
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Sep 29, 2001


This is my disclaimer, the people and situatioins in this story are all fictional. The names have been changed to protect the innocent characters in my mind.

Please send any comments to me at The story is starting to take on a more story like quality than just a quick jerk off piece. I need to know if it is worth the time to continue the story. If I have gotten off the desired path of the readers, I need to know. This is not my full time occupation, but have found that I enjoy writing the story and have found that I can write at least one a day. If you like this story I am also working on one set back in the days of western frontier, however it has already grown about ten times longer than the entries I have done on Paul. If you are interested in a long story with sex as a major part of the story let me know. I haven't decided if I want to release it or not,

If I get enough favorable replies I might submit the story.


Things got back to normal around school. Paul was staying on his training routine and was dropping weight each week. The Coach had made a game out of Paul's weight in. If Paul lost at least five pounds each week then Coach would subtract one wind sprint per day for a week. If he didn't lose five pounds but did lose something the team was allowed an extra water break that day.

The team really liked the idea and would yell for Paul each time he ran sprints or laps. This helped Paul push himself and so far had not missed a week of losing five or more pounds. Paul also had a deal with Bill. As long as he was losing weight Paul was allowed one evening of sexual pleasure of his choosing.

Paul and Bill had slowed way down when it came to getting together with Coach. Most of it was Coach's doing as he said he had too much to lose if they were discovered. His activity with the two boys had slowed to about once every two weeks. Paul and Bill had understood and found it was a lot easier to get together with each other than trying to find time to be with Coach.

Paul and Bill rode to school together, ate lunch together, and talked before school, but still ran in different circles. The people in Bill's group were more on the athletic side, as most of them were the jocks in the school. There were a few girls that hung around with them. Paul only had a couple of friends that he was seen with a lot. Besides being the fat kid in school, Paul was actually an A student. Grades were never a problem to him, he found that if he paid attention in class he could usually get it the first time. The other guys that associated with him were more on the nerd side, but they felt at ease around Paul because he wasn't competitive about grades. They found that they could talk to Paul about sex, and felt he was an expert on the subject. Actually when it came to talking about girls Paul could only relate what Bill had told him. If they asked him something he wasn't sure about he just said he would get back to them on that later, then ask Bill about it. This kept any one from even dreaming of what was going on between Paul and Bill.

On one of the days that was Paul's choice, Paul and Bill got into a conversation about girls and how it felt to fuck. Bill had been with several girls, but said he preferred being with Paul because he could do what he felt was right instead of trying to do what he felt the girls wanted him to do. He said that with the girls they might say one thing and want another. With Paul if he said something that was exactly what he wanted.

Paul said, "I wonder if I will ever have sex with a girl?"

"Do you or have you ever thought about sex with a girl?" Bill asked.

"Yeah, mostly in my dreams, don't think about girls while I'm awake." "Why do you ask?" Paul said.

"Well if you really want to try it I know a girl, not good looking, that will put out for a little fee." Bill said. "She is not dirty or anything like that, she want put out for anybody, but I have known her since we were about six years old." "She was my first, but made it plane to me that she didn't want to be my girlfriend or anything like that." "I have been with her several times and she let me know that for twenty bucks she would do some guys, but she had to agree to it before hand." "So if you really want to try I can try to arrange it, no guarantees."

"Do you think I could really fuck her with all this fat?" Paul asked.

"Look you have lost over fifty pounds and you do have a good three inches of dick showing now." Bill said. "Besides there can be more to fucking than just sticking your dick in her pussy."

"Ok, see if she is willing, be sure to explain everything about me to her, don't want to scare her when she sees me." Paul said.

"Done." Bill said as he grabbed Paul's naked breast and inhaled the nipple. Paul giggled and rolled over on the bed. He climbed on Paul's back and slowly pushed his dick in his ass and started a slow long fuck. They had discovered that Paul really got off on this method and it was always what he wanted when he was allowed to choose. Paul's bed was creaking from the rocking that he and Bill were causing. As Bill pushed forward Paul would push back, this would force Bill's dick as far as possible into Paul's asshole. They had found that if Bill controlled the tempo he could keep it going for over an hour, during which Paul would cum six or seven times. When they did this Paul would usually go right to sleep as soon as Bill would relieve his own balls. Bill would lie on Paul's back and have to hold on to keep from sliding off because of all the sweat. They usually laid together for thirty minutes or more before one would finally move and declare they needed a shower.

They were in this state of contentment when they heard someone clearing their throat. It was Paul's dad. He was suppose to be out of town, but had returned early.

"Glad to see I haven't been missed." he said.

At first they both jumped but then were relieved as Paul's father left the room. They got up, took quick showers, and headed to the kitchen. When they got there Paul's dad was busy cooking the evening meal and acted as if nothing had happened. Both boys were a little red from embarrassment but sat down at the table and waited to take their medicine.

"How was your day?" he asked the two while stirring something on the stove.

"Fine, just fine." Paul said.

"Nothing happened worth talking about?" Paul's dad asked.

"Well, Bill said he was going to try and set me up with a girl." Paul said grinning at Bill.

Bill turned even redder and almost choked when he heard this.

"Is that so?" Paul's dad asked as he looked sternly at Bill. "I guess you need to try it and see which sex you really prefer Paul." He then looked at Bill and smiled.

Paul started laughing at Bill because he was sitting there not believing what he was hearing.

Paul looked at Bill and said, "Relax Bill, dad and I have talked about this very subject and agreed that some day I needed to experience a woman." "Dad said that I didn't need to get with the type of women that he knew because they were to calloused, he felt that I should experience someone with some feelings." "He said that most of the women that he knew would jump your bones, get you off, then leave."

Bill looked at both of them and said, "I wish my father was as open about things like that."

"Well Bill your father probably wishes he could be, but no man is totally sure about sex no matter how old they are." "He is probably like most fathers and would rather you experiment on your own than take his advise and find out it doesn't work." "You see, what works for one man doesn't work for another, that's why you have men who like men, others like women, others like only themselves, and all types of fetishes." "This doesn't mean he doesn't love you any more or less than I love my son." "There is a very broad line between what a father wants his son to be and what the son wants to be." "Most of what a person becomes is natural selection." "There's not much a person can do about it." "Just like brown hair, you can dye it any color but it always grows back brown."

"Thanks for the talk, I'll call you later Paul." Bill said as he headed out the door.

The phone rang and Paul answered it. It was Bill.

"The dates on." He said as Paul sat down in a chair.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked.

"I talked with Susie and she said she would fuck you." Bill said.

"When....Where.....How....?" Paul stammered.

"Calm down Paul." "She said she would do it tomorrow after school at your house." "I told her your dad would be gone and she agreed." "As a matter of fact she jumped at the opportunity, seems she likes really plump guys."

"Hello...are you still there?" Bill asked as he couldn't here anything on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, I'm here just didn't think it was going to happen so soon." Paul said.

"Figured that, that's why I set it up so quick, didn't want to give you time to back out." Bill said.

"See you tomorrow at school, bye." Bill said as he hung up the phone.

"DAD!" Paul yelled as he headed to his fathers bedroom.

"What's the matter!" his dad yelled back.

As he entered his fathers room he said, "Dad, Bill set me up with Susie for tomorrow, here." "I don't know if I can do it, ....don't know what to do,.....what do I do?" He stammered as he sat down on the bed.

Paul's father looked at Paul and just laughed lightly.

"Calm down Paul." he said softly. "Just do what feels right to you, you might enjoy it, or you might find that your dick want get hard, either way you have to find out" "Now go try to sleep, and don't spend all night jerking off or you defiantly want get it up."

The next morning Bill picked Paul up as usual but had a funny looking grin on his face. Every time Paul saw Bill that day he had that same grin, even at football practice Paul was sure Bill was grinning at him. Paul managed to finish practice with out thinking all the time about Susie and what she looked like, would feel like, would smell like, and would he pass out when he met her.

Bill waited on Paul to finish his shower and said, "You have to walk home while I go pick up Susie and take her by your house." "Do you want me to just drop her off or introduce her to you." He said.

"You better introduce us, or I may not be there when she gets there." Paul said.

"Ok, ok, I'll bring her into your house, see you in half an hour."

Bill left and Paul started walking home. He got there and made sure that the house was half way cleaned, picked up dirty socks, underwear, shorts, and made up his bed.

Paul walked to the door when he heard Bill knocking. When he opened the door he was very surprised because Susie was nothing like he had pictured. She was not tall, not fat, not short, not beautiful like a model, but nice looking in her own way.

"Well you going to invite us in or not?" Bill said.

"Sorry, come on in," Paul said as he turned to let them in.

They walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Paul looked at them and didn't know what to say. He finally took a deep breath and said, "You don't have to do this if you really don't want to."

Susie looked right at Paul and said, "Paul, I want to do this."

"Ok, that does it for me, call me when you are through." Bill said as he got up to leave.

"Wait, wait, Bill don't leave you can stay here and watch TV or something, just don't leave yet."

Bill sat down as Susie got up and took Paul's hand. "Which way to your room Paul?" as she started down the hall. Paul just followed her and pointed to his room.

Paul looked at Susie, but didn't know what to do as he just stood and looked at her.

"Come here Paul, just do what feels good to you."

Paul walked over and put his hands on her breast and gently squeezed. Susie moaned and rolled her head back. Paul reached underneath her shirt and pulled it over her head. He then removed her bra, pants and underware. Paul gently laid her down on the bed as he let his eyes roam over her body. He quickly started pulling his own clothes off as he gazed at her hard nipples. When he had all his clothes off he laid on top of her and covered one of here breast with his hand and the other with his mouth. He was fascinated with the feel and size of her nipples. He grabbed both breast and pressed them on either side of his face. Susie was moaning and her body was moving ever so lightly underneath him. He slid his face down so that he was looking right into her pussy. He grabbed her legs and spread them until they were on either side of his head. He then placed his mouth right on the little opening and started to push his tongue inside. The feeling and smell was new and arousing as he finally located her clit. He sucked it into his mouth and started twirling his tongue around. Susie was about to go crazy as she grabbed Paul by the head and started forcing his face into her crotch. She then rapped her legs around his head and screamed as she pressed her legs together. Paul could feel the muscles inside contract and then relax as she came to a climax.

When she relaxed her legs Paul slid up on her and placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He started to push in but stopped and asked if he needed a rubber, she replied it was ok, she was on the pill. That was all Paul needed to here as he let all his weight down on top of her. He could feel his cock slid inside and felt the warmth of her channel. Paul started pumping as he placed his mouth back on one of her breast. She rapped her arms around his head and just moaned. They continued to pump into each other until she grabbed Paul's head and let out another scream. That was all Paul needed as his dick erupted into and onto her groin. He then collapsed and rolled off of her.

"That was great." Susie said.

"Thanks, thanks for everything." Paul said. "Do you need a shower or something?"

"A long bath would feel great right now." Susie said.

"Down the hall on the left." Paul said.

As Susie left the room Bill could see her and he decided to see how Paul was.

"How was it Paul?" Bill asked as he entered the room.

"Close the door and come here." Paul said.

"It was good, not as good as when I'm with you , but good," Paul said. "It wasn't fulfilling as it is with you, I need you to fuck me now, please, and hurry."

"You sure!" Bill asked as he was pulling his pants down.

"Yes, now hurry before she gets through with her bath." Paul said.

Paul rolled over on his stomach and stuck his ass up at Bill. Bill didn't waist any time as he plunged his cock into Paul. Paul was cumming after the first two thrust, and had buried his face into a pillow to help smother his screams of pleasure. Bill just kept pumping as Paul was cumming about every third thrust. This was too much action for Bill and he couldn't hold out any longer. Bill's cock started swelling and then pumped all the cum in his balls right down Paul's shoot. He had to bite his lip to keep from screaming out, and then collapsed on Paul's back.

"Quick, get up we don't want her to catch us." Paul said as he pushed Bill off. They both got up and dressed quickly and went back into the living room.

Susie came out of the bathroom and returned to the living room and said, "That was nice Paul, if you want to do it again just give me a call, Bill has my number, now I have to get home before I get into trouble."

Bill got up and said, "See you later Paul," as he and Susie left the house. Paul laid down on the sofa and tried to figure out his feelings. He woke up a while later when Bill was knocking on the door.

"Come on in." Paul said.

"Well what do you think?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, it was nice, but I don't know." Paul replied as he just rolled his head back and forth. "What I do know is that I don't want to stop what we have been doing."

"Got to think this through, need to talk to my dad." "Do you feel the same when you fuck a girl as you do when you fuck me?" Paul asked.

"Not the same, maybe better with you, why?" Bill said.

"I have to get home, someone coming to dinner, talk to you tomorrow." Bill said as he left to go.

Paul woke the next morning and started to get up to see if his father was home, but one whiff of the bacon cooking told him all he needed to know. He got up showered in a hurry and went to the kitchen.

"Dad need to talk real bad." Paul said as he sat down at the table.

"Ok, lets talk." his father replied.

"You know I had the date with Susie last night, and I need to talk some things out with you."

"Were you able to do it son?" his father asked as he spooned the scrambled eggs onto Paul's plate.

"Yeah, I did it, but that's part of the problem." "You see it wasn't the same as when I do it with a man." "I can understand how a man could get married and stay with a woman all his life, if he has never been with a man." "I understand that some men could never be with another man." "What I can't seem to understand is how do you choose one and never do the other?"

"Well son you have stumbled on the problem shared by a lot of men, and I am one." "You see people expect men to marry have children and grow old." "That's a lot of pressure on men and some can do it and others can't." "You see, I did it for a while, I married, had you, but then met a man and realized that all those daydreams and urges I had were more than urges." "We had an affair for about a year before your mother caught on and she couldn't deal with it." "That's why she left." "You have to realize the urge to have a family will hit you some day and you may very well do just that." "Until then you are going to have to deal with your feelings and desires the best you can, anyway at least you have had the experience of having a woman, I know some men who can't have sex with a woman." "Now eat up and get to school, don't worry yourself over this, it want be settled in one day or even one lifetime."

Paul got to school but was preoccupied. He walked right by Bill and didn't even notice him. Bill grabbed him by the arm and spun him around.

"Hey, wake up before you walk into a wall." Bill said.

"Oh, sorry, was thinking about something." Paul said.

"Yeah, and I bet I know what." Bill said.

"Probably, see you after school." Paul said as he walked off to class.

Paul remained in a daze for the rest of the day. Several of the teachers inquired if he felt sick because he was not himself. Coach even walked up to him and wanted to know what was on his mind.

Paul said, "Coach can I talk to you after practice?"

"Just talk?" Coach questioned.

"Yeah, need to talk to someone who might understand, just talk," Paul said.

"Ok, give me about fifteen minutes after practice and come see me." Coach replied.

Paul hung around the dressing room for as long as he could before he figured that Coach would come looking for him. He needed to talk to Coach but wasn't quite sure what he wanted to say. He finally decided to just go on to his office and see what happened.

As he was entering Coach's office Bill was leaving. Bill stopped and looked at Paul and said, "Are you alright Paul?"

"Think so just need to talk to Coach." Paul responded.

"Want me to wait and give you a ride home?" Bill asked beginning to become really concerned by the way Paul was acting.

"No, that's alright, don't know how long I will be." "Thanks any way, see you tomorrow." Paul said.

Bill walked on past Paul and slapped him on the back as he left the fieldhouse.

Paul knocked on Coach's door and entered when he heard Coach say the door was open. Coach was sitting behind his desk and had a real serious look on his face as he said, "Come on in Paul, have a seat and tell me what's really bothering you."

"Well Coach, I don't really know what to ask or say." "Every since yesterday when I had sex with Susie I have been in kind of a funk." "Bill did tell you about Susie didn't he." "I met him on the way out and assumed he told you what happened."

"He told me, is that a problem." Coach asked.

"No problem, actually saves me time telling you." Paul continued. "The problem is that I enjoyed the sex with Susie, but it did not give me that feeling of completion that I get when I am with you or Bill." "When I have sex with either of you I have this drive to get to somewhere." "That somewhere is achieved when I cum and my partner cums." "With Susie she had two orgasms and I did cum, but I felt as though I had been driven to the edge of where I wanted to go, but never over the edge." "Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?"

"I think so, its like jerking off and just when you are ready to shoot, you are interrupted." Coach said.

"Sort of like that, but in that situation you can return to jerking off and release the feeling that was interrupted." Paul said. "The feeling I had after I came with Susie was still not quite the same, I had to get Bill to fuck me to release the pressure I was feeling and I thought that was it." "Now I don't know, it seems that I was doing what I wanted to do with Susie, but the hold time I was careful to please her." "It seemed that I even though I was feeling good, I was doing it to prove the point that I could do it." "I wasn't enjoying it because of the feelings like I do with you and Bill." "With you and Bill it doesn't matter if I cum or not I just like to please whoever is with me, if I cum that just makes it better for me." When I came yesterday with Susie it was like I came to make it better for her, I felt that I had to cum to make it better." "Does any of this rambling make since to you?"

Coach looked at Paul and said, "I think I know what you are trying to say, I also believe that you feel this way because the sex was planned out and not spontaneous." "If you ever have the opportunity to have sex with a girl and it is something that just happens, I believe it may be more enjoyable to you, at least I hope so." "I have had sex with some women, my ex-wife for one, that made me feel that I was just servicing them for their pleasure and not mine." "I also understand the feeling you get from another man, you know what they want and feel, as well as they know your wants and feelings." "This is not something you should spend time on trying to figure out, I have known a lot of gay men that have let this very thing destroy their lives." Coach said as he got out of his chair and walked around to Paul. He leaned over and looked right into Paul's eyes and said, "Paul, just enjoy whatever sex you want to, don't let the pressures of society force you to live a way you don't want." "There may come a day that you want to be with a woman and live you life with her, but don't do it unless you honestly want it." saying this Coach reached down and hugged Paul. Paul hugged back and they just stayed in the embrace for a few minutes.

"Thanks Coach, the talk helped a little, guess I'm just going to have to work my way out of this mood I'm in."

"We'll be here if you don't start feeling better. If it gets to be too much for you let one of us know, Ok." Coached said as he looked for some type of response.

"Think I will be alright now, had a talk with dad and he said basically the same thing." Paul said.

"Just need to think through everything that's happened to me lately." Paul said.

"I can have a friend of mine talk with you some more, you kind of know him, or at least his bike."

This seemed to bring a little reaction from Paul as he was sure Coach was talking about the biker that had helped him.

"You talking about the biker that helped me with Chuck and his gang?" Paul questioned.

"One and the same." Coach said.

"What's the story with him anyway, where did you meet him?" Paul asked.

Coach noticed that Paul was beginning to act a little like his old self, he had pulled himself up in the chair and was sitting on the front edge of it. He was obviously curious about Coach and the biker. Coach decided this was the best time to tell Paul the story.

"Well the biker as you call him, whose real name is Tom, and I went to school together." "We were casual friends in High School and later in College." "I was into sports and he was into girls, parties, drugs, and just a good time." "His drugs got him landed in the state pen for three years." "When he went in jail he was as strait as anybody I knew, when he came out his whole perspective on sex had changed." "I ran into him about two years after he got out and we sat down and talked about old times and finally got around to his present appearance of a hard nose biker." "Seems when he got out he had to attend a drug rehab clinic for six months as part of his parole." "He ended up working at the clinic and was very good with the really tough characters that came there." "There has never been any sex between the two of us, that was by mutual agreement between us, we didn't want to take a chance on destroying what friendship we had." "He does some council work through a doctor at the clinic with the people that the doctor feels need his type of help." "He is not always as tough as he appears, sometimes people need to here things from someone who has experienced them."

"Think you might want to meet and talk to him?" Coach asked.

"Sure!" Paul all but shouted out.

"Ok, let me call and see when he can talk with you." Coach said as he picked up the phone and started dialing.

After about a five minute conversation Coach said good bye and hung up the phone. He looked at Paul and said, "He said he would love to talk with you, but he doesn't have any free time until Sunday, think you can wait for a few days?" "He also said to give you his number incase you feel you have to talk to him before then."

"Sunday will be fine, where will I meet him?" Paul asked.

"He knows where you live and he said he could be there at about ten o'clock." "He also said that if you want your dad there it was ok, but he felt you would be more open if it was just you and him."

"Thanks Coach, and don't worry I feel better already, see you tomorrow."

Next: Chapter 6

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