Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Jun 26, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer Tom Hooker 16y, 11th grade. Son of employer. Close friend. John Baker 15y, 10th grade, Pat's best friend Joe King, 15y, 10th grade, Pat's good friend David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 5

As Pat arrived at Hookers for his first Saturday he saw Tom standing in the entrance taking in the morning sun. At the sight of Tom he broke into a broad smile. He knew he was going to enjoy work.

G'day mate how ya doin,' Tom called to Pat. See you're all dressed for work.'

Pat was dressed in a red polo shirt and a light blue pair of rugby football shorts plus the mandatory sneakers.'yeah I wasn't sure what I should wear I hope this is ok.'

`During the day I'll see if I can find you a warehouse uniform. When you're in the shop the store manager will arrange that for you. Ok let's get started heaps to do.' Tom was closely watching the younger lad. He didn't want to admit he was smitten by him. Tom was going through the internal conflict of convincing himself he wasn't attracted to boys, he liked girls, which he did, but sometimes his body reacted to the sight of a particular type of boy. One who Tom thought to be special. Pat was so special, attractively handsome but not to masculine, well conformed athletic body but small in stature, soft nature, emotional, dependent, not jocklike or coarse. Tom felt he wanted to be Pat's protector, his partner, his confessor, his friend and more if he could.

Two hours on and Tom called morning tea.'Break time Pat, you want a cold drink or cup of tea.'

The younger boy stopped loading cartons onto pallets, wiped the sweat from his forehead,' can I have both. It'll be good to stop for a minute.'

The boys plus a regular employee, 22 year old Russell, known as Rusty, got their morning tea and a pulled up some empty milk crates and sat in a circle facing each other out in the sun. Rusty pulled off his t shirt and sat bare chested, taking in the sun's rays while just sitting and observing the two boys. All morning he had worked with them packing boxes and loading boxes onto pallets for shipping later in the day. He had worked at Hookers for about 8 months. In this time he had developed a friendly relationship with Tom. Being the boss's son he never did anything out of order but he did love to secretly watch him. Rusty thought Tom to be a hottie. Here today he was introduced to the latest employee, although a casual. Rusty had watched the kid working away lifting boxes he thought the kid would never handle, strong little fellow. Rusty didn't know Pat's age but given what he could see outlined in the kid's shorts and the way it bounced around the kid was obviously very much older than he looked. This kid was packing and Rusty wanted to get up close and personal. He didn't know of Tom's feelings for the boy.

The boys were talking away and freely laughing together. The more he watched the more Rusty wanted to sample Pat. Rusty had chosen to sit opposite Pat with Tom to his right. From where Rusty sat he could see into the leg openings of Pat's shorts. He could see right up to the tops of his thighs. Rusty had gotten hard simply by watching the brown bare legs of the boy moving around in the shorts as Pat moved about whilst talking with Tom. At one stage Pat was so excited and animated in his chat that he splayed his left leg open as he slid further forward on his seat. Rusty was now staring at the bottom of a nut sack and the soft circumcised penis head, dark brown on show. Rusty's vision was locked on the exposed cock head. He had various thoughts not least how large it was but not hard, how brown it was but mainly how he would love to get the kid naked and fuck the life out of his pert little show off arse . He'd bet the little prick tease was a gay boy. He only had to look at him and listen to the way he spoke, all prim and proper like.

`Righto guys time to start, smoko is over.' Tom called.

`Ok I'll just run to the toilet first if that's ok?' Pat asked of Tom who simply smiled and replied,'Get going.'

After Pat had bounced up from the group and started running to the toilet, Rusty said to Tom,' good idea I might join him, only be a minute.' He rose and hurried after the boy.

When Rusty entered the amenities washroom he walked as stealthily as possible not wanting to make any sound. Standing up to the stainless sheet steel urinal was Pat. He had pulled his shorts down to be around his thighs and had pulled his polo shirt up in front holding it in place with his chin against his chest. He was looking towards the ceiling. His right hand was moving freely and he had arched his back. Rusty opened the zipper on his work shorts and pulled out his hard penis, it poked straight, uncircumcised. He peeled back the foreskin then stepped boldly up to the urinal, shoulder to shoulder with Pat. When he looked down the lad was shaking his swollen penis.

Pat for the moment froze then quickly attempted to rescue the situation by letting his polo fall to minimally obscure the very inflated cock. Rusty smiled at Pat.'I'm sure Mr Hooker would like to know his employees are jerking their meat on his time when there's work to be done. It's my duty to tell him I reckon.'

`No, no, please don't do that, it's my first day.'

`Yeah it is and what you reckon this is ok do ya. It's not school pal, playing with your little dinks in the dunny at recess. No mate this won't do at all.'

`Please Rusty don't tell him. Please sir don't. I wasn't jerking I was just shaking off'.

`I'll think on it between now and lunch. Meet me here when we break for lunch and I'll tell ya what's gonna happen.' The whole time Rusty had been speaking to Pat he stood before him with his penis erect through his fly. Pat stood facing him with his cock, now erect, pointing out and up. Both rarely looked at the others face, they concentrated on the others cock.

At the sound of approaching footsteps both hurried to redress themselves and turned to leave the washroom as Mr Hooker walked in. `Oh hello, not in here jerking off in my time I hope?' Hooker said firmly but with a great smile on his face.

Pat froze wondering how Mr Hooker knew. Rusty threw his arm over Pat's shoulder pulling him close said,'yeah boss just giving my girl here some lessons in how to please a man.' That said he started laughing out loud. Pat was grim faced.

As Pat and Rusty returned to the work area,'make sure you're in there at lunchtime.'

`Where have you two been I was just about to come looking for you?' Tom asked. As he asked the question he looked at the others faces. He could see Pat was not happy as he was before going to the toilet. He also noticed Pat had red eyes, this needed explanation. He told them the work that needed to be completed. The two were effectively split up for the next two hours. He would speak to Pat when the opportunity presented.

As the morning progressed Tom took the opportunity to take Pat aside into a secluded area of the warehouse. Tom sat on a crate and stood Pat in front of him. He looked into the boy's eyes, he knew there was a problem as Pat would not hold his gaze. He proceeded to coax from Pat why he was upset and what had occurred when both he and Rusty went to the toilet at the end of morning smoko. It took time but eventually Tom got what he believed to be the full story. Inwardly he was seething at what Rusty had done. He understood why, but he did it to his boy, his, not on. Tom instructed Pat he was not to meet Rusty at lunch in the toilets and Rusty would not cause him any problems. Pat was to just go back to work, put it behind him and smile. Tom said,'I'll fix it, there'll be no fallout.' The two boys returned to their task.

When lunch came, the group of three sat together on the milk crates again, outside in the sun. After several minutes Rusty stood and told the others he was going to wash up. Tom closely watching, noted Rusty nod his head at Pat indicating the amenities room. As Rusty entered the building Tom stood and said to Pat,' I'll be back in a minute.' He then walked to the amenities room. As he walked into the room he noted a door on the far cubicle row of four was closed. Tom walked quietly to the door and lightly tapped.

`Come and get your lunch, sausage on a stick,'then a light chuckle. Tom placed his hand on the door and gently pushed. The door was unlatched and opened to reveal Rusty sitting on the toilet with the lid down, pants at his ankles slowly stroking an erect six inch penis.

`Get out of here, get out! The fuck you doin', get out!'

`Just so you know Pat won't be coming not now, not ever.' Rusty was about to interrupt.' You shut the fuck up and listen, he isn't coming and never will be. You ever speak to him again and try to get him to do shit with you I'll see you're fucked. Fucked. You understand me. You do not go near that kid ever again. You do, you'll lose more than your job.'

`He wanted....'

`He wanted shit. Cop what I'm saying and I let it rest, you want to keep going I can do that too, but you'll pay the price.'

`You can't threaten me I'll tell your father, try and standover me.'

`What you going to tell him, you tried to force a minor into sex with you. What you think he's going to do. Huh, what? I understand because we sell some of the stuff we do at Alternate Life seems like everything goes but it doesn't. You work by same rules as everyone else. Understand this, Pat is my very good friend and I'll protect him. You understand what that means, yeah. So up to you, leave the kid be and we forget about all this or I take it as far as you want to go and a bit more. What's it to be?'

Rusty's erection had by now completely disappeared. He had a white sickly look to his face. He was visibly shaken by the confrontation with the young Tom Hooker. `I'll be out in a minute. I won't have nothin' to do with the kid.'

`By the way, he didn't come to me I got it out of him. He didn't put you in, it was just obvious you were after him. Do the right thing case closed.' Tom backed out of the cubicle, went to the wash basins and washed his hands then returned to finish lunch with Pat. Tom was pleased with himself and the outcome. It made him realise how susceptible Pat is to succumbing to pressure.

When Tom returned Pat was sitting eating his lunch with a concerned look across his face.'hey mate you nearly finished or you going to wait for me,'Tom said cheerfully. Pat looked up at Tom anxiously. `All good as I told you it would be, no more worries. All over and Rusty understands.'

The afternoon raced by and 4.00pm knock off time arrived. Rusty had not said a word to Pat about anything that happened earlier and was quite helpful and pleasant. Tom told them it was time to finish up for the day. Rusty said his goodbyes and left Tom and Pat standing by themselves in the warehouse.

`Let's go mate, finished for the day. You going to take a shower.?' Tom asked of Pat.

`Not today I didn't bring a change and I don't want to wear a towel home again.'

`Well you could have a shower and wear nothing home.'Tom said with a huge grin on his face.

I could but I'm not, last time I did that there was this mad pervert sitting next to me'. Pat smiled up at Tom. I got to go see your dad about my clothes I left here on Thursday and my phone, remember they all got locked away.'

`Yeah ok I'll come up and see you when I'm cleaned up. See you in the old man's office.'

With that Pat left Tom and went to see Mr Hooker to retrieve his property.

`Finished for the day Pat, how did you go?' Mr Hooker asked as Pat entered his office.

`Really good sir thank you, Tom showed me what had to be done and we got it all finished. Mr Hooker I came to collect my things that got locked in on Thursday.'

`Ok in that bag there are your clothes you left, and in this box is a new phone for you. When I took your things out of the drawer your phone fell out and smashed so I've replaced it for you.'

Pat stood mouth agape, he listened to what was being said at the same time staring at a new smart phone that was now his. He stumbled for something to say.

`The phone is set up for you with all of your contacts, photos everything. It has all been transferred and on this piece of paper is your new password.' Mr Hooker watched for a reaction from Pat but all he saw was bewilderment. It didn't cross his mind to ask how they got into his phone nor where his old phone was, he was excited at having the very latest. This is so much better than he had.

`Remember when you were here the other day I told you I'd give you a bonus for all the work you did.' Pat nodded, not really expecting anything.'Well while my techos were at your place fitting the security system one of them spoke to your brother who gave him your laptop and password details.' At hearing this Pat showed surprise and was about to ask questions when Brian Hooker held up his hand,' Well here is your bonus and same as your phone everything you had on your old computer is stored on this one.' Brian handed over the latest Dell laptop.' This has all of the latest wiz bangs available plus some extra software. Here's the spec sheet for you.'

`Wow sir thank you but this is too much and Tom did a lot of work as well. I feel like half this should be his.'

`Don't you worry about Tom he's always getting something and he'll get something out of this as well. Now only thing, the techo set your password which you can't change but this is it. This is your own personal machine so you can do what you like on it and it's just for you.'

Pat had a beaming smile on his face,'thanks so much sir for this you are way to generous.'

`Don't worry Pat these were in a shipment I received the other day and were excess to my needs right now. You never know, one day I might come to you and ask a favour or two from you.'

Pat reached forward offering his hand to Mr Hooker to shake. Mr Hooker took his hand and pulled him forward into a hug wrapping his arms around him. `Just pleased you like them Patrick, it was my pleasure. I've put my email and mobile number into your phone if you ever want to talk to me. I want you to think of me as a trusted friend you can come to with anything on your mind alright.' With that Hooker dropped a hand onto the covered rump of the boy and patted it several times,' Righto, off you go, see you next Thursday.' With that Mr Hooker gave Pat's arse cheeks a final squeeze and released him. Pat gathered all of his gear together and walked back to the amenities room to say goodbye to Tom even though Tom had said he would meet him in his dad's office. Pat was elated with Mr Hooker's generosity.

Tom must have been held up because as Pat walked into the locker room looking for Tom, he walked out from the shower room, towel wrapped around him and dripping with water. Pat's eyes smiled at the sight. `Finished with Dad are you. Let me get dried off and we'll give you a lift home.'

`Nah I'm good today thanks Tom I rode my bike here. You see what your dad gave me, unbelievable. It's worth a fortune.'

`It is worth a few dollars but we reckon you're worth it, we're both very fond of you. We'll throw your bike in the back of the truck so that's not a problem, better safe than sorry and drop that stuff.'

`That's true. What'd mean back of the truck?'

`I'm travelling with Ken, he's a mate of mine, he's got a Ranger SUV, so we can drop you home.'

Whilst Pat was travelling home Mr Hooker was busy setting up the clones of Pat's phone and new computer. He had loaded the machines so that when each was activated, simultaneously the clones would duplicate everything Pat did on his devices. He would see all in and out messages, emails, listen to calls if he chose and have access to browser history, photos, tracking and email and phone lists. Brian Hooker realised he was taken in by the boy and would need to use a lot of self discipline to not physically become involved. He was intrigued how Tom thought he would avoid the same pitfall given how Tom was already starry eyed about the boy.

Hooker was also pleased his techo boys had completed the security system in the Siemen's house, it was the same fitted to his house, the warehouse and shops. It is a high end system with a complex instal. The system had touch pads at the front and rear doors for those coming or going to arm or disarm the alarm. The camera system was operational in each room. It could be activated or otherwise by individual room from the central control point in Alan Siemen's office. Everything was recorded to hard disc for review. Alarm and cameras were all motioned sensor activated once live. On each camera there was a red light that illuminated when the alarm was active, cameras were not indicated as the only operational control was from Alan's office. When the alarm was off so was the red light. Hooker was sure Alan Siemen would be overjoyed with the result. He had shown him several recordings taken in the warehouse previously as an example of what they could do.

By the time Pat arrived home it was 5.30pm. He had liked Tom's friend Ken. He thought he was a really nice person. He liked his truck too, it's something when the time comes he would like to buy. When asked by Ken what he was doing tomorrow, Sunday, Pat told them he was off to Whale beach surfing with his friend John Baker. Ken looked to Tom who after a moments thought nodded his head and Ken told Pat they would pick him up at 8.00am tomorrow morning. Pat was overjoyed at the thought of spending the day with Tom. Pat gathered his things from the truck whilst Tom wheeled the push bike up to the side gate. Tom called his goodbyes repeating he would see Pat at 8.00am.

Pat bounded through the side gate around to the rear family room sliding door and entered with a big grin, he had had a great day as it all turned out. Mrs Siemen was standing in the kitchen preparing dinner. Pat in his excitement rushed across to his mother gave her a hug then showed her the treasures Mr Hooker had given him. Pat explained why Hooker gave them to him, although he didn't really understand himself.

Mrs Siemen looked at Pat then said,'why would he do that what does he want?'

`Nothing mum, nothing at all. It was all because he broke my phone so he replaced it and the laptop is a bonus for hard work the other day. He said he had some leftover from a job he'd done.'

`Hmmm, well you're old enough to learn about human nature for yourself but remember the old saying, beware of Greeks bearing gifts.'

Pat gave his mother a querulous look,`I'm not stupid mum, you really think I'm a little child sometimes. I am aware some people will try to buy you but Mr Hooker is a successful business person. Dad said I should take notice of what he says.'

`I was trying to make you aware of human nature. There are those who are always willing to take someone down to their own advantage.'

`I know, but you're always so negative about everything, you spoil all of the good things. I tell good news about Mr Hooker giving me something and straight away you go negative and tell me he's after something, Jesus, it shits me,' Pat says raising his voice becoming very agitated.

`Don't speak to me in that tone.'

`You just want to order me around and I'm sick of it, I've had enough, stuff you. I'm not a little kid. You're not my master.'' Pat shoots back.

With that his mother walks directly in front of him and backhands him across his face. Her being a tall powerful woman, knocks him off his feet. She moves to where Pat has fallen and stands over him,`you act like a spoilt snivelling brat so now I will treat you like one,' she lifts her foot and places it directly on the groin of the prostate boy lying before her,'your balls may have grown but your common sense and brain obviously haven't.' She continued staring down at him and increased the pressure on his groin.'Its a little boy you act like then that's how you're going to be treated.' Still glaring down on him with a cold stare,'get upstairs have your shower and come back for dinner.' Pat went to pull away from under her, but she again increased pressure, it was starting to make Pat uncomfortable.'when you come back make sure you're dressed as your father told you to be, naked. I'll give you little boy and not your master.'

`Dad said I didn't have to be naked downstairs, only upstairs.'

In case you've forgotten he said naked for up and downstairs and from Monday only upstairs if you've learnt your lesson of respect for people. So do as your told or explain it to him tonight on the phone.' That said Pat's loving mother removed her foot from him but continued her glare. Pat thought she had a look as if she just stepped in dog shit. He slivered from under her foot got to his feet, picked up his phone and laptop and left to go shower. that was overly generous of Mr Hooker to give you those items, you seem fortunate.'

Pat wasn't listening he bolted up the stairs, dropped his goods on his desk and proceeded to strip his clothes off and walked to the shower. No need to take others if I'm not allowed to wear any. Pat stepped under the shower and stood there with the soothing warm water cascading over his body. He took the soap and slowly applied it to his upper and lower body. Even the feel of his own hands slowly massaging across his nipples caused his cock to inflate. Now he had one hand gently rubbing over his body and the other alternatively tugging at his cock and balls. Fuck her Pat thought she could be a real bitch sometimes, no most of the time.

Whilst Pat was upstairs in the shower there was a knock at the back family room door. Pats mum looked up to see the tall handsome friend of her son, John Baker standing there. She had forgotten she had told Pat he could stay the night. Ah well not to worry, she remembered Paul Brown was staying, not much difference between three or four boys, after they had dinner she was going to the club this evening with friends. She wouldn't have to put up with them. She smiled at John standing at the door but also at the fact that tonight when she was leaving she would gather all the boys together and tell them Max was in charge and they should take note of what he says, as per her husbands instructions. She grinned broadly at being able to humiliate Pat in front of his friend.

`Don't stand out there John come in, come in. You don't have to knock you're welcome here anytime. How are you dear?'

`I'm real good thanks Mrs S. it's a great night out and they reckon tomorrow is going to be hot and the surf will be up. Looking forward to it all.'

`All right love Patrick is upstairs just got in from work and he's in the shower I think so go to his room and wait for him or along to Max's room, he's in. Dinner won't be long.'

`All good Mrs S, something smells great. See ya soon.' John said as he turned and headed to the stairs. Marie Siemen watched the back of the boy walking away from her. For his age, a broad shouldered beautifully built young man, much more manly than their Patrick. John was already so handsome, she even felt stirrings for him. She watched him disappear, John is a handsome young man. Pat is a more beautiful boy. She wished Pat was like his friend with the great happy nature. Oh well.

John got to the top of stairs, turned and walked into Pat's bedroom, must be still in the shower he thought, dropped his back pack in the corner near the desk and wandered down to the recreation room where he saw max and another kid he recognised but didn't know playing PS4. As John entered the area the other two boys looked up at him and smiled both saying hello to him. Max made the introductions and as he sat so the call came from downstairs that dinner was on the table and to come and eat.

Meanwhile Pat was finishing up in the shower. He was more relaxed now and tried to put his confrontation with his mother out of his head. It was another loss to him. He had been trying to determine if it was just him she didn't like or was he being unreasonable. Right now he was favouring the idea she didn't like him, definitely like she did Max, her golden haired boy. He dried off walked from the bathroom, there was no sign of Max which pleased him for the moment. He went to his room, looked about, thought that straight after dinner he would have a play around with his new lap top. He then heard his mothers call again warning him if he didn't get down there now she would give his meal to the dog. He knew she meant it, and he knew Butch, a golden Labrador, would eat it. He ate everything. He went to the linen press, grabbed a towel to sit his bare arse on and headed downstairs. His mother would never let him sit on chairs or seats with nothing under, she thought it unclean. Just something else about her, she was a clean freak, talk about being OCD.

Down the stairs into the family room table to eat. Pat stopped in his tracks frozen in movement and speech. Sitting at the table whilst his mother worked in the kitchen was Max and his friend Paul Brown. He had been there in the bus when he jerked himself off and blew over the back of the seat. Even worse and most humiliating for Pat was John Baker his very best friend. With all that had happened this afternoon he had completely forgotten he was staying the night and the beach tomorrow. That was his mother's fault she had distracted him. Now here he was standing in front of not just his shit head brother and bitch of a mother also his brother's mate and his own best friend. Max and Paul simply smiled at Pat. John Baker sat open mouthed staring at his friend standing before them completely naked. Pat made no attempt to cover himself, he dropped his eyes slightly and seated himself next to brother Max.

`Good to see ya Pat,' said Paul Brown smiling and leering.

`Glad you didn't get dressed up on our account bro, just come as your are,' Max tormented.

John Baker still hadn't made any comment or said anything to Pat. He continued open mouthed gaping at his friend. The quick sight he had seen of the naked Pat astounded him. John turned to look at Mrs Siemen as she brought food to the table. She hadn't said a word, but John knew she had seen Pat's entry. Just as John was trying to come to terms with Pat sitting at the table max reached over to his brother and began to pinch his nipple.

`Leave off, I'm about to eat.'

Mrs Siemen looked across at the table, saw Max tormenting his brother,'come here Pat and put these glasses on the table and pour the boys a drink please.'

Pat stood to obey his mother's request, from the embarrassment of being exposed to outsiders and Max starting on his brown tit, Pat had already started to chub up. As he stood all eyes were on him. Pat moved across to the kitchen picked up the glasses and walked across to the table and asked the seated boys if they wanted a drink. All did, and Pat placed a glass in front of each boy and one for himself. He returned picked up the jug of orange juice and came back to pour a drink for each boy. He stood alongside John reached over slightly and filled his glass. John had his head turned facing Pat, he was staring at Pat's penis half erect within inches of his face. Pat moved around to his brother and began to pour. As Pat poured Max took hold of his fork from the table and used it to flick Pat's cock. Pat jerked back spilling some juice on the table and floor. Pat realising what Max was trying to do ignored the torment, finished pouring Max's glass, and moved to pour a glass for Paul Brown and himself. When he got to Paul and began to pour, Paul reached out and gently cupped the large dark chocolate brown cock head. Pat immediately went into a fully engorged erection. Without flinching he moved away filled his own glass, returned the jug and returned to the table with a cloth to wipe the split juice on the table and another for the floor. Pat bent over to wipe up the spilt juice from the floor when he felt a foot running over his bare arse. Again Pat ignored the provocative action. John watched everything as it happened, he couldn't understand how all of this was happening and neither Mrs Siemen nor Pat reacted in any way or said anything. Strange.

`When you're finished put your dirty things in the dishwasher. Boys, I'm going out for a couple of hours with some friends so don't burn the house down and if you need me I'm on my mobile. Max you're in charge ok.' With that Mrs Siemen smiled at the four boys and left to get ready to go out.

With the boys on their own and still eating their dinner, conversation between the group picked up. No one made any reference to Pat's nakedness. Finished and kitchen tidied the boys all moved upstairs to their area. Pat led the way followed by John then Max and Paul. Following Pat John had a clear view of the brown arse before him, muscles tightening, each side flexing individually. The hard muscle showed. John found the sight quite titillating.

`Great arse eh?' Max said in John's ear.

`I...I hadn't noticed, and you don't look at your mates like that.' John replied.

`Sure you don't, so you don't want to play with him?' Max asked. John didn't respond just looked at Max unsure of what to say or do.

When reaching the upper floor Pat walked straight to his room. `Come down to the common room mate so we can play teams PS4 or something. Before Pat could respond John replied,'we'll be there in a minute got to get my stuff ready for tonight and I want to have a quick chat with Pat, ok.'

`Sure, see ya soon. Come along when you're ready. I reckon you might want to ask him a few things'. Max grinned and he and Paul continued on to Max's room.

The boys entered Pat's room and John dropped his backpack next to Paul's bed.'what the fuck mate, what's going on with you?'

`What do you mean what's going on?' Pat retorted defensively.

`Fuck off you know what I mean, walking around with your slug swinging. I've known you for a hundred years and in all that time I've never seen you naked, Jesus even when we've had sleepovers or go to gym or swimming, anytime. Now look at you.'

Pat slumped down to sit on his bed, John stood before him looking down on his naked friend. He waited for a response and at the same time unintentionally checked out what was before him. He had always felt a very close affinity with him. Whilst he found himself disgusted his friend was so willing to flaunt himself he, for whatever reason, was also excited to see Pat for the first time. John knew he wasn't gay but he recognised his friend was a good looking guy and fuck what a cock, it put him to shame. John found it difficult to reconcile the Pat he had always known as his friend and the sexually provoking one before him now. He didn't know how to react.

Pat looked up at John,' sit down and I'll explain how all of this shit came about.' With that John sat next to his friend and waited for the tale to unfold. Ten minutes later John sat quietly shaking his head hardly able to believe what he had heard. He was still amazed Mrs Siemen accepted her son walking around the house naked, he knew what his parents would say.

`So even after the weekend you can't wear anything up here and you got no underwear and you're not allowed to wear any?'

`Yep, that's right and probably even worse is the fact I got to do what Max tells me as well or i get penalised and punished by the old man.'

`Yeah, that sucks dude. I'd hate for my brother or sister to be my boss, I can't imagine. But mate to walk around naked all the time like it's pretty off putting, to look and see a bloke with his cock out dangling.'

`John there's nothing I can do about it l just got to do pretty well whatever I'm told by whoever or I'm in deep shit with the old man.' Pat then went on to tell john how Max had coerced him into showing his cock to Paul on the bus and he had to blow a load as well. He told him there was a bit more he didn't want to talk about but Max had also got it all on his phone and said he was happy to show it around.

John looked at a dejected friend,'mate I don't know what your answer is just keep your oldies happy and hope they'll relent at some time. Seems to me right now you're fucked.'

Pat turned to face his friend sitting next to him,' if you're uncomfortable with me like this I'll understand if you don't want to stay the night or go to the beach tomorrow but I can't do anything about it.'

`No you're cool, I never had a pervert and flasher for a mate before. Let's make the best of it and go see your brother before he comes looking for you.'

From downstairs the boys heard their mother calling out she going and would be back in a couple of hours and not to wreck the place.

`When we come back here I'll show you my new phone and laptop, mate that was the best part of the week. I'll tell you about the old perve at work who tried to make me suck him but Tom, he's the boss' son, stopped that. You'll meet Tom tomorrow, him and his mate are going to pick us up here and come to the beach with us.'

John shook his head,'god your life has got complicated. Come on let's go see what the tyrant king is up to. You go first that way I can watch your arse wobble as you walk.' John joked but meant it, he didn't quite understand why, but he did want to look at Pat's arse.

As the two entered the common area Max called to them to take a seat on the floor.' You might want a blanket on the floor bro' or your arse will get cold and sore from the tiles. Always wanting to look after my big brother.'

Pat did as suggested and grabbed a travel rug and threw it on the floor for he and others to sit on. With the four boys on the floor Max was opposite Pat and John sat opposite Paul. They all sat with legs crossed waiting for Max to say something. The boys decided they didn't want to watch tv or play PS4 because it was too long between games for four people. They considered playing monopoly, life, dominoes and several other games but eventually settled on cards. First they played euchre, then rummy, black Kate, and then poker.

After two hours they stopped calling for a drinks break. Max asked Pat to get the boys a soda and some crisps from down downstairs. Without argument Pat got to his feet not thinking of his nudity and set off to get the goodies. John followed him saying he would help.

As soon as the two younger boys were alone Paul turned to Max,'how we going to get them into doing stuff I'm bored with this?'

`Leave it to me, we can play cut the cards or roll the dice and lowest loses a bit of kit and if you've got nothing left you choose truth or dare or just dare. If you win you can get a bit of kit back. What do you think?'

`Sounds ok, lets just do cut the cards, less mucking about. I want to get Pat going and John too if we can. They're both put together pretty good.'

`I didn't know you were a fag Paulie, like boys doodles do you.' Max said while giving Paul a shove.

`No different to you, I like seeing older kids look stupid, they're always putting shit on us.'

Several minutes later the two from downstairs arrived back with arms full of drinks, crisps and biscuits and cheese. `Snacks are served.' John announced in a royal manner. All of the boys laughed. Pat stood with his hands full of cans of drink, allowing a clear and unobstructed view of a growing brown member.'

`What you been up to down there John, nothing I would do I hope?' Paul asked smirking.

What you babbling about,John shot back,`you're a weirdo.'

Here's what we reckon we should do now, tired of the other stuff let's make it more exciting,'suggested Max, at least we'll all play at once and have an interest in what's going on. Try it for half hour and if you reckon it's shit we'll do something else.'

`What you want to do?' John asked. Max told the other two his idea. John wasn't jumping at the idea. Pat knew whatever it was would be embarrassing for him and had no say so just listened but didn't comment. Max went on to say how if you won a hand you could win back your things and made the game sound exciting, at least to John.

`Ok I'll try it for a little while but nothing stupid or where someone gets hurt.' John declared.

`Cool, let's play.' Paul was anxious to get started.

The first hand, all boys split the deck and John was lowest, Pat highest, John removed his shirt. Next hand, all boys split the deck and John was the lowest, Paul the highest, John removed his shorts. Third hand Paul removed his shirt, next was Paul again and he removed his shorts. Fourth hand Pat was lowest, highest was Paul, he had the choice of what Pat had to do.

Paul asked,' so what do I do ask a question or a dare or what.'

`Anything you like you ask either a truth or dare but it's not a dare, it's a got to. If anyone refuses to do a dare the other three will make sure they pay big time, same if they tell a lie. So your pick Paul.'

`Ok I'll do a truth to start. So Pat we know you jerk off so how many times a day do you jerk off?'

Pat wasn't happy talking about his sexual practices and but was known as very truthful,' four times a day.'

There was lots of laughing and making fun, four times a day.' Surprised you haven't got blisters over your cock from over work,'joked Paul.

Next hand John again lost and Paul was highest. John didn't stand but lifted his bum off the floor enough to slip his briefs off. He sat cross legged leaning forward protecting his modesty. On the next hand Max lost his first hand and removed his shirt. Paul sat looking at the bare chested boys around him, he was enjoying this game. Paul lost the next game, boldly stood and removed his boxer briefs. He tossed his briefs on his pile of clothes then for all to see waggled his hips back and forth shaking his very erect 4 inch uncircumcised cock at the seated boys, then sat down. John again lost the next hand and Max was the highest. Penalty, John had to stand up get an erection and jerk off for 3 minutes.

`I'll get even with you, you poof,' John said unhappy about his situation. John stood with his hand covering his very erect penis, pushing it down between his legs trying to hide it.

Max beamed with the embarrassment of John,'you might reckon you don't like it but your wee wee says something else. Come on give it a jerk for three minutes or you want one of us to do it for you?'

`You lot aren't touching it you pervert.' John then took hold of his shaft and began to long stroke his 5 1/2inch (140mm) cock. One minute, two and by the third it was straining and bobbing and showing early signs of precum. During the performance Pat's eyes were glued to his friend. He thought John had a great body which he had seen before but had never seen all of him. Pat would dream of this. The first time he had ever seen John naked and his cock. When the three minutes were up John went to sit but looking up noticed for the first time two small cameras in the corners of the room,'what are the cameras they better not be recording this.' John said covering himself again.

Pat hadn't noticed them either, showed how unobservant he was.' They're not alarmed, you can see there's no red light on. It's a system dad had fitted but it's for when nobody is home. When you arm the system there's a red light comes on, that way you know, so don't worry.' Max explained.

John looked across at Pat who smiled back at him. John had never been naked with a hard on in front of anyone before. He decided it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. All the boys were getting involved.

Pat lost the next hand and Max won. `You got to suck John for three minutes.' Pat was horrified, to do while others watch. John wasn't happy either.' Why has it got to be me, I just had a go?'

`Think of this as your reward for being a good guy.' Max replied,'who doesn't want their cock sucked, especially by such lovely lips. Go on John go stand in front of your boy and turn so we can see.'

Slowly John got to his feet and moved in front of Pat. Pat scowled at his brother, looked up at John then placed one hand on John's arse and one around the erect cock in front of him. John shuddered at the feel of a hand other than his own on his penis. Pat moved forward whilst applying pressure on the firm arse pulling the cock forward onto his lips, tongue then he swallowed taking the cock to his gullet. Pat feverishly worked the cock in his mouth, in, out, tongue bathing, forcing open the cock eye then swallow again and grip tightly with throat muscles. John was moaning with the pleasure of stimulation. It was only several minutes ago he was jerking himself which strangely enough excited him doing it in front of others, now this. Paul was preying he would get a chance at Pat's mouth. As the time expired John was reluctant to pull out the experience so overwhelming and for Pat he held the cock as long as possible. He loved the feel in his mouth, and the sensation of the flexing arse muscles of his friend. Pat hadn't realised nor had John the hand gripping the taut arse cheek, the fingers had slipped into John's arse cleft and were buried deep and tight with the grip. As John pulled slowly from Pat's mouth a string of saliva held onto the tip of the prick to Pat's tongue. Pat moved forward slightly and used his tongue to clean the end of the scarlet cock head. Pat sat back so much wanting to have his friend's cock between his lips. John's prick was steel hard and shining with saliva.

`Fuck that was hot guy, really hot.' Paul exclaimed his juvenile shaft also rock hard from what had happened but now kept excited by his own hand languidly running its length.' You wanna do me Pat?'

`Suck a hole.' Was the response from John.

The boys returned to their positions and started the game again. There were three boys naked and Max with his briefs still on. Before they split the cards again Max suggested to keep things moving that the top two cards could pick to do something with the bottom two or get back a piece of kit. With nothing to lose John, Paul and Pat all agreed. Top card had first choice who they wanted and penalty time was five minutes up from three. The boys who were now excited and tense, split the cards again. John, Pat and Max wanted a win, Paul didn't care the result, it was a win to him. His first time with other boys and he was loving it.

The round decided. Ok Pat go into mum's bathroom and get her face cream and bring it back, Paul you've got John. Paul called John to him,'you told me to go suck a hole well you can suck my cock.' John hadn't thought about this happening to him but knew he couldn't chicken out.

`I never done this before.' John tried to excuse himself.

You'll learn just don't get me with your teeth or I'll piss in your mouth.' Paul came back.'come on get here and meet Paulie.' John moved close to Paul and Paul grabbed John's head and pulled him into his hard cock. Start sucking mate, and no teeth.' John did exactly that, tried to remember what Pat had done for him. Suck he did.

In the meantime while John was giving his first ever head, Pat came back into the room with the face cream.'now lie face down on the floor and grab that cushion and put it under your cock. It will raise your arse up a bit,' Max instructed.

No argument from Pat he knew better. He lay face down his arse up and facing to watch his friend tongue lathering Paul. Paul held firmly onto John's head holding it onto his pistoling cock. John was being mercilessly face fucked. After several minutes of pounding into John's face Paul pulled John's head hard onto his cock and into his sparse pubic hair trying force his cock as far into the boys throat as he could. With his grip pulling the head in tight and fiercely held amidst grunting and groaning Paul released several shots of watery sperm into John's throat. Paul held the head in place until pressure from John pushing against his thighs caused him to ease off and John to again be able to breathe again. John had involuntarily swallowed the watery protein when struggling to breathe. He came off the cock coughing and spluttering repulsed more by the humiliation than the taste of the young boys cum.

As soon as Paul finished with John, Max took the tube of face cream and with three fingers full began massaging it between the cheeks of his older brother. The fingers slid up and down the cleft between the arse cheeks. Fingers gently sliding the full length and at each pass of the hole a finger tip tormenting the soft puckered chocolate lips. The sensation was driving Pat into delirium. Suddenly the action stopped and for the first time this evening Max revealed his turgid 4 inch uncircumcised cock. He skinned back the foreskin and got some cream and rubbed it over the full length. Pat realising what Max was doing began to beg his brother to stop and not do this to him. Max only smiled and when ready, lay on top of Pat, fitting the rampant erection between his brother's buns and began rutting at him as if he were fucking him. The penis slid freely up and down the crack with the rounded now exposed glans rubbing along the bottom of the crease. Each time he hit the spot Pat would shudder with excitement and beg not to out of fear. Max continued this action for several moments when he suddenly stopped leaned back on his knees and told Pat to roll over onto his back. Relieved what he was scared was to happen didn't, Pat quickly did as ordered and as he lay on his back looking up Max kneeled up over his chest and began masturbating. Pat went to close his eyes but was sharply told to get them open and he did. He opened them in time to see the cum shooting from Max's cock. Three good spurts then dribbling. Pat's face now wore the watery cum on his face and dribbling onto his neck. Max fell back, his hand still wrapped around his spent cock, he was spent.

Ok John you come over and clean your mate's face.' John looked at Paul. He got up onto his knees and walked across the few feet to the side of Pat. We'll go on tongue it up.'

Unthinking John bent over his friend and lapped at the warm watery discharge spread all over his friends face. When he was finished he gently placed a palm against Pat's cheek and asked,' you alright.' Pat just nodded and raised a hand and placed it over the one John had on his cheek.

` Orrr, that's really sweet, John you and your little fag boy friend.' Max tormented.

Both boys tore their hands away just as they heard a call from the stairs,' Boys come down and have some supper I brought home for you. Hurry up don't want it to get cold. Come on.'

`Coming mum, we're on our way,' Max called back. He then looked at the others,'unless you want her coming up here you better get moving.'

The boys quickly pulled on a pair of shorts each, except for Pat and hurried downstairs. They were greeted by Mrs Siemen standing near the table with a plate of food in her hand. As each boy sat leaving only the naked Pat, his mother placed the plate on the table and stopped her son who was about to sit and conceal himself. `What have you been doing to yourself. Look at you your penis is all puffy and very red. Have you been masturbating Patrick, and don't lie to me. Look me in the eye.'

`I... I...Yes mum.' Pat stumbled out.

`I hope you didn't leave your mess anywhere I'm tired of cleaning up after you.'

As Pat was about to reply, Max answered,' it's alright mum John cleaned up.' Max laughed and John went scarlet knowing what Max meant.

`We'll have this and get them all a drink please Pat and I'll go up and inspect. It's time you were all in bed by now anyway.'

All of the boys stared boggled eyed at the adult leaving to inspect their area. They couldn't recall if anything was out of place, they'd soon find out.

Next: Chapter 6

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