Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Aug 20, 2012


This is a work of bi-sexual fiction the start of which bears no resemblance to the end so stick with it if it's not your cup of tea. If you like it why not make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Failing that I'd love feedback on what you thought of it at

The hands on the clock are racing towards three thirty PM and I should be as excited as hell, like my class mates, but instead I'm so shit scared its almost making me physically sick. It's my last day of school before the summer holidays so why aren't I excited you ask. Well I did something really dumb and I know I'm now going to pay for it. You see I go to a good public school, which means private school to anyone outside the UK, so my parents are loaded. Despite that they give me a meagre allowance as they want to instil a work ethic in me. But sod that I'm 15 and too busy chasing girls with quite some success I might add.

Shit it is three twenty already. I can see they're waiting for me outside the school gate. I have fucked up big time and they are going to make me pay. By the time they've finished with me I won't be good enough for dog meat. Shit all I want to do is go home and take care of this stonking boner I've got from thinking of my past conquests of the female variety. I still screw Paula and Emma from time to time but they let me know it is just sex. I'm too young to drive them around or get them into clubs so they date older lads but turn to me if they turn out to be lame fucks.

My next conquest was another virgin, my really cute 13 year old cousin. I hadn't seen Tina for a couple of years but then her family came to stay with us for two weeks. When I saw her I though wow she's grown. I'd been 15 years old for a couple of months and my cock now stood at 9 inches. My body was also buffing up with a tanned, nicely defined chest and sculpted biceps. My arse was rock hard and shapely. My legs were also pretty fit with a nice covering of blond hairs. Tina also had blond hair that came down to her shoulders. She had a really cute face with a button nose, bright blue eyes and sexy red lips. She was tall for her age with a slender but shapely figure. Her breast were little more than developing mounds but you could see she was going to have a nice sized rack on her in a few years. She was wearing a short sleeveless summer dress so I was able to admire her long tanned slender arms and slender but shapely legs. Form behind I could see she had a cute pert little butt. Although she was cute and I was a horny 15 year old boy the thought of having sex with her never crossed my mind as she was my cousin and only 13. However she had other ideas. As I would find out she was quite precocious for her age.

The first hint of this was on the second day when I was playing a computer game. She came into my room and sat on my lap, side on and wrapped her arms around me as she looked at the monitor. "What you playing cuz?" She asked in her cute squeaky girlish voice. As I explained the game to her the warmth of her pert bum soaked though the material of her dress and my shorts. She'd innocently sat on my lap like this many times before when we were younger but this time it made my cock begin to stir. I desperately tried to fight it but it was no use. "Cuz has got a stiffy." Tina squealed as she ground her butt against it before running off. Shit how does she know about stiffies? She's only 13.

The next hint was when our parents went out shopping and Tina joined me sunbathing by the pool. She came out wearing the skimpiest bikini and was surprised her Mother let her wear something so revealing. There were just thin shoulder straps holding up two small triangles of material which just about covered her small budding breasts. The bottoms were little more than a thong and when I saw her from behind both buttocks were on display with a thin strip of material just about covering her butt crack. Needless to say my teen cock went from limp to its full 9 inches faster than Usain Bolt doing the 100M. Behind dark sun glasses I watched her oil up her body before she lay back to soak up the sun and read some teen girl magazine. Shit got to stop thinking like this. I'll go for a wank that will calm me down.

In my room I pulled off my swim shorts, draped a towel on my bed and started to wank using thoughts of the four girls I'd already had sex with to push out the thoughts of my little cousin. I was just getting into my stride when I was snapped out of it. "What you doing Cuzzzz..." My eyes snapped open to find Tina stood in my doorway. Shit busted trying to fire one off by my 13 year old cousin. I desperately tried to hide my cock which is hard to do when you have a 9 incher. "Wow you have a biggy." "How do you know?" I asked shocked that she had any knowledge of male genitalia at her age. "My friend and I have played show me yours and I'll show you mine with two boys from school." "So you've seen boys hard already?" I asked my interest being aroused, just like my cock. "Yeah and seen them make sperm. Your cock is way bigger than theirs and has more hairs." She said as she moved her head about trying to catch another glimpse of it." "Well I am older than them." "Yeah but you're way bigger. Can I see it again?" She pleaded with the kind of expressions girls put on when they ask for a pony or puppy. Despite the urge I declined. "No you're too young and my cousin." "Pretty please? I'll show you mine." She added and before I could say anything she'd pushed her bikini bottoms down to expose her pubeless pussy. You could see the pale triangle of flesh where her bikini had been contrasting against the rest of her tanned body. Running up the middle of this white triangle of flesh was the closed crack of her hairless pussy. Fair is fair so I moved my hands and pointed my thick 15 year old 9 inch cock skyward. "Wow so big." She squeaked, her eyes almost out on stalks.

After staring at my cock she came over and sat on the bed. "Can I touch it?" "Only if you promise not to tell anyone." I said. Tina reached out with her petite right hand and wrapped it around my cock shaft that was so thick her small finger didn't meet. She adjusted her grip so it was around the base. Then she wrapped her left hand around my cock above her right hand. Then she moved her right hand above her left and then her left one above her right. "Wow with the boys at school it only takes one hand but with yours it takes nearly 4." She exclaimed after measuring my cock in hands. "So you've touched their cocks?" I gasped as the tight grip of her small hands made my cock throb. "Yeah sometimes they make themselves sperm, other times we do it for them like this." She said demonstrating by sliding her right hand up and down my big cock. From the way her hand was making my cock feel I knew she was telling the truth. "Do they touch you?" I groaned. "Yes." Was her reply as her gaze remained mesmerised on her small hand sliding up and down my big thick cock. "Where?" "We let them touch our tities." "So they haven't touched you here?" I said as I ran the big finger of my right hand down her crack which sent a shiver through her. "No." She gasped. "Have you?" "Oh yes lots, if I do it long enough I get a tingling feeling all over." "That's your orgasm, the girl's version of when boys make sperm." "The boys have seen us play with ourselves and they really want to have a go. Maybe we'll let them some day." She said her focus solely on my throbbing teen cock. "Would you like me to play with you there?" I asked as I quickly ran my finger up and down her closed slit. "Oh that feels nice." She gasped as her petite body shivered with pleasure. "Do you want me to carry on?" "Yes please." She cooed.

After telling her to lie on her back and climbed on top of her. "Have you kissed before?" I asked. "Yes." Was her reply which was cut short by me planting my lips on hers. I began to kiss my cute little cousin in an un-family way. As Tina was tall for her age the top half of my cock was sandwiched between my firm abs and the close crack of her young pussy. To start with we mashed our lips together but then I introduced tongues which was something new to her. Despite that she quickly picked up on it and would suck and battle with my tongue as passionately as I did with hers. As we kissed I gently rubbed my big thick cock up and down her crack which I felt start to open up. I also felt her small squidgy mounds of budding breasts and perky nipples pressed against my smooth toned chest. I couldn't believe I was making out with my very cute 13 year old cousin and she'd initiated it.

We passionately kissed for awhile before I broke off to nibble her left earlobe but not for long as she found it too ticklish. They same thing happened when I tries to kiss and nuzzle her neck so instead I headed to her budding breasts. Once I was above them I could see they were really just mounds that were on their way to becoming breasts. Her nipples were also just small pink puffs of flesh rather than hard defined nipples on older girls. I started by flicking my tongue around and over her left nipple as I used my fingers to rub her right. This soon had her cooing with pleasure. After a bit I got a little rougher but only a bit. I started gently tugging on her nipple with my lip covered teeth and I gently tweaked her right. Then I swapped breast, sucking on the right and fondling the left. But soon my pussy hunger overtook me and I just knew I had to taste her. I kissed to between her small breasts before kissing and licking down her midriff. I skirted her still hairless pussy and kissed and licked my way down her inner left thigh before working my way up her right thigh.

When my face was above her pussy I admired it. There was only the faintest whiff unlike the pungent arousing aroma of a fully developed vagina. Her pussy lips were also thin and pale, rather than more red and fleshy and her clit was nothing more than a small nub. I gently blew on it which sent a shiver through her. "Ewww." She said when I kissed her pubeless pussy but she soon changed her tune when she felt how good it was when I dragged my hot wet tongue up between her thin wet labia from the bottom to the top and over her clit. Her love juice tasted watery rather than the flavoursome juice of a woman but tasty enough. With long drag of my hot wet tongue had her young body shivering and her gasping with new found pleasure. After concentrating on her pussy lips for a bit I homed in on her small nub of a clit. Despite its small size and that it was still developing it was fully functioning as demonstrated by the way Tina was squealing and squirming about as I sucked and licked it. Then it was time for the tongue fuck. I started jabbing my tongue in and out of her tight little virgin pussy the same way she had jabbed it with her fingers. I would work my way in as deep as I could, where I'd swirl my tongue about to tickle the walls of her pussy before pulling my tongue back to catch any secretions.

The tongue fuck really got Tina going and I could tell I was sending her towards an orgasm. Sure she had finger fucked herself before, maybe even to orgasm but she'd never had a hot wet experienced tongue working on her snatch and the new and novel sensations were really building up in her. I was now working the full mix on her eager to bring her to her first orally induced orgasm. There was the labia lick and suck, the clit lick and nibble, the tongue fuck and the tongue drag from top to bottom. All of which had Tina squealing with pleasure in her girlish voice, her body that was in the early stages of puberty squirming about on my bed. Then I went in for the kill. I began rubbing her clit as I rapidly tongue fucked her hot wet pussy. This really had her squealing and squirming about as she rushed towards orgasm. She managed to hold out for a minute before I felt her whole body tense up before shuddering and shaking as her orgasm hit. She began to loudly moan and groan as her tight little pussy spasmed around my thrusting tongue. She did gush a bit of girl cum but nowhere near as much as the other girls I'd been with. Nevertheless I lapped it all and savoured its taste. It was fairly watery with just a tang of girl cum to it, but tasty enough. Probably more so as she was my cousin this made it forbidden fruit.

When Tina's first orally induced orgasm died down I climbed up and kissed her, wondering how she was going to react to kissing my lips and face that was covered in her pussy juice. She didn't seem to mind at all. After breaking off our kiss I'd asked her if she had tasted her pussy juice before. She told me sometimes she sucked her fingers after masturbating. Then remembering how Paula and Emma were bi-sexual I ask Tina if she had ever played with her friend's pussy. She said she hadn't but from the tone of her voice I guessed she would like to. "Maybe when you get back tell her how good it felt when I gave you a blow job and she may want a demonstration." I said leaving it vague so that Tina could decide whether I meant her and her mate do it or she does it with one of the boys in front of her mate. Then I knelt up as I had to take care of business. Giving my cute developing 13 year old cousin her first blow job had seriously turned me on. My neglected cock was rock hard and throbbing like mad. My balls ached with pent up pressure and felt like watermelons. I wrapped my hand around my massive boy cock in an all too familiar grip and started to wank away. As I did so I looked down at Tina before me. I took in her cute girlish face whose bright blue eyes were twinkling with naughty excitement. Her red kissable lips were curled up into a smile of eager anticipation. I took in the sight of her virginal body that was budding into puberty. Her small white mounds and pink puffy nipples that were her developing breast surrounded by tanned skin. Her tanned flat stomach and then the small white triangle of flesh split but her light pink, thin lipped pussy that I had just licked to orgasm.

Shit what a sight, this is going to be a big one. Already I could feel my orgasm rising but I fought against, wanting to build the pressure in my balls to that of a fire hydrant. A few strokes later and I couldn't help but let go. My face scrunched up as my balls tightened. Then my cock pulsed in my hand as a big knot of hot thick boy cum raced down my cock and powerfully exploded out of the end. The big globule of thick spunk arced through the air and splatter on her kissable lips. So did the second one, both of which made Tina giggle. But then she opened her mouth and my jizz slid into her mouth before her tongue snacked out to lick up the rest. Oh fuck yes my little cuz has just tasted my cum and she likes it I thought as my third and fourth jets squirted over her perky little tits. Another splattered her tanned stomach with the last three covering her pale pussy. Totally spent I knee back to get my breath and savour the post orgasm glow. "Have you tasted boy cum before?" I asked when I got my breath back. "Yes." She said as she began smearing my spunk over her body in a way that should be too advanced for a 13 year old. "How?" "Oh when we wank them off and get it on our fingers, or we dip our fingers in it when they cum on us." That explained the way she was now smearing my cum over herself. I mean my first sexual experienced happened when I was her age but that was because I'd been seduced by an older girl. It seemed that Tina was already well on the way to being a seductress at 13. But before we could say any more we heard the car of the driveway. In a mad panic I wiped my cum off Tina with a pair of my used boxers and handed her bikini. I watched her cute pale pert bum wiggle as she ran from my room to the small guest bedroom. I pulled on my swim shorts and raced down stairs and out to the pool. I just managed to get in the pool as my hard on still hadn't gone down when my parents, aunt and uncle came out. They asked where Tina was and I said she was using the toilet. They then started setting up stuff for a BBQ. Moments later Tina down wearing her skimpy bikini and kissed her mum and dad. I just hoped by wiping my cum off Tina it had removed its distinct bleachy aroma. For the rest of the afternoon I plotted what else I could teach my cousin.

Later that day after dinner and our folks were nattering away I made my excuses and said I was going to go up and play a computer game. "Can I come?" Tina squeaked. "Now don't go hassling Tom." Her mother chided Tina. "She's no hassle Aunty." I said as I ruffled Tina's hair. "Hey my hair." Tina squeaked in a prima donna way trying to straighten it. We went upstairs and I let Tina choose the game. We then sat side by side and started playing. A few games in and I honestly bumped her bare knee with mine. She bumped me back which lead to a game of knee tennis, the sexual tension rising. When the next game finished I put my controller down and turned to look at Tina. Even though she still had very girlish features you good see the teen starting to push through. Her face framed by golden hair was so cute with its little button nose and dusting of freckles. Her blue eyes sparkled and her lips were so kissable. Her budding breasts pushed out the front of her summer dress and most of her tanned legs were on display. I moved in and began to kiss her as I placed my left hand on her right knee. As we mashed our lips together my fingers made circling motions which started off small and started to get bigger. Then I started introducing tongues to our kissing and when I did so the radius of my circling fingers became smaller but I started working them up her sensitive inner thigh. The higher I got the more Tina spread her silky legs, she knew where my fingers were headed and wanted it as much as me. When they reached her panties I felt they were slightly damp but not much. As we carried on passionately kissing I started rubbing her bald pussy through the thin cotton material of her panties. This made them a bit wetter and I felt her pussy lips start to open up like a flower.

This carried on for a couple of minutes before I just knew I had to taste her again. I made her stand up and I stuck my hands up her summer dress and pulled off her panties. Then I got her to sit back down where I placed her feet on the desk with her butt on the edge of the chair as if she was in a gynaecologist's stirrups. Then I crawled under the desk and stuck my head up her summer dress, between her tanned spread legs. The faint whiff of her aroused developing pussy filled my nostrils before I began to kiss the thin exposed lips of her bald pussy which made her coo and her body shiver. Then I flicked my tongue on the sensitive bridge between her arse and pussy before dragging my hot wet tongue up between her labia from the bottom to the top and over her hard little clit which made her purr with pleasure. I repeated this several times getting faster and faster which really got her squirming and purring. My oral stimulation was rewarded by her tasty pussy juice flowing more freely. Then I homed in on her clit which I gently nibbled between my lips covered teeth, sucked on it and flicked it with my tongue. "Oh cuz that feels so good." She quietly gasped not wanting to draw the attention of our parents to our forbidden antics.

For a few minutes I alternated between working on her clit and dragging my tongue up and down between her labia. Then I started tongue fucking her, working it in as deep as I could to lap up her juice and tickle the inside of her sex. I was enjoying munching on her muff as much as she was. My cock was rock hard and straining against the confines of my shorts, a wet patch of pre-cum soaking them at the tip of my big boyhood. After doing this for awhile I got her to hold up the hem of her summer dress. Then I slid the three biggest fingers of my right hand into her pussy top to bottom rather than side to side. As they sank in I felt the hot wet tightness of her young love box. Soon they butted up against her intact hymen so I knew she truly was a virgin. I wiggled them about as I used my thumb to rub her clit. The adult expression of sexual pleasure on her cute young face was made even more erotic as it contrasted with her innocent schoolgirl appearance. I started gently sliding my fingers in and out of her until my fingertips butted against her hymen when I'd rub her clit with my thumb. Poor Tina had to bite her lower to stop herself from moaning with pleasure. Then I caught her by surprise and twisted my hand around a couple of times. This made her eyes pop out and grunt as a stab of discomfort radiated out from her pussy as my fingers stretched it wider than it ever had been before. I stopped and resumed sliding them in and out top to bottom until she stopped panting and her muff stopped quivering on my fingers. Then I twisted them around a few times again getting the same response as the first time.

This process was repeated for several more minutes but each time I twisted my hand around in her I was able to get in more rotations with less of an adverse affect. I'd let her compose herself after each one before doing it again. By the end I was constantly thrusting my three fingers in sideways on as I went in to suck and lick her clit. This double edged stimulation really started getting to her and I felt her pussy spasm and quiver around my fingers more frequently. Then she gasped she was going to cum. I quickly pulled my fingers out and replaced them with my tongue, lapping away at her love box like a cat at the cream. Licking like mad I was eager to have my cute 13 year female cousin cum in my face. A few more licks and I got my reward. Her body tensed up then shuddered like mad as her orgasm hit. I felt her pussy quiver around my thrusting tongue as she squirted a small amount of girl cum into my mouth. Sure it wasn't as flavoursome or as copious as older girls but was still very nice. I continued lapping away at her muff to drive her orgasm, the smell and taste of it making me as horny as hell, the front of my shorts now well soaked and my cock achingly hard. Then her orgasm started to fade just as we heard footstep on the stairs. Shit someone is coming. I quickly climbed from under her and sat on my chair as Tina pulled down the front of her summer dress. We both grabbed the controllers just as my uncle opened the door. "Everything OK up here? Seems awfully quite." "Yeah it's cool. We just took a break." I replied. "That's good then." He cheerfully replied his face flushed with wine. He closed the door and went to the toilet. "Shit that was close." I whispered to Tina which is when I noticed her face was flush with the afterglow of orgasm. Then I spotted her panties on the floor under my desk but when I checked they wouldn't have been visible from the door. And luckily as it was a warm summer evening all my windows were open so the smell of Tina's orgasm wasn't strong enough to carry to the bedroom door.

With our heart rates starting to return to normal we played another couple of games. However this did nothing to quell my throbbing erection. Then the thought hit me. Tina likes the taste of boy cum, I've given her two blow jobs yet she has never sucked cock. Time for another sex education lesson that would be more fun and informative than any she would get at school. When our game finished I stood up in front of her and pushed down my shorts exposing my big 15 year old cock. It hung down under its own weight from a small but dense bush of blond pubes. The shaft was thicker than average and a slightly lighter tan than the rest of me. Its 9 inch length ended in a swollen knob half covered by foreskin. Behind it in a tight lightly pubed sack were my big cum producing balls. I lifted it up to the horizontal with my right hand and gave it a few strokes. I saw the amazed look of admiration on her cute girlish face. Then I lifted it up to the vertical to expose my big balls. "Will you lick my balls?" I asked and her answer was to do it. First she gave them a few tentative licks. "How is it?" I asked. "They smell a bit sweaty and taste a bit salty." "Do you want me to wash them?" "No it's not that bad." She said before moving in to lick them more assertively this time. "Oh that feels good." I whispered encouragement.

For a minute or so I let Tina lick away at my balls like an ice cream. Then I told her to take one in her mouth and suck it. Tina complied and having her hot wet sucking mouth wrapped around one of my balls felt so good. After a bit she gave the same treatment to my other one. "Do you want me to teach you how to give a boy a blow job?" I asked. "Oh yes please." Was her eager reply. Knowing I had her willing co-operation I had her licking up and down the length of my 9 inch cock, working the sides and sensitive underside with her small hot wet tongue. Tina really seemed to be getting into it especially licking up my pre-cum that was flowing down the underside of my throbbing boyhood. During this I had been holding my cock up but it was time for Tina to take over. I let go and told her to take it in her hand which she did. With her fingers barely able to wrap around my thick cock she began to wank it, knowing how to do it from playing with the two boys back home. Her small hand felt so good on my big cock as did the size contrast. Tina watched mesmerised as my foreskin peeled back and forth over my pre-cum slicked knob. "Kiss it." I encouraged and was delighted when she did so without a moment's hesitation. Not only did she kiss it but she began to lick it of her own accord. I had intended to teach her but natural instinct took over and she soon started sucking on it. I watched her lush lips stretch wide and slide over my swollen knob, the hot wetness of her mouth soaking in to it straight away. With my knob in her mouth she began to suck and lick it, causing me to groan with pleasure. Seeing her cute young face sucking on my man sized cock was so erotic even though there was only two years age difference.

After a few minutes of sucking the head of my cock I coached her into bobbing her mouth up and down it. Due to its meaty girth her 13 year old mouth could only swallow the top couple of inches which was more than enough to make the cum boil in my balls. What Tina lacked in experience and skill she made up for in eagerness. The fact she was my younger cousin and I was giving her, her first taste of cock was also a real turn on. I had been really turned on from tongue fucking her virgin pussy to orgasm and now her oral stimulations on my cock were driving me wild. "Wank the base as you suck the end." I gasped. "Oh yeah, that's it, just like that." I groaned as I felt the pleasure and stimulation of her petite hand wank the thick base of my 9 inch teen cock as she sucked and licked on the end as if it was a dummy. "Faster." I encouraged. I was ready to pop but was fighting it back until the pressure in my balls became unbearable. "Few more." "Fuck don't stop cuz I'm going to cum." Which was followed by a groan of intense sexual ecstasy and release that was louder than I intended but due to the intensity of the orgasm I had no choice. A massive bolt of cum blasted out of the end of my cock with such intensity I thought it would take the back of her head off. This was rapidly followed by three more of equal intensity and volume, so much so that I saw Tina's cheeks bulge out like a well feed hamster's. I also felt my hot cum flow over my sensitive knob as I flooded her mouth with teen boy jizz. My orgasm was too big for her and she pulled her mouth off my cock which proceeded to hose down her cute face. It was a good job my arse was resting on the edge of my desk as my orgasm was so powerfully I went weak at the knees. Intense waves of sexual ecstasy flowed through me as the pent up cum in my balls escaped my cock like a volcano.

When my orgasm finally faded I looked down at Tina. My cute innocent looking, blond haired, blue eyes 13 year old cousin looked a mess. Her cheeks were still puffed out, her mouth full of my spunk. Her girlish face was dripping with long thick strands of my jizz. Then was even some in her blond hair and on her summer dress. Realising there was no more I watched as Tina took a couple of gulps to swallow my cum. "Wow Simon and Danny never shoot that much cum." Tina giggled. "Was it tasty?" Their "Oh yes. Theirs tastes watery compared to yours." She said standing up to take the weight off her knees. I found a used pair of boxers and cleaned her face as best as I could before giving her a kiss. A quick pat on her pert summer dressed covered arse and I sent her off for a shower after handing her panties to her. Feeling elated and drained I went into my en-suite and cleaned up. As I was drying myself Tina came in all clean and glowing wearing a night dress that only just covered the interesting bits. She gave me an innocent good night kiss the same way any boy/girl cousin would do, almost as if what we'd just done together hadn't happened.

Over the next two days we had orally sex a couple times a day. Tina was becoming as much of a jizz junky as I was muff muncher. Then both sets of parents headed out to dinner and theatre leaving Tina and I home alone. It was then that I decided to take my little cousin's cherry. Practically as soon as the taxi had gone out of sight we were naked in my bed. We started off laid on our sides facing each other. We began to passionately kiss and as we did so I fondled her young budding breasts as she groped my buffing up chest. This went on for a bit before Tina surprised me by pushing me onto my back and getting between my spread toned legs. She gripped my thick 9 inch 15 year old cock in her small right hand and began to wank it. As she did so she looked at me with a mischievous smile on her cute face and her blue eyes sparkled with naughtiness. The next thing I know is my foreskin is peeled back and my sensitive is in her mouth. Without hesitation Tina began to strongly suck on my cock head and swipe her tongue over it, his small hand fisting the base of my thick cock. This got me leaking pre-cum into her mouth straight away. Tina began to purr as my love lube coated her tongue. Watching her cute 13 year old face working the end of my man sized teen boy cock was out of this world. From her expression of pleasure I could see she was enjoying it as much as I was. The hot wetness of her sucking mouth soaked into my cock and mad it throb like mad. What was so arousing was that she was watching me all the time to see just what an effect her cock sucking was having on her older cousin. Let me tell you it was having a hell of an effect, especially when she started bobbing her hot wet sucking mouth up and down the top couple of inches, her lips being stretched so wide it looked like they may split. Her small tight hand rapidly wanking the base of my cock also had the cum churning in my balls.

This went on for awhile and I almost let myself go along with it to the inevitable conclusion. But I had cherry popping plans and although as a horny 15 year old boy my balls could recharge at the drop of a hat I wanted Tina's first breeding to be a big one. "My turn now cuz." I said. "Aww." Tina moaned genuinely disappointed that I was calling time on her fun. Tina rolled over onto her back that frumpy expression on her face that all kids give their elders when they are told they can't have what they want. This expression didn't last long when I began to lick her labia. It was nice to see just how juiced up she had become from sucking on my big cock. Feeling her thin fleshy pussy lips on my tongue and their delicious taste and aroma was a real turn on. Then I began dragging my tongue up and down between them, making her squirm and purr with pleasure. This moved onto clit sucking as I finger fucked her pussy. Tina could now take my biggest three fingers horizontally rather than vertically. I was really juicing her up now, her tight twat quivering around my invading fingers. Her hands instinctively went to her breasts which she began to knead as if small lumps of dough. A few more minutes and she was panting away in the manner that suggest she was getting close. I swapped my fingers and tongue so that I was rubbing her small hard clit, sending electric shocks through her, as I rapidly tongue fucked her snatch, using my tongue like a small dick. "Oh yes, more." Tina squealed in her girlish voice. I happily obliged eager to give my precocious 13 year old cousin yet another orally induced orgasm.

Over the next few minutes I felt the sexual tension rising in Tina. Then her orgasm hit. She began to squeal with pleasure, her young sexy body writhing about on my bed as her pussy spasmed around my thrusting tongue. Her tasty young pussy juice began to squirt into my mouth and I savoured its taste before swallowing it. The rapid flicking of my tongue and rubbing of her small hard clit kept her orgasm going but when it died down I climbed on top of her and began to kiss her. I liked the way she immediately began to suck the taste of her sex off my tongue. As we kissed I rubbed my man sized teen boy cock against her bald developing pussy. Then my cock head "accidentally" popped into her pussy. Tina gasped and her eyes bulged when my large swollen knob entered her virgin pussy stretching her pussy lips wider than they had ever been before. She didn't protest, but that maybe because she was stunned, so I forced more of my rock hard 9 inch cock into her. I pushed in a few inches until I came up against the resistance of her hymen. Once there I stopped. I wanted to fuck Tina but I didn't want to break her virgin's veil as I though the size of my cock would make it hurt too much. Besides her face had scrunched up from me just forcing the top couple of inches of my cock into her, let alone me go any deeper. I held my cock there so Tina could adjust to having a cock inside her pussy for the first time and a bloody big one at that. Her thin tight pussy lips had a vice like grip around my thick cock. The hot wet tightness of her juicy sex soaked into my sensitive cock head. I kissed her to try and take attention away from any discomfort she may have been feeling. At first she lay there passively but then began to kiss me back passionately.

When I felt Tina relax and loosen up a bit I began to fuck her with slow shallow thrusts, always stopping when I came up against the resistance of her hymen. The hot wet tightness of her pussy on my sensitive knob felt so good as did the feeling of her tight labia wanking the thick shaft of my big 15 year old cock. "What's that you keep hitting?" Tina asked referring to my bulbous knob bashing against her hymen. "It's your hymen also known as a virgin's veil. Once that is broken you'll no longer be a vir...." Before I could finish and warn her that it would hurt she wrapped her silky smooth legs around me and pulled me into her. I was taken totally by surprise. I felt my big knob tear through her hymen and felt the rush of blood. My cock sank deeper into her pussy but I managed to get control in time otherwise Tina would have pulled me so deep into her my knob would have penetrated her cervix adding to the pain. Already she was crying, tears running down her cheeks. Being a lot stronger than her I was able to pull out of her even though her legs were wrapped around me. I tore off some toilet paper from the roll I kept on my beside table and pressed it against her bleeding pussy. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, that's why I kept stopping as I knew my cock was too big." I said one hand holding the loo paper against her pussy and the other stroking her sweat matted hair. "I was going to cum in your pussy but not break hymen." "Does this mean I'm not a virgin anymore?" Tina asked her sobs beginning to fade. "Well your virgin's veil is broken so technically no you're not but you haven't had sex." "I thought sex was supposed to feel good. That hurt." "That was the worst bit. It will feel good from now on." I said comforting her and no not so that I could have another go as I'd already come to the conclusion I was too big for her so would just stick to oral. "I need the toilet." Tina said and I told her there will be some blood but it is nothing to worry about and will soon stop.

We both went into the bathroom and I washed my cock which only had a few flecks of blood on it while Tina sat on the loo. I finished first and went back to my bedroom and lay on my bed. Tina came in soon afterwards and I eyed up her sexy developing body that was shaping up nicely. Tina laid on my right hand side and rested her face on my smooth, tanned toned chest. I ran my fingers through her hair as she fingered my left nipple. Like this we fell asleep. Then I awoke to a pleasurable sensation. Coming up from the fog of sleep I found Tina was wanking my cock. I saw the size contrast of my man sized boy cock in her petite girlish hand. "You know how to make my dick feel good." I honestly complimented. "I like playing with it so much, even more than Simon's and Danny's" Tina replied with a gorgeous smile on her cute face. "Are you going to let them fuck you?" "I think so." "Cool." Was my reply. Tina then went down and gave me an earth shattering blow job making my spunk up a big load of jizz which she savoured and swallowed. After that we showered and went to bed separately.

For the rest of the time Tina was there we had oral sex at every opportunity but I didn't fuck her. Sure I had technically popped her cherry but I was letting Simon or Danny get in the first fuck.

Shit there goes the bell and they are still waiting for me. I've got an aching hard on thinking about all that sex. Maybe if I go to the bogs and fire one off they will think I'm not in school today and leave.

If you liked this let me know at The next chapter is straight sex but gay sex is on the way.

Next: Chapter 5

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