Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Sep 4, 2012


Paying with my arse 8

This is a work of bi-sexual fiction. For those who have persevered with my previous chapter hoping for gay sex the wait is over. If you have being enjoying the straight sex then you may as well skip this one. If you like it why not make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Failing that I'd love feedback on what you thought of it at

Wade has pulled out of my arse and although it is tender and throbbing it is missing his cock already.

"Do you want to fuck his arse twin?"

"Yeah you know I love fucking a hole filled with your spunk."

Wow so the red heads are twins. They're not identical but I can see some similarities in their faces now although Wade is more of a blond red head whereas the other is a copper top. The mean looking skin head is also coming over to join the red head in front of me.

They're stripping out of their tee shirts. Wade's brother has the same milky white skin. His stomach has more definition though with the start of a six pack showing and a thin trail of copper pubes running from his navel into his jeans. His chest has a bit more definition too but with the same small pink nipples. Whereas Wade's upper body was naturally smooth his brother has a light dusting of small copper hairs on his chest which are almost so fine as not to be noticed at first.

Mmm I like the copper hairs in his armpits which seem a darker red as they are slightly matted with sweat.

He has a really nice face which because he doesn't have a buzz cut doesn't look as mean as Wade's.

I hope he takes after his brother in the trouser department.

Shit I can't believe I just thought that. I'm a muff muncher and pussy plougher not a fag.

The skin head has stripped out of his tee shirt too. He's got a slight olive complexion like he's of Mediterranean descent.

His abs are flat and firm with no treasure trail. There is a bit definition to his chest which is as hairless as his abs. His arms are long and slender. His face looks mean but not ugly. The mean look is emphasised by the thick dark brown eyebrows, really close cropped dark brown hair and the gold earring in his left ear.

Shit my arse has already taken four big cocks and it looks like it's going to be five. Both of them have whoppers, about the same size as each other's.

Wade's brother's cock looks longer than his at about 8.5 inches but it isn't as thick. Still thicker than average though. He's circumcised too with his long milky white shaft ending in a pinky pale knob. I like his dense bush of copper pubes which his cock juts out from at a downward angle.

The skin head's cock looks to be about 8.5 inches too and is of a similar girth to Wade's brother. He's cut too, his cock ending in a thick ridged knob. Looks like he crops his pubes as they have the same almost skin head appearance as his head.

"Let's do this bitch Blu."

So that's Wade's brother's name.

"Sure thing Ace."

Blu said as he high fived Ace. That must be a nickname, who names their kid Ace.

Blu is moving to my rear and can you believe my arse is quivering in anticipation. My mind is saying no but my arse is saying yes. Cocks are for pussies not arses. Not that I think these guys think that, they seem to get pleasure from whichever hot wet hole they stick it in.

That's kind of weird but strangely enjoyable. Ace is waggling his hips from side to side and slapping my face with his long thick meaty cock. I can feel his warm pre-cum splatter my face.


Shit I can believe I just moaned with pleasure when Blu rammed his 8.5 inch cock up my arse.

I couldn't help it. Just the way my sphincter tingled when his thick ridged cut knob popped inside. Or the way the tingle continued as his smooth hard cock sawed against it as his mushroom knob stretched and stimulated the walls of my arse that are swimming in cum.

He's bottomed out and I can feel his copper pubes tickling my hole. I hate to admit it but feeling his big hard cock buried ball deep in my arse feels good. The length, girth, heat and throbbing pulse are a turn on. I actually can't wait for him to start fucking me.

Wow my arse is becoming really receptive. He's slowly pulling his cock outwards and I can feel the thick ridge of his cut knob stimulating the throbbing walls of his arse as my sphincter tingles with the friction of his sliding cock. My until recently virgin ring piece gave an involuntary quiver when the ridge of his knob butted up against the inside. Unlike Wade he's not pulling all the way out.


He's pushed it back in again and I can feel it throb with his heart beat.

Oh Ace is getting in on the action, smearing his pre-cum slicked knob against my lips.

I can't believe I licked them and they are offering no resistance to thick cock which he's now forcing in my mouth.

He'd better stop soon Gag.

Fuck that was close I almost threw up and there is still over an inch or so to go.

Phew that was just a test to see how much I could swallow, he didn't go in so deep the second time.

He's picking up a rhythm now but always stopping just short of making me gag. To be honest I'm surprised at how much of his cock I'm taking as there is the girth as well as length to contend with.

This is so wrong but feels so right. I never knew being fucked up the arse and mouth at the same time could feel so good. Ace's thick veiny cock rubbing over my lips and tongue feels good. His horny smell is thrilling and I'm now not put off by the taste of pre-cum.

At the other end my tight sphincter is tingling with the friction of Blu's long thick cock sawing against it. The prominent ridge of his cut knob is stimulating the walls of my arse as he powerfully thrusts in and out. I'm even enjoying feeling his copper pubed groin slapping against my buttocks and his balls bashing mine. He also keeps hitting that spot inside me that's keeping my 9 inch boy cock achingly hard and drooling pre-cum even after the intense orgasm I've just had. I'm also getting off on the fact that I'm being fucked in front of an audience. Whenever I had threesomes with Emma and Paula I was always turned on by the fact one of them was watching me fuck her mate.

Sabine, Emma and Paula often complimented me on my staying power, the fact I could fuck for ages before cumming. These guys are on a par as so far they've each fucked me for ages before cumming and it looks like it is going to be the same with Blue and Ace. They're both fucking me as if I'm some whore, not bothering with being gentle but venting their full animal sexual lust and passions. Blu is pounding my quivering boy cunt like mad as Ace fucks my mouth as if it's a pusy.

"I'm getting close Ace."


Ace has stopped fucking my mouth. Instead just his swollen knob is inside and he's wanking the base of his cock with his right hand and his left hand is on the back of my head so I can't pull off his cock.

Blu is fucking me even faster and harder than before so he must be getting ready to nut inside me.


Whereas everyone else slammed their cock in ball deep and then started firing off and fucking me with short deep thrusts, Blu is still fucking me with practically the full length of his cock as he cums. He's coating the full length of shit chute with his warm spunk adding to that of his brother's and mates. This must be what girl's feel when I jizz in their pussies.

Although cum is the same temperature as my arse I can still feel it squirt and splatter in my arse and I'm beginning to enjoy the feeling.

"Fuck yeah."

Oh here cums Ace.

Mmm his thick cum is splattering my tongue.

Wow it's a big powerful load, he's really filling my mouth up with the stuff. I hate to admit it but I'm starting to enjoy the taste. It's not as nice as a nice juicy muff but with each load I've been forced to swallow the taste has got better.

They've both finished spunking up in my now and are pulling out their cocks.

I'll leave Ace's cum in my mouth for a bit so I can enjoy it before I swallow it.

Wow my arse is so full of cum it aches. At least my ordeal is over as they've all had a go on me.

My arse hurts a bit but it also feels kind of nice.

Better stand up, will be good to stretch out, getting a bit cramped bent over this table "Don't bother to get up bitch the bet is only half paid." Whitey said.

What does he mean? Oh no Leroy and Mick are coming back over.

Wait Mick is going behind me and Leroy is moving in front.

Dam that means they are all going to do me again but at the opposite end.

Well at least my poor arse took the big cocks first so should get easier from here on in.

The worry is now that I may end up with lock jaw trying to suck the huge cocks that have just fucked my arse.

My battered arse has just taken Mick's 5.5 inch cock with easy although it still feels tight around it. He might be a year older than me but he looks like a 15 year old and a petite one at that, although he has a toned body. I'm taller and buffer than him with a way bigger cock yet he is about to totally dominate me again and I have no option but to take it.

"Shit bitch your arse is full of cum." Mick purred as he started pumping my arse with his schoolboy cock. What his lacks in size compared to the others he make up for it with vigour.

He's fucking my arse like a jack rabbit and he has a firm grip on my hips to make sure he gets maximum penetration. The slightly thicker than average veiny cock fells good sawing against my sphincter. I can feel the ridge of his cut knob rubbing against the walls of my arse as it rapidly pistons in and out. His groin keeps slapping my buttocks and his balls are bashing against mine.

Just look at that expression of domineering sexual pleasure on his cute boyish face. He knows I'm bigger and harder than him but he's treating me like a bitch because he knows I have no choice.

Looks like Leroy is getting in on the action now, advancing towards me with his dark brown 9 inch cock swinging from his buff body. He's one of the sexier ones of the group.

Hey I'm not turning gay but a guy can still spot another guy who is hot. If I was a girl I'd fancy them all but to varying degrees and Leroy would be one of the top ones. Wade, Blu, Mick and Lawrence would also be in the top group. He has nice facial features that must make girls wet. As will his nice toned body, mine is well on the way but not as cut as his. I don't want to be a muscle freak I just want nice biceps, fit chest and hot abs like he has.

Leroy's body has strength, tone and definition. It also has a big brown cock that is drawing closer and closer to my mouth.

It smells earthy unlike the others.

Now he's forcing it into my mouth and my lips are offering no resistance.

There's a bit of a tang to it.

Urgh that must be because he's had it up my arse and not cleaned it.

Wait though it doesn't taste that bad.

He's plugged my throat now and I can feel his hot hard cock throbbing in my mouth.

His sweaty aroused smell is filling my nostrils and it is starting to turn me on. I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help it. The smell of a turned on male is starting to get to me the same way a turned on female does.

Now he's starting to fuck my mouth with long deep thrusts of his big black cock.

It shouldn't be the case but I'm enjoying being fucked at both ends, my rock hard, throbbing, leaking cock is testament to that.

Mick is fucking my arse like a jack rabbit on heat and Viagra.

His thick veiny 5.5 inch cock is sawing against my swollen tingling sphincter. The prominent ridge of his cut knob is forcing open and stimulating the throbbing walls of my cum filled arse. His balls keep bashing against mine and his pubes tickles my hole.

At the other end Leroy is fucking my mouth with his 9 inch dark brown cock at a steady pace, always stopping just short of making me gag. I like the way his thick, hot throbbing cock is rubbing over my lips and tongue. His free flowing pre-cum is tasty and his horny smell is so sexy.

Both him and Mick are loudly moaning so they're obviously enjoying spit roasting me.

God so am I but I should be.

They are taking me against my will What am I talking about my will faded ages ago.

Fuck me boys.

That is what they are doing. They've both upped their pace, fucking me that bit harder and faster as they feel the orgasm rising in them. Both of them have been fucking me for ages, it seems none of this gang are five minute wonders like most teens.

Oh it feels like Mick is about to let go.

Jezz for a compact guy he sure can fuck above his weight. He's really slamming my arse now, any faster and his cock and my arse with combust.

There he goes. He's groaning like mad and I can feel his warm spunk powerfully squirting into me.

He's still fucking me with the same pace and depth as he unloads into my already cum laden arse.

Leroy must be some way off as he's stopped fucking my mouth but has the knob inside as he furiously wanks the base.

Mick has stopped spunking up in me. He's resting against my arse, panting away with his spent 5.5 inch 16 year old cock throbbing in my battered 15 year old arse.

Maybe if I suck and lick Leroy's knob it will help him.

"Fuck yeah bitch keep it up."

Guess it will.

Oh his knob has just swelled, here it cums.

Mmm his hot thick cum has squirted on to my tongue, making my taste buds fire. It's got a really thick texture and strong taste, very nice.

Four big tasty squirts.

He's pulling out, is that all? No he's hosing my face down with his jizz, another four diminishing squirts splattering against my face.

I like the feeling but there again I like feeling my cum splatter my skin when I wank off.

Now that they are spent their retreating, leaving me free for the next pair to use as they wish.

It's Carlos and Lawrence.

With his face, blond hair, blue eyes and fairly toned body I bet Lawrence has no trouble pulling girls.

Look at the way Carlos' thick 9.5 inch dark brown cock swing between his legs as he walks towards me. My mouth is going to have trouble with that thing.

The teasers.

Lawrence is slapping the head of his cock against my hole, splattering it with pre-cum as Carlos' does the same but to my face.

Mmm I'm really starting to love that tingle when a swollen knob pops in my arse.

Now his veiny, slightly thicker than average cock is rubbing against my sensitive sphincter as his knob forces open and stimulates the walls of my arse.

Now all 7 inches of his cock are inside me. I can feel its heat, hardness and throbbing pulse.

His hairy balls pressed against my slightly smoother ones also feels nice as does his blond pubes tickling my hole.

"You had a girl suck you off?"

"Yeah plenty of times."

"Good cause you'll know what to do as I ain't going to fuck your mouth as you're going to give me a blow job."

Think back what felt good when Sabine, Emma, Paula, Claire and Tina sucked my cock.

Oh yeah start off with the knob.

My lips are sliding over Carlos' pink brown knob.

Mmm my sphincter tingled when Lawrence's knob popped out.

My lips are now wrapped around Carlos' thick dark brown cock just below the head.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Lawrence keeps pushing just his knob in and out of my arse which is really working over my sphincter, making it tingle and feel so good.

"Shit yeah Bro keep it up, having him humming on my cock feels good.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

Oh wow Lawrence is making my ring piece tingle like mad.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

"Need to fuck."

Mmm Lawrence has just brutally rammed his thick 7 inch cock ball deep into my arse. I loved the forceful way his swollen knob punched open my arse walls as his hot veiny cock stretched and stimulated my arse.

Give it to me good and hard.

God I can't believe I just thought that, I now actively want them to fuck me.

And what's this? Without even thinking about it I'm sucking on Carlo's knob and swiping it with my tongue.

From the way his cock is throbbing and the tasty pre-cum that is leaking onto my tongue I seem to be doing alright.

Mmm Lawrence is giving my arse a nice hard fuck. I can feel his knob repeatedly forcing open the throbbing walls of my arse and really churning up the cum in there. His thick 7 inch cock sawing against my sphincter is making it glow and his balls bashing against mine is starting to make the cum boil in them.

Look at me I'm bobbing my mouth up and down the top few inches of Carlo's thick 9 inch cock.

Could this be natural instinct? No that would make me gay; I'm just remembering all the good things the girls did to mine when they sucked me off.

I don't know I am kind of getting off on it.

There is the heat and throbbing pulse of his big black cock in my mouth, the taste of it and his pre-cum. His horny aroma is a thrill. The fact I'm only a lowly fourth year yet I'm sucking on the big cock of a sixth former.

It should be a chic though.

Boy are there some hot girls in the sixth form.

There's the hockey captain for a start. Shoulder length dark brown hair, a stunning face, lush red lips, dreamy brown eyes, nice golden tan and what a rack, must be 34DD. Nearly all the boys are boned up when we watch her play.

See I'm not turning gay, a little bi maybe.

This is feeling so good. If I'd have known this I might have started earlier like I did with girls. I don't want it to stop but at the same time I'm eager for them to cum. I want to taste Carlos' jizz and feel Lawrence squirt his into my arse.

"Look at the bitch go."

Carlos is right, I'm rapidly bobbing my mouth up and down the top few inches of his tasty brown cock. My lips are wanking his thick shaft and my tongue is swiping the underside.

When I pull up I suck his pre-cum leaking knob and flick the sensitive spot where his foreskin joins. The faster I suck the louder he moans, the more pre-cum he leaks and the harder his cock throbs which just encourages me more.

This is going on for ages but I'm glad as I'm really enjoying it. Lawrence is really pounding my schoolboy arse, occasionally spanking it which although stings like mad is becoming a turn on. He is so hot that if I do decide to have gay sex again he's one of the group I'd let do me.

Oh he's upped the pace, he must be getting ready to bust a nut.

Wow that's a surprise. Carlos has caught me off guard and is spewing his spunk into my mouth.

My blow job must have been good then.

Mmm so hot, so thick, so tasty, so much.

Why have I hated the taste of spunk so much? Maybe it was just the taste of mine I didn't like as that was all I'd tasted before today.

No I didn't like the first few loads today so it must be like oysters an acquired taste. I'm definitely into it now.

Carlos' cock really throbs when it cums.

Rather than swallow to get rid of it I'm leaving it on my tongue to savour its taste.

Oh yes Lawrence is cumming now. He's loudly grunting as he stabs my arse with short deep thrusts, his sexy cock powerfully pumping hot cum into me.

Carlos has finished spunking up and he's pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"You like the taste of my black boy jizz white bitch boy?"


I can't answer properly as I'm swirling his hot thick tasty cum around my mouth.

Lawrence has finished cumming now and is pulling his cock out.

Mmm I'm really starting to enjoy that feeling when the ridge of a knob works over my arse ring.

My arse is really sore but in a good way. Already it's missing the feeling of a hot hard cock fucking it. It feels so sloppy with seven loads of cum up there.

Wow Lawrence's pale buff body looks so hot glistening with sweat.

No he can't be intending to stick his cock in my mouth.

It's glistening with cum but I can't see any shit.

What is going on? I've eagerly opened my mouth at taken in his slimy cock.

Now I'm bobbing my mouth up and down it sucking it clean.

Surprisingly I like the taste. There's the saltiness of all their cum and another tangy but not unpleasant taste which must be my arse.

It's all gone now, I've sucked him clean.

Wade and Cliff are making the way towards me now.

If you liked this let me know at The next chapter will carry on from here.

Next: Chapter 9

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