Patrick Siemen

By Ben Overson

Published on May 24, 2023


Story participants. Pat Siemen 15y, 10th grade. Adopted child Max Siemen 12y, 7th grade. Brother Alan Siemen 42y, mining engineer. Father Marie Siemen 41y, environmentalist. Mother Brian Hooker 40y, businessman. Employer David Simpson 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max Paul Brown 12y, 7th grade. Friend to Max

Enjoy this story. It includes consensual and non consensual acts between boys and others. Write to the author if you choose. Only read if legal in your jurisdiction.

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Patrick Siemen


`You're late, where've you been your brother has been home for hours?' Pat's father Al demanded.

`I've been at practice dad, I go there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You know that.'

`Yeah well I expected you home earlier I don't want you hanging around the mall with those louts up there."

`I won't dad, I don't want to do that, they're not my mates."

`Well you might have less time on your hands. I called in and saw Brian Hooker, as you asked me to. He told me to tell you to call in there tomorrow afternoon at his warehouse and he'll have a chat to you about a casual job.'

`That's great dad thanks. I really want a job to get some dough together."

`Well I can tell you now he's a hard boss, if you muck around he doesn't give second chances you'd be out. I want you to remember what else I told you, this year you're 16 and is your year 10. You got to get a good result in all your exams through the whole year, any slacking off and you're back full time study. The result determines what subject levels you can take in your final 2 years. You understand clearly top results or no job, no gymnastics nothing except the books.'

`You bet. I won't dad I promise I won't let you down either at the job or with school. I always do what I'm told like and try real hard.'

`Righto then after school nip down to Hooker's warehouse on Carrington and have a chat to Brian. I don't know what the hours, conditions or money are he just said to me he wanted to have a good look at you. I think he wants to see if you're smart enough to do a job properly and if you're big and strong enough. Pat you're only a little bloke you might have to prove to him you can do as he wants. You never know what this could lead to, Brian is expanding his business into different lines all the time.'

I'll be there straight after school let's out tomorrow, thanks dad I really appreciate you talking to him for me,' Pat beamed towards his dad.'I'm going up to have a shower I pong from this arvo, coach worked me hard today. You like gymnastics don't you?'

`Yeah I do, I might not get to the olympics but I just like it. It's like really demanding physically and mentally.'

`Ok, have a shower. Listen after you finish training why don't you just have a shower there, use up their hot water?'

`Nah I'd rather come home and clean up here. The amenities there are as old as they are at school, just a great row of shower heads on one wall and a bench seat to put your gear on against the other wall. You just stand there all on show.'

`You shouldn't worry about it mate, you'll have to get used to showering and changing in front of others at some time. You're all built the same you know.' Al Seaman joked to his son whilst staring at him.

`I don't like being on show dad in front of others. I feel them staring at me.'

`I think you're being over sensitive son nobody would be standing there studying your bare brown arse. Go on off you go. We'll give you a call for dinner.'

`Thanks again dad.' That said Pat turned, picked up his kit bag and ran to his bedroom at the end of the upstairs hallway. Pat entered threw his bag alongside his dresser, went to the drawer and pulled out some clean underwear. He looked at what he had, put it back in the drawer and got out a pair of boxers he used as sleep shorts. He looked at his underwear drawer. It was full of hipster briefs which Pat thought were too small and were uncomfortable. His mother when she went shopping for clothes for him and his brother bought the same size for them both because that way she didn't have to sort what belonged to who. She said they were the same size anyway, which is true height wise but Pat was bigger built than his younger brother and the briefs were bought last year so even his brother was growing out of them. Sometimes his mother would mix up their jeans and Pat would have to squeeze into his young brothers. Pat was still wearing clothes he had had for at least the last 12 to 18 months. All the older stuff was a very tight fit on him. His mum had to buy him new shirts because his chest and arms had thickened as had his legs otherwise he was still much as he was last year. Maybe a bit taller as well. Pat walked from his bedroom to the adjoining bathroom and shut the door. He didn't lock it, house rules said no doors in the house were allowed to be locked his mum didn't like it.

He stood before the mirror in the bathroom and removed his clothes. He looked at his stature he knew he would never be the size of his now parents. Both his mum and dad were large people his parents both being ex state rowers, that's how they met. Pat's natural parents were unknown, nobody had any idea about his background except maybe a chance his father was West Indian/Guatemalan . Alan and Marie Siemen adopted him when he was a new born from an orphanage in Mexico on the border of Belize whilst they were working in the petroleum industry. They told him later it took 18 months to be able to get him out of the country and into Australia as an Australian citizen. Evidently they would liked to have gone back for more children but it was simply all too difficult, dangerous and expensive then in the meantime Marie his now mother, had fallen pregnant with brother Max, which they were told wouldn't happen.

Pat stood naked looking at himself. He was pleased with his upper body development and lower body. His father wondered why he didn't shower with others, it was because he was ashamed of his body. Even with his body developing, he was going to be 16 in a few months, and at weigh in today was 5ft 5ins (162cms) and 120lbs (52kgs). He had pitch black hair cut in a conventional no.3 parted on the left, black eyebrows and black eyes and chocolate coloured skin. He was an attractive sight. The problem for Pat was he didn't have any body hair or facial hair, no teenage acne, no hair on arms or legs. He didn't shower with the others because he looked like a 12 or 13 year old. What nobody had seen even though some had tried at different times was Pat naked including his brother for at least the last 7 years. If they had they would see a thick pubic bush of black curls. They would also see a very developed sex organ hanging over a pair of hens egg balls, which was totally out of place on this boys body. Pat didn't see himself as handsome or attractive he just wished he could be like his brother and other kids his age and white. He would like to be like Max who whilst in 7th grade and 12 turning 13 later in the year looked like a miniature Alan Siemen. Max was 47kgs and 5ft3ins, very sporty, Mousey haired blue eyed tan skin Aussie boy, very outgoing who seemed to have lots of friends and known to all. Pat envied him.

Pat finished his inspection, went to the shower and turned on the hot water and as it came through he stepped into the spray. He leaned his head on the wall water running down the back of his neck and down his back and his brown globes. The white of the soap suds contrasted to the nut brown skin. Pat turned himself around and leaned against the shower wall so the water cascaded down over his head, across his small brown pert nipples adorning his chest into his v shaped abs onto his dark brown genitals. The water formed a stream as it followed his cock to run from its end. Pat took the shower gel and generously soaped his body. As he soaped his chest his hands went to his nipples and he fondled them, gently, lightly running his finger tips across the sensitive pointed nipple tip. At the very touch as if a starter button were pushed Pat's cock began to rise. Within no time whilst the nipple manipulation continued Pat was fully erect his engorged penis straining and pointing at a 45 degree angle to the ceiling. Pat moved his hands to the shaft and the bulbous mushroom head of his penis. When Pat was landed in Australia as a baby he was put into hospital to be circumcised, evidently Alan Siemen wanted the boy to look the same as him. He did with the circumcision but not with the heft of the organ now swinging from the boy's groin. Pat slowly continued massaging the bobbing straining and profusely leaking cock and within several minutes of commencing Pat loosed a load of creamy white cum against the shower glass. Shot after shot and then as the pressure reduced the remainder spilled over the gripping left hand. Pat continued slowly milking himself whilst fondling his eggs, gently lifting and rolling them in his palm. This was his fourth ejaculation today. Pat knew within himself he was obsessed with masturbation but once he got the feeling the only relief he could get was to drop a load.

Hair towelled, body dried Pat again inspected himself. His brown skin. The kids at school nicknamed him "Choc". It was pass the ball "Choc", hey "Choc" very few ever called him Pat or Patrick. He also had jokes made of his surname Siemen. One of his friends would call to him in the playground or when leaving to get the bus, always in front of lots of other kids" hey you coming Siemen". It always was met with laughter. At least brother Max was also taunted but it didn't seem to phase him at all. Max was always quick to respond with things like,'sure am you want more'. He pulled on his boxer shorts and wandered back to his bedroom. He picked up a Renshaw novel lay down, head propped on pillows and read.

Boys dinners on the table,'Pat heard being called from the base of the stairs,don't let it get cold.'

Pat was rising from his bed when Max stuck his head the door,'come on bro or the old man will be screaming at us, that we don't appreciate anything.'

`Me you mean.'mumbled Pat.

Both boys laughed and headed down stairs together. When seated at the table Max asked,'mum at work?'

`Yes, she'll be back tomorrow and I'm flying out tomorrow afternoon for several days,'father replied.

`Where you going dad?'Max asked his father.

`New Guinea, Port Moresby actually, there's a field I've got to look at.'

The family started general talk about their activities during the day whilst they ate dinner. During this time Alan Siemen informed his boys a security system was being installed tomorrow so not to be concerned when they arrive home to see cameras and lights installed around the house. He explained his reasons for needing the system particularly as much of his work is so sensitive. He explained as he worked from home his office contained a lot of very commercially sensitive data and information. At the completion of dinner the two boys cleared the table, packed the dishwasher then were going to retire upstairs to their common room to watch some tv.

`Don't be up all night, see you when I get back on Monday. Good night boys. Oh and Pat remember your meeting with Brian Hooker tomorrow and don't embarrass me by doing something stupid.'

I'll be at the meeting, why would you say about me embarrassing you. I have never done that.

`You watch your tone with me. You don't speak to me like that. Just remember what I've said.'the father snapped back,'now go to bed anymore from you and you're over my knee.'With that he moved to Max bent and kissed him on the head,"you to mate, time for you to go upstairs.'

The two boys walked together up to their bedrooms. Pat was unhappy that he had upset his father, he hadn't intended to. It was times like this that he felt things were not equal between him and his brother. Max never seemed to get into strife with either mother or father whereas Pat thought for often no reason his parents would discipline him by taking away any privileges for a time and on occasion his father would give him a spanking. Several times he had been belittled by being made to stand in the corner for hours.

He then reflected on a recent events.Mostly he had to stand in his bedroom but the other week he was made stand in the corner in just his briefs, this was in front of Max and two of his friends who were playing PS4 in the common room. Pat had complained to his mother about him having to use the same briefs as Max, that they were too tight and very uncomfortable.

His mother screamed at him,' you're both the same size, I'm not wasting time sorting out your underwear or money buying things we don't need. You're an ingrate. Sometimes I think I should have said no to Alan and left you there'. She then dragged him to her, pulled down his shorts nearly dragging his briefs off as well, the briefs being pulled halfway over his arse and the front down to his cock root showing his black pubic bush. `now stand over there in that corner and don't you dare touch your underwear. Put your hands on your head.'

As usual Pat didn't argue but obeyed the command he'd been given. Initially he stood hands on head facing into the corner, leaving his half bare lighter brown rump on full display. The three boys sitting playing the game thought it was all very funny and when Ms Siemen left the room and went downstairs the boys started to make jokes about Pat showing off his arse. Pat did not respond, he tried to block out what was being said. Max did nothing to discourage his friends from humiliating Pat. After about 15 minutes one of the boys crept across the room behind Pat and made a lunging tug on Pat's briefs and brought them to his ankles. Pat realised what had happened and resisted the strong urge to turn around, just bent and pulled up his shorts. He said nothing. While doing this he exposed his dark brown anus which all of the boys saw then hanging between his legs a pair of large balls swinging in their sack. As Pat straightened and stood again the three boys again all seated behind him, looked to each other with big grins on their faces.

David Simpson, friend of Max, commented,' they got to be the biggest gonads i ever seen.'

Paul Brown, the other friend, added,' yeah they keep him from getting blown away.' Paul then said,'what about the black entrance to his man cave, you go exploring in there Pat, bet you or your mates do.'

Max,'come on Dave your go, go to your room Pat I'll tell mum I got sick of looking at your brown arse and told you to piss off. You'll be right she won't rouse on me.'

At that Pat turned from the corner and then pulled up his briefs to completely cover himself. It was not before the others saw his black bush and the very clear outline of his cock through the over stretched white fabric of his briefs. Without a word Pat left the common room and returned to his bedroom. He threw himself on his bed staring at the ceiling to reflect on what had happened. He then felt even more humiliated when he heard the boys in the common room across the hall from his bedroom discussing his bush and what looked like the size of his cock. They decided they must have got it wrong because it wasn't possible for such a small person to have a cock that size. They all agreed until Paul commented,'yeah well we all saw the size of his balls.'

After leaving the dinner table and walking back to his room where Max and he said their good nights Pat went and sat his desk in front of his computer. He sat thinking for a while about how he was treated compared to Max. Pat was convinced Max was the favoured one of the two of them. It had become obvious to him. He recalled vividly the occurrence recorded above and then others. Mother seemed indifferent to him, treating him more as a boarder as he got older. She seemed rarely to show interest in anything he did or care greatly about his well being. He had the impression from her that Max was her natural son and Pat was a burden. His father had never been paternal towards Pat, ever. He seemed to use him more as adornment. As Pat had grown older and entered high school his father had become even more domineering and demanding nearly to the extent of wanting Pat subservient to him. Both parents seemed to enjoy humiliating him, openly denigrating him or his actions in front of others particularly any friends he may have over. They always welcomed his friends but then made sure to do something that would embarrass or humiliate. If Pat were to show any reaction or refuse something his father said Pat would be disciplined. It was very much do whatever you are told.

All of this was tumbling through Pat's mind when his father came through the door unannounced. I need a word with you young man.' Moving to Pat's desk, pulling out the chair and turning it to face Pat who was lying on his bed but now sitting. Come stand over here.' He indicated a spot in front of him.

Pat rose from the bed and moved to stand in front of his father on the designated spot. Pat was conscious his sleep shorts being old boxers were very tight, short in the leg and the fly splaying open. There was nothing he could do. He felt his fathers intense glare.

`You need to understand Patrick when you are being spoken to by a parent, boss, school teacher, any authoritative figure you do as you're told you do not...'

`But dad I didn't.....'

`This is exactly what I mean, do not interrupt when I speaking to you.' With this Alan Siemen reached forward with one hand taking hold of the waist band of the boxers and dragged Pat closer to him. With the other hand it shot out grasping the upper inside thigh muscle of Pat's left leg. The father's right hand held the waistband tightly scrunched and the left hand the muscle. His father' left hand fingers firmly held the muscle with Pat wincing at the pressure whilst the thumb of the left hand was pointing up the boys thigh into the boys groin area. Alan continued to lecture Pat whilst jiggling his left thumb into the set of balls resting against it. Father stared into sons eyes watching for reaction. He started stroking and lifting the sack. Pat could feel the invader, the very first time in his memory anyone other than himself had invaded and touched his privates. He began to get stimulated by the touching. The hand slid to the top of the inner thigh muscle with balls now sitting atop the fathers grip. The thumb was sliding back and forth along the side of a growing cock. Pat felt some pubic hair being pulled at.

`Dad please stop.' Pat softly pleaded with his father,'this is wrong.'

`How dare you say what I'm doing is wrong. I'm trying to explain to you even though things may happen you don't like or think is wrong if you are being directed to do something by authority you bloody well do it. It's called doing as you are told. Just because it doesn't suit you at the time is definitely not a reason to be disobedient or disrespectful.'Alan forcefully told his son.

`What I meant was.....'

`I don't care what you meant or thought, you do as your told. As a matter of fact to give you practice and get you used to obeying authority Max can now direct you what to do and god help you if you don't obey.'

`That's not fair, he's years younger than me, how can he be in charge of me."

`Exactly the point I'm making to you, it's not about how old you are it's the authority you must respect and Max now has my authority to supervise you. When he says jump you will ask how high sir. Do you understand me, I mean it Pat you either obey what I'm telling you or you can leave here and do for yourself.'

`No dad, please, I don't want that, I want to stay. I'll do anything please don't put me out.'

`Well you understand very clearly, you do as you're told when your told, no second chances, or you're out. Up to you.' Alan stated firmly.'I mean it Patrick, you've now been told, I won't say it again respect authority.'

`I will dad I promise. I'll do whatever I'm told.'

While the conversation was happening Alan had moved his hand in the leg of the tight boxers to be now cradling his sons balls in his fingers and massaging them. Nothing was being said, Alan was avidly watching Pat's pained facial expression. Pat unable to look at his father focused his attention on the overhead light. In the quiet now pervading the room Pat was feeling this new experience of someone else handling him, his cock again began to grow. Pat murmured quietly causing Alan to look at his son's partially open fly. He noted the black bush, and with the enclosed cock hanging down and to the left as it thickened it was to tight a fit to rise up but it did start to forcefully push out the leg of the boxers. Alan couldn't see the shaft but could see it at the root and marvelled at its breadth. He moved his hand from the waist band and slowly ran it down the cloth covered shaft. Pat again lightly groaned at the touch.

`Right let me get Max in here and tell him about the new arrangement so he will understand as well what your obligations are.' Alan said,'you stay exactly as you are.' Alan called to Max.

Forty minutes later Max walked away from the meeting astounded at the instructions he had just received. Summarised it was he,Patrick, must do whatever you tell him to do and if he doesn't then he will be leaving home forever, you come with nothing and you go with nothing, all very simple. Max had a smile a mile wide, Patrick severely upset at the position he now found himself in. This all because earlier he had challenged something his father had said, and as a result had literally cost him his independence. He was now subordinate to all. Pat also noticed Max's intense interest in his crotch, Max continually staring at the partial swelling still evident.

`Ok pleased we understand each other completely. Leave me a message to let me know how you get on at Hookers. I'll see you Monday night on my return.' Alan told his son and without further words left his son standing in the middle of the room.

Patrick, nearly in total despair threw himself on his bed, face into the pillow and silently cried. Where his face was on the pillow tears stained the pillow case. He hoped this whole incident would calm itself particularly if he did nothing to annoy his parents or brother. He consoled himself that most of the time he and Max got on together so why would that change. He assured himself if he toed the line for his father and there were no eruptions with him in a couple of months the whole thing would be forgotten. Buoyed by his own self assurances he felt better about the situation and set about completing the homework set for tonight.

Next: Chapter 2

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