
By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Oct 21, 2001


This is the 12th chapter in this story, and again all the characters are fiction as is the story.

If you enjoy the story please send comments to


The next week was hectic around school, there was a special assembly to recognize the football team and what they had already accomplished. This was the first time the football team had won a game in the state playoffs. The coaches were a little more on edge than usual as they were trying to come up with a game plan that would at least keep our team in the game. The team we were to play had been in the playoffs for years and actually had won eight or nine State titles. The outlook for our team was not good, but no one said anything about it.

During practice Coach had actually had Paul put on pads. He had Paul workout on some of the special teams. He was put in on field goal team and extra point team. His job wasn't that difficult since he was a lineman he just had to keep anybody from coming through his gap.

Coach had made this move simply to take some of the players minds off of the task ahead. They really were excited that Paul was actually going to get to practice and possibly play in the upcoming game. Ever time Paul blocked someone the rest of the team was slapping him and just having a good time.

One of the assistant coaches was watching Paul when he made the comment that even though Paul was not fast he was strong and was very hard to move. He went to Coach and asked if he could try him at nose guard on defense. He knew that if Paul could just hold his ground in the middle it would give the middle linebackers a chance to make plays.

Coach looked at the assistant and said, "Go ahead and give it a try."

The assistant called for Paul to come in the defensive huddle. Paul first looked at him and said, "You want me, coach, you sure?"

While in the huddle the coach explained to Paul he was to line up over the center and when the linebacker tap him on his ass he was to go to the opposite side of the center from where the tap came from. Paul said he understood and on the next play got down in a stance and felt someone tap him on the right cheek. When the ball was snapped he fired off to the left. He made one step but was blocked by the center and the right guard on the other side of the ball. Mike the linebacker to Paul's left ran through the hole created when the two players had to block Paul, and made the tackle in the backfield.

Paul picked himself up and walked back into the huddle with his head hanging down.

"Sorry coach, didn't get to the ball." Paul said.

The assistant looked at Paul and slapped him on top of his helmet and said, "You did exactly what I wanted you to do, by them using two people to block you, Mike was able to go through the line untouched and make the tackle in the backfield." "If you are in the game in this position your job is to make the other team use two people to stop you." "Now lets try it again."

The teams lined up and this time Paul was tapped on the other cheek and he tried to go through the gap on the other side of the center. Again two players had to stop him and the linebacker on the other side was able to get to the running back in the backfield, even though he didn't make the tackle. When they huddled up this time the assistant told Paul that if no one tapped him he was to listen to the number that the linebackers called out and if it was a number over ten that Paul was to go to the side of the center that was on the widest side of the field.

Again the team lined up and no one tapped Paul so he knew that since the ball was on the left hash that he was to go to the right side of the center. The ball was snapped and Paul fired off and made contact with the center with his left shoulder, but continued to go through the gap. The guard that had blocked Paul earlier had blocked down on the tackle and Paul was able to go through into the backfield. The ball was handed off to the tailback who ran right into Paul. He bounced off and ran around the end, but Paul didn't understand why the coach was so excited because he had not made the tackle. The assistant could tell that Paul didn't understand what had happened so the said, "Paul you didn't make the tackle but you did keep the running back from running up the middle." "If you can do that all the time then we can adjust our defense and stop other teams from running outside." "Now move to the side and take a knee and catch your breath."

The assistant walked over to Coach and talked for a few minutes as the practice continued. The team they were to play on Saturday had a very good running game, and liked to run between the tackles. The coaches knew that for them to have any chance they had to stop the run up the middle and if Paul could give them a few plays each series it might make a little difference.

After the wind sprints were over and the team was about ready to go to the showers, Coach called Paul, Bill and the rest of the linemen over to talk to them.

"Guys, we think we can use Paul in this game, not ever play but in certain situations where we know the other team is going to try to run." "Paul is in fairly good shape because of all the running he has been doing, but he is not in the stop and go condition of actually playing." "What I need from you guys is to stay and run some short sprints, about twenty yards, with Paul." "What I need is for someone to get in front of Paul and fire off and try to move him and then let him release and run twenty yards." "We will do twenty of them today, twenty five tomorrow, thirty on Wednesday, and then none on Thursday and Friday." "It's going to be really tough on Paul and he will want to quit before he finishes them." "The rest of you guys are here to make sure he doesn't ."

The other players looked at each other and said, "No problem." as they all put their helmets back on. They all moved back on the field and started the drill. They were yelling at Paul and running along with him. Coach backed off to watch, what the other players didn't realize was that they also were getting extra conditioning. The assistant walked over to Coach and said, "Do you think we will be able to use Paul this Saturday?"

"Look, we are already using him." Coach said as he pointed at the ten linemen on the field doing extra sprints.

"See what you mean." The assistant said.

When the twenty sprints were over Paul could hardly move. Bill and one of the other linemen grabbed Paul under his arms and helped walk him off the field.

"You going to live?" Coach asked as he looked at Paul.

"I'll make it Coach." Paul replied.

"You be sure to get in the whirlpool for about fifteen minutes before you leave today." Coach told Paul.

"Yes, Sir." Was all he said as the two players carried him off.

The rest of the players showered and were leaving when Paul slid down in the whirlpool. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes until he heard someone come into the room. He looked up and smiled when he saw Bill, and Coach come into the room. Coach walked up to the whirlpool and said, "I don't want you doing anything sexually with anyone except maybe yourself this week." "Want you to keep that energy inside for the game."

"Ok, Coach, but the way I feel right now I couldn't do anything anyway." Paul said.

Bill waited around for Paul to finish and give him a ride home.

"Talked with Jeff today and he said he spoke with Nicole and she was interested in seeing him." Bill said. "The only problem is he nor she has a car, and I offered to let them double date with me and my girlfriend Friday." "Were planning to go to the early show at the mall, but didn't want you to feel left out or anything."

"No problem, I understand perfectly, besides you heard what Coach said." Paul answered, "It will be easier on me if I am not around you or Jeff especially Friday."

"Good, I didn't want you to think I was hanging around Jeff and ignoring you." Bill said.

They pulled up to Paul's house and as he got out he told Bill he had to go write a note for his Dad to let him know what had happened in practice. Bill grinned at Paul and said, "See you tomorrow."

The next few days went along with Paul doing extra practice right along with the other linemen. The coaches were gaining more confidence in Paul's ability to play. They were a little surprised at how quick he was, not fast when it came to running, but a very quick first step which gave him an advantage when it came to blocking.

Bill had continued to give Paul a ride home and they would talk about what could happen in the ball game. Bill let Paul know that Jeff was going to double date with Bill and was going to stay over at Bill's house on Friday. Paul looked at Bill and said, "I hope you know I'm keeping score and when this game is over you had better been taking your vitamins."

Bill laughed at Paul and said, "Sounds good to me."

Friday came and Paul could feel his body as it had been storing up extra energy that he had not been able to release like he wanted to. He was so worked up that he actually had a wet dream and his father had noticed as he came by as Paul was removing the sheets on his bed.

"Have an accident there son?" His father asked.

"Wet dream, dad." Paul said as he wadded up the sheets and started to carry them to the utility room.

"Wet dream, I figured with all the fun you had been having that you were probably over that." His father said.

Paul then told him what Coach had told him and that he hadn't even jerked off since Saturday or Sunday. His father said he understood.

At school that day there was a big pep rally and each member of the team was introduced even the managers. Paul noticed Jeff's red face as he had to walk up in front of the student body. When he got in line he was standing beside Paul and Paul leaned toward him and said, "Are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm scared to death, I know I will do something wrong." Jeff said as he turned even redder.

"Just relax and do whatever feels natural, and do you have a rubber just in case?" Paul said.

He could tell by the look on Jeff's face that he hadn't even given the fact that he might need one a thought. Paul grinned and handed Jeff an envelope. Jeff opened it enough to see what was inside and then closed it real quickly as he noticed the small round package of the rubber. There was also some money in it.

Paul looked back at Jeff and said, "An emergency fund, use it if you need to"

Not really any practice that afternoon, everyone just made sure there equipment was in good shape and everyone had their uniforms ready for the hour long trip.

Everyone went home since school was let out after lunch. When Paul got home his father was up and was getting ready to go to work. Paul looked at him and said, "Aren't you early for work?"

"Yeah, changed up my schedule so I could go see you play ball tomorrow." He said.

"Dad you know I might not even get into the game, don't want you making big plans to see me play and then I don't."

"I know, but if you don't I can at least watch Bill and the rest of the team." He said grinning at Paul.

"I want make a spectacle of my self like a lot of parents do, they want even know I have a son on the field, or should I say sideline." He said as he grabbed Paul in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles on his head.

"Paul I don't care if you never get on the field, football has done so much for you even if you never do anything in the sport." "Look at you, you've lost over a hundred pounds, you look so much better without the extra weight, of course I'm going broke trying to keep clothes on you that will fit." "I'm really glad that that baggy look is in style." His father said as he started hugging Paul.

"Enough of this, got to go to work." He said as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

Paul went to his bedroom and started thinking of everything that had happened to him since school had started. He was lying there just daydreaming when he realized he was playing with himself. He got up and removed all his clothes and proceeded to fondle himself. He then remembered that Coach said it was alright if it was with himself as he started jerking on his dick. He reached down and pulled on his balls and then slid a finger inside his asshole. He laid there and slowly jerked his dick as he slid his finger in and out his asshole. It only took a few minutes as he was blasting cum all over himself. He laid there and dozed off to sleep.

Paul woke to the ringing of the phone. He got up and started picking at the dried cum on his chest and stomach as he picked up the phone, and said, "Hello"

"Paul, Paul, this is Jeff." Jeff said in a very excited voice.

"Yeah, Jeff is everything alright?" Paul asked .

"Fine, just had to talk to someone about my date." Jeff said.

Paul looked over at the clock and noticed that it was after ten o'clock and he thought he had taken a short nap.

"Ok, calm down and tell me about it." Paul said.

"Well it started off terrible, I was so nervous I couldn't even talk." "Then we got to the movie theater and sat down." "I still hadn't said but a couple of words when Nicole put her hand on my leg." "She started moving in up and down and I had to grab it and hold it to keep her from really getting me excited." "We held hands all through the show and walked out holding hands." "Bill took us to some pizza place and we had some food and Nicole kept putting her hand on my leg and running it up to my crotch." "I think Bill knew what was happening because several times he was laughing while he looked at us." "We left there and drove to somewhere I had never been and Bill and his girlfriend left us in the car." " When Nicole got through with me I was no longer a virgin." "Had to use part of your emergency package." "Have to give you the complete story tomorrow, maybe while were on the bus." "Need to go now, boy what a night."

"Glad you had so much fun, can't wait to here all the details tomorrow." Paul said as he hung up the phone and headed for the bathroom. He was just getting out when his father came home and was a little surprised that Paul was not in bed.

"Ever thing alright?" He asked as he followed Paul back into his bedroom.

Paul told him about his nap and the phone call. His father looked at him and asked, "Is there anything really bothering you about Jeff, Bill or about the dates they went on?"

"I'm fine about the dates and stuff, Bill told me about it earlier in the week." Paul said.

"Good, glad it wasn't something you didn't know about, didn't want you getting your feelings hurt because of what they do." his father said.

"Just wondering if the sex Jeff had is going to effect him like it did me." Paul said.

"You will have to wait and see tomorrow." His father said.

Paul and his father sat for a couple of hours and talked about anything that popped in there minds, finally Paul said they had better get to bed because the bus was leaving at nine o'clock in the morning.

Paul woke up well before his alarm went off and he got up and went into the kitchen to fix some fresh coffee. When he got there his father had already made the coffee and was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, and how do you feel this morning?" His father asked.

"Fine a little nervous about the game." Paul said.

They both sat down and enjoyed breakfast with very little conversation. His father got up and said he was going to do some cleaning before he left for the game. Wanted to know if there was anything he needed to do for Paul. Paul said there wasn't as he went to the phone and called Bill.

"Hello Bill, I was just calling to let you know that I'm going to walk to school and you don't have to come by and pick me up." "Nothing wrong just thinking about the game and since I am already up I decided the walk would be good," "Ok, see you there." Paul said as he hung up the phone.

"Going to walk to school, don't need a ride?" His father asked.

"Just want to walk today nothing else, really." Paul said as he went back to his room.

Paul gather what little things he was carrying on the bus and started off to school. He had noticed that he had missed the little walks to school. It was the best time to just think about things. As he got to the fieldhouse he noticed that some of the coaches cars were already there. As he walked into the dressing room Coach called out to him. "Your here bright and early, nothing wrong is there?"

"Don't know for sure, Dad said he was going to go watch the game, I told him that I might not play, but I think he still wants to see me on the field." Paul said.

"Don't sell you father short, he knows how things are in athletics, don't worry about what he wants to see, he's knows how things effect you and I don't think he would do anything to make you feel bad." Coach said.

"Besides, it'll be good to see him at a game since he has so much influence on several of my team members." "Now cheer up and check your equipment." Coach said.

From that point on it got very hectic around the dressing room as everyone was double and triple checking equipment. Paul didn't see Jeff or Bill until they were getting on the bus. Coach had decided to leave the seating just as it had been before, but said he didn't want any horse play or goofing off on the trip to the field. When he said this he made a special effort to look at Jeff and Paul.

As the bus started off Jeff leaned back in his seat and looked at Paul and said, "You want the details now or you want to wait until after the game?"

"Now, of course." Paul said as he grinned at Jeff.

"Well when Bill left the car Nicole was all over me, she was grabbing my crotch, trying to unbutton my shirt, and pushing me down on the seat." "I didn't know what to do and I thank she knew it because she grabbed my hands and placed them on her breast." "I just started squeezing and she started moaning and moving her head around." "She then pulled her shirt off over her head and wasn't wearing a bra." "She leaned over and put her breast right in my face." "I did the only thing I could think of as I started sucking on them, switching from one to the other." "She had managed to undo my pants and had slid them down to my knees." "My dick was sticking up as she grabbed it and started pumping it up and down." "You know it wasn't bad but she was gripping it too tight and the rhythm she had wasn't just right." "She was grinding her pussy against my stomach as I reached under her skirt and tried to find the entrance." "She raised her self up and removed her panties and then positioned herself where she could guide my dick in her pussy." "As she was about to push it in I asked here if we needed to use a rubber, and she said yes." "She said she was so excited that she had forgot, I reached down in my pants and pulled out the rubber you had given me." "I started to open it when she said she wanted to put it on me." "Actually I was glad because I have never put one on before, as she rolled it down she took her time to caress my shaft and balls." "When it was on she climbed back on top of me and drove my dick all the way in." "If was a great feeling as my dick slid inside and the muscles started squeezing my shaft." "She started pumping up and down as I reached up and played with her tits." "She was really getting off as I just watched, I was to scared to do anything else because I figured it would be the wrong thing." "She started gasping and grinding her pelvis forward as I guess she came." "She collapsed on top of me and we laid there and kissed." "I did not cum but wasn't about to tell her, as she rolled off me I slid the rubber off and threw it out the window." "As I looked out I could see Bill and his girlfriend coming back and I told Nicole they were headed back." "We quickly got our clothes back on and were sitting there hugging when Bill opened his door." "We drove the girls home and then went to Bill's house."

"You didn't cum, and she didn't notice?" Paul asked looking at Jeff.

"Yeah, like I said I was so scared that I probably would have taken all night to cum." "The good thing about it is that I actually was able to have sex, I was thinking that I was gay and wouldn't be able to do it at all with a girl." Jeff said.

"Know what you mean, it takes a lot of pressure off you when you know you can perform with a girl, don't know if I could go around knowing I could only have sex with men." Paul said. "Don't know if Bill told you about what I went through after having sex with a girl, it wasn't any fun for a few days after, not that I didn't do it, was just me wrestling with my emotions about sex." "Glad to see you don't have all those demons bothering you."

Jeff reached over and placed his hand on Paul's thigh and said, "I still want to do what we have been doing, but now I know that if I meet a girl I really like I can be with her." "Also if you want to do something after the game on the bus, I'll be ready if you are?"

"Sounds like a date to me." Paul said as he grinned at Jeff and placed his hand on Jeff's. They road the rest of the way to the game holding each other's hand.

When the team arrived at the field all the players headed to the locker rooms and started getting ready for the game. As they got off the bus Paul grabbed one of the water jugs and started to carry it to the sideline. One of the assistant coaches saw him and called him over.

"Paul you are one of the players now, don't have to carry the water jugs to the sideline." "If Jeff and the other trainers need help we will help them, now you go to the dressing room and get your mind on the game."

Paul didn't say a word but when he say Jeff waving at him to go away, he went to the dressing room. He took out his pads and uniform and started to undress. He slowly put on his jock and then stopped as he remembered how the jock had felt just a few months ago. He could remember how the jock had just felt like a rope around his waist and the cup part did nothing but cover up the mound of fat. He was thinking to himself how now the jock strap actually pulled his nuts and dick up in the cup and held them firmly against his groin area. He looked down at himself and for the first time admired the bulge in front of him.

Coach walked by and said, "Quite a difference from three months ago isn't it." He then patted Paul's ass as he walked off and Paul got a warm feeling from it that he had never felt before. Paul then slid on the girdle pads, pants, leaned over and put his shoes on. He stopped as he realized how easy it was to just bend over and tie his shoes, before he would work up a sweat just trying to bend over. He finished putting on his cutoff t-shirt and jersey as he was ready to go out and warm-up. One of the other linemen walked by and said, "Hey Paul what did you do with those tits we use to like to look at?" "No really you look a lot better this way." He said as he walked on by. This really made Paul feel good about himself as he followed the rest of the team out on the field. They lined up, did some stretching, and then moved off into different groups to go through different drills. After about thirty minutes of this the team went back inside to get their shoulder pads on.

Coach called for ever one to line up at the door and they jogged out to the end of the field and then every one started hollowing and screaming as they ran through the breakthrough and followed the cheerleaders to the sideline. When they got there Paul looked over and noticed his father sitting right in the middle of the crowd. He wasn't calling out to his son like a lot of the parents and Paul was happy for that.

The game got started and the other team was definitely a bigger stronger team. Although they had moved the ball up and down the field they had only scored one touchdown. Paul's team had moved the ball at times but it always seemed that they would self destruct when they got within scoring range. This was basically the way the whole game went until about 15 seconds left in first half. Paul's team punted the ball and when they tackled the player with the ball he fumbled it and it rolled down to the five yard line before they recovered it.

Coach ran one pass play, but the receiver was hit at the same time he touched the ball and he didn't make the catch. There was only 5 seconds left on the clock so Coach decided to kick a field goal. This was one of the specialty teams that Paul was on and he ran out onto the field and lined up for the kick. One of the opposing team members came off the end and got a piece of the ball as every one held their breaths. The ball hit the goal post on the left side but went in. The half time score was seven to three.

Coach didn't give his usual pep speech at half time. He was all business as he explained how they were going to change the defense where Paul played in the middle on running downs. He said he wanted to try to make the other team throw the ball, and if they could stop the running then the other team would have to throw. He told Paul and the rest of the defensive players that they had to give all they could and especially pay attention to the coaches on the side line because they would be running players in and out of the game and they couldn't afford a mistake on substitutions.

The second half started with Paul's team kicking off and Paul had to go on the field to play defense. The first play Paul felt the linebacker tap him on his left hip and he knew to go through the gap on the right side. He did as he had done in practice and was double teamed just as in practice. He was really relieved when he found out that the other team didn't hit any harder than he had been hit in practice. When he pulled himself up Mike was there helping him and patting him on the shoulder. "Good job Paul." Was all he said as he huddled up.

Paul looked around and noticed that the ball had been moved about three yards back from where it was the play before. Paul looked at Bill and said, "What happened?"

Bill said, "Mike went through the gap and made the tackle before the quarterback could hand off. They lined up again and this time Paul was tapped on the other side, and again Paul had two players block him. This time the other team did gain a yard, but that was all. When Paul was helped up he noticed the three players coming into the game and he knew he was to go out. He jogged off the field as several of the players and coaches were slapping him on the shoulder pads and telling him good job.

The other team completed a pass but was two yards short of a first down and had to punt. They punted and Paul's team ran three plays and punted. This went back and forth during the third quarter with neither team scoring.

The fourth quarter started off just as the third quarter with both teams punting the ball. Then the other team got off a few passes and moved the ball down to the twenty yard line. They dropped back and passed the ball, but their receiver fell down and the ball was intercepted. The defensive player ran the ball all the way back to the ten yard line before he was caught from behind. Paul's team ran three plays but could only gain six yards. Coach decided to kick another field goal. This time it wasn't even close as the ball sailed through the uprights. The score was now seven to six in favor of the other team, and there was only six minutes left in the game.

The ball was kicked off and the other team started on the thirty yard line. They came out and moved the ball down the field for about forty yards. Paul was in the game and the other team had not been able to run up the middle while he was in. Paul knew that if they didn't stop the team very quickly that they would be able to run out the clock. Paul also noticed that when they tried to run up the middle that the fullback would cheat up about a yard closer to the line of scrimmage. He told Mike what he had noticed and Mike said that the next time he saw it to reach back and slap his hip on the side that Paul thought the ball was going to be run. They lined up on the ball and Paul noticed the fullback as he moved up, Paul felt Mike as he tapped him on the left side. Paul reached back and slapped his right hip and Mike noticed and cheated up right behind Paul. When the ball was snapped Paul fired off and forced the center and guard to take him. Mike flew through the gap created when the guard blocked down on Paul and hit the quarterback just as he was handing off to the running back. The handoff was never made as it fell to the ground. Bill came in from his defensive position and scooped the ball up and started running toward the end zone. After about twenty yards there were a couple of the other players catching up to him. As they tackled him he fumbled the ball but fortunately it went out of bounds.

They now had the ball on fifty yard line with less than two minutes to go in the game. They lined up and on the first play lost three yards as the other team blitzed everybody. There was a penalty so the ball actually was moved five yards forward. On the second play the other team again sent all their linebackers and stopped the team at the line of scrimmage. Sam, the left side guard was injured on the play and as the coaches tended to him on the field Coach called Paul to go into the game. Coach then called a time out and called his team to the side line. He explained that since the other team was blitzing so hard that they were going to try to use that against them.

The team went out on the field and huddled up, as they broke the huddle the ends split out as far as they could, then the other two running backs spread out forcing the defense to spread out. This also left the middle of the field open. The ball was snapped and the defense charged strait ahead. The quarterback took two steps back and then ran in Paul's direction. Paul noticed the linebacker coming at him and fired off and blocked him to the ground. The quarterback ran past Paul as he was making the block and was off to the races. He made it all the way down to the one yard line before the other team tackled him.

Coach called a time out with ten seconds left in the game and the ball on the one yard line. He told the team that they had two choices, they could try and kick a field goal, but the kicker was also the guard that had come out of the game. The other choice was to run the ball and try to get the touchdown. He said that what he had decided to do was lineup like we were going to kick the field goal but snap the ball to the tailback that was lined up just to the side of the center. The ref blew his whistle and the teams returned to the field. The kicker and holder moved to the middle of the field and got in position as though they were going to kick the field goal. The rest of the players got in place and the ball was snapped. The tailback caught the ball and headed right in Paul's direction who had two players coming right at him. Paul dove to the ground and cut the legs out from under both of the players. The tailback got at the pile up and dove over them and into the end zone. The crowd went wild and so did the sideline. The game ended twelve to seven and Paul's team had at least one more week of football.

The players and families were hugging and screaming for at least twenty minutes after the game. Paul found his father in the crowd and gave him a big hug. His father had a big grin and said as he hugged him, "Great game son."

Bill brought his father over to introduce him to Paul's dad, as they shook hands Bill's dad said that Paul's father was very familiar and did he know him from somewhere. Paul's dad grinned at him and said, "Yeah, I was a lot bigger then and much younger, liked to write notes from the police and leave them on people's doors." Bill's dad made a quick move of his head as so did Bill. "You mean you were the boy that helped me a long time ago." He asked as he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, it was me but I figured that was something that you probably wanted to leave in the past." Mr. Jones said.

"We have to talk, why don't you and Paul come over to my house tomorrow for lunch, I'll get my wife to fix lunch and we can talk, oh, by the way she knows about what happened then as does Bill." Bill's father said.

"It's a date." Paul's father said, "Now I think we need to let these guys go take a shower."

Bill and Paul walked off together as Bill was trying to tell Paul about what happened, but said he didn't have enough time right now but would tell him about it when he gave him a ride home.

They all showered and got onto the busses. Jeff was excited as the players were as he bounced on the back seat waiting for Paul to join him. When Paul finally got to his seat, he looked at Jeff and said, "I don't know if I can do anything as tired as I am."

Jeff looked at him and said, "You just lean back and let me do all the work, I'm to excited to just sit here." Before Jeff could do anything Coach walked back to them and said, "Great game Paul couldn't have won without you, now whatever you two do back here make sure Paul doesn't injure himself." He looked at Jeff when he made the last statement.

When Coach left Paul slid down in his seat and placed his head on the back of it. Jeff reached over and undid Paul's pants and slid the front of them down as far as he could. He reached in and pulled Paul's cock out and was a little surprised that it was still soft. He leaned over and took the whole thing in his mouth at once. He started pulling the foreskin back and forth and it started responding. He was sucking and pumping on Paul's dick but was in no hurry. Paul closed his eyes and just enjoyed the pleasure he was receiving. Before Paul realized it he was cumming in Jeff's mouth, and Jeff swallowed it all and then raised himself up. Paul grabbed him by the head and gave him a big kiss, then pulled Jeff on top of him and hugged him. They remained that way for a good ten minutes, when Jeff said, "We better collect ourselves before someone sees us."

They straitened their clothes and just leaned back against each other. Paul slid his hand onto Jeff's lap and said, "I want to do something for you but I am just too tired, guess I'll have to owe you."

"I understand." Jeff said, as they rode the rest of the way in silence.

Next: Chapter 13

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