Paying For It

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 5, 2020


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Paying For It II

This story is a sequel to Paying For It.


After coming out to our parents, John and Virginia Fremont, Brett and I decided to get married. John was Brett's father and Ginny was my mother. They met at our college graduation, and it was love at first sight.

Brett and I got married in a gay church. Our parents were not against the marriage, but they were very conservative fundamentalists. As much as they loved us, they decided it would be best if they didn't attend the ceremony. As a result, Brett's godparents, Ellen and Martin Brenner, opted not to attend also.

Be that as it may, word got out. The foursome began to sense the whispering behind their backs in church on Sundays. Worse yet, they could no longer abide the weekly rampages against gays delivered by their minister. Not only did my parents have two gay sons, my mother had two brothers, and one was gay. She loved him and his partner as much as she loved her straight brother and his wife and kids.

At a family dinner one evening, our parents expressed their unhappiness and disappointment with their church. Brett and I urged them to give our church a try the following Sunday. They agreed, and I had to wonder if John would have been so willing to go to a gay church, if he and Marty weren't going at it regularly? They thought that nobody knew about their "affair" but Brett and I had discovered it by snooping.

Much to our surprise, our parents were accompanied to the church by Marty and Ellie. My brothers were in college, so they weren't there. My benevolent stepfather and father-in-law treated them like his own sons, and he had no second thoughts about financing their education. In later years, he contributed to the expenses of their weddings, and they began to work in the business with the rest of the family.

There was a lot more pomp and circumstance in our church, than in their church, and they were very impressed. Although the pastor's sermons were always related to that week's reading from the scriptures, as usual, he stressed love, tolerance and inclusiveness.

In the middle of the sermon, John had an epiphany. He sensed that he was listening to words that sounded like Jesus might have spoken them. He suddenly realized that he was in a true house of God, and that his old church was a sham. He began to cry silently. He was sitting next to Brett, and his son saw what was happening. Brett put his arm around his father's shoulder to comfort him.

After the service, we all went to the social hall for some coffee and a snack. Brett and I introduced our visitors to the pastor, who greeted them warmly. When we parted, John said, "Nice to have met you, Pastor. Seeya next Sunday."

Now I started to cry.

John took us all out to lunch, and I never saw him so happy. Brett and I were thrilled.

We were so excited, that we made love that night like never before. Of course, we used fellatio to get our juices flowing, but we each came three times by anal sex. I was sore, but so, so euphoric. We fell asleep in pure exhaustion. As we were nodding off, I heard Brett say, "I sure hope we can get up to go to work tomorrow."

We did.


After discovering that John and Marty were lovers, Brett and I kept an eagle eye on them for tell-tale signs. We were afraid they would give themselves away. I don't think either of us intended to study their habits on a conscious level, but we were doing it without realizing it. That's why I noticed a change in them after they started to attend our church, and it alarmed me. For two Fundamentalists, they were becoming more and more touchy-feely in public. If they wanted to preserve their secret, they would have to be more careful. My mother worked in our office, and I could only hope that she hadn't noticed.

Brett and I had long discussions about their behavior. If we were to warn them to be more discreet, then we had to let them know that we knew about their secret life. We concluded that revealing our complicity, would be less scary and less damaging than if that secret was to become public, especially to the two wives.

Our first thought was to wait for a quiet day in the office, and ask them to go to lunch with us to discuss some business matters. The problem with that was we had no quiet days, so we decided on a dinner out.

Brett invited our two fathers, John and Marty, to have a boys' night out with us. He told them that we wanted to discuss some business, because there was never time to do that in the office. The women thought that male family bonding was a wonderful idea, and the fathers thought that maybe we should make it a regular thing.

John and Marty used to have a favorite restaurant, but it was owned by one of their former friends from church. They didn't want to go there, nor did they go there ever again, so we said that we would choose the restaurant. After much discussion, Brett and I picked one of our favorite restaurants. It was not a gay restaurant, but it was owned by two gay men, and usually, a majority of the diners were gay. Brett laughed, and said, "That'll set the scene."

Brett and I waited until we were having our coffee before saying anything. Since Brett was blood and I wasn't, he volunteered to start talking. I told him not to worry. If he faltered, I'd be there to take over.

"Dad, Marty," he started and then stopped. I urged him on with my eyes.

"Craig and I were wondering ...," he continued.

"Wondering what?" Marty asked.

In the end Brett failed, and I took over. "Maybe we're wrong," I admitted, "and maybe it's because we're gay that we are aware that you two guys act like a gay couple."

They both paled. "What do you mean?" John asked, slightly threatening.

Brett spoke again. "You're too damned affectionate in public. Craig and I are married, and we don't act as lovey-dovey outside of our bedroom as you two do. Whether there's something going on or not, you've got to be more discreet. If you are engaging in physical love, we don't want anyone to find out, especially Ginny and Ellie."

Brett had wanted to say, "fucking each other," but he caught himself just in time.

The two men were regaining their color, but they were speechless. The four of us just stared at each other without speaking.

Finally, John broke the silence. "You know about us. Don't you? How?" he asked.

I was not about to tell them that I had followed them to a motel, so I glanced at Brett as I answered him, "I guess it was gaydar."

Brett understood my little fib, and went along with it.

The silence lasted a long time. Finally, I heard a sob come out of John, "Please," he begged, "don't hate us."

I grabbed Marty's hand and Brett grabbed his father's. "Good God," I whispered. "Don't you know how much we love you two guys. We never would have told you that we knew, but you have to be more cautious. In order to warn you, we had to let you know that we were aware of it."

"I'll never know how it happened," Marty said still blubbering. But he did seem a lot more relieved, and he began to relax.

"Tell us about it," I pleaded. Brett was not about to discuss sex with his dad. He was already turning red.

If Marty didn't want to talk, it was okay with me, and I'm sure with Brett also. There was no way in hell, I would ever tell them how we met.

But Marty did talk. He began to tell us about the first time.


John Fremont and Martin Brenner met each other in kindergarten. They became instant friends and in their fifty-third year of life, that friendship had never faltered. They were the very definition of the newly-coined, modern word, "bromance."

When they were teenagers, they belonged to the youth group in their church. One summer, the head of the youth ministry arranged for the boys in his group to go on a two-week retreat to a lake with beautiful camp grounds. It was about fifty miles north of their city. The girls were going to a nearby camp. The two places were quite civilized. The boys were delighted to see cabins instead of tents. The log cabins had indoor plumbing and slept two men each. Of course, the two best friends grabbed one of the cabins for themselves.

The first night out, John heard strange noises coming from Marty's bed. He glanced over and saw Marty whacking off.

"What the fuck are you doing?" John asked.

"What does it look like? I'm jacking off. I have to do it at least once a night or I go crazy. If I don't do it, I'll never last until I get married."

"But, it's a sin," John said.

"Bullshit. I'm not a catholic priest. I'm allowed to have a sex life."

"You're right," John said. I'm going to do it too."

The second night out, John suggested that they do it in the same bed. Marty was more than willing.

The third night out, they did it to each other. When they were done, they both said, "WOW," at the same time.

The fourth night out they tasted their cum.

The fifth night out, they licked the remaining cum off their dripping cocks with their tongues.

The sixth night out, they tried fellatio. They both came, and proclaimed that it was the best thing that ever happened to them.

They didn't try anal sex until the ninth night out. That was the night they kissed each other for the first time.

Their fates were sealed. They both assumed that all this would end when they got married. They had no clue how much they loved each other, and how much they needed each other. Their religion and their philosophies did not permit them to conceive that two men could love each other, not only emotionally, but physically.

They went on making love all their lives. If the truth be told, they never thought of what they were doing as being homosexual. It was just their special, private activity. It made them happy, and that was all that mattered to them. Happy or not, they loved their wives, and presented good, solid marriages to the rest of the world.

For whatever reason, Ellie and Marty were unable to conceive a child. On the other hand, John and his first wife, Mary Ann, conceived Brett rather quickly, but she developed cancer, and was unable to conceive another child. She fought the disease bravely for a number of years, but finally succumbed.

When he married Ginny, John was delighted to welcome her other two boys into his life, and into his family. Craig was already his son. As far as he was concerned, he had four sons. By extension, Marty became a second father to all of them.


When Marty finished his tale, the table was very silent. Finally, John sighed. "Where do we go from here?" he asked.

"Nowhere. We just wanted to tell you to be less affectionate with other people in the room."

"Thanks, Son. I didn't even realize it."

"Me either," Marty added.

"You know," Marty said, "now you know how we met. Tell us about you two."

I didn't want Brett to lie to his dads, so I said quickly, "I'll tell." I could hear Brett sigh with relief.

"Our high schools were very close. Brett got out a half hour before my school dismissed us. After classes, a bunch of us guys got into a pick-up basketball game in the schoolyard. My school was also close to our corporate office. Brett worked there most afternoons after school. He had to pass my school every day on the way to the office. He would stop and watch us play. One day, he asked if he could join in. Of course, we said yes."

"I thought you hated basketball, Brett," John said.

"I did, and I still do, but even at that young age, I was attracted to Craig, and I wanted to be with him." Brett started to laugh. "The guys thought I was terrible at the game, but we all became good friends, and they tolerated me."

I looked at Brett. We smiled at each other. I believe our whopper worked, and our two dads bought the story.

As we were leaving the restaurant, one of the owners was at the door greeting people, or thanking them for coming in. Brett and I knew him well, so we introduced John and Marty as "our two dads." The restaurateur erroneously assumed that they were a gay couple who had raised both of us.

"You guys are a credit to the gay community," he lauded them. "You've raised two fine sons, no, two exceptional sons. Good for you."

They both turned red again, and I said, "See what we mean."

The next day in the office, John and Marty were ridiculous. They actually acted cool to each other and presented a façade of not caring for each other at all. I worked closely with Marty, so I took him aside.

"What's up with you two?" I asked. "We told you not to show affection. We didn't mean for you to act like strangers who dislike each other."

"I didn't realize," Marty whimpered. I hate acting that way."

"Well, buzz John and invite him to lunch."

"I don't think we have time today."

I couldn't believe how naïve he was. "I mean a real lunch, not sex," I had to explain.

"I know," he said, "but we haven't had time to be alone together in weeks. All I have is sex on my mind. Sex with John, that is."

"I've got an idea. I'll tell you after lunch."

He laughed, and rather than buzz John, he ran to his office. As soon as he did, I rang Brett, and said that I had something important to bounce off him.

"Please have lunch with me?" I asked him.

Usually, we were both too busy to have lunch together. In fact, we rarely had lunch at all. We met in a coffee shop, down the street from the office.

"What's up, Hubby?" Brett asked.

"Marty told me that he and Dad are having a tough time getting together."

"I know. My dad told me the same tale of woe. I think of us, and how we ache for each other, and I really feel bad for them, but what can we do?"

"Let's accelerate our surprise, and here's what I intend for us to do."

"Tell me, Tell me."

Now that Brett and I were big wage earners, we decided to give up our tiny one-bedroom apartment. Construction on a new luxury high-rise was just completed only two blocks from the office. It was a condominium, and Brett and I bought the penthouse. It had three bedrooms, and we would be occupying it in less than a month. We had decided to tell our folks about it, just before the move, and then have a house warming party.

"Here's what we'll do for two great guys," I said. "We'll make a habit out of boys' night out. Dad even suggested it. I think doing it every week might raise suspicion, but every other week should work. Only we won't go to dinner. We'll make dinner in our apartment, and then they can use the guest room."

"Great idea," Brett said, "but do you think they might be too embarrassed or too inhibited to do it in our home?"

"They're so horny, I don't think they'll care," I said, by way of offering my opinion.

"Okay. After lunch, I'll tell Dad, and you can tell Marty. I hope it will make them feel better, and have something to look forward to."


It took a couple of weeks after we moved to get our home ship-shape. The first weekend that we were in a habitable condition, we had our house-warming party. Besides our parents, Marty and Ellie, our brothers came home from college for the weekend. We also had a few of our gay friends. It didn't seem to bother the straight guests at all. In fact, our two brothers interacted with our gay friends very cordially.

We decided to make Friday nights our night out. The Friday after the house-warming, the four of us left the office together. We were able to walk over to our place, and our dads left their cars in the company parking garage. I had a great dinner ready. It just needed to be warmed up.

Brett and I got a lot of surprises that evening. Our dads could not wait. While dinner was heating, they ran into the guest room. When we called them to dinner, all each had on was a bathrobe we had given them. They gobbled up their dinner, including dessert, and disappeared again. They didn't come out of the guest room for two noisy hours. Then they showered and dressed.

"We left a lot of our stuff in the guest bathroom, if you don't mind," John said.

"We don't mind at all," Brett answered.

They thanked us profusely and kissed both of us on the lips. They had never done that before, and I, for one, was shocked. When they finally had kissed and thanked us enough, they left and walked back to their cars. They agreed to tell their wives that we had eaten at the same restaurant as the first time, that is, if they asked.

Our plan worked better than we ever dared believe. I'm sure the wives never suspected a thing. It worked fine until they all retired and bought adjacent luxury condos in Palm Beach, FL. We had no doubt that they would find a way to make love, even there.

The business was all ours now, and we were free to run it our way. We realized our Dad's dream of having motels from coast to coast. Our two brothers were now executive VPs. They were huge wage earners for their wives and kids, and lived in large homes in the suburbs.

One day, I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror washing my hands. I looked at myself, and thought back to my youth, when my mother worked two jobs. My brothers and I roamed the streets without supervision, getting into all kinds of mischief. I congratulated myself at how well I had done, but I also realized that I owed it all to my husband.

I must have looked pensive, because I heard Brett ask, "A penny for your thoughts?"

I didn't answer. I just wrestled him to our bed, and we made love.

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