Paws for Effect

By Henry Wolf

Published on Aug 16, 2023


Paws For Effect Chapter 15: Finale Henry Wolf

It's been a long time coming! I finally got around to finishing this series. I hope you enjoy the conclusion!

I would love to hear your comments, feedback, and/or any constructive criticism! Let me know at or you can check out my socials at

Max only realised that he was asleep when the dense infinite darkness of unconsciousness slowly gave way to swirling lights and colours. He could hear dull noises around him, but couldn't make out what they were saying. He was just aware that things were happening around him, but he couldn't quite get his brain to focus on any one thing or even open his eyes. He tried to push himself to break out of the state of unconsciousness, but the little strength he could muster wasn't enough and the dizziness made him from exertion made him pass out again, the darkness filling his vision once more.

The dreams were wild and confusing. Max didn't know where or even what he was. At times he ran on all fours, other times he saw himself walking on his hind legs, or two feet as he had known them in his past human existence. The images of swirled and changed, his body becoming muddled and his sense of self uncertain. At times, people talked to him from above like a pet, other times at eye level like people in conversation. He drank water from a bowl on the floor in one dream and ate dinner at a table in another. An owner walked him on a leash in one scene, and his husband held is hand while walking in the next. The images flashed before him in a quick succession, too fast to take in, whizzing by at the rate of his heart beat, until they melded into a bright light and he realised the light was sunshine.

Max's eyes were slowly opening and they soon adjusted to the brightness that was the morning light streaming in through the window. Turning his head, he gathered his bearings. He lay in a bed, all too clinical to be his own bed at home. No, it was a hospital bed. The sterile room came into existence around him: the fluorescent overhead lights, the linoleum floor, the blinds on the windows. On the bedside locker were flowers and cards with cartoons and messages of `Get Well Soon'.

So, I haven't died,' Max thought with relief, suddenly aware of the pains and aches in his body. He reached up with his paw and touched his head, wincing at the brightness of the room. He rubbed his hair, feeling his fingers pass through his mop of hair. Ugh', he groaned.

Wait,' he said aloud and nearly jumped out of bed from the surprise of a human word tumbling from his mouth. Hair? Fingers? Speech?' his thoughts took him a minute to process and put the pieces together.

He threw his hands in front of his face, gazing at them. Yes, indeed! They were hands. Human hands! Not fur-covered paws. Turning them over, he gazed at his skin, his lovely skin he hadn't seen in ages. He passed his hands down along his arms, the human appendages a welcoming sight.

I'm human again!' Max thought as he checked out his old body, human chest, torso, legs, face, ears, nose. His human dick a sight for sore eyes! He could've leapt for joy if he weren't so fatigued. Now that he thought about it, he laughed at how slow it had taken him to realise he was back to his old self. I mean, a dog in a hospital bed?' he chuckled to himself. He breathed in the air. It seemed a lot less exciting than when he had had dog smell. But the colours of the room and view outside the window were a lot more vibrant. He had to rest his head against the pillow after a while. Adjusting back to his old senses was overwhelming. Sleep soon took over again.

When Max woke again, the light was a lot more bearable. The sun was beginning to dip ahead of sunset. He could process his surroundings better now. The air was more breathable, the light less blinding, the colours less dizzying, he was more at home in his human body. His strength had returned a bit, though little grunts escaped his throat when he moved too much.

He looked around and spotted a figure asleep on one of the seats beside the bed, all wrapped up in a very uncomfortable-looking position. Who knows how they managed to get any sleep? A smile came to Max's face as his gaze rested upon his boyfriend's unconscious face. It had felt like years since he'd woken up to that handsome face.

`Thiago,' Max grumbled, his throat gravelling.

The other man stirred awake and leapt from his chair when he saw that Max was awake.

`Babe, hi! I can't believe you're awake. How are you? I was so worried about you,' Thiago hugged and kissed him in between the stream of questions and comments.

`Shhh, easy. My head,' Max winced at the barrage of noise and affection.

`Sorry,' Thiago's brows were furrowed in worry at overwhelming his boyfriend.

After Thiago had gotten over the initial shock of being reacquainted with his boyfriend, he seemed to settle, and the two men talked about everything that had happened and what had since gone down, never letting go of each other's hands.

Over the next few days, various visitors popped in to see Max as he recovered. His detective partner Chris was, of course, the first. He was recovering from the shot wound in his shoulder and the bite in his arm. They were overjoyed to see that they had both made it out alive. It had been a mission that had almost taken both of them out, but they had survived, just about.

Chris explained that the forensics team had taken the phial from Xander's hands and reproduced the antidote in the lab. Once completed they had given some to Max while he was recovering and soon he reverted back to his old self. Chris himself had been given some to prevent transformation.

Chief Holloway almost made an appearance at the hospital. He wanted to have a stern word with both Max and Chris about undermining the police and detectives by going behind their back and going about their own operation. He quickly followed this up with a personal apology for not believing in the pair and wanted to commend them on their valiant work in taking down the cartel and its leader. The latter gesture had taken both detectives by surprise. The Chief was not one to give any type of thanks or apology, so they were both chuffed.

The Chief went on to explain that as punishment Xander would be spending the rest of his days as a police dog. They hadn't given him the antidote so he had been transformed into a dog, and due to his crimes, he'd be working with detectives to investigate on other cases. The irony of the punishment didn't go unnoticed on Xander's part, but he seemed to be doing well in the K-9 training.

The last of Max's visitors was a blonde man who seemed to be recovering from some deep wounds. He couldn't make out who the man was. That was until a twinkle in the man's warm eyes jogged his memory. It was Hugh, back in human form! Max was glad he had made it out, and was happy to meet Hugh in his old form. They reminisced about their escape plan and what had gone down at the cartel's hideout. Hugh explained that he and the other dogs (now turned back into humans) who had worked for the cartel were to receive sentences for their involvement, but were given some leniency due their help in taking down the cartel. Their sentences were reduced down to community service.

After he had been caught up on the events, Max was ready to go home. He was eventually allowed to be released from hospital and return home. He was never so glad to see his house again: his warm bed, his comfy couch, his photos with Thiago. He relished just cozying up to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him as they lay in bed or watched a movie on the couch. He'd take it easy for a while to recover, both physically and mentally. But, as with all detectives, he had an itch that only being out on the streets or working on a case could scratch. He wondered what new adventures Chris and he would get up to...?


"Max, you better eat all your food. Chris will be here soon," Thiago said from the table, tucking into his dinner. They had invited Chris over for a few drinks. It was the first time Max would be seeing his detective partner since the hospital.

"I will," Max grumbled with food in his mouth. He lowered his head to the dog bowl on the floor and wolfed down some potatoes and chicken. For anyone not in the know, he was a sight to see. He was a naked muscular man with a human head, neck, chest, torso, butt and thighs, yet he was standing on all fours like a dog with furry fore legs and hind legs below the elbows and knees, respectively. His paws supported him as he stood on the floor and his tail wagged as he happily chomped on his dinner.

In the weeks after his recovering, Max realised the virus had left him with a new ability: the power to transform into a dog and back again. It even allowed him to partly transform into a dog if he wished, keeping some of his body human at his discretion. Sometimes he would fully change, other times only transforming his hands and feet into paws or growing a tail. It had been fun messing around with his new abilities. He had been glad the antidote had brought him back to his human self, but he was glad of the power to transform now as he had missed some aspects of being a dog. It had been a surprise to Chris too and he had come to understand Max's new dual identities: one as his boyfriend, the other has his pet. Chris would allow Max some pet time and they would go for walks as owner and pet on a leash or bring him to a dog park or just play in the garden.

Max enjoyed the time as a dog and play and be silly. Sometimes he preferred to chill out on the floor or eat and drink from his bowl, other times he was happy to cuddle with Thiago or eat at the table as human. Having those options of being human or a dog was quite liberating, and he appreciated his boyfriend's openness. Max was even certified at the vets as a dog and given all his shots and chipped, which he found quite hot.

They had realised that all the other people who had been transformed into dogs and back again also had the ability to transform. As part of their community service, they were trained in K-9 training and helped fight crime, just like Xander. They were all chipped and certified too, but were warned not to use their abilities for crimes under strict punishment. Luckily the antidote meant the virus couldn't be spread to anyone else.

Max raised his head suddenly at the sound of the bell ringing.

"Chris's here. You go up and throw some clothes on. I'll let him in," Thiago went off to the door while Max ran on all fours up the stairs.

"Hey, Chris. How're you? Come in," Thiago hugged Max's detective partner and ushered him in.

"Great to see you. How's life?" Chris carried in a six pack and placed it on the counter.

"All good, thanks. Slowly but surely getting back to normal. You're looking good. How's the recovery?"

"Getting there. A few aches and pains, but I'll be as good as new in the meantime."

The men were interrupted by a scrambling of footsteps down the stairs as Max ran down and into the kitchen. He was still stark naked and hadn't transformed back into his fully human form.

"Hey, man. Good to see you," Max smiled.

"Good to see you too. Although maybe a bit too much of you," Chris laughed and looked down at Max's body, his private parts on full show.

"Max, go up and put some clothes on," Thiago pointed up to the ceiling.

"I don't want to," Max had a devilish expression on his face. He had gotten a streak of cheekiness every since his dog personality had blossomed from within in.

"Boy, up. Now," Thiago demanded. He had had to adopt a firmness with Max ever since his boyfriend had now partially become his pet. It didn't always work on him as Max was prone to disobedience.

Max ran on all fours out to the back garden. He clearly wasn't going to listen to Thiago and wanted to play.

Chris couldn't help laughing. He turned to Thiago and smiled, as if asking for permission.

"Fine, go on then," Thiago gave in. Soon Chris was also stark naked and running around on all fours in the garden. He had also discovered his ability to transform into a dog.

Thiago watched from the back door as the pair got reacquainted with each other, running around the garden playing as partial dogs/humans, transforming into full dogs and back into human again, lazing around chatting, and then doing it all over.

They were all happy with their new abilities, identities, personalities, dynamics. It transformed their personal lives, but also how they worked, allowing them greater strategies for espionage during cases and also the K-9 unit had never been as popular.

Max was happy, he realised. Sitting back on his haunches and looking over at his detective partner Chris and his life partner Thiago, he knew this was the life he wanted. He savoured it as he took some paws for effect.


There we have it. A happy ending for all the gang! I hope you enjoyed this series. It was a joy to write and explore the TF elements. It was especially heart-warming to read so many positive responses. I'm glad so many people read and enjoyed it. I will hopefully stay in touch with you all in the future for any new series/stories I write. Talk soon, Wolf x

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