Pattaya Boy Chronicles

By Mr. Sleaze

Published on Mar 13, 2006



This takes place in Pattaya, Thailand and involves relationships between older westerners and young, Thai barboys. Hope you like it.


It was a Thursday night during low season in Pattaya, Thailand. This was my fourth trip here, so I was already an old hand by now. I was in one of the many "gogo bars" located in and around the section known as "Boyztown." It's true. There's actually a street in this town with a big overhead sign that says "Boyztown." How cool is that? Pattaya, and the rest of Thailand for that matter, has a system that's pretty unique in the world as far as I know. In the case of a gogo bar, there's a stage, usually in the center of the room, with anywhere from ten to forty boys standing and maybe gyrating to the loud music. The boys are usually attired in nothing but skimpy briefs. Each boy has a number pinned to his shorts. Usually, there is seating in the form of chairs or sofas, typically faux leather, around the stage. As soon as you enter the bar, you're expected to order a drink, generally costing around $2.50. In addition to the boys on stage, there are often many more boys sitting on little stools in front of the stage. The boys usually rotate their positions every few minutes so that all the customers can get a good look at each boy. If it's a good bar, they'll have a variety of boys to suit all tastes. Some bars specialize in one type of boy. For example some feature big, muscle boys. Others specialize in "ladyboys", while still other bars have a preponderance of smaller, boyish looking lads. I prefer the ones that present a variety of boys so that you can go with your friends and there'll be someone for everybody. By law, all the boys have to be over 18, but sometimes that's not adhered to, so you have to be careful.

All of the boys are "available" as are the waiters, bartender, doormen, DJ and even the "mamas an." Here's how it works. If you're smitten with one of the boys, you can call over one of the waiters, or the mamas an, and tell him the number of the boy you like. The boy will come over and sit with you. If you're lucky, he'll just stay as he is in his little bikini underpants. Or, he may slip into a pair of shorts and/or a tank top. The waiter will immediately ask you if you want to buy the boy a drink and, of course, you will. The boy will probably know a little bit of Pidgin English and you can exchange pleasantries such as names, ages, where you're from and so on. In the meantime, he'll cuddle up to you and probably give you a little massage, maybe on your legs. His hands will eventually work their way to your inner thigh and then your swollen, throbbing cock. He won't object if you feel his sweet, Asian penis either. In all likelihood, he'll let you tongue kiss him, right there in the bar. As things progress, he or the waiter or mamas an will suggest that you "take boy." This is how both the boy and bar make their income.

If you decide to "take off" the boy, a "bar fine" will be added to your bill. This generally amounts to about five or six dollars. It represents the fee to the bar for taking the boy off the premises and depriving them of his "services" for the night. Some bars also have, for an additional fee, "short time" rooms, for those customers that don't have a suitable room to take the boy to. However, no hotel will object or hassle you if you take back a "friend", although some may charge a "joiners" fee. When the boy is about to take his leave, you're expected to tip him. This usually amounts to about $25 to $35. The fee isn't discussed in advanced. The amount, as they say in Thailand, is "up to you." However, you don't want to get a reputation as a "Cheap Charlie." News on the boys' gossip network travels fast.

The Lucky Bar was located on a soi adjacent to but not actually in Boyztown.

I was sitting by myself, sipping a gin and tonic, taking in the scene. It was a slow night and there were only about ten boys on the stage. There was an Isaan music concert going on that night and many of the boys had taken the night off. All of a sudden, off in one corner of the stage, almost hidden by one of the chrome poles, I spotted a most intriguing little urchin. He was all of about five feet and couldn't have weighed more than 90 pounds. He had long hair, a little too long, which he had to keep brushing out of his eyes; and beautiful black eyes they were. However, he was all boy, not a katoey or ladyboy. I'm not sure if he was shy or just being coy. On any given night, in any given bar, there will be a number of boys who just got off the bus from "up country." They may never have worked in a bar, never been with a farang and, for that matter, maybe never even had sex, gay or straight. It was hard to tell if the little waif in question belonged to this group or had just developed a style to reel in customers such as myself. If that was the case, it worked. After a few attempts, I successfully made eye contact. He flashed me a slight smile and I returned a large, toothy grin. He stood, almost stationary, with his hands clasped together, covering the front of his little boy underpants. It was quite frustrating, indeed. I signaled with my hands for him to move his and he obliged. Bulging under the front panel of his boy briefs was a very impressive package. He had a large, erect cock and ample balls. This was no "little boy." I happen to love the effect of a small body sporting a big, long cock.

I hesitated for just a few seconds and then signaled for him to come and join me. To my delight, he came right over, as is, and sat down next to me on the sofa. It was all I could do to avoid ripping off his briefs and giving him a blowjob right then and there. He sat nice and close, so that our legs touched. After he ordered his drink, a Spy wine cooler, we proceeded with the pleasantries. His name was Nek and he came from up north, in Chiang Rai Province. It seems to me that the most beautiful boys come from northern Thailand. He recently turned 18 and had been in Pattaya for a couple of weeks. This was his third day working in the bar. He claimed that I was the first customer that offered to buy him a drink. Unlike many of the boys who come to work in the bar, he had actually finished high school. His English was a cut above most, which was advantageous.

Nek's skin was soft and smooth. Except for his head, there wasn't a hair on his body. Well, I hadn't had the chance to check out his pubic region yet. His skin was soft and as smooth as silk. His body was slender and taut, but not at all muscular. He looked as if he could have been fifteen if that old. As we conversed and had our drinks, the tension on my end was thick enough to cut with a knife. I was like a school boy experiencing his first crush. Nek had a killer smile and a beautiful face. His almond shaped eyes were large and black. His nose was slightly flat against his face, but in perfect proportion to the rest of his features. He had large, full lips, so red that they almost appeared to have lipstick, but they didn't. His teeth were white and dazzling. Having him next to me, almost naked, was nearly more than I could bear. My erection practically burst through my jeans. Oh God, did I want him.

By now, he was nuzzled against me. I had my arm around him and was caressing his chest, nipples, stomach, navel, etc. Every now and then, I let my hand lightly brush against the bulge in his briefs. He didn't protest, so I got more brazen and let my hand rest there. In the meantime, he was massaging my leg and then my inner thigh. It felt so incredibly good. After a few minutes, he suddenly put his hand squarely on my erect cock and started rubbing it through my pants. I had to move his hand away; as I was afraid I would cum right then and there. I definitely wanted to save my love juice for later. He turned and looked directly into my eyes. I moved my head closer to his, and before I knew it, our mouths were locked in a passionate kiss. His long tongue caressed the inside of my cheeks, the roof of my mouth, my teeth and then, was practically down my throat and into my esophagus. Simultaneously, I worked my free hand under his waistband and wrapped my hand around his engorged penis. It was at least eight inches long and quite thick. As I stroked the shaft, I lubricated the silky smooth head with the precum seeping from his slit.

After about ten or fifteen minutes of this, the mamas an approached and asked me if I wanted to "take boy." This is one of the things I find annoying about some of the go-go bars. Here I am, totally lost in the passion of the moment, and reality rears its head to remind me that I'm in a whore house. However, I knew that there was no way I was going to resist my little heart breaker, so I figured that now was about as good a time as any to conclude business. I indicated that I, indeed, wanted to take him and the mamas an promptly added another bill to the bin. Nek went off to get dressed and I paid the check bin. The whole bill for the two drinks and the "bar fine" was about $10.

When Nek returned, he was decked out in tight, white denim jeans, hugging him well below the waist, just above his pubic hair (if, indeed , he had pubic hair) with the waistband of the same bikini he had been wearing before, sticking out from the top. He wore a black tank top and black sneakers. I tipped the mamas an and we were on our way. As it was still early, I asked Nek if he'd like to go to another bar for a drink.

He smiled and said, "Up to you."

It probably sounds strange to take a boy out of a bar and bring him to another bar. You might think that would be the last place a bar boy would want to go. However, they often enjoy going to other bars; maybe to check out the competition or to say hello to their friends in other bars. Also, they get to ogle the boys and get served as customers.

In any case, we chose a bar with a cabaret show. He had another wine cooler and I had a gin and tonic. The show had a variety of acts, some of them pretty erotic, including a shower show with two boys who ended up in the altogether. It was OK, but all I could concentrate on was the beautiful specimen seated next to me. I could also feel the heat of several pairs of eyes burning on us from other farangs who wished they had seen him first. Eat your hearts out, I thought. My hands were all over Nek. I tired to slip my hands down the front of his pants, but they were too tight. I did manage to get my hand down the back of his pants and sample his little, round ass. I massaged the cleavage a few times before I withdrew.

When the show was over, I suggested we go back to my hotel, which was in the heart of Boyztown. I asked Nek if he was hungry and, thankfully, he wasn't.

The front desk clerk took his ID card and we proceeded up my second floor room. I put the Do Not Disturb sign on the outside doorknob and locked the door. I offered Nek something from the minibar and he chose another wine cooler. I had a coke. I handed him the remote control and he located MTV on the television. We sat on the edge of the bed, trying to overcome the initial awkwardness of the situation. My dick was hard as a rock and my heart was racing at about 150 beats per minute. I didn't want to rush things as I wanted this night to last forever. Finally, I asked Nek if he wanted to take a shower. (Thai boys almost always shower before they go to sleep or have sex, as well as, after sex also.) He suggested we shower together, which I readily agreed to. He quickly undressed, neatly folding his clothes and placing them on an empty chair. Before he took off his underpants, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Thais can be very modest. I followed his lead and did the same. We entered the bathroom. As I adjusted the shower, I could hear the splashing of Nek's urine stream against the water in the toilet. As immature as it may sound, this excited me to no end. When he finally joined me in the shower, I was flabbergasted by the beauty of his nakedness. He had a full erection that stood straight out at attention. His large balls were perfectly round and hairless; and by the way, he did have a little wisp of public hair. I'm not sure if he trimmed it or not, but the effect was quite nice. I was also hard as a rock, but felt a little inadequate when I compared my six inches to his long and thick manhood.

Nek smiled and took the shower sprayer and applied warm water all over my body, lingering at strategic spots such as my nipples and cock and balls. He took a bar of soap and put suds over every inch of me. I reciprocated taking my time soaping up his hard on, as well as his balls and ass. I lathered up some soap on my hand and washed between the crevices of his ass cheeks, realizing that my tongue would be exploring that region later. After we rinsed off the soap, we stood under the shower head in a tight embrace, his hard cock against mine. We engaged in a long, hard kiss. This time, it felt like his tongue went all the way down my throat into my stomach. We emerged from the shower, toweled off, wrapped the towels around our waists and adjourned to the king sized bed, atop the covers.

We lay together like that for a while and slowly removed our towels. Nek climbed on top of me and lay on my stomach. He felt wonderful against me. His man meat dug into my pubic region as I stroked his back starting from his neck, lingering at the small of his back and then lightly rubbing his sumptuous, round ass. His legs were splayed so that his cleavage was wide enough for me to put my hand in his crack and lightly rub it against his asshole, which was also hairless. We kissed so hard that I thought he drew blood.

I began to slowly explore his body with my mouth and tongue. I kissed him on both cheeks. I worked my way to his neck and kissed him on both sides of it. I let my tongue drag across his chest until it reached his left nipple.

I made circular motions with my tongue around each nipple. Once lubricated with my saliva. I took my thumb and rubbed each nipple several times. Nek made light, moaning sounds, almost like the purring of a cat. Simultaneously, I cupped his balls and stroked his big cock. I worked my way there, but just gave his cockhead a light kiss, continuing on to his legs, knees and feet. I sucked each of his ten toes and then made my way back to his middle region. I turned him onto his stomach and guided him so that he was on his hands and knees giving me access to his round, beautiful buns. I kissed him all over his ass cheeks and slowly inserted my tongue inside, while my hand was around his cock. His purring became louder and became more of a scream. I thrust my tongue as far up his asshole as it would go. His beautiful hole felt like silk against my tongue and I could still smell the faint odor of the soap that I had washed him with. Meanwhile, I detected what seemed like a quart of precum on my hand. I decided that I better stop "cleaning his refrigerator" (the Thai euphemism for rimming) before he ejaculated. It was too soon for that.

I lay on my back and patted my chest, signaling him to come and sit on it facing me. He plopped his ass between my nipples and presented his massive cock right at my mouth. I placed a couple of pillows under my head so I could get better access. He rammed his thing into my mouth. I could detect the salty, stickiness of his precum. I licked the head and then slurped down each side, before placing the head into my mouth again. He started thrusting back and forth, faster and faster. His cock was thick and hard. I had to grab it around the base to prevent him from shoving it in too far and causing me to gag. Once we established a comfortable rhythm, I removed my hand and put my two hands around his ass as he thrusted faster and harder. The index finger of my right hand found its way deep into his asshole. This seemed to arouse him even more, if that was possible. His breathing became rapid and shallow. He started moaning, then screaming and then shrieking.

"I'm cumming. I'm cumming," he yelled. He was one of those considerate types who warn you when they're about to cum, so you have the option of deciding whether or not to take his load in your mouth. I always have a dilemma in these situations because as much as I enjoy the taste of a nice load of boy spunk, I also love to receive a facial. In Nek's case I got the best of both worlds. I left his throbbing cock in my mouth for the first spurt which amply filled up my mouth. I felt it blast against the roof of my mouth, tongue and teeth before I let it slide down my throat. I quickly pulled it out and aimed it directly at my face to receive three more gigantic spurts. I had sperm all over both sides of my face, my mouth, under my nose and over the eyelids. You have to be careful not to let it go into your eyes, as that stuff can really burn. When he finished squirting his magic liquid all over my face, I took his penis in my hand and rubbed the head on my lips, sort of like applying lipstick and on the sides of my face. I licked my lips to sample more of the delicious beverage.

Nek handed me a towel so I could wipe his semen off, but I declined. I just wanted to savor the texture and smell of his manliness as long as I could.

I asked Nek to turn around so that we were now in the "69" position. I started licking his asshole again. I was so hard that I think I could have cum without him touching me at all. I pulled him up so he was sitting upright on my face. His hole was directly over my mouth as I thrusted my tongue deeper and deeper into his body. He writhed on top of my mouth crushing my lips and nose with his ass. It just took a light touch of his hand to set off my cock. I unleashed a stream of sperm all over my chest and stomach, as well as his back. He stayed in this position for a while, his ass smearing his previously ejaculated boy juice all over my face and his ass. He finally alighted from my face. We embraced and engaged in another long kiss, this time quite messy, as there was sticky boy nectar all over my face and mouth. He didn't seem to mind, and I certainly didn't either.

We took the obligatory shower. I finally, but reluctantly, cleaned his semen off my face. We emerged from the shower and fell down, naked on the bed. Nek asked me if I wanted him to spend the night. I told him that, as far as I was concerned, I didn't want him to ever leave. We collapsed in exhaustion, his arm across my chest and one leg over mine. I don't know about Nek, but I had happy dreams that night. I always do when I can share my bed with a beautiful Thai boy.

To be continued

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