
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Oct 3, 2001


This is the standard disclaimer, all the subjects in this story are fictional. I know this type of story does not appeal to everyone, but isn't that true about any sex story. Thanks for the comments from the different readers. Keep sending them to

For a little different story try "yound cowby" under Historical catagory. Just a little story that came off of a longer story I am working on. This story didn't fit the one I am working on, but was worth writing.

Thanks Nifty for having a place to post these stories.

Hope to continue the story of Paul.


The parking lot around the fieldhouse was full as players and coaches were loading the school buses to start the long trip to Clarksville. Parents were saying good luck to their children as they loaded their suitcases. The coaches were checking their list to be sure they had all the equipment that would be needed or might be needed for the playoff game. The cheerleaders were handing out care packages, which consisted of candy and sandwiches that could be eaten on the trip.

Coach yelled out, "Five minutes and we leave double check everything."

The players and coaches went through a final check and then loaded on the buses. As they pulled off it was like a parade leaving town. People were lined up in the parking lot and along the roads leaving out of town. The players were waving to all the people as they waved back.

Coach looked back at the players as they left the city limits and said, "Ok, calm down and save that energy for the game, settle in and try to get comfortable." "There is water and fruit drinks in the coolers in the back and when you finish put the trash in the bags provided, otherwise all of you will help clean up the bus when we get to Clarksville."

The players all settled in to the routine that they were use to on the long trips, the only thing different was that this trip was going to be twice as long as any other. Some players put on walkmans and started listening to different music as others pulled out newspaper, magazines, letters and other things to read. They all knew that they would be traveling for about five hours before they would stop to eat.

The coaches all huddled together to go over the plans for the meal and the different arrangements that had to be taken care of before the game. They were going over game strategies and situations that could arise. It was just like any other game, but there seemed to be more pressure on the coaches than usual. It was the first game of the State playoffs, and the players really didn't know the severity of the game. If they were to lose the season was over, if they were to win they would live to play another week. The coaches understood that a lot of the players wouldn't understand how important a playoff game was until they had competed in one. They also knew what that kind of pressure could do to a high school player, that is why the coaching staff had tried to go about preparing for this game as if it was just another game. They wanted all the pressure to be on the coaches shoulders and not on the players.

The trip started off without any thing going wrong. Most of the players had managed to take a nap and the others had just enjoyed the sights as they passed through the different cities. Paul was seated on the back seat with Jeff, another sophomore. Jeff was one of the real managers, he actually helped tape and tend to injuries of the players. Paul was called a manager but his only duties had been helping with the water jugs and doing the laundry.

Neither of the boys had been very far from home during their brief histories. Paul had traveled a little with his father, but usually within an hour of their home. If became apparent that Jeff had never been out of town except on the football trips. He was excited at everything he noticed that was new to him, he was turning his head left and right trying not to miss any of the sights. Paul looked at him and said, "Haven't you ever been out of town before."

"No, unless you call the other football trips out of town," Jeff said.

Paul started talking to Jeff and was able to get his life history. Jeff lived at home with his father who worked at night in a factory. He seldom did anything with his dad because they were not together during the week. Jeff would be at school while his dad slept, and his dad would be at work while Jeff would be sleeping. The only time they really had together was on the weekends and his dad would spend most of the daytime sleeping. Paul found out that Jeff was able to be the manager only because one of the players on the team lived on the same road as he did which was several miles outside of town. The other player would drop him off after practice and ballgames. Jeff would ride the school bus to school each day.

Jeff had no real friends that he would hang out with. He had a few classmates that he talked to and ate lunch with, but that was the extent of his social life. He had never been to a movie or anything that young people did as they were growing up. His father couldn't afford anything that wasn't an absolute necessity. Paul was thinking how unfortunate Jeff was, but was also amazed how he enjoyed the little things that everyone else took for granted. He was the type of kid that really enjoyed the food in the cafeteria, to him it was home cooking compared to the cold cut sandwiches he lived on at home. He thought that the little sacks of candy and sandwiches that the cheerleaders had prepared were a special treat. He was happy to have a drink of some sports drink instead of water, to him this was something that was not necessary. He viewed everything a little different from the rest of the kids. Nothing was owed him, he felt that things had to be earned and when you received something that you hadn't worked or requested, it should be taken as a gift and appreciated as such.

Just as this trip was not something that wasn't originally in the plans for the team, he was going to enjoy all of it, the ride there, the hotel, the game, the ride back and anything else that happened. He was actually looking forward to the meal they were to have that evening.

Paul just looked at him and tried to think of all the things that he and most of the other kids took for granted. There were things that Paul did each day that a person like Jeff had no clue about. Paul could watch TV whenever he wanted, had different electronic games, always had extra food in the refrigerator, snacks if he wanted them, extra money to buy things like cokes, money to eat pizza or hamburgers whenever he wanted to. Jeff was opening a whole part of life that Paul had never knew was there. Paul could pick up the phone and call Bill whenever he wanted. Jeff didn't even have a phone.

Paul decided that he was going to hang around with Jeff at least on this trip. He was actually enjoying watching Jeff get excited at the new things he saw. He also noticed that whenever Jeff saw something he had never seen before his voice would rise a pitch or two and he would also grab himself in the crotch. He was practically holding himself while he looked around. Paul looked to see if anybody other than he was watching Jeff. He noticed that he and Jeff were on the back seat and no one were on any of the three seats in front of them. There were the coolers with the drinks on a couple of seats then bags of footballs and other gear on the seats in front of them. Paul felt that they were as concealed as possible from the rest of the people on the bus.

Paul waited until Jeff raised up to look at some new cars at a car lot, when he raised his head to peer over the window Paul reached out and grabbed Jeff's crotch. Jeff stopped and sucked in a deep breath, he looked at Paul but didn't say a word. He slowly slid back down into his seat but didn't move in any way.

" ....doing..?" Jeff finally got out.

"Trying to make you feel better." Paul said.

"Wh... why?" Jeff stammered still looking at Paul's hand as it started to squeeze and massage his dick.

"Got excited watching you get so worked up and wanted to help you out, don't you ever play with yourself? Paul asked.

"Sure, but your another boy, not a girl." Jeff said.

"You never played with another boy, or had one play with you before?" Paul questioned as he continued to massage Jeff's dick. He could tell Jeff was enjoying the feeling because his dick was hard and he was pushing his hips into Paul's hand.

"No, didn't know that boys did that." he said as his breathing was getting stronger and stronger.

"Well just relax and enjoy the feeling, I want hurt you." Paul said as he reached down, unzipped his pants, and pulled Jeff's dick out. It was about seven inches of uncut cock, the foreskin was still covering the head even though it was hard. Paul looked at it and was curious because he had not seen a penis that looked quite like this one. He grabbed the shaft and pulled the skin back and was surprised that their was more than enough skin to cover the shaft. He actually had layers of skin piled upon themselves at the base of the cock. When he pulled the skin forward there was about two inches of extra skin after the head was covered. Jeff had leaned his head back and was moaning and just saying, "Oh..oh...oh."

Paul could not control himself as he bent over and placed Jeff's dick in his mouth. He swallowed Jeff's cock all the way in one stroke.

Jeff yelled out, "Oh! my go...," as Paul raised his head up quickly and said, "Quite!"

"If you don't be quite we are going to have to stop or someone will catch us."

"Ok, I'll be quite, but it feels so good." Jeff said.

Paul went back to work on Jeff's cock, this time he put the dick in his mouth but didn't slide the skin back, instead he slid his tongue inside the foreskin and twirled his tongue around the head of Jeff's cock. Paul heard Jeff as he muffled a few moans and tasted the pre-cum that leaked out of his cock head. Paul knew that Jeff was about to cum so he raised his head and said, "When you start to cum just let it go in my mouth, don't try to pull off." Paul felt he had better let Jeff know what was going to happen so he wouldn't get excited and cause any unwanted noise. Paul pushed his head down on Jeff's dick again, this time forcing the foreskin down with his lips, he then would pull it all back over the head and lick around inside it, next time he would not push the skin down and then would try to suck all the skin off of the shaft as he pulled back. He continued to alternate this action as Jeff was thrusting his hips forward each time Paul pulled his head back. Without warning Jeff grabbed Paul on each side of his head and pushed his hips forward as hard as he could. Paul felt the cum hit the back of his throat and he swallowed trying to keep it from chocking him. He was not able to keep up with Jeff's cock as it kept gushing and gushing down Paul's throat. Paul was able to keep from chocking but was not able to keep all the cum in his mouth as some ran down his chin and dripped on Jeff's pants. Paul seeing it quickly licked if off before it had time to soak in and leave a stain. Jeff's body relax and he sort of slid back into the seat. His eyes were glazed over and his chest was heaving up and down. Paul sat up and looked at Jeff to see if he had gathered himself enough to not draw any attention to them. He then leaned down and pealed the foreskin back and cleaned Jeff's dick. After a few minutes Paul could feel the life coming back into Jeff's dick, he removed his mouth and placed it back in Jeff's pants.

"That was unbelievable, ...I have never felt like that,.... where did you learn to do that,.....I had not idea." Jeff said as he stammered on for a few minutes. He finally settled down enough to hold a conversation.

Paul looked at him and said, "Are you back to earth now, If I knew you were going to react like that I probably wouldn't have done it."

"Oh, no I loved it, it was just I had no idea that it could feel like that, any time you want to do that to me, please let me know." Jeff said. He then looked at Paul and said, "I want to hug you, kiss you , or do something for you, I don't know what really, just have this feeling to do something for you."

"Thanks, but seeing you enjoy yourself is thanks enough, don't know if we will get to do this again, but if we do I'll see if there is something you can do for me." Paul said. "Now set back and enjoy the rest of the trip."

The last hour or so went by with little excitement from Jeff, but ever so often he would reach over and pat Paul on the crotch. He never said anything but had to feel Paul close to him even though there was enough room that they didn't have to have any body contact.

Coach yelled out, "Wake everybody up that is asleep, get ready to get off the bus and be on your best behavior, we are representing our school and town, so act as though you know what to do."

With this everyone sat up and tried to fix their hair and clothes. The buses pulled into the Mall and stopped at the entrance to the Cafeteria. Most of the players let out a sigh as they saw the words on the outside of the building. Coach said, "It's nothing like the school cafeteria, and don't go in here and act like a pig."

The players got off the bus and started into the building, they were surprised that the area they entered wasn't anything like the school cafeteria. When they were in line most of them just looked at all the choices of food that were on the counters. Jeff looked at Paul and said, "I don't know what to get, I don't know what most of this is."

Paul looked at him and said, "Get behind me and Bill, order what we do or if you are not sure just ask me and I will help you."

They went down the line, and Jeff took a salad, some jello, picked the vegetables he wanted and then looked at Paul and Bill when it came time to choose a main dish. Paul looked at him and said, "You have your choice of fish, chicken baked or fried, liver, chopped stake, roast beef or steak."

"Never had a real steak, what do you think." Jeff said as he watched Bill order a steak medium rare.

"Steak it is." Paul said as he also ordered the steak.

"Me too," Jeff said with a little confidence in his voice.

Bill and Paul just laughed at Jeff. He looked at them and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, nothing wrong." Bill said as the three walked away to find a table. They all removed the food from their trays and sat down to enjoy the meal. Bill noticed that Jeff waited for them to start to eat and would then do the same as they had. He looked at Paul as if to ask a question, but Paul spoke before he could.

"Jeff you can eat your food in any order you want to, there is no wrong way." Paul said as he then looked at Bill and explained to him that Jeff had not been away from home much and was not sure how things in the outside world worked.

All Bill said was "Oh." He then proceeded to finish off his food and even offered Jeff a taste of his cake, seeing the Jeff had taken a piece of pie.

"Thanks, I've never tried carrot cake before, thought it would taste different." Jeff said.

Coach came around to each table, collected the receipts and informed them that they had one hour that they could look around the mall, but had to be back at the entrance to the cafeteria in exactly one hour. Bill and Paul looked at each other and grinned because they liked to walk through the mall and check out all the new cloths , shoes , CDs, and other things of interest. They both looked at Jeff at the same time and Paul said, "This is really going to be fun, since Jeff has never been to a mall before."

They all three got up and headed out into the mall. Bill looked at Jeff and said, "Follow us, but if you see something that you want to look at let us know and we will wait on you." "Don't feel like you have to do what we want to do, just speak up no matter what it is."

They walked around and looked in the windows of a lot of the stores, occasionally going in to look at the latest styles, newest games, shoes, and the jewelry that all the Pro sport figures wore. After about twenty minutes Paul said he was thirsty. He looked at Jeff and said, "Want a coke or something to drink?" "Yeah, but I didn't bring any money with me, didn't know we were coming to a place like this."

"That's Ok, I'll treat, Bill what do you want?" Paul asked.

Bill said, "I'll get mine."

"No I've got these, now what do you want?" Paul said as he looked hard at Bill trying to let him know that Jeff felt bad enough not having money, and he didn't need to make him feel he was the only one. Bill got the meaning of Paul's stare and said, "I'll take a coke."

Paul said, "Ok, three cokes," as he walked over to one of the soda shops.

Jeff looked at Bill and said, "Have you know Paul very long?"

"Just since two-a-days, why do you ask?" Bill said wondering where this question was headed.

"Oh, he just seems like a very nice guy, I had never talked to him before today." Jeff said.

"Yeah, Paul is special, you don't meet many people like him, he is a nice friend to have." Bill said.

"Don't you have any friends at school?" Bill enquired as he watched Paul return with the drinks.

"No, no friends just people I talk to about school work." Jeff said.

Paul heard the last of the conversation and knew what they had been talking about and didn't think he had to ask any questions.

They walked down another hallway looking at the things in the different stores. They finally came to a T-shirt shop and went in to look at and laugh at the many different shirts. Bill and Paul really got a kick out of Jeff as he continued to look through the racks of shirts and call out, "Hey, look at this one." He found one shirt that really got him laughing and he couldn't stop, he was doubled over and crying because he was laughing so hard. The people in the store were staring to see if he was ok. Paul finally said, "We better get him out of here before he kills himself with laughter."

Bill and Paul each grabbed one of his arms and started out the store, they had gotten a little ways out the store and Jeff had calmed down to just a little giggle every second or two when Bill said, "I forgot my drink, you two go on back to the cafeteria and I'll go get my drink"

Paul and Jeff walked on back and waited along with most of the other guys for the last of them to show up. Bill was one of the last ones, and they all returned to the buses and headed to the hotel. They only had to ride about twenty minutes, and then wait another ten minutes for the coaches to check them in. They all met in the lobby of the hotel and the coaches passed out the keys, he then proceeded to explain that no one was to leave the hotel and lights were to be out at ten o'clock. TVs could be on until twelve but everyone needed to be in bed. The coaches would come around and have a bed check so there was not to be any playing around in the rooms, lobby or pool area.

It took about thirty more minutes for every one to get their things and locate their rooms. As luck would have it Jeff was rooming with Bill, so Paul felt that the other players wouldn't make fun of him. He knew that Bill wouldn't let them.

Paul carried his things to his room and wasn't surprised when he noticed Coaches things already there. He knew that Coach would be busy until after ten o'clock so he decided to take a long shower and change into some shorts and a t-shirt.

When Coach came to the room Paul was already out of the shower and looking for something to watch on the TV.

"How was the shower?" Coach asked just making conversation.

"Fine, plenty of hot water." Paul said.

"Coach, do you know the living conditions of Jeff?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, I know, I actually know the social and economical situations of every player on the team." Coach said, "Why do you ask/"

"Just didn't realize that some people had so little, but Jeff doesn't have much and seams to enjoy almost anything that is new to him." Paul said. "He and I were on the back seat of the bus and he became excited at everything, it also excited him between his legs too." "I got excited and ended up sucking his dick for him, it was all new to him." "He has had such a sheltered life about everything." "Bill and I had to help him order his food, explain the most common things to him because he had never experienced them." "Is there more students like him in our school?"

"No I think Jeff may be the poorest kid in our school, but in some ways he is the richest." Coach said. "He has nothing so anything he gets he honestly appreciates it, I hope he never changes in that regard." "Now what was this about you sucking his dick?"

Paul's face turned red as he looked at Coach. Coach said, "It's ok, I could see the two of you in the mirror from the front of the bus, and had an idea of what was going on, especially when he screamed out and your head popped up above the seat." "Remember I helped make the seating arrangements also, I had a feeling the two of you would get along, just not that good."

"Now how about some of the same treatment for me." Coach said as he started removing his clothes. Paul just grinned at him as he pulled his T-shirt off and then slid his shorts to the floor. He crawled upon the bed between Coach's legs and proceeded to give Coach the best blowjob he knew how. Within seconds Coach was moaning and forcing Paul's head down on his dick. He was about to cum when he grabbed Paul's head off his dick and said roll over and pull your legs up as high as you can. Paul replied and was curious because he had never done anything in this position before. Coach got behind Paul and pulled his legs up until they were resting on Coach's shoulders. This placed Paul's ass right in line with Coach's cock. Coach leaned forward and pushed his cock into Paul's asshole. Paul gasped but waited for the pain to subside and then pushed his ass back at Coach. Coach pushed the rest of his cock in. He started pumping and Paul started grunting and moaning as Coach was rubbing his prostate with every push. Paul was squirting all over his stomach and Coach's stomach and chest. As Coach saw this he quickened his pace and was ready to cum, but Paul beat him to it as he was letting the cum fly again. Coach grunted and released all his juices inside Paul. He then let Paul's legs slid down beside him as his dick slid out and he fell forward on Paul. Coach slid around on Paul's stomach smearing the cum between them.

"I think you need another shower now," Coach said.

"Yeah, why haven't we fucked like that before?" Paul asked.

"Until now I don't think it would have been as good for you, all the weight you have lost has reduced the amount of fat around your ass, and I can now reach your prostate with my dick, I don't think it would have worked for you before." Coach replied.

"Makes since to me, now let's go get those showers." Paul said as he climbed out of bed as the cum ran down his legs.

They both got into the shower, lathered up, and then rubbed against each other. Coach then got down on his knees in front of Josh and sucked his cock in and proceeded to try to suck everything he could out the end of Paul's dick. Paul was shooting within seconds. They rinsed off and proceeded to the beds.

Coach looked at Paul and said, "Paul I want you to spend the night in bed with me, I want to bury my cock in your asshole and go to sleep with it there." "If that's alright with you."

Paul looked at Coach's hard cock and said, "We can try but no guarantees it will stay there all night."

Paul and Coach went to the bed and Paul laid down on his stomach and spread his legs, Coach climbed up behind him and pushed his dick in as far as he could. He then wrapped his arms around Paul's shoulders an kissed him on the neck and shoulders. Paul could feel Coach's dick deep inside him and he started squeezing his ass and then relaxing.

Coach said, "If you don't stop that we will never get any sleep, now be still and try to go to sleep"

Paul relaxed and felt the warmth of Coach's cock as it seemed to spread through his body. Within seconds he and Coach were asleep, and Paul was having the greatest dreams.

Next: Chapter 8

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