Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child. Hills High Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother. Hills High Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer Tom Hooker 16y, 11th grade. Son of employer. Close friend. Ken Bowen 18y, 1st year University. Friend of Tom John Baker 15y, 10th grade, Pat's best friend. Hills High Joe King, 15y, 10th grade, Pat's good friend. Hills High David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max. Hills High Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max. Hills High Peter Anderson 13y, 8th grade. Hills High Ben Overson 13y, 8th grade. Hills High.

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 6.1

Mrs Siemen returned downstairs,'well it's tidy up there.' Patrick use some air freshener when you go upstairs it stinks of teenage boys and their dirty habits.' She looked at Pat and shook her head,' when you're finished there, off you go to bed and clean your teeth, oh and no mucking about, go to sleep.'

`Did you say mucking about mum?' Max asked cheerfully.

`You're getting as smutty a mind as your big brother.'

`Mum, he's no bigger than me and but he's definitely smutty.'

Mrs Siemen let the remark pass and said,'go on upstairs the lot of you, see you in the morning.'

The boys said good night as they climbed the stairs. John again followed Pat up the stairs watching his tight arse moving before him. He didn't understand why, but that arse looked so good. When the boys got upstairs the boys paired off and went to their respective bedrooms.

Pat and John entered the room closing the door behind them. `I'm just going to the bathroom.' John said.

`I'll come with you,'replied Pat.

`No, no, I'll go by myself thanks.' John replied in a sullen tone. Pat didn't say anything just looked at John who was avoiding his gaze. John got his gear and headed to the bathroom. He returned 10 minutes later and sat on the bed.'where am I sleeping.'

`Where you always do.' Pat responded surprised by the question.

`Yeah but are you going to wear pyjamas ?'

`No I can't you know that, won't make any difference. You're not going to rape me are you?'Pat said trying to make light of John's mood.

`Go do what you got to do.' John replied abruptly.

On Pat's return Pat asked,`What's crawled up your arse that you're all shitty. Tell me.'

John sat for a moment not responding then,' I came over to stay the night with my mate and I end up with you trying to make me gay and doing things with them other two. What if they tell someone?'

`They won't, they wouldn't do that, or we could tell on them.'

`Tell what, I sucked cock and ate spunk and licked spunk off you. They did nothing we did it all. I'm not gay Pat, fuck I don't want this around school and my parents will kill me.'

`Don't worry about it, I don't like it either but they won't tell anyone, why would they.'

`Yeah well I bloody hope not. I don't want anyone thinking I'm gay, I'm not.'

John had no sooner finished when the two younger boys walked in announced. `Hi lovers what you doing.' Max asked cheerily.

`Fuck off Max we're going to bed, and don't just walk in here like you own the joint.' Pat admonished.

Max looked to Paul and grinned, then back to the two boys sitting on the bed,' well actually I do own you, both of you.'

John jumped to his feet and grabbed hold of Max by the shoulder,' Listen you gay little turd just fuck off. Don't come in here trying to standover us.'

`Oh really, I was trying to be nice. Have a look at your phones, I sent you a message. Look at it then we can talk further.'

Both boys went and retrieved their phones whilst making threatening remarks. Pat on opening his phone and looking at the message just stared at John awaiting his reaction. John on seeing the message exploded,' You fucking piece of shit fucking delete it now or I'll break you're fucking neck. Delete it.'

`Wait let me send you this one.' Max tormented.

John continued watching his phone. The next message arrived and he looked at it. He threw his phone on the bed, moved across the room catching the others by surprise and grabbed Max by the throat. John completely overpowered Max and took his phone off him casting Max aside to the floor.

`You just made it so much worse for yourself fuck head. You reckon they're the only copies we got.'

John was scrolling through the contained photos. Max must have taken these whilst Pat was out of the room getting his mother's face cream. They clearly showed John with his lips wrapped around Paul's cock. There were so many as if Max had just kept his finger on the shutter button.

`I'm telling you, you delete all of them, then on Monday at school there'll be all these kids knowing how you like cock, and cum all over your face. Did you see the one of your boyfriend licking it off. So sweet.'

Pat had seen only the one sent to him and that was of John, so he hadn't felt as threatened but now knowing there were more he was concerned. He didn't want the school knowing what had happened here tonight. ` please Max be reasonable, we were all just playing around. Why spoil a good night.'

`I wasn't going to, it was your boyfriend who caused this upset. I only wanted to show him what we had, but now, well you know......'

Your a fucking turd Max, you too Paul. You ought to...' John raged. Before you say something you'll be really sorry for I'd shut it. I'll tell you what we'll do, to let make to us feel better, you suck our cocks that's fair.' Max said staring straight at John,' No arguments, just do a good job and tomorrow I don't send out any pics, your call.'

John started to rage again but Max held up his hand,'remember no arguments, you either want to or you don't, honestly I don't give a toss, so make your mind up. It's blow or show.'

Neither boy said anything they moved and sat side by side on the bed, Pat naked and John in his briefs. The two boys moved in front of the seated boys,' lose the briefs John.' John stood and took off his briefs. Pat looked across at his friends exposed penis. The sight of John naked was enough to stimulate Pat as he began to harden. On seeing his brother starting to become erect Max said,' Fuck you're a fag bro, sight of a cock and you're on it.'

Max and Paul stood close between the sitting boys' legs. `Ok take down our shorts and feast on your late supper. Oh, and remember, any teeth and we piss in your mouth.' Max threatened.' Look up at us while you're doing it, I want to see how much you enjoy it. Start sucking guys I don't want to be here all night.'

Ten minutes later both the young boys had emptied their balls into the sucking mouths. They were smiling to each other on their victory over the older boys. Max knew what some of the future held, and he was going to enjoy dominating and humiliating this pair of older teens. They were really dumb. They didn't question that Max never lost enough to get naked and do a dare. They were too dumb to realise the cards were marked game cards. What was it his father used to say, young, dumb and full of cum. Dad was right, they're dumb. To top it all off both he and Paul now had a load more photos for their library which he thought he would send and share with both teens.

Max looked down on the two seated boys,' when we go you might want to look after each other. Your woodies say you must have enjoyed yourselves.'

`Just leave us be will ya. You got what you wanted.' Pat mumbled. John just glared at the two younger boys.

`Thanks guys you did good. I promised no photos tomorrow and I always keep my word. What you guys doing tomorrow, going to the beach aren't you?'

`Yeah but you ain't coming.' John snapped back.

`Ok, ok, but I'll tell you, seeing as how you want to be so friendly, we want some photos of you having fun on the beach tomorrow, ok.'

`What'd you mean Max, you want photos of us at the beach? You're a weirdo.' Pat enquired.

`Sure I am so send me some photos of you guys playing around with your friends on the beach. Ok. Oh and I want two photos of you two together on the beach smiling at the camera with your cocks out on full show, hard.'

You gotta be joking eh. We're not going...John was forcefully telling Max until interrupted.

`You'll send them or I send two out on Monday. Understood. If you think I'm bull shitting you just try me.' Max replied in a firm tone,'just try me, see who wins this one.'

Pat and John sat on the bed, their erections now diminished, staring up at the boys. Paul and Max looking down on them, smiled and Paul said' good night, thanks for that. I'll sleep a lot better. See ya later guys.' As they were going out the door,' and don't forget our pics tomorrow, twenty should do it. Show us your friends. You send a pic of their cocks to and we might do you a favour or two. See what you can do.'

When the two younger boys left John and Pat, John turned to Pat and said' Fuck `em I know how to fix that prick I won't go to the beach. He can stick it.'

`No mate no good, if you don't do as he says he'll make you sorry. He'll send out the photos. Mate he'll do as he says.'

`Before coming here everything was sweet now I'm being fucked over by your brother. Listen Pat I don't care you're gay but I'm not. You need to tell Max all that, both him and that other runt Paul.'

I'll talk to Max during the week and see if I can convince him we're straight and not to do what he's saying he'll do. He might understand. John was still sitting on the bed alongside Pat and still naked. Pat was staring down at Johns flaccid cock. The sight had him on the way to be erect again. We going to bed now.'

John stood, his flaccid cock hanging over his balls topped by his black bush. Pat stood with him. `Jesus Pat doesn't that thing ever stay down. You reckon you're not gay.'

`I'm not mate, really I'm not, it's just you're my friend, my best friend and I like looking at you, you look so manly .' Pat mumbled.

`Whatever, and thanks I guess for the compliment.'

`Looks like you like being naked as well, you're getting hard too,' Pat said to his friend whilst closely watching John's cock beginning to become erect.

`I'm going to bed.' Having said that John got into bed and pulled a sheet over himself.' Keep on your side and don't sneak over.'

As Pat moved to get into bed and with the thought of being so close to his friend he was fully erect again. He was starting to ache his cock was so hard. He crawled into bed with John watching his every move.' Good night John I'm sorry things went bad today I really am.I'll try to fix it with Max.'

`Good night Pat. You just keep that thing to yourself, see you in the morning'.

The two boys rolled over so their backs faced each other and set about going to sleep, with their dreams. --------------------

The two boys sat in the back seat, behind Ken driving and Tom as shotgun. After introducing John at the house and loading their gear, including boogie boards, they had left for the beach. The boys talked freely laughing and getting along freely. John's mood had improved greatly since last night. They hadn't seen the other two younger boys when they came downstairs for a quick breakfast after showering. Both Pat and John were dressed in baggy board shorts and t shirt with flip flops on their feet. John wore a speedo under his shorts, Pat nothing.

After arriving they all took to the water and surfed not emerging from the water until late morning. They came out of the water, up the beach and dropped onto their towels. As they sat taking in the increasingly warm sun's rays Ken asked if anyone brought sunscreen as he was sure he would burn as the heat increased. Tom then said he could use a coating as well. Pat didn't have any he had never used it with his skin tone. John replied he had some and dug around in his bag. He threw the tube of cream to Ken.

Ken applied the cream to his face, neck and front torso then turned and asked for a volunteer to do his back. Pat was going to when Ken said,' hey John come rub this on my back will you?'

John looked up at Ken surprised at the request,' sure, no problem.'

`You do me and then I'll do you.' Ken chuckled at his remark. John got a quizzical look on his face.

`You want to be careful John you don't catch something while you're doing him. You know what these uni guys are like.' Tom added.

Ken stood and pulled off his board shorts leaving him in a brief pair of red speedos. `Might as well make the best of it and get my legs tanned as well.'

The others looked at Ken as he spoke. Pat ogled the well built young man. He was very athletic and he was completely smooth, not a hair to be seen on his body anywhere. As Pat was thinking this Ken raised his arms over his head as if reaching for the sky in an exaggerated stretch. He had no hair in his armpits either. Pat decided he must shave or something. John at the same time was watching Ken. He too was impressed with Ken's athletic build. He was much the same as Tom but slightly heavier and taller. John guessed he was just over 6feet (180cm) tall and probably 165lbs (75kgs).

`You wearing speedos under them?' Ken asked of John as he got over to him to apply the sunscreen,'if you do whip off your shorts and then you can get rid of the crap tan lines, get your legs and back tanned.'

John was going to deny wearing speedos then thought if he said no or refused what Ken said they might think him a prude or just strange so he yanked down his shorts and stepped out of them. John was also wearing red speedos, last years, so brief like Ken's.

Hey good look mate, you look really well built.' Ken remarked taking in the sight of the now speedo clad lad. John just a bit shorter than Ken but solidly built as a result of his gymnastics training and a golden tan with his black hair looked eye fetching in the red speedo. Jesus mate we'll have them coming from everywhere, they see you. You're hot.'

John blushed, he had never had anyone say that to him before especially a man. He liked the compliment but hoped Ken wouldn't say anymore. John squatted next to the now sitting Ken on his towel and bent forward. `You ready for this, you want it on your back yeah?' John enquired.

`Yes mate wherever the sun hits skin put it on. You need to rub it in thorough or it will just wash off.'

John started his task, tentatively to begin, he had never massaged another person's body like this before. He started at the neck then slowly worked the trapezius then deltoids. Ken was muscle hard. He rubbed the cream in. He continued down the back, under the arm area, Ken giggled, he's ticklish.

`Don't miss where I'm white from no sun around the top of my arse John, that'll burn easy I think.'

John got more cream on his fingers and began to apply it around the belt line and lower. With these brief speedos the top of Ken's arse crack was on display and it was white. John gently moved his fingers around, coating the bare white skin. First accidentally, John's middle finger slid down the arse crack as he rubbed in the cream. Enjoying the feel and with Ken leaning forward slightly giving greater access, he repeated the action several times, slowly running his finger up and down the crack of the young man.

`Your turn, lie down,' Ken directed to John.

`I'm pretty right mate I think,' John responded.

`I'm not taking a no, can't have you sunburnt.' While saying this Ken had lent back to an upright sitting position. In this position it was obvious to anyone looking he had an erection. There was a glistening dark spot on the front of his swimmers. Ken ignored his appearance.' Come on.'

Rather than argue with Ken he obeyed his direction. He got up on his knees and walked across to his towel and lay face done resting his head on his crossed arms. He closed his eyes waiting for Ken to begin. He could feel his erect cock being forced into the towel covered sand beneath him. For some reason John couldn't understand he was very hard from just putting cream on Ken's back. He knew that wasn't a normal feeling but it just happened.

`Ok let the master work. Roll over and I'll do your front first.' Ken said.

`Nah I'm right I'll do my front.' John responded pulled from his relaxed state and concerned his hardon would still be prominent.

Ok I'll start on the back,' Ken replied as he squeezed some cream onto John's neck and shoulders. This will combine putting on sunburn cream plus a massage, so back first then front, and don't argue I'm the boss.'

Ken kneeling at the side of the prone lad slowly worked the cream and fingers around John's taut tanned body.' What age are you again?'

`I'm 15 going on 16 end of the month.'

`Jesus you got a great body for a young bloke you must do a lot of exercise.' The hands continued working.

`I do gymnastics, tramp work mainly, with Pat. We train three days a week plus competitions then we got PE three times a week and sport on Wednesdays and in summer swim or surf. Keeps me busy.'

`Man I never had a bod as good as yours when I was your age. Like all you guys are like jocks eh.'

`Nah we're not jocks we don't do football coach says all that muscle is no good for the sports we play. We got to be supple.'

Ken moved from John's back down to the top of his swimmers. There was a white area that didn't get exposed to sun. Obviously doesn't swim in speedos Ken thought. Ken pulled slightly on the back of the costumes to pull them down a bit. He rubbed some cream into the soft smooth skin. As he rubbed in more cream his fingers slipped inside the back of the swimmers and Ken could feel the firm ass mounds. A finger slipped into the crevice.

`Eh, ain't no sun gets there.' John suddenly responded at the intrusion.

`Sorry slip of the wrist,' Ken joked. He finished with the rump area and with some more cream on his fingers started to massage the upper thighs. It wasn't long before the fingers were reaching up the thighs and under the leg bands. They then wandered down between the legs and slid up the inner thighs as far as they could be pushed. The fingers were now coming in contact with the speedo clad cods.

John jumped and rolled over and sat up.'ok I'm done.'

Nearly.' Ken bent over to John and forcefully pushed him to lay flat on his back on the towel. Just quickly do the front.' John went to resist and say something but Ken had grabbed his towel and dropped it over John's face,' just be quiet and lie there be finished in a few minutes you'll be a new man.'

Continue Ken did. Lying before him was a beautiful built boy in a brief speedo with an erection and a glistening wet spot showing through the wet red fabric. John with his face covered by a towel. Pat had not been watching proceedings he had been lying eyes closed taking in the sun. He heard Ken cough several times and when he slid his eyes open he saw Ken nodding at Tom drawing his attention to something. Pat moved slightly to see what the attraction was. It was obvious, John was lying face up with a bone hard cock in his speedo. Both Ken and Tom smiled. Pat didn't think of John his mind turned that maybe Tom may like boys, he didn't know for sure but would have to find out. Ken slowly rubbed cream onto John's chest taking particular interest to massage the nipples and areola. The speedos glistened more as the seepage became more pronounced. Pat now sat up to watch. Slowly down the stomach to the abdomen area. It was now Pat remembered he had to take some photos for Max. He reached to his backpack and with the phone started shooting. Neither Tom nor Ken took any notice. Ken continued his gentle massaging down past the navel into the treasure trail of black hairs. Max looked around for intruders but being camped in the low dunes and natural grass area were safe from disturbance.

Ken squeezed some more cream onto the fingers of one hand whilst the other continued softly wandering through the partially exposed black bush. Slowly Ken's hand was forcing the front of Johns speedos lower. With the steel hard cock pointing off to John's left hip as the back of Ken's hand forced the speedo out and down slightly the fully erect penis belonging to the juvenile boy sprang free to greet the world. It was now on show to any who wanted to see. John with his face still covered by Ken's towel did not react to his organs exposure, Ken continued in his bold uncovering. Ken continued slowly moving the speedo lower slipping his fingers in under the cock which was now so hard it was pointing straight up the boys stomach to his navel. A slightly furry scrotum appeared with two reasonable size nuts enclosed. Ken gently fondled the nut sack in one hand and stroked the raging circumcised 5 1/2 inch (140 mm) cock in the other. Sounds were now coming from under the towel. Pat was euphoric watching his closest friend and capturing every moment, he was achingly hard just watching all of this take place. As Ken continued on working the cock tickling around the frenulum and smearing generous amounts of precum from the boys cock mouth across his glans John unexpectedly made his whole body rigid shooting his legs out in front of him thigh muscles straining.

It was the greatest release of his life. John had been brought to the edge and then over it. Holding onto the firing cock Ken ensured it fired up the boys body landing at his throat and chest and then down to his abdomen and dribbling into his black pubic hair. John had grunted as each shot left him, and now spent, remained with the towel covering his face, his chest heaving up and down. The greyish white sperm shining in the sunlight. Ken moved his hand over John's torso and gathered up some of his protein. He removed the towel and the boy lay with his eyes still closed slowly recovering his breathing. As John opened his eyes as if trying to acquaint where he was he blinked his eyes as coming from a trance, Ken moved his hand to John's lips and deposited a teaspoon of cum on his lips and into his mouth.

It's good for you, all protein, builds muscle.' Ken smiled down at John. John seemed oblivious still to his surroundings and that he had just orgasmed in the sand dunes of Whale Beach. John licked his lips and swallowed. He closed his eyes again as if slipping back into his trance. Ken lent forward and gently kissed John on his red lips. John's mouth partially open allowed Ken's tongue to slip in and a tango of the two tongues commenced. They danced in the ballroom of both oral cavities. After several minutes of intense exchange of oral fluids the boys parted. You are the most magnificent thing I've ever seen.' Ken uttered his hand gently stroking the black hair of his boy. Let's go for a walk up the beach, and a swim.' John pulled his speedo back up and covered himself. He stood and was about to reach for a pair of shorts,' No stay in your speedos I want to show my boyfriend off to everyone.' John blushed but dropped the shorts and moved over to Ken where he draped an arm over the boy's shoulder and started walking away.Back soon,' Ken called you the others.

`Jesus what happened there?' Tom exclaimed.' I didn't know Ken was like that, hell, I never seen him show any interest in guys before. Talk about right in the closet.'

`Yeah me too, I never seen John like that. He hates being touched.'

` You look a bit excited at the moment, like all that did you?' Tom asked in a leading way.

`I bet you were too, like that was um...erotic I reckon. What about the kiss at the end. Ken has got to be gay I reckon don't you? You and him never did anything together.'

`What, no. I'm not fucking gay! Jesus, what gave you that idea.' Tom exclaimed, surprised at Pat's question.

Well it was just like with you and me....' Pat left the statement unfinished.' I thought you might be ...I don't know both ways or something.' Don't worry what I am mate, remember you were the one who sucked on my meat not the other way around.' Tom reminded Pat.' Did it like a pro too I reckon.'

Pat blushed at the reminder. He got turned on by Tom, and what happened just now. Truth be known lots of guys at school, and here at the beach turn him on, just seeing them with bare chests is enough. Probably his hormones were out of balance he reasoned that's why he always seemed to be hard. Just thinking about it had him getting excited again.

`Come on let's go for a quick swim and cool that bloody thing down,' Tom said laughingly while he grabbed Pat's erection showing in his board shorts and held it like a handle to lead him to the water.

`Stop, people will see. You can't just grab hold of people's privates.' Pat said quietly.

`Remember how the bible says about your rod and your staff with comfort thee, well something like that, this is me comforting you with your rod.' Tom laughed his head off.

Pat started off towards the water being led by Tom. With Tom's hand holding onto his cloth covered cock Pat was getting quite excited. He was rock hard and hard started to leak his juice again. The front of his shorts was noticeably wet after the episode watching Ken with John and now Tom holding him tightly and the coarse fabric rubbing on him. ` let go please, Tom you gotta let go.' Tom did not take any notice, just held it tighter and pulled Pat right up against him.

`Why mate, don't tell me you're about to do something in your shorts.' Pat didn't answer. Tom gave a couple of sharp tugs.' I'll let you go if you promise to do as I ask later.'

Pat thought for a moment,' yeah ok but nothing to do with sex.'

Tom smiled,' everything is about sex at our age, but no I won't do anything sexual to you, and with that he released his hold on Pat and ran and dived into the surf. Pat quickly followed.

When the boys came out of the surf John and Ken were sitting next to each other, both clad in their red speedos, talking quietly together. Ken looked up at the returning boys,' enjoy your swim?'

`Sure, enjoy your walk?' Tom returned.' We're going to grab some lunch, it's getting late and we're starving.'

`Not sure about starving, but I'll cop hungry. We are too. Let's go grab a burger.' Ken said standing. The others stood and as Tom and Pat started to walk off John reached to pull on a pair of shorts.' Ken reached over and put his hand on John's,'no mate you don't need them, you look good as you are.' The other two stood watching and were amazed at the control Ken was exercising over John.

The four boys walked up onto the main drag, two boys in board shorts, and two in red speedos, Ken wore a t. When they got to the fast food place they decided they might as well eat in as there were tables inside and out, and there was some good music playing.

They sat at one of the outdoor tables in a walled courtyard. A young waiter came to the table and took their order. Whilst he was standing there the boys joked around with him and he joked back. Told them it would be fifteen minutes for their order. When asked he pointed to the amenities room. A big smile and he was off. All of the boys sat in a booth which faced out into the courtyard and was shaded by an overhead grape vine. It was a cool and pretty place. Pat was on one end of the semi oval seat then Tom, Ken and John on the other end.

Whilst the boys were talking amongst themselves about the day Ken slipped his hand into Tom's lap. He moved it up slightly, found the top of the speedos then slowly worked his fingers inside. Over the next few minutes, without John complaining, moving away or saying anything Ken got his hand in far enough to pull down the speedos and expose john's now erect penis. Ken joked and laughed with the boys the whole time he was playing in john's lap. John now sat with his cock and balls exposed and the speedo held under his balls. The stretch of the nylon forced the balls tight in his scrotum so the balls were clearly outlined. Ken's hand just gently stroked and fondled everything on display.

At another table further across the courtyard sat five younger boys and an adult woman. John, unaware and Ken not caring, did not realise that the younger boys at the table had a clear view of what was happening below the table top with the boys opposite. Fortunately the adult woman had her back to them. The first boy who saw it, watched for a short while until he was sure what he was seeing then alerted the others without the mother knowing. The bigger boy was playing with the other guys cock, which was like really hard, and balls and that was always a magnet for younger boys. The others at the table seemed oblivious to what the others were up to. They became more interested as the waiter returned with some food for the table.

The young waiter walked to the side of the table where John was seated and started to put the plates on the table. Ken didn't withdraw his hand he continued gently flicking the erect penis. Just enough movement to get the attention of the waiter. He looked down into Johns lap and saw the angry red cock head staring back at him. He looked back at John and Ken. Ken smiled, John blushed furiously. The waiter asked if they would like a water as well with lunch. They all said yes. The waiter put his hand on the table and then seemed to accidentally knock the serviettes he had brought off the table along with the salt shaker. He dived to retrieve them. John froze as he felt the hand gathering the salt pot from his crotch. He had winced when the heavy glass shaker had hit him squarely in the cods. The waiter then kneeled down and retrieved the serviettes, spending some time making a close inspection.

`What hours do you work mate, all day?' Pat asked interested because of his own job.

Huh, oh I work Saturday and Sunday and knock off at 3.00. I work 9 to 3. I don't usually work the floor, I'm in the kitchen but they were one short today.' The whole time he spoke he was continually glancing into John's lap. I'll go get the others'.

John said quietly to Ken,`I'll be back in a minute I got to to go to the loo, like now,' pulling Ken's hand away and his swim suit back over his engorged erection. He stood up with the very obvious speedo clad swelling pointing now to his left hip. Both Tom and Pat noticed, it couldn't be hidden.

`Want me to come?' Ken grinned.

`Nah I'm good, back in a few.' John set off for the men's room.

He had to pass close to the table of five younger boys. John took no notice of them, not knowing they had seen what was happening minutes ago. As he got close one of the boys elbowed the one next to him to get his attention and when he had, he nodded towards John. When the other boy looked he also noticed the prominent swelling even though the guy with it was trying to disguise it by bending slightly and hanging his hand down over his crotch.

As he passed the eldest boy who was awake to where the speedo boy was going said to the table' I got to go to the toilet mum.' The blonde haired kid stood and proceeded to follow the red speedo to the men's room. After blondie had left the table the other older boy said,'I'll go to Mrs G, make sure nothing happens to him.' He too stood and walked to the men's room.

Standing in a cubicle up to the pan but without the door closed John had pulled down the front of his speedo and stood apparently not peeing. The blonde boy sneaked in and stood up to the wall urinal, dragged down his shorts and tucked them under his balls as if preparing to pee. He heard several grunts coming from the boy in the cubicle, he knew what he was doing.

`The other guy got you going eh, he your boyfriend?'

John hadn't heard the kid enter, he spun around at the same time trying to tuck himself back in. At the very same time the door creaked open and in walked the other young lad. `What's doing Benny?'

`This kids knocking the top off it. I guess I would to if I'd been getting jerked under the table.'

`Blondie's mate, Peter, said,'oh hi Baker what you doing here.'

`You know him do you, this gay guy.'

I'm not fucking gay, got it.' John Baker then took a close look at the two younger boys standing over by the urinal. Fuck , he thought to himself I know this little red haired prick. He's Bill Anderson's brother. What you doing over here.'

`Having a surf with the family, what you doing?'

`Yeah, same, surfing is all. Your brother here?'

`Wouldn't reckon that's all, not by what we seen.' Benny retorted.

`You didn't see nothing.' John snapped back. Peter remained quiet.

`You want to come over to the table and ask his and my brothers what they saw. Even the waiter likes what you was doin'.'

John didn't say anything, just stood then said ,`I got to go see you round.' He was hoping he could bluff out and just walk away.

`Yeah cool mate see you at school.' Benny said

`You go to Hills.' John asked his mood darkening not liking where this could go.

`Sure we both go there me and Pete, 8th grade. See you there and I'll show you something if I can find it.'

Without further talk John returned to the table, downcast. He looked at Ken and whispered,'we got to talk.'

`Sure mate, just talking to the boys I'll drop them off home then I'll drop you, cool with you.'

`Sure, I guess.'

The black Ranger pulled up out the front of Tom's place. Tom bent over gave Pat a hug and told him he'd see him on Thursday if not before. He grabbed to his gear from the tub and waved the boys goodbye.

Arrived at Pat's and he asked John `you coming in.'

`No mate Ken's going to drop me off, got some shit to finish before class tomorrow. Thanks for the weekend.'

`All cool mate see you tomorrow. Thanks for taking us Ken.' He gathered his gear from the tub and headed into home. Ken tooted the horn as he drove off.

Pat entered through the back door and saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table reading a paper. `Hi mom.'

`Hello Patrick, you enjoy the beach.'

`Yeah good mum, surf was great. I'm going to up finish some homework. Call me for dinner.' With that Pat kept walking into the house and went up to his bedroom.

Meanwhile Ken was driving towards Johns place when he made a turn in the opposite direction to where John lived. `Where you going I live the other way.'

`It's cool mate I know where you live I just want to go somewhere quiet where we can have a talk ok. How about I pick up some cokes or something on the way?'

`Sure, a coke would be good, and some crisps.' John added.

After stopping at the shop Ken continued on to the large natural bush land park and found a spot. He pulled the car in under a tree, turned the truck off and turned and faced John. ` I really need to talk to you. I want to talk about us.'

`I don't know what to talk about or say. I......'

Ken got out of the drivers seat and moved to the back door and got in,' come sit in here.'

Without questioning, John followed Ken into the back seat. Ken reached out and took John's hand. John moved closer to Ken, now sitting shoulder to shoulder. The boys looked at each other without speaking. Ken leaned forward and tentatively kissed John on the lips. John sat there not responding. Ken continued. He moved a hand to the back of John's neck and pushed his tongue between John's closed lips. At the pressure John opened his mouth and allowed the invading tongue full access. The two oral organs jousted with each other. The boys lips were smashed together in a passionate lip lock. They pulled apart to take breath.

`I think I love you.' Ken declared again attaching himself to Johns lips.' You're the most beautiful person I've ever met.' The two continued the lovers' embrace. Both boys were now sexually grinding at each other. Ken's free hand had moved to John's nipple and was fingering, and pinching and pulling, heightening the sexual tension.

John dropped a hand into Ken's lap. Onto the distended red speedo. He had not yet seen Ken and whilst he couldn't see the distortion in the red speedo, he could feel a prominent hard rod. He squeezed it as if milking a cow. Pressure on, pressure off, pressure on.

`Oh.. fuck, fuck..stop..I'm going to cum.'

John broke the embrace and dived his mouth down onto the speedo clad leaking erect cock. He sucked through the nylon wanting to taste his lover's cream. Ken pushed his head away.

`No mate, just stop a minute, please. We really need to talk. I promise we can go again soon, yeah.' Ken awaited acknowledgement from John. He needed him to calm for a minute. After John looked up at Ken the two then started their talk, mainly Ken.

Ken expressed how his friend Tom had not known he was into guys. He claimed he wasn't sure until today meeting John. Ken was concerned about people knowing and that they would need to be discrete but if asked Ken said he wouldn't deny John was his boyfriend. All other matters they would work out. Ken told John he was moving into an apartment near the university so they would have a secure place for their get together.

John expressed his confusion with the day. He told Ken he considered himself to be straight and that whilst he really liked Ken he wasn't sure about a boy on boy relationship. Again he repeated he was straight.

`You can't believe that John. You can't. With everything you've done today. The way you've responded to our togetherness. The kiss you just gave me. You can't be straight, you got to understand who you are and what you want.'

John said nothing for several minutes and the boys simply sat looking at each other. Ken looked down into John's lap. The swollen penis lay pointing up to the left hip. He took hold of the covered erection. John went to move away as a surprise reaction but Ken held firm and John relaxed accepting the hold of the young man. Ken moved his hand applying pressure then release, John moaned. The wet spot was no longer just a spot it had become significant.

`You can say no but you want me handling you, you love it, I can tell.' Ken said.

John slowly shook his head,' No I don't, I'm just horny. I'm not gay please let me go, please. I like you a lot. I like you as a friend but I can't do more. I don't want to do more. You get me worked up and I get confused.'

Ken continued his squeezing then moved his hand inside the speedos and brought the straining erection into the daylight. John didn't try to stop him. Ken placed a hand on Johns chest and applied pressure causing John to lay back against the armrest on the inside of the rears door. Ken moved forward and reached into the centre compartment of his truck and picked up his phone. John lay back, head on the arm rest, legs across Ken's lap, cock exposed rock hard with Ken long stroking him.ken used all of his prick tricks he knew and soon had John on the edge of cumming. He stopped several times, moving a hand to the sack of balls or reached up to the pert nipple. All John could do was moan In ecstasy at the feelings causing through his body. The final act was Ken leaning forward and gently blowing a soft warm breath across the slick slime coated glans. A tickle of the frenulum and a long stroke to the base, a tight squeeze and then a long stroke to the top with three quick short screwing actions around the circumcision and with a body grunt John released his load. It sprayed from his cock and as it wanted to escape Ken blocked the tube causing pressure to build then releasing causing cum to shoot up to Johns face and chest. When the final oozing ceased Ken then rubbed his hand across the cum splattered face and fed it to John. He licked clean Ken's hand. The final act was to take what was left and massage through John's black hair.

John was slumped back against the door, looking as if exhaustion had overtaken him. Ken took his final photo, rubbed his hand across John's stomach to clean anything sticky then got out of the car and back into the drivers seat. Not a word passed between them. Ken started the motor and turned around back towards John's place.

`This your place?' Ken asked John who seemed to be dozing. No answer.' Hey, John, this your house?'

John opened his eyes, slowly coming back to a conscious state. Ah... yes ... this is me thanks.' Ken got out of the car and went around to the rear passenger door and opened it. Hi guys, been boarding?' Ken asked of a group of young guys walking down the footpath carrying their skate boards. ` Yeah mate, they just opened a new ramp,' one of the boys answered and in doing so looked in through the open door to see John sitting there with his spent cock and balls hanging out over the top of his speedo. He grabbed the arm of the kid next to him. At the same time Ken reached in and took hold of John and helped and pulled him from the car,' let me help you Johnny boy, been a big day.' The kids on the footpath saw the teen emerge from the car with his genitals exposed and Ken reaching in and pushing them back into the brief speedo.

The boys passing by were no longer passing they were watching intently what was happening with the two at the truck.' Better put these away, people will think you're gay Johnny. ` Ken then went to the back of the truck and retrieved Johns gear. When John had picked it up with his hands now full Ken moved in front of him, placing his hands on John's hips, lent in and kissed him on the lips, at the same time pushing the speedo lower on his hips exposing his bush in the front and arse crack. The spectators all laughed and pointed. Ken looked into John's eyes and said,' I've put my number in your phone when you want to be mine call me.' With that Ken walked around the truck onto the footpath passed the younger boys, across the front of the truck and then sat in the truck. Ken had an erection, which in his red speedo was clearly outlined and looked impressive. The youngsters all clearly got a show as Ken purposely showed off to them. He started his truck, tooted the horn at the retreating John and drove off.

Meanwhile whilst this was happening with John, Pat was lying on his bed, bedroom door closed talking to his friend Tom. They had talked about what a great surf they'd had and were now discussing what had occurred between John and Ken.

Pat questioned if Tom thought either one or both of the other two boys might be gay. He told Tom he didn't think John would be. He didn't mention what had happened at his place the previous night.

Tom told Pat he had known Ken and his family for years. The families were close friends. His father and Ken's dad were good friends and had done business forever. Ken had a younger brother and sister, Ken's dad was wealthy, that's how Ken got the truck, his dad bought it for him. When asked what Ken's dad did Tom responded,' he's got pharmacies, don't know how many but a few.'

Tom said to Pat' been a real odd day. It was like John was a bitch on heat and Ken was the dog trying to fuck her.'

`'Yeah, be interesting tomorrow at school. Me and John have got practice tomorrow arvo too so I'll get to talk to him.'

`Yeah well I liked being with you anyways, I had a good day. Listen give me a ring tomorrow after you talked to John. Let me know the goss' eh.'

`Ok talk tomorrow, good night Tom.'

`See ya bud.' The call disconnected.

Next: Chapter 7

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