Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on Jun 6, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer Tom Hooker 16y, student 11th grade. Son of employer , close friend and Pat's secret desire. David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 3.

It was just after 7.00pm when the boys finished working. They walked into the staff amenities room and took 2 cokes from the fridge. Both boys still clad only in underwear buy now both covered in layers of grey dust. Where they had been perspiring the dust had adhered to them and formed streaks down their faces and bodies. They were putrid and so was their underwear, no longer the bright red for Tom nor the white for Pat. Both boys were exhausted but pleased with a job well done. They had lost count of how many old cartons, crates and odd bits and pieces they had moved. When everything was out and sorted much of it ended up in the dumpster bins.

As they stood in the rest room Coke in hand Tom threw his arm around Pat,`you'll do me for a workmate. You did good. You really put in.' As he said this he looked down on the smaller lad and smiled. Pat looked back at Tom with a broad beaming grin and put his arm around Tom's waist and pulled himself into Tom.

`Thanks Tom for being so good to me. I really really appreciate what you did for me.'

`I did nothing for you. You worked hard and held up your end.' Tom said give him a squeeze back.

`Yeah you did. You make me feel good. Stripping down and working in your undies so I wouldn't feel bad, I'll never forget it.' Pat had the start of emotional tears in his eyes.

Tom chuckled' You're alright Pat anytime. You'll only remember because you're a raving pervert and sex rat.' Tom had an enormous smile on his face looking at the younger lad.

Pat now being a lot more familiar with Tom and being very fond of him did not take offence at what Tom said he simply laughed and said,'I never seen a bum so white before.'

Tom took the jibe,' I got to take a shower mate I can't go home this dirty even my hair is standing on end glued together by dirt. Come on, look at you, you need one as well.'

`I um ...well I can have one when I get home anyway I haven't got a towel or anything to change into.' Pat made the excuse, still very conscious of not displaying his body, worried how small he was and what Tom would think.

Listen mate you're filthy, you can't ride home in the old mans car like that and your mum will have a severe dose of the shits you leave all that dirt in her shower. Pat went to speak but Tom continued,'and that's bullshit about a towel, I'll give you one of them and you got your school gear to change into just go commando.' Again Pat was about to make some excuse ` I don't care if I got to wash you and take you home bare arse but it's big boy time, come on into the showers.'

The boys were just stripping off their filthy underwear when Brian Hooker walked in. He saw the two bare arses through the doorway. His mind went to some of his earlier thoughts. It hit him it would be a great opportunity to see both boys naked together. He always liked watching his son naked, he was developing into a real stud. Brian also wanted a chance to see more of the little bloke. Before the two boys walked into the shower room from the locker room Brian had caught up to them and stepped in front of them and blocked the doorway so they could go no further.

Great job today boys,' I'll bet you're both exhausted.' Brian wanted to get them talking to take away their attention from him perving on them. He moved between the two boys and placed an arm over the shoulder of each boy. On his son his hand fell onto the boy's nipple and the same for Pat. Brian then walked slowly, with his arm over the boys shoulders, into the shower area when he stopped and continued talking.'I think you've done that big a day and good a job what do you say about a bonus of some sort.' Whilst speaking his hands slowly worked. On Tom his hand just idly flicked over his hardened nipple as if an inadvertent movement. For Pat it was a definite fondling and twiddling between thumb and forefinger, exactly what Brian knew would excite Pat. Well what do you think, what do you reckon your bonus should be?'

It was too late for Pat for as soon as his nipple was touched he shot an uncontrolled rock hard erection. There was this small but muscled boy's gymnast body with a very large circumcised cock forcing forward with the dark brown mushroom head already beginning to ooze precum. Standing out from the increasing pressure was a thick vein running up underside of the oversized organ. It was not only the length of the thing at 7+ inches (175+mm) but the massive girth of over 51/2 inches(140mm).the eye of this magnificent piece of manhood was a largish opening which allowed uninterrupted flow. Beneath this straining pulsing cock was a large set of balls the size of hens eggs contained within a reasonably hair free hanging ball sack. The organs were a darker colour brown than the body. With the nipples and cock dark brown and the chocolate body with pitch black pubic hair the kid is a designers dream, and many others especially at the moment Brian Hooker.

On the other side Tom was also coming to full mast. His 6 inch(150mm) long 4 1/2 thick (115mm) poking horizontally forward as if pointing to the shower. Tom pulled free of his father by about 4ft (1.2m) and turned looked at his father. He was about to speak but then noticed his little friend standing rock still under the weight of his father's arm. He saw the boy's facial expression of horror, he saw the perfectly proportioned and built brown body and he saw this huge oversized thing like a growth hanging from the boy's groin. He was dumbstruck.

Breaking from the spell Tom reached back taking Pat by the arm and pulling him towards himself and a shower cubicle. He pushed the boy in first then turned to his father,'I'll call you when we're finished. You disgust me sometimes, he's an inexperienced kid.' Tom spat out.

Hey you're growing son, and don't worry he'll learn. He loves it he just doesn't know it yet.' Brian responded,I'll be in my office. Tell me what sort of bonus for you two.' Brian looked at two naked boys in the shower still with cocks poking forward. Oh how he would love to be in there with either or both. He was pleased to see Tom had grown in the cock and ball department, for a while he was concerned he was going to be really undersized and that'd be no fun. He returned to his office.

The two boys were standing in the shower cubicle. Pat had his back against the front wall and Tom stood facing him, their erect cocks touching as they moved. `You want me to get another shower or stay here with you?' Tom enquired.

Pat didn't respond immediately,'no, please stay here with me, I...I feel better with you here.'

`Good, come on brighten up we've done a good afternoons work.' Tom smiled down at Pat.' You want me to wash you first or you want to do me? We can't both do it at the same time.'

Pat giggled,'you wash me please, you going to do my hair?'

`I'm going to do all of you.' Having said that Tom reached around Pat to the front wall and took several squirts of shower gel from the wall dispenser. Toms movement saw the two boys again rubbing against each other. Tom turned Pat around so his back was facing to Tom, then proceeded to vigorously run his gel covered hands through pats black hair down his neck to his shoulders. He went back to his head and did it again and when he got to Pat's ear stuck his fingers in each ear and wiggles them about. Pat was leaning on his elbows facing the front wall. He felt wonderfully relaxed yet physically excited being showered with attention by his new best friend. Every so often as Tom moved around cleaning him he felt Tom's cock push against his buttocks. Tom took more gel from the dispenser then attacked Pat's underarms back and sides. Tom's roaming and energetic rubbing caused Pat to begin uncontrolled laughing being so ticklish as he was.

`Ticklish are we I must remember that,' stated Tom. He finished on pats back got more gel and then went to Pat's legs. Again he vigorously cleaned the legs. They were dirty. Pat was about to turn around to his front side,'stay there I'm not finished yet.' More gel and Tom's hands went to the light brown firm backside. He used a hand on each mound gently massaging, lightly gripping and twisting and then with no warning the both hands moved into the deep cleft cleaning and probing. Pat fell against the wall as he felt the exhilaration of his anus being touched. Brief encounters then the lingering of a finger tip around his anal lips. The soapy digit pushing against the tight anal ring, just the slightest breach as the very tip found entry. Further entry and then movement within. Pat had closed his eyes and was now mewling at the sensations.

`Suddenly it all ceased' Righto that side is done turn around and let me do the rest of you. Hurry up haven't got all night,' and with that he spun Pat around to face him.

Tom reached in got more gel,'close your eyes,' and as he did Tom took the opportunity to wash the boy's face and also take the opportunity to gently take his face in both hands gently stroking each cheek, he then ran a finger across the cherry red lips causing Pat to open slightly just showing the bright white of teeth. Tom moved, the two cocks again coming together, bent his neck and kissed the young boy tenderly. Pat didn't open his eyes. Tom again moved onto the boy, their bodies now in full contact, legs to legs, genitals to genitals chest to chest, moved his hand to the back of Pat's head and launched into a full kiss at the same time as trying to gain entry to the boys mouth. Pat initially unaware of what was happening was now completely over come with emotion, opened his mouth for Tom and the two tongues duelled with in. With their bodies pressed together and a passionate kiss of another male being a first for both lads Pat with his cock forced facing up between both began an uncontrolled ejaculation. It was powerful, it was plentiful. It was such that he couldn't continue standing and when Tom felt him starting to collapse down his body he threw an arm around him for support.

As the boys broke apart Tom looked down his body at the semen all over his abdomen, smiled at Pat ,'you'll have to wash that off now.'

Pat was mortified to think he had just blown his sperm all over the person he most loved."I'm sorry really I couldn't help it. I didn't.....'

`Stop mate, stop. I don't mind. I m pleased you enjoyed it so much..' with that Tom bent forward again and gave a peck to his cheek.'lets get washed up eh, I've got a bit more to do now.'

Again more gel and Tom washed Pat's chest and stomach. More gel and down the front of the legs. He got more gel and his hands went to the black bush and the extraordinary large cock on the boy and his hanging balls. Tom washed and fondled. They responded and bounced back to life.'Jesus Pat how did you get this thing, it's the biggest I've ever seen. It sort of doesn't belong on you. You're way bigger than me.' All the time Tom was speaking his hand was firmly wrapped around it and moving slowly up and down. Pat was again fully erect and panting as Tom, who was still hard as, handled him.'well who in your family has got something like this.'

`I don't know, remember I told you I'm adopted.' The boy looked sorrowfully at Tom,' I wish I was like normal. I know people are going to make fun of me.'

Yeah sorry Pat forgot. Mate if they do it will be only because they're jealous.' Tom continued holding on,'Sorry Pat but it's just, I don't know, fucking huge. Are you saying no one else has seen this stud tool.' No one, I never shower or anything with others it's just with you since we been together all afternoon in our undies and you haven't made fun of me.' Pat looked down at his feet and then back at Tom,'and I really like you, like I think I love you......can we be boyfriends.'

`So you've never been with a boy or girl for anything sexual before have you?'

`No you're the first person to ever touch me on my.... like you know my thing.'

`Pat I'm your friend. I shouldn't have done what I did with you, I got carried away ok. You're a really nice guy and in my own way I love you and I never ever want to see you hurt but we can never be boyfriends. I have a really nice girl friend who I've been going steady with for a while now and we love each other.'

Pat dropped his head feeling rebuffed by Tom. He understood what Tom was saying it was just Pat really wanted a special friend. He went to walk from the shower cubicle,`aren't you going to do my back, I did yours.' Tom sensed Pat was hurting from the rebuff and thought to make him feel Tom and he were still real close friends.

I didn't think you would want me to .......Pat had tears in his eyes. Tom could see it, he responded,'of course I want you to clean me I can't ride home dirty and there's so much dirt on me.'

Tom swapped places with Pat and placed himself against the wall. He stood under the shower outlet waiting for Pat to start. Pat moved to get the shower gel and in so doing his half chubbed dong pushed into Tom's thigh, not a word was said. Tom had to bend over for Pat to reach effectively to the top of his head. Tom stood facing the wall back to Pat. He reached up to wash Tom's hair and neck. As he was behind Tom, he got closer and closer and without intentionally doing so Pat's now erect cock was pushed facing up between Tom's arse cheeks. Tom felt the thick organ and instinctively slightly pushed back ensuring the cock snuggled deeply between his buns. Pat kept washing. When he pulled away for more gel Tom felt disappointed to lose the touch between them. Pat washed all of the back of Tom but was wary when came time to get his hands in there and wash Tom's arse. There was no trailing or any finger expedition to the anus just a genuine wash.

Tom turned so the boy could do his front. He offered to Pat to do himself if he wanted him to but pat replied,'no, no I'll do it. It's only fair.' Tom wasn't sure fair for who. The front went well until pat got to do Tom's nipples. It seemed pat had troubles getting past them.

`You keep rubbing at them you'll wear them away,'Tom said to Pat. He immediately moved on down the muscled abs, then the thighs and calves. He stood up and didn't move for a tick, during which Tom thought he should tell him not to worry. He didn't want the boy to feel pressured or embarrassed. Before he could Pat gathered more gel returned to his task with gusto. Pat was totally hard and he was again leaking precum although couldn't be seen with the water from the shower cascading over both boys. Pat started to wash Tom's genital area. His brown pubic bush, Pat's fingers intertwined the curly hair rubbing through the shampoo. He look hold of Tom's balls in one hand and gently massaged with his other soapy hand. Tom was again fully erect. Pat enclosed his hand around the shaft and with another hand full of gel rubbed, inspected , gave attention to the rounded dome head stuck to the top of the shaft. Everything was a deep pink colour and the dome head becoming scarlet in colour. Pat not having any special cock jerking skills treated Tom's cock the way he would his own each night or morning in the shower.

Soft, firm, gripped in fingers, firm now in the palm, a twisting action on the glans, then repeat again. Pat bent down in front of Tom's member whilst he was administering, Tom placed his fingers into the hair of the kneeling boy. Again Tom had lost control of himself and the situation. Tom's cock had become super sensitive from the workout Pat was giving it. Without warning Tom pulled Pat's head forward. The rock hard cock slapped onto Pat's face several times until Tom pulled Pat's head hard onto his cock. Tom felt the teeth scraping as it went into the oral cavity and kept going. He felt the throat muscles close around and grasp the cock in a vice as the kid struggled for air and then he felt a massive release as his cock shot bolt after bolt of hot semen into the boys gullet. Pat coughed and spluttered, Tom eased back leaving his cock sitting in the boys mouth on his tongue. Tom hadn't realised Pat had been pushing against his thighs trying to get room to withdraw his head. Suddenly Tom realised what he had done. He pulled his cock from the boy's mouth. The cock still swollen, red, bathed in saliva and cum.

`Fuck, fuck, I'm sorry Pat, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that to you.' Tom reached down and lifted the boy to a standing position.He looked at the boys face, it was red from where he had been fighting for air, he had tears streaming down his face and there was semen on his chin where it had dribbled from his mouth when he couldn't take the flood of invading fluid.'Please forgive me Pat, please mate I lost control of myself. Are you ok?'

Pat stood as if in shock, there was no emotional facial response. Tom was very concerned for the boy's emotional well being. He also didn't want the kid's parents going to the police because their son was damaged.

Tom turned off the shower spray, then took Pat into a bear hug embrace and held him closely to him.'oh god please Pat say something to me. Hit me if you want but you got to do something.' The two boys stayed in their embrace which was only broken when they heard Brian Hooker yell out `come on you sweethearts I've got to get going, let's go.'

The two broke apart. The sound of Brian's voice was enough to jolt both back to reality. A reality which was, Tom's father was only feet away and approaching and there were two teenage boys, hugging, semi fat cocks, naked in the shower and one had cum on his face. Tom immediately turned the shower on again and wiped Pat's face and cleaned it. He turned Pat, who still hadn't spoken, put an arm over his shoulder and walking alongside of him walked him out of the shower and that was where Brian and they met as they entered the locker room.

`Well there's an unexpected sight my two star workers bonding, great to see. Love to see you boys together.'

`Come on Pat lets dry off, get our gear and then we'll take you home.'

Pat still hadn't spoken. `Aw shit I forgot to get Pat's clothes out of the cabinet and now the time lock has set. I can't the, until 7.30 tomorrow morning.'Brian bullshitted the two boys.'you'll have to wear your towel home Pat and pick the other stuff up when you come in Saturday.'

Pat had a terrified look on his face. He still hadn't spoken. Tom seeing the trauma Pat was experiencing said,'if it makes you feel any better I'll wear a towel home as well, if you want me to.'

When Pat had walked out and Mr Hooker was there Pat immediately covered his genitals, at least as best he could. Brian Hooker had only smiled at the action. `Come on mate lets dry off over there. You come back in 5 minutes dad and we'll be ready to go.' Tom could see Pat was made very nervous with Mr Horton seeing him naked.

`I'll wait at the front door waiting to lock up.'

Five minutes later the two boys walked out the front door and met Mr Horton. Brian looked at the two boys both wrapped only in a towel. Again he smiled. He called the boys to the alarm box to instruct them how to set the alarm if they ever had to close up.

`Come in close Pat you never know when you might need to know this'.without a word Pat moved to where Mr Horton indicated. Brian then showed them the closing procedure. When finished he threw an arm over Pat's shoulder and steered the boy towards his car. On the way to the car Brian had manoeuvred himself to be able to gently scratch and finger roll one of Pats nipples. Again the switch was thrown and Pat's cock became tumescent, then completely erect pushing the towel Pat was wearing obscenely forward. It was most obvious Pat was again hard.

`Wow young fellow that cock of yours sure is lively, does it ever stay down.' Arriving at the large SUV,'you want to sit in the front.'

Pat mumbled his first words,'nah in the back please.' And stood at the rear door waiting fro the door to unlock.

Little was said on the drive home to Pat's place. Finally on arrival Pat got out and went to walk off but Tom called him back winding down the window to speak with him,'we still see you Saturday. Just come to the warehouse at 8 to 8.30 in work shorts and t will do and we'll do some deliveries and that ok.' He looked closely into Pat's eyes. They were like deep pools of black ink, nearly mesmerising. `And Pat I'm really sorry.'Tom whispered to Pat. Brian Hooker also called across he would see him Saturday. Father and son drove off and Pat clad in his towel walked around the back and into the house.

Mrs Siemen and Max had finished dinner but sitting at the table when Pat walked in.

`I waited dinner but it got too late to wait any longer.' His mother then realised how he was dressed,' and what are you doing walking around like Tarzan, where are your school clothes you left in this morning.' Max sat, with a big smile on his face studying his brother, much of his attention drawn to the prominent bulge in the towel.

Pat could see where his brothers eyes were focused and began to feel quite uncomfortable. He started explaining his afternoon to his mother, about the interview, the job and how he got so dirty. When he finished he looked back to his brother who still had this large smirk on his face. Pat could feel what was happening. He moved behind a chair which sheltered his predicament from his mother's eyes but only enhanced Max's view. The more pat became embarrassed by Max so fervently staring the more he responded by swelling.

Mother was speaking but neither Pat nor Max were listening. Max intent on torment, Pat consumed with humiliation. The mother snapped at Pat something about his clothes and not having lost them threatening to send him to school naked if he had. Pat was turning scarlet, meanwhile, Max crept his hand across and tried to pull the towel loose. Pat realising what Max was up to moved enough to avoid the towel being pulled free. He then moved back behind cover of the chair. Pat glared at his brother who returned the look with a broad beaming smile. Mother continued on her rant about how irresponsible Pat had become.

Max wasn't interested in the brewing argument between his mother and brother. Max had never seen his brother naked, ever, well not that he could remember. Looking at the distended towel covered crotch he was intent on seeing what was behind it.

The argument with mother and son had now reached mother raising her voice at Pat airing what she felt were all of his shortcomings. Pat, who never raised his voice was upset at the lack of fairness being shown to him by his mother. Then the fatal blunder on Pat's behalf when he said,' it's not fair you only care about Max, he gets new stuff all the time I can't even get new underwear. I've got to wear crappy old things that I keep telling you are too tight, they crush me.'

`Oh well if that's your greatest concern above everything else I've said I got a solution for you, you don't wear underwear anymore. Problem solved. Anything else.'

Pat was taken aback his mother would even suggest such a thing.' I got to wear underwear everybody does.'

`They might, but they wouldn't always be bitching about what their parents provide. You never stop so now you've got no reason to complain you will not wear underwear again and if you try to I'll take away the rest of your clothes and you can go naked. Everywhere, for all I care. Now do you want to keep going.'

Pat was standing staring into the face of his mother and she into his, both as if in a standoff. Max could see the great lump that Pat had was now diminished but not fully disappeared. During the dispute with his mother he had moved further behind the chair and was gripping tightly the top of the frame in fury at his mother. His knuckles were white he was gripping it so tight. The pair continued their face off.

Max, with only passing interest in what was going on between mother and brother, slid to the very side of the seat on which he was sitting, and with no one taking a scrap of notice of him slowly reached out to Pat's hip where the towel had been tucked in, and quickly gave it a tug which happened to coincide with Pat remonstrating by throwing his arms up at his mother and jumping and moving all in frustration. The towel fell to the floor.

Initially pat hadn't realised, neither had his mother, Max was glued to the sight before him. Mrs Siemen looked down at the bare crotch of her son, then Pat felt the bareness and saw where mother was looking, his hands flew to cover himself. He went to turn and leave the room. `Don't you run out on me when I'm speaking to you.'his mother shouted at him. He then went to pick up the towel and she snapped at him,'leave it. Get used to it that's what you'll feel like if you keep complaining about everything.'

Pat moved back behind the chair, still glaring at his mother. He had to say something but didn't know what when his attention diverted from thought by,'after you have dinner go up collect every piece of underwear out of your drawers, and I mean every single piece and take it into Max's room. Now sit while I get your dinner out. I've had enough out of you for the night.'

`You can't mean what.......'

`I told you enough or do I send Max to get all of your other clothes as well your choice.'

Without a word Pat sat on the chair he had been standing behind, now fully naked. As a joke Max said to Pat, but whilst his mother was there,' you should dress like that all the time at home, save on mum having to wash so many clothes, don't you think mum.' A huge smile crossed Max's face, he thought this was great fun.

`I'm not walking around here naked for you perverts to look at me especially you, you little homo.' Pat in his fury directed at Max.

Max jumped up from his chair, Pat did the same, Pat's chair toppling over backwards with his actions.'yeah well we'll see about that, I was only joking with, but now you smart arse see who laughs last. You want to get nasty remember dad said you had to do whatever I said'.

`He didn't mean just so you could do something to jerk off over you sicko.' Pat spat out, he was furious and not going to let his little brother think he could control him.

We'll see, I'll ring dad tonight and talk to him about what I can do. Remember he said you don't do as you're told you're out, he was fed up with you always disagreeing and not doing things cause it didn't suit you. Well we'll see now eh.'

`Yeah well I want to be there when you talk to him, and didn't hear it like you're telling it now.'

`What did dad say to you mum. Did he tell you I was in charge of Pat.'

`I think so but I agree ring him tonight get it all straightened out and then that's the rules in play but for now he can stay like that until the morning to give him an idea what it would be like to be naked all the time.'

Pat got a lack look of thunder on his face. He didn't like violence but when he got the chance he was going to fuck Max over, trouble making little shit.

His mother then went into the kitchen to get Pat's dinner that was being kept warm in the oven. When she came back in she said,' anyway I don't want to see him walking around here with his jangly bits on show all the time.' She smiled put down his plate,'now eat your dinner.'

`Well you could always make it that he was only always naked upstairs that way you wouldn't have to look at his bits.'

`Yes I don't care if you do that as long as I don't have to look at them all the time. I don't think men's bits are the most attractive things to look at.'

Max with a smirk' yeah well I might suggest that.....'

Pat interrupted,' you like the look of cock don't you because you're a raving poof.' Pat was so filled with anger he was now not thinking of consequences of what he was saying,' you and you faggot friends I bet you're the one who takes.'

Enough of that filthy talk Patrick you're not in the playground now. Now go up to your room and collect all of your underwear, now, and take it to Max's room. He can put it away in his drawers. Sounds like you won't be needing much of anything.' Mum smiled at him, off you go.'

`I'll come with you, lead the way.' Max said

Pat had got control of himself whilst he had dinner and was now back to a normal size. He knew there was no use arguing any further so accepted the humiliation to come. Before he stood his mother reached over took his empty plate and returned to the kitchen. Pat stood, saw where Max was immediately looking,'come on homo let's go.' And with that walked from the table to the stairs with Max trailing behind.

As they started to climb the stairs Max commented,'Nice arse Choc.' He knew Pat only tolerated being called Choc. He rarely called him that because Pat would hit him. Pat on this occasion didn't say a word, didn't react in anyway. As they climbed the stairs Max was focused on how the light brown arse moved each separately as they climbed. He could see the crack moving up and down and the slit opening and closing. Pat new what Max was doing and the attention he felt was causing him to harden. With each step up it caused his penis to bounce which made him more excited, at the top of the stairs Pat was now in major erection territory and precum was starting to leak. It was easy to see as the clearish syrup shone on the dark skin. On the final steps vas he bobbed so violently precum was flicked from the large cock eye onto the carpet. Pat was disgusted with himself and humiliated in his situation, it only made him harder and secret more fluid.

When they got to Pat's room Max got to catch up with Pat and see him for the first time in his full naked splendour. Fuck what a sight, what would some of his mates give to see this sight. Fuck that thing is massive. Mums wrong he thought his jangly bits look super beautiful like the rest of him. Max stood staring at the bare package before him. Max felt jealous all of a sudden. When he looked at Pat, his face was so attractive, his body really well built, his chest and abs tight, his legs, his colour, his big cock and balls, fucking everything. He's got everything I want. Max decided the sooner they rang his father and he was able to sort out if he had control of Pat the better. He had already decided he would have his mother talk to his dad first, that would help cement his case. He might be boy Adonis now, see how he handles the attention. Max stood in front of Pat,' better get started and clear out your drawers.' Pat nodded that he would comply and with that Max gave Pat a swat across his upstanding cock.'this should be fun.'

Pat grunted in pain and pulled back when he was hit, and offered a sneer at his brother.

`Just remember brother wherever this goes from here you brought all of this on yourself tonight with what you said and called me, up to then I hadn't even thought about you. You want to call me a fag. Ok let's see how this plays out. Don't leave any behind. Max said indicating the underwear.

While Pat was gathering up the underwear Max returned to his bedroom and got his phone. Pat walked into the room with an arm full of underwear. He was grossly embarrassed having to stay bare arse in front of his brother. Pat couldn't comprehend why if he was so humiliated by doing this and hated it why was his cock so rock hard and humiliating him even more. Why every time something happened where he got embarrassed and drew attention to himself his cock became uncontrollably hard. It happened all the time everywhere. Even when he threw a boner in his shorts, he would get embarrassed, he would get even harder and stay that way then start to leak everywhere. Pat dropped his surrendered underwear on the bed then he heard click, click, a camera.

`That's for my mates. You know the ones you called poofs and homos. They'll love this.' Max taunted.

Pat lost his self control, rushed at Max took the phone, threw it to the floor and stamped his foot on it. The screen shattered,`Well what can you see now faggot.'

Max exploded, left the phone on the floor where it was thrown and ran downstairs yelling'Mum.'

Mrs Siemen several minutes later, with Max trailing, stormed into Pat's bedroom, he was lying on the bed in a pair of shorts. She was scarlet,'You will pay for a replacement, you will learn to respect other people's property and control yourself. You and your sulks and tantrums, I won't have it. I will speak to your father shortly and he can decide what to do with you, and what are you doing with shorts on. I told you to stay bare arsed. Get them off, now. Something else to talk to your father about, your wilful disobedience.' With that she turned and took off downstairs.

Max glared at Pat,'Boy are you in deep shit now. You brought all this on yourself. You need to get your head out of arse pal. Dad is going to go ballistic. You'll be lucky if he doesn't hang you from the rafters by those swinging clangers of yours.'

Pat simply glared at Max, in his mind he knew Max was right, he had brought a lot of this on himself with his smart mouth. He should never have called his brother names. He made the excuse to himself it was all caused by the events of earlier today. A man playing with him, having a cock stuck in his mouth, cum down his throat, they caused all this. Having thought this he also could see no way out of his dilemma at the moment. Maybe he would have to grin and bare it. He would have to pacify his father whatever it took or the consequences would much more than Pat felt equipped to handle. He thought that maybe he should explain to his father all that had happened today. He would think further on it. He wasn't sure what his father's reaction would be. He knew his father believed in strict discipline and obedience and that there are no excuses, a person is always responsible for their actions. If something came on the news his father would always adopt the mantra about someone doing something, they must have wanted to do it. Pat found this odd as he also said you must always do what you're told by a senior person, boss or anyone with authority. Confusing.

Pat decided he wouldn't say anything about today just about how he had got the job, and how well it went and how pleased Mr Hooker was with his work. Maybe this would pacify him. He would tell Max with his earnings he would buy him a new phone and he would make it up to him for breaking his phone. Maybe that would pacify Max as well. He knew he could never pacify his mother. Impossible.

Having just thought that Pat was summoned,'Pat get down here now your father wants to talk to you.' Shit Pat thought.

Next: Chapter 4

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