Paying Tuition

By Greg M

Published on Apr 13, 2002


I'm not quite sure how I made it to Alan's house that morning. My mind was racing, I was nervous, excited, a mixed bag of emotions. I made my way on instinct alone, I wasn't aware of the trip at all. I became aware when I saw the corvette I noticed last night in the same spot it had been in. There was a hard waxed red Jeep Wrangler parked next to it. I assumed that the Jeep belonged to Mark. I noticed the gate to the back yard was open, and I remembered that Mark came in through the backdoor last night, so I went through the gate. The house was to my left but I heard voices to my right. I turned to look and saw a huge freeform swimming pool. Alan and Mark were by the pool and waved me over. I turned toward the men and walked over. They each greeted me with a good to see you, a guy hug with a single pat on the back, the kind of greeting given by men who are good friends. I was a little confused since I only met them yesterday.

As they stepped back, I noticed again, how handsome they both were. I really started wondering why I was invited in this business. I'm not bad looking but not a head turner as far as I was concerned. Mark was showing his healthy looking tan through the white athletic T-shirt that let those hard muscled arms loose. He was wearing a pair of well worn, tight jeans. Alan looked as though he had been in the pool this morning. His hair was out of place and was only in a tight short pair of bathing shorts. I felt my cock stiffen reliving the night before. Mark saw my bulge and smiled.

"We have a day ahead of us Greg" That will come later.

"Greg" Alan started " We have a client for you tonight. Repeat guy, should be a good first time. You willing to go through with it? "

I thought hard. This is it. "yeah " I said "I'll do it."

"Great" he said, " I have some stuff inside that needs my attention, you guys stay and talk. Greg, I'm glad to have you on board"

I said thanks, though I don't know what I was really thinking I should say.

"Now that Alan is gone.." Mark started " Alan stays clear of any conversation about what happens on our dates. He wants to be able to say with clear conscience, that he has no knowledge of his guys having sex for money. You date tonight is a return customer. He likes to role play. You'll be in a two room suite. You will enjoy yourself in the bedroom, while he watches from the sitting room. You are to ignore he is there. He will just watch, until he is hot and bothered. Then he will role play as your father, disgusted by what he walked in on. He will verbally abuse you, and then punish you by having you suck his cock. I'm gonna make sure today that you can pull this off. May mean that you may have to suck my cock a few times. "

With my head cleared than yesterday, I got to take a good look at Mark. He was movie star handsome. He was in the young Robert Redford, clean cut Brad Pitt, category.He looked more muscular due to the amount of shoulders that extended beyond the strap of his shirt. I noticed that I was starting to rub myself. I couldn't believe this was a guy was open for sex with me. I really still couldn't believe I would want a guy open for sex with me. Last night, the feelings I repressed came to the forefront. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I like sex with men.

"Shit" I said " Kinda not make me do it right the first few times, so I have to keep practicing".

"Practice all you want pal. Not like you can use it up, or that I'd mind." Mark said with a chuckle.

As he said this, I heard the sliding door off the kitchen open. Alan walked out with a plastic pail. This seemed strange, he was a bit old for sand castles I thought.

"This is though Greg," Mark started saying "We gotta clean you up first. You are a very good looking guy. But a little shaggy. Not you fault, guys aren't taught to groom right. We are gonna clean you up right. You will be amazed at what a good looking kid you are."

The word kid kind of stung me.

Mark continued " You look like a college kid, to day we will turn you into a college age man. First thing that has to go though is the hair under your dick. "

Alan took off his pants, Mark took off his pants.

"Take off your pants Greg" Alan directed " Tell us that the difference is in the way we look with our pants off"

I took off my shorts, and looked at their dicks, I looked at mine, I noticed that mine didn't look as good, although I was looking down at mine, might have made a difference I guess.

"I'm not sure " I stammered.

Mark told me to feel my balls, then his, then Alan's.

I was still amazed at how they made all this seem like nothing. Like feeling a guys balls was like shooting the breeze. I did what was asked though. I felt my balls, as I did many timed before. I went over to Alan and felt his. There was a difference. Mine didn't feel as smooth, I went over to Mark. I placed my hand beyond his balls, toward his ass and slid my hand back, over his balls. He felt smooth also. I felt mine again. They were rough, not at all the same.

"OK! why is there a difference" I asked

"No hair" Alan replied " You need your balls shaved." I asked if that was what the bucket was all about. The both said yes. Mark grabbed my shoulders and guided me to a chair. He pulled out shaving cream and dispensed it into the large palm of his hand. He spread the with foam over my boys, and up to my tight rosebud. He caressed my underside, worked the cream in well. I saw my dark hairs, which a moment ago were wiry, submit and lay down. Alan manned the razor. He started from the base of my sac and moved foreword, carefully, feeling each cleared section for strays. I was rock hard at this point. This felt like minutes, but I'm sure was really just seconds. After he finished my balls, I lifted my self off my chair for him to access my behind. I heard the razor scrape the vial hairs away. When Alan finished, He took a wash cloth and cleaned me up.

"Feel them now" Alan directed.

I placed my hand between my legs. Not only did my hand enjoy it more, my boys did too.

"Alan, I can't let Greg go around all day with that boner" Mark lamented. "I'm gonna have to do something about it".

"You might need some help with that Mark" Alan offered.

Next thing I knew, both guys were running their lips up and down my cock. When they touched their lips together, as they held my cock between them I was so horny. They slid up and down my cock, lips in touch, These guys know what they are doing I thought.

Two hot guys, focused on my dick, better than any fantasy I had. They explored my newly trimmed groin, I couldn't tell whose mouth was where. I never felt anything like these two cock hungry studs. I came to notice that mark was swallowing my rock hard tool as Alan sucked on my balls. Marks mouth was skilled, I understand how he makes his money. He created a pressure on my cock, like nothing I ever felt before. He kept the pressure up as he slid his mouth up and down my shaft. I could feel his tongue wrap itself around me as he enjoyed my manhood. At the same time Alan was feasting on my balls and ass. I was in overload. When Alan slid a finger in my ass, I exploded. I had a huge load pump into Marks mouth.

Alan grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs into the air. Mark, with some of my cum still on his lips, began to lick at my tight ass.

"We have to loosen this up" Alan told Mark.

"Yeah I know" Mark replied " I fucked it last night. Hard to fuckin get into. Greg needs to get fucked a lot."

"Seems like a job we should do ourselves Mark" Alan added " Can't trust this hot ass to just anyone."

"Alan" Mark asked " You fuck Greg yet"

Alan told him he hadn't, and when Mark told Alan how tight I was, Alan was biting his lip. Next thing I know, Alan is eating my ass, sliding his skilled tongue deep inside. Then Alan has his cock pressed at my ass. He pressed hard and entered easy, much easier than Mark did last night. I enjoyed the entry and then Alan began to fuck me. I was laying on the chair, as Alan began to thrust into me. Deeper, harder, stronger each time. I pushed back, so that he could slide deeper inside my ass with each thrust. Suddenly mark threw his cock in my mouth. Like a greedy cock whore, I sucked it down. I was never this horny before in my life. I couldn't get enough cock. Alan started to ram my hot tight ass, needing to get it looser before I get a lot of work. Then Mark was making sure I had my taste of cock.

I came to know I love cock, The look of it the taste of it, the feel of it in my ass, in my mouth. These two hot guys kept feeding it to me. I became aware of Alan in my ass. I felt him slide deep into me and pull almost out. The sound as he pulled out got me harder. The massage on my tight ass kept me hard as hell. I couldn't enjoy the fuck I had from Mark last night as much. I was too overloaded. But today. Alan had a steady motion. I got used to it. He kept it easy, steady. I looked into his face. He was enjoying it too. Then Mark! He started to pound his meat into my mouth. I took it easy, with hunger


I clamped tight to his cock, waiting for his juice to fill my mouth. I wanted his cum . I began to suck harder. I didn't even notice that Alan was in my ass anymore. I was determined to have this hot fucking stud cum in my mouth. I grabbed his balls, they were as smooth as mine were now. I felt them tighten as an explosion occurred in my mouth. He had 5 hard shots in my mouth. I'm new to swallowing cum, so some leaked out of my mouth. Mark scooped it off my chin with his softening cock, and fed it to me. I took it willingly.

Alan was still pounding my ass hard as mark exploded. He kept pounding my ass till his balls slapped my ass. I heard a grunt AHHHH, AAAAAhhhhh, AAAAAHHHH, Alan cried.

He pulled out of my ass, and jacked off onto Mark's chest, and stomach. The big load of cum, covered mark's hard abs.

"Clean him off Greg" Alan ordered.

I didn't need a second command. I Threw out my tongue, and licked Alan's hot jism from those hard abs. Off his muscular chest. I moved to his face, with a large drop of Alan's cum on my tongue, and I offered it to Mark. Mark sucked my tongue in deep.

We all cooled off in the pool, played around for a few minutes.

Then Alan informed us it was time for Mark and me to get moving.

"Moving for what?" I asked

"You are a good looking guy Greg" Alan explained "But we are gonna get you looking your best. You are going to spend the day with Mark getting groomed and pampered before you meet with your client tonight."

Next: Chapter 3

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