Paying with My Arse

By Jamie Reeves

Published on Aug 18, 2012


Paying with my arse

This is a work of bi-sexual fiction the start of which bears no resemblance to the end so stick with it if it's not your cup of tea. If you like it why not make a donation to Nifty to keep the site going. Failing that I'd love feedback on what you thought of it at

The hands on the clock are racing towards three thirty PM and I should be as excited as hell, like my class mates, but instead I'm so shit scared its almost making me physically sick. It's my last day of school before the summer holidays so why aren't I excited you ask. Well I did something really dumb and I know I'm now going to pay for it. You see I go to a good public school, which means private school to anyone outside the UK, so my parents are loaded. Despite that they give me a meagre allowance as they want to instil a work ethic in me. But sod that I'm 15 and too busy chasing girls with quite some success I might add.

My first time was when I was 13 with our live in Dutch au pair. Boy was she a stunner. Shoulder length straw blond hair, bright blue eyes and the lushest red lips that I often fantasised about kissing or seeing wrapped around my big cock. How do I know I'm big? Because I've checked out the competition in the showers after PE lessons. I'm not gay or anything but a guy needs to know how he stacks up. I have to admit I liked the way I looked. I had a cute choirboy face with blue eyes and blond hair. My body was slim but with some lean definition from the sports I played at school. My skin was golden tanned except from where I wore my swim shorts. I had a firm arse and thick 7 inch cock that had a few soft short wispy blond pubes I was proud of as only a few other lads had pubes as well. Sabine had big, really firm 32D tits with large pointy nipples which always stood out in the tight tops she wore. Sabine also wore short, tight skirts that showed off her long, shapely golden tanned legs. I'd been wanking my cock since I was about 11 but just did it because it felt good. When Sabine started working for us I would thing about having sex with her, which made my wanks much more intense and enjoyable.

Sabine had been working for us for about two months when she took my virginity. Spring had started and it was unseasonably warm. I was out sun bathing by the pool when she came out in the skimpiest bikini I'd ever seen. The white bra could barely contain her big tits, which from the cleavage were as tanned as the rest of her. My gaze then travelled down her long flat firm golden tanned stomach to her skimpy bikini briefs, which were little more than a small triangle of material at the front and a thin strip at the back that barely covered the crack in her gorgeous arse. I'd seen the firm roundness of her high pert arse through her skirts but now I was seeing it almost fully exposed and it too was tanned. Needless to say the sight made me pop a boner so I turned onto my front pretending it was time to sun my back rather than hide my erection.

When it had faded I turned back onto my front.

"Do you mind if I sunbathe topless?" She asked and I stammered a no. I watched as she took off her top exposing her big tanned breasts. They were naturally big and firm not artificially enhanced. They were as golden tanned as the rest of her with big pointy brown nipples with slightly darker halos around them. She rubbed suntan oil onto them making them glisten like the rest of her. Luckily I was wearing dark sunglasses because my eyes were glued to her sexy tits. I popped another boner but the view was too good to turn over so I just had to hope she couldn't see it.

After about 20 minutes she turned over and asked me to rub suntan oil onto her back. I couldn't believe it I was going to touch her even if it was only to rub in suntan oil. I walked over with my tight Speedo shorts keeping my erection tight against me rather than tenting them out. I poured some oil into my hands and began massaging it into her shoulders. An electric thrilled seemed to run from my fingers to my cock which throbbed in my swim shorts.

Then I worked my way down her lower back but stopped before her arse.

"Can you do my legs as well?" She asked and I eagerly obliged. I worked my way up her right leg from her foot up to her arse, stopping just short of her crotch where I got a strange whiff of something. Then I did the same with her left leg and this time the smell was a bit stronger.

"You've missed a bit." She said as she reached around and grabbed her firm pert buttocks. I was shocked. Did she really want me to touch her arse, something I'd fantasised about? I hesitated but then I thought I'd better do it before she changes her mind. I massaged the oil into her buns and they felt so firm yet the skin was so soft. I have to admit I did take longer than necessary but she didn't say anything. When I thought I might be over doing it I reluctantly stopped. She twisted her head to thank me.

"My, did I cause that?" Sabine asked when she saw the outline of my cock straining against my tight swim shorts.

"You are a big boy." She added as she traced a finger down the underside which sent an electric tingle down my throbbing cock and into my balls. I was rooted to the spot. I couldn't believe she was touching me there. Oh God she rubbing all her fingers up and down it now. Wow this feels so much better than when I do it. Shit she's pulling my shorts down.

My thick 7 inch schoolboy cock flops out, by the time I stopped grown it topped out at 11 inches, not bad for a white boy.

"Mmm the girls are going to love you. Your cock is man sized already and you haven't finished growing." She purred as she gripped my cock and began to wank it as I had all too often done before.

"Has anyone touched it before?" She said, her warm breath blowing over my swollen knob.

"" I stammered, too lost in the unbelievable sensations radiating out from my 13 year old cock.

"I bet you play with it all the time." She said with a knowing smile on her gorgeous face that just made me blush beet red with guilt.

"It is better when someone else does it, yes?"

"Mhum" Was all I could gasp as already I could feel the cum churning in my balls. This felt way better than when I did it to myself.

Sabine wanked my cock for a bit more, her gaze switching from my big cock to my face. The she gave me a big smile before kissing the tip of my cock. I gasped as her lush red lips connected with my knob and then parted, pushing my foreskin back as they slid over the prominent ridge of my bell end. The feeling is out of this world as she begins to suck on my knob and swipe her tongue all over it. When I wank I leak loads of pre-cum, even more so now but she doesn't seem to mind it. Wow she's pushing her mouth down my cock, those lush lips wrapped around it feel even better than her fingers did. Shit she's swallowed all 7 inches of it. I've only got a few whips of short soft blond pubes but her nose is buried in them. Her lips are tightly clamped around the thick base of my throbbing boyhood and her tongue is licking the underside. The hot, wetness of her mouth feels so good on my cock. Not in my wildest dreams did I think a blow job would be this good. Mmmm she's sliding back up now her lips wanking my throbbing shaft. Oh that's the best bit when she sucks and licks my swollen bell end, it sends a shiver through me. That feels nice, she's groping my smooth arse that is firm from all swimming and sports I do at school. I can't believe I'm getting a blow job from our 19 year old au pair, but I bet no-one will believe me when I tell them at school. Dam this feels too good, my balls ache but I've got to fight it, need it to last longer. Oh no she's bobbing her hot wet sucking mouth up and down my cock even faster now, swallowing it right down to the root before pulling back to suck and lick the tip. Think boring thoughts, saggy old women's tits. No good can't keep it back, feels too good.

"Going to cum."

Fuck she's pulled up to the tip and is sucking it like mad, swiping the underside with her tongue and roughly groping my arse. Got to let go.

"Really going to cum now."

She's still sucking. Shit here it cums.

"Oh fuck, oh wow." I squeak as my load of schoolboy jizz explodes out of my big cock into her mouth. My cock has never throbbed and tingled this much during an orgasm, I'm pumping so much spunk and she's taking it all in her mouth. I can feel my warm cum flowing over my sensitive cock. My smooth lean body is shuddering with the intensity of my orgasm which is still going. Sabine seems to be purr with pleasure so I guess she like the taste of my cum. I wonder what it tastes like? Nah that would be gay. I'm glad she didn't take my cock out of her mouth as it feels so good and boy has it given me the best orgasm ever. My balls have gone from feeling like watermelons to walnuts.

Now that my orgasm is over she's standing up. Wow looks like I'm going to get my first kiss as well as my first blow job. Our lips meet. Mmm that's nice. Do we just mash our lips together? No she seems to be trying to force my lips open with her tongue. Oh yes I heard about this French kissing where you suck on each other's tongue. Urgh what's that bitter salty taste? Shit she is feeding me my own jizz but she seems to be swallowing some too. Well what's good for the goose is good for the gander and the quicker I swallow it the quicker I can get rid of the taste. Now she's standing up, twisting us around and pushing me down onto the sun lounger. I wonder why the front of her bikini briefs are soaking wet? Oh wow she's pushing them down, she's going to show me her pussy. There it is as tanned as the rest of her. She doesn't have any pubes but I can see where they should be so she must shave them off. I can see her pinky red puffy pussy lips and there is a red bud where they join at the top. I can't believe I'm only 13 and getting my first view of a cunt and a woman's one at that. Mhumph she's pushed my face against her pussy. It is so wet and warm. It doesn't smell like pee, it smells like the whiff I got when oiling her legs.

"Lick it, taste your first pussy."

How do I lick it? Let's try as if I was lapping at an ice cream.

"Oh yes that's it."

Cool I guessed right. It tastes kind of tangy but a lot nicer than my cum. Mmm the more I lick it the more juice flows out. I'm really beginning to like the taste and smell. Her soft wet fleshy pussy lips feels so good pressed against my face, lips and tongue.

"Stick your tongue in and out."

Mmm it feels so wet and warm and the taste is even stronger. God this is making me hard again.

"Oh yes fuck my cunt with your tongue" She groans as she lifts up my arms and plants my small hand on her suntan oil slicked firm pert buttocks. I start to grope them the same way she did mine as I knew if it felt good for me it must feel good for her too. Wow she's really leaking now, I can barely lap it all up. Tastes so good. Oh no why has she pulled back I was really enjoying that.

"Suck and lick my clitoris." She said as she point to the small red bud at the join of her pussy lips. I do as she asks which makes her groan even more and louder.

"That's it boy munch your first muff. I'm going to teach you how to pleasure a woman."

Well if it is going to be this much fun you can teach me anytime.

It must have been about 15 minutes I licked her out. She had me alternating between licking and sucking her fleshy lips, stabbing my tongue in and out and sucking and licking her clit.

Sometimes she took control and roughly mashed my cute boyish face into her pussy. Then she stood on her tiptoes and angled her pussy forward so I was kind of licking it from underneath.

"Stab your tongue in and out." Sabine gasped as she began to furiously rub her clit. I did as was asked, stabbing my tongue in and out of her hot juicy tasty snatch as fast and deep as I could. Her breathing became faster and more husky.

"Oh fuck yes." She squealed as she started squirting stuff into my mouth. At first I thought she was pissing in my mouth and tried to back away but she had a firm grip on the back of my head which kept me in place. Then I realised it was more of her pussy juice. Could women cum too? Instinct made me open my mouth and accept the warm tasty liquid. Her sexy lithe body shook and shuddered as her orgasm hit. I was now lapping up her orgasm juice like a kitten at the cream. I couldn't keep up and soon my face, lips and tongue were covered in her love juice. It was my first time but already I was addicted to the taste and smell of female cum and the feel of a hot wet cunt pressed against my face and tongue.

Then her orgasm was over and she lifted my up and held my head between her soft hands and pulled me in for a kiss. At first I was shocked she wanted to kiss me considering my face was covered in her pussy juice. But she didn't seem to mind, in fact she seemed to be kissing me more passionately than before.

"I have a tasty pussy, no?" She asked breaking off our kiss.

"Very." I replied, the taste of her love juice still fresh on my tongue and lips, its aroma filling my nostrils.

"Now time for your reward." She said before she lay back on the sun lounger and parted her long shapely tanned legs. With fingers from different hands on each side she spread her pink pussy lips which seemed redder and more puffy.

"Come fuck me big boy, it's time to make you a man." She said in a sultry voice that made my cock tingle. Fucking ace I was going to lose my virginity at 13 and to a young woman rather than a girl. If it was going to feel anything like when she sucked me I knew I was in for a great time. A little too eagerly I climbed on top of her and tried to jab my rock hard virgin cock into he but she blocked me.

"You must tease first, it is not a race. First rub your cock over my lips and clit."

Despite itching to stick my cock in her I obeyed.

"Mmm that is it." Sabine contentedly purred and I have to admit feeling the soft wet fleshy lips rubbing the underside of my man sized boy cock did feel good, especially when her clit bumped against my swollen knob. As I did so Sabine ran her fingers up and down my back which sent pleasurable tingles through me.

After a few minutes of this she instructed me to rub the helmet of my cock up and down between her pussy lips. This felt even better with the hot wet lips wrapped around my knob stimulating it. She held my face between her hands again and pulled me in for a passionate kiss as I continued rubbing my knob between her pussy lips with the urge to thrust it in deep getting more and more irresistible. Just before temptation got the better of me Sabine broke off our kiss and pushed my face back a bit. Her gorgeous face had a strange expression on it that I would come to recognise as lust and sexual hunger. Her bright blue eyes also sparkled.

"Fuck me boy, surrender your virginity to me." Sabine huskily begged. Without hesitating I powerfully thrust my thick throbbing 7 inch cock ball deep into her. I gasped as I felt the soft wet walls part and slide over my swollen sensitive knob as her pussy lips gripped and stimulated my cock shaft. Then I was in her all the way. I practically shot my load then and there. The blow job had been out of this world but this was on a totally different level. The soft hot wet tightness of her pussy soaked into my throbbing schoolboy cock. Yes there I was a 13 year old schoolboy with my virgin cock buried deep in the pussy of a sexy 19 year old woman, her big firm oiled breasts pressed against my smooth pecs that were starting to develop. At first I was immobilised by sensory overload, her pussy just felt so good wrapped around my cock. Then natural instinct took over and I began to fuck her. This was even better. As I thrust in and out the walls of her pussy rubbed and stimulated my cock head as he tight pussy lips wanked my cock shaft.

"That is it, fuck me hard." Sabine begged in her husky Dutch accent.

For about 10 minutes I ploughed her pussy before the sensation became too much. Although I tried to fight it as long as possible I got the familiar tingle in my cock and balls which signalled I was about to cum.

"Fill my pussy with your boy cum" Was Sabine reply to when I told her I was about to cum. I couldn't believe this truly stunning young woman wanted me to cum in her cunt. It took another couple of thrusts and then I started cumming inside her. My big young cock twitched and pulsed as it powerfully pumped jet after jet of cum deep into her hot wet pussy.

I felt my jizz bubble around my sensitive cock as I came inside her. I carried on stabbing my cock into her with short deep hard thrusts as waves of intense sexual ecstasy flowed through me. Even though Sabine had already sucked me off to one orgasm my young balls had another nice big load for her which I was pumping in deep. As I groaned with sexual ecstasy and release Sabine purred with pleasure as she felt a virgin schoolboy squirt into her young woman pussy. When my orgasm finally ended I sank on top of her with all 7 inches of my no longer virgin cock being buried in her hot wet cum filled pussy. I felt elated and sexually content in a way I'd never had before. I've lost my virginity at 13 so I bet I'm the first to have done so in my year at school. Shit I bet I've even beaten some of the older boys. My body felt drained but warm and tingly all over. My cock was still hard and throbbing but my balls felt drained and empty. Sabine caressed my blond hair as my face rested against her shoulder, her naturally big firm tits pressed against my developing chest and my spent but hard schoolboy cock buried in her cum filled snatch.

Sabine let me savour the afterglow of orgasm before saying

"You have cum but I have not. You are young and can do so again. Get up."

I did as instructed and then Sabine told me to lay down on the sun lounger which I did. I then watched as Sabine straddled me and the lounger and began to squat down onto me. She held my 7 inch cock in her hand. It had started to deflate but it had started going hard again when it saw it was going to get another piece of pussy. Sabine squatted down until he pinky red pussy lips were wrapped around my swollen sensitive knob. She jiggled my big cock about so that my helmet slid between her vulva. Then she began to squat down further. I watched her fleshy pussy lips that were glistening with her love juice slid down my big thick 7 inch cock. Then her butt was resting on my thighs with all my cock in her hot wet shaved pussy. Its hot wet tightness soaked into my cock which felt so good. I could feel my cum inside her too. Sabine picked up my hands and placed them on her big firm breasts. I got the idea and began to massage and grope them. God they felt so good in my hands, warm, oiled, big and firm. The nipples were as hard as bullets and she seemed to really like it when I rubbed them between my thumb and forefinger.

Sabine began to bounce up and down on my big boy cock. It was so hot watching my young barely pubescent boy cock going in and out of her sexy shaved fleshy lipped pussy. When she sat down the few small blond pubes I had pressed against her tanned shaved pussy. All 7 inches of my cock was buried deep inside her steamy hot wet pussy, my own cum slicking my cock. Then when she lifted up I felt her pussy sucking at my cock , the wet walls stimulating my sensitive cock as the pink fleshy lips wanked my thick shaft. Just watching this truly stunning, big titted, blond 19 year old Dutch girl riding my boyhood was enough to make me cream let alone the wonderful sensations it was having on my now no longer virgin cock. Luckily as I'd just cum I was still some way off another orgasm. Sabine was doing a lot of moaning so she seemed to be enjoying it. She looked down at me with a sultry look, letting me know my big cock was curing an itch in her pussy. Her feminine aroused aroma wafted into my nose as the wet squelch of her tight pussy bouncing on my cock filled the air, mingling with our moans of pleasure.

For a good long while Sabine bounced on my cock making it feel so good. Then she started bouncing on it faster and harder.

"Rub my clit." She begged.

While using my right hand to continue to grope her left big firm breast I used my left hand to rub her clit and pussy lips. The increased tempo of her hot wet sucking pussy sliding up and down my cock was starting to get to me too as did the sight of her no longer groped right breast bouncing around.

"Faster." She commanded and I obeyed by rubbing her clit faster and harder. I could feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter.

"I'm going to cum, fuck me." Sabine gasped as she locked herself into position. I could feel my own orgasm rising so I started thrusting my steely hard 7 inch cock into her soaking pussy fast and hard. I drive in right down to the sparsely pubed hilt and then pull back until just my swollen knob was inside her. As I did so I continued to rub her clit.

"Fuck yeah!" Sabine screamed as her orgasm hit. Her pussy gushed love juice over my cock and groin and there was so much of it at first I thought she was pissing on me. Her whole tanned sexy shapely body shook and shuddered as her orgasm hit. She was loudly moaning and groaning in ecstasy, her gorgeous face rippling with expressions of intense sexual pleasure. Her orgasm also made her hot wet cum filled pussy spasm around my pistoning boyhood. That was enough to push me over the edge. With short deep hard thrusts I stabbed my 7 inch cock into her as my orgasm hit. With powerful jets I started pumping a second load of boy spunk into her hot snatch. I was no stranger to the pleasures of orgasm as my left hand had seen to that but this was only my third orgasm induced by someone else and it was much more intense and pleasurable than when I wanked myself off. We both groaned as orgasmic pleasure flowed through our flushed sweaty bodies. Even though it was my third orgasm as I'd fired one off in the shower that morning my virile 13 year old boy balls had whipped up another big load which I pumped into her pussy to mingle with the load already up there.

For awhile we stayed locked in positions as the orgasm afterglow immobilised us. Sabine was sat on my lap with my spent but still hard cock buried deep in her hot wet cum filled pussy. I felt exhausted, elated and spent. The Sabine got up and squatted over my face. Her aroused aroma filled my nose and it smelt so good. Her pink fleshy pussy lips were glistening with her girl cum. Then she sat on my face and told me to lick her pussy. Although I wanted to taste her sweat cunt juice again I was also aware that there was two loads of my cum up there and I didn't want to taste that. However I realised if I didn't do as she asked she may not want to have sex with me again and it was a small price to pay considering how great the sex had been. I began to lick away at her clit and vulva which just tasted of her pussy. Even when I started stabbing my tongue in and out of her snatch there was no taste of my cum so I became even more eager. Then she hit me with a fanny fart. With my open mouth pressed against her tanned shaved pussy, my tongue wiggling deep in her she squirted her orgasm juice and my two loads of cum into my mouth. The nice taste of her pussy was tainted with the bitter saltiness of my own cum. I tried to move so I could spit it out but Sabine held fast. With revulsion I swallowed the mix as it was better to get it out of my mouth as quickly as possible.

"Good boy." Sabine said when she felt me swallowing my cum and her love juice. Sabine then got off me and suggest we swam to clean off.

We had sex two more times that day and regularly for the year that she was with us. I didn't know until she wrote to me a few years later but she also had threesome sex with my Mum and Dad. She told me how she'd had sex with me before and had squirted my boy cum into their mouths without them knowing it was mine. What was worse was that she had done the same to me and squirted my Dad's cum into my mouth. That practically made me physically sick.

Shit its 3:15 and I can see them waiting for me. Slow down clock.

If you liked this let me know at The next couple of chapters are straight sex but gay sex is on the way.

Next: Chapter 2

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