Paws for Effect

By Henry Wolf

Published on Feb 26, 2022


Paws For Effect Chapter 4: My Doggy Senses Are Tingling Henry Wolf

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Following the discussion at the police station, there was nothing more to do but wait for the results of the test and for the team to find an antidote from the cartel. Max and Thiago spent the day as normal as they could, watching TV to distract themselves and having dinner. They turned in early, awaiting to see what tomorrow would bring.

Thiago and Max both awoke early. Max was feeling a lot better, refreshed even. His muscle pain and fever were gone, and he was back to his old energetic self. A quick check over his body, Max could see there weren't any new physical changes. He was a bit hairier if anything but the shot from yesterday seemed to have slowed down the changes.

Both men breathed a sigh of relief. Max as a human was going to be around for a bit longer. It bought them a bit more time at least.

Thiago had to head to work. He felt a bit better knowing there weren't any drastic changes and he would be ok on his own for the day.

"Do you have to go?" Max whimpered from the bed, his tail sticking out as he looked at his boyfriend with big droopy eyes.

"Oh my God, don't do that," Thiago had to turn away from Max as he dressed. "You're developing a dog personality. You were acting like a dog when their owner leaves just now. You need to hold onto your human self, remember?"

"I'm sorry," Max lowered his head, his tail curling in underneath him.

"It's ok," Thiago sighed, coming over to comfort Max. "I hate to leave you," he hugged Max. "I just have to get to work. You'll be ok, though. I'm just a phone call away and I'll be back before you know it," Thiago rubbed Max's back and rolled his eyes when he saw his boyfriend's tail wag. He was glad Max was feeling better after having been reprimanded but the swinging tail was another reminder of what was happening to his boyfriend. He didn't like giving out to him like he was a dog, but it was hard seeing Max slowly becoming an animal. He wanted his boyfriend, not a pet.

"Alright, I'll see you later," Thiago left.

"Bye," Max ran to the window to watch his boyfriend get into his car and drive away. He stood there as he saw it recede and turn down another road. "What am I doing?" Max thought to himself as he snapped out of his reverie by the window. "It's not like he's left the country," he shook his head. His behaviour this morning was odd. He seemed to have a deeper longing for Thiago than usual. Of course, he loved his boyfriend, but the idea of being away from him for a short amount of time was drawing even greater emotions from him than usual. He had only been focussing on his physical changes, but had never stopped to think how the infection would affect him mentally. Would he start thinking like a dog? Would he become less intelligent? Would he lose his speech? All those thoughts spun around his head and started to make him panic so he decided to get dressed. He needed to distract himself.

He pulled on a t-shirt and shorts. His hairier body made him feel hotter so there was no need to be all wrapped up. He decided on no socks after trying on a pair. His sharp claws had torn through the material so they were lost to the bin. He looked at himself in the mirror. It was an odd sight to see: almost like a werewolf costume if it were Halloween. His hands were all furry and clawed, his arms were ok, they could pass for a very hairy man's, his ears were pointed and furry, his canines long and sharp, his legs could also pass for a hairy man's, his tail stuck out between his t-shirt and shorts, and he stood on the balls of his feet which were clawed and furry.

Sighing, he went downstairs. No point in obsessing over his looks. He'd only get depressed. He was making himself some breakfast, when he heard something way down the street. He stopped what he was doing and bolted upright, back straight. He turned his head and his ears twitched as they tried to capture what he was hearing. It grew closer and he realised it was the sound of an ambulance siren. It became louder and louder as it passed and then became fainter as it drove into the distance.

Max breathed out, not realising he had been holding his breath. "What the fuck was that?" he was puzzled by his reaction. He'd heard a million ambulances before, they were nothing spectacular, but why had he been frozen in motion? It was like he had been obsessed with hearing the siren. Something very weird was going on. His intuitions and reactions were changing, turning into those of a dog's. He needed to snap out of it. He was a man, not a dog. His brain was becoming fuzzy with all the dog thoughts.

Breakfast was also quite eventful. He only had some cereal and milk but the tastes were euphoric. The flavours were like explosions in his mouth. What he normally ate was no longer bland, but exciting and bursting with flavours he'd never experienced before. Who knew you could get all that from milk and some cereal? He had to wipe away the drool from his face after he had finished.

Max did some cleaning around the house to keep himself occupied. He might as well have done something useful since he was locked down at home. The chores killed a few hours at least. As he was hanging out the washing in the back garden, he got distracted by everything in the garden. It was bursting with new scents he hadn't smelled before. He walked in and around the bushes, flowers, soil, and grasses. It was like breakfast all over again, the new smells and scents that seemed to be unlocked from his dog senses were infinite and overwhelming.

He spent ages just sniffing various parts of the garden. He had to stop himself eventually when he realised what he was doing. Fearing the neighbours might catch a glance at him, he finished hanging the washing and went back inside.

The rest of the day was uneventful. He lounged around a bit, watched some TV, and napped for some time. When Thiago arrived home, Max was practically bouncing off the walls. He was overjoyed to see his boyfriend back. He jumped up off the couch and greeted him as he walked in, throwing his arms around him.

"I'm happy to see you too," Thiago laughed as his boyfriend bounded into him and squeezed him.

"I missed you," Max didn't want to let go. He knew he was being ridiculous but he couldn't help it, he just wanted to be as close to Thiago as possible. Just having his scent up close was almost orgasmic.

"Alright, calm down. Let me get in the door first," Thiago settled down, shrugging off his jacket and shoes.

Max stepped back, giving his boyfriend some breathing space. He had to fight the urge to hug Thiago again. He breathed deeply. "Get it together, Max," he told himself over and over to bring his energy down from 100.

They settled on the couch and talked about their day. Thiago was interested in hearing about Max's increased senses, from the breakfast to the siren to the garden. It was fascinating, but also scary to hear how Max was becoming more of a dog. "I just don't want to see you become less yourself and more... dog-like."

"I know, it's so conflicting. I hate what's happening to me, but all these new senses... I have to admit, they were amazing to experience, it's like a whole other world of emotions I've never felt before," Max was starry-eyed.

"Max, you can't say things like that. Yes, sure, dogs have heightened sense, but you're a man, not a dog. You can't be giving into these feelings. Don't lose yourself. I don't want to lose you."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just hard to stop what's going on in me," Max looked down.

"Come here," Thiago pulled Max into a hug. He started giggling as Max began to lick his neck.

"God, you taste amazing," Max licked his boyfriend's tender neck, exploring his musk and cologne. He felt himself becoming hard at the flavours of Thiago. He had always liked how Thiago smelled and tasted, but this was otherworldly. He passed his tongue upwards to Thiago's mouth and they were kissing. They swirled their tongues around each other, Max moaning at all the flavours exploding in his mouth.

"Uh, your teeth are so sharp," Thiago flinched back, careful not to nick his tongue.

"Do you want me to?" Max asked, unzipping Thiago's fly.

"Umm, probably best not to. I don't want you to puncture my dick," Thiago hurried to keep his pants on.

"Oh, ok," Max looked disappointed, his ears drooping.

"I'm sorry, we should wait until you're better. It's a bit weird, you know, since you've the dog stuff going on. It would feel a bit messed up."

"Yeah, I get you. I understand," Max couldn't blame Thiago. It was hard to have sex with your boyfriend when they were part human, part animal. It was leaning towards bestiality, which he wasn't into at all. It would be different if he was doing pup play with gear, but that was with two humans. He didn't exactly fit the "human" criteria at the moment. He didn't know what he was.

The two men decided to cool it down and just watch some TV for the evening.

Max is becoming a lot more dog-like in behaviour. What new changes will come next? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 5

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