Paws for Effect

By Henry Wolf

Published on Feb 19, 2022


Paws For Effect Chapter 3: All Clawed Up Henry Wolf

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Max had dozed for most of the day, his exhaustion having knocked him out. In the evening, he got out of bed to use the bathroom and have something to eat. The painkillers helped with his muscular pain that had gradually subsided and the fever had eventually lessened. He was glad of those developments but unfortunately his "hallucinations" were not a trick of his mind after all. His nails were still black, his ears remained pointed, and his teeth were sharper than before.

As the sun was sinking, his mood reflected the onsetting darkness. He paced the house, a million thoughts running through his head. What was going on? Was this some infection from the dog? Did the drugs have anything to do with it? Was it all going on in his head?

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't mention it to Thiago, he would freak out. He was the type to worry about everything. There was a sweet, gentleness to his nature, which contrasted to Max's hardiness, what with him being a detective after all. Max couldn't land this on his boyfriend. He'd have to sneak out and head to work to have medical have an analysis of his vitals.

Throwing on a hoodie and jeans, he descended the stairs, ready to head out when he spotted the headlights of Thiago's car coming up the driveway.

"Shit," Max legged it up the stairs, tore off his clothes, and leapt into bed. Sneaking out now would be impossible. Thiago would only try to convince him to get back into bed, and he would surely spot Max's abnormal physical changes. It was a confrontation best avoided.

"I'll sneak away first thing in the morning," Max thought to himself, grabbing a beanie to cover his ears and pulling up the blanket over himself as he heard Thiago enter the front door. His heart was thumping as his boyfriend's footsteps climbed the stairs. He curled his fingers and toes in anticipation.

"Hey, babe, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Thiago asked softly. He came over to Max with tentative steps, sitting on the bed next him and placing a cool hand on his forehead.

If it hadn't been for all the craziness of what was happening to his body, Max would've been swooning a lot harder than he was right then. Sometimes, his heart felt like it would burst with how sweet Thiago was. He was so caring without even having to try.

"I'm feeling much better, babe. And thank you for ringing work. The day off really helped," Max was sure to hold the blanket over his mouth so Thiago wouldn't get a flash of his new fangs.

"I'm glad. You seem much better," Thiago caressed Max's face.

Max rolled his eyes in pleasure, enjoying the touch from his boyfriend before snapping to attention. No, he couldn't get distracted. He had to keep things under wraps (literally). "Sorry, I'm still a bit feverish and yucky under here. I don't want to spread anything to you," he gave Thiago big soppy eyes.

"I'm sure you wouldn't," Thiago patted his head. "Have you eaten today?"

"Yes, I had a bit to eat earlier. I think I just need some sleep."

"Say no more, I'll leave you to rest," Thiago smiled. "If you need anything, just call."

"Thank you," Max said apologetically, feeling guilty with keeping a secret from his boyfriend.

Max woke early the next morning, sliding out of bed before Thiago had woken up. Early morning light was softly bringing the world to life. He locked himself in the bathroom to survey his body. "Maybe the changes would be gone?" he thought. He was feeling a lot better, which was a good sign.

He looked down at his hands and had to hold back a scream. Not only were his nails still black, but they had grown out beyond the length they had been yesterday. They were much longer and thicker, and had elongated into a downwards curve, simulating claws. Their thickness and sharpness were made apparent as he poked his skin with them.

Not only were his nail different, but his fingers themselves looked at odds with how they had been before. They were thicker, stubbier, and had black pads on them. The pads felt like a layer of thick skin, like a callous. They were strange to touch.

The worst part was that his hands had a thick layer of hair on them up to his wrist. But the hair was bristlier, almost like fur. He petted the fur. It felt like stubble a lot finer. He had to stop as the caressing was actually quite pleasing and this was no time for distractions.

He gazed down at his feet and noticed he was naturally standing on his toes, his heels lifted off the ground. "What the fuck?" he thought. "Why am I standing like that?" It was like he was ready to pounce but the stance didn't feel in any way uncomfortable, just strange to look at. It looked as though his feet had realigned their bones and muscles. He tried laying them flat, but it felt unnatural. The nails themselves had similarly grown into long claws. They clacked along the tile floor as he paced around. His feet were also covered in a fine coat of brown fur up to his ankles. "This can't be happening," he nearly started crying. The toes were shorter and had blacks pads underneath them. It felt strange walking on them.

Max looked in the mirror to get a full view of himself and his heart sank. His fangs were still as long as they had been yesterday, but now his ears all furry, having been consumed by the same brown fur sporting his hands and feet. They were like two pointy dog ears. He tentatively touched them and they flinched back at his touch, ultra-sensitive. He took a deep breath; it was a bit of a mindfuck seeing your ears move of their own volition.

He had to sit down; it was all too overwhelming. He seated himself on the toilet, holding his head, when he yelped in pain and jumped up off the seat. A blinding pain he had never felt before had shot up his back from his butt. "What was that?" he wondered, turning around and staring at the toilet. Nothing there. It was like someone had pinched him but really hard.

"Max, are you ok?" Thiago called from the bedroom.

"Shit," Max said to himself. This was the last thing he needed. He couldn't handle what was happening to him, let alone deal with the downfall of having to explain all this to his boyfriend. "Yeah, I'm alright, go back to bed," he called back.

"I heard a yell. What's going on?"

"Nothing, everything is good," Max felt down his back to his butt where he felt a small bump pressing against his boxers. He pushed them down and looked over his shoulder and screamed. A short tail covered in brown fur was protruding from his coccyx. "This can't be fucking happening. I'm becoming some sort of dog," the revelation hit Max like a tonne of bricks.

"Max, what is it? Why is the door locked? Open up," Thiago was banging the door.

Max thought he was going to have heart failure with all the panic of what was going on. "I-I-I can't. Just go, please," he stammered.

"Go? What are you talking about? Open this door now," Thiago's voice had gained an authoritative tone Max had never heard before. Whether it was from worry or something else, Max didn't know. All he knew was there was no more hiding. He had to come clean with his boyfriend.

"Ok, but you don't freak out," Max unlocked the door and gently pulled the door open.

Thiago stepped back when he saw Max, wide-eyed. A beat passed and his face relaxed; he turned away and plopped himself down on the bed. "Babe, what are you doing? I thought something was wrong," he chuckled, tilting his head in curiosity.

"But... there is," Max was perplexed at his boyfriend's lackadaisical reaction.

"Why, is that wolf costume or whatever you're wearing stuck on? What are you dressing up for anyway? It's not even Halloween," Thiago's eyelids were drooping. The initial worry had faded and he seemed ready to go back to sleep.

"I'm not joking. I think that dog bite has given me some weird infection," Max was trying to impress on his boyfriend his own level of worry.

"You're really laying this on thick. Let me see," Thiago sighed, coming over to Max. He tried pulling off the furry paws he thought were on Max's hands. He grasped the fur, looking for the edge of the material.

"Ow, that hurts," Max gasped, pulling back his hand.

"Well, obviously, you've superglued them or something," Thiago threw his hands up. "What about those," he grasped one of Max's ears and pulled.

"Ahhhh, stop," Max yelled and Thiago stood back in horror.

"That felt so real, and it was moving." The truth was beginning to settle on Thiago. Something really was happening to his boyfriend. "So those ears... and the teeth... and the fur and claws... are real?"

Max nodded, looking down. "It started happening yesterday. I didn't want to worry you because I thought it would go away but it's only getting worse."

Thiago sank onto the bed. "We need to get you checked out. Maybe someone at work will be able to help?"

"I was planning on sneaking out and going to medical at work but I guess I woke you up," Max sat next to Thiago and yelped. He'd sat on his short tail again.

"What is it?"

"I have a bit of a tail too," Max repositioned himself, sitting forward so as not to hurt his new appendage.

"Oh shit," Thiago looked at it, gently touching the furry tail. "That's actually a real tail," Thiago would've been mesmerised had it not been for the fact that they were in a dire situation.

Max looked down, ashamed of what he was becoming.

"Don't worry, we'll get this sorted," Thiago pulled Max into him and rubbed his back. "You know you can tell me anything. You don't need to hide the messy stuff. You're my brave detective but I'm your rock. This is scary but we'll work through it together," Thiago tried to keep his voice steady and his worry at bay for his boyfriend's sake.

Max closed his eyes. He couldn't help but close his eyes. In that moment he almost forgot what was happening to him. The gentle circles Thiago was drawing on his back were heaven and were doing a lot to put his anxieties at ease.

"There we go, that's all done. I've taken a number of blood samples. We'll send these to the labs to get them tested. That should indicate what's going on in your body. Unfortunately, until then we just have to wait since we don't know exactly what we're working with," Helen in medical pressed a cotton bud against Max's skin where she taken some blood.

"Wait? But I'm turning into a dog. Soon there won't be any of `me' left," Max panicked.

"Max, shhh, calm down. Doctor, isn't there anything he can take to stop the infection from spreading?" Thiago, ever the voice of rationality, enquired.

"We have given him some shots that will slow the infection, giving us more time, but until the results come back, there's not much more we can do," Helen explained.

"Ok, thank you," Thiago rubbed the back of Max's neck.

Max had to admit, Thiago's touch was relaxing him a lot more than it usually did. It was like he had developed a whole new set of pressure points. He was anxious of what was happening but Thiago's touch made it feel a lot better. "Thanks, Doc," Max closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

"Don't worry, O'Malley, we have our best men on the case. We'll track down the cartel and get an antidote from them," Holloway clapped Max on the back.

"Yeah, man, I won't let them turn you into a dog. I need my partner back fighting fit by my side," Chris smiled.

They had both taken some convincing of what was happening to Max. Like Thiago at first, they thought it was some practical joke, but Helen's stern words had quickly turned them around. Holloway immediately went into a plan of action. One of his own was in danger. As much as he thought O'Malley was a trouble-maker, he thought of him like a son, and was going to do everything to make sure he was ok. They would hunt down the gangsters and get an antidote out of them somehow.

"Thanks, guys, I appreciate it," Max hoped they would be able to find a solution soon. He felt his time was narrowing, and he was losing parts of himself to this horrible infection, becoming something entirely different.

Will they be able to find an antidote before it's too late? What new changes are on the horizon? Find out next time!

Next: Chapter 4

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