Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on May 30, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer Tom Hooker 16y, student 11th grade. Son of employer , close friend and Pat's secret desire. David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen

Chapter 2.

Patrick goes to Oak College, a private school for boys. The school was run by the Marist Brothers. It was one of the few that had a mix, active brothers teaching and lay teachers. The uniform for the school was white long or short sleeved shirt, blue long trousers or shorts, in winter a maroon pullover or blazer with black footwear . Sports uniform was maroon polo shirt, blue shorts and dark blue socks with sports shoes. PE uniform was light blue T shirt with white gym or football shorts. The school adhered to a strict discipline code which consisted of dissuasion tactics like detention, and corporal including caning. Caning was only permitted by department heads. All students were expected to participate in school activities, scholastic, sport, artistic and communal. Credits were gained for participation and notations for failure to join activity. Three notations meant suspension from school and review as to suitability to continue to be a member of the school community. Once a student was suspended difficult to make a return after the first incident never after a second suspension.

The school credo was built around respect, responsibility honesty and loyalty. Teachers expected respect, obedience and compliance. Students were expected to work out problems amongst themselves or the student council. There were twelve year 12 students appointed as prefects and who made up the student body. The school would not countenance students trying to shift blame to another student, be man enough to accept your punishment. Any student who did not comply with school rules and regulations would be punished followed by a letter being sent to parents. The headmaster accepted no excuse for breaching rules.

Different teachers had different pet peeves, the favourite for most teachers being late to class. Unforgivable and would gain you a detention. Failure to cover supplied text books would see the student excluded from the class until they complied. Talking in class, detention, mobile phones in class, confiscated and detention, all had their penalties. No student was allowed to sit in a lesson wearing anything but sanctioned uniform. If a student wore anything to class not uniform for that lesson it had to be removed, so if a student turned up with a blue shirt on when they got to class they had to remove it. They could not put it back on until walking through the exit gate in the afternoon. You would see the student walking around the school during the day minus an item or items of clothing. Cause for great mirth and derision by other students. Very strict indeed. A great deterrent. Boys who would turn up to PE and think they could avoid the lesson by not having PE uniform learnt quickly the penalty, do the lesson stripped to your underpants.

This being the first week back this year everything was settling into routine for the coming term. Students getting used to new and or different teachers and also new timetables. The school day was still the same structure. Start and finish times had not changed 8.30 start and 3.00 finish. Squeezed in the middle was 3x40 minute lessons, morning break 20 minutes, then 2x40 minutes, lunch 50 minutes followed by afternoon session of 3x40minute periods. All of this was the regime except for Thursday which was sport afternoon. At the conclusion of mid day classes students would have a brief lunch break then be loaded to buses for transport to various sporting venues for mandatory school sport.

Today was Thursday but not sport day as that did not commence until next week. The afternoon would be spent in class rooms preparing for regular schooling commencing on Monday. This why Patrick had considered how best to approach his job interview, he knew if he failed his father would be rightly pissed off. He was going straight from school to see Mr Hooker. He decided he would present in long sleeved white shirt and long school trousers and not wear his customary shorts and shirt sleeved shirt he always wore, winter and summer. He hated being constricted by clothing. Full clothing he thought might help him look a bit older and more mature than he actually did. He looked in the mirror this morning and all he could see was this little kid looking back at him, he didn't look old enough to be in high school. He was small in height and had the face of a 12 year old. He hated it. He wanted to look like a mature teen.

Patrick spent the day getting used to his new teachers. He was studying 8 subjects plus PE the same as last year but had 4 new teachers and there were 2 new PE teachers, one the new head of department and a new instructor. He had liked his previous teachers he hoped he would these. He also had spent break and lunch times with his friends, some he hadn't seen since the start of summer break. Pat was a good student, athletic through his extra activity in gymnastics and a likeable student. Teachers who knew Pat saw him as a calm obedient youth, considerate of others and not excitable or prone to violence or bullying. He was not a little man trying to break free and be something he wasn't.

Pat was looking forward to being back with his friends. They were a mix of boys, all varying physically, of different countries, mixed temperaments and academic and sporting ability. All in all a blend of the school population. He had some boys whom he felt very close to, some he used to imagine with him at different times and being in a personal relationship with but it was his imagination. He would study them from afar, in class, at PE, at sport in the change rooms. He loved to rough and tumble with some of them in private play out if school. He longed for close personal physical contact, he knew his parents would disown him if they discovered his feelings towards other boys. He realised when he was primary school he had a preference for boys. He also knew he could not share his thoughts with anyone because of the social ramifications to him.

Last period of the day and Pat could go to his interview. He was seated in the school gym his mind wandering not really paying attention to his new PE teacher. Mr Thomas had been laying out the programme for the term. Pat had heard there were three PE periods per week plus Thursday arvo sports so that was good. The teacher then went on to the reinforce the uniform policy that PE uniform must be worn or as Mr Thomas said,`you'll do it naked but you will do it.' There was much mirth and moaning from the students. The next announcement made the boys take note, especially when the teacher said there would no exceptions, some students even gasped, some groaned others smiled.

Mr Thomas, after getting the attention of the class, announced,' all students will at the completion of their PE class shower. You will shower without clothes on. There will be no showering still with underwear or t shirts on. The teachers do not want to have in their classrooms with a load of pubescent teenage boys all hot and sweaty giving off foul smelling body odour from exercise. You will be supplied with towel and soap. There will be no excuse, absolutely none.'

`Sir, like today if we're the last class of the day do we still gotta shower?' a tall lanky boy called out.

`Firstly do not just yell out in my class, put your hand up and wait to be recognised and invited to speak. In response to your question did I not say at the completion, I made no distinction as to what time of the day it is you do or don't have to shower, it is after each and every PE session. Understood?'

There was a general murmur of dissent. `All of this leads me to my next subject. Before I do, all this complaining about a shower what are you allergic to being clean. I understand there are some you who don't want to be naked in front of others. Here is a major surprise for you all, you all have a penis, of varying sizes but it does the same thing for all of you, you all have testes which also perform the same function for each of you. You have got to get over this childish modesty you teen boys have about someone seeing you naked, it's rubbish and I'm fed up with it. If any of you start to make fun of another of your classmates over their nudity then I will have a special role for you. If any of you try to avoid showering as I instructed I have a special role for you, and you'll still shower. It is time to become adult about sexuality and what it involves. Any questions so far, anyone not understand?' Mr Thomas stood in front of the class looking each individual in the eye.

`What if I have a note sir that I can't shower?' The same tall lanky boy responded after raising his hand and being acknowledged by the teacher.

`Then you will be suspended from school, firstly because you must be so sickly you shouldn't be here and then because other students nor teachers should not have to be exposed to you in a foul smelly state. Understand, this matter is not for debate."

`What's the special role you mentioned sir?' solidly built lad sitting beside Pat asked.

Glad you asked Simpson , that brings me to the next and final topic. The school will over the next couple of weeks be conducting detailed sex education programmes for grades 7 through 9. We think you lot know it all. As result we will call on volunteers selected by me to perform as assistant models for these sessions.' There was quite a stir and rumble of noise from the assembled boys. Oh stop your whinging, you won't be naked and it will only be in front of junior boys. You lot are impossible, scared someone might glimpse your dick and now a junior boy will see you without a shirt. Grow up.So next week as per timetables we get into full swing for PE followed by showers. For the life education sessions I will speak to selected individuals as the need arises. Alright 5 minutes early but you can leave for the day. Dismissed class. Good afternoon.'

The boys all stood and as leaving started discussing what they had just been told. Many were most agitated. Pat knew it would be no use appealing to his parents all they would say was that he should grow up and do as he's told.

`See ya tomorrow Choc,'several friends called to him as they headed out the door to get their buses. Pat trotted off to the nearest washroom, he wanted to make sure his clothes were right and he looked respectable. On his way he could feel how tight the trousers were hugging him close. He had asked his mother a hundred times for more clothes but because she was to lazy to sort the washing and ironing he had to wear the same as his younger brother. The pants were real tight, the shirt was tight and the briefs were even tighter. He felt like all his bits were being crushed. He decided when he got home he would speak to her again about buying him a bigger size. He would think of a way that wouldn't cause her to flip out again. They'd had this conversation so many times before and now Pat thought she was just being unfair and stubborn. Maybe if he could get Max to ask as well she might reconsider. Pat finished his inspection and took off to see Mr Hooker.

How he hoped he could get this job. He wanted to earn some money and get his father to respect him as well. He knew if he missed out his father would simply pick on him even more. He had been reflecting on what had turned their relationship so sour. Pat had never considered his father as a loving emotional man but he had been someone who was always a steady rock for him and willing to offer moral support. All that seems to have wained. His father is now much more involved with Max than previously. Maybe, Pat thought, his father was only able to attend to one person emotionally and love wise at a time. It was something he would think on and maybe find someone to discuss it with.

Twenty minutes after leaving the school Pat left the bus and walked to the the warehouse named Hooker Enterprises. He stopped outside the building, checked his attire again, took a deep breath and entered into the lobby of the building. Sitting directly in front of him was a receptionist. Pat walked to the desk and told her his name and that he had an appointment with Mr Hooker and asked if he was free to see him. Five minutes later a well dressed solid built man in bright casual shirt and trousers entered the reception area. The man walked straight up to Pat, he had a broad smile on his face which immediately put Pat at ease.

`You must be Patrick Siemen. Come through young fellow and let's have a chat.' With that Mr Hooker placed a hand on Pat's shoulder and guided him through a set of doors back into the office area. Brian Hooker took Pat back to his office. It was very large and laid out in two zones, one around a large desk which had an open lap top sitting on it, behind the desk was a large directors chair, sitting in front of the desk were 3 visitor chairs. In the other section was a large lounge suite and several chairs. There was also a set of document drawers and filing cabinet, a tv on a cadenza, a glass meeting table with chairs and a coffee table in front of the lounge suite. The walls were all wood panelled with large photographs and on one wall was a large mirror. It was a very lavish office. Pat thought it was furnished better than most people's houses.

`Right young Patrick tell me why you want a job, what sort of job your looking for and why you're the best person for me to hire.?'

These questions Patrick had anticipated and had well rehearsed answers. He responded confidently and with his deep voice, off putting for a lad of his appearance, the responses were received positively. The only stumbling block was what sort of job, Patrick didn't really know everything Mr Hooker's company did.

`Well let me tell you the current scope of our operations Patrick then you can ask me questions later ok. I have several retail outlets selling casual and sports clothing, a sports store for sporting equipment and sport uniforms and clothes, a security and IT business, plus a warehouse and transport business. So you can see there is a wide variation to choose from.'

`Where would you want me to work?'

`Ideally for the business you would be a floater. By that I mean you would have a regular spot in a business but if needed we could move you into another spot to fill in when necessary across any division.'

`But I don't have experience and some of those businesses would require specialists I would think.'

`Well thought out, until you were experienced you couldn't be expected to know it all but that's up to us to train you. Say here in the warehouse if we wanted you to do something and you didn't know how then another of our employees would show you. I think in many ways it would be better for the simpler tasks if my son Tom were to show you, as you would relate to him better. You probably know him or have seen him around.'

`Dad said you were expanding the business and that I might have the opportunity of a full time job.'

`That's true, we are. To give you an idea we've just started on security, we've being doing IT security for several years but now into physical premises security tied in with technology, like the system we're fitting in your place tomorrow. We've also purchase a lease on a store next floor up from our retail sports outlet and are opening an alternatives sport/clothing outlet. There will be lots of growth, as to a permanent job that's a long way off let's get over this step first.'

`Thanks Mr Hooker.'

`Now Pat tell me about you.', Hooker went on to ask what sports Pat played, favourite sports people, who is friends were, what he did for enjoyment, studies, what he wanted to be, all to make up a meaningful interview. Pat was getting more confident all the time feeling he was acing his answers. Mr Hooker was smiling, all was good.

Ok two more things Pat then I can give you my decision,'do you have a girl friend?'

Pat stammered not knowing exactly how he should answer then fell back on his usual just tell the truth,' no sir I don't. I haven't got time for serious relationship with study and gymnastics and now with work as well.'

`Good boy, always concerns me with young lads that when girls get involved they lose focus on what they're meant to be doing and their obligations and let their little head think not their big one.' You know what I mean?'

Pat thought a minute, it was not something he had heard before.' No sir I can't say I do.'

`Simply put young fellow, young good looking lads like you when they get with a girl let their cock doing the thinking for them not their brains, now do you understand. I don't need that.'

Pat stood struck silent for a moment then without clear thought responded,' I understand sir but that isn't me I'm not interested in girls.'

Brian Hooker smiled.`Good boy now the next bit is important for me. I am concerned that you're only a little fellow and I'm not convinced you will be strong enough to take on the lifting and heavier work when you're in the warehouse or restocking. I'm inclined to think I need someone bigger, I know my son Tom who is a pretty big boy struggles sometimes.'

Pat's confidence just took a major blow. He thought what his father would say. ` I can sir I'm a lot stronger than I look. I'm pretty well built under this uniform.'

`I don't know son I really have my doubts.'

`Please sir give me a chance, I'll show you what I can lift, I'll do anything to prove it just give me a go.'

Brian Hooker stood from his chair and moved around to the front of his desk and leaned back on it, he appeared to be thinking.'come stand up here.'( He pointed to a spot on the ground in front of him). Pat rose from his chair and moved to stand on the spot.' Righto I'll give you a go but it's your choice, just strip off here so I can get a look at you and how you're built.'

Pat stood looking at Hooker for a minute as if throwing around in his head what he should do. Looking straight into the eyes of Mr Hooker Pat reached for the buttons on his shirt, when undone he slipped the shirt from his shoulders. Before he could put it anywhere Hooker took the shirt from him and placed it behind them in the filing cabinet. He moved back to Pat and closely observed his body. Pat stood looking straight ahead a the lap top opened on Mr Hookers desk.

Mr Hooker moved beside Pat and studied the boys conformation. `You are a pretty well defined little fellow'. Pat wanted to dispute being called little all the time but thought of his fathers instruction not to question adults.

Pat continued staring at the open computer keeping his focus from thinking about standing here on display. `Alright whip your strides off so I can get a look at your legs young fella.' Pat stared at Mr Hooker ,'up to you lad.' Pat bent down to remove his shoes, when he looked up he was staring straight at Mr Hookers partially open fly. Pat stood up, regained composure, then undid his belt, released the waist clasp and slowly slipped his trousers off.' As he got them off Brian Hooker took them from him. They too were placed in the filing cabinet. Pat now stood in only his extremely tight and very brief briefs.

Jesus he's fucking beautiful, thought Hooker. Hooker was simply ogling the boy who stood uncomfortably facing him. Hooker felt his shaft starting to grow as his imagination was rampaging with devious thoughts. `Just stand here facing the desk. I've got to go and get a few things be back in a minute.' With that Patrick was left on his own wondering what was going to happen.

As the minutes ticked by Pat was still standing in front of the desk. He moved from one foot to the other nervously waiting. Unthinkingly his hand moved to his tightly confined penis and he adjusted himself. He looked around, no sign of Mr Hooker, he pulled the elastic waistband out from his body, dove in the the other hand and dragged his package out to get fresh air. He had his balls and cock supported by one hand and the other secured the waistband locked under his balls. He fluffed them around getting air flow across his genitals. He felt so much better with this tight constraint taken away. He took his free hand a gently gave a stretching tug on his engorging penis. For Pat physical contact with his penis meant a livening of the muscle. The blood flowed more freely. The length was filling. Pat all the time listening for the returning footsteps of Mr Hooker.

Meanwhile Brian Hooker stood in the adjoining room watching the antics of his young prospective employee through the one way mirror. He was completely smitten by the beauty of this boy. Racing through Brian's mind was all the uses the boy could be put to. He turned his back picked up the camera he went to get and returned to his office and Pat. The sound of movement in the hallway alerted Pat to return his goods to their resting place in the briefs.

`Sorry about that Patrick couldn't find what I was looking for.' While speaking to Pat he moved in front of Pat and rested his hands on both of Pat's shoulders.' I've been thinking about the different jobs you could do for us here and I think I can find enough for you to fill your working hours, both here in the warehouse and in the shops.' Immediately a load seemed lifted from Pat and he beamed a large smile.

`That's my boy, that's a lovely smile, your teeth just sparkle' Brian Hooker said in a gentle tone, and began slowly and gently running his hands over the boy's chest. Pat was tempted to move out of reach but decided he didn't want to be seen as hard to get along with and thereby threaten Mr Hooker's good mood and being offered the job. A caressing hand stopped on his dark nut brown perky nipple. The other hand slipped around to sit at his backside and the elastic of the hipster briefs. A slight pressure was applied moving Pat forward a step. The fingers on the nipple softly rubbed across the hardening tip. Thumb and forefinger then took the nipple and softly rolled it between them. Pat went to move back but couldn't with the hand support at his back. A finger slipped under the waist band and into the cleft of the two firm young mounds. The thumb and forefinger took hold of the nipple and went from rolling it to pinching and pulling at it. Pat dropped his head back and closed his eyes. He was sure this was wrong but it felt really exhilarating. The feelings were transferred to his cock which had filled and was now leaking copious quantities of fluid. The hand at the back pushed down dragging the briefs lower pulling them to expose half the arse mounds and in the front part of the very black bush sitting atop a still covered steel hard erection.

`Please no, no, I'll only get into trouble, please no, I can't,' Pat mumbled with tears appearing.

Hooker moved closer to the boy and was about to start nibbling at his ear when he heard movement coming down the hallway, he quickly moved away from the boy and was returning to behind the desk when the office door swung open unannounced. Before the intruder could say anything Brian snapped out,`I've told you not to come breaking in here without knocking I could be in the middle of a business deal.'

Sorry dad didn't realise you had someone with you.' Whilst Tom Hooker was speaking to his father his eyes never left the boy standing in front of the desk. He took in the attractive face, the athletically muscled torso and then the great extension in the briefs. The boy turned slightly towards Tom who could clearly see a very damp spot and a dark brown blob behind the wet area in the white briefs. A cock head, a big one. I just came in to see if you got anything else you want me to do before I go?'

`Yes I do actually, I want that mezzanine storage area cleared so we can use it for temporary storage tomorrow. You can clear that. I'll send young Pat out to help you in two minutes. He's starting with us as a casual for here and the shops, show him the ropes.'

`You reckon you'll be finished with him in two minutes, thought he might be longer.'

`Get your smart arse out get to do what I want, he'll be out in two minutes.'

`See ya outside Pat and we can work and get to know each other,' Tom said as he turned and left the office.

`Ok you got the job, you right to do an hour or two this afternoon?'

`Ah yeah, thank you sir. I should be ok, you want me to help Tom.'

`Yes certainly do but before you go just stand there I got to get a few photos of you for the files to say you're healthy and a couple for the shops to make face ID's. Now just move over there.' Pat went to adjust his briefs but Brian moved to him moving him into the middle of the office and pushing Pat's hands down off his briefs effectively dragging them lower again.' Ok smile now,' saying that Brian took hold of the same nipple as before and gently tugged and pinched. As if an inflator button were pushed the teen's large cock blew straight to erection mode and pushed against the fabric of the briefs, causing a gap between briefs and body. Brian took the camera and freely photographed the boy even to shooting into the gap caused by the forcing erection which was pointing at the left hip. He moved to the rear and finalised the session by shooting down into the abyss of the boys arse crack.'Righto mate lets get you out to Tom so you can start. Grab your shoes.'

`What about my clothes I can't work like this.' Pat said with a concerned tone in his voice. He didn't trust Mr Hooker but there was nothing he could do.

`Tom will find you something, it's very dusty out there and you would wreck your good clothes.'

Pat thought to himself that was exactly what he'd like to see happen with those clothes being so tight and all but couldn't say anything to Mr Hooker as he wasn't sure how close he was to his father. Closer than he originally thought it seemed. Pat put on his shoes and followed behind Mr Hooker into the warehouse to find Tom. He was really nervous dressed in his briefs it wasn't decent. As they went from the office to the warehouse they passed a young secretary and Pat immediately covered his crotch with his hands.

`Hi sweetie, you're cute.' Pat didn't respond simply put his head down and followed the boss. He heard from behind him,' great arse kid.'

Don't worry all the labour out here except Tom have gone by now' Hooker said as they entered the warehouse. Tom where are you.'

When Tom came down from the mezzanine he saw this stunning looking creature standing, nearly cowering, alongside his father. He was clad only in the briefest of underwear that left nothing to the imagination it rode so low around his hips. The kid looked hot but Tom could see he wasn't comfortable being there like that.

`See if you can find something for the kid to wear he didn't bring work clothes. When you're finished get cleaned up and give me call and we'll take you home Pat.' Having said that Brian Hooker left the two boys to get on with their work.

Look mate I can have a look for something for you to wear but I know there's nothing. If I gave you a pair of my shorts they'll just fall off you anyway cause they'd be so big on you.'

Pat looking at Tom nodded his head in understanding. He looked like a kicked dog. `I don't want people seeing me like this they'll just make fun of me.'

`What is there to make fun of. Jesus. Good looks your sun tan fuck me, you're spectacular.'

`Everyone calls me little, I can't help it. I'm not a little kid like people treat me.'

Come here,Tom said as he dragged Pat to him, the two boys now chest to abdomen,`I don't think you're little, I'm proud to work with you and as a friend if you want.' As Tom said this to Pat he reached around the younger boy and pulled Pat's briefs back into place to cover his rump.'and you got the cutest arse.' Tom smiled down at Pat and gave him a friendly firm smack on the bum. Tom then moved out of the huddle, he could feel Pat's cock pressing into his right upper thigh, and he could feel himself starting to harden. He didn't want Pat thinking he wanted him sexually although he had strange feelings for him.

`Do I have to stay like this it doesn't feel right, I'm nearly naked.'

Tom thought for a moment then responded,'Well you can take your briefs off if you want.' Tom noted the look of horror on Pat's face.'Or stay as you are or I will strip down to my briefs if it makes you feel better so we're both the same, your pick.' Tom looked down on his new young friend. He really was amazing to look at. He glimpsed the boys distended briefs, there's definitely some meat there. He was surprised there weren't girls lined up waiting to get at him. `You got a girlfriend Pat?'

`No, no I haven't. I don't have time with school and my gymnastics training and definitely not now with work as well. I don't like the shit they talk either, always about how hot so and so is. All they ever think of.'

`So we need to get started mate or we'll never get finished eh.'

`So do did you mean it that you will be my friend and dress like me in only briefs, truely?' Pat enquired in a very unsure tone.

`That's what I said didn't I, of cause I want to be your friend. While we work I want you to tell me all about you ok.' Having said that Tom pulled his polo shirt off and threw it on the nearby desk. He then grabbed the waistband on his shorts and pulled them down his legs. Tom now stood facing Pat in just sneakers and a pair of red close fitting Bonds boxer briefs. Every bulge and ridge was outlined.'Right, no excuses now, let's get started.'

Pat stood looking at the tall well built athletic young new friend before him. He looked at the broad shoulders, the muscles standing out, then to the chest, pectoral muscles, two five cent sized nipples with some brown hair between them. When he lowered his gaze he saw a six pack abdomen with a neat tight navel with brown hair running down into the boxer trunks. He knew Tom was 16 because his Mr Hooker had told him. He thought Tom had to be 7 or 8 inches (175/200mm) taller than him and a lot heavier. He wished he had a body like Tom , he looked strong.

`Come on, stop staring at my goods you want to take a photo. We got shit to do.'

Pat blushed, even with his dark complexion you could see his cheeks redden. Tom turned and led Pat up the stairs to where the work was. Pat watched the lad in front, how he moved with a languid gate, how athletic his legs were. He was mesmerised by the site of the red briefs covered arse flexing as they climbed the stairs. With Tom 1step in front of him Pat reached out and took hold of the waistband. Tom did not stop walking immediately and him moving forward and up caused the briefs to be dragged down off Tom's rump. The sight for Pat was breathtaking. Two very firm mounds with a deep cleft separating them, each mound lightly dusted with little brown hairs.

`Hey hang on pal where not on that good a terms yet. You can't just pull my shorts off.'

`Sorry...sorry I just wanted to see the label for type of undies they are.' Pat stumbled out.

`Yeah well I don't mind showing you but you should ask. You can't handle the goods if you haven't paid for them. The name is on the waistband...Bonds.'

`I'm going to ask mum to get me some of those, I like them and they look good on you too.'

`Don't fall in love with me I've got a girlfriend who'll get upset if you do.'

`No, no I don't mean that. I mean they fit nice and I don't know, it's nice.'Pat nervously said. He knew he had said the wrong thing but in truth he had fallen for the older well built boy.

`Come on now, work. You can tell me all about you, everything, whilst we work.'

The boys started in on two hours of hard toil.

Next: Chapter 3

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