PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 7, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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PC in the UK Chapter 3

Gareth and Alan arrived at Gareth's home. Gareth pulled up on the curb across the street. "We are here." Gareth said. "Well you are sadly mistaken if you think I am going to walk down the street and then across traffic in a hospital gown. " Alan said. Gareth smiled and reached up and pushed a button on the sun visor. A gate that led down beside the house began to open. "Do you think I would do that to you ?" Gareth said and smiled.

"At this point I am not quite sure." Alan said and smiled. Gareth pulled the SUV through the small alley way and into an open garage. Gareth got out and quickly made his way around to open the door for Alan. "Do you mind tying me up ?" Alan said gesturing the back of the gown. "If you really want. No need though my garden is private. You can buff it all day and not a soul see you." Gareth said.

Alan decided to throw shyness to the wind. "Private huh ?" Alan said. "Can't a soul see." Gareth said. "What the hell. Don't need this thing then." Alan said and pulled the gown off. Folding it into a small square he held it in his hand and standing in front of Gareth naked except for his clogs. "Lead the way." Alan said. Gareth stood quiet for a second looking Alan's naked body up and down. "Beauty before beast. Right through that door and the back door is to the right. I will bring up the rear." Gareth said. "I got hit on the head not the ass. I can tote it just fine." Alan said and smiled.

"A good host stays close in case you need some help carrying it." Gareth said. Alan finally gave up and headed through the door. Once inside the door Gareth could not resist anymore. He took Alan's arm and turned him to face him, He took one hand and put it behind Alan's head and the other across his ass and pulled his body tight against his and leaned over for his first serious and sensual kiss. Gareth was pleased that Alan did not resist He released the back of Alan's head and used that hand to roam up and down Alan's back as they kissed.

"Bloody hell." Gareth said as he leaned back up. "Sorry about that." Alan said and lowered his head. "No Alan. Never say sorry. I fucking love it." Gareth said. The kiss had caused Alan to leak so much that it was running down both his leg and Gareth's. Alan pushed back a little which surprised Gareth. "Alright mister. I am no cop but if you want me to stay here I need to search you. You know I am safe. You have had your grope and seen everything. You have me at a disadvantage. For you though it's a strip search. So strip." Alan said. "Are you sure you won't steal my car and run away after you see me ?" Gareth said. "First you drive on the wrong side of the road and from the wrong side of the car. I would never make it through the gate so strip." Alan said.

Gareth turned with his back towards Alan. Removing his t shirt flexed all the muscles in his back. He folded the shirt and lay it on the back of the couch. Next he unbuckled his shorts and let them drop to the floor. Alan wanted so bad to reach out and tough what he was seeing at the moment. " I didn't find any nickers in your suitcase so I decided to try it. For you anyway. Promise you won't laugh or run away." Gareth said. "Stop your stalling. I have to make sure you don't have any lethal weapons or contraband on you." Alan said. Gareth stepped out of his shorts and bend over to pick them up and fold them and lay them beside his t shirt. "Number one I don't even own nickers and in my house you remove your clothes at the door and you don't put any back on until you are going back out." Alan said. "I like that rule." Gareth said as he turned to face Alan.

Alan gasp as the beauty of Gareth came into full view. Alan was careful even though he could see the entire front of Gareth to keep his focus at first on Gareth's eyes and smile. "Oh hell yeah." Gareth thought as he saw a full string of pre cum start to drip from Alan but the unbroken string landed on Alan's foot. "Turn around" Alan said. Gareth held his arms out and turned around to face the back of the couch.

Alan stepped up and placed his hands on Gareth's strong shoulders. He took both hands and ran them out each arm carefully touching, inspecting and caressing. Alan then moved to his strong shoulders and upper back. Alan did not use the patting force that Gareth had used. He gently slid his hands all over Gareth's upper body barely touching the skin. Gareth did not have a gym body but he was very fit and his muscles showed. Alan moved his hands down and began to lightly kneed Gareth's ass cheeks.

"Careful there. The arse is not a toy. I dread the unit physical every year because the Doc puts on those gloves." Gareth said. "Don't worry. A man's ass is made mainly to hold on to. If you want a top then you need to go out and find one. Alan does not top." Alan said. "Thank you. I think he just said he was a bottom." Gareth said looking towards the ceiling. "This ass was made to hold onto to and feel it's strength." Alan whispered causing Gareth's smile to get bigger. Alan took his time as he touched and examined Gareth's legs. Gareth moaned a little as Alan's hands grazed his cock and balls as he placed his hands between his legs.

Alan had gotten on his knees. He stood back up and reached up and pulled Gareth's arms down. "Now turn around. Now when I get ready to resume my search there is not going to be some guy or girl come running through the door with a gun coming after me are there ?" Alan said. "I promise no bloke or lass in my life so if they come running in we are both in trouble." Gareth laughed. As Gareth now faced Alan. "I can't believe you don't have a line out the door waiting to get in here." Alan said. "No que for me." Gareth said.

Before even touching, Alan began at Gareth's head and slowly visually inspected Gareth. The shaved head was shaped perfect. Some men can not pull off bald but Gareth's was perfection. The hazel eyes just seemed to look inside Alan's soul and also make love to him at the same time. The squared and firm jaw had a very thin mustache and goatee that had a hint of a few gray hairs. The smile made Alan's heart melt but it also seemed to be a little devious. His neck was strong but and was just the right length. His head did not look as though it just sat on his shoulders.

The hair, yes the hair that Alan had seen escape the top of the shirt was short brown hairs. Alan could tell that they were soft hairs but border lined coarse. The hair spanned the top of Gareth's pecs and around his nipples. It narrowed just a little as it went from his chest to his belly where it flared out again and circled the belly button. It then moved further down to what looked to be the same type hair on his groin. Alan was not sure if Gareth manscaped or not but the groin hair was just right. Not bushy and thin enough that you could see the skin under them. The cock and balls. Well let's just say he was not as big as Paul but he had absolutely no reason to be ashamed. It was gorgeous and would be the largest and longest Alan had ever personally touched.

Alan moved closer and began with Gareth's chest. He lightly ran his fingers through the hair on his upper chest and then around the nipples to the hair in the space between his pecs. Alan used the back of his hands to slowly move up and down the soft flesh of Garth's sides. Alan moved his hands back up and lightly teased the two nipples and watched as they narrowed and hardened. Gareth moaned a couple of times making Alan's heart sing.

Alan got back on his knees. He reached up and ran his fingers through Gareth's bush and then around and under Gareth's semi low hangers. Gareth had lost the control to will his dick to stay soft. The eight and half inch member stood at attention for Alan's inspection. Alan saw a small scar just above Gareth's hip on the right side. "What is this ?" Alan asked as he ran his fingers over it. "Got knifed trying to break up a pub fight." Gareth said. Alan lightly kissed the scar and this caused Gareth's cock to flex and jerk lightly grazing the side of Alan's face.

Alan sat back on his heels. He reached out and took two fingers and began to move the hard cock around as if he were inspecting it. "Oee. Careful there. That thing has had a hair trigger since I met a certain American." Gareth said. "It is my duty to closely inspect all lethal weapons." Alan said. "Lethal weapon?" Gareth laughed. "Well should I say weapons of mass destruction." Alan said. Alan leaned over and licked across the bottom of the mushroom head. "Oee. locked and loaded down there. Be careful." Gareth said as he reached down and pulled Alan to his feet. "Did I pass inspection ?" Gareth asked.

"You aced it but there is a punishment." Alan said. "Oh and what might that be ?" Gareth said smiling at Alan. "At least for today you have to remain dressed as you are. I need to keep that weapon of mass destruction under surveillance." Alan said. "Weapon of mass destruction you say." Gareth whispered. "I will just say I have never been near something so big and beautiful and what I would do with it would cause massive destruction to me." Alan said. "Sounds like I need to interrogate you to find out exactly what type destruction you are imagining." Gareth said. "HEY." he shouted as Alan pinched the skin under the edge of one of his ass cheeks. "This was my inspection. You got yours on the roadside." Alan said.

Gareth leaned over and lightly kissed Alan. He then took his hand and walked him around the couch. Gareth sat down but then quickly turned Alan to face him while he stood. Gareth took his tongue and lathered Alan's slick cock cleaning as much pre cum as he could in the given time he had. Alan reached down and pushed Gareth's head back. "Is this how you interrogate suspects ?" Alan asked. Gareth pulled Alan down so that he was sitting in his lap. "Not quite. Full question and inspection calls for a cavity search. We haven't made it that far yet." Gareth said and pulled Alan down for another kiss. "Uhhh.. You are so perfect. Time for some tellie." Gareth said picking up the remote.

The television show had not made it to it's first commercial break and Gareth could feel Alan's breath beginning to slow. The doctor had told them that from the anesthetic earlier that morning that Alan may be groggy until early evening. Gareth went to stand and carry Alan with him. Alan woke and refused to be carried. Gareth aimed him for the stairs just behind the kitchen wall. Gareth started out just touching but ended up massaging Alan's ass cheeks as he climbed the stair ahead of him. Gareth pulled the covers back and helped Alan into the bed. "I am sorry. As much as I have slept I should be awake for a week." Alan whispered.

"The doctor said you would be groggy from this morning. You need a sleep." Gareth said. Alan reached out and took Gareth's hand. Gareth smiled and climbed over Alan's naked body and spooned up behind him. "You promised me a proper cuddle." Gareth said. "I did didn't I." Alan said still half awake. Gareth pulled Alan's naked body up against his naked body and reached down to pull his hips tight against his groin. Gareth took his wet fingers and licked the leakage he had on his fingers. "Stop that." Alan whispered. "Can't blame a bloke for tasting cotton candy." Gareth said as he wrapped his arm around Alan's chest. Alan wove his fingers in Gareth's and pulled it tight to his hairy chest as he dozed off again.

Gareth dozed off himself and was woken by a loud knock on the front door. He slowly got out of bed hoping to not wake Alan. Alan opened his eyes at the sound of the third knock. He smiled as he saw Gareth's ass as he scrambled out the door and to the stairs. Gareth was just waking and got almost to the door when he realized he was naked. He grabbed the shorts and t shirt and were getting them sorted on his body when he opened the door. 'Hey mate." an officer said. "Come in. What brings you to Cockwood ?" Gareth said.

"Chief inspector wanted me to stop in and see if the American bloke would sign this form identifying the items they found on those two blokes and in ones house. There were some other items that linked them to Cockwood robberies so I am making the rounds." he said. "Alan is asleep right now. The doctor gave him gas and air this morning to do a test and it's not all out of his system." Gareth said. "Yeah right. I should have waited. Didn't mean to catch you getting your knob waxed. Should have known you had him hid up top and buggering the hell out of him." the guy laughed. Alan cleared his throat. The officer quickly turned and apologized. "So far he has been stingy with that knob so you did not interrupt anything." Alan said causing the officer to laugh.

"Stopped for tea down at the ugly duckling. The cook heard you had a guest and she sent a couple of meat pies and greens for you to warm later." he said handing the bags to Gareth. "I will go down and sort her out later." Gareth said. "No need. I tried to penny up and she would not let me. Said something about tourist relations." he said. Alan was introduced to the officer. Gareth went to his X5 to retrieve the sealed bag with Alan's belongings. He then went to the kitchen and took the cell phone from the charger.

Within minutes Alan had verified all the items and signed the papers. "Will I have to go to court ?" Alan asked. "The two blokes have already confessed to quite a bit. I am sure that the magistrate will make sure we see the back side of them two for a while so you were not put on the witness list." he said. "Good because I didn't really see either of them." Alan said. "From the doctor's report as hard a tap on the head as you got I am surprised you even know who you are." the officer said. About ten minutes later the officer said his goodbye's. He thanked Alan again for signing the papers and once again apologized for his vulgar remarks.

"Stingy huh ?" Gareth said as he turned and smiled at Alan after shutting the door. "We will work on that." Alan said. "I look forward to it." Gareth said as he started to walk towards Alan. "Stop right there copper." Alan said and looked up and down Gareth. "Oh." Gareth said and removed his shorts and shirt once more. "Your turn." Gareth said. "Shortly. I need to call Paul." Alan said. "Is Paul going to know you are naked on the other end of the phone ?" Gareth asked. "No but I needed to discuss a couple of things with him in private so I may go outside." Alan said.

Gareth walked over and quickly undressed Alan. "Follow me." Gareth said holding Alan's hand as they climbed the steps again. "You let me sleep too long already." Alan said. "Don't get your nickers twisted." Gareth said. "If you haven't noticed I don't wear nicker so I can't get them twisted. " Alan said. "Oh I noticed and I love it." Gareth said.

About that time they had made it into the master bedroom. Gareth opened the door going out onto the balcony or deck off the bedroom. Alan stuck his head out slowly and realized that no one could see he was naked. "Have a seat and make your call. I am going to put the kettle on. You rather have tea or coffee ?" Gareth asked. "Coffee with a little cream if that is no trouble." Alan said. "Coffee with cream coming up." Gareth said and left for the kitchen.

Paul sounded anxious when he answered the phone. "I am fine. Just a slight concussion. I don't know what to do though. The doctor does not want me to fly for two weeks. I was suppose to fly home in a few days." Alan said. "Gareth is an amazing guy. He has been alone for many years so get your brains fucked out as much as you can and enjoy it." Paul laughed. "He told me that he knew you from when he lived in London." Alan said. Paul told the short version of what had happened to Gareth. He was also quite sure that Gareth was telling the truth when he told him that he had thrown himself into his work and had been celibate for years.

"Sounds like you two have a lot in common. You need a quick refresher course on what to do over the phone ?" Paul laughed. "Thanks but I don't think so.," Alan laughed. They chatted about the money Paul had transferred and sent out a new card for. Gareth had returned with the coffee and went to leave but Alan grabbed his hand and had him sit in the chair beside him with his coffee. "Paul wants you to come to London with me when I have to go back. He wants to carry us both out to dinner before I leave." Alan said. "Sounds good." Gareth said. They talked for another two or three minutes. Some of Paul's comments Alan was not comfortable enough to repeat but he blushed.

Gareth and Alan talked for a few minutes while they drank their coffee. Gareth told Alan about his experience with his ex partner and how he had moved to Cockwood and just worked. There was no sprawling gay life in the area. There were a few gay men but non that suited his fancy so he had just given up and not really thought about it. Gareth's parents and brother lived a couple of hours away. "My Mum would love you." Gareth said. "Love to laugh at my accent." Alan laughed. "She might enjoy that too but she would love you as a person." Gareth said. "What about your family ?" Gareth asked.

Alan explained that his parents were killed in a car crash when he was ten. An Aunt and her husband had taken him in. He had always known that they only did it for the social security money. His cousins acted as though he had the plaque so he spent all his time other than chores and school in the storage room they had put a bed in for him. The night of his graduation his Aunt did not go. When he got home his clothes were on the porch. His Aunt told him that the day he graduated the money stopped so he was no more use to her. He had never met any of the rest of his family so he was on his own. "That is sad." Gareth said. "Maybe so. I don't know any different but it made me a strong and independent man." Alan said. "A little too independent according to Paul." Gareth said. "Well some walls are made to be torn down. A certain PC in the UK is doing quite well at that." Alan said.

Gareth and Alan held hands sitting side by side in the chairs. The tide was just starting to move back in. Some of the boats were still beached but a couple had began to float again. "I never get tired of this view. The original balcony was the reason I bought this house. I just had it torn off and expanded. " Gareth said. "I love it too." Alan said. They sat in silence for a few minutes listening to the sea gulls and watching the boats out in the distance waiting on the tide so they could come into the harbor. Both men had finished their coffee and Alan stood and took Gareth's hand. "A little more tellie ? We have meat pies for later." Gareth said. "Both.. Later." Alan said.

Alan led Gareth into the bedroom leaving the door open for the sea breeze. He stopped at the edge of the bed and turned to face Gareth. He arched up to his tip toes and lightly kissed Gareth on the lips. "You said that the interrogation included a cavity search. The doctor made sure my cavity was well emptied and cleaned. So if you are interested in the cavity search." Alan whispered. "Are you sure. I don't think I have any raincoats." Gareth said. "Raincoat ?" Alan asked. "Rubbers." Gareth said. "Well the doctor told you I was clean and I promise it has been more years than I can remember since I have had a cock inside me." Alan said. "Well I have my annual fitness every year for the force and I am clean too and its been at least twelve years." Gareth said. "Then no raincoat required. That is if that is alright with you." Alan said. "It's still early." Gareth said. "One thing you need to know about me. I don't wait for the sun to set to fuck. I like it many times a day and all hours of the day." Alan said. "So I got me a randy one huh. Well I think old Gareth can comply." Gareth said leaning over for their first deep, sensual kiss.

Alan turned loose and walked in to the ensuite and got a towel. When he returned he lay the towel out on the bed. Gareth watched as Alan smoothed the towel out. Alan turned and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up into Gareth's eyes as he pulled Gareth towards him. By this point Gareth was almost completely hard again. Alan never took his eyes off Gareth's as he opened his mouth and took the large mushroom head in between his lips. The moan that Gareth released seems to vibrate through Alan all the way to his growing cock. Alan had always prided himself in not having a gag reflex. It had been many years and the mushroom head is large so Alan was only able to get about five inches of the beautiful cock into his mouth. Gareth could feel him straining to get the large head past his tonsils. "Not so fast love." Gareth said.

Alan slowly worked on Gareth's cock knowing that the movements of Gareth's ass cheeks were telling him that his lover was enjoying it. Alan pulled off and lightly stroked the beautiful cock. "Not going to get stingy with this knob are you ?" Alan asked and smiled. "NO lovey. You can have all you want but I want to get in on this too." Gareth said reaching down and lifting Alan further onto the bed. Alan lay on the towel and spread his legs letting Gareth know that his intensions were for Gareth to fuck him. Gareth moved in between Alan's legs and lay part of his body weight on Alan's hips. Gareth leaned over and lightly licked Alan's lips. "I need to confess something." Alan said. "And what do you have to confess?" Gareth said. "When we do this you will go where no man has gone before." Alan said. "So you have never been buggered ?" Gareth asked. "Buggered ?" Alan asked. "Um. Penetrated." Gareth said. "Yes but not by any man near as thick and definitely not as long as you." Alan said. "So you are telling me that when Gareth's knob starts buggering you it will chart unseen territory ?" Gareth said and smiled. "If you mean when you get that dick all the way inside you will be in uncharted territory then you are right." Alan laughed. "I think i am up to that challenge." Gareth laughed.

Gareth began kissing Alan's neck. He figured quickly how sensitive the area was due to Alan withering underneath him and raising his legs and wrapping them around Gareth's waist. The next most sensitive were Alan's nipples. After getting the area wet enough he was able to wipe the hair away giving better access to both suck and nibble on the sensitive nipples. Gareth then lifted his hips causing Alan's legs to come loose. There was a moan of displeasure from Alan. "All in time love." Gareth whispered.

He then made his way to Alan's more than ample nut sack. He was amazed that almost any attention to Alan's body brought more than ample amounts of pre cum. Gareth collected large amount on two fingers. Lifting one of Alan's legs higher Gareth slid the slick finger down and began pushing it into his ass as he opened his mouth and took Alan's leaking cock inside. Alan moaned and thrashed as Gareth moved and twisted his finger inside Alan's ass. "Damn PC you got you one tight balloon knot to play with. " Gareth thought to himself.

Gareth lightly sucked on and licked Alan's cock as he removed the one finger. He quickly replaced it with a second finger. "That's right. Loosen up for this PC knob." Gareth whispered. "The PC you are talking about is a three finger PC." Alan whined. "I could make a meal off these dangly bits." Gareth said. "Don't get too busy down there. You have other things to do. Like entertain your guest with that beautiful dick." Alan moaned. " Don't you worry my little knob plans to bugger your brains out before he gets his end away." Gareth said.

Gareth felt the tight ring of Alan's ass begin to loosen some around the three finger assault. He reached over and took the bottle of lube from the nightstand. He applied quite a bit to his fingers before shoving them back in side Alan. After removing them he applied even more to his raging cock. "Alright love. Time for a good knobbing if you are ready." Gareth whispered. Alan reached up and pulled Gareth's head down for a rough passionate kiss. Lifting his legs higher in the air Gareth had easy access to the loosened ass ring.

For a good ten minutes Gareth moved his cock slowly in and out of Alan's ass all the while searching new depths in Alan's mouth with his tongue. At certain points he would speed up the tempo with his hips and then slow down. At times he would pull out until he felt the head of his cock touch Alan's prostate and would roll and wiggle his hips causing a high pitched moan from Alan. Picking the tempo up just a little the two still kissed until Alan's body went stiff. "Uuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm...." Alan shouted into their kiss as Gareth felt Alan's hard cock flex between them and his body begin to vibrate as he felt warm shots coming from Alan's cock in between their bodies. "Damn did you just batter unhanded ?" Gareth whispered. "Uh huh" was all Alan could whimper into the kiss.

Gareth did not realize how fast he had began to plow in and out of Alan's ass. "My baby ready for me to bath his insides with my man chowder ?" Gareth growled. "Don't you dare pull out." Alan shouted. His body had electric shocks going through it every time Gareth sank his cock in balls deep and stretched his ass even wider. "Yeah this PC is going to unload his man chowder.......... aaahhhhh...bbbbbuuuuugggggerrrrrrr.." Gareth shouted as the veins in his neck strained.

Alan had his hands on Gareth's ass cheeks and tried to pull him in even deeper. He could feel Gareth's cock strain and flexing inside him. Leaning up a little he took Gareth's tongue and began to suck on it as if he were giving it a blow job. A huge exhale of air came from Gareth as his body began to shake and his hips jerk. Alan could feel the large cock flexing inside him and his eyes got wide when for the first time in his life he felt the scalding cum as it shot deep inside him. As the last jerk of pleasure hit Gareth he went to pull out of Alan. Alan held tight and smiled at Gareth. "You mean it ? You don't want me to get off you ?" Gareth asked. "Get off in me yes. Get off me. Never." Alan said.

Gareth leaned over for a kiss and in one swift motion rolled them so that he was flat of his back and Alan lay on top of him with his cock still buried deep. "Did I pass inspection ?" Alan whispered. "Phase one anyway." Gareth said and smiled still trying to catch his breath. "How many phases are there ?" Alan asked. "In your case love. Thousands." Gareth said and smiled.

The two lay in this position for about thirty minutes. Gareth finally softened and the only thing still trapped inside Alan was the large mushroom head. "Are you disappointed ?" Alan asked. "Oh no love. I have waited for this moment my whole life." Gareth said. "Me too." Alan said. Gareth reached back and began to squeeze and jiggle Alan's soft ass cheeks. "If we are going to do this again you are going to need to eat and keep up your strength." Gareth said. "Don't worry I am quite sure that what I felt emptying inside me was quite a large amount of protein." Alan said. "You cheeky thing. Shower time. We got jizz sticking to us and then you are going to eat that meat pie and some greens." Gareth said. "Yes sir officer." Alan said and leaned over for another kiss.

Luckily Gareth's shower could accommodate two. The shower was as erotic as the sex scene. They finally got out and dried off as the warm water began to run out. Alan ate part of the meat pie and a little of the greens. It took some arguing but he convinced Gareth to eat what he had left. Not eating for a couple of days, Alan did not really want much and he was scared to over eat because he didn't want cramps. After about an hour of television Gareth led Alan back upstairs by the hand. Gareth had Alan take a seat while he went down and prepared fresh coffee. Once back with the coffee they sat and watched the lights of the fishing trollies as they passed by coming back to the port. "It is so beautiful up here." Alan said. "I like to come up here and undo after a busy day." Gareth said. "I hope you do it dressed like that." Alan said. " I will from now on." Gareth said and smiled. Alan excused himself to go to the bathroom. He didn't really have to go but needed an excuse to retrieve something he desperately wanted.

Alan sat back in his chair for about five minutes. He reached down beside the chair and picked up the item he had retrieved. He got up and walked to the railing of the deck to watch the boats come in. Gareth got up and walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Alan pulling his body back tight against his. Alan took the items and handed it to Gareth. Alan had snuck in and retrieved the bottle of lube. "You cheeky devil." Gareth laughed.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard please." Alan whispered. By the time Gareth got the top open on the bottle his cock was rock hard again. Alan was still partially loose from a couple of hours earlier. Gareth bent his knees and placed his cock head at the entrance to Alan's ass. He slowly straightened his knees which lifted his body and slid his cock deep inside Alan once more. Gareth almost shot his second load when Alan gasp due to his size and then moaned. The two rocked back and forth for a good fifteen minutes with Gareth's chin on Alan's shoulder. Alan would chuckle because Gareth kept reaching down and collecting the drops of pre cum and then licking his fingers. "I swear love it tastes like cotton candy." Gareth said.

One of the larger boats started by with all of its lights on and flashing. Alan began to move his ass up and down on the large cock that had him impaled. Gareth had seen the boats many times and he was focusing on kissing and chewing on Alan's neck while he used both hands to twist and pull on Alan's nipples. "Hard, hard........hard." Alan said leaning over and grabbing the rail. Gareth began to fuck up into Alan's ass like a rabbit. Being a taller man his knees were slightly bent and his body arched forward over Alan's. "Aaahhhhh ffffuuuuccc...." Alan started as his cock began to spray through the railing of the deck. "Aaahhhhhhhhh...... aaaaahhhhhh...... uuuuugggggghhhhhhh...." Gareth growled as he fucked up into Alan's ass as fast as humanly possible.

He straightened his knees impaling Alan as much as possible almost lifting Alan's feet off the deck as his cock flexed as it did earlier and began to spray heavy loads of cum deep inside Alan. As he caught his breath he moved slightly back. Alan reached back and held his ass cheeks to stop him. "No babe. Your other partner may have wanted you out as soon as you were off but this is Alan. I love the feeling of that PC cock in my ass. I don't ever want you to pull out until you get soft and fall out." Alan said. "You mean that ?" Gareth said. "Baby if you can stay hard all night I want you buried deep in me all night." Alan said. "We may have to try that one." Gareth said pushing his still hard cock back in to the hilt before wrapping his arms around Alan and rocking the two bodies back and forth.

Next: Chapter 4

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