how much in love with you I am and this is not the wine talking." Alan said. Gareth reached over and pulled Alan's body on top of his. He reached down and slid a finger deep in Alan's ass and used that to pull Alan's body up higher so that they were face to face.

"You don't know how long I have waited to hear you say that. This is not a one off for me. I started falling for you when I was frisking you. How could any bloke not fall in love with a ball bag like you tote. Then when I got to know the rest of you I knew I was in love. I know you live across the pond but we will make a future somehow. I love you Alan from Georgia in room two forty five." Gareth said and leaned up for a kiss. Though Gareth had just dumped an oversized load deep inside Alan his cock rose to the occasion and he was able to remove his finger and slide his cock back inside the loosened ass.

Alan pulled his legs back and sat up on Gareth's hard cock. He reached down and began to lightly play with the damp hair on Gareth's chest. As he looked down and the sexy man smiling back at him his heart melted even more. "You know that all you have to do is smile at me with that sexy smile and you can have anything you want." Alan said. "I want you and I promise we will work it out." Gareth said.

"I told you that I had come here to close out an investment. " Alan said. "That was the one with Paul right ?" Gareth asked. "Yes. Well that close out was just over a million pounds." Alan said. Gareth's eyes opened wide and he smiled. "You mean to tell me that I have my knob inside a millionaire ?" Gareth asked. "Well after this trip I may not still be a millionaire. I don't know how much my hospital bill is going to be." Alan said and smiled. "Your insurance may pay some but with our national health care what they don't pay the council will cover." Gareth said. "But I am not a United Kingdom citizen." Alan said. "Doesn't matter. You were the victim of a UK crime." Gareth said. "I may need to go to London a couple of days early. At least one day early." Alan said. "We can go whenever you need." Gareth said. "I promise I am not trying to get away. I want to talk to Paul about how I can use this money to keep us together and it not break me financially. He said that the pay off was not complete and that there would be another much smaller check next year because the investment closed out at a lower interest rate with a promise of making it up with interest." Alan said.

Gareth pulled Alan forward so that he could kiss him. He began lifting his hips off the floor pushing his cock deep inside Alan and even lifting his body up. "I don't care about the money. I care about you. I love you Alan from Georgia and want to spend my life proving it." Gareth said. "I love you too P C Gareth so much that it physically hurts. We have the saying where there is a will there is a way. I don't have family in the US but I have my house and my job. I work mostly from home on a computer but I still have clients I have to service." Alan said.

"What is it you do ?" Gareth asked. " I do book keeping for a few clients. I also own some rental houses." Alan said. "So you are a bookie." Gareth said. "Well that means something different in the US." Alan laughed as he began to slowly move his body up and down on Gareth's cock. "Book keeper is the same here." Gareth said. "I do all of my clients by email except one. I print their invoices and make their deposits. I am thinking about dropping them and keeping the ones I can do by email." Alan said. "Don't decide anything yet. You still need to talk to Paul" Gareth said.

Gareth then told Alan that he had two more years on the force before he could take his police pension. It would be a few more years before he also got his government pension. His X5 was paid for and he owed less than twenty thousand pounds on his house. "I have savings. Enough to pay off the house but I didn't want to put myself in a twist." Gareth said. "My houses and vehicle are paid for. Well as of two months ago. I paid the last one off." Alan said. "Frist time I ever talked about future or business ball sack deep in a bloke but it's alright. You are my bloke." Gareth said.

Alan leaned back and began to ride hard on Gareth's cock determined to drain every drop possible inside him to ass to the two loads already deposited. "AAAaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Alan shouted as his cock sprayed out it's third load. The first rope reached Gareth's chin with the next four landing in a trail from chin to belly. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh.... fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Gareth shouted as he lifted Alan's body off the floor balancing him on his erupting cock.

Pulling Alan down for a kiss. "We need to talk business and the future more often." Gareth said as he kissed Alan and flexed his still sensitive cock inside Alan. Both men showered together a few minutes later. Gareth came back upstairs from stashing the food plate and locking the house. "I don't know if it's the wine or the sexy man in my bed but this randy knob just wants to stay awake." Gareth laughed. "I have somewhere just aching to keep him safe and warm." Alan said leaning over and spreading his ass cheeks. Thirty minutes later both men were sound asleep. Gareth was spooned to Alan with his dick buried deep inside him while he held Alan's large ball sack in one hand.

Alan woke the next morning and they had moved into a more familiar position. Gareth lay on his back with Alan covering part of his side with his head on Gareth's chest. He slid out of the bed and headed for the kitchen. He began to coffee brewer and took the casserole from the refrigerator. As he got to the oven he sat the casserole down. "Well fuck me." Alan said. "I thought I did four times last night but I will be glad to again." Gareth said startling Alan. "You let me get this casserole in the oven and I will take you up on that offer. I need to cook this at 350f so what is that in celcius. Your oven is in celcius." Alan said. Gareth walked over and wrapped his arms around Alan from behind. He reached over and hit the button on the oven and punched in 176c on the program button. "If you ever see a recipe from the UK it will have celcius and farenheit conversions. When the yanks post a recipe it's only in farenheit." Gareth said. "We are a rude bunch aren't we." Alan said and smiled. "Not all." Gareth said and squeezed one of Alan's ass cheeks.

Next: Chapter 5

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