Paying for the Bet

By D One

Published on Jul 31, 2007



Cameron awoke that morning like most mornings with a boner. It felt good rubbing against the sheets as he moved about. Usually his net move was to reach for the tube of cream he'd gotten and reach under the blankets pretending it wasn't his hand he felt.

His other hand would lightly touch his opposite side and move to his erect nipple to tease it making his toes curl. His self enduced deep breath would prompt his other hand moving from his still hidden cock to his other nipple and tease the other nipple.

How he wished some other fingers were there unmercifully tesasing, pinching, pulling and twisting making his blood push his cock until it had reached it's limit in expansion.

His butt too would suddenly be sensatized. He would reach behind his own buttocks and outline the lips there burhing one finger to the knuckles. HOw wished it was another finger or even something longer and thicker.

His cock would beg but he'd ignore it for as long as possible until ther ewas no other option and he would explode all over his smooth flat belly leaving him panting and wishing his bedroom was full of others who had just assaulted him and planned to do it again and again ignoring his pleas to stop.

His mother's call to breakfast would move him relunctantly to the floor where he stood and stretched seeing his wet naked boy in the full length mirror on his closet door. He would giggle at his self stiulated pleasure and walk naked into the hallway ignoring the comments from his brother and enter the bathroom to shower off the remnants of his testicle manufactored sperm.

But that morning was different.

"Don't jack off, until it's over. Believe me it will make things easier" the words were uttered by his best friend Sandy on the phone the night before. The phone had rung just as he was about to do his nightly chore of masturbating till he was tired enough to sleep.

"Don't worry man, it'll be over tomorrow" he said before hanging up.

"Fuck" Cameron sighed as he curled into a fetal ball and waited to escape into the world of dreams that he relished.

Marshall was there smiling at him, leering at him, laughing at him. He was naked in the center of the football field while crowds laughed. His teammates stood around him wearing only jockstraps as if they were in the locker room. Cameron didn't try to hide his penis he knew there was no use. He kept turning around and around looking for who was going to attack him. Then Marshall laughed louder and yelled at him to jack off. He refused and Marshal ran at him.

Cameron awoke unable to breathe. The room wasn't hot but his body was covered in sweat. He moved to the window and opened it sitting in the sill, inhaling deep. His phone beeped. A text message.

"What's wrong?" it read. Sandy was awake too. He looked across the yard at the dark windows. Then like some special effects shot in a film, he saw Sandy emerge from the darkness to his bedroom window. He was smiling. And he was also naked. In fact he grabbed his erection and waved it bringing a smile to Cameron's face.

The two had been friends before Sandy moved next door. Then one summer afternoon after the boy moved next door, he looked across the yard and saw Sandy standing naked jacking his cock. He watched awhile and when Sandy looked over he waved.

Sandy didn't stop he pointed his cock at the window and laughed. Cameron pulled his own shorts off and grabbed his cock and the two jacked off watching each other. They had been friends before and became closer friends then.

"Can't sleep?" the text message read.

Cameron shook his head "no".

"Did you jack off?"

Cameron shook his head "no" again.

"Good, you'll thank me" it read.

Cameron waved and stretched before going back to bed. He turned and waved again.

Sandy lingered in his window sill wondering what he could have done. He had tried.

"Man you don't want to do that" he had said to Cameron. But he was ignored. Now his best friend faced the humiliating results.

"Wanna jack together?" Cameron's legs were wrapped around Sandy the day they wrestled in the backyard. His bare chest felt Cam's strong legs. His cock was rock hard from their unlimited grabbing each other during thier wrestling match.

"In the same room?" he asked making Cameron laugh. They had continued to jack off watching each other across the yard.

"Yea, folks gone, Danny too" Cameron said. Sandy saw his friends tented gym shorts. His hand had felt the boys balls and cock through the shorts as they wrestled. He almost wanted to yank off the shorts and his own so they could wrestle like the ancient Greeks. He wondered if they too got erect when wrestling.

The two were naked on Cameron's bed their hips and thighs pressed together as they jacked their cocks saying nothing but sharing gasps and moans. Their bodies wore each other's sperm as they recovered neither making a rush to wipe themselves off let alone describe their messy condition with disdain.

Sandy didn't make the bet nor did anyone else. Cameron boldly told Marshall to fuck himself by accepting the bet. And the locker room full of classmates laughed.

"I'm not kidding, if you loose you will have ot do it and if you dont' everyone in this room will make you, right?" Marshall the asshole bully said it loud.

To Cameron's suprised the room agreed they would participate. Sandy didn't say it out lout but in his mind ashamedly wanted to see Cameron loose and pay the debt. Perhaps once he did that their play would go beyond hand jobbing themselves together.

He shook his head at the dark window where Cameron was a few second before. He smiled and wondered what it would look like, whther his friend would do what he said he'd do if he lost. And he wondered what might happen later.

"So, ready?" Sandy asked as he sat at Cameron's kitchen table?

"For what?" Cameron's mother asked.

Danny laughed. Somehow he knew about the bet and what his little brother was supposed to do that day.

"Uh just some team challenge thing" Cameron said glaring at Danny.

"Oh" she said "well don't hurt anyone"

Danny pretended to choke and Sandy hit him in the arm.

"Come on" Cameron stood up and Sandy followed.

"Have fun" Danny called after him "See youon the internet"

WHat if someone vidtos it? Cameron thought and started to ask Sandy.

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for it" Sandy often read his friends mind and responded to unasked questions.

"Thanks" Cameron said "not sure I can do this, but I guess"

"Look it was a stupid bet, you only did it because that asshole is an asshole" Sandy said "but fuck man, just get it over with and let it go"

Sandy had to admit to himself he was excited about the entire thing.

The locker room was half full. Not everyone showed up. Cameron and Sandy entered and the group applauded his bravery.

"Where's Marshall?" Sandy asked "if he's a no show it's off" he added though was disappointed that what he said would be true.

"Right here boys" Marshall walked in. He was shirtless and flexed showing off as usual. "You ready to pay off?"

Cameron didn't answer.

"The bet was if you lost you had to suck my cock in front of the team until I came all over your ugly face" Marshall reminded everyone.

"Yea yea" Sandy said "get on with it"

"Hm even your buttbuddy wants to see you humilited" Marshall smiled.

Cameron looked at Sandy and his friend shrugged "I mean stop talking you asshole" he said to Marshall trying to hide his earlier comments true meaning.

"OK first, strip down, I want to see you like the naked cocksucking faggot you are"

"Hey that wasn't the bet" Sandy spoke up again.

"No, it's ok" Cameron said peelign his shirt off. His shorts slid down revealing he wore no underwear or jock.

"OK, happy?" Cameron said to Marshall as he stood naked with hands out.

"on your knees and crawl over here and get it" Marshall said lifing the leg of his shorts so his cock could be seen. It was growing from the thick haning meat to become the curved penis many had seen in the locker room.

"No no no, if he has to be naked to do this, so do you" Sandy said and heard muttering around him in agreement. He hoped having to strip down would lessen Cameron's humiliation. But Sandy also knew he wanted to see the large muscled body Marshall had buck naked too. His own cock was expanding as he anticipted what was to come.

"Ok you fuck" Marshall yanked his shorts and jock strap off. He kicked off his shoes and spread his legs standing defiantly.

"Come on cock sucker pay off your debt"

Cameron sighed and stepped forward infront of the guy.

Marshall smiled. "You bet, you lost now get on your knees boy" he ordered.

Cameron looked in the mans large eyes. He didn't hate the guy after all he was a team mate and one hell of a good tackle. He had a great large muscled body, one which many on the team secretly liked to look at. Cameron had often watched himself in the mirror flexing and wishing he had a chest like Marshall.

But the boy was braggart and a bully. Cameron had on more then one occasion interferred with the guy picking on some of his none team friends in the hallways.

"Come on hero, do what I knew you want to do anyway" Marshall said laughing.

Cameron smiled back which made Marshall look confused. "Ok ok" he said quietly.

He knelt and took Marsha'll's cock and opened his mouth. He touched it with his tongue and then put his lips around the expanding cockhed.

"Shit, he's actually doing it" someone said behind him. Sandy sat on the floor so his own erection wouldn't be noticed as he watched his best friend suck a cock.

Cameron slide his cock hugging lips up and down the boys cock. He used his tongue on it while it was inside his mouth. He had never sucked cock but read about it in an article in Cosmopolitan and wondered what it would feel like.

"Shit man you think broads do all this stuff?" Sandy had asked reading hte same article.

The two jacked off. Sandy wondred what it would feel like to suck Cameron's cock and Cameron wondered what it would feel like to suck Sandy's. But neither boy told the other about their fantasies. They pressed their naked legs together and jacked off like many times before.

It didn't take long. Marshall pushed Cameron's head back and let his spitting cock shoot his cum all over the boys face. Again and again the streams shot across Cameron's cheek, forehead, chin, nose and it flowed dripping ovv his chin onto his chest.

"There you go, last drop on your tongue" Marshall squeezed his cock and Cameron let his tongue catch it.

"I knew you were a good cocksucker" Marshall patted Cameron's head.

"Ok the bet is paid off" Sandy announced bringing Cameron's clothes to him. There was a little applause for Cameron being brave enough to be humilited.

Cameron spit out the cum to prove he didnt' like what he had to do.

Marshall laughed as he went to the shower. "Come on with me if you want some more"

Cameron responded "fuck off" and dressed.

The group slowly left the room, some patted Cameron on the butt as they passed by and others high fived him.

"You ok?" Sandy asked as the two walked from the school.


Sandy wanted to ask how it was to suck a cock but he dared not.

"I got an idea that will make you feel better" he said instead "come with me".

They went into Sandy's house and to his bedroom.

"I got to do this so no questions,just go with it" Sandy said as he stripped his tank top and shorts off.

Cameron figured they were going to jack off. "Hey not right now, man I just uh don't feel like it".

"No no, not that. But something like it. I want to" Sandy moved closer to where Cameron was sitting on the bed and knelt.

Cameron watched as Sandy reached under his shorts and pulled his cock out. The boys mouth swallowed his cock and played with it.

"Man you don't have to" Cameron figured hsi best friend was trying to make him feel better by doing the same thing he had to do earlier.

Sandy didn't respond. His tongue felt his best friends cock, base to tip while it was inside his mouth. He savored the taste. He pressed the cockhead against the roof of his mouth an drubbed it there.

"Shit man" Cameron said pulling his shirt off. He had wondered how Marshall felt when he was sucking him, now he was finding out.

Sandy reached for his own hard cock and jacked it as he sucked and sucked.

Cameron coudln't get the sensation of sucking Marshall's cock out of his head as he felt his friends mouth and tongue treating him to the same sensations. Once he had faced Marshall there had been no humiliation, no blushing embarassment, it was exploration.

"God gonna" Cameron warned and Sandy pulled back. "No" Sandy said and put his mouth around Cameron's cock to tasted hsi cum as he swallowed each and almost every shot.

He pulled back just in time to have the last couple of spurts land on his smiling face. He licked it from his lips.

"Been wanting to do that for a long time" Sandy admitted "Now you know" he said not smiling any longer fearful his friend would be repulsed and leave.

"Wow" Cameron looked at the sweet face of his cum wettened friends face. "Guess it's my turn" he moved to the floor and pushed Sandy backwards.

His lips literally sucked in the boys cock and he did all thethings he had done to Marshall and the other things he had felt from Sandy's mouth until he was gulping cum like a thirsty athlete on a summer afternoon.

"Shit" Sandy said "lucky Marshall".

"Fuck him, we're the lucky ones, we can suck each other" Cameron said as he crawled up to where Sandy's still cum wet face was.

He lowered his hed and kissed the boy, their tongues sharing each other's cum and long smothered passion.

"I guess this means we're still friends" Sandy said as they caught their breath.

"Wanna bet?" Cameron said "I'd say we're something more"

And both boys won that bet.

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