Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Aug 1, 2023


Patrick Siemen Chapter 8

Tuesday afternoon Patrick arrived home from school his mind abuzz. He had been concerned about how he woke this morning. He lay in bed and as he gained more consciousness he realised he had a strange taste in his mouth and the skin on his face felt tight. He had got out of bed and gone to the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror his face had what looked like dried egg white all over it. His hair in spots was glued together and he realised as his hand went to his erect penis that his pubic hair was also glued. He couldn't explain it but after thinking on it all day decided he may know what was over him and how it got there. He had still no word from his friend John Baker. He had phoned, messaged, nothing. Pat decided to contact Tom Hooker and get him to send his friend Ken Bowen around to see John. He was beginning to become concerned about his friends well being. After a ten minute talk to Tom Pat went back to his computer.

Pat had been home an hour when his brother Max arrived home and not accompanied by any of his smart arse mates. As he passed Pat's room he looked in and saw Pat sitting at his desk with his laptop. He stepped into the room and for the moment Pat was unaware of his presence. Pat was staring intently at the screen whilst one hand was in his lap kneading his hard cock.

"What you doing big brother, looking at some hot porn?"

"No you fucking deviate, I'm sending a message to Baker. He hasn't been at school for two days and no ones heard from him." Pat sat up straight, both hands on the desk. Pat looked up at his brother, he had a knowing smirk on his face so Pat wasn't sure his thought of how the state he woke this morning was the result of anything Max may have done." Did you come into my room last night or this morning?"

"What, are you stupid, remember I was in my room talking to you last night and this morning I was running real late, so no I didn't do anything in your precious room. Why did something happen?"

Pat then proceeded to tell Max how he woke this morning with this dried stuff all over him. " I got no idea what it is or how it got all over me." Pat declared. "No idea dude you didn't have a wet dream did you, like blow all over yourself. Eh you're a bit like Moby's dick when you go off, you know, there she blows". Max showed little interest in what Pat was saying." Listen, show me all the photos you took on Sunday at the beach." It wasn't a request from Max more an order," and why are you dressed, you're bare up here remember. I'll tell dad."

Pat didn't argue with Max understanding the consequences if he didn't comply. He had already experienced Max doing as he said he would. He's still trying to get Joe King back on side and into not believing Pat is a raving sex maniac. He also thought on what Max said, maybe he did do it to himself. He stood, dragged off his polo and dropped his shorts then threw them into the corner of his room and quickly sat. Max ogled the bare boy, now he smiled.

Pat brought up all of the photos he had taken at the beach and later that afternoon. Max carefully looked through them. He clicked select and marked another twenty or so photos," send these to me as well. Some of them are better than you sent me before. Who are these guys?"

Pat grimaced, the less Max knew about his friends the better. He thought he had little option but to tell Max something, but obviously only the basics, that way if Max found out more over time he couldn't be accused of lying to him.

"Well the guy in the swim shorts is the son of the bloke I do work for and the other one in the red speedo is a friend of his."

"They're both jock looking guys. Look good. The guy in the speedo doesn't mind showing what he's got does he? They both gay."

"What, no, of cause they're not gay, why you say that, fuck me?"

"Well to start with they're with you and Baker, two gay boys. If they're friends they got to be gay `cause look at the bloke in the speedo and the way they're leaning all over other each other."

"Stop saying I'm gay. I'm not and don't say it about John either, he's not."

"Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, you are, you just wont admit it. Have a look at your fucken great dong, all chubby just cause it's out on show. Oh , and Baker is, watch him, he just doesn't know it or won't admit it like you."

"We never do...."

Max interrupted Pat," do you not remember the other night when we played cards, Baker kept saying no but he was hard and leaking the whole time. Not once did he refuse to do what he was told. You I understand, you had no choice but he did and he just went along with it. I'll show you some photos of him with Paul's cock in his gob and I'll tell you he was loving it no matter what he says."

"No use talking you won't listen no matter what I say." Pat snapped at Max.

"True because you're talking shit." Max moved behind Pat and dropped his hand onto his brown nipple. He twiddled his fingers slowly on the hardening nipple.

"Get off leave me alone." Pat said trying to move away from the hand.

"Pat you know better, and if you don't like it why has your cock gone hard, eh?" Max continued to play with the nipple. " look at you, loving this aren't ya. Your own little go button."

Pat looked up at Max but said nothing. He pushed back in the chair to allow Max easy access to all of him. "Get on this." Max stepped close up to the seated boy whilst pushing his shorts and briefs down his legs. He grabbed his 4 inches guiding it to Pat's mouth. He didn't open immediately then after several passes over his lips engulfed the juvenile cock to its root.

Pat, with his brother standing right up to him, placed on hand on Max's arse cheek and pulled him forward and kept him in place and with the other took hold of his own now straining penis which was pointing skywards with excitement. Pat worked his tongue around the shaft then over the pointed head and into the piss slit. Max was moaning and grinding forward trying to fuck the encasing mouth. Pat moved back and forth on the shaft slurping his way from root to tip. He drew back along the shaft allowing it to pop from his mouth and as Max was about to say something Pat dove down lower licking at the encased marbles in the slightly hanging small sack. Without warning he took the whole sack into his mouth and applied as great a sucking pressure as he could. Max had never had such intense feelings as these before. Without warning the marbles were again on their own swinging freely and the spike fully encased again for more oral ministrations. Pat teased the young frenulum with the gentle scrape of teeth then back to the coarse surface of the tongue rapidly lathering the glans along with vacuum suction. Meanwhile Pat feverishly worked his own erection his grip now so tight as if trying to stem any flow from his cock eye. Amidst loud animalistic sounds emanating from Max and Pat overworking his jaw and tongue Max let out a high pitched howl and released his adolescent fluid into Pat's mouth. Pat savoured the young sperm pooled on his tongue and coating within. He pulled off the juvenile rod, threw his head back and blasted his own load high into the air landing beneath his chin, chest, abdomen then dribbling into his pubic bush. Pat heaved to get his breath as his mouth was still holding Max's cream.

Pat stood from his chair now only inches from Max's face. He stared into his brothers eyes and without further thought, one hand still on his brothers arse cheek, he placed the other behind his brothers neck leaned in and passionately kissed Max. Max was taken by surprise as a tongue dived into his mouth with a strange tasting. The two tongues danced and parried, Pat grinding his body against the other in front of him. He felt the junior dick pressing against his man sized cook. He ground his hips harder. He pulled against the younger boys arse pulling him in more, the two bodies glued together. Pat still kissing the younger boy now moved his hand on the round firm arse cheek and moved his fingers into the crevice between the mounds. The handful of fingers moved up and down. The pointing digit found its target and tried to enter, gently at first and then with force. It entered to the first joint, then the second. They remained kissing. The finger moved back slightly then a second finger joined it and entered. Slowly it worked its way forward. Pat moved from kissing the soft red lips and went to the neck just below the other lad's ear and applied first a kiss then the savage sucking as he had the kid's dick.

Without warning Max snapped back to reality,"what in the fuck you think you're doing?" He moved away smacking at the arm with the invading fingers. He looked down at himself as his hand went to his neck." You cunt. I'm not one of you lot." Again he looked down the front of himself. The school shirt he still had on was now marked with Pat's spent cum that had shot onto his body as he masturbated himself.

Max pulled up his briefs and shorts then clasped a hand to his stinging neck. Pat kept full eye contact with his brother. He moved his hand forward and took Max by the shoulder, continuing to look into Max's eyes. "Sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry I just thought you wanted me."

"You tried to .... . Why would you bite my neck, I'm not ..... . Everybody will see that, how do I explain it to mum and dad. Jesus Pat. You just go to far. It's only fun, christ."

"I'm sorry, I truely am. I'll make it up to you. Don't tell anyone please, I won't do anything like it again."

"We'll talk later," Max walked across to the mirror inside Pat's wardrobe door and looked at his neck." Fuck look at it. It's obvious. What do I say to Trish, do worry it wasn't another girl it was my brother. " Pat didn't respond." If she breaks up with me." Max turned and started to leave Pat's bedroom. As he got to the door," come to my room about 10.30." With that he turned and walked out.

Pat stood head down thinking of the hole he had just dug for himself. He didn't know what came over him to do that with Max it just seemed to all overtake him. Max playing with his nipple then he seemed to lose self control. He just hoped Max wouldn't say anything to Paul, it would be all over the school.

Some time had passed and Pat was back sitting at his desk looking at some stimulating material on his laptop. He heard what he thought to be the front door bell chime but took no notice, Max was downstairs he knew. He heard an in distinct mumble of voices and thought it must be some of Max's friends so he got up and closed over his bedroom door. Pat didn't need them to see him naked, especially now with an erection. God did this thing ever go down. Sometimes Pat worried there may be something wrong with him the amount of time he got an erection during the day even after masturbating and ejaculating as often as he did.

Pat heard a few garbled voices at the top of the stairs, he took no notice continuing with what he was doing, porn and pulling. The door opened and in walked John Baker, followed by Ken Bowen then Tom Hooker bringing up the rear. John was taken aback by the sight of his friend sitting naked with a hardon and his hand around it. Pat whipped away his hand but didn't know what to do after that. He stammered first a moment then stood and moved from the desk towards his friend.

"God I'm glad yo see you I was worried about you." Pat said as he hugged John." You didn't answer the phone or my messages, i...."

"Yeah sorry mate I was in the doldrums until Ken turned up this arvo and we went out and had a talk. I understand better now."

"Don't know what you understand just as long as your feeling good ....and we're ok, you and me." When the talk between John and Pat lulled he took time to look at his other visitors. Ken Bowen was standing looking at Pat as if he were to be his next meal and Tom moved to Pat to give him a big hug saying at the same time" great to see you mate." He held him tight and close. Pat could feel the swelling in Tom's shorts against hip.

"Thought we better call around to show you that your friend is all good and he's happy again," Ken informed Pat. " Tom told me you were worried about him so here he is."

"I'm relieved really I am, I was worried, I didn't know what was wrong with you when I didn't hear from you."

"He's all good now, and I got to say we're happy to see you too, all of you. Always meet your guests like this, I'll call around more often," Ken joked.

"You stay away from him, he's mine aren't you Patrick?" Tom replied to Ken.

"Yeah I am, he's my boss so I got to be good to him."

"Ok stop this crap you right to come out for a drive for an hour or so. We can all get a burger, drink and a joke. How's that sound."

"Good to me. Can't ask the oldies they're not home yet. I'll just go tell Max I'm going out."

Pat returned several minutes later from telling Max. " he said he'd tell mum where I was and it's ok for me to go. Let me get changed."

At the comment about Max, Ken and Tom looked at each other. Tom thought he would ask about it when they were alone.

"Don't worry about getting changed you can come as you are." Ken said with a huge grin on his face.

Pat looked at the three boys, and taking Ken's comment seriously. He didn't want to drive around the streets naked.

"Ignore the perve mate he's pulling your leg." Ken said.

"I'd like to." Joked Ken.

Pat went to his drawers got out a t shirt and a pair of footy shorts and pulled them on. He then reached into the cupboard and grabbed a pair of flip flops. "Ready, lets go."

The four boys piled out of the room calling out their goodbyes to Max as they went. They got into the Ranger truck, Ken and John in the front and Pat and Tom in the rear row.

"So you don't like wearing undies or clothes at home mate, like getting around showing your goods?" Ken asked of Pat.

During the drive to Burger King to get some burgers and drinks Pat explained his situation at home and about underwear and clothes. He told them the whole story including how he was to do as Max said. The others were amazed at Pat's tale. The two older boys asked if something could be done but Pat explained it was by his parents' decree and they would need to change their minds which didn't seem likely at the moment. John felt deeply for his friend, he understood how Pat's life had altered in a week, as had his. He felt he was drawn closer to him, both their lives changing all because of what happened with Pat.

The next three hours passed quickly. The boys had taken their meals to the local park where they sat telling stories, telling lies and generally enjoying each other's company. They discussed in general terms their feelings, wants and desires. During much of the time spent in the park John and Ken sat shoulder to shoulder, touching and smiling at each other and on several occasions holding hands. Pat was pleased to see John so very relaxed, obviously Ken brought an inner peace to John about who he was. Pat enjoyed being with Tom. They sat side by side occasionally one elbowing the other as different remarks were passed. Pat was the most relaxed he had been all week.

"Thanks Ken, see you Thursday Tom and you be on the bus in the morning," Pat questioned.

"Nah I'll see you in class, not sure what time I will get there, but I'll see you there." John replied. John was going home with Ken to his apartment. He had decided not to share this fact with Pat, he would see how things turned out first.

Pat stepped out of the truck, waved to his friends and headed inside. Mother and father were in the media room watching TV. He spoke to his parents who asked him about his night, who he was with and if he enjoyed himself. Pat was about to leave and head up to his bedroom when his mother commented to him how pleased she was for him to be considerate enough to call and ask to stay out and not be home for dinner. She was pleased with him. Pat turned to go then with a half baked idea thought he would try and make best of his parents good mood.

"Mum, dad, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"You can ask away Patrick, asking doesn't hurt but the answer very much might."

"Well it's two things really. You know how I have to go around upstairs naked do I have to keep doing that. It's very embarrassing for people who visit me for me being nude."

"And the second question?" Alan Siemen responded.

"Well the second is about underwear. I apologise to mum and you the way I spoke to you both about my underwear I shouldn't have done that. I was exasperated and over reacted. I suppose my question is can I have underwear back and start wearing it again." Pat looked to the ground after asking the question, he knew he was eating humble pie but what more could he do. He desperately wanted to wear underwear again, for several reasons, all to do with his ever hard cock.

"Well, two interesting questions to ponder. If we consider why you are in this perceived dilemma it is because of your attitude, pure and simple. You were rude, bombastic and unappreciative. So let me consider." Pat went to speak in his defence but Siemen held his hand up indicating to the boy to be quiet." To get straight to it, you going naked was meant for you to be humiliated to coax you to improve your attitude to those around you in this house who have to bear your petty childish tantrums. Your mother tells me it took a day or two but you are improving, so let me say I will review my decision Sunday evening as to when that punishment ceases. As to the second request, you lost the right to any underwear with your several outbursts against your mother about being miserable, uncaring, favouring you're brother over you and her being a bitch to you towards you. It is a matter that has been ongoing for several months and even though asked, told then warned you continued with this petulant vitriol against your mother, the one who has cared for you all of your life."

As Siemen stopped with his summation to draw breath Pat jumped in," that's why I apologised I realise my mistake and am sorry."

"Well as you were warned several times and told last Wednesday night you will never again have underwear whilst under this roof which will be for the next three years and seven should you go to university. Topic closed. Get used to free balling."

"I'll buy my own when Mr Hooker pays me." Pat said softly but still being unable to keep his piece.

"You won't because anything you buy will be thrown out and more sanctions imposed, your call. Goodnight Patrick I'm told your attitude is on the up don't spoil it."

Patrick stood for a short while looking at his parents and decided he would be wise to bite his tongue, he didn't want to jeopardise Sunday's decision. He said goodnight to his parents and went upstairs to his bedroom. He closed the door over, stripped off his clothes then got on his laptop and Skyped Tom telling about his talk with his parents.

"You naked again mate," Tom asked.

"Yeah, got my nuts hanging out again, I'm starting to get used to it."

"Have you, I can't see them, your nuts I mean," Tom smiled as he spoke.

"No and you're not going to, I'm not that sort of boy," Pat shot back.

"Don't know about that by what I saw this arvo I think you are that sort of boy. Oh and before you say anything I saw everything,.... and I liked it all," Tom said rolling his eyes into camera.

"Got to go see you on Thursday at 4.30, good night."

"Yeah see you Thursday. I'll ring and let you know if at the warehouse or the shop ok. See ya mate." The screen went blank Tom had disconnected.

Pat then tried to ring John but the call went straight to message bank so Pat left a brief voicemail then hung up. He then send a text to John telling him to guard his virginity with Ken and not to choke on his sausage. Ha, ha. Then hung sent. Pat then sat and started flicking thru some of his favourite porn sites.

Meanwhile Brian Hooker sat in his office watching the mirror screen of Pats laptop and Alan Siemen sat in his office watching the split screen with a son on each screen. After an hour Max had become bored walked naked from his bedroom to Pat's room, entered without knocking, walked up to Pat sitting at his desk and said" time brother for my nightly blow." Max waggled his stiffening dick at Pat as he spoke. Pat closed the lid on his laptop and got onto his knees in front of Max.

Wednesday morning Pat lay in bed, feeling the same stiffness of dried whatever on his face and body as he had the morning before. Pat's brown body clearly displayed the dried stuff. It was on his face around his mouth, on his chest and in his black pubes. Pat again reflected maybe it was him having a wet dream and getting off whilst he was asleep. He was sure it had nothing to do with Max as he had drained Max's balls late last night after Max came into his room and demanded his nightly blow job. It must be himself he thought. Pat was concerned, he knew he couldn't do it every night, he would jerk off straight after he blew Max. Problem solved, his balls would be empty. He reckoned that would give him five ejaculations per day, two before lunch then three between getting home and going to bed. The tank would be dry.

He bounded out of bed, hard cock leading the way to the shower. He had just begun to shower slowly running his soapy hands over his excited organ when the door opened and Max walked in.

"Hey brother knocking the top off it." Max joked.

"What about privacy here I'm trying to get ready for school." Pat replied indignantly.

Max moved closer to the shower," listen mate I've seen everything you got to show and some, turn around and show me your hole."

"No Max that isn't fair I've done nothing to you have I, just leave me alone this morning."

"Alright you're right I'll give you a choice, flash your ring with your finger in it, or blow your load down the screen and lick it up, which one."

Without response Pat fisted his cock and began to work his organ slowly at first then increasing the pace. Max watched intently, he was mesmerised by the sheer bulk of the cock, and he knew his brother was humiliated having to do this in front of him. Pat had no sooner reached full pace with his hand, fiercely tugging at the meaty head, he felt the pressure beginning to build and closed his eyes, leaning slightly forward, one hand up against the shower glass wall and flailed mercilessly at his organ after satisfaction. Pat didn't hear the door open however, Max did. He turned to see his father enter unannounced. Alan Siemen was not expecting Max to be here but immediately saw what the younger brother was so intently watching. He moved to the side of Max and placed his arm over his bare shoulder, gently resting his hand on the boys bare pink nipple. Max did not respond simply looked up at his father and smiled. Pat grunted then left out a sigh of exertion as he shot his load onto the shower screen as directed.

As Pat did, leaning further forward resting his forehead on the screen Max said" hi dad, looking for anything in particular."

"Dad, shit, I ... I ...." Pat yelled, quickly covering himself.

"Don't worry Patrick I've seen you naked remember that's how you walk around here. As for pleasuring yourself all males do that. Even your young loving brother here plays with his little prong. Don't you Maxie."

Max glared up at his father at the comments and then " Pat don't let that run off the glass, you need the protein."

"I can't not with you know ... it wouldn't be right. Please don't make me Max. See what I mean about him making me do rotten shit dad."

"Whatever Max told you to do you should, and I'm guessing it was to eat your sperm yes." Siemen looked at his two sons. One with the water still coming from the shower head onto his back." A lot of boys like the taste of sperm. You like it Pat, do you?"

Pat stood not knowing how to answer or what to do" Max says I should like it."

"Well go on show us how you like your own, taste it and tell us. Go on, hurry up don't waste any." Alan Siemen looked down at Pat, focusing on his genitals" although with gonads that size I bet there's plenty more where that lot came from. Go on eat up."

Pat was mortified. Max looked at his father who was staring at Pat. Max noticed a noticeable bulge in the trousers Siemen was wearing. Max thought to himself his father was enjoying this, he would have to tempt him further to see if he was just sexually excitable or a deviate.

Pat scooped the cum from the glass screen as it ran down towards the floor tiles. He gathered it onto one hand and stood pondering what his next move should be. " I really would eat up Patrick or you might find yourself taking it from the source if you don't. You've got a brother and I'm sure he could organise some more donors for you."

Pat moved his hand to his mouth and licked it from his palm. He made a face as if he found it totally objectionable. " that's fucking yuck, how do people eat that stuff." Pat said, then spitting out residue.

"Language, I don't like bad language you know that. I'd say you will probably get more used to it the more practice you get." Alan Siemen smiled at his boys," better go, see you tonight boys, have a good day at school."

Pat glared at his brother and stepped from the shower, grabbing the towel to dry himself. "You should've told me dad was here," Pat scolded,"I don't need him seeing me jerk off. I got to get ready, you coming on the bus?"

"Yeah I already showered. You got sport today haven't you, you lucky bastard."

"You got it tomorrow. Up to last year we used to all have it at the same time but they changed it. I think they had trouble getting venues for so many especially with the two new high schools that have opened."

The two separated to change for school. They left together, Max in his school uniform and Pat in his blue nylon exercise sport shorts and maroon polo. As they walked from the house there was a light shower of rain commencing.

"If it gets to wet will they cancel your sports arvo?" Max asked.

"Maybe, I hope not because we just have to sit around in classrooms filling in with study time, it's boring as." As the morning wore on the morning shower developed into steady and continuing rain. Pat moved from the classroom to the gym for final class of P E before lunch. He stood in front of a locker in the far corner with John Baker. They had discussed at each break and recess why Baker had been absent from class for two days. Pat didn't think John told him the entire story but he thought he may hear more over time. They changed from sports day uniform into PE uniform of white footy shorts and blue t.

"Still no undies." John asked.

"No. I asked the old man if I could have them back and he told me that whilst ever I live at home I never get to wear underwear. He did say though he would think about me wearing clothes upstairs from next Monday."

"I'd lend you some of mine but they would be miles too big on you."

"Yeah probably fall down around my ankles, hey." Pat chuckled.

"Don't think so, they'd get caught up on your basket." John beamed a huge smile st Pat. " Ken reckons you got the biggest cock he's ever seen, he reckons he's jealous."

"Rubbish , don't go saying that, someone's going to hear you." Pat frowned ," come on hurry up we're going to be late then Thomas will be all over us." The boys looked around the locker room and realised they were the only ones there. " come on let's go, fuck."

The boys entered the gym and saw the class group lined up against the far wall being addressed by Mr Thomas. "Sorry Siemen, Baker I should have waited for you very unthoughtful of me. Obviously what you were doing was far more important."

"Sorry sir I didn't realise we were late it won't happen again," said Baker," we were talking about this afternoon sport."

"Well if you had joined the rest of the class on time you would have heard sport afternoon has been cancelled. I was just starting to tell the class the afternoons programme. " Mr Thomas said. "Now at the conclusion of your lunch time head to your home room where the roll will be called and you will do a study sessions to fill the afternoon."

There was a general murmuring among the group complaining of not being able to leave at the end of this lesson. They questioned why they had to stay for lunch then do a study period they could complete at home. Mr Thomas interrupted," alright stop your whining. I'm also after two volunteers to participate in Know Your Body classes to be presented to two seventh grade classes this afternoon. It's all very simple you've just got to stand there. Any volunteers?"

The boys stood in a group no one offering their services," alright if there are no volunteers I'll nominate two willing lads at the end of this class. Form yourself in groups of four and we'll start gym , each group at an activity and move to the next when I blow the whistle. Ok start, get moving."

The gym turned into a hive of activity with boys using parallel bars, vaulting horse, ropes, uneven bars etc.. Pat and John excelled as this was what they practiced three afternoons each week plus competitions. When Pat was using the uneven bars and the parallel bars several of the boys in different groups stopped to watch the display. He was very good. The same happened for John when he was on the trampoline and the vaulting horse, it was his discipline and he also was very good. Pat received an ovation from some when he dismounted the uneven bars. At the end of the session when the two boys finished their final activity, Pat on the rings and John on the pommel horse they received applause, they turned to the others and bowed, big grins on their faces.

"OK lads hit the showers," called Mr Thomas then go to lunch.

One of the boys call to Mr Thomas," who are the chosen ones sir for your demonstrations this arvo."

"Well seeing as how you're so interested Williams you can be one and, oh I don't know, you will do Siemen seeing as how you like to perform, you can be Williams partner. Off to the showers you lot and you two ( indicating Siemen and Williams) come see me when you've finished your shower." With that, the two boys tried to talk their way out of the afternoon ahead, Thomas turned his back and walked out calling out," remember you two straight after your shower come see me."

Williams and Pat sat in the locker room not speaking and pissed off at having been chosen. The other boys were all rushing to the showers so that when finished they could break for lunch. Pat had never had much to do with Williams, he seemed like a nice enough kid. He was big, a lot bigger than Pat, but so was every body in his year. Where Pat was 5ft 4in to 5ft 5in Williams had to be close to 6ft. Pat was 110lbs Williams could be 130lbs or more. He had a big chest and thick thighs, probably why he played rugby. Where Pat was a caramel choc colour with black hair and eyes and no hair on his body Chad Williams had red hair, the boys called him ranga as in orangutan with the red hair, blue eyes and he had red hair on his chest, arms and legs.

As the others began returning from the showers Chad Williams stood, stripped off his gym clothes, wrapped a towel around his waist and turned to Pat "well come on, best get this done so we can see Thomas then get some lunch I'm starving."

Pat followed Chad's lead, turned his back to Chad, stripped off his gym clothes wrapped a towel around his waist and led off to the showers. Each boy complaining to the other about being chosen.

Pat walked in first, hung his towel on a hook and chose a shower. As he turned the hot water on, he heard the shower next to him start as well. He looked to see Chad standing facing out allowing water to hit him on the back of his neck and shoulders. Pat wondered why he hadn't selected a shower further away for privacy. Chad had taken the liquid soap and was now applying it to his head and neck. Pat took the opportunity to check whilst Chad had his eyes closed to the soap. Pat noted the reasonably meaty cock sitting over a hanging sack of balls. He was more intrigued by the bright red hair framing the boys genitals. He even had red hair on his balls.

"I'll send you a photograph if you want."

Pat was shocked out of his mesmerised state." Sorry mate I was...... I....I never seen red pubes before."

"What colour you reckon I'm going to be with fucking red hair. It's not different, it's the same all over me mate. I bet if you turned turned you'd have fucking black pubes, reason cause you got black hair on your head. Ain't hard to work out. Fuck me."

"Yeah, no, sorry. I mean I understand but I just never seen red pubes before." Pat remained with his body turned to the wall and only his head turned towards Chad.

"So what you go around checking guys out do you, their dick and pubic and they're not red they're orange."

"No, of course not, it's just I was surprised cause I had never thought about it and was surprised when I saw it is all."

"So you going to be fair and turn around and show me your pubes?" Chad asked.

Pat did not react for a moment then turned," yes I guess you got the right see as how I looked at you."

As Pat turned Chad's eyes were focused on the now exposed groin. "Fuck me mate." Chad then controlled himself," I mean see you got black pubes like I said. You got a great body man you must do a lot of gym work." Chad admired.

"Thanks. Yeah I do gymnastics at least three times a week plus our other shit for school."

The conversation was interrupted by Mr Thomas walking into the shower room," come on girls I haven't got all day. Finish up get changed and come to my" With that Thomas walked out.

The boys stood in the office before Thomas under his inspecting eye. From his seeing Pat in the showers over the last couple of occasions and looking at the obvious protrusion in the boys shorts he knew Pat was very well developed. He wished he had what the boy packed. Having just seen Chad Williams he knew he had nothing to be shy about either. He was thinking through the best way to conduct the lesson. He decided he would have the boys in their shorts and bare torso this way he could use one against the other for comparison. He could even call up some of the boys to stand and compare themselves and feel the differences in development of the two boys bodies.

"Take off your shirts." Thomas ordered. The boys removed their shirts. "Face straight ahead don't look at me. Stand side by side." He noted the body hair showing on Chad denoting his pubertal development. He also noted how absolutely bereft of body hair Pat was. Were it not for the muscular development and his sexual organ growth Pat resembled a 12 year old. Mr Thomas walked around behind the boys and stood. He pulled out the waistband of Chad's shorts," Bonds hipsters eh Williams." He then moved to Pat's shorts and pulled them out and saw nothing. Pat went to move away but Thomas just held them away from the body further and down slightly, he saw the partly exposed light brown tan cleft."Don't like underwear Siemen I see."

Pat was going to explain about his father's edict but then thought, fuck him, nothing to do with him. Pat stood steady and silent. As Mr Thomas began to speak, still standing behind the boys and holding Pat's shorts waistband stretched away from his body, a hand slipped down the back of his shorts and firmly took hold of one of the firm arse cheeks. With hand on arse cheek and thumb implanted in the arse valley " I think it would be better if you boys change back into your PE shorts, they would be better than your sports shorts. So do that at of end lunch period then come stand outside classroom thirty nine top floor at 1.30 and I'll call you in when I'm ready. Understood."

Both boys walked off together to get lunch from the cafeteria and for the first time sat and had lunch together and discussed their upcoming experience.

"He's a fucking deviate, prick." Pat grumbled. "Just perves on you all the time."

"Yeah, I never took any notice before, you reckon he's a paedo?" Chad asked.

"Don't know but I know he's always around watching you shower and change, all that shit." Pat said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

At the completion of lunch the boys returned to the locker room and changed back into their gym shorts and headed off to room thirty nine. On arrival they saw Mr Thomas had a group of about thirty 7th graders seated in a semi circle facing the raised dais at the front of the classroom. All of the desks had been moved to the back of the room. The boys were signalled to enter the room.

"Class these fine specimens before you are volunteer 10th graders and are three years older than you lads. I know most of you have begun to experience changes within your body. The objective of the Know Your Body instruction is so you are aware what is going to happen as you enter and progress through puberty and not be unprepared. I will try to make this as interesting for you as possible by interacting both verbally and physically with our body models. Remember the lesson is not with your mate, so no skylarking or sideways chatter. If you have something to say, put your hand up and when called on stand up make your statement or ask your question. No question is considered stupid and an attempt will be made by myself or one of the senior boys here to answer."

There was a general noise went around the room with some nervous laughter.

"Steady down, just remember you are here to learn and feel at ease with the natural changes you are going to experience. The only dumb questions are the ones not asked. Don't be embarrassed because you don't know something, the others won't know it either. So let's begin."

The first 15 minutes was taken up with a video screening then some slides and instruction by Mr Thomas. When the first stage was completed Mr Thomas called for any questions before moving on. Several of the class asked benign questions, nothing confronting or unexpected.

"Right the second part of today is to give you a practical indication of change with development. Now boys step up here for me and stand side by side."

Pat and Chad rose from their seats and moved to the front of the dais being only about 6ft (2 metres) from the front row of boys. There were 2 rows. Mr Thomas then went on to explain how these boys were only months apart in age but it was obvious they had developed in different ways and explained the reasons for the differences, including genetic. As it happened Pat was three months older than Chad. Mr Thomas instructed the boys to remove their shirts. There was some whooping and cat whistles. Mr Thomas gave the class a withering stare. Silence prevailed.

With the boys standing beside each other Mr Thomas asked the class to point out the physical differences. Height, weight, skin colour, hair then eye colour. One of the boys asked about why Chad had body hair and Pat didn't.

"Alright boys line up here." All of the boys formed a single line where indicated." Now I want each of you to go forward and closely inspect each boy spotting any differences you can. You can ask questions while you're up here as well. Ok start but remember each of you has to have a turn so no wasting time."

The boys moved forward and surrounded each boy.

"Siemen and Williams, put your hands on your head to give the young fellows a clear view of your arms and armpits. Don't take them off until I say." The two boys obeyed the instruction.

The sixth boy in line was Pat's brother Max and his friend David Simpson. Pat grimaced at the sight of them. He knew Max would enjoy doing something to try and humiliate him.

"Now have a good look boys this is how your body will change from a young boys body to that of an adolescent and young man. Ask questions as you want."

"Can we touch them sir?" one young lad asked.

"Of course. By touching them you will notice even the texture of their skin begins to change as you age."

"Sir, Siemen keeps moving when I try to touch him."

Thomas moved in front of the two older boys, but separated from them by the group of curious 7th graders. "Still Siemen, and you Williams, the boys are only inquisitive."

The flood gates opened and the young hands and fingers wondered over the bare torso boys. Both Pat and Chad felt the waistband of their shorts being slowly lowered. The waistband of Chad's shorts were now down far enough to expose the elastic waistband of his low riding hipster briefs. His arse crack was being exposed and there was a sign some of his red pubic hair sticking out above the waistband. Pat was experiencing the same treatment but when there was no sign of underwear the shorts were edged lower. The hands groped around both boys. Pat tried to lower his hands and pull up his shorts except Mr Thomas told him to stay still.

"They're only young lads Siemen I'm sure your not concerned. Pretend you're showing off in the showers".

"Sir why does this one have big pointy nipples and he doesn't?"

"Good question and observant of you. Williams has features that will be in common with family genes as will Siemen. There are lots of physical and character features that are a result family traits, what we call genes."

By this time Max and his friend David were standing front and rear of the two teens. Max raised his hand to feel Chad's pointed nipples but puffy areola. He gently fingered the nipple whilst looking up into the face of Chad. He then looked down and could note a slight swelling in the shorts. He was beginning to swell himself. He continued now fingers gently pinching and rolling the nipple. The swelling increased. Chad was uncomfortable and started to try and pull back away from the fondling fingers bumping into Simpson standing behind him.

"Sir Williams is pulling away when we touch him."

"Stay still Williams," Thomas looking at the boy now more closely. A smile crept to his lips as he noted some orange pubic hairs protruding from the top of his low briefs with shorts sitting now even lower below his hips and a very noticeable tent in the front of William's shorts. " you're obviously enjoying this."

"Sir why are around his nipples softy and puffy like a girls but my brothers there are hard."

"Siemen your brother is he, I don't see any likeness." Thomas commented.

Out of the blue Max blurted ," Nah there's not cause he's adopted so we're like brothers because we live together but that's all."

Even Mr Thomas was taken aback by this comment. " The differences will again be physical but be assured having the same parents will ensure you have many traits in common. You are determined by your genes and the nurturing environment. Don't ever say that about your brother in front of me again. Your should be close."

"Oh we are sir, Pat listens to me and does what I say don't you Patrick. I'm a really good brother sir, I keep all of his secrets. He knows he can trust me because I do what I say I will."

"Is that how you feel Siemen, that you can trust him and he's true to his word." Pat only nodded.

By now Chad Williams had a full erection encased in his briefs. It was very obvious to all who could see the front of his shorts. Standing in front Mr Thomas could see the boy's shorts get a bit lower. The waistband was now caught on the root of the erect shaft. He saw the pair of hands on the shorts that was slowly lowering them. The shorts had dragged down the briefs. Williams now showed an orange bush.

On of the boys standing next Max was softly running his fingers from Chad's navel down the visible happy trail to the butt of the erect cock. Up and down, up and down. " why do you grow hair here sir, Pat Siemen doesn't have any?" The question was asked the boy never stopped his slowing stroking of the body fur.

"As I said it's all in the genes, some will grow body hair and others don't." Thomas looked at Chad and could see a very definite wet spot developing in the front of his white nylon shorts. His coloured briefs were clearly visible through the now transparent material. Other boys had noticed also.

Whilst this was happening most of the boys had turned their attention to Chad Williams and let Pat be. He was pleased not to be centre of attention.

" alright boys that's the end of our session for today the next group are lining up outside in a few minutes so gather your things together and we'll do the next session next week. Off you go to next class."

As the boys started to return to their seats to pick up their backpacks and books there were several still around the teacher and the two teen boys. Max Siemen boldly took hold of Chad's erection and pulled at it several times before Chad reacted taking his hands from his head and knocking Max's hand off him. He glared at Max. Not caring about the reaction Max said so others including mr Thomas could hear," hey Williams you might have big muscles but you're dick muscle is nowhere near as big as Pat's." He laughed and walked away.

"Ok thanks, you two go and have a drink and be back here in ten minutes for next session. I wasn't happy with this last one I think I need to change format a bit. I'll see you when you get back."

"I got to piss I'm busting," said Pat, " see you back here."

"I'll join you I'm busting as well. That brother of yours is a little prick the way he grabbed me by the sword." Chad told Pat.

"Yeah I know but what can you do, I am busting here." And with that Pat took off at a run.

When the boys met up at the urinal " I'll square up with mate, nothing to do with you. You're cool."

"Do what you like to him I don't care just don't bruise him or hurt him that's all." Pat said seriously," just if you do then all sorts of people get involved, just humiliate him or something."

The boys finished, washed their hands and headed back to Mr Thomas. When they arrived there was another class already in the room. The boys stood outside and waited for Mr Thomas to call them in.

When Mr Thomas saw the boys waiting outside he left the class and walked out to the boys."listen boys thank you for your services today. As I said I believe I need to rethink our format so I've decided I won't need you fellows anymore today, you may as well go home. I will call on your services when I have the presentation sorted out. Now having said that if you think of anything that may improve the lesson speak up and let me know. Ok off you go, see you both in school tomorrow and thank you."

"Shit that was a good result let's get out of here." Chad said to Pat," I'm glad that's over. What you going to do now?"

"Grab my shirt and take off home. It should be peaceful for a couple of hours at least with no one there."

The boys got their t shirts and pulled them on. They gathered their backpacks and left for home walking out the gate together. As they got to the gate Chad said to Pat "you want to go do something?"

"Can't mate haven't got any money and I should just head home."

Chad asked Pat how he was getting home and where he lived." That's not too far from where I live how about I come home with you and we fuck around on your PS or something?"

"Yeah sure that'd be great. I get my bus down there." Pat said indicating the bus stops just down the road.

"Great you can tell me all about yourself. How come we never had anything to do with each other before."

"Yeah you can tell me about yourself as well and I think the reason we haven't mixed much is because some of the kids you knock around with are fuckwits." Pat smiled.

"I'll cop that being honest. Listen being honest, I don't want to sound to forward but when we were showering earlier I sort of saw your cock. How come you don't wear undies to hold that thing in."

"It's not much of a story but I'll tell you on the way home."

Next: Chapter 9

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