Payback's a Bitch!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 16, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Don't hire a private detective to watch your wife unless you're ready to learn the whole, ugly, unvarnished truth, whatever that may be. Oh, sure, you've decided your wife is cheating on you, but do you really want the entire story, and the extra cost to your life that's going to be? Unless the answer is yes to that question, don't do it! File for divorce, pay the alimony, and enjoy the bliss of ignorance.

Me, I was stupid. I hired the private eye and boy, did I get an earful and then some. I hadn't just lost my wife, I'd also lost Darius. My best friend, since I was like, oh, four or five years old, best friend. God, talk about your double betrayal! My wife and my best friend, screwing behind my back, and it had been going on, the private eye told me, something like two years! Jess and I'd only been married for four!

Darius and Jess, having sex. I couldn't decide which one upset me more! I was going to lose both of them over this. Both of them...unless I could come up with some way to fix this mess they'd gotten us into.

All I could think of was to talk to them. See if Jess really wanted to save our marriage and if Darius loved her enough to fight me for her if she did. If I saved the marriage, I could maybe also save the friendship. If she didn't want to save the marriage but didn't especially want to keep Darius as her lover, I could maybe save the friendship anyhow. If she wanted to leave me for him...I lost it all.

If there was some way I could make things go back to how they'd started. Get Jess to dump Darius, she'd stay with me for sure that way. But how do you talk a woman into not loving a man? Anything you say just makes her dig in her heels. What could I do? How do you break up two people, I mean really, for-certain break them up?

I thought of something I could do. It wasn't guaranteed to work, but it was my best shot at putting things back to where they'd been before Darius had fallen for Jess or vice versa.

I knew what I had to do. Catch them right in the act. Naked and off-guard, they'd be more willing to talk sense. Then, I'd use that to give the two of them a payback that would rock them right out of any love they had for each other. With that, I left for work the next morning as usual, but I didn't go any further than around the block. Into the alley from the other side and parked my car, slipped in through the back gate.

Darius worked a shift that started at three in the afternoon and went until midnight. He would come in the front door of my own house, the private eye had told me, less than fifteen minutes after I left each day and spend the entire morning with my wife. In my own bed.

I heard the doorbell and heard my wife and Darius. Heard them talking, laughing, heard the sounds of them kissing and hugging (okay, I imagined most of that part, but the sounds I did hear made it clear they were getting ready to have sex in my own bed. In my own bed!

I had to grit my teeth and let them go into my bedroom, before I dared open the back door of our house. Made my way stealthily down the hallway. The door was open, I could hear them, they were just getting into the bed. The squeak of the mattress' springs. Just getting into position, then they started a steady bouncing noise I knew to the very bones of my body!

Time for my grand entrance. The angry, cuckolded husband, I stormed into the room and there was Darius and Jess, both stark naked in my bed, on top of my covers, her legs around his body and his arms resting on either side of her bare body. His hips had been thrusting up and down, driving his cock into her, until I marched in. "There you two are!" I declared, not very originally.

"Kevin!" My wife obligingly screamed in fright.

"Kev?" Darius looked over, his handsome face with his dark hair askew the way it did when he and I were playing a game of softball and he'd take off his cap to wipe his face, his teeth shining white in the sunlight. "Oh, dear Lord!"

"Kevin, I can explain!" Jess shrieked. She pushed Darius off her body and he fell onto his back beside her, heavily. God, his cock was hard and wet, wet with my wife's pussy-juices!

"I don't see anything here needing explanation." I stormed at her.

"Oh, God!" she buried her face in her hands.

"Kev, man, listen to me!" Darius pleaded.

"No, you two listen to me. I've had a private detective watching you for the last two weeks. Lots of photos, even some video. Everything I need to make sure that you get squat in the divorce."

Jess blanched at that.

"So the only question here is, is that how you want this to play out." I sat down in the single chair in the room. Jess had pulled the covers out from under her and Darius and was draping it over the two of them. Separate covers, that is.

"What?" Jess asked me, hope beginning to replace the fear on her face.

"First, you need to pick. Do you want Darius, or do you want me?"

I saw Jess look at Darius and back again. If I didn't know here that well, I never would have picked it up. She figured she could patch things up with me, keep Darius on the side like he was (and probably didn't want anything more), and return things to the way they were before I found out about them. "I never considered leaving you for him." she said. "It wasn't ever anything that serious between us." I wasn't supposed to see her hand reach over and give him a reassuring squeeze, she was lying through her teeth to me. Poor, dumb, gullible me.

"Yeah, really, Kev, it was stupid of us, but you know I love you, man! We never meant anything." he chipped in as best he could. I'd known Darius longer than Jess, he was less able to lie to me than she was. He'd meant it, he just hadn't expected to get caught at it. A little private, guilty fun I wasn't ever supposed to find out about.

But I pretended to be taken in. I hadn't been listening to see if she was in love with me, only if she wanted to stay with me. "So the only question here is, how can we make things right between us."

"I should leave." Darius said, started to get out of bed.

"No, wait." I said. "You need to hear this, too."

Mystified, he settled back again.

"You've cheated on me, Jess. That hurts me. Hurts a lot."

"I'm so sorry...."

"I don't want to hear the words. We need a way for me to balance this out. You cheat on me with my best friend, I cheat on you, with someone you know. We end up even, and that will put us back on the level."

Jess blinked at that, but recovered. "I guess that's fair." She looked over at Darius. "I'm in no position here to argue, am I?" She lifted her covers to look at her bare breasts.

"So I get your permission to cheat on you. Not only that, but you have to sit there and watch me cheat on you. Fair enough?"

"I guess so." Jess looked at me. "I hurt you, now you want to hurt me, right?"

"Payback's a bitch." I agreed. I looked at Darius. "Now you, Darius. You have to help me out on this. Do whatever I ask of you to help me do this."

"That depends on who it is you want to cheat on Jess with." Darius said cautiously. He knew me well enough to know that it was going to be big, whatever it was.

"No hints." I shook my head. "Pig in a poke. After all, you've betrayed me here too, you know."

Darius grimaced. "I never planned to, it sort of just happened."

"Not interested." I raised my hand. "Do you agree. Anything I ask of you?"

"All right." Darius said.

I raised my hand in the old oath-taking position we'd used as kids. "You swear?"

"I swear." Darius raised his own hand. He'd never broken this oath, nor had I.

I kept my own hand up. "You two agree to this, and I swear to destroy all those photos and videos."

I could hear their sighs of relief, though they tried to muffle it. Jess' was bigger than Darius' in its way, I think she was planning to divorce me soon anyhow, and with those photos out of the way, she'd get a lot more alimony than she would with them.

"So, anyway, Kevin." Darius went on. "Who's the lucky woman you want to score with, the one you score with right in front of Jess? And frankly, what makes you think she's going to agree to that?"

"I've already got the lucky one to agree to do it." I went on, a smile on one side of my face, because damn it, it wasn't funny.

"Who?" Darius asked.

"You." I told him.




"Darius?" Jess chimed in.

"I said I wanted it to hurt you, Jess." I reminded her. "You cheat on me with my best friend, I cheat on you with your boyfriend. Only fair, don't you think, an equal amount of hurt?"

"Is that the only reason you're doing it?" Darius asked suspiciously.

"It's the main reason." I admitted. "I mean, I want it to happen right away, and who else is going to agree to having sex with me right in front of my wife? If not my best friend, that is."

I looked at Jess, she was the one who I was worried about. She was struck by this, a real hit beyond doubt. Damn it, Darius was supposed to be all hers! And to watch him and me having sex, this put her into being the odd one out. And when she saw Darius have his climax with me instead of her, I was betting it'd kill any love interest they had in each other.

And for Darius? He and I had a long history together, including many a night in bed together as children in sexual exploration with each other. He and I had each had our first climax with each other. While those nighttime activities had dropped away before the age of ten, our friendship had survived and grown strong from that and other shared secrets. I wasn't positive our friendship would survive it, I wasn't sure of anything. But this was my best chance to break them up and save both of them, in my life and not cheating on me with each other.

"Well." Jess said it first, a long drawn-out syllable of a word. "Like I said, I guess that's fair."

"How about you, Darius?" I asked him. "One time with me, and I'll call us square again. Or should I say, one more time?"

"One more."

"Childhood play." I assured her. "But we're not children anymore."

"Just what are you wanting us to do?"

"All of it. We hug and kiss, we suck each other, we fuck each other, we both come and take the other's spunk all the way down." I looked at Jess. "I want you to look at me and him and know that we both did it, we swallowed it or took it up the ass and that come is inside of us, a part of us."

Jess was convinced she wouldn't be that bothered, it would only be one time and she'd have Darius all to herself again. "I said I thought it was fair."

"So when do you want to do this?" Darius asked.

"What's wrong with right now?"


"Now?" Jess parroted.

"It's not like you aren't ready." I told Darius with a smirk. "Just think of it as a slight substitution in the programme."

Darius had to smile about that. "All right. Now, then."

"Scoot your bare ass out of that bed, Jess." I said as I stood up and began by pulling at my tie knot at my throat. "And slide it into this chair, I want to make sure you get a good view."

Darius was already naked, he only had to watch me get undressed. I hadn't been unclothed in front of him since college days, and I think he'd expected me to get weak or sloppy. I'd been religious about my workouts, though and when I peeled my undershirt over my head, he got a good look at my pecs and abs. "What do you think of this, Darius?"

"Not bad." he agreed.

"Tell me how much you like it." I prompted him. Jess was watching this, wearing only a sheet she'd brought from the bed. "Sweet talk me, like you do with Jess." I shucked my shoes, while lace-up dress shoes, they came off my feet easy enough.

"Kevin." Jess started, but a look from me silenced her.

"Tell me." I said again.

"You look really good, Kevin." Darius ventured.

"Let me see you, too, Darius." I coaxed him. "Show me those tits of yours. Are you any hairier than you were ten years ago?"

"Some." He admitted and lowered the blankets to his waist.

Damn, he was hairy, and that hair didn't hide his chest expansion, it accented it, darker lines at every ripple, a darker diamond at his heart and pairs of arcs at his breast, his stomach was ripped, with curves of abs in a beautiful six-pack.

"You look so damned hot, lying there, just waiting for me." I reached up and stroked my chest in languid, sensual motions. "Such a big, hot, good-looking man, I want you, you big stud, I want you." I cocked my eyebrows at him, and Darius picked up the cue (Now it's your turn!)

"Yeah, man, get that hot body over here so I can give it some good loving attention." he said.

That stung Jessie, I realized he'd dipped into his repertoire of language he used on her to entice me.

"Some good loving attention, yeah, stud, you're going to get lots of that from me." I told him. "Just let me peel off the last of these clothes and you and me can get down to it, nice and nasty." I'd used that line on Jess in the past, too, and it never failed to make her squeal in a sort of naughty pleasure.

I heard her moan, "Oh, God!" in exasperation, and I chuckled to myself, undid my pants and pulled them and my briefs down in one motion. With those at my feet, I was only wearing a pair of socks.

Rather to my surprise, I had a firm erection pointing at Darius. "Here it is, Darius, waiting for you to give it that loving attention. Now let me see yours."

Darius removed the rest of the blanket and his cock was also at full readiness, a lovely arcing prong. "I can see you're more than ready." I said. "Damn, but that's a good-looking dong you got there. I can't wait to wrap my mouth around it and suck it better'n my wife ever thought of doing."

His cock jerked at that. "Then come and get it." he said in a low tone that was almost a growl.

My wife gasped, just the reaction I was hoping for. I was going to hit her as hard as she'd hit me by her affair. Not just cheat on her, cheat on her with her boyfriend!

It gave me the sort of intent rush of lust I needed. "Payback's a bitch, isn't it, Jess?" I told her. "Now to give you an eyeful you'll never forget." And to Darius, "And give you something to remember, too."

I got into the bed and got a grip on that thick tool of his. "Yeah, that's a luscious piece of man-meat you got there!" I told him. "Feels real good in my hand, and I bet it tastes as good as it looks!"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Darius offered.

"Don't mind if I do." and I twisted around in the bed, both getting my head down to his cock and presenting my own to him. "Now for a taste of what my wife's been getting for the last couple of years."

"Yeah, get a mouthlock on it, Kev!" Darius seemed to have forgotten my wife was even there, but I could feel her eyes burning into my back. "Show it some man-loving!"

Knowing she was watching me, I dove onto Darius' prong triumphantly. My lips and tongue plied upon the sturdy shaft eagerly, I wanted to not only humiliate Jess with this, I wanted her to watch Darius writhe under my ministrations.

"Ahhhhh, yeahhhhhh!" Darius groaned as my mouth sank to the base, burying him inside my throat. "Awwww, shiiiiiiit, yeahhhhhh!"

I moved, and my own dong slapped his shoulder. I rose off his cock at the same time, until I held only the glans. "Mmmuuuhhh!" I reminded him.

As I sank onto him again, I wondered, would he do it? Had I made a deal with him that he'd follow through, or would he try to wimp out, avoid it, would he....

I felt his lips sliding over my own uncut prod, the skin sliding obligingly aside and down to insert the glans into his mouth and touch his tongue, "Oh, God!" I gasped as I broke free of his own cock. "God, yeah, suck it, Darius, suck my cock, suck it good!"

"Mmmmuhh!" he grunted and his own dong slapped my cheek. Oh, yeah! I returned to nursing on him and we fell into a surprisingly easy symphony of movement. For me at least, it was knowing Jess was watching my every move, a grim sort of revenge-pleasure my brain was more than ready to convert into sex-pleasure. It let me suck on Darius in a state of real desire, I was loving the taste and feel of his prong as it slid in and out of my mouth and throat.

Darius was giving me the right kind of attention. I felt my desire rising as he plied me with a skill my wife had never attained in four years of marriage. Shit, I was loving this! All that male musk oozing into my nostrils from the nearness of his crotch, the taste on his pud that was musky, rich and male! My desire was rising in me and I realized I was dangerously close to coming, this quick.

No, I didn't want that! Jess hadn't suffered enough! I broke off and pulled my cock bodily from Darius' mouth, he didn't seem to want to let go. He looked down at me with glazed eyes. "Enough of the cocksucking, buddy!" I panted to him. "Time now for us to prong each other up the ass. Which one of us goes first?"

"Do me first!" he panted in his turn. "Come on, do me, Kev, do me!"

I heard Jess gasp again, relished the sound. "You bet I'm going to fuck you, man, then when my jizz is boiling in your ass, you can stick that shaft into me that you've been shoving into my old lady." I rolled over and reached into the nightstand, pulled out the tube of Lube I'd stashed there the night before. "I've been planning to fuck you for a while, man!" I raised up on my knees to show both of them my cock. "Take a good look at what's going into your ass!"

"Oh, yeah, yeah!" groaned Darius. "Grease that monkey up for me, grease it, man!"

I squirted a handful and began to slather my prong with it. Darius looked at it, shining and he groaned, his legs seemed to rise in the air of their own accord, exposing the dark line of his ass hair, somewhere in that was the circle of my destination. I waddled over on my knees to get Darius' ass into range.

"Okay, Kevin, you've made your point." Jess said to me. "You don't have to go through with this, I'm sorry, really sorry, I won't ever cheat on you again, I promise."

"No way, Jess." I told her. "You have two years to make up for, I'm making it easy on you by just making you endure one night of it. You only have to put up with this for an hour, I've had to put up with it for month after month after month."

"Now, Kevin."

"If you want those photos and video, you have to just shut up and sit there and watch, Jess. Watch it all. Every bit of it. Or no deal."

She quieted then, but I could feel her simmering over there. She'd find some way to get back at me for this, but right now, I didn't care. I was getting my revenge, and getting to fuck Darius' ass at the same time!

I put my cock against Darius' sphincter, I just could make out the entrance in all that hair. He moaned and his hands reached up for me. I lowered myself into the very position he'd been in when he was fucking Jess, resting my weight on my hands and his arms and legs around me. In this position, the very same, I pushed into him and Darius' face screwed up in pain and pleasure, and he crooned out a long, low sound that mixed those two into a single masculine sound.

"Yeah, take it, Darius, feel my cock pushing into you. You love it, don't you, man, don't you love the feel of my cock in your ass? The same cock that's been fucking Jess is now fucking you, don't you love it?"

"Oh, yeah, come on, fuck me, man!" Darius moaned. He was really getting into this. Some primal element of him was getting off on my fucking him, right in front of my wife, the woman he'd been fucking behind my back, now he was getting fucked by me, there was a part of him that loved this! "Really ram my ass for me, aw, man, I love it, oh!"

I began to hunch at him, and he groaned anew. His fingertips dug into my back and the pain of his fingernails spurred me to fuck him harder. He wanted it, I wanted it, why hold back! I rammed into him to the very base and his response was to throw his head back and howl! "Oooh, woooooh!"

"Yeah, take it the way my wife takes it, you bastard!" I snarled. "Take it like my wife, take it like Jess!"

"Oh, God, yeah, yeah!" Darius moaned. "I can feel it, I can feel it! Fuck my butt, you deserve to make me take you, fuck me like I deserve it!"

I began to feel my climax boiling in my balls. "Ah, shit, Darius, you're a better fuck than my wife ever was! I can see why she liked you doing it to her! Now I'm doing it to you, you're such a good fuck!"

"Oh, ah, ah, I'm coming, man!" Darius moaned.

"Don't come, damn you!" I gasped myself. "You still have to fuck me, don't you dare come, don't you dare!"

"Oh, ah, I can't help it, I can't, I, oh, ah, ah!"

"Don't you dare come you bastard, don't you dare!"

"Ah, hah, ah, GAH-HAH!" And Darius hot spunk splattered me with a force that was almost painful, so hard, so hot, so much of it, I was splattered with his jizz and his scent rushed into my nostrils, the musky salty smell of his come and in that rush of aroma in my brain, I found my own orgasm overwhelm me!

"Oh, shit, man, here it comes!" I gasped out and that was all I could say, for I was too busy ejaculating, my spunk roared out of me and into that hot ass of Darius' and I plunged it into his ass and I pumped it into him as deep as I could get it!

Darius' arms were holding me as I shot it into him and his own jizz was still wetting my stomach and I slumped down onto him and my neck felt the hot rush of Darius own exhausted breaths.

"Ah, shit, man, that was so fucking hot!" I breathed to him after a time.

"You're the best." he hissed back to me. "God, I haven't had such a good fuck in I don't know when!"

"Me, either!" I agreed. "Sex with Jess has been tapering off steadily ever since the honeymoon. I guess you were partly responsible for that."

"I'm sorry."

"It takes two to cheat on a marriage." I soothed him. And that reminded me. I raised up to look over at Jess.

Only to see an empty chair. Sometime in our self-involved fucking, my wife had slipped out the door on us.

"Damn!" I growled and got up. "Jess? Jess, where the fuck are you? You were supposed to watch, damn it!"

I heard it then, the car started up. "Shit, that's her car!" I got up and ran to the window looked out.

Jess' car was already pulling out of the driveway; no way to catch it. She'd be bound to a friend's house or her mother.

"Damn it, that bitch! We had a deal!"

"Let it be, man!" Darius said. "Let it be!"

"But...but this was how I was going to save the marriage!" I blurted out.


I explained it as best as I could. "So her watching us have sex was supposed to kill any attraction between the two of you." I concluded. "That would let us get into counseling and fix things up."

"You weren't going to fix things up." Darius informed me. "She's been squirreling away money from you for nearly as long as we'd been going together. Pushing me to marry her. Talking to a divorce attorney."

I let that sink in. "So what the fuck am I going to do?" I mourned.

"You have photos and video." he said. "I'd use it to make sure she didn't get a red cent of alimony or anything else. Especially with me on the witness stand telling her every secret."

I looked at Darius. "You'd do that for me?"

"You're my best friend." He pointed out. "I've known you a lot longer than I've known Jess. I was going to break up with her anyhow, use the divorce as my excuse, all that dirty laundry getting aired out, you know."

I sighed, managed a smile. This had turned out better than it could have. I'd lost my wife in this...but my friendship was still firmly in place. And a good friend is worth more than an unfaithful wife any day. "All right. Between you and me, we'll rake that bitch over the coals."

"We certainly will."

"So." I said, looked at my watch. I'd take the entire day off from work, and it was only nine-thirty. "We have a few hours, what would you like to do now?"

"The agreement was that we'd fuck each other. That was the deal, you know."

"Yeah." I managed a smile. "That was a part of the deal, wasn't it? A bit of the payback I was going to serve up on you and my wife."

"Yeah. You've fucked me, but I haven't gotten my chance to fuck you yet."


Darius' arms came around me from behind. "It's payback time."

"Yeah." I agreed and turned around. "And payback's a bitch!"


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