Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Jun 16, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer Tom Hooker 16y, 11th grade. Son of employer. Close friend. John Baker 15y, 10th grade, Pat's best friend Joe King, 15y, 10th grade, Pat's good friend David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 4

As Brian Hooker and his son Tom approached their home, Tom still wrapped in his towel his father Said,' You've had a bit of growth spirt since I last saw you.'

Tom looked across at his father with a disgusted look,' don't start again, I thought we were over that shit. I saw you eyeing young Pat all afternoon.'

`Been a long time Tommy boy, a long time. You look nothing like the last time you paraded around for your boyfriends. I thought he might appeal to you, just your type, a handsome young lad.'

`Yeah well I'm not into that anymore. I got a good thing going now with some friends and a steady girl. I'm not going to fuck it up, you can bank on that.'

`Yeah well just remember you're at that fancy school to get away from all the shit you created at the last one. I paid a lot of cash to buy you out of trouble, don't you forget it.

Tom snarled at his father,'you never want to let me forget do you, always hold something over me. One mistake.'

` Oh it wasn't just once, remember. I got some stuff to prove it if you're interested. You just remember boyo you do exactly what and when I tell you and you'll keep your daddy happy. OK.'

`Ok whatever. I'll be in at work Saturday but I'm not working in the new shop Alternate or whatever you call it.'

`You're at the warehouse with young Siemen on Saturday, but you'll go wherever I need you, same as the kid. You got on alright with him didn't you.'

`Yeah good. He's a good young bloke. Bloody strong, especially for his size. He works well to, keeps up, doesn't look to slack off'.

`We'll see how good he is over time. Not a flash in the pan. I know you think you can just change your sexual preferences as you please but I'll tell you from experience, you are what you are. You take young Patrick he is definitely batting for the boy team, whether you or him want to admit it or not. You see.'

`Nah dad, he's not. He's got a shit home setup with his oldies, he gets no affection or positive recognition from either of them. Right now he grabs at anyone who'll show him some kindness, that's what he's looking for, that and some self assurance. He'll sort himself over time you see.'

`I know his old man, Alan. He and I mix sometimes at some social gatherings and that. He seems an outgoing adventurous sort of guy. He'll have a go at a lot of things and he's never shy about putting his hand in his pocket for a shout or whatever.'

`Yeah well I think Pat and him are on a rocky road at present and they're like oil and water together. I think it's more like warfare.'

`Well the kid will lose, his old man is bloody determined when he thinks he's right and he never gives in, no matter the pain. Actually we're installing a full security setup at their place tomorrow and Saturday.'

They had arrived home and went in for dinner.

Back at the Siemen house Pat had been summoned to the phone to speak to his father. Pat said very little just a lot of nodding of head and grunting.

The call for Pat finished with,' Yes dad I'll do everything they say. I understand dad.' Then after another break,' I will dad, I understand my last chance. No I won't.' It was a one sided conversation. Pat then called Max to the phone. Pat knew what his father would tell Max he had just received the same message. Max after several minutes of nodding and saying yes sir several times then called his mother to the phone. She dismissed the boys as she went back to the phone to finish the conversation with her husband.

Max returned to the family room and Pat returned up the stairs to his bedroom. At the top of the stairs Pat moved across to a chair directly opposite in the hallway, stood in front of it and removed his shorts. He folded the shorts and placed them on the seat of the chair. He then proceeded into his bedroom. The first part of his father's instructions were now complied with, he was not to wear clothes upstairs until further notice nor clothes downstairs until Monday morning. He was allowed to wear clothes if visitors were down stairs but not upstairs and if he went out on the street. Father reinforced as his mother had told him, he was never to wear any form of underwear. Do not disobey.

His father stressed Pat was to take direction from his mother and his brother, it would be a salient lesson for him in respecting authority. He was also expected to exercise self control. If something did not go his way, he would still do what he was told. His father stressed everything is not about what suits him or what he likes, it's meeting his responsibilities and obligations whilst maintaining respect for those in authority. Patrick was then told the consequences of not acting in accord with instructions as he should act as if those directives were from his father himself. God help you if you go against me again. He told Pat he found Pat's rebellious attitude and disobedience which had been getting worse over the past 6 months tiresome and would no longer be tolerated. Last time it would be mentioned, next time action. Anything he wasn't sure of he could or could not do he should seek direction from his mother or brother. No more discussion, goodnight, see you when I get home.

Pat's evening was brightened when at the end of their conversation his father told him he was pleased he had got the job with Hooker, it was an achievement. He said to Pat,' don't jeopardise your position by not following direction from Mr Hooker to the letter. Give him no excuses, he is a good man for personal guidance. Be willing to take advantage of Brian's expansive knowledge. Do a good job and good night. Be the boy I know you can be'.

Pat prepared his clothes for tomorrow then sat down to complete his homework. Pat felt strange sitting naked at his desk with no concern about being caught out. His father's edicts had some advantages he thought. When Pat would get home and was alone he would always strip off, he enjoyed being naked, but obviously not on show to others.

Pat was cranky with Mr Hooker for locking his clothes away because in the pocket of his trousers was his phone, he would have to get it on Saturday when he went to work at the warehouse. He remembered he had to get a bank account opened that he could gave his wages paid into, that's what Mr Hooker wanted. He'd see if his mother would do that for him. He was just a bit wary of speaking to her at present, to have to stand in front of her with him having everything on show. Pat decided to wait for an opportune moment being speaking to her. He also wanted her to calm down from their earlier exchange this evening.

Everything finished with clothes laid out Pat decided it was time for bed so wandered off to the bathroom to clean his teeth and use the toilet. Whilst standing in front of the mirror he was looking at his exposed body, he couldn't see what Tom was saying about him. Pat just didn't see it, all he saw was a little boy standing there. The only thing that was man size was his cock and balls and it looked even bigger and thereby sillier on a frame his size. As he looked at it so it began to swell. Pat lifted a hand to his nipple and immediately he was rock hard. Without hesitation his other hand was drawn to start stroking his cock.

He brought himself to orgasm, no edging, he wasn't subtle tonight, flog it till it comes. He shuddered as his cum again flew from his throbbing cock. One, two, three, four , five then dribble over the fingers. Pat was leaning for support against the wash basin vanity, mirror in front of him, his cock aimed into the sink. Cum in the sink, and on the surrounds, he missed. He relieved the tension in his balls again, the fifth time today he had cum. He was addicted to masturbation. God he craved the sensation. The stroking, bringing himself to the point where he can't hold in any longer, the explosion as it pumped through his shaft and flew from his cock eye, he was exhilarated by the whole event. He was excited now, he was imagining being with Tom. He loved Tom. He was shocked earlier when Tom stuck his cock in his mouth and then creamed him. All new experiences today especially cock in mouth and then having to swallow another boys cum. Initially it disgusted but later he calmed down, the cock was clean and liked the velvet softness of the skin with a steel rod inside. Tom's cock had no yuck taste and although he didn't want to eat cum or like the taste if that's what it would take to keep Tom then Pat was willing.

Pat finished in the cleaned up, then returned to his bedroom. He climbed into bed and before finally falling asleep considered the days events, particularly the words of his father. He didn't like the outcome but it could have been worse. Pat realised there was no room for deviation from his father's final words, so work to keep his head down and just do as he's told. Easier to say yes and obey and live yo play another day. He was also surprised Max hadn't been in gloating about the control he now had, but he hadn't so Pat took that as a positive. Pat finally nodded off with thoughts of Tom filling his dreams.

As the boys waited for the school bus max and Pat talked briefly about last nights events and Max suggested to Pat he needed to avoid conflict with people right now because no matter what his father would punish him with him at fault. Both boys were dressed in their blue shorts and white short sleeve shirts. A very smart uniform. Standing together you might think they were in the same class there being so little difference in height. Looking at them also, people who didn't know them could never believe they were brothers, they were nothing alike, hair, eyes, build, skin colour, and attitude all different. Each boy wanted to be more like their brother than them self. They never told each other, harbouring their envies and jealousies of each other. Even their voices, Pat a deep soft tone and Max a scratchy breaking chalk on board sound. In fairness his voice was in change as he had entered puberty with all the changes that brought.

`You got no undies on have you?'Max asked Pat.

`No, you know that, after last night, shit.' Pat gruffly replied.'Why can you see something?'

`Well your slug is sort of showing out, bit like you're advertising.' And as Max said this he gave Pat's cock a pat through his shorts.

Pat was mortified, he immediately looked down at his crotch area. Although not as clear a view as Max he could see where his shorts were pushed out where his cock was hanging.' Fuck how do I fix that. I don't want kids seeing my dick.'

`They can't see your dick, just the outline. Looks like you got a sausage hid down your front.' Max said and again reached out and took a handful of cloth covered meat.

Pat pulled away,' fuck off will ya. I don't want a stiffy getting on the bus.'

Max had a broad smile on his face,`I can do anything I like with it and you can't stop me, or I'll just tell dad.'

`He won't want you playing with my junk, he won't cop that.'

`Yeh he will, he said you had to do anything I told you and in any case I could just make up some bullshit and he'll believe me, don't ya reckon.'

`Please don't Maxie please don't, he'll kill me if he hears anything bad.' Pat pleaded genuinely concerned about his precarious position in the family at the moment.

`Come here and give me a hug big bro','Max said holding his arms out smiling.

Pat didn't normally show any emotion to his brother or other family but also didn't want to make any sort of argument or scene at the bus stop and moved over and hugged his brother. With his arms wrapped around Max and the two boys chest to chest Max put one arm around Pat's waist and slid the hand between them and took a hand full of Pat's covered cock. Pat went to pull back.

`Don't do that bro' I'm showing you some love, and it feels to me like your love gauge is right into your little brother. Wants to make love to my hand. Mhmm'.

`Please don't Max the bus is coming. Please.'

`When we get on sit up the back with me not down the middle like you usually do.'

When the bus arrived the boys entered, Pat with his back pack covering his now very prominent distortion in his shorts. They walked up the aisle towards the back of the bus to the long seat across the back row. Already sitting on the bus against the wall in the back seat was Paul Brown, one of his brothers closest friends. He was also a lanky kid about the same build as Max. They were inseparable, spending time with each in school and out. Pat ignored him most of the time thinking he was a dumb gamer nut. All he ever wanted to talk about, him and Max together was gaming, skateboarding and sex. Pat thought they may know something about gaming and skateboarding but no way about sex. Pat reckoned neither one of them had ever had sex with anyone other than their own hand not like they talked. Come to think of it he hadn't either until yesterday.

`Put your backpack on the floor.' Max directed Pat. No please or thank you, not asking, telling. Paul looked at Max then Pat waiting for Pat to respond. His mouth dropped open when without a word Pat did exactly as he had been instructed.

`Fuck me what's the go with Choc?'Paul lent across the front of Pat to ask the question of Max.

To answer Max then lent across the front of Pat to answer Paul, and at the same time placed his right hand flush on the outline of Pat's cock showing in the shorts for support. Pat went to react but a quick look from Max and Pat sat back in the seat and looked straight ahead,'Nothing mate just me and big bro' have come to an arrangement.' Paul was now staring first at where Max's hand was then at Pat, then to Max, then to his hand again as the fingers opened and closed grasping and releasing a handful of who knew what. Max then sat back in his seat, and slowly withdrew his hand leaving a very prominent and obvious stiff cock struggling for freedom.

`Yeah well looking at you know what seems like he likes the arrangement.' Paul replied staring at the know great tower in Pat's crotch.

`What was that, you need to lean over so I can hear you.' Both Pat and Paul snapped their attention to Max.

`What?' Paul asked in a higher than intended voice.

`Just lean over so I can hear you, just the same as I did, Pat doesn't mind do you mate?' Max grinned.

Paul nodded at Pat and started to lean across the front of Pat like before.'you need to steady yourself with the bus bumping around, like I did.' Max instructed Paul.

Paul gingerly placed his hand squarely atop the erect cock and lent on it slightly, concerned if he applied his full weight he might break it. When Pat didn't object he became more bold and began to freely fondle and pull on the covered erection.

`No, no stop, I'll leak everywhere, please don't.'

`If you don't want to get pre all over your shorts you better get your cock out.'

`I can't do that what if some one sees me.'Pat begged.

`I don't give a fuck keep going ,Paulie , big, yeah.'

`Fucking huge, like can I make him cum.' Paul whispered in near disbelief.

`Not this time, let him get himself off.'

`No, no please I'll take get it out but don't make me cum.' Pat with great trepidation hitched up the left leg of his shorts and pulled his cock out the leg hole, and glared at Max.'you're a cunt you know that.'

`Hmm, not smart potty mouth, keep it up and off they come. Now you going to do it or is Paul. I think he's dying to have a go.'

Pat didn't react immediately but when Max put his hand out Pat nodded his understanding. With perfect timing the bus stopped to pick up more kids. Pat went to lift his backpack and put it on his lap,'No, no, no big boy you know what they say, when you got it flaunt it.'

At this stop seven kids boarded. They started up the aisle towards the back of the bus. Pat was quietly praying they would sit before they got to him. The first sat after passing two seats and joined a friend. The other 5 continued. When they got to the seats in front of rear row they sat, 2 boys on each side of the bus. Pat was now conscious of having boys sitting directly in front of him. He didn't know them but they looked they maybe 8th graders. The one remaining boy plopped down next to Max. David Simpson was also a mate of Max. David didn't realise Pat was sitting there with cock exposed out the leg of his shorts.

Pat knew there was another 25 minutes to travel and at the coming stops some of his friends would board. He couldn't be seen by them like this. As the bus moved away from the stop Pat's hand shot straight to his softening erection and at the touch his cock responded immediately. A steel rod again. As best he could Pat manipulated the great mushroom head with the leaking eye. Whilst Pat was terrified about him exposing himself and being seen, that same risk was also exciting and very stimulating. Pat as unobtrusively as possible continued his ministrations. He had pulled his shirt out from the waistband and was using this as cover over his lap. He heard the boys seated in front of them laughing about something. David Simpson sat alongside Max oblivious to Pat's actions whereas Paul was glued to Pat's every move. Pat was building his action increasing his stroking tempo, he straightened his legs out in front of him tightening his thigh muscles and squeezed his glutes. Max to further torment Pat leaned forward to speak to the boys in front asking them a question. At the same time Pat shot his load, the first four shouts hitting the back of the seat ahead and then the floor in front of Pat. The white viscous fluid slowly ran down the seat back and dribbled onto the floor. The seat back seemed a snail had been travelling around it. Paul and Max burst into cheers and laughter. David still had no idea what the boys were laughing at nor what had just taken space. Pat lay back in the seat one hand covered in cum.

When Max calmed himself and with Paul watching, said to Pat,' good shooting brother. Look at your hand mate it's all sticky, Better lick it clean eh.' Both boys, one of either side of Pat, waited for his response. Pat looked at Max then put his fingers to his mouth. You done that before haven't you, that's disgusting.' Hearing Max say the word disgusting David looked at Max with a perplexed look. Pat thought to himself, little do you know. The boys made several taunting remarks to Pat about having a job for him later and then talked across the front of him as if he didn't exist. David looked at the group and asked,what's going on, what'd I miss?'

`You're a fucking space cadet fair dinkum Dave, nothing you don't already do,' replied Max.

Just before arriving at the high school Pat squeezed the end of his cock to make sure there was no more seepage. He looked to Max who was closely watching him, and pulled his shorts leg down and put his cock away.

`Good boy Patrick, good boy, when's your next show,' Paul taunted.

`Fuck you Brown, you fucking gay boy.' Pat retorted.

`Hey Choc I didn't just wank off in the bus and eat my cum. You reckon I'm gay, you're kidding mate.' Paul Brown said at a volume had others could hear if listening.

Pat went scarlet.'You tell anyone and I'll demolish ya, yeah, you long streak of cat shit.' Completely out of character for Pat he never ever threatened anyone, he was too small nobody would take any notice of him, he knew that. If Paul Brown did tell he would take him on anyway.

The kids all alighted from the bus and went their ways into the playground to meet up with their other friends.'

Pat got through the day to lunch time. He met up with a few of his mates and they sat on the grass under trees eating lunch and generally talking about what they had planned for the weekend. For Pat it was simple this afternoon gymnastics training at the sports and community centre or as it was known PCYC and then tomorrow his new job with Hooker Enterprises. All the boys were interested in his new job, what he had to do, how much he got paid, how he got the job and if there were any more vacancies. Pat told them he simply had todo as he was told and help out at the warehouse or shops, no idea what the pay was yet, his dad arranged the interview and he would have to ask Tom if there were other vacancies. He then had to explain who Tom was. The very thought of Tom started to excite Pat. He couldn't wait to be with him again.

During the day Pat had decided it wasn't all bad having no undies. Whilst there was nothing to hold him in place he was a lot more comfortable and he worked out when he got a hardon he could put his left hand in his pocket, get hold of his cock and hold it so it didn't look obvious he was cracking one. He was confident it was all under control. Fuck his mother, she thought she would embarrass him and for him it had turned out for the better.

At the end of the school day, Pat with John Baker, his very best mate, went to the PCYC where both boys trained for gymnastics. John was a lot bigger than Pat and specialised in trampoline and vaulting. He was a well built kid who looked more like Paul's brother colouring wise than Max did. John had a darkish tan colouring, black hair and brown eyes. He was 5ft10ins (175cms) and 140lbs (64kgs).Unlike Pat who was basically hair free on his body John had black hair on his arms, legs and some on his chest between his pecs. He also sported a black treasure trail from navel to his groin, and black underarm hair.

John was only one of two boys Pat would confide in. He trusted John and another boy, Joseph King. Joe who he was better known as, was even bigger than John heavier and taller 6ft (180cms) and 150 (68kgs). He was the true Aussie kid, blonde Mousey hair, blue eyes, mild tan in summer white as in winter. Joe was a sportsman, willing to have a go at anything. He didn't think much about consequences he acted on impulse. He would take any challenge or dare. Unlike Pat and John, Joe was a poor to average student for which he was always in trouble with his folks and the teachers. He was a regular guy and well liked. Pat used to get called Choc, John got called baker, and Joe was called joking. Joe hated it, came from Joe King, his name by unthinking parents, to nickname joking. Want to piss him off call him out using "joking". Many did. Joe didn't do PCYC.

When the two boys arrived to start their session whilst John had his back turned changing into his gymnastics practice uniform, Pat made a mad grab, dropped his shorts and pulled on the white practice shorts then removed his school shirt and put on his white t shirt, then gym shoes. Whilst Pat was sitting putting on his shoes he watched as John pulled up his shorts over his boxer briefs then swapped school shirt for t shirt same as Pat. He had nice broad shoulders and reasonably narrow waist, John was a classic build for athletic type sports except maybe cross country, his legs being heavy with muscle. Would be a good sprinter. Pat told John he was off to the toilets and would see him during practice.

John went his way and Pat bolted for the toilets and into a stall. He dropped his shorts, placed a hand on his nipple and began massaging and in no time had a major erection. Pat was not here for edging he wanted a quick relief. He worked himself with one hand, reaching behind his balls with the other to massage his perineum. It didn't take long, this was number four today. Pat turned aimed his cock into the pan and shot his load, he leaned his arm against the front wall to steady himself then reached for some toilet paper to clean up. Whilst he loved masturbating, when he did it as just now it was more clinical. He knew if he hadn't drained his balls he would be throwing wood in no time. He had to adjust to the friction caused by cloth on his bare cock never mind the usual stimulation of other boys around him.

For the next hour and a half the boys engaged in their training. Several times Pat looked across to where his friend was training watching the larger boy manipulating his body through a trampoline routine. Pat watched his friend perform as a friend, he was very close to John. Pat secretly admired the bodies of his friends, Pat thought it was because they were friends. Pat had never countenanced he liked looking at boys. He did. He looked at all of their features, face, body, and particularly legs, he like well formed thighs. He also without being aware made a point of checking out male crotches. He liked to see what he could see then imagine the rest. He preferred the older boys only because they were generally more pronounced as to what lay covered. Many times he had watched his friends John and Joe stand in their underwear whilst at PE or sport and change. He watched intently the outlines of genitals under the taut underwear material. He liked to see boys in boxer briefs or hipsters not those baggy boxers. He had never seen his friends naked nor they him.

Pat had now scoped so many crotches, many in underwear he was now able to determine if some of the boys were circumcised like him. John was, Joe wasn't, he could tell by the silhouette in the Joe's briefs. Pat never thought his fascination with male crotches was unusual or different. He honestly thought all boys had that interest. He never considered there was anything out of the ordinary with being obsessed by cock. He hadn't seen a lot of bare cocks, only some in toilets at the urinal and a few at the swimming pool with men getting changed. He had vividly in his minds eye Tom's appendage. Pat had studied every crease and ridge. He was awe struck by its feel. He knew why people were in love with cock. He would get used to the taste of cum, anything to keep Tom happy. He knew suck cocks and swallowing cum wasn't acceptable for many but for Tom.

The boys finished their training, said goodbye to their trainer and friends and walked out to John's mother who was waiting in her car. On the ride home the boys discussed their plans for the weekend. It was decided with Pat working tomorrow John would come over about 6.00pm, sleepover then the boys would go surfing on Sunday.

On arriving home and walking up the drive Pat walked past a workers panel van parked there. Pat stepped into the house and saw two young men on ladders, they looked like electricians. Pat took no notice. He went through into the kitchen to announce his arrival home. He was told to go wash up, he and Max could have an early dinner as his mother was going out for a business dinner. As an aside she toldPat he wasn't to go out tonight. Pat agreed, had had no intention to in any case then spoke to his mother about John staying over tomorrow. She was in a great mood, probably because she was going out, and agreed to John saying what a lovely young man he was. She then told Pat to hurry and clean up then call Max down for dinner.

Their mother left after giving the boys dinner leaving them to clean up the kitchen of any mess. Pat had been sitting at the table in his shorts and neither his mother nor Max had said a word. When the boys had everything ship shape they turned off the lights except for the entry foyer and went upstairs to their area. Both boys went to the common room to watch TV. It was there Pat asked Max what the electricians were doing.

`From what I understand installing some whoopy do high tech security system. Your boss is doing the job, evidently he's right into all this sort of stuff. Dad reckons he's a genius with computer technology.' Max informed Pat.

`What does he want that stuff for, what's he afraid of being hacked or home invasion?' Pat suggested.

`Nah, he's worried about all the stuff he does, and mum's environmental stuff. He reckons it's too sensitive now to not be secure. A lot of their mining clients are in the news with mining applications and he reckons some of their opponents won't stop at anything to halt a project.'

`Good to know my homework is going to be safe. I'll be back, going to have a shower. I think I might be on the nose a bit.'

Good cause you are. See you when you come out.'

Shower finished pat pulled on a pair of shorts, no tee, and returned to the boys common room. He walked in as Max was flicking through the channels.'There's shit to watch you want to play a game or watch Netflix?'

`I don't care too much, whatever. You're right most of this stuff on tv on Friday nights is crap. Just pick something.'

Max flicked onto a game.'How about FIFA want to challenge me on that.'

`Sure you suck at these games.' Pat teased.

The game was loaded and they were about to start when Max said,' you better do what dad said remember, you gotta be bare arsed so drop the shorts bro.'

`You're joking aren't you, we're the only ones here.'

Yeah I know. After your little show on the bus today I want to see you out and proud. Anyway dad said you got to do as I say and he said no clothes for you upstairs. So drop em.'

Pat not happy, stood dropped his shorts off, bent down picked them up and folded them and went out and put them on the chair at the top of the stairs. When Pat returned,' happy now you perve, exactly what dad said I had to do.'

` Remember what dad said, and he said you got to do what I say. Come on start the game.' Whilst Pat was getting the game ready Max asked,' you want to do some stuff together?'

`We are, we're going to play a game aren't we.'

`Not just that, I mean you want to jerk each other, you know like I'll do you if you do me.'

Pat had a surprised look on his face,' that's really gay mate, I didn't know you were a poof. I should've known after you wanting to see my dick.'

Yeah well if you want to be a shit, you know what I meant. Stand up, now.' Fuck off Max, you're getting carried away with yourself there's no one here to help you remember.'

`Ok I'll tell dad the truth that you disobeyed him by walking around up here dressed, then you abused me for telling you to do what he told you. Oh and I'll tell him how you dropped your cock out on the school bus and jerked off blowing all over the seat in front.'

I'll tell him it's all shit.

`I don't know why you're going on like this, you've got a chubby just sitting here, you can't help it. Come on don't be difficult and do as you're asked. Come and show your little brother your wand.'

With a disgruntled look on his face Pat stood before Max. Without touching himself Pat grew and grew, he was now fully erect. Max reached forward and bumped the raging erection causing it to bounce up and down. Pat at the feel of the other hand pushed his hips forward trying to drive his cock into his brother's grasp. Max moved his hand to cradle the scrotum hanging beneath the throbbing penis. He weighed the near hairless sack in his hand, lifting each ball independently with his fingers. Pat was grunting with the stimulation he was receiving. Max then moved his hand from the pair of hens eggs to the steel rod. His hand couldn't close around it. With a sensitive grip Max slowly started long stroking the swollen cock. It responded by leaking an abundance of clear jelly lubricant. Max stopped.

`Lie down here.' Max said indicating a place on the rug next to him. Pat now under the spell of his cock immediately complied. Max looked at the large meaty sausage lying up his brothers abdomen with a huge mushroom head reaching up past the tight inny navel. The dark chocolate coloured cock topped by pure black pubic hair on the lighter chocolate skin now glistening where the lubricant fluid was freely leaking. He took his finger and spread it around the glans pushing the tip of his finger deep into the eye of the penis. Pat was now lying back on the rug near convulsing with stimulation.

Max withdrew his hand from Pat, rose from the floor and went to a side table and retrieved his phone. He moved back next to Pat. Pat still lying on the floor had taken hold of himself to replace Max's missing hands. `Stop Pat, I need you to stop.' Pat did not seem to hear what was being said to him. Max in a loud and firmer tone ordered Pat,'stop jerking yourself now or We stop this now.' When the message sunk in Pat ceased his actions although continued holding his still very erect cock but with a look of anguish on his face.' Let go off yourself, let go or we stop.'

Pat sat up and looked at his brother. He didn't say a word just looked at Max, then Max spoke,' I'll get naked with you and let you play with me but first you got to suck yourself off.' Pat looked at Max with a quizzically.

`You'll think I'm dirty if I do.'

Max knew then pat had already done this otherwise he would have said he couldn't or it would be impossible. He didn't he only worried what he might think of him.' I know you can, you'll do it easy because of your gymnastics. You blow yourself and I'll play with you, I promise.'

`Will you get naked with me?' Pat asked of his brother. Max nodded and started to remove his clothes. Without further prompting Pat sat himself up, opened his legs wider, pulled his legs to his chest then simply bent forward and consumed the cock top into his mouth.

Max, now naked and also with the hardest cock he had ever experienced was watching the greatest porn performance he had seen. With Pat sitting the way he was, when Max stood in front of him not only could he see Pat hoovering and slurping at this monumental cock but also the deep brown anus fully on display smiling at him. The whole time Max was making videos on his phone. Pat still holding his legs back, cock firmly implanted in mouth was groaning and grunting with pleasure and exertion. Max was so turned on he had phone in one hand and his 4 inch cock in the other.

`Don't you swallow keep your cum in your mouth brother, don't you come.' Enough to put Pat over the top and he started his ejaculation. Part way through the spasm Pat could hold his position no longer and he fell back onto the floor. His cock plopped from his mouth and now still erect lay again pointing up his stomach with small spurts then dribbling out. Creamy protein on chocolate skin. Pat opened his mouth slightly, Max could see the semen still held on the tongue. He moved in closer taking some still shots. Max was sexually excited by what he had witnessed. Pat now sat up his cock still letting out small discharges which included the semen that had landed above the navel earlier was all now draining down the brown body to be trapped in the black bush atop a semi hard cock. For Pat being able to do this in front of his brother was so wonderful. Normally Pat would feel guilty for getting himself off but being with Max and Max approving made everything ok.

`You can swallow now brother, sperm is good for you did you know that, helps stop depression.' Pat closed his mouth and swallowed his mouth full of milkshake. Max had moved over to Pat who was still sitting on the floor. Max stood directly to the side of Pat's face. Pat turned his head slightly and looking him eye to eye was Max's unsheathed cock head. Pat reached out cupped Max's ball sack then with his other hand held the turgid smaller prick steady then engulfed it within his mouth. Pat was not an experienced cock sucker, apart from his own he had only ever had one other cock in his mouth, Tom's. Pat worked the shaft, the glans, slipping his tongue into the eye and tasting the light precum of his brother. He took the cock down to his brothers sparse pubic bush. He worked his tongue and continually tried to swallow the over sensitive organ into his throat. Pat was looking up at Max with a cock fully consumed in his mouth. Max captured it all for later, Pat didn't care he was loving this experience more than anything else he had ever done. He could taste his brother and he loved it. Max who had a hand wrapped at the back of Pat's head, pulling it forward, trying to force his cock deeper and deeper amidst the grunts and groans suddenly let out a great scream of release pulling Pat's head so tight into his pubic area as if trying to suffocate him. The release, the feeling of a fluid entering his mouth. Pat knew what it was and held it in his mouth savouring his brothers gift. Pat tried to keep going but Max now tender from the working over he had just received slid his now softening prong out of Pat's mouth. It was covered in saliva and a little cream. Pat moved forward and gently cleaned the shaft, sat back and smiled. He opened his mouth to Max showing him his deposit still lying on the cupped tongue. Pat kept his tongue in display, Max put a steadying hand on Pat's head and took several quick shots of the scene. He then gently rubbed Pat's cheek and with a satisfied smile said,' thanks, that was wonderful.'

Pat making a point to let see him move his tongue around in his mouth first, then swallowed Max's fluid,' Thanks Maxie...... really....thanks.

The two boys, both naked sat side by side on the rug against the front of the lounge. Neither said anything, neither thought about the future, just both sat in a post euphoric state.

Tomorrow is another day and the start of the rest of your life.

Next: Chapter 5

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