Paying Tuition

By Greg M

Published on Apr 6, 2002


It was a slow day in the video store I was working at. I was the only person working, and none had been in since I started my shift at noon. It wasn't until about 3:00 that someone came in. It was a guy in his 30's I guessed. He looked at the counter where I was working. He went right to the doored room that housed the adult section.

He came out and placed two tapes on the counter. Automatically, I asked "Membership card?"

"Don't have one" he said

"I'll need a credit card and driver license to open a membership" I informed him.

As he was opening his wallet, I looked at the videos he was renting. Both showed men, I was kinda surprised. Usually the faggots who come in here are more nervous, they try and rent quick and get out. This guy had no problem showing what he was renting.

"Not a big gay collection"

"Nah not much call for it" I told him as I took his I.D. and entered it into the computer.

"If you had a better collection, you'd have a call for it" He said "I'm guessing the owners not gay"

"Wouldn't know" I mumbled

"If he were you'd know. Hot young guy like you, He'd be on you like white on rice"

"Why you say that" I asked

"You are hot and gay" he said starting to lean over the counter

"I'M NOT GAY!!" I told him firmly, well maybe yelling

"Yeah you're right, you look at guys on the beach because you admire the way they workout, not the way they look. When you pull up next to a truck, you look at the truck, not the guy driving it right? Fall isn't your favorite season, when the guys on the road crews start to grow beards. Did you look at my ass when I came in"

I said nothing.

"Think about it, call this number if I'm right" he said as he handed me a card.

"What time do you get off work?"

I told him 5:00

"I'll be looking for the call.

For the next two hours I thought. He could be right. Nah! That's bullshit. I'm not a fag.

Katie came in for the next shift, I closed out my register, and left. Heading home I stopped at a light. A full size black pick-up truck pulled next to me. I turned to look at the truck, but found I did indeed look at the driver. He was maybe early 30's dark hair, goatee. No shirt. I noticed my groin stiffened. Nah, I though he's wrong. I saw a car stopped by a cop. He had a V shape, tanned, tight uniform. Damn that cock stiffened a bit again. I looked at my cell phone on the passenger seat. His card was still in my pocket.

I pulled the card out, said was Alan and a phone number. Looked at it. Put it down. Then picked it up again, then the cell phone.

My heart was pounding as I dialed the number, I hesitated then hit send. The phone rang for what seemed like forever. Then the ringing stopped, the phone was answered.

"Alan speaking" came through the ear piece on my phone.

I tried to speak, but couldn't, I cleared my throat. My voice quivered as I said hello.

Alan asked "Who am I speaking to"

"The guy from the video store" I managed to answer.

"I'm glad you called, I was looking forward to seeing you again today. You want to come over?"

All I could do was stammer. He asked if I was on a cell phone then asked where I was. When I told him my location it turned out to be about 5 minutes from his place.

"Stay on the line" he instructed " I'll lead you in"

I stayed on the line with him, A wise move on Alan's part because I might have chickened out. I was on autopilot listening to his deep strong voice. I would have never taken this guy for gay. My experience knowing gays was seeing guys who acted faggy. This guy was like a regular guy. Suddenly, I was at a large house, set back from the street. I stood in the middle of a large lot with neighbors far away.

I pulled my car into the driveway. And parked next to a black corvette. My crappy old car backfired as it shut down. I was embarassed, Alan was standing in the open garage doorway. He was in a pair of baggy flannel pants and a tanktop. He was very muscular and I noticed some hair peeking out of the neckline. I sat in my car a second, took a deep breath. Alan stood patiently, made no motion, letting me gather my strength and courage.

"OK" I thought, "lets go" I opened my car door and stepped out. Alan still stood motionless, allowing me to come close. As I got with in arms reach he offered his hand for a handshake. I started to feel more comfortable and took his hand. "Good to see you again." He greeted. I realized that this didn't seem too strange. I was still a bit tense.

"Come on in this way" Alan directed me to a door on the back wall of the garage.

I walked behind him as we went to the door. His pants showed two round cheeks of is ass then draped down. The door opened into a utility room. There was a refrigerator, freezer, boxes, crates, washer and dryer. Alan went to the `fridge and grabbed two brown bottles. There was a bottle opener on the wall next to the fridge, which he used to open them. Upon handing me one he said.

"I'm assuming you are 21, I'm really hoping you are at least 18" He laughed a little as he said it.

"I'm in college, just finished my freshman year"

"Cool " he said back "Follow me " We went down the hall past two rooms, from the marble threshold, I assumed one was the bathroom. The other was probably a study. As we walked, Alan started small talk, asking my major, how long I was working in the videostore. Once in the kitchen, he grabbed a bad of pretzels. He make a comment about beer's not the same without them. I agreed. Past the kitchen was a large room. The room had a man feel to it. Free of the pastels and flowers women but into decorating. It was heavy looking furniture and dark colors, lots of wood. As we left the kitchen, Alan pushed a button on the wall. I heard a motor start and then a wall opened in the other room. A large screen TV emerged from behind it. "Cool " I thought. I suddenly noticed that Alan had given no mention to why I was here.

"Have a seat" He said "anywhere"

I took a seat on a leather chair that faced the sofa. Alan sat on the sofa.

"Those videos I rented aren't too bad. I went through them quick, but some of them were hot" Alan informed me

Now I was getting nervous again. I said nothing as I took a sip of beer. My stomach was too queasy for pretzles. Alan hit another button on the side of his sofa, The T.V. came to life. The word PLAY was in the upper corner of a blue screen. Then a picture flashed on. Alan said nothing just watched my reaction as two construction workers were talking. The sound was off The men talked for a few moments, then started to kiss. One was blond with a mustache, the other was darker, had several days growth. I was surprised to find myself not turn away. I kept watching, not realizing I was getting hard. I didn't notice but Alan did. He still said nothing. The dark haired man took off his flannel shirt to show his hairy chest. He was now wearing jeans and his hardhat. The blond guy started rubbing the brunettes chest, moved his mouth from his partners lips to that massive furry chest. He licked and bit his nipples. I impulsively move forward in my seat for a better look. I had forgotten at this point, that anyone else was in the room, slowly the sound was raised. I heard the sucking noise of the stud as he sucked the pink nipple poking out of the dark forest of chest hair. My hard raced as the dark guy told the other to suck his cock. He dropped his jeans to the floor and a huge fat cock sprang out. I noticed my hardon now and began to rub it. I relaxed and leaned back in the chair. My hand went down my pants. Alan still had said nothing, but I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw that Alan had his rod out, and was stroking it. I watched Alan massage his dick, precum was leaking down his shaft making it glisten. I was still to nervous to move or talk. I drank the last of my beer. Alan stood up, dropping his pants to the floor, and walked back into the kitchen.

I noticed how hard and muscular his ass was, at least what I could that wasn't covered by his shirt that he was still wearing. He had a broad muscular back and arms. I don't know if I'd ever been that horny before, or excited, or scared. I turned my attention back to the movie, The blond guy was getting sucked. The dark guy swallowed slowly, inch by inch to his groin. I could tell from his sunken cheeks he was sucking hard. It looked like a better blowjob than I ever got. My cock leaked through the zipper flab on my jeans, but I hadn't noticed. Alan came near with the beer, and placed it on the table next to me.

"Take it out son, it's ok ", he said softly "Can't keep it crammed up there too long"

Alan placed his hand on the buldge in my jeans, He rubbed the wet spot and lifted his moist finger to his lips. I looked at him, noticed he was now only semi hard. He stayed by my side and looked at me.

"Go ahead , get out of those jeans, you'll be more comfortable. "

I stood up and unbuttoned my jeans, slid the zipper down slowly, my hands had trouble working. By now the men on the screen were enjoying each others asses, licking and tonguing each other.

"Now or never" I thought. With that, my pants and jockeys came down. I was standing half naked, rock hard in front of a man who was after sex. I took a look at Alan for the first time really, I was relaxing now, I felt the hard part was over. He was handsome, sandy haired, muscular and trim. He had dark brown eyes and a bright smile through a beautifl set of lips, The corners of his mouth turned down slightly, he had some weathered features. It have him a rugged, masculine look.

Itook a large gulp of beer, about half the bottle, Alan laughed a little. Then I moved toward him. I wanted to touch him, mostly I wanted to see what it was to hold another man's cock. I reached out and held his balls. It was strange to have my hand feels balls, but my balls not feel a hand. I cupped his balls as I moved closer. He started to unbutton my shirt.

"I like what I see so far, lets see what else you have" Alan whispered in my ear. "Nice he said, looking at my hairless chest,

I laid his shaft in my hand, it began to grow. Slowly pulsing as it became engorged. While I was exploring his cock, Alan took off his own shirt. I gasped as I saw the beautiful body infront of me. Defined pecs, ripped abs, but a little bit of middle age tire around his waist. I'm guessing the age comes when it just can't go away. We were now both naked. Alan bent towrd me, kissed me gently on the lips, I responded by parting them. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth, and his hands began to caress my ass. Suddenly lust took over. The kiss became hard, fast, we presses our bodies tight. When our cocks touched, I almost blew a wad right then and there. Our hand firmly, quickly explored each others backs. Then Alan broke the kiss. Looked at me and smiled. Then in a flash he was on his knees.

Alan faced my snake in its eye. There was a drop of clear precum on the tip of my manhood. Alan carefully licked it off.

"Alan, let's see how a man sucks cock. "

I got a shit eating grin in return as he told me to enjoy the ride.

His lips inched over my mushroom head, his lips pulled his head, it wasn't the push of a head that girls do. I was truly being eaten. Once he had his lips past my head, his tongue circled it. He kept inching down, he was enjoying each second, it was a pleasure to him, girls think of it as a favor. He was totally into savoring my pole, not pleasing me, as a result the blowjob was incredible. He increased the suction when he had my 8" shaft engulfed. Then like a man possesses, he went wild on my dick, sucking so hard and fast I had to sit down.

"Fuckin' A man" I yelled " I have never been sucked like this in my life"

Alan just kept going. My balls began to get tight. I was seconds from a huge hot load.

"Pull out or I'm gonna shoot in your mouth" I cried, only to catch his lips turn up into what must have been a smile. Alan kept sucking me but slowed down to use his skilled tongue licking my swallowed shaft. His hands found my ass and palmed them, squeezed them. I exploded when I felt a finger run up and down my sweatty crack. Alan drank my load, and licked his lips.

"Well?" He asked

"No contest" I told him "Can I try yours?" I asked

He explained to me that there was no need for permission, try what I want, If he didn't want it, he'd say so. He also told me there wasn't much chance of getting any objection. He also told me to stop him if I became uncomfortable with anything.

In another gulp I finished my beer. I kissed Alan's semi rigid tool. It was smooth, I sucked in the head. I liked it, I popped his head in and out of my mouth, playing with it, enjoying the feeling as I got wetter from my saliva. He started to stiffen I began to swallow more. I was determined to take the whole think, half way down I gagged a little. Alan pulled out a bit. I put my hands on his ass and pushed him back in. I inched down the way he did. I knew I was doing good by the way his hands were running through my hair, and his deep, low moan.

"Yeah baby, yeah, you got it stud, keep going, doin' fine" he murmered. I was getting good rhythm when he started to thrust into me. We matched strokes, slow smooth pushes, I loved how his cock slid in my mouth, pressing on the back of my throat, bending downward when his full length was in me. My finger found the crack of that hard ass. He pried his cheeks apart with his large, well manicured hands. I ran my finger through his crack as He had done to me. On a pass by his rosebud he stopped my finger and held the tip to his opening.

"Put it in" He whispered.

I pressed in, He opened easily as my finger popped in that tight ass. Tighter than any pussy could ever be.

"You should see how your cock will feel when it gets in there" He said with a throaty voice.

The thought of my cock being squeezed that tight had me rock hard again, and sucking him with all my worth.

He gave the same warning about cumming I gave him, I stayed put, I wanted to taste his man juice. Alam pulled into my throat as his member started to erupt. My mouth was bathed in his jism. The taste wasn't at all bad, different than anything I knew though. I knew that I wanted more though.

"Whew" I shouted "Hot damn, never felt anything like that before."

"It gets better" Alan told me" Wait till you get in my ass and fuck my lights out. I bet you can fuck like a wild stallion. You have to eat my ass out though to get me wet enough to go in, I'll cock that handsome cock at the same time to get it wet."

Alan was on his back and threw his legs forward to get his ass off the ground. He told me to stretch over him so he could get at my dick. I did as told, and found easy access to his ass. We were about the same height, about 5'11" so we lined up real well. I pressed my face into that beautiful ass and found that tight pink hole with my tongue. Alan began to suck me again, but it was different. This time his intent was to just get me wet and hard. He didn't want me shooting again until he was fucked. I slobbered in his ass until I could get 3 fingers in. He told me that was good enough.

I approached his groin as he lifted himself up a bit. My target was insight, and it looked hungry. I placed my head at his man pussy. It opened easily and my cock slipped in.

"FUCK!!!! TIGHT!!!!" I yelled

I pushed in deeper, Alan had a big smile on his face, as he leaned back.

"Come on baby" Fuck this old ass

I shoved it in deep. Then I stopped, I couldn't believe the pressure on my dick. To make matters worse(or better) he was squeezing his ass tighter. I started to move back and forth, slow because he was so tight, as he loosened up I was able to go faster. Now I was able to pick up speed. I stated to fuck him hard. He was enjoying it I kept as steady motion, slamming in with each thrust. I wasn't going to last long at this rate. Alan was stroking his now hard dong again. He told me not to shoot in his ass. When it was time I was to pull out and shoot on his stomach. Oh shit, and time was coming. The pressure built up and I pulled out. As directed I shot on his stomach, though some sprayed his square pecs and cleft chin. He quickly followed me. He was covered with both our cum. He began to rub it all over his body. He scooped it up with his hand and licked it. I kneeled over him and began to lick him clean. With our mouths covered in cum, we kissed hard again.

"So?" he asked

"I'm hooked man" but do I have to come out of the closet now?

"No, lots of guys spending their lives acting like straight guys," he said.

"Get married, have kids"

"So how do they get man sex"

"I hook a lot of them up " He told me

"What do you mean" I asked

He told me that he knows many powerful, wealthy, closeted men who enjoy the company of young men. The men repay the favor of the company with gifts.

"Cash gifts? " I asked

"Yes" He said

"I accept a portion of the gift as a thank you for the introduction, if you get my drift. I would love to be able to introduce you to some of these guys" He explained "If you're intrested, You could graduate college debt free with a nice amount of start up cash."

"And I get this for doing what we just did?"

"NO!!!, I introduce you, the gift is just for spending time, I don't however control what two consenting adults do."

I got his point. He kept telling me how well I'd do, Great money, good company, discrete. I accepted.

"Great" was his reply " Listen he said, go shower, I'm sure you're hungry. I'll order a pizza, should be here when you get out.

I replayed the encounter as I took my shower, I couldn't keep my hands off my own body. I fingered my ass I was looking forward to having a hard cock up there one day.

I finished my shower, tied a towel to my waist, ran my fingers through my wet hair. I made little attempt to dry off.

As I stepped out of the shower, I looked out to see Alan move toward the sliding doors in the kitchen. Alan took the pizza, but instead of paying the delivery guy, the pizza guy came in and kissed Alan. I felt a twinge of jealousy.

"This the new guy" The delivery guy asked

"Yup" He said

"He came over and introduced himself, told me that he was one of Alan's boys, and was to help me. He was gonna show me what to do on the dates I'll be going on. I felt a little relieved to know I'd get some pointers. I introduced myself as Greg.

"Nice to meet you Greg, I'm Mark" he said

Nice guy I was thinking, and hot! He was maybe mid 20's, blond, squared jaw, very chiseled features.

"You guys talk," Alan said "I have appointments to set up."

Mark went to the fridge and came back with beer. We sat at the table as he explained the job, how to play safe, not get arrested, and said he would be teaching me how to make good money. He explained these guys are spending a lot of money, They want a guy who knows a man's body. He was to be my trainer in that area, spending time with me, teaching me how to pleasure a man.

"Alan fuck you tonight" he asked

I told him what went on, He was happy to be getting a virgin ass.

"You wanna get fucked?" He asked

"Hell yeah, I can't wait" I said excitedly

"He asked "How `bout now"

"Here? What about Alan in the next room."

"Alan is busy, and if he comes back, rest assured he'll join in"

"Fuck me then!"

"It's just gonna be a get it done thing tonight though" He said" I have an appointment in an hour, I still have to shower and change"

"Let's do it then." I said

Mark undressed quickly, Ripped wasn't the word for this guy, and hung. I told him that thing will rip me apart. He assured me that he was good, and he'd have me loose enough. He had me wet him with my mouth, eagarly I agreed to. His cock stiffened and grew. I got him wet and hard. He dropped my towel, and went to my ass. He licked my hole, then spit on it, licked his fingers, and slid one in my ass. I almost hit the roof as he massaged my prostrate. He kept encouraging me to relax, which was becoming easier, my ass loosened up. He slid in a second, it went in pretty easy, then the third, they wiggled in my ass cunt. I was begging for more. He pushed them in a little deeper.

"I'm ready Mark"

"I know, I'm go from behind you. Lean over the arm of the sofa." Mark instructed.

I felt the head of his cock at my back door. He told me he was giving one hard push to get in, after that the pain will be gone. I told him I was ready. He gave me one of the fingers that had just been in my ass, for something to bite on. I bit down as he thrusted into me. I never felt so filled in my life. The sharp pain brought tears to my eyes, then the pain went away as promised. Mark gave me a slow easy fuck. He picked up the pace.

"How is it" He asked

"Great" Love it" I told him

He explained though he couldn't cum because he had to save it. His companion this night was a big cum guzzler, and the more he had, the more generous he was.

Mark pulled out, gave me a quick kiss. Told me to leave my phone number with Alan, He'd call me tomorrow.

You need to be real comfortable with man sex before you get sent out on a date.

"Don't think it will take you too long though" Mark gave a wink as he said it. "I'll get you good and ready. Few hard fuck sessions, you be a pro. No pun intended, he laughed. Mark dressed and left.

Alan was standing in the door way.

"Glad to have you on board Greg" Alan smiled "Don't for get to leave the number, and call me if you need help with your homework from Mark"

I dressed, and wrote my cell phone number on a note pad, left it on the table. I went home, and right to bed.

The next morning the phone rang early. I answered quickly

"Greg" Came the voice on the other end "It's Mark, can you clear your calendar for today, and meet me at Alan's?"

I told him I'd meet him in a half hour.

Next: Chapter 2

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