
By Drin Whethers

Published on Jun 27, 2007


Payback - 2

By Cobradelight B&D

We stood mutely, still joined together, staring from the room into the restaurant. Well-dressed females were in a festive mood, visibly astounded by the serving crew, the king's camels they were called. Each of us had endured stable life, stern trainers and harsh drivers. This was a new creature that hit with the force of a bomb. At least we had been bound as beasts of burden, unable to escape or make a choice. But here we would, of our own volition, enter the crowded room with snickers, comments and touches. The very thought of appearing naked before these excited females was frightening but with my crimson rump and erect cock it was almost unimaginable. What would happen if I simply refused? I'd again be punished in some unimaginable way.

Wes, my best friend, was talking to Chad. They were laughing easily and a flash of jealousy swept over me - they were having fun while I stood sweating with dread. Wes looked taken back and I knew Chad, my stern trainer, had just told him they'd been gridiron opponent in high school. They glanced my way and Chad said something that made Wes grin and nod. My ears burned and my face suffused with heat. I stood twitching and thinking I could not be paraded before these women like this.

The earsplitting whacks of the board still resounded in my ears. One hellish smack followed another all because I'd shot my load. I shuddered at the thought of my best bud holding me close, offered words of comfort as I wailed under a furious paddling from Chad. My rump blazed and I could not help but wiggle from the itch. I craved for just a tiny touch to the itching, throbbing scarlet globes.

Wes snapped his fingers and we jerked to attention. This was it, panic time. My stomach lurched and I felt that inevitable sense of doom. Every step caused the little rod to wiggle in my bottom, earthquakes going off in my mind. The trainers waited patiently as time seemed to crawl. Wes took my arm and Chad kneaded Jake's neck.

"Why so upset, Jake? You love women and they love you. You can strut your stuff here." Jake fumbled for words, said he knew nothing about waiting. I almost smiled at his desperation. Chad laughed and rubbed his cheek. "Your skills are not why these gals pay twenty bucks for a burger." Wes rubbed my flaming rump, a relief and a disgrace. Chad was still talking to Jake.

"Back home down South I bet you're slipping the candle to some filly every other night of the week. I hear they cream for the silent, brooding type, especially those with horse dicks!" Chad gripped his huge, upright cock and squeezed hard, the knob big as a Georgia peach. "Wolfman, you're gonna be the greeter since you're such a hairy-chested hit with the gals." Jake visibly reacted, shaking his head bitterly, dreading the exposure of his brawny body to this enthusiastic group.

Jake was sweating, eyes wide with fear as he gazed at the diners teasing and tormenting the helpless waiters, erect to a man. His arm pits glistened, dews of sweat hanging on long curls, his bushy eyebrows were furrowed, his hairy, strong chest heaved and cock was deep red, jutting from wild, thick black pubes. I had already shot my load and though I'd paid for my sin, it had been an incredible relief. Jake had not come in days and was frantic for any kind of release. I knew the feeling, a slow burn that never stopped.

The redhead was very upset. Chad pulled him to the side, an arm around his shoulder, trying to calm him. I felt a tinge of pity for the poor guy. He kept shaking his head slowly until Chad took hold of his angry erection with one hand and stabbed his chest with the other, exasperated at his attitude. The guy gulped and his eyes widened as he nodded his head rapidly in agreement. Chad grinned, slapped his back and jiggled the rod jutting from his ass. His tears streamed silently when Chad began fixing him up for his new task.

Wes told the other royal trainer, the smartass 19 year old kid, to "fix us up." He looked Italian -- swarthy, black curls, muscular - and had a Jersey accent. He curled his finger beckoning me to approach and I quaked inside at his smirk of superiority and authority. Worse was his smarmy, upbeat tone and when he rubbed my scalp and patted my rump almost affectionately, I took a sharp breath and froze. I realized immediately realized this dude couldn't care less about my body but for hazing purposes. He was going to have some old-fashioned fun right from the backstreet. His very presence reeked danger.

"Let's get you fixed up, bud. There's a room of hotties diddling themselves thinking about your prick." He snickered a little. "Youz guyz bitched about not seeing gals -- well, here's your chance." He leaned closer, spoke low. "I got a hot date too, pal, but I'm shooting my wad and not getting my ass blistered. That red tail will be a hit in there!" I took a deep breath for control as he chuckled and gave my flaming bottom a quick pinch. Shivers ran up and down my spine and when he wrapped the collar around my neck, still chatting, I jerked away, unable to accept it all. He expected absolute obedience and was furious at the slightest resistance. He whirled me around and grabbed my ears.

"Look, fuck face, I want out of here. I'm sick of your boner so if you don't straighten up I'll ask your trainer to deliver a new lesson." I froze as Chad approached, frowning.

"Any problem?" He slapped the wooden paddle in his palm, glaring at me. I held my breath, suddenly petrified of saying or doing anything that could be used as an excuse for discipline. I shook my head quickly, biting my lip, swallowing my pride, feeling the heat rush to my skin. Chad drew close, nose to nose.

"Go ahead, try something." I swallowed and was very, very still. He gave me another look and walked out. The arrogant kid smacked my rump hard and I yelped and blinked, eyes stinging with instant tears at the humbling swat. He held my chin firmly.

"You better straighten up or I'll put you over my knee myself." No philosophical bullshit about learning thru discipline or adversity making us better. He was top dog and knew it, getting a visceral kick from his power. I gulped, panting faster as the collar clicked and my wrists were bound to it. Almost nonchalantly he hung nipple clamps and as I twisted at the pain he played with the long purple ribbons attached to them. My harried breathing was like dry heaves, so loud I was sure it could be heard by the diners in the next room.

"You think I'm an SOB but get over it - it's my job. I can't help your standing dick or blistered ass but dude, it's your own fault for fucking up." He snapped on the thick belt with a sharp tug, grinning as his hand brushed my standing cock. I tried to remember my former self -- proud and haughty, turning men to putty. Any pretense at calmness went out the window when he picked up the thick bushy tail with the prickly dildo attached.

"Put your foot up there on that table -- flat on the surface." I obeyed, wobbling on one foot, my knee right under my chin, muscles straining as he dipped the thing in oil. He grinned at my dick that seemed frozen in an upright position and pulled on black gloves. He ran a finger deep in my crack, tickling until I rose on tip toes.

"Dude, stop winking at me -- you flirting or something?" I gasped, realizing he had an unrestricted view to my anus and his fingers were slowly oiling it. This was so much worse than our daily plugging in the stalls. I was so open I could not prevent the knob of the dildo as it pressed. He placed his other hand flat on my chest to steady me and the knob popped thru.

"We're in now, take a breath." He started working it deeper, slowly but firmly, the rough surface causing uncontrollable twitches and constant movement. He was calmly plugging me when his phone rang and he answered, holding the thing in place.

"What's up, babe" He mouthed "my gal" as the thing rocked inside me. "No, just helping a bud out with his uniform." My mind spun as the young man chatted on the phone while easing the thing inside me inch by horrible inch.

He hung up with a, "Later, babe." I was stuffed and powerless, the surface scratchy beyond belief. In this almost obscene position, it met little resistance. I gasped as he shoved another inch -- a low, loud moan, "Ohhhh fuck!".

"That's exactly right, pal!" He turned me to the mirror and kept teasing as we both saw my cock dance and the slit open wide, cum pouring out in a steady stream. He bound the dildo to the belt, ramming it to the hilt and I groaned loudly and threw my head back. I was melting under the sensations. He pressed my head to his shoulder so that his mouth was right at my ear.

"I'm that little button, right pal?" I nodded slowly, hot tears rolling down my cheeks, and we stood side by side a moment. He pressed me close as I struggled to accept the explosions in my rectum, gasping and trembling violently. The tiniest movement was magnified a thousand times inside me.

"Dude, one cock ring coming up." His fingers slid down the crease of my dick knob and rubbed just under the head. He was delighted at my response. "Damn, you are nervous -- goose bumps on your sac!" He looked up at me and I cringed at his pleasure. He began teasing my balls -- not massaging but teasing to see me gasp and squirm. His soft touch was a tiny electric jolt and I inhaled sharply as he examined them closely. The studded cock ring dangled from his hand. He wrapped it slowly, chuckling as my cock leaked.

He laced on heavy black shoes polished to a mirror finish. Thick white socks showed a good 2 inches above the tops. His cap kept grazing my balls lightly as he worked. He picked up a tiny metal rod with a long purple streamer and dipped it in the oil. He took hold of my knob and squeezed until the slip opened wide making me groan and back up.

"Uh uh, don't make me call your trainer. Put your foot back on the table so I can get access." Holding the bloated leaking head firmly he threaded the cold rod inside me. I wiggled at the sensation, still forehead on his shoulder, gasping for breath. "You'll be plugged on all ends - mouth, ass and dick." It was indescribable, a sensuous insertion that bought a new flurry of tears. He buckled it tight and I writhed, unable to keep still.

"We wanna be sure you two don't spray the food with your baby juice." He turned to Jake who watched in horror. "Don't get any ideas but dude, you are one big-dicked hairy stud. I'm not sure this thing will fit." He ran his fingers quickly thru the chest hair then ruffled his long, wild pubes, pulling at the ends of the curls as Jake squirmed, unable to abide the close touch. He shivered with confusion -- he craved yet hated the touch. The purple stretchy cloth only covered the top 7 inches of his cock leaving 2 more exposed as well as his enormous scrotum and the black forest of curls. A string under his balls held it on tight. The cloth seemed almost alive, moving and stretching and a dark, wet spot suddenly appeared, mortifying to the camel when it was pointed out rather wickedly.

"First impressions -- hairy chest, furry legs, oversized dick and leaking." He laughed and Jake wept silently, frustrated, a big helpless guy in nothing but shiny shoes and a hardon. He could not touch himself knowing the punishment that would elicit. We were given a quick set of instructions on how to act or speak. I was only half aware, focused as I was on my appearance before the diners. The trepidation grew to awesome proportions.

"Only two things left." He looked at me with that wiseass grin and picked up the thick dick gag. "Time to practice your favorite sport." I pressed my lips tight with a final stand for my dignity. He grabbed my bushy tail and roughly wiggled it up and down, moving it faster and faster until it felt like a furnace in my rectum. I began to dance and my mouth flew open. "That's it, Eric, you're learning." The thick, short plug stretched my mouth so it appeared to diners as if I were sucking. He strapped the tray to my back, supporting tethers to my elbows and collar. Wes showed up and walked over, grinning and punching my chin lightly and affectionately.

"You da man!" He stood facing me, his hand around the back of my neck kneading it softly and despite all my promises, I shook with silent sobs. He lifted my chin. "Stand proud, dude. You worked hard for that body and the gals will love it." He pressed on my back and I thrust my chest out, the nip clamps dangling in mid-air. He looked at my crotch, smiled and winked. I was so overcome I leaned against him shuddering. My cock was harder than ever.

"Take your foot down, pal." I was thoroughly plugged and my butt itched so badly. The smartass who'd fixed us up sauntered over and stood, hands on hips, nodding as Wes praised his work. His arrogance was humbling. He pulled the ribbon of my dick rod.

"Look, so stiff it'll barely bend." My cock was absolutely rigid, aching in throbs. Wes grinned, his arm still around my shoulders and he threw his other arm around Jake and turned us toward the mirror.

"I hope they understand that thick Southern accent but it won't matter. I hear you got your own little fan club." The man looked stricken, eyes wet and visibly affected. My heart raced and I thought of nothing except the diners and their responses. Streamers flew from my dick, armpits, wide open mouth. I wagged my tail to relieve the awful itch and that drew laughter. Holding us firmly he led us to the dining room and we stepped out. All eyes seemed to turn to us and I could barely breathe at the deep dread.

"Table 22 in the back." Fuck, why must we go all the way back there? Wes led the way followed by Jake then me. It was a new, deeper mortification, the room full of females with their perfume and laughter; their attention was devastating. Comments were brutal and hilarious and everyone noticed my flaming rear end. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. The young women at the table appraised us openly, chortling and excited. Wes explained we were trainees. He then left us. The gals licked their lips as they stared at our sweaty, heaving bodies, red faces and between our legs. My prick hopped right in front of them and I squirmed at the itch. Jake asked if they wanted an appetizer and one gal who could not contain herself stroked my sticky pierced cock head, squealing.

"Who said size doesn't matter?" Her gal pals laughed and she shot me a radiant smile that left me weak in the knees. Jake, sounding almost strangled, finally got their drink order. Another woman ran her fingers delicately over Jake's hairy abs and he sucked in a deep breath, not moving. She looked at the others who nodded. Her fingers disappeared deep in his thick pubes and she twisted the black curls as he squirmed. She rubbed under his legs and when her finger found his hole he moaned loudly. They ordered him to turn around. He looked stricken but obeyed. She slowly spread his bottom, ruffling the curls.

"Maggie, look at that hair." He was ordered to grab his toes and spread his legs. He made a sound and I thought he was going to refuse at first but slowly he spread his feet and bent over.

"Hey, cutie, look up at me." His blood red face peered up between his legs as they pulled his cheeks wide apart. She pulled back the thick curls and the pink hairy hole was revealed. I heard a whining but amused, "Oh Nancy, that's not nice."

A woman giggled and held the large candle from the table. She teased him as her friends screamed raucously...."Do it, girl. Show macho man who's in charge." Jake was unable to keep still, gasping and she shoved it inside him several inches, back and forth, deeper.

"You keep a good grip, honey. That should put some pep in your step." Hot salty tears streamed down his face. "Ahh, babe, we're just having some fun." She kissed his cheek and wiped his eyes but he slowly shook his head, weeping in frustration and shame as he walked to the kitchen to deliver the order, the candle jutting from his bottom.

With mounting dread I returned with the drinks that Jake carefully distributed. He was careful to remain polite and courteous despite the rod sticking from his ass. Someone loudly pointed to me and remarked I'd been "spanked" and I almost screamed. Diners knew we'd offer no resistance. I had to stand silent, trembling as they tested the heat, rubbed my rump and asked when I was getting my next thrashing. My organs and ribbons were pulled and discussed and they jerked the tail just to see my reaction. No part of my body was off limits for these revelers who never relented, keeping me on the very edge. I was petrified of coming as one young man had done only minutes before. A guard with a board appeared instantly and drove the young man to the back with solid whacks, telling him he was getting a "good spanking". The women squealed and clapped. Loud cracks were heard, pleas and then he returned with tears streaming, penitent and apologizing to the table. They each gave him a hug and rubbed his flaming rump.

"Tough out there?" I nodded to the manager as words failed me. "Well take a break." He turned to Jake. "You get in that back room -- some gals have paid to see more of you." When he entered the room I heard squeals. Seconds later I saw him squirming in a chair in a large circle with other waiters. Their legs were bound spread open and they were blindfolded. I gulped when a man was pulled from a chair -- it had been mounted with an upright dildo. Every dick throbbed ceaselessly. The presence of diners sent a chill up every guy's spine as they were teased verbally and physically. Jake bucked up and down on the dildo as two ladies ran their fingers thru the furry hair from crotch to ankles, ruffling the thick curls.

When they tickled his navel he whipped his head back and forth, terrified of shooting a load.

The King arrived and all four of us were assigned to his table. Short aprons had been tied around our waists before we served them but our butts were visible as were the bulges from our hardons. Jake was twitching and gulping, blushing from ears to crotch. We were all on the very edge. Jere, the former captive, sat beside the king. Despite a few mishaps the dinner went off without a major hitch. I delivered tray after tray of drinks and Jere made sure to call attention to my former status. Hands went under the aprons exploring and teasing us mercilessly.

The place closed and the last two were Jake and me. We still wore the aprons and for that we were grateful. The three trainers leaned against the bar nursing drinks and chatting with 3 gals. I saw the familiar signs, the random touching, knowing looks, sultry "come on" poses by the females and low remarks from the guys. They spoke to one of the cooks who nodded and walked into our room. Besides the aprons we still wore our shoes, our wrists cuffed to our collars. He led us into the small alley behind the place.

"Your pals wanted to get in their panties -- if they're even wearing any." He chuckled and lit up a cigarette. I swallowed and glanced at Jake, feeling despair and closeness at the same time. The cook was bored and kept checking the cell for the time, calling friends to shoot the bull. He finally rose and told us to "be good" while he went to check on our trainers. It was not 30 seconds later that he returned, furious.

"Left 20 minutes ago with their fuck for the night. Guess they expected me to just sit and watch your cocks leak." We were silent, afraid of antagonizing him further. We sat against the wall side by side, knees up, feet flat on the ground, both fully erect under the cloth. We pressed into one another for support, our bodies wet with sweat. I sat up at a noise - approaching voices, ribald exclamations, laughter, someone yelling a friendly "Fuck you". The voices turned into the alley and my heart skipped a beat when they spotted us.

I made out a gang of at least 12 guys. all around 20 give or take a couple of years. They were walking in that arrogant masculine manner, loud and crude. Boxers rose above their low-slung jeans and they were either bare-chested or had tight muscle shirts emphasizing their lean, hard bodies.

I turned to the cook for protection.

"Merek, that you?" The cook held his hand to his forehead, peering into the dark, looking at the source of the voice.

"Delos, what the fuck?" He walked over and they greeted each other, slapping backs like old friends. My heart raced as our protection vanished.

Our hard cocks tented the aprons and they grinned which I did not find comforting. Delos, the waiter's friend, was tall, lean and hard -- a natural leader. With his short dark hair, long lashes and stubble on his square jaw he probably had more gals than he could handle. Jake attracted gals without effort while this dude could charm the devil. He was hyper-masculine and took it all in stride, stepping up for a close look. He turned to his pals.

"I don't fucking believe it. I think this is Constantine's trainer." The cook said that my name was Eric. He asked how he knew me and Delos watched with undisguised hatred.

"I wouldn't forget this SOB in a million years. He was the trainer for my brother when he got in trouble -- what a bastard. Beat his ass raw, made him suck other guys, put itch stuff on his dildo, yeah, but I'll make sure." He whipped out a cell, dialed a number and instantly I knew the gig was up.

"Constantine, hey bro. Someone wants to say Hi to ya." He turned the phone so that it showed my face and cuffed wrists. The speaker was on so we could all hear.

"Shit man, it's that asshole who put me thru hell. Tell me he's in jail or something."

"Better than that, dude. He's a fucking camel and guess what, bro?" There was a long pause. "He's in an alley, no place to go with another dude looks like a hairy jock." He showed Jake in the picture and the voice on the other end screeched.

"God damn, what's under that apron?" It rose in the air obscenely and someone pulled both of them back exposing our pulsating erections. "Hi, Mr. Trainer." I swallowed and Delos swatted the side of my head.

"My big bro is talking to you, fuck face." I was terrified, confused and squeaked out a pathetic greeting. "He don't look so all fucking powerful now, does he?" The other guys in his gang agreed and began talking about getting even. I looked at the cook frantically but he was not interested.

"Make you a deal, guys. I've been working 12 hours and want to get the fuck out of here. If I turn him over will you promise not to do anything really bad?" I shouted, "No" and they screamed "Yeah" right back, loving every minute. "I mean it, no knives, fire, broken bones, no blood at all or it's my tail -- he's a royal camel." Delos was still holding the cell, talking to his brother, his smile pure revenge.

"You got my word, man. We're just gonna give him and his bud a lesson in camel discipline -- he could probably give us some pointers, right trainer?" I looked up, swallowed and glanced away at his expression. I was quaking with fear, my worst nightmare taking place before my eyes. "And we'll take werewolf too."

Jake spit at him, snarled, "Fuck you!" Delos whispered to several of the men who held Jake against the wall, his thick prick standing from a dark, thick rug. His strong, hairy legs were wide apart. Delos turned to me with an almost exultant sneer.

"Give that knob some loving. Come on, Trainer, pucker up." The others exploded with excitement and crowded closer, anxious to see my debasement. I swallowed and looked down, hearing chants of "Kiss that cock " or "it's crying its heart our for ya". Fluid oozed from the slit and I swallowed, staring at the bloated head.

"Sweet -- he absolutely hates it!" I stared at the standing pole and the mass of sweaty black curls. A hand on the back of my head forced it forward.

He was so close his lips touched my ears. "Go on, my bro's waiting. Kiss that red tip -- see, it's opening for ya." I was shoved forward and as everyone watched I softly kissed the hot tip, tears streaming. The men crowed at my disgust as I wrinkled my nose at the sour taste.

"What's best friends for? You guys wanna see another kiss?" They did and once again I was forced forward, lips pressing the sticky, spongy head. I kept my lips glued to the hot, wet tip, sobbing in humiliation. "Now lick up & down that bat real slow." The cum had a gamey, my tongue gathering the hot drops as they emerged. Jake's eyes closed and he groaned as I alternated licking the hairy testicles. Suddenly we both were jerked up. Delos whispered something to two robust guys. Delos turned to Jake.

"Hairy ass, time to teach you some manners. Grab your ankles!" The mood changed as the two unbuckled their belts and folded them in half, snapping them loudly as the others grinned and crowded closer, not wanting to miss a second. Jake looked from side to side, surrounded and trembling, jumping at the popping belts. He bit his lip and one of the guys walked over and slowly pressed down on his back, almost tenderly. He knelt and told Jake it was his lucky day - he was getting two thrashings instead of just one. He shook and gripped his ankles tightly.

"Wider, Wolfman." He stretched his legs apart and I was moved in front of him. His face was lifted and wordlessly he took my prick. It was so stiff that even this bending was painful but it felt so good. Behind him, the two guys grinned at each other, reared back and let the thick belts fly. This was back alley punishment -- getting your ass double teamed while sucking a fellow worker. The two vied with each other in landing the hardest licks and Jake yelped and cried out though his mouth was stuffed with my meat. The men stood around, yelling and encouraging the pair and Jake as he sucked.

Delos kicked my legs wide apart and gave my tight nuts a solid smack. I yelped but managed to stand, cuffed, gasping with terrified pants as I was sucked. He whacked harder and I barely remained standing. He had a plastic ruler and gave me a whap. I cried out, trembling and pleading at the burning pain. He gave me another and I gasped with strangled noises. From behind, my trembling chin was lifted, a smile at my distress.

"It's not fun getting your balls whacked is it?" Two guys held me in place and I shook my head from side to side, took a deep breath, shivering. WHACK! Jake sucked on.

"I asked you a question!" I hollered in muffled pain a muffled "No sir! No sir!" When he pulled the ruler back I screamed in fear. I was desperate to end this punishment and I shook when he looked at his buddies who crowded closer. I felt a deep sense of dread from this rowdy gang of street toughs enjoying our misery.

"Somebody else has been to the woodshed." I was silent and then his palm cracked sharply across both buttocks. I screamed and jumped in the air as the men crowed and began urging him on. "How'd you fuck up, blondie?" I felt so exposed.

"I, uh, uh, didn't obey the rules." His palm rubbed my steaming rump and I flinched as his close attention. The other guys were really getting a kick out of this.

"And which rule was that?" Beads of sweat popping out, my chest heaved but he waited, demanding an answer. I shut my eyes at the laughter of my hopping cock and choked out the words.

"I came without permission." God, how I hated that admission but I was too scared to lie. It was like I was a 13 year old lad caught jerking off by his older brother. The loud volley of laughter sent an electric jolt thru me and I turned my head away as I tried to stifle the rush of hot, salty tears.

He softly patted my rear end and I heard a chuckle as I gasped at the things done to my dick.

"So you got your butt blistered because you blew your whistle?" I nodded, dying a little inside. The dread, excitement, the hardon drug, the lack of relief -- my dick pumped eagerly inside the mouth.

"Turn around, Eric." Oh shit! I pulled my cock out, gulped and turned. It was wet and shiny in the street lamp. He softly rubbed my sore balls sending jolts thru me. The tiny strokes drove me crazy and then there was the presence of the boisterous young men. I shook deeply, hating the cook, my helplessness and shitty reason for getting thrashed. Jake's punishment never ceased. Deep throaty male laughter and raunchy comments came from all sides.

"Guido, Kiros -- come here!" Two guys who had to be brothers swaggered, cigarettes hanging, sneering at my quivering hardon and obvious terror. "Eric, you're a good judge of men so which you think has the biggest dick." A spontaneous celebration broke out with dancing and loud "Ohhhh yeah!" and much guffawing as if it were a joke. The husky brothers yelled, "All right!" and smacked hands. I opened and closed my mouth in shock and realization. I tried to back away as they closed in from all sides.

"No, not that, god damn it." The herd instinct was in full mode. Repressed thoughts came out in the heat of excitement -- a heady mixture of humiliation, sex and power. They couldn't wait to see me sucking one of their own. They were nervous and so eager, impatient and loud. The pair flipping a coin and I panicked. My escape lasted maybe 10 seconds. With a man holding each limb I was lifted and delivered to the guys who rubbed their crotches and finished their smokes. Both had backwards hats revealing short, blond crew cuts. They were strapping with powerful bare chests and matching "TOP FUCK" tats across their bellies. The bulges in their jeans were huge.

"Guido, Guido, Guido!" The chant rose as he casually unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans to his knees, his boxers below his thigh. He stood grinning at his buds, hands on hips, proud of his hardening member. I was carried over and in mid-air my mouth was lined up with his pumping prick. His brother knelt, red-faced and energized, watching closely as his brother's cock stretched my mouth wide. The loud cheers in the dark alley resounded as he rubbed my trembling tail.

"You better give my bro a good time." He reared back and smacked my sore, bare butt with his palm full force. I screamed and began sucking like a madman to the knowing laughter from the guys. My insides swirled at their excited responses and a hand rubbed the pink flesh where he'd smacked.

"Smile, Eric". Delos was still sending pictures thru the damn cell and I could hear his brother whooping on the other end as I looked right into the camera, mouth stretched around a thick cock, blond curls on my lips. The shame was simply astounding. The blood roared in my ears and I saw worn shoes of men crowding close for a look as I was held there sucking away.

"You better not spurt, boy!" I was throbbing and being stroked, hands determined to make me come. My breathing was loud and fast and I was on edge. It was all about the group and power. I was lucky they had no paddles or straps and their time was limited.

"Better get used to that position, Eric." Delos lifted my chin and smiled. "Don't worry, you'll get a break to crawl to the next dick." The men whooped and giggled. Two new guys pulled Jake over a crate while a third thrust an excited cock in his mouth. The two behind began whacking loudly. It was unholy thrashing - a lick every couple of seconds and others had to hold him in place, a strapping virile man getting his butt blistered in an alley. The guys holding his bucking body urged him to shake his quivering reddening behind for them. I jerked at the loud, close voice.

"Your pal's having a good time." I got another harsh lick -- his hand must be made of steel. It felt like a fucking board and stung. I yelled as he snickered and took a long sip of his beer.

"How you like this, bro?" Delos was showing Constantine the fun, screams and clapping enveloping me. My head was held tight and the thick cock blocked my air passage. At last he pulled back and I gagged, took a quick breath. He plunged back in, weaving wildly, raping my mouth with gusto.

"Fuck, this is how it's done...a lady's man sucking cock...he's had lots of practice....oh fuck, gonna blow!!" Guys crowded closer, waiting as he threw back his head and shot, crying out in exaltation, a mouthful of pungent, thick cum that overflowed and ran down my chin. "Sweet as honey," someone called out. He pulled out to genial congratulation as his brother stepped up with a near identical dick. Instantly it plunged in and the slow back and forth weaving began again. It was a slow-moving nightmare and when he came at last I gulped, trying to swallow as much stuff as I could just to keep them happy.

"God damn, bro, you won't believe the vibrations when he screams -- feels like his mouth is electric!" Still in the air, writhing and wiggling, the other blond brother thrust and another palm gave me a loud smack. A finger, barely oiled, roughly pierced me and I hollered, gagged on a dick. My legs were spread wider and hands grabbed my thighs. A wet cock searched for the entrance then thrust in, pausing when the head was inside. The stranger kept a running account of his progress and began rocking back and forth, deeper and harder. I was plugged at both ends and someone pinched my nips. I jerked like it was electricity and sucked harder. All around me were lusty growls of domination - two raunchy, sweaty males with pants around their ankles emitting guttural cries of ecstasy. The one in front pulled out and shot a load on my face. When I looked up, the guys were arguing. Several could not get a hardon. No matter how they pumped their pricks wouldn't respond for a man.

When the man shot in my rear end I was tossed to the ground, panting, mind reeling. I heard a whistle and turned. Two guys sat side by side on two crates, arms around each other's shoulders, pants around their ankles, hairy strong legs parted revealing hard cocks amid hairy crotches. Jake was shoved beside me, grateful for the break from the licking even if it was to suck another guy's cock. In seconds we had two more eager cocks in our mouth as the men groaned and their pals raised and lowered our heads.

"Feel that mouth, man? Now that's a blow job." I looked up and their flushed faces were pressed together as they looked down. Their ears were bright red and one had his hand on his other head, grinding their cheeks together as they laughed and gasped, bonding in this male ritual. I was on all fours when a voice shouted in my ears.

"Look at this pussy getting dicked right...NOW" Delos thrust all the way inside me and I reared up in the air. He wrapped an arm around me and held up the camera. His face was next to mine as I sucked -- misery and joy. He rutted like an animal in heat, grunting and raping me long and hard, describing in detail to his brother what was happening. He yelled like a cowboy as he plowed.

"Feel my cock all the way up your red tail, Trainer? You're getting dicked, dude!" The seated pair finally came and Delos pulled out. I was flipped over and my feet pulled over my head. My yelps were music to their ears. Delos plunged in again, recording the whole thing. He looked like an animal in heat, sweaty, red from balls to ear lobes, wet short crew cut and rough shave. I begged for forgiveness and leaned over and whispered.

"Not a chance!" I felt the hot load spurting and it was only a few seconds later that I was raised and his finger plugged me roughly. "Let's take a little walk." He thrust upward and I jumped and marched as he explained he'd shot too many loads to get hard again. I hopped and jumped at the fierce thrusts and went slow or fast according to his command. The men cheered, almost out of breath at my frantic movements. At some point it died down and we lay sprawled on the ground. Someone rubbed my face in their sticky pubes while a long finger rested up my rectum. Delos staggered over.

"One more dick to suck tonight, Eric." He looked down at my crotch then back to my face as it dawned on me what he meant. I dared to look at him and saw a twinkle of his eyes. "No way." His buddies caught on, forcing me on my back, legs up, hairy knees pressing on my burning ears. My huge organ poked at my lips and I twisted my head.

"Someone grab his balls -- this boy needs a little persuasion." Hands held my tender nuts and Delos drew close, whispering for me to open wide. Constantine could see the whole thing and this was the worst aspect. Beyond him stood the panting gang with broad smiles, elbowing one another as I opened wide and my prick popped in. Delos pulled up the back of my head, making me swallow it deeper. .

"Hey, bro, say hi to your buddy. He can't talk right now though -- he's having dessert." I screamed in sheer ignominy when I saw the phone held up to my face and heard his brother's loud "Yeah!" Guys leaned closer for a better look and spoke. I heard him clearly thru the cell.

"Sooner you swallow that juice, faster it's over, Mr. Trainer." I heard a protest and saw Jake's wild eyes above me right before his face was pressed into my crack.

"Get busy with that tongue or it's a return to Spank land for you." Sobbing, he obeyed and I squealed at the sensation as the tongue jabbed and tormented me. His long tongue dug deep in fear and I felt that stirring, the cries of "Suck your dick" and "Eat his ass," I was so damn edged up, sucking my own cock, getting my ass chewed, and then I came.

"He's shooting!" Guys watched closely as the phone recorded every detail. It was clear that I was swallowing my own cum, my throat bobbing as I gulped down one load after another. Jake never stopped his tongue action the whole time. Suddenly he was being raised, turned around and situated over me. He was made to squat slowly and Delos was beside me, his tone barely concealing its excitement..

"You are going to eat his ass until he comes if it takes all night. I suggest you get that tongue in motion -- it's your ticket to freedom, trainer." His ass was flaming from the vicious thrashings. I stared at the shock of black curls that descended to my face.

"Get that tongue up your buddy's hole." I sobbed and obeyed without thought, tasting ass juices and varieties of cum. I wept but knew it was inevitable so I began to probe. Thick, fetid curls enveloped my face and I could barely breathe. I knew my rough stubble rubbed his raw ass but I couldn't do anything else. I heard Delos telling his brother what was happening and again brought the phone close. Despite his shame, Jake became excited. He'd never been rimmed. He bounced and gasped, his thick curls rubbing then I heard him grunt and yell "No!" as he froze and spurted.

They were not quite finished. They made Jake sit on my lap, dick to dick and forced me to lick his face clean of his own cum. Two crying, cum-covered sweaty camels were told to smile for the camera. Delos told his brother to watch and he stepped closer, naked but for white socks.

"Hey, boyfriends should show their affections. We wanna see some kissing." This may have been the worst command of the day. Laughter rang out as we looked at one another, blushing violently. Hands pressed the back of our heads until our lips locked.

"Show me some passion or you're both getting dicked down the line!" We looked at each other, hands bound to our collars, sobbing yet opening our mouths wide, swallowing tongues like fucking high school kids making out in the car. He tasted of cum as I did. We kept our mouths locked, waiting desperately for the ordeal to end. Surely this debasement with both of us driven to tears should satisfy the darkest soul.

Our chests rubbed, slick with sweat, and my face was guided to his soaking, rancid armpits. When I began to munch on the black curls he moaned and I felt his cock harden. My lips were still in his pit when my hips were raised and set on his cock. I was slowly impaled on his thick member and they cheered when I gave a harsh "Ugh" as it slid the last bit and I sat on curls. He was breathing rapidly, his excitement quickening, and then a low, "Oh man, I...." He shot, grunting and gasping as sperm jetted inside me. I froze as he filled me with several blasts, shivering in shame.. I was almost beyond comprehension when I heard a loud shout.

"Fuck, we only got 30 minutes to get these camels back to the royal palace. Can you two stop smooching long enough to walk?" I pulled out with a loud pop and we were raised, unsteady on our feet. I detected a strong amount of the hardon fluid in my dick gag and only one release of cum after a week of inactivity barely scratched the surface. It was not long until we were helplessly erect again.

Delos pulled out two cords and attached them to our collars. They loudly jerked on the cords, telling all the world we were theirs. We stumbled back, led by the leashes, jeered by the surrounding gang, two defeated, stinking camels. We were barely aware of the folks who smiled as the rowdy gang drove us down the streets with sturdy belts. I yelped and hopped as my rear was flayed, each lick followed with a "Hey, you see him jump?" Jake suffered also, his blazing rump and legs given harsh, whirring slashes of pain.

"I bet you're tummy is full, right, right?" I didn't respond. I must have swallowed at least a quart of cum as did Jake. My ass was so sore and it itched horribly. We finally saw the blessed gates of the palace and the smartly dressed guard. Delos threw an arm around my shoulder and whispered.

"One word about this and I'll make sure this was getting off light." I nodded in fast agreement, simply wanting to escape this roving pack. "One more thing -- I better not run into you alone or we're taking a little trek to the Whipping Post. You don't know what a thrashing is till you've mounted those steps, pal." I shivered and prayed I would never see him again. He pinched my rump and I jumped as we walked up to a guard, Delos still clutching me like long lost friends.

"Hey man, a bud of mind asked me to deliver this pair to the royal palace." The guard stepped out, looked us over and turned us around. His long, low whistle caught all of our attention.

"Someone's down a number on their asses." Delos shook his head slowly, reluctantly agreeing with the man.

"Yeah, we had to calm them down, give em a few licks on the way here." The guard rubbed Jakes fiery rump and chuckled. "I just bet you did." He made a call on his phone and soon a man from the castle emerged. He did not look pleased.

He gave us a scalding stare then grabbed the leashes and took off down a long hall. Despite my ordeal, the pain and the multiple dicks I'd taken, I was plunged back into depths of humiliation. We passed at least 20 fully dressed guests or workers. Two guys pointed in mock surprise then smiled and gave us a thumbs up. One guy began pumping a phantom cock and both were overcome with gales of laughter. We were quickly run thru a shower, scrubbed roughly then dried by some worker who seemed bored.

He took us to a large room that was bare except for two long rows of mattresses on which lay castle slaves -- the proper term was "royal domestic prisoner". Each man was spread eagle in place. Like the others, our dicks throbbed with no letup. I raised my head and looked out on a sea of hairy crotches, chests, red faces and wiggling toes. We groaned with desire. A handsome guy next to me fought as he swallowed a dick gag. The guard said it was freshly soaked in the hardon juice. He was then plugged with a dildo and the guard pressed a button on the end. The poor guy screamed and writhed and the guard smiled. He was so stiff his cock jutted above his stomach, touching nothing, throbbing. I groaned at the slightest touch to my backside and heard Jake's painful sounds.

The next day we were fed and brought to the castle camel area where carts could be rented for half days. This was more show and less punishment. Of course we were tailed and gagged, bound with harnesses, but there were no paddles or painful torture. The tails were a new type, rather thin, composed of hard rubber except for a round, metal tip. We soon learned that unless we squeezed our rumps, the tip emitted a small electric shock.

Wes walked up just as the tail was being thrust inside me. Of course I was mortified, being pierced while my best bud watched closely. He bound the bushy tail to the thick belt himself and when I relaxed my hips, the thing buzzed. I jumped and squeezed, stopping the buzz but when I again relaxed it jolted me again. Wes laughed and said I better keep a good grip on things. I was red-eyed and felt like I'd been at it for hours when I hadn't ever started.

"That's it, Eric. You can train that ass." I bowed my head and he moved close, pressing against me. "That little buzz going off deep inside ca be controlled thru will power -- you just gotta try harder." His large hand gently squeezed my crimson rump and this time it remained, gently kneading the raw flesh. He beamed at me and I felt that confusion and intimacy and mortification. His hand did not move and he stood beside me in his smart uniform as my cock danced. We'd jerked off in barns and woods and now he was my trainer and our past friendship made it almost unbearable. He looped the tiny circle under the cock head and drew it tight, tying it to the belt.

Then he fixed up Jake who was huffing and puffing, trying not to break down again. He squealed at the tiny buzz deep up his rectum and finally learned the secret. Of course when we started trotting, it was impossible to maintain a permanent grip and we jumped. The passengers had no idea what was going on and were quite amused with our squeals. We marched in the hot sun from one attraction to another. We were give lots of water, nourishing health bars and even a rest period. We got back and Wes quickly washed us down and led us to the restaurant.

"Nothing like lots of work to take your mind off your troubles." His cheer would have been infectious under other circumstances but here it was grinding. Again I went among the diners, being handled as much as I served, standing mutely while hands explored areas of my body that not even a doctor had probed. Several diners opened my crack in order to view the tail piercing me. I felt fingers tracing around my anus, amused strangers who enjoyed our utter misery. Then it was back to the castle for sleep and the whole thing started over again.

We worked only half a day Sunday but that time was spent cleaning the grounds. We had not been allowed to touch ourselves all week long and we were almost mad with desire. Yet we were never alone -- there was always someone close by. They even had watchers in the bathrooms when we performed our odious tasks there. If they thought we were antsy they'd simply bind our hands to our collars.

Marching in the streets brought a new horror every few minutes. There were always the bothersome locals or the fascinated tourists or the college guys hazing the camels for fun. At least my rump healed after several days although it seemed I could feel the buzz inside me even when the thing was not inserted.

Wes was helpful but businesslike. In the mornings before our runs, he would coat us all over with suntan oil, especially our angry dicks and aching balls. He'd ask us how the previous day went, tell me any important news and encourage me. His little jokes only made me feel worse.

"Hey bro, another day, another hardon. It's a pisser not being able to jerk." I gasped as he playfully held my cock, bending it and releasing it, driving me to the edge then walking away leaving me panting. Jake was tormented by the female tourists who loved to run their fingers thru the curls. He'd stand still, sobbing, as five women touched and caressed him, egged on by their boyfriends. When he came, the guys called a guard and helped hold Jake in place as the guard gave him a sound thrashing. The guards envied his popularity and did not hold back, eager to give the popular rump harsh punishment.

One night Wes called and told the cook to bring me to the castle. I was the last one there and the man was furious because he had plans. He was fuming and fussing and happened to see my faint smile at his troubles. That was the wrong thing to do. He made me stand in the corner, nose to the wall and I heard him speaking on his cell.

I waited in silence and my imagination began to run wild. I jumped at the knock on the doors and the cook unlocked the door with an animated, "Hey, dudes." I thought it was Wes but then I heard the voices and my heart jumped to my throat.

"Hey, Mr. Trainer, long time no see." It was Constantine, the former camel I'd trained, with his brother, Delos. I turned and saw them stroll inside, grinning ear to ear. They looked almost like twins with their short hair, square jaws, matching eagle tats and powerful chests. I looked desperately for the cook but he strolled up and greeted them in a friendly manner. I whirled around, nose to the corner. They took their time, relishing the moment. I was cornered like prey and heard an order to turn around. I did so and my knees shook at the sight, their hands on hips, feet wide, exuding male power.

"Looking good, Mr. Trainer." Their smirks grated on my senses. Constantine lifted my apron and stared at my cock, standing proudly. He squeezed the sticky tip and I made an awful sound -- not quite a screech or a groan. "That dick head is looking good too, dick head." They chuckled as they stood and Delos spoke the dreaded words.

"This wasn't the only surprise, big bro. I warned our pal where he would be headed next time I saw him. Why don't you tell him, Eric?" It was my only thought, his last words and now it was all so real. I gulped, unable to answer. He gave me a smirk and beamed at his brother. "We're visiting the Whipping Post, remember?" Oh man, I certainly did. Constantine shouted and jumped in the air, boisterous and pumped up.

"Yeah, bro!" They were pleased as punch, overjoyed at being in control of my fate yet again. They rocked on the balls of their feet, back and forth, almost bursting with energy. Delos was on the damn cell and I overheard "meet us close to the stage". I shuddered as Constantine unwrapped a cord that had been tightly wound around his beefy upper arm and tied it to my collar. They were menacing with their boxer tops on display, backwards caps and swaggering manner. They literally radiated strength and confidence.

"Come on, pal. You got tryouts tonight!" The cord was jerked and looked around. "Step to it, Mr. Trainer. You always talked about following orders." I could run but my wrists were bound and I wore just an apron -- how far would I get? Instant heat engulfed me when we stepped out the door. They reveled at my flustered state but worse than that was the talk about our destination. They joked, punching each other as they celebrated.

"Come on, man. You don't want to keep the crowds waiting and at this time of night the place is packed." We took a few steps and I heard approaching voices. My gut twisted when I recognized men from the night in the alley. They greeted me with big grins, not bothering to hide their excitement. I felt that sinking feeling as they pushed me up the street, unaware of the ringing in my ears and the mounting dread.

"Guys, you hear the good news?" Another member of the pack had walked over. "Guess who's on tonight -- Carros!" They punched their fists in the air with bellows and my heart sank even as it beat harder. They jostled me and each other, men partying and whooping noisily. That name struck fear in every camel. It was not just his powerful arm but his manner. I was shoved and stumbled, dying with anxiety.

The tension was indescribable. The crowd could be heard from far away, sheer noise yet above it all was the loud smacks of the paddle. This was free entertainment for the masses, punishment of convicted criminals, and since this was Friday the place was packed to the gills with both locals and tourists. I passed the snack bars, street vendors, popcorn machines. I bit my lip in an attempt to maintain control. Everyone who saw the leash knew exactly where I was being taken. A stranger saw us and called out.

"There's a long line for the Whipping Post. Carrok's on duty and the crowds are fucking enormous. You taking him over there, right?" His loutish buds drank and sneered at me.

"That's exactly where we're headed and if I'm not satisfied we'll get right back in line for another go." The trio guffawed scornfully in that masculine manner, deep sounds that raised the hairs on my arms. One of them yelled he'd be sure and wave.

"Dude, Carrok gives extra if you got a hardon." The apron was jutting upwards and it was ripped off. My cock stood straight up and the trio hooted and yelled I was shit for breakfast. I thought I'd collapse but Delos gave me a shove as more pals joined us.

"Flad you guys made it. Remember Eric?" Oh fuck, the blond brothers who had taken turns in my mouth and ass, grinning ear to ear. The closest one wiped the back of his hand across his mouth and spit on the ground. He flicked my chin up in the air and assumed a jolly attitude.

"Hey man, nice to see you too." They chortled at my erection. "We hear you got a big night ahead of you." They elbowed one another, snickering as I squirmed. "Yeah, it's a paddling till your ass sizzles." I was powerless to stop this scene and it suddenly struck me that it was being repeated all over the city. To them, I deserved every punishment and they felt not the slightest sympathy for my predicament. I saw the large sign -- "Camel Processing." Oh God, and a bored young soldier sat behind a desk, gathering necessary paperwork. Suddenly darkness descended as a blindfold was snapped tightly. I shook my head violently in a vain attempt to fling it off. I was terrified of the blackness as I stood naked but for heavy work shoes, wrists bound upward to my collar.

"Take it easy, Eric." His arm again was around my shoulders, guiding me forward. My whole frame shuddered at his touch. He was handed a paper and told to enter name, age and severity of thrashing. Delos asked to view the nightly "program" displaying names and degree of punishment requested. The range was 1 to 10, lightest to roughest, and Delos read them out loud.

"Hmm, most guys are getting a 7 or 8. Look, there's a five and a fucking 3 -- not a single fucking 10." That talk was so crushing, the casual manner in which our chastisement was discussed. It was like I was not even present.

The voice behind the desk inquired.

"Finished with that sheet? I need to add your damn! He's getting the first 10 of the night!" I whirled in the direction of Constantine, shouting, "Fuck no, man." The guy behind the desk told his fellow worker to pass the word and charge for the seats up front. He was happy that he would clear 50 Euros for the night. "Why is he getting a 10?" A low chuckle arose beside me and I shuddered.

"I thought it may take his mind off that stiff prick. Besides, I got tired of his insolence." The men laughed and one of the soldiers grabbed my leash and pulled me low across the table, his hot breath in my face.

"That right, pal? These men get tired of your attitude and decided you needed that butt set on fire?" I gulped, trembling, unsure whether to shake my head and answer. Then I agreed, hating myself for being so damn agreeable and pliant. I felt panic quickly take control as Constantine pulled me next to him, speaking softer, pinching my rump.

"Calm down, Eric. How much longer is it before show time?" I quaked inside in mind-numbing shame and fear as the strap kept a steady rhythm in the background. The young man told them I had about 45 minutes until it was "my turn" and the snickering chilled me to the bone. I was led to an area that reeked of an outhouse.

"Clean him out?" Someone took my arm as Constantine said, "Go ahead." Without a word I was bent over a table next to another gasping camel and in front of God and the rest of the world, a wet tube thrust inside me and the water jetted.

"Keep that ass up, boy!" Fuck, it sounded like some teenager. I winced and gasped for breath, thrashing up and down until Constantine pressed my chin to the surface of the table with an order to "Be still." He was in a talkative mood.

"Those suds do wonders, pal." Tears soaked the blindfold. When my anus itched I began to squirm helplessly. They noticed immediately and chuckled. I was heckled for not being still as I was filled until near bursting. Then, with the tube still inside me I was pulled off and the kid shoved me down on a bucket in the open. I exploded with a loud noise. One guy asked what I had for supper and chuckled. I was lifted off the seat.

"Let's start the rinsing." I screamed from behind the gag but once again I went over the table and the rod was shoved deep inside for a clean rinse with warm water. Following that was another humiliating trek to the open bucket.

By the time I returned from my third trip on the bucket I was weak. My chest heaved and my body flushed and shivered. I felt empty and clean as I was shoved behind a long line of camels. Many pleaded with trainers who ignored or taunted them. There was no turning back and I gritted my teeth, gulped and tried to hold on. The blindfold popped and I saw Constantine chatting with someone, his arm casually draped over my shoulder. I looked up and down the line. Up ahead was the redhead who'd worked as a waiter the first day. His scowling trainer kept a beefy hand on his arm as he pleaded for mercy.

"Didn't I warn you about whining?" He quickly gagged the lad and snapped on a blindfold despite frantic protests. At last the guy stood very still, breathing harshly thru his nose, shaking with sobs. His cock stood up from a thatch of orange pubes and it was long with a large knob. The trainer stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders, shoving him up one spot, telling him it would all be over soon. The guys shoulders shook when the trainer pulled him close, whispered and softly patted his rump.

Right behind me a new guy was moved in line. He looked like an athlete, rugged and silent. His hands were bound to his collar and his large cock stiff. His eyes betrayed him, darting around wildly as shudders ran thru his muscular frame. His tag said he was 28 yet the lad who held his leash was not over 18. No wonder he was in such a state, being under the watch of this young man who was loud and crude.

"Yo man, whats up....fuck'll be about an uncle rented a camel for a month on the farm and asked me to take him to the Whipping Post" He turned to the distraught man with a wide grin. "Right, Thomas?" The man swallowed and did not reply. The camel winced at the conversation, chewing his lower lips and tears welling." "You should see him, dude, he is racked and pecker is hard as a fucking diamond and big as a fucking horse." He grinned wickedly at the man. "You're getting your own cheering squad, dude. My buds are coming down. " Constantine spoke sharply.

"What the fuck happened to your blindfold?" He snapped it back on and the other guys said they were getting beers before the fun began. They felt my ass, joshing it would be too hot to touch afterwards. Constantine stayed with me, our roles reversed. Ahead of me a trainer told a camel to step into the white briefs worn on stage. They did little to protest the flesh and hid not a single hardon but it was customary. A finger tip rubbed right under the cock head and I jerked, startled. More small strokes followed and my cock went mad.

"Look at that prick, all hot and bothered." Voices were close and despite his torment I leaned towards the former victim at my side. I felt the leather of his glove as he slowly scratched my anus then suck in to his knuckle send waves of sensations in all directions. .

"Spread em,. Eric." I obeyed without thought, my insides quaking at the words and the presence of others who were obviously watching. His finger sunk even deeper now, jerking my ass up in the air, wiggling inside me so that my hips matched the wiggling of the fingers.

"How you feeling, camel?" I gasped and turned toward the stranger's voice. Of course I did not answer but his buddy who stood close by answered for me.

"How you think he feels, man? He can't see shit, he's rocking his hips like a stripper and he's third from getting his pretty butt blistered." I was in such a frenzy over the curling finger it barely registered. The first guy chuckled and lifted my chin as the fingers paused their torment. "I bet you don't feel so good right now, do you pal?" He didn't even try to hide his mirth. I could barely catch my breath and jerked when my cock was pulled to the side only to be released so that they could witness it springing up hard as a rock. There was a crowd of guys enjoying the obvious misery of those in line.

"Dude, can that cock get any stiffer?" A volley of laughter rang out and a hand slapped my back. "All I can say about that monster is too bad for you.

Carrok really pours it on for the dudes with hardons" A gaggle of hooting and giggling broke out and someone asked what I was getting.

"The Supreme -- my bud deserves a 10, right Eric?" Someone yelled,"Carrok's been asking for one all night." Right in my face a deep, male voice hollered, "It's a trip to the woodshed!" I was grateful for the blindfold hiding my tears.

"You should feel honored, dude, getting that fanny fried by the best!" More cackles from strangers and the finger pulled out of my ass. He removed the glove and I flinched when his arm again circled my broad shoulders. My nips were teased and yet my concentration was on the upcoming thrashing before hundreds. I began to shake harder with silent sobs.

I was terrified that I would come in line which would mean an automatic second trip on stage. I rocked back and forth, moaning but the sound was drowned out by the yelps and frantic screams from the man on stage. His trainer explained he was only getting a "6" since he was good worker, just a little lazy. My heart beat in time with the loud cracks and I heard a voice moving down the line.

"Ten minutes to show time!" He patted my rump and I almost swooned. I blindly turned to Constantine, swallowing and pressing my lips tightly, a sob threatening to escape. He squeezed my shoulder, pulling me against him.

"Man, you made me proud." He gave me another squeeze. "You kept that dick standing tall the whole time like a good boy!" I felt pressure on my spine and stood up straight, a sob breaking forth as he cackled. The blindfold was jerked away and I blinked at the lights, stunned at the revelry and loud orders for beer and food. Gawkers shouted insults, guys and gals smiled and above it all was the Whipping Post. Sturdy young men climbed that stage in tighty whities and got soundly thrashed to thunderous cheers and screams.

Some resisted but it made no difference. In the end, they all gave into the crowd, the exposure, the shame and the ear-splitting slaps of the paddle on wiggling rumps. The cracks rose over all else and were always accompanied by frantic cries and deep bellows of helpless, braying guys. Behind me, the athletic man looked absolutely wretched when the teen promised his hooting buddies they'd be back on a weekly basis. He beamed at the beefy guy and gave his round, tight bottom a loud slap.

Despite the situation I felt myself giving in, drawing closer for some kind of protection from the wild mob. The redhead was back and sobbing and the trainer told him to cry it out. Fear clutched my heart and once more I turned to him with a last desperate appeal.

"Constantine, I'll do anything but don't make me go up there...please, man, I'm begging with all my heart." He smiled cruelly and gave me a loud fake kiss on my cheek.

"Dude, you don't want me to disappoint everyone who's been waiting to see your licking do you?" I bit my lips as he helped me into the white undies. My cock pumped and my whole body kept jerking in spasms. A deep shout from above startled me.

"Come on up, blondie. The folks are getting antsy." I faltered at the bottom of the steps and he hollered," Move it!" His words hit with the force of a tornado and though my knees were weak, the heavy shoes pounded loudly on the wooden steps. I felt a sinking feeling of despair while all around me rose an avalanche of noise.

Carrok stood, arms folded, smiling, a terrifying sight. He was in his late 20's, handsome and sturdy, short black hair and clean cut. He took my breath away -- that half smile, swarthy complexion and haughty manner along with his uniform - black leather pants, high boots and an oversized white shirt in the old French style. His white, straight teeth beamed as he smiled but my focus was on his hand that held the handle of a thick, square leather paddle shiny with use. He looked like a rogue and I inhaled sharply, detecting his cologne and sweat. Two men turned me toward the crowd and raised my arms, binding my hands high to the twin posts. My feet were pulled apart and bound. I hung writhing before this raucous audience and Carrok stepped up from behind, a hand on my neck.

"Folks, we got a treat tonight. Until recently this dude was a trainer -- payback is a bitch, right?" The mob erupted with a roar and I twisted under his glare. I gulped and sniffled as the screaming and stomping continued. My underwear was bulging, dick throbbing. He held up a hand and his voice was simultaneously confidential and ominous.

"We got another treat - his kind trainer has requested -- guess what?" The crowd began to scream and jump up and down..."10 10 10 10 10". He acknowledged their wishes with a hearty slap on my back and a loud "Congratulations!" The anticipation was unlike any other and I screamed when he ripped off the white undies and threw them to the crowd. He turned, beaming with those perfect teeth as the noise reached a new level. I could not grasp it yet, my nakedness and hardness before this huge mob that grew in size with each passing second. My cock did not relax one whit.

"Big 10 dudes are special!" and he squeezed my rump. When laughter died he pointed down. "Whoa, is that for real?" He bent it down and let it spring up and a huge roar erupted. I caught a glimpse of the pack down in fronts, standing together, feet wide, thumbs in the band of their boxers, elbowing one another. Several waved and cried out to me. I looked away swiftly, my mind racing from one thought to another.

"Will these suprises never end - a pretty white tail." Shouts of amused derision rang out but his booming voice drowned them out. "I promise, folks, that's only temporary." The roar reached tidal wave proportions. My fans up front slapped each other on the back, punched their fists in the air and yelled in deep throaty cheers. Carrok grabbed my startled face and turned it sharply so that I faced him. His voice boomed.

"You better listen and listen good, pal. I'm blistering that bottom like it's never been blistered and do you know when I stop?" He waited for a second. "When I want to!" The crowd went wild as he stepped back and raised his arm. I had braced myself for the blow but was still stunned at the incredible force that drove my crotch forward. I cried "Shit!" more shocked than painful and the mob burst into laughter and someone shouted.

"Didn't expect that did you, blondie?" Another voice cried, "That's only the first one, dick head. There's lots more where that came from!" Shouts rang out to keep up the good work and he did. I could not believe the instant explosions of agony, the incredible force behind each lick. My backside burned with an intensity I'd felt only after a long thrashing and he was just getting started. Already he was settling into a rhythm and I caught a glimpse of the men below. They acted like it was the Super Bowl, calling me a star and asking for autographs. I jerked at my bonds violently then my body shot forward again, propelled by the sheer force of the smacks.

My thoughts were jumbled - the roar of the crowd, the thunderous licks, the mocking from the gang. My world narrowed to the stage and the pounding paddle on my flaming tail.

"Now you can move, blondie." My ankles had been undone and he knew exactly what I'd do. In seconds I was twisting and jumping and wagging my butt at a new round of especially ferocious blows. I hollered and wiggled like someone possessed and the crowd loved it. He never slowed nor let up, grunting as he swung. He took hold of my shoulder and I looked at him, sobbing loudly. He gave me a wide grin and raised his arm as I cried out. He delivered a mighty wallop and I threw my head back and bayed to the stars

"He thinks he's a hound dog!" The noise was a constant roar. Every single whack was utterly devastating, the paddle crashing furiously across both cheeks. Then he began to alternate sides before delivering a mind-numbing lick that rose from the ground and landed right in my crack. That drove me into a frenzy and I hollered and cursed and pleaded, dancing on tiptoes and jerking my flaming tail from side to side. He still held on to my shoulder, thrashing steadily and I was as wet as if I'd stepped out of a shower.

The pain and humiliation had merged and my behind screamed its own protest as the crowd demanded I dance for them. I hopped and swung my hips from side to side in the faint chance they would be satisfied. He was cracking the paddle upwards and I tried to kick back at him. The scene kept exploding in my brain and I no longer cared about my pride or appearance -- I just wanted to stop the thrashing of a lifetime.

"Spank that crybaby's tail!" He paused and his helpers pulled my legs up and back so that I faced the mob hanging by my wrists. He pulled up a stool, set his foot on it then patted his knee. The men lowered me so that I was draped over his knee and I screamed a guttural roar of protest. I called him all sorts of names as the crowd screamed. He rubbed my rump softly then began a furious, quick bare-handed spanking over his knee. I kicked my legs and hollered to the heavens.

"Oh God, Jesus!" Somone yelled it was too late to pray. I was getting an old-fashioned licking by this stranger before a cheering, lusty mob. The guys below leaned on each other, laughing so hard they could barely stand. Cameras flashed from all points and I wailed. Water was poured over my ass and then he used the paddle again as I bucked uncontrollably to cries of "Hee Haw, break in that camel." My legs pumped without ceasing and when he stepped back I knew I had reached the limit. He gave a loud shout of triumph and delivered a final shattering blow that literally lifted my butt in the air. I howled and the crowd responded with its own mocking howl.

The silence after the ear-splitting licks was broken by the sounds bursting forth from inside me. My backside ached like nothing else, boiling and raw.

I moved my hips as if the whipping had not ceased, bawling like a baby, heaving and trying to catch my breath. The workers lifted my legs high in the air showing my blazing behind. My wrists were unbound and only Carrok's support prevented me from collapsing. I faced him, my back to the mob. He wagged his finger in my red face covered in sweat, snot and dust. My eyes stung with salty sweat, blinded by the river of tears.

"Are you gonna straighten up now?" Somehow I managed a quivering "Yes Sir" amid my heaving sobs. He held my face in his hands, studied me then looked at the crowd. I was turned to once again face the crowd and he rubbed my scalp and asked if that was the worst thrashing I'd ever got, holding up a mic to get my quivering response. I sobbed and agreed wholeheartedly My cock was amazingly erect and he smiled and gave the tip a little squeeze. He put an arm around my shoulder.

"He's given me a promise he'll be a good boy from now on. -- give this fellow a nice hand." He acted as if we were best buds at a ball game as the crowd applauded. He squeezed my rump and whispered. "Tell Constantine to bring you back real soon." I gasped, startled and he delivered a final smack with his bare hand as I turned to the stairs.

"Get down those steps!" I yelped loudly and the mob screamed their humored approval. I faced new volleys of derision and ribbing as I made my way thru the crowd, tormenting hands and voices at every turn. I saw Constantine with the gang and he was grinning widely. I almost fell in his arms as they congratulated me.

"Man, you had some moves I didn't know were possible up there. I bet that ass is singing Heatwave right now." My wrists were bound to the collar so I could not touch my rear end as I so desperately craved. I was in agony and Delos took my arm.

"That ass is sizzling. Come here, guys, get a feel of this." He turned to me. His hand pressed the back of my head and I was bent over, convulsing with little spasms. He rubbed my neck as he knelt in front of me.

"Dude, your still sporting major wood!" My forehead rested on his shoulder and I felt them tease and inspect the swollen flesh closely. I jerked and yelped at the pinches and rough handling as their palms felt the cherry globes, pulling me wide apart to see the scarlet of my crack. Complete strangers came over to feel the heat radiating. When I was raised they buckled tight leather bands around my brawny upper arm, then a leather cockring with studs and last but not least, a dick gag attached to a chain. I looked like a kept slave. Delos toyed with my wet, bulging cock head and stood back grinning.

"This cutie for rent?" Oh fuck! It was a group of gals out on the town. My cock pumped madly to their shocked delight. They held hands over their mouths, giggling. Delos threw an arm around my shoulder, his elbow circling my neck pulling me close to him.

"Naw, not by you. He's into guys." His tone was smarmy and I screamed thru the gag but the lady only chuckled. They gasped as he turned me around.

"Look, that's the one you loved on stage. You always pick me, honey - a crying camel who like men!" I shook my head violently from side to side. Why did I care what these strangers thought? I tried to get away but was held tightly by the men. I wept behind the gag and one gal sighed, said my "boyfriend" was lucky. They walked on and Constantine turned with an innocent expression, loving my shame.

"Now Eric, we have to decide if you learned your lesson or if you need another guest spot on stage tonight." The wave of panic was unlike anything I've ever felt before. I began protesting, begging, sobbing. I couldn't face the paddle again under any circumstances. Constantine grinned and looked closer.

"Man, you're acting scared for some reason." I nodded, my voice strangled, almost beyond words. "Yes sir." He paused as if thinking and lazily rubbed my rump.

"Your choice - get back on stage or ask to suck our cocks -- all of them." The chortles and wild cries exploded and men grabbed their crotches and began raunchy male banter. I looked at him in disbelief. Oh fuck..I couldn't do that here in this public place. They all watched gleefully at the win-win situation. He sighed and began pulling me toward the line yet I was unable to ask. Just as I was about to be back in place I said I'd do it.

"No, you have to ask nicely. Just think about eating all these hairy dongs." I swallowed, the fucking tears again streaming. "Wonder what the gals would say seeing you suck our dicks like a two-bit whore." I twisted and turned to him and he asked if I had something to say. I tried to talk thru the sobs and the gag. He pulled it out and I respectfully asked if I could suck their pricks. My obvious loathing made it that much better - a dude asking a group of toughs to please let him eat their cocks! Constantine waited for effect.

"Well all you had to do was ask, Eric." I was dragged to a darkened building, walking right past the line of men waiting for their trip. The leers on the faces of those who saw us left no doubt as to my next task. Constantine walked slow, tormenting my broiling butt, whispering that I'd have a cock in my mouth all night long. I started bawling again and he popped my rump and pushed me to my knees. His sticky tip rubbed my nose then parted my lips. It was then I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, what are you doing to that camel?" I was never so relieved or so humiliated in all my life to hear the voice of Wes. He marched over, frowning and turned to Delos who explained they were just having a little fun. Constantine yawned and stretched, quite unperturbed as he kept his cock in my mouth while I waited.

"We're just playing with him. Besides, he asked to suck our cocks, didn't he?" The men all agreed I had begged them to perform this odious task. All the while the dick slowly eased in and out and before Wes could say another word he froze and cried out.

"Ohhh fuck! What a mouth...yeah, drink it all down, Eric." I gulped sperm as my best pal watched. When he pulled out Wes told him we were leaving -- he was a royal camel and as such he was under his control.

"Eric, get up. Let's get back to the castle. You're late." I pulled back and long strands of cum hung in the air. I stood, shaking violently and he wiped my face with a soft handkerchief. The men drifted off, telling me they'd see me next time I was on stage.

"Almost in the nick of time, right pal?" I nodded, still not in complete control of my emotions. He rubbed the back of my scalp as I broke down. I stood with my sharply-dressed best bud in a darkened warehouse with my rigid cock. It would take several releases to tame that beast. The shame surged even more when his hand brushed my broiling behind.

"Jesus, that is the reddest ass I have ever seen. You just get down from the Whipping Post?" I nodded and he pulled me to him for a manly embrace. "Ah dude, that must have been a pisser." He held me close, ignoring my rampaging prick as I sobbed into his shoulder. His hand gently rubbed my steaming rump. He pushed back at arm's length.

"I was busy and didn't know you were gone. Was it as rough as I hear?" I shook my head as he pulled the familiar small bottle from his pocket. It was a jar of crème that all trainers carried for treatment of a camel's butt after a thrashing. The last thing they wanted was loss of our services. He led me to a bench in this deserted area and sat down.

"Come on, man, get down here." I stared at him -- bend over his lap? His eyes seemed to twinkle in good-natured fun and the humiliation hit full force as I went down and looked at the pavement inches from my face. My cock went straight between his legs and he began to coat my rump with the crème, working slowly, coating it in deep, being careful not to apply too much force. I gulped when I felt my cheeks spread and the finger delve inside, covering the red, blazing flesh then lubricating my anus. I groaned at the slightest touch and raised my ass -- the cream felt so fucking good. He got a call.

"Yah, I'm here too, under the trellis. I found Eric who got taken to the Whipping Post by some dudes. I gotta wait till the cream I put on his ass dries...oh hey, there you are." I looked up and of course it was the smartass royal trainer smirking and shaking with amusement at the sight of me draped over Wes's knee with my scarlet, shiny rump. He knelt and raised my face.

"Dude, why is it every time we meet you've just gotten your butt blistered?"

They both thought that quite funny and I looked down in misery as they inspected the damage closely, whistling in shock and laughing at my reaction to pinches. I moaned loudly when my ass was pulled wide and bridled when a finger soothed the blond curls down and my anus popped into view. Wes continued to work while chatting as I finally drifted off into a peaceful slumber, thinking my days at this position were numbered.

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