Paying Off a Bet

By Taylor Davis

Published on Jun 24, 2019



Jason pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket and read the address on it.

`69 Pewter Street'

The instructions below it read

`Use the key to enter the door. Close and lock the door behind you. You will find your next instructions taped to the door inside the house.'

Jason didn't know what to expect. What he did know was that he was on a deep hole. He lost at poker. He lost bad, and owes a few thousand dollars which he did not have. He begged the man at the other end of the table in this under ground club to forgive his debt and give him a chance to pay it off. The man smiled back at him and handed him an envelope which had this piece of paper inside along with a thin golden key.

Jason arrived at the house and slid the key into the lock. He opened the door and walked in. He saw a door at the other end of the room with an LED board showing his debt of $3,500, a burning fireplace to his left and a camera pointed right at him. He stared at it for a minute before turning around to get his next instructions.

`Remove all your clothes. Shoes, socks and all. Throw them into the fireplace as you won't need them going forward. Once competed you will receive $50 off your debt and the next door will open.'

Jason walked to the fireplace and slowly removed his clothing. Piece by piece came off his body and then right into the fireplace. He stood stark naked in the center of the room. The LED board changed to $3,450 and the door opened.

Inside the room was a naked man sitting in a chair. There was a camera in the center of the room above a table which had an envelope on it. At the other end of the room was a door, an LED board showed his debt of $3,450.

Jason walked to the table and opened the envelope. Let this man suck you dry and earn another $50.

Jason knew he was being recorded, but did as the note ordered. Whoever was watching would get what they wanted. He didn't have a choice. He had never been blown by man, but he heard men do give the best blowjobs. Besides, he was getting paid to get blown. He walked up to the man who stood up from him chair and instantly dropped to his knees. The man quickly swallowed Jason's cock and began sucking.

After Jason shot his load down the man's throat, the LED board showed his new total of $3,400, and the door opened.

Jason walked through the door, and it swung shut. There was another camera focused on him. Inside the room was 5 other naked men. One walked up to him and handed him another note.

`Push the button by the door to leave this room at anytime. If you jerk off all 5 you will receive $100 off your debt. Once the fifth man cums, the door will open. Fail to make each man cum and your entire debt comes back.'

Jason lowered his head in shame. He slowly reached out and grabbed the man's cock and started jerking it off. It didn't take long before he came in Jason's hand. The next man walked up to Jason who slowly took it in his hand and started stroking it. This one took longer to cum, but he too came in Jason's hand. The third man approached Jason, and again he grabbed this stranger's cock and began stroking. When he came close to cumming the man aimed his cock at Jason's chest and exploded all over it. Finally the next two men walked up to him. Jason thought about cutting out early, but he could not pay off the debt. He grabbed one cock in each hand and began stroking. The two men pushed him to his knees. Both cocks were now aimed right at his face. After a minute, both men shot their load right on his face. Cum covered his face. The LED board now read $3,300 and the door opened. Jason stood up and walked through the door. He knew what was coming next.

This time, along with the usual elements, there were 10 naked men. One walk up to him with a note.

`Push the button by the door to leave this room at anytime. If you suck off all 10 you will receive $500 off your debt. Once the 10th man cums, the door will open. Fail to make each man cum, and your entire debt comes back.'

The thought of sucking a cock disgusted Jason. Sucking off 10 made him want to throw up. But what choice did he have. He walked up to the first man, dropped to his knees and started sucking. Once he came in Jason's mouth, the next man came up. Jason sucked this man off as well, and again he came in his mouth. Two men walked up at once. Jason jerked off one while sucking the other. Every 10 seconds he changed which cock was in his mouth. Eventually the one man came, then the other. He has swallowed four loads, and wasn't even half done. He continued serving two men at a time until finally he has swallowed all 10 loads.

The LED board showed his new total of $2,900 and the door opened.

Jason heaved feeling as though he was going to throw up. He crawled through the door to find a note on the ground. He opened it and read.

`Your ass belongs to me. Now you will give it to the two men in the room with you. If both do, $600 comes off your total. If you chose not to let them, your entire debt comes back.'

Jason crawled to the bed and laid down with his ass up. The first man walked up to him, licked Jason's asshole for a minute and jammed him hard cock in. Jason screamed in pain. He tried to imagine anything but a cock being jammed in his ass, but that became all the more difficult with every thrust. Eventually the man came and pulled out. The next man walked up and flipped Jason over. He lifted Jason's legs up getting Jason's ass off the bed. Jason had no choice but to watch the man slowly put his cock into Jason's ass. Thrust after thrust the man grunted and groaned until he came. He pulled out and cum dripped out of his ass.

The LED board read $2,300 and the door opened.

Jason took time to catch his breath before he struggled to his feet and wobbled through the door. Along with the usual objects in the room, there was a timer set at 10 minutes. Four naked men also greeted him. One with yet another note.

`You have 10 minutes to make all four men cum. Succeed and your debt is lowered by $1000. Fail and it goes back to the starting point.'

Jason lowered the not and the clock started running. He got on his knees and started sucking off one man and jerking off the other two, going back and forth on the three men like a circus seal. He raised his ass on the air presenting himself to the fourth man. He proceeded to push his 10" cock right into his ass. Jason was working in a rhythm, with each thrust he took a cock further into his mouth. As the timer hit one minute, a cock came in his mouth, and the other two shot at his face. Never having gotten the chance to clean his face, his entire face was now covered in cum. The man behind him was still thrusting with speed as the clock hit 30 seconds. The man pulled out, spun Jason around and shoved his cock into Jason's mouth face fucking him.

With two seconds left on the clock the man came. Jason collapsed on the ground and looked at the LED board. The new total read $1,300.

He staggered through the door. Inside the room was the man who had set this up. He was fully dressed. He had a remote in his hand. He smiled at Jason and hit play. Jason was forced to watch himself pleasing all these men. When the video ended the man spoke.

"You did well. You have almost completely paid off your debt. To erase the remaining $1,300, all you have to do is hit upload. This video will be uploaded for the entire world to see. Fail to do so, and your entire debt will come back."

Jason looked terrified. Everyone would see him jerking off cocks, sucking them and getting fucked. His wife and friends would know. But he did not have the money to pay off the debt. He closed his eyes and pushed the button.

The man looked right at Jason, and left him with one more though.

"Consider this revenge Jason. You fucked my wife while I was at work. Instead of telling your wife what you did, I set up this revenge. Thanks to some creative video editing on my end, you look to be enjoying yourself for hours with several men. And with the video being sent to your wife, she will believe that you crave cock. Have fun with that discus. Now get out of my house."

"Can I have cloths?" Asked Jason.

"Ha, no. Take the walk of shame home."

Jason left the house naked. He walked in the shadows and down an alley where he met a few homeless men.

"Hey" Said Jason. "I'll blow you guys for some cloths."

The men looked at him and agreed. He blew one man for a shirt, another man for his pants and a third for his shoes. Now dressed Jason continued his long walk home.

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