Paying the Dues

By john smith

Published on May 6, 2009



Sam was studying at his desk, his iPod turned up loud enough to drown out the sound of a normal Tuesday night from the common room below, when a hand touched his shoulder. He jumped a little, and looked up to see his neighbor from across the hall, a tall, dark haired senior named Mark. Sam sighed very quietly, put down his pen, and scooted his chair back. He saw that Mark had already closed and locked the door, so he stood up and undid his pants.

Mark was saying something, an eager smirk on his handsome face, but Sam couldn't hear him through the music. He tucked his iPod into his shirt pocket and pushed both jeans and boxers down to his feet. Mark had his pants completely off and stood naked below the waist, his cock rising; he pointed at Sam's desk. The freshman leaned over to brace his elbows on the hard wood and spread his stance, presenting his asshole to the other boy. A sudden shock of cold as the lube drizzled down his crack made him twitch, but he held still as Mark put one hand on his left hip and used the other to toy with his hole, sliding two fingers in and twisting them to loosen the ring. He had no trouble, since Jason had been by an hour ago, and after a few jabs at Sam's prostate he pulled his fingers out and lined up his dick.

Mark's cock wasn't the biggest or the smallest of the boys in the house, but it was pretty thick, and the senior always fucked him like a jackhammer. The boy didn't wait, just started right in with a thrust balls deep that smashed the front of Sam's thighs painfully against the desk, and he didn't let up from there. Sam leaned his forehand on his arms, keeping his eyes closed and listening to the music as Mark pounded him from behind. He felt his soft dick flopping up against the underside of the desk, swung by the force of Mark's thrusts, but that stopped as the pressure and heat of Mark's dick, now pounding right on his spot, sent the blood surging through his own hardening shaft.

Mark's bare feet kicked his out to stand even wider, and the boy leaned down to lay his chest over Sam's back. His arms slipped up under Sam's armpits and his hands gripped his shoulders tight, as the boy used every muscle to fuck him harder and deeper. Sam's dick was rock hard now, though he didn't try to jerk it, and he moaned as he felt himself give over to the power of Mark's fucking. He didn't know how long it lasted, the pain of the bruises being smashed into his thighs adding an edge to the pleasure in his hole, but it was long enough. Mark suddenly froze, buried deep, and unloaded waves of jizz. His hot breath, panting, ruffled the sandy hair by Sam's ear as the two boys stayed that way, folded over, chests heaving, the senior's balls draining into Sam's hole. Finally, long after Mark's dick had stopped twitching, the older boy struggled upright and pulled his softening dick from Sam's bruised and puffy hole.

Sam pushed himself up on one hand, gripping his dick and jerking frantically with the other. Mark was getting dressed behind him as stroked himself to climax, and the thin ropes of a second cum splashed out over his notebook as the other boy walked out the door. He looked down at his cock as the last of the load oozed out to drool on the desk, feeling the cum from his fucked-open ass run down his legs. With another sigh, he pulled out a handful of tissues and mopped himself up.

At the start of the year, Sam had joined the same off-campus fraternity that his older brothers had all belonged to. As a legacy, his entrance was assured, but none of them had told him about the rights and privileges the older members enjoyed. As a pledge, and then as a first year member, he was expected to make his brothers happy at any time and in any way they wanted. His very first day of rushing he'd kissed his first boy, touched his first strange dick, and tasted someone else's cum. He and the other pledges stayed naked in the house, had been groped and stroked by any and all, and had gone through a number of tasks designed to break down even the slightest bit of sexual hesitance or resistance. He'd sucked cocks, so many at once that his lips were painfully swollen and he'd tasted cum on his breath all the next day. He'd fucked, one of the pledges at first, and then four brothers in a row whose tight asses had worn his dick red. There'd been rimming parties, circle jerks where the last to cum had to drink the glass full of jizz, and the massive orgy that had finished the initiation ceremony, where every boy had to cum at least three times.

The upshot of the frat was of course as much sex as the body could stand. He could, at any time, find someone to play with, in almost any way he desired. Later on, once he'd moved up a year, he would have the new boys at his beck and call, but on some nights, that hardly seemed worth it.

Tonight was one such: as soon as he'd cleaned the spent cum off his notes and sat down, his door opened again. Two of the sophomores who lived upstairs came in together, both already naked and hard. They were flushed and laughing, obviously drunk, and without waiting they stepped up to either side of him and forced their dicks into his face.

They didn't have a biology test tomorrow, Sam thought resentfully, as he opened his mouth and captured a cockhead with his lips. He jacked the lower shaft of the cock in his mouth and played with the head of the other, smearing its precum over the glans, its taste sharp on his tongue as he switched. The two boys made out over his head, kissing long and deep as their cocks got serviced between them. By now, Sam was a pretty good sucker, and he managed to bring them both to orgasm within seconds of each other. Twin streams of jizz blasted his cheeks and dribbled on his shirt, and without being asked he lapped every bit from both heads, leaving them pink and slick with his spit. The two boys giggled and walked out, their arms around each others' waists and their lips locked in another kiss. Sam pulled off his shirt and wiped the cum from his face, and got back to the books.

He was interrupted again right after he'd decided to go to bed, this time by a short and stocky senior who he'd barely talked to at all. He knew his name was Andy, but that was about it, and as the boy got undressed Sam saw that he was ripped, with perfectly defined muscles rippling down his belly and huge biceps and pecs. Once he was naked, Andy casually leaned down and swept the naked Sam off his feet, cradling the 6'1 freshman like a baby. Sam wrapped one arm around Andy's shoulders as they leaned in for a kiss, and caressed the boy's hard chest with the other. He felt Andy's hand squirming under his ass, and then his lean body was tossed upwards as Andy's arm darted from cradling his legs from underneath to wrapping under them from the front. Now the boy could slide his hand between Sam's cheeks and still hold him up, and he worked his thumb deep into Sam's loose and slippery hole.

Sam groaned a little, into Andy's throat, as the boy's thick digit forced twinges from his aching hole. Andy took the boy's moan as a sign of delight and worked his thumb deeper, wiggling it around inside of Sam's body, pressing hard up against the base of Sam's dick. Despite himself, despite the soreness of his ass and the emptiness of his balls and the anxiety about his test, Sam melted against Andy's massive chest, both hands around the back of the senior's head, making out with wild abandon. His too-sensitive cockhead rubbed against the hot skin below Andy's right pec, and the older boy hugged him tight.

At no time in the next twenty minutes did Sam's feet touch the ground. Andy, keeping Sam's lips locked to his, maneuvered the taller boy's body upright, and Sam slipped his right leg around the boy's side to lock at the ankles behind Andy's back. He was now sitting with his bare ass on Andy's hard belly, the older boy's hands supporting him, one on his lower back and the other around his shoulders. Andy's huge dick was a solid rod right between Sam's cheeks, and his own was pushed vertical, the shaft right in the midline of Andy's perfect abs.

Andy had felt the Sam's hole was loose and open, and his thumb shone with lube and cum. After an endless time of making out, he shifted again, lifting Sam's body with no particular effort and centering his enormous cockhead right on Sam's ring. The penetration was simply a matter of letting Sam's body slowly drop, his own weight impaling him on the senior's waiting prick.

Once down, Andy let Sam have a few seconds to get used to the hard mass now filling his hole. Then the boy lifted Sam's right leg to drape over his shoulder, and followed with the left. Since Sam's hands were clasped behind Andy's head, all his weight was now pressing directly on Andy's crotch, pushing the boy's dick even deeper. Andy began to flex his hips, increasing his thrusts until he was tossing Sam into the air hard enough that his hole almost cleared the end of his dick before plunging back down to land against the shorter boy's massive hips. Sam's head lolled back as all thought fled, his entire self focused on the driving pleasure filling his tiny ass ring. His dick softened and bounced limply against his groin. If he'd been capable of thought, or speech, he might have warned Andy that he was cumming, but as the older boy's dick drove a few spurts of juice from his flopping balls all he could produce was a moan. Andy carried on, regardless of the droplets of jizz now frosting his belly, until his own massive nuts were ready to blow. Then he froze on a downswing, letting Sam's entire weight swallow his dick, and stood stock-still as his balls emptied into the boy's guts.

Sam was completely gone by the time Andy was ready to quit. The younger boy lay back, his torso cradled in the senior's massive hands, completely oblivious. Andy smiled tiredly, and shuffled slowly toward Sam's bed. Ropes of his cum dripped onto the floor, driven out of Sam's ass by the huge presence of his just-softening dick. He lay Sam on the bed, kneeling down as he did to slide his spent dick from the boy's completely fucked ass. He placed Sam's arms and legs in a comfortable position and covered the boy with a sheet. Andy leaned down to place a fond kiss on Sam's flushed forehead before walking out of the room, hitting the lights and shutting the door as he did. Sam slept deeply through the night.

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