Payday heat

By red man

Published on Dec 3, 2001



It was payday, Friday, and with no plans for the evening I was working late. I sat alone in the office and quickly grew board. About 7 the phone rang, I picked up and it was Shane, a coworker. He had gone on a job site inspection before they delivered checks and now he couldn't find his office keys to come back and retrieve it.

"How long will you be there? I'm broke and really need to pick up my check." he said.

"Not long, I'm ready to bolt. Why don't I drop it by your place on my way home.

"Sounds great" and he gave me directions.

Shane had always stuck me as straight, but then in our office I didn't discuss my business openly either. I had noticed how good his butt looked in a pair of Kakuei's, and he had this "little boy-all grown up" disposition that everyone loved and was always the hit at the office party. I was sure he had women chasing after him and his winsome grin. He had this frock of chestnut brown that at a moments notice would slip across his forehead. Curious though, He was always alone at those parties. Anyhow we were office mates, he had never mentioned guys so I put my thoughts aside.

It was already around 730 when I arrived and he answered the door in athletic attire. I was taken back a bit. He always struck me as handsome, but I had only seen his forearms around the office and occasional glance at his behind. Now in shorts and a tank top, I could see how well defined he was. His boyish grin rested above a thick strong neck that tapered into a broad chest flat stomach and narrow waist with chestnut wisps of hair waving across the exposed part of his chest. The fabric pulled just ever so tightly around his pecs and a sturdy nipple stood out. I never noticed how hairy his chest was till then. I thought-better talk quick or I'll be in trouble.

"My god man, do work out every minute or did Micelangelo just carve you out."

"Well not every minute but I am lifting right now. Wanna join a few sets."

Boy did I ever want to see those arms in action, but I knew I had no clothes. Maybe next time, "I am not really outfitted today."

"Oh if you're serious I got plenty of gym stuff, and with that we were joking and off to his room. He went thru some drawers and produced some clothes, tossed them on the bed, and stepped into the bathroom. Dropping all modesty (in hopes that he would like what he saw) I began changing. The shorts were a bit big but roomy enough for my legs. At 6'1 210, with broad shoulders and a thick waist, I am no featherweight myself but my legs are the most defined muscles on my body.

He commented on the legs. I do have some nice ones.

"Those are from climbing the stairs as a child I replied. I don't work them much now."

We walked out to his garage, and began working out where he had left off. After a few more forearm curls which left his rippling, we began to work on legs.

" I am glad you're here, I'd like do some squats and need some spotting. He stood and I held the bar up for him to grab. I stood behind him, his neck and hair were so close. I could smell his scent, not strong but like a closet that stores a leather coat, I could smell he was a man. His arms and lats were taunt as he held the bar tight. Down and up, I followed his neck. I focused on one little freckle and soon it too taunted me. A slight stir of heat pulsed thru my groin. Shit man, here I stand in Shane's shorts about to pop a willy. My turn, and as we switched positions I moved quickly not to be seen. Then it happened. Shane, bull of a man that he was, and more accustomed to the gym environment than I, stood so close that I could feel his breath. When I squatted we touched a couple of times, each one sending a surge of electricity that found it's way to my crotch. This went on a couple of sets each with more weight, until it did prove very difficult for me to lift. I balanced the bar behind my neck-resting on my shoulders as Lane shouted out commands of "push", "you're doing it man" and "come on". Suddenly he was gone from behind me and in a flash he was in front and braced my knees together with a push of his big hands. I saw that he had shed his shirt and was knelling in front of me as I stood full up and blew out a strained breath of a grunt. He popped up, but instead of taking the weights from my shoulders he said- "Good show, I mean real good show and with one of those boyish nods (which I knew well meant mischief) he glance in the direction of my waist. I looked down and was helpless. My erection had grown full and pushed well to the forward attention position.

" Sorry man. I..."

" Sorry for what, that you're a man, and have a healthy blood flow. Nothing wrong with that as long as you can use it".

I began to detect that he was a player-but that's not possible I thought, I have never gotten a vibe from him before. Shane's grin got bigger and he coaxed me into one more squat. On the way up he braced me again only this time his hands slid up my thighs to the shortline. His face was right at my straining cock, and he hesitated for a moment. Then he slid his hands up along inside my shorts and blew thru the shorts onto my cock. His breath ignited me and I shuddered with the passion of anticipation. He suck out his tongue and touched my cockhead he licked it several times while swirling his hands along the union of my legs and torso.

"Shane, I--." And words failed me. He began sucking my cock thru the fabric and kept massaging my thighs and ass. My mind raced in a see of excitement as I stood there locked into position by the weight of the bar unable to respond other than to absorb the passion. He began to tongue up into my shorts at my nuts and when he found them I shuddered so hard I almost fell back. He continued musselling them until he could suck on one. The pleasure was so intense that I had to concentrate on not falling over again. His tongue licked and flickered over my nut and the tender spot where the scrotum meets the body. Over and over and all thru the confining edges of the shorts.

He stood up and looked into my eyes-Deep into my eyes. You were saying, his voice had dropped an octave. The he held my face and kissed my. It was one of the best kisses of my life. His hair touched my lips first arousing in them a pucker and then his lips full and soft met mine. His softness turned forceful and pressed hard as his tongue thrust into me. Held there, stretched out with the weight bar on my shoulders I could only kiss him back as he pulled me close and kissed me.

"Well now, I've been wanting to do that for a while", he said.

"Yee-ah" I replied "but what about this -- nodding to the weights."

"Oh shit." and he took the bar away. Then after I caught my breath we began kissing pressing hard against each other. My skin shimmered with excitement and his trembled with post work out tremors. His kisses were strong and smooth and poured a passion into me. After a few minutes he bade me follow him, and we made our way to his room. In one clean swoop, he dropped his shorts and shoes and fell back across his bed. My God Shane was a fine specimen of a man. He lay back with arms above his head exposing his thick latts and armpits, broad, full and haired chest and what a cock. It was thick and hard and lay across his torso reaching almost to his navel. It was extremely thick at the base, and melted into a loose sac of nuts, which begged to be sucked. I reached down with my own strong hands and lifted his ass off the bed, he locked his legs behind me and I began kissing my way to his crotch. The man smelled good all over. His cock head, pulsing and tight, pulsed as I closed my mouth over it. He tightened his ass and lifted closer into my mouth, and I sucked for all it was worth. I dug my hands into the flesh of his but and tickled his hole with my fingers and he thrashed about and began to moan. I could tell he was loaded up and moments from coming. I pulled him deeper in, I could feel his head pushing down into my throat, and thrust my finger into his hole deep like a bullet in a barrel and felt his button and began massaging. I pressed another finger into his ass, and rubbed his prostrate over and over. I could feel it begin to knot and knew he was close. Then he lost it. He thrashed and arched and moaned as I felt the swelling of his head in my mouth along with the swelling knot of his prostrate. I pulled back and he quickly grabbed his cock and pumped, and he shot. His cum spewed past my head landed on my shoulders, fire hot, and it continued boiling out of his cock. He had clamped so hard on my finger I could no longer thrust but massaged his pulsing gland all the while he shook and buckled and semen continued to ooze. He quivered for a few moments, and after a bit, relaxed and slowly opened one eye. Then the other. The look he gave me was in itself an orgasm and I pounce onto him, straddling his torso and began to kiss him.

We rolled around, kissing mouths, tits, and sucking ears and pits. He rolled me onto my stomach and lifted at my ass. Obligingly I lifted and I quickly felt his moist tongue licking long stripes across the crevice and wiggling into my hole. After a moment or two he pushed his way beneath me and began sucking my balls, cock and all the area in between. After a few minutes he positioned himself so that my cock could slide down his throat, and he took it, all the way. I was amazed-I could never take that much without gagging. "Take that cock like the man you are I yelled." I curled my arms around his calves and held myself at a "push-up" position above Shane. I thrust in short tight concentrated strokes, and he held me the whole way with a vacuum that sent my mind racing. I was close to coming and could fell the swelling of my head in his throat when he slide out from below and rolled me over. He pushed my legs apart and began tongue flecks across my scrotum and hair. I shuttered with tensioned passion. I had already had one workout and now after face-fucking my abdomen was tight and burning and between the moistness and power of his tongue, my entire midsection was aflame.

He began kissing his way across my torso and bit my nipple. Another surge rocked thru me. Lowering the full weight of the man upon me, Shane then began to grope my neck and ears. He reached his hands between us and clamped around my raging cock. His hands were slathered in lube and I began to fuck up into them. It was the most intense organism of my life, beginning deep within my groin and spewing through me with each jolt of cum. The weight of him, the tightness of his grip. My mind went blank and all I could do was shutter from the intensity. I could feel thick streams of cum oozing thru his hands and onto my abdomen. When it began to subside, Shane rolled off and we lay there, sexually wasted, and for a few minutes enjoyed the heat of afterglow. I rolled up, facing him and began to nibble and kiss on his face. I held his head in my hand, one more kiss and knew the office would never be boring again.

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