Patterns of Fate

By Shaun C.

Published on Oct 26, 1999


====== Author's Note & Disclaimer:

Greetings, fellow readers and writers. This is Shaun, author of the unfinished "Two Worlds Collide" series. That series is going on the back burner for awhile, since I seem to have hit a touch of writer's block in writing part five. I was struck with other ideas at work the other day, and so I've decided to begin a new series. I NEED FEEDBACK, people! If I don't know what my readers think, I can't very well make the stories better. So, feel free to contact me in one of the following ways:

Email - -OR- AIM - SilverWolf1979 ICQ - #21643240

Now for the disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. It should not be taken to imply that any member of the Backstreet Boys is gay, has ever had a same-sex relationship, or anything at all. It is only a fantasy of the author's devising. If you are under the age of 18 (or the legal age of majority in your area), then you should not read beyond this point. If homosexual content offends your sensibilities, you should not read past this point either. By continuing to read this, you are agreeing that you are reading this without being under duress, or anything of that sort. With that out of the way, on with the story. ======

Patterns of Fate, Part One: Gathering the Threads, Part I

"Don't jump!" Brian shouted, running toward the bridge, Nick and Howie close on his heels. The three of them were calling toward the dark-clothed figure who stood just beyond the safety railing of a bridge which crossed the Illinois river. It had been Nick who had first spotted the figure climbing over the railing, and who had pointed out that they should probably try to do something.

"Don't jump!" Brian shouted again, panting as he reached the near end of the bridge.

The other figure turned carefully, and looked at Brian. "Jump?" asked a soft voice. "Alright - I won't." There was a pause, and the other figure climbed back over the railing.

"There's so much Oh." Nick started to say, before he noticed that the other person had agreed fairly quickly. "You weren't going to jump, were you?" he asked, suddenly feeling very, very foolish.

"I hadn't planned on it," was the answer, accompanied by a shrug. "But who knows? Maybe I would have fallen in if you hadn't come running up to... 'save' me."

"Well then what were you doing?" Howie asked, frowning as he looked down at the water.

"I had planned on playing, really," the other figure answered, holding up what looked to be a very small flute.

"What is that?" Brian asked. He had seen it somewhere, but could not quite recall what it was called.

"It's a tin whistle."

Brian nodded, remembering that he had seen it in a souvenier shop in one town or another. After awhile, it all started to blend together. "Well, if you're okay... I guess we'll let you be." he said, starting to turn back toward the car. The other two boys followed suit.

"I don't even get to know your names?" the other person asked, stepping a little closer, into the light given by one of the street lamps.

Brian turned around to look at the person they had just 'saved'. A young man, certainly no older than Brian. The man was dressed entirely in dark colors - a dark blue shirt, and black jeans though a gold chain held a crucifix against his chest. Brian couldn't tell much about the man's build - his clothes were just too loose for that. But he didn't look fat, that much was for certain. The other man's midnight-colored eyes twinkled with a bit of laughter. Curls of dark brown hair fell over his forehead, giving him a sort of wind-tossed look. Brian's eyes returned to the necklace around the man's neck...

"You like it, hm?" the other man observed, reaching up to grasp the cross around his neck. "It's an old family heirloom."

"It's beautiful," Brian said, almost wistfully. "Are you..."

"..a Christian?" the other man finished, and laughed a little. "I suppose that I am, in the only way that it really counts. Some might argue, but I make it a point not to listen to them."

Brian smiled, and offered a hand. He was dimly aware of Nick and Howie doing the same. "My name is Brian. Brian Littrell."

"THE Brian Littrell?" the other man asked, raising an eyebrow. "That would make you... Nick, yes? And Howie?" he asked, looking from one Boy to another.

All three nodded.

"It's an honor," the man said with a smile, shaking each offered hand firmly. Much more firmly than it looked he could, Nick thought. "My name is Sean Miller. An honor, indeed..." he added.

"The pleasure's ours." Howie said with a grin. Brian and Nick added their agreement.

"Do you live around here, Sean?" Brian asked, looking around. The area was not really residential... in fact, there hadn't seemed to be any houses around for miles. And there was no car in sight, except for the one they had.

"No, not really," Sean said. "I don't live anywhere."

"Huh?" Nick asked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't live anywhere," Sean said again, shrugging casually. "I just wander from place to place as strikes my fancy."

"Don't you have a home?"

There was a moment's pause, before Sean said, "I used to."

"You used to?"

"It's a long story. And one that, if I tell it, will sound like I am wallowing in self-pity."

"Oh..." Still, Nick wondered why Sean had no home. After all, even though the Backstreet Boys were out on the road a lot of the time, they always knew they had homes and families waiting for them when they got back.

"So," Brian said, slowly moving away from the subject, "what do you do for money?"

In answer, Sean lifted his tin whistle into the air. "I sing for my supper. Or rather, I play for it. And sing, when the mood strikes me."

"On that?" Howie asked, pointing at the whistle.

"On this." Sean said, nodding. "I do what you do, only on a smaller scale. Plus I'm sure that you guys are better paid than I."

The three Boys laughed nervously, not sure whether or not Sean was making a joke.

"So, why were you standing on the other side of the railing if you just wanted to play?" Brian asked, glancing down toward the river again.

"I..." he started, then stopped. "It's... really not important."

Again, the three Boys laughed, though a little less nervously. Then Howie glanced down at his watch, and nudged Brian in the ribs. "Man, we have to get going, or Kevin will have a fit!"

Brian frowned and looked down at his own watch. 'Almost one in the morning,' he thought. "Aw, man.. We're sorry to leave so soon, Sean, but we have an interview later this morning, and then a show tonight."

Sean smiled - Nick was almost shocked at how completely the other man's face glowed when he smiled. "Not a problem, Mr. Littrell."

"Brian. I'm not old enough to be 'Mr.'."

"Brian, then. You have things to do. I understand. I'll see you tomorrow night," Sean said, and started to turn to walk away.

"Huh? You will?" Nick asked, raising his eyebrows.

Sean turned around and smiled again. Reaching into his pocket, he took out a small slip of paper, and winked as he handed it to Nick. "Yes, I will."

Nick whistled as he looked at the ticket. "Front row.. Where'd you get that kind of money? These aren't cheap!"

"I'm just good at what I do," Sean answered. "Some people will pay very good money for a relaxing song."

Nick shook his head as he handed the paper back. "Well, I guess we will see you tomorrow night, then."

Sean nodded, and turned on his heel, walking off into the night.

As if hit by divine inspiration, Brian had a thought. "Hey! You have a place to stay?" he shouted after Sean's retreating form.

There was a long pause, and Brian thought that perhaps the other man hadn't heard him. He was about to go after him, when the answer came.

"Sort of." Sean replied, taking a few steps back toward the Boys.

"Sort of?" Brian asked.

"There is a shelter a few miles down the road that the homeless use. I can sleep there."

"No way, man," Brian said, shaking his head. "Come on. You can stay with us."

Nick and Howie both looked at Brian, eyes wide. "Are you sure about this, Rok?" Howie whispered. "Kevin might flip."

"Come on, man," Nick added. "We barely know this guy. He could be a serial killer or something."

"Nick, you watch too many movies," Brian said with a little smile. "And yeah, D, I'm sure. Call it a message from God."

Howie just shrugged, knowing better than to argue with Brian when he was determined to do something. Nick also shrugged, though he kept giving Sean wary glances as he approached.

"I couldn't impose," Sean started, looking at Brian.

"You wouldn't be... It'll be nice having some company for a while."

"Are you sure?"


"Well..." Sean said, looking down the road a bit. "It IS a long walk, and I AM a little tired. If you're sure I'm not imposing, then..."

No sooner had he spoken than Brian pointed toward the car. "Come on."

Sean shrugged and smiled. "Alright."

Nick called shotgun long before they had even reached the car. Howie climbed into the driver's seat, leaving Brian and Sean for the backseet. Apparently out of habit, Sean opened the door for Brian, and motioned for the other man to get in.

"Thanks.." Brian said, as he slid into the car. He was used to people holding doors for him, but never someone he had just met - and certainly never another guy that he barely knew.

Sean slid in on the other side, and leaned back against the seat, closing his eyes.

"Are you alright?" Brian asked, a little concerned.

"Fine," Sean said, without opening his eyes. "Just a little starstruck, I suppose."

Brian smiled, and leaned back against the seat. "Yeah, seems to happen to everyone."

Sean smiled a little. 'Starstruck' didn't seem to cut it, though. His heart was beating like a jackhammer, and he was having trouble catching his breath. If he opened his eyes, the world spun around in front of him.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Nick asked, peering over the back of the seat.

Sean nodded, again without opening his eyes. Nick frowned, but decided not to press the issue. "Let's go," he said to Howie, who started the car and took off along the dark, empty streets.

=== In the Meantime... ===

Kevin paced back and forth in front of the hotel, glaring up and down the street. Still no sign of Brian, Howie OR Nick. He continued pacing, and looked into one of the windows of the hotel bar. A.J. was laughing it up over drinks with several fairly cute girls. 'Looks like someone's going to get lucky,' Kevin thought, with a little grin, before going back to frowning and pacing.

"They were only supposed to be gone for three hours! THREE hours!" Kevin nearly shouted at the doorman, who only nodded quietly. Kevin sighed, and sat down on a nearby bench. Oh, they were going to get it when they got back. Just because they were on a week's vacation didn't mean that they could stay out all night without so much as a PHONE call... Kevin grinned, as he realized what he had thought. He really WAS turning into a father-figure.

He glared at every passing car, just waiting for the opportunity to yell at someone. Finally, one car pulled up the curb and stopped for a minute. Kevin practically leaped to his feet, but instead took several deep breaths and counted slowly - very slowly - to ten. When that didn't work, he stormed to the car, just in time to catch the guys climbing out.

"Where the hell have you three be..." He trailed off as he noticed the fourth guy. "Let me start over... Who the hell is that?"

"Calm down, 'cuz," Brian said, wiping his eyes sleepily. "He needed a place to stay, and I insisted."

"You insisted?"


Kevin sighed and shook his head. "Are you going to start taking in all the strays you see?"

"Be nice, Kevin."

Kevin grumbled, and turned around, walking back to the hotel in a huff. He nearly ran square into AJ, who was walking OUT of the hotel.

"Careful there, Kev," AJ muttered, and got only a glare for his troubles. "What crawled up HIS.." he started to ask, before his eyes fell on Sean.

Both men's eyes widened as they met.



WHO is Sean? How do he and AJ know each other? Which one of the Boys ends up having mad, passionate sex with him? Will I end the next part like a bad Batman episode? Find out in the next installment, Gathering the Threads, Part II! And don't forget to contact me... Even a little "Wow, I liked that," or "Damn, that really sucked," would be nice. Of course, be sure to tell me how I can make it better, if you can spare the time.

God Bless,


Next: Chapter 2

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