Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Jul 17, 2023


Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 7

I have deleted the character list that preceded the chapter. Please let me know if you want it returned and included for further chapters

Monday and Pat was looking around the playground for his mate John Baker. He hadn't seen him all morning so presumed he was pulling a sickie for the day. He had sent him several text messages but not received a reply. Recess over, he returned to the classroom.

Standing at his locker getting his books for the period a voice at his ear brought him back to reality, ` Baker talked to you?' Joe King asked. He was a close friend to Pat and John.

`Nothing, no reply to my calls or texts. Don't know what he's up to. I want to know if he's doing training this arvo.' Pat replied.

The boys entered their English class. After this they had P E then lunch. Mr Stevens the English teacher entered and without any greeting snapped out' get out your essay books and give me a three page piece based on a sleepover at your friends house. You will be marked on this, you have 30 minutes, starting now.' He then moved and stood against the back wall of the classroom to observe the students working. Some students went straight to writing others stared at the ceiling as if waiting for divine intervention. Pat was thinking what to write, he wasn't going to write about his last sleepover. No way.

Half an hour later the teacher called a halt and asked for all books to be passed forward. ` I'll return these tomorrow marked.' Mr Stevens informed the class,' those who thought through the chronology of events and clearly enunciated the night will do well, those who wrote drivel will be given more practice after school.' The bell sounded but nobody moved until the teacher said,' dismissed.' All of the students rose and went to their next classes. Pat and many others moved to the gym block for P E.

Pat stood at his locker in the corner of the locker room, trying to change as modestly as possible and not allowing others to see he was wearing no underwear, as per his father's instructions. There was no one next to him with John Baker away, so that helped. He had his white gym shorts ready so quickly pulled off his school shorts, dropped them on the bench and then pulled on the others, Leisurely then removed his white school shirt and pulled on his light blue gym t. With his skin colouring and Pat's gymnastic toned form he looked the real athlete. For a small fellow he had well developed shoulders and chest, a flat washboard abs, good muscular form to his arms and well formed thigh and calf muscles. He looked a tight concentrated package. He didn't realise the boys who secretly and some openly watched him. The boys on the other side of the bench saw his hard exposed light tan buns exposed when he bent to pull up his shorts. More admirers, more envious, some jealous.

The boys moved out onto the grass oval where they were split into two groups spread 50 feet (15 metres) apart facing each other. Two boys were placed in the middle with the idea being they would catch any boys running across the square who would then join the hunters until there was only one boy left uncaught, him then being the winner. It was a fast, torrid game, based around rugby football. The boys were told to remove their t shirts to save them being torn. Most boys took them off and threw them by the side line.

Mr Thomas blew the whistle and the game commenced. He watched the boys and how they participated, some with fervour and others wary of being injured. There was no quarter given. Some boys would be bruised and battered but most loved the competition and the thrill of heavy body contact and blows. The big boys were harder to pull down but were slower and therefore easily caught. The likes of Pat who was agile, nimble and fleet of foot were easy to pull down but they had to be caught first.

As Mr Thomas watched he was intrigued to see the excessive bouncing movement in the front of Pat's shorts. After watching closely for several minutes he was convinced he could define the outline of a large unfettered cock bouncing freely on the boy. Much much more than any other boy. He would look out for him in the showers. Several others caught his attention, he just needed a reason to create opportunity to get with them. He would work on it.

Several times Pat was grabbed but eluded being held. Half way through the game Pat was caught and held, one boy around his chest pinning his arms and the other his legs. Boys being boys as the boy holding his legs was beginning to stand he took hold of the hem of Pat's shorts and pulled up. With Pat lying on the ground with his legs in the air he was now stripped bare as his shorts were pulled free and thrown some distance away. The boy holding his chest released Pat. He bounded to his feet, the game still being played around him, with only some boys aware of Pat being pantsed and now naked. Pat searched around for his shorts and on finding them quickly pulled them on. Several of the boys made funny remarks to Pat all of it in fun. The game continued. Several took note of what they saw, Mr Thomas for one, and Bill Anderson another.

The game ended with Mr Thomas blowing his whistle and calling time. All of the boys were sweaty and dirty. OK boys hit the showers. No exceptions.' As this was the first time the boys had showered after P E the teacher knew this would be interesting. come on you all stink of sweat, or you should, get moving, you haven't got a lot of time. Anyone not finished in time will see me for punishment this afternoon. Move it.'

The kids bolted to their lockers and grabbed a towel then into the gang showers spaced along two walls within the shower area. Some had stripped bare others left their underwear on. They hung their towels on the hooks. Their weren't enough showers for all boys . Some chose to wait, others doubled up.' Get those underpants off, you are showering to get clean not wash clothes.' Mr Thomas yelled in the shower. Several hesitated but finally pulled them off and waited for a shower head.

Pat was slow into the showers and waited against the wall for a shower head to be free. He covered himself with his hands and looked to the ceiling. Anything for distraction. He did not want to throw a boner in front of thirty boys. The embarrassment would be too much.

Mr Thomas moved along the line of boys waiting at the wall. He directed each one to a shower currently being used and told the boys to double up,' No one's got anything you haven't so don't worry about showing your little dicky, come on you're supposed to be growing up.'

`You, Siemen get in there with Anderson. You're only a little fellow, you don't need much space.'

Pat glared at the teacher but said nothing. He walked under the shower with Bill Anderson. He wasn't Pat's friend, actually he disliked him intensely. He was the biggest kid in the grade and liked to throw his weight around. On several occasions he had tried to bully Pat. Other boys would use the nickname Choc' whereas Anderson would call him Poo'. He reckoned with his brown skin he looked like a lump of dog turd.

Without words Pat joined Anderson under the shower spray with his back to him and began to quickly wash himself. Pat at no time looked at Anderson keeping his eyes down and concentrating on finishing. After washing his upper torso and all bits down to his thighs pat bent forward to reach down and wash his grass stained dirt covered legs. Being bent over and his hands down past his knees he felt himself being forced headfirst into the tiled wall. He felt a pair of hands on his hips and a cock being forced into his crack between his buns. The semi hard cock started to run up and down his arse. Pat violently pushed back making Bill Anderson stumble backwards.

As Pat went to say something Anderson grabbed him,' thought you might like a real cock in your fanny for change and not little boy dicks your used to.' The boys nearby laughed when they heard Bill speak.

Pat was fuming especially as Thomas the teacher was standing there watching proceedings and did not intervene.' Maybe, but not that little worm you call a dick, I wouldn't know it had been there. You're a bigger dickhead than your cock.' Some of the boys cheered. Anderson didn't know how to respond. Pat glared at Anderson then his teacher. He washed off then went to leave.

`You and I'll meet up later and discuss this.' Anderson threatened.

`You come near me and I'll kick your cods in.' Pat said all upset. Still the teacher said nothing. Pat grabbed his towel and not bothering to cover himself returned to his locker to dry off and dress. A few of the boys including Mr Thomas watched Pat storm off, his beefy sausage swinging freely between his legs.

`Alright you lot, hurry and finish up it's about to be lunch hour.' Thomas called to the remaining boys in the shower.

As the boys moved towards the cafeteria to buy their lunch Pat heard his phone ping a text," where are my photos."

Pat saw it was from Max, he had forgotten his instructions to send photos of him and John at the beach yesterday. He replied," Sorry forgot sending now." With that he went to his phone and searched through the photos, none of him only the other three. He gathered together 20 photos and flicked them to Max, hoping he wouldn't be upset there were none of him taken. Ping,"Not what was ordered. Where are they". Haven't got those. Will get others." Pat replied. Immediate response,"You were told, find them now or." Pat went back to his phone and sent several of John on his back cock firing cum up onto his chest." "Sorry meant to send these but I got none of me." Ping. Another text." Ok you're a good mate dropping John in it." Pat knew he shouldn't have sent photos of John but he wanted to appease his brother.

Ping. Pat reached for his phone but it wasn't his phone. Joe reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Pat relaxed and continued to the cafeteria with Joe who was studying his phone. He studied it for a minute or so then returned it to his pocket. Both boys got their lunches and then moved outside under the trees and sat on the grass with the rest of their group. The 5 boys sitting on the grass eating lunch spoke of what they did on the weekend. Pat told them of his work on Saturday and then beach on Sunday. They all discussed their activities. Joe King had taken his phone from his pocket and was glancing at the screen then back to the group then to the screen. When the boys finished eating Joe started to gather the wrappings and indicated to Pat to give him a hand. Pat responded standing up and collecting some and both boys moved to the rubbish bin.

As they were returning to the group, "You going to explain why this was sent to me?" Joe asked. He then showed Pat his phone screen.

"I don't know mate, honest." Pat replied somewhat stunned by the vision of him kneeling on the floor naked, holding his erect cock, and with cum on his face, "I don't know what to say."

"Why send this to me?" Joe typed and sent, then turned to Pat about to say something when another ping on his phone and in Pat's. Both boys opened the message," I'm still waiting, enjoy this one, another in an hour if I don't get what I asked for." They looked to the photo, Pat naked, kneeling on the ground looking up into someone's eyes with a cock in his mouth. Another ping," one hour gay boy or come to washroom under assembly hall, now. You got 5 minutes."

"Got to go mate, I'll explain when I get back I promise. I'll explain it all." With that Pat turned and ran towards the nominated meeting place.

"In here gay boy." It was Paul Brown, "Max said you got to suck my cock now and send him a picture doing it." Pat didn't argue he knew the result. He sat on the closed toilet lid looking into the eyes of the younger boy as he moved in front of him and took out his erect 4 inch spike." Suck on this and no teeth," he said as he thrust his crotch forward into the seated boy's face. Pat looked at the proffered boy cock then leaned forward and consumed it to the root. He wasn't so much upset about sucking this cock it was being made to do it that pissed him off.

Pat worked the hard cock for all his worth in quick time getting Paul to shoot his watery load into his mouth. Pat got the full taste as it sat on his tongue before he swallowed. He licked his lips to remove any spillage. Pat watched as Paul put the phone back in his pocket.

"Hope you enjoyed that `cause there's plenty more where that came from." Paul told Pat. "You can go now see you later cocksucker."

Pat grimaced at the words and the volume, he hoped no one else was in the washroom area to hear. Pat heard a ping from his phone. He waited until he had left the washroom to look at the message. It read"you did good cock lover" and below were three photos of Pat sucking on Paul's cock. They were all taken from cock height. It looked to Pat they were taken from the cubicle next to his, he hadn't noticed any hole in the wall. The same time Pat received his message so did Joe's phone ping.

Pat decided he had to find Joe and try and square things with him. He found him sitting with several others under the same tree where they had lunch.

"What'd you have to rush away for?"Joe asked.

"Let's go over the road to the cafe, I'll tell you everything that's happened but you got to promise me to keep it to just us. Promise."

"Yeah ok I promise you got me intrigued what the fuck is going on. Oh yeah I forgot." Joe said and removed his phone to look at the new message." There were three photos time and date stamped. He showed Pat his phone, Pat winced. " You rushed off to go suck cock. This will want to be good trust me."

For the next ten minutes pat explained from the very beginning all that had happened to him. He went from how his father had taken away his underwear and put Max in charge and do everything he said, and how he had to go naked around the house, everything. Well not quite everything he left out working with Tom and sucking his cock and he left out the beach yesterday with John and Ken. He thought this was more than enough for Joe to take in. He explained finally how Max had ordered him to get some photos which he didn't, and that's why he sent out those photos to Joe as a threat to Pat of what he would post to all of his friends. He then went on to explain he was ordered to suck Paul Brown, a friend of Max's as punishment for not doing what Max had told him. Joe sat gob smacked by the story being told.

`You mean your own brother does this to you." Joe queried." Your own father and mother are ok with all this. Fuck man this is off like you gotta stop all this shit somehow."

"Yeah I know but how. Every time I do something I just get in deeper. Even in PE today fucken Anderson was on me. Mate I'm fucked honestly."

"So tell me do you like sucking cock or you just got to.?"

"What are you asking. I don't want to suck cock. Fuck man I'm not like that, it's `cause I got to."

"Ok cool, I just didn't know if you didn't like being ordered around by others or you didn't like cock. You know some guys do like it l mean. Nothing wrong with that if it's their choice I guess."

"Yeah well I don't like it. I don't like being bossed about or sucking cock. I don't like being humiliated by other pricks. I know they pick on me `cause I'm smaller. Fucking Anderson calls me "poo".

"Yeah he's a shit, but he can fight, like real good man, so you want to be careful." Joe warned." Just ignore him no matter what, just ignore him."

The bell rang and the boys returned for afternoon classes. Pat shared two of the three final lessons with Joe. As Joe was leaving for his last lesson he said to Pat he would see him at the school gates so they could ride the bus together. Final lesson over Pat went to his locker and was putting away some books when he felt his shorts pulled to the ground. The boys around him laughed. He was pushed face first up against the lockers his shirt pushed up his back. He bare brown arse on full display, his cock and balls squashed into the locker.

"Let him be Anderson, this is not the place to meet your boyfriend." Mr Maiden the maths teacher said. He was on hallway duty.

Bill Anderson tripped Pat whilst he was releasing him and Pat fell arse first onto the floor his shorts around his ankles. Splayed on his back the way he was his ample cock and balls were on display to anyone watching. Mr Maiden stood looking down on Pat. With no words spoken he reached out offering a helping hand to Pat to get him up off the floor. Maiden smiled at Pat and walked on. Pat looked for Anderson but he was walking down the hallway with several of his mates all laughing. Pat hiked up his shorts. Several boys stood around gaping at Pat and passing comments between themselves.

Pat met Joe at the gates and caught their bus home. Pat had gymnastics practice this afternoon and Joe told Pat he would see him the next day in class.

Pat arrived home from practice exhausted from a hard routine. He was still in his gym shorts only changing his t shirt. He entered through the family room door and then into the kitchen, there was nobody there. He was relieved, he was tired from practice and he was tired from being harassed at school. He went to the fridge grabbed the milk container, then to the cupboard tipped in a large quantity of milo chocolate, shook the bottle then bottle in one hand backpack over his shoulder climbed the stairs to his bedroom. He dropped off his things and then walked down the hall to Max's bedroom, he wanted to speak to him. Nobody there. A sigh and back to his room and flopped onto the bed and drank his milk. He then drifted off to sleep.

At about 7.00pm he was woken by his father calling from downstairs dinner was on the table and to come eat. As he left his room he bumped into Max also heading downstairs. "I want to talk to you, after dinner," Pat growled at his brother.

"Watch how you speak bro or you might find yourself in high demand around school," Max responded.

Without further discussion the two headed to the table to have dinner. Both parents sat with them and discussed their activities of the last few days. Alan Siemen outlined to the boys how the security system worked and what their obligations with it were. He told them after dinner he would give them their system password and show them how it all worked. Pat was nearly sorry to see dinner finish. It had all been most enjoyable with his parents treating him like he was a loved member in the family and they were interested in his activities. His father had even enquired as to how he enjoyed being back at school and his teachers and then his progress at gymnastics. After the demo on using the security system, which was all very simple both boys headed up to their rooms to complete homework and prepare for tomorrow.

Pat followed Max to his room,"why did you send that shit to Joe today, you trying to lose me all my friends or something?" Pat asked.

"Not at all. Just to show you if you don't do as I say then there are consequences. You didn't send the pics I wanted so I did what I said I would. You didn't send them later quick enough so I did what I said I would. Mate it's all simple even a thick head could understand."

"That Paul is a smart arse and tell him I'm not doing it `cause I like him, I fucking don't, and tell him not to take any photos of me. I definitely don't trust that sly prick." Pat demanded of Max.

"Ok it's all cool bro. You got an example of your future and I'll tell Paul he only does with you what I tell him he can. All good. No need to get bent out of shape." Max looked at Pat," he did reckon you're getting better, it was even better than last time."

"I'm not doing him no more Max he's a prick. If he comes near me again I'll........"

"You'll do fuck all you know that, just do as I say and everybody is happy. Now speaking of being happy why are you dressed in shorts you're supposed to be stripped when you're upstairs, remember, so."

Pat pulled his shorts off standing exposed in front of his brother." I'm going to bed."

Pat turned to leave,"before you do, come over here and give your little bro suck."

Pat moved in front of Max, knelt and waited for Max to get his cock out. "Have a go at you getting all excited. You might say you don't want this," Max held his stiffening cock and shook it in front of Pat,"but your dicky bird says you love it. Come on then get your night cap." With Max saying this both boys looked at Pat's now erect cock bobbing from his groin. Max placed a hand on Pat's head for balance and raised a foot gently massaging the hanging ball bag with the top of his foot," start sucking and no teeth." Without further prompting Pat took Max's cook to its root and commenced the oral massage.

Max had both hands on Pat's head as Pat forcefully fucked with his mouth. At the same time without prompting Pat was trying to swallow Max's cock but it wasn't long enough to get right into his gullet. He worked the tongue feverishly over every part of the engulfed meat. He would very gently drag his teeth up the length of the shaft then hold the exposed glans at the front of his mouth suddenly releasing it to dive back down the shaft. Max was leaking a light precum when Pat felt the cock he was eating go especially rigid, pulse several times and then tighten and the feel of swelling of the rod as his mouth tasted Max's juvenile seed. Pat would never admit it to anybody but he quite liked the whole sensation of sucking cock. The feel in his mouth, being able to excite, the taste after the after glow of satisfaction then the feel of the organ losing its power. He loved it all. God he even loved the sight and feel of cock. He wished al boys were naked.

Max recovered from his weakened stance still holding Pat's head who held the deflated spent penis in his mouth. " that was amazing bro you're getting really good at this, practice makes perfect."

"Yeah well I don't like it. It's not right."

"You keep telling yourself that but you're going to be getting lots of practice whether you like it or not."

Pat stood his cock still painfully erect and now leaking copious precum, " if you're finished I'm going to bed."

"Good night brother see you in the morning."

Pat went back to his room dropped onto his bed, reached under the mattress, took out his cum rag and quickly brought himself off. The cream on his fingers he licked off then wiped off any residue from his relief session. He dropped his head back on his pillow. He was lying naked on top of the sheet when he dozed off. His new phone was set for auto wake alarm 7.00am. As he fell into slumber his dreams were of today's events, yesterday, the last week. The dream went from paradise to nightmare. Sometimes he lay sleeping in bliss, at other times tossing and turning talking loudly, trying to defend himself denying his actions. He dreamed his father was standing over him. At some stage he fell into a deeper slumber until his alarm woke him at 7.00.

Meanwhile whilst Pat was in his brother's room being dominated by his brother, their dear father was in his office downstairs secretly watching their every move, listening to their every word on the newly installed security system. Alan Siemen was delighted with how well the system worked, every room under surveillance and motion activated, all recorded to hard drive in his office and directly to the large monitor on the office wall, either full or split screen. Alan slowly worked his erection watching his sons, oh how he wished he was included in what they were doing. Siemen had become fixated upon Patrick as he had grown older. Where previously Siemen had treated Patrick as a dependent child who needed nurture, as Patrick developed and aged he had now become a sexual obsession he needed to dominate and use. He watched until his elder son climbed on top of the bed and succumbed to sleep. Alan Siemen was convinced he could dominate Pat to meet his demands. ----------------

In another home in another private office Brian Hooker finished looking at the messages, and photos sent to Pat and the photos he had taken of events the last few days on his new mobile. Brian was surprised to see Ken Bowen and a boy he didn't know so overtly sexually friendly. He never realised Ken was bi or gay. He was also pleased at how good his own son looked in his swim shorts. Now he was watching a file sent to him by his very close associate and the father of his new employee who was giving oral sex to a younger white lad. The employee then went back to a bedroom and masturbated himself. He was so impressed with the perfect build and the outstanding organ the dark boy had. Where he originally thought he would work him in the warehouse Brian decided that would be a waste of talent. He decided Pat may spend some time at the sports store in the shopping centre but would be more value in Alternate Life, his erotica shop and its adjoining coffee lounge. He would need to be careful because of the boys age. When he finished viewing the file he then checked through the mirrored lap top of the one he had given to Pat. He was elated with the material and information he was gathering. It would all come in handy one day. Brian thought it might be handy to set up a live feed from the Siemen house to his, he would see if it was possible. ------------------

Brian Siemen crept into his son's bedroom. He was lying naked on his back still on top of the bed. Pat had the strange habit of sleeping with his eyes open but his eyes would roll back in his head just showing the whites of his eyes. It was quite off putting to look at him when asleep, he appeared more as if dead. Brian reached forward and stroked Pat's cheek. The skin was soft and cheek firm. Pat did not move. Siemen moved his fingers to the boys pink lips slightly apart breathing, a finger slipped in. It moved in and out the lips closed around it. A second finger was added and entered gently moving back and forth. The fingers stopped moving allowing the lips to gently suck on them like a mother's teat. Siemen left his finger in place and fished his erect six inch plus erect cock from his boxer shorts. He moved closer to the bed leaning over so his cock could rest on the cheek of the sleeping boy. Alan Siemen moved his cock around the face of the boy leaving a snail trail of pre cum. Alan removed his fingers from the boys mouth and dropped his cock onto the boys lips. Disturbed Pat moved his head as if trying to move whatever was on his face. Siemen froze where he was afraid the boy would wake and he would be exposed. In short time Pat again settled. Still lying on his back his head was now turned slightly towards his father as he still slept, eyes wide open and showing white.

All fatherly instinct now gone, replaced by lust, Alan Siemen took hold of his rock hard penis and began to jerk feverishly whilst pushing the circumcised rod across his sons face. The head of his cock bumped into his sons cheek, his forehead, his nose. Siemen was the most sexually excited he had been since his university days. Those days before he knew of the suitable sedatives and stimulants, just alcohol and a few hallucinogens. It would probably be called rape today but then nobody ever said anything not wanting to be shamed by admitting another man's cock had been in their arse. Whilst he masturbated he reached for one of his sons small pert nipples and began to tweak it. The nipple hardened. The fingers played with the button. Siemen noticed that as soon as he began massaging the boys nipple his cock responded. Within the minute the boy lay prone asleep his fathers cock giggling over his face, his nipple pointed and vitalised and his brown shaft at full erection laying up his stomach. The boy was now mewling from the stimulation. He began to mutter words in his sleep. It all became to much for Alan Siemen he felt his balls draw up and tighten, he was about to ejaculate. He placed his cock back on the boys lips then released his load. As it shot from his penis he directed the bulk to the boys mouth and when it bubbled up from the air the boy was expelling he fired the balance onto his forehead and into the very black short pelt on the boys head. As his cock ceased its main flow and cum now slowly seeped the dregs Alan gathered it in his hand already coated with some serum and wiped it on the boys erect cock. The white of the cum contrasted so nicely with the boys brown skin. Alan ran his fingers through the thick pubic bush the boy had above his cock, then reached between the boys thighs and cradled the large plums in the dark brown purse. Alan was amazed at the sexual development of the boy. Here was his 15 year old adopted son with a considerably larger kit than his father. He hefted the balls again, no wonder he fired so much cum earlier. He looked down on the boy coated in his batter and decided he would come back another night. The boy still asleep rolled onto his side. Alan was going back to his office to watch the recording of what had just happened. It was unusual for him but he was beginning to harden again so soon after losing his load at just the thought of watching it all over again.

He would view the recording then contact his friend and offer him a copy if he could reciprocate with a recording or two of his son Tom. He knew he had them going back years he had seen some of the earlier ones. Now Pat had developed Alan was delighted he would have some great trading material especially with his younger son included. The new system would be worth every dollar he had paid.

Next: Chapter 8

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