Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Jan 3, 2006


Our last episode together had left me, temporarily at least, sated. I had realised too that what I had been saying all along to Paul was in fact, fundamentally true; what we were doing was just sex, hugely stimulating, titillating sex, but sex nonetheless. It was an erotic adventure which played up to my own sexual fantasies and gratified me enormously, but we were mates, not lovers, we might just have been having the traditional furtive wank round the back of the bike sheds. Instead of which Paul was getting turned on by his exhibitionist tendency and turning me on as a part of the process. At that age I wasn't especially aware of the importance of love in a relationship, and anyway I was having way too much fun finding out about the sex.

This was to be Paul's last year at school, he didn't want to take his education any further, and with the assurance of someone who was soon to be earning a living, he was noisily contemptuous of those of us continuing on to university. We didn't have an opportunity to take any more pictures until the Easter holidays, when, by a stroke of good fortune his parents decided to take his little brother away, leaving Paul under the casual supervision of a neighbour.

I wouldn't want to give the impression that my whole life revolved around on our experimentation; I was actively, willingly and with the wisdom of the ignorant trying everything in sight. I was quite articulate and friendly, and, having been brought up in a household full of women, I wasn't afraid of girls. Nonetheless, there was something special about the feelings that our sessions gave me; the knowledge that to say that at the very least it was considered to be a bit naughty was probably a major titillating factor.

I was out on my bike one day when I saw Paul in the distance, he was mooching along, looking bored. I screeched to halt alongside him, making him jump; "Hiya, what're you up to?" I asked

"Not a lot," he answered, "I'm bored, can't think of anything to do."

"I can think of something," I said, smiling wickedly, "you promised me a session."

"Oh Yeah, so I did," he said, without much enthusiasm, "you wanted me to pretend to be a schoolboy or something."

"Smile," I said, "It'll be fun." I don't know what was the matter with him, but he was definitely a bit off.

He made a decision, "Alright, come round after lunch, and we'll do something."

I gulped down my lunch, and as soon as I could, grabbed my camera, jumped on my bike and raced round to Paul's house. When he opened the door he was wearing a dark shirt, not tucked into a pair of dubious trousers. "I see you're all dressed for action," I said, not unkindly, "shall we get down to it?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Ok, what's the problem?"

"It's just that I'm turning my back on all this, I don't like school, and don't want to be reminded of it."

"Look Paul, we've been here before, it's just a fantasy set-up, if we could lay our hands on a policeman's uniform we could do it with that. We just have to do the best with what we have, after all, you'll be out of it soon enough."

"Ok, I suppose so," he said reluctantly, stepping aside to let me in, "d'you want a beer?"

"Of course," I said, anxious to relieve the tension. Supping our beers, we made our way up to Paul's room to find the rest of his uniform. After a bit of searching we found his school tie, and his blazer and he put them on, tucking his shirt into his trousers. "How about this for a story?" I said, "On your way home from school you've found a porno mag, you're so turned on by this that as soon as you get in the door you're ready for action, tearing your clothes off, you get down to it on the stairs."

"That'll be Ok," he said, brightening up, "I quite fancy that."

We went back downstairs, and I took a couple of shots of Paul coming in through the front door, schoolbag over his shoulder. As soon as the door was shut, his hand flew to his crotch, grabbing his cock through the material of his trousers; "just lean back a little, so that your blazer doesn't hide anything," I said, feeling my dick stiffening up at last. Paul pushed past me, and stood above me at the bottom of the stairs, still clutching at his cock. "That's great," I said, "now let's move it on a bit." He dumped his school bag on the step next to him, and fumbling about, he pulled out a porno mag, which he dumped on the floor beside him. With a smile on his face, he ever so carefully pulled down the zipper and undid the waist button on his trousers. They slipped down part way, revealing the bulge in his patterned cotton y-fronts, his erection standing proud. He grabbed his cock through them, and leaned back to show it off to its best advantage. "Lovely," I said, sensing the pleasurable pressure of my dick in my pants. Without bothering to do any more, Paul settled down on the landing, rolling onto his hip to show his butt off to its best advantage. Leaning against the banister, he started to play with his cock whilst leafing through the mag. Slowly, he started to peel his pants away with his free hand, never letting go of his dick with the other one, I crouched down and clicked away as his hand moved deliberately up and down his shaft.

After a moment, he sat back up, his hand down the front of his pants, "What next?" he asked.

"I need a better angle," I replied, "Turn round so that I can get a shot over your shoulder, as if it was your viewpoint." He obligingly shuffled round, and I positioned myself behind his shoulder, leaning forward to frame up the image. "Lean back a bit," I said, conscious that his hair was already tickling my erection, he obliged me, and I felt the back of his head pushing against my stiff prick. "That's great," I said, revelling in the sensation, and forgetting about the pics for a moment. I looked down into his pants, as his hand continued to work away, and he rubbed his head back and forth across my crotch. "Right," I said, my attention back on the subject, "I think I'll try to get an angle looking up into your face, and maybe a few action close-ups." I squeezed past him, and positioned myself on the stairs below, pushing his knees apart I was looking up into his crotch. Paul leaned back on one arm, the other still working away in his pants, I took a few shots, "let me see a bit more," I asked, and he obligingly pushed his hand down through the leg hole, pulling the fabric clear to give me a view of his cock and balls. "that's terrific," I said, "now, let me show you something new."

I put my camera to one side, and reaching up, carefully slid my hand up the leg hole, enjoying the feel of the soft hair on his balls for a moment before I moved on to join his hand on the hot, hard shaft of his cock. For a few moments we both stroked together in unison, before, with a sigh, he let go, and relaxed back with his eyes shut. I continued to kneel there for a while, gently, but firmly running my hand up and down his dick. With my free hand I carefully pulled his trousers down to his ankles and then worked my way back up to the waistband of his pants, in order to pull them down I had to let go of his cock briefly, causing a flicker of annoyance to cross his face. Helpfully, he arched his back, lifting his bottom clear of the ground, and I slowly pulled his pants down. His erection flopped back against his belly, and I gave it a few more careful strokes just to make up for letting go. Leaning forward, my longish blond hair brushed his belly, and without releasing his dick, I carefully started to lick his balls, at the same time drinking in the warm musty scent of his body. He moaned, in what I hope was appreciation, as I moved on to lick the shaft of his cock, already hot and sticky from my hand job. As I got to the tip, and ran my tongue around the glans I could taste the pre-cum as it welled up. Shifting my position, I took the tip of his penis into my mouth, and began to suck and lick at it, at the same time rubbing his balls and the base of his shaft with my free hand. We continued in this eminently satisfactory situation for what seemed like an eternity, and I gradually took more and more of his erection into my mouth, working my way up and down the shaft tonguing his glans as I went. I could feel his cock getting hotter and heavier in my mouth, and I knew he wasn't far off coming, pausing for a moment, I looked up, his face was flushed and beaded with sweat and his eyes tight shut. I wasn't able to say anything, obviously, and resumed my ministrations.

All this time, my erection was entirely out of reach, and troubling me not a little, I wiggled my bottom to try and release the tension, and drew an appreciative moan from the recumbent Paul. It was time to finish it, letting his cock slip from my mouth, I grabbed hold, and started giving it long firm strokes from the base to the tip, varying my grip, and the pressure as I did so. I could see that we were nearly there, and once again took his hot cock into my mouth, giving it a discreet nip with my teeth as I did so. That little shock was enough to send him over the edge, and he arched his back, pushing his cock further into my mouth, come spurting over the back of my tongue, and almost choking me. When I could feel that he had finished, I let his dick slip out of my mouth, and dabbing a little come from where it had escaped from the corner of my mouth; I gave him a splodge on his sweaty forehead.

I looked down on his reclining body, his cock still swollen and wet and felt tremendously horny, pulling my jeans and pants down, I grabbed my cock and began to masturbate over him, much as he had over me months before, he didn't stir for what seemed like an age, lying there in a post-orgasmic haze. When he did, he sat up, and gently took my hand away from my cock and started to wank me off. The feeling of another's hand was still a novelty, and despite what I had done for him, I was more than content to have him jerk me off and was determined to hold out for as long as possible. He laid back again, pulling me towards him, and, holding my cock in one hand, he took hold of his, still erect, in the other. I have to say that, uncomfortable though my position was, on the stairs, watching Paul pull me and himself off at the same time was an almost unbearably erotic experience. It wasn't that long before I felt the pressure beginning to build up, and I knew I was going to come soon.

I came in spurts, all over his belly once more, and as I was erupting, he had his second coming, which I licked greedily off his cock once more. Our activities were rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, "Fuck," whispered Paul, "its my neighbour, come round to check up on me, and she's got a key."

Giggling, we scuttled, bare arsed, and spunk spattered, up the stairs into Paul's room, just as we heard the key turn in the front door, and a cheery "Hello, anybody home?" drift up the stairs.

"Hi, I'm just getting changed," Paul called down, as I frantically mopped him down and pulled his pants back up, "I'll be down in a second."

"Ok," came the reply, "I'll put the kettle on, and you can tell me what you've been up to today."

"I don't think so somehow," muttered Paul, which started me giggling again. We got him dressed and away down the stairs before I sorted my own clothes out, and came down to be presented to Paul's neighbour. As I was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping at my tea, I was very conscious of the smell of come on my hands, and even more so, that Paul had a big damp patch in the crotch of his trousers where the last few dribbles of come had leaked through his pants. Fortunately, he noticed at more or less the same time as me, and sat at the table, with his legs clamped together until his neighbour decided she'd heard enough.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he asked, once we were alone again.

"A girl did it for me at a party, and I thought I might be able to develop on her technique. Like it, did you?"

"Mmm," he replied, appreciatively, "pity we never finished our session though."

"Oh, so you don't mind dressing up so much now," I said, grinning at him.

"Come back tomorrow, and I'll do it properly, I promise, I see the point now."

"Alright," I replied, secretly delighted, "we'll have another go tomorrow morning."

"I'll see if I can surprise you," he said, smiling and leaning over he kissed me awkwardly on the cheek, the first and only time he ever kissed me.

In a state of confusion and excitement, I let myself out and cycled slowly home, looking forward to whatever the morning might bring.

Next: Chapter 6

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