Patrick and Sean

By Chaim Utrecht

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Patrick and Sean Part 3 by Chaim

A little warning: This story develops slowly in the beginning, and contains scenes of dominance and submission and non-consensual sex.

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Thanks to Robin, JB, Jeremy, pennasterone, Wayne, LB, Paul, Jason, ptrtrip for their most kind and encouraging reactions.

The last lines from the second part:

"Mmmmph!" Patrick gurgled as I flooded his mouth with torrents of man cum but finally, Patrick swallowed. He actually drank my cum as a good and willing boy. As he gulped it down, some ran over his lips and onto his chin. When I had milked the last drop of my load into Patrick's mouth, I kissed his mouth. I let my tongue slide over the cum that was drizzling onto Patrick's chin and pushed it back into his mouth. Patrick opened his mouth for me and snowballed the little bit of cum that was left back and forth.

I grabbed onto Patrick's dick and yanked hard enough that he moved

forward. I continued to pull hard and kissed him even harder. Patrick panted into the my mouth and he started to shoot his load, his perfect teen dick erupted. The first volley was forceful, and heavy, as it jetted across the tiled floor, and it seemed like Patrick just kept cumming for a long time, with a volume that actually surprised me. Finally he was drained, and spent, and the tension released from his body, and I looked up at him, and he grinned widely at me, his head slowly shaking side to side, as he sighed deeply, saying, as he exhaled,

"Holy shit, oh my god, that rocked!"

I grinned back at him, and replied,

"Good boy, it was like a freaking volcano!"

Patrick had never had such a powerful orgasm. When Patrick's orgasm ended, he collapsed into my body. I held him tight, and let my new boy breath into my shoulder. Everything was working perfectly. We were forming a bond and Patrick trusted me completely.

The real fun was just beginning.

Part 3

I let Patrick fall away from my body. I stood and said,

"You're a good boy, Patrick."

He replied gratefully, "Thank you Sir."

Patrick couldn't help but flex his muscles a little, his arms had definitely grown and he was not a boy anymore. My cock was up hard again and the pouch did nothing to hide my boner. In fact the bulging pouch looked down right obscene. Patrick turned slowly around and I looked at his awesome ass, framed perfectly by the leg straps.

"My, my, what have we here? Looks to me like my little faggot boy with his ass all gift wrapped for me."

I grabbed the elastic leg straps pulled them out and let them snap back.

"Ouch!" Patrick yelped, but wiggled my ass almost suggestively at me, and I ordered,

"Bent over so I can get a good look at that cute little butt,"

Patrick did as I asked but also looked over his shoulder and watched him, never taking my eyes off his beautiful teen ass.

"You know," I said, "looking at that perfectly framed ass just gets my palm to itching."

I walked up behind him and started rubbing on his firm ass cheeks.

"Now get down on your hands and knees so I take the strain off your muscles."

Patrick nodded and did as I told him, he went down on hands and knees. I got down behind him and pressed my pouched hard-on into his ass and humped it at little.

"I think it's time that I take care of your attitude and put some color on your ass."

and I gave him a couple of playful spanks, which may have hit him harder than intended, because he whimpered,

"Ouch Sir! That hurts!"

Patrick winced as the sting lasted longer.

"I think we better plug up that cute little mouth of yours for a while. I don't like it when guys complain about what I lavishly give them."

Patrick was still kneeling on the floor smiling with anticipation about eye level with my pouched-up cock. I looked at Patrick's sweaty gear and quickly found what I needed I was looking for on the floor, it was his gym bag. I bent over to open it up and as my hand reached into it. I started to rummage through all of his clothing and stuff a boy like Patrick accumulates.

"What the hell is this doing in your bag?"

I said and Patrick instantly blushed as I turned around and looking directly at him. I held up a smelly white jockstrap.

I brought the jockstrap to my face and closed my eyes. I pretended to be surprised as I inhaled the smell.

"It's a strong masculine sweat boy, which cannot be yours!"

Patrick looked down at the floor, he already felt busted.

"What did you do? How did you get into my bag?"

I accused him with a smirk. Patrick sighed. I came over and squatted right in front of him as he looked down guiltily.

"Oh boy, let me guess. You fetched my jock out of my bag without me knowing, didn't you!?"

and I dangled the jock right in front of his nose. Patrick took a deep breath and silently nodded, I softly lifted his chin up,

"Something tells me you've been a very bad boy. Come on now, confess, what did you do with it?"

I asked, grinning ear to ear. Patrick felt embarrassed, but didn't say a word. This was great, it made him vulnerable and gave me a good reason to tackle him.

"You did something naughty with it, didn't you? I just know you did. You better tell me or I'll be forced to angle your hot bare ass over my knee and punish you for not being honest with me!"

I threatened him, "Damn boy! Don't make me, I have to know the truth!"

I was starting to break him down.

"You are, you are a very bad boy. I will think of an appropriate punishment. Maybe I should walk you out of locker room with my jock in your mouth, so everyone can see what a dirty boy you are."

Patrick pleaded, "Oh no, not that!"

I looked at him, "You are a little faggot boy who stole my jock! What are you? Why shouldn't I expose you? You are a pervert who likes to smell my jock."

I said it with such disdain in my voice, that Patrick felt terrible. He was caught! He was embarrassed and ashamed, but he was also clearly excited by the humiliation and was rubbing himself. I looked at his pouched-up teen dick.

"Oh my, you must be really bad!"

and I stood, grabbed up a belt from my locker, doubled it up and smacked the palm of my hand with it.

"Last chance!" I threatened him again, still no reaction.

"Okay we do it my way,"

I strode over to him, grasped his arm firmly, pulled Patrick up to standing and taking us over to the bench. I sat on the edge and I commanded,

"Over my knee now!"

Patrick wasn't having any of that and retorted back,

"Fuck you, no!"

I smiled at him and said,

"Stop acting like a brat and just do it."

Patrick couldn't believe what he was hearing and replied,

"What the fuck no!! I'm not getting over your knee like a little boy, are you fucking crazy?!"

I stayed calm, and firmly said, but it sounded mockingly.

"Patrick just get over my knee and take your punishment, like a good boy."

I pulled him over my knee. Patrick flopped over it, his hands flat to the tiled floor, his head up and this position angled up his ass ready for me! The slapping noise of the belt on my hand filled the locker room making Patrick to jump up. I pushed him down and asked,

"You don't like that sound? Don't worry, you will get used to it."

I laid a hand on Patrick's up turned ass kneading it my hand a finger slipping into his warm crack, searching for his pink boy hole. I ordered,

"Kiss the belt before I use it on you."

As Patrick kissed the length of the leather belt I slowly and gently stroked and fondled his ass. Without warning I swung the leather belt through the air, it was swooshing and then a crack as the supple leather made contact with the tender flesh of Patrick's ass. The sound filled the locker room, and the sensation made Patrick jerk forward a little but he instantly pushed his butt back.

"No, don't do this to me. Please, stop!"

Patrick groaned despite himself.

"Stay in position!"

I made a single loop around my hand to shorten the strap which gave me more control. Without a pause or for warning the belt whooshed through the air landing with its cracking noise a second time against

the flesh of his ass. Patrick's mouth gapped open and he suppressed a scream. I delivered five more blows as his ass reddened and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"No! No more please! It hurts, please, please stop, please!"

By now Patrick was trembling not with fear, but with lust. I stopped,

"Let me up! Let me go! Please!"

he continued to beg and I rubbed his ass cheeks, and dangled my jock right in front of his face,

"I believe that you sniffed my dirty jock and got off on it. Am I right?" and Patrick sighed defeated,

"Yes sir, that's it, I couldn't help it."

Patrick said and humped my knee a little more as I gave him four more licks of the belt.

"No, no! I beg you please, don't hit me again!"

I pushed him down and Patrick wailed, helplessly bucked and flailed under my superior physical force. He started to bawl and cry, now helpless to resist the punishment. I kept the jock right there in front of him.

"What else did you do with it?"

I demanded.

"Nothing! I didn't do anything but sniff it, Sir."

Patrick replied.

"Did you jack off?" Patrick blushed, "Yes sir, I did," and turned his head to look up and back at me. "Bad boy! I think you need another whipping for that, get that fine ass up, ten licks more!"

I said and waited for Patrick to ready himself. I gave him the ten licks, much harder ones this time, my voice softly counting up to ten but I made sure the jock was right at his face as I did. Patrick's butt went from a light red color to dark hot red. With every hit from my belt, Patrick bucked his hips making his dick rub against my thigh. He was being literally jerked off by the spanking and he couldn't help but love it.

I was having a grand old time. Ever since starting the second half of Patrick's punishment, I couldn't help himself but thought of his cute ass, begging me to be taken. I increased the in rhythm and intensity until each lick left a biting sting. Patrick could only imagine how red his butt must be and was sweating, moaning and squirming.

"You sure you didn't put my jock into your mouth too?"

I asked him and Patrick shuddered a little. I was sure he had thought of it.

"No, I didn't do that," he panted and he suddenly blushed harder, he knew he had walked into my trap.

"Too bad! You're gonna do it now! Open wide!"

I ordered. Patrick bit his lower lip. He knew he would end up doing it, but he clamped his mouth shut, closed his eyes. Getting my jock into his mouth was so humiliating!

"Okay boy, your choice, you will have it your way!"

I said and went after it. This time, the licks were hard and painful, my belt went up and down his butt cheeks at a good pace. I stopped just in time before Patrick was about to scream for me to stop,

"You gonna do it, take my jock in your mouth, don't you? Come on, you know you want it, so do it!"

I taunted him. Patrick's head flew around, he moaned as my hand smoothed over his tanned ass. I used my finger to tease his hungry boy hole. He pushed back on my finger and I warned him,

"No, don't get the wrong ideas, I make the rules here and you have no say. When I take a boy's ass for the first time, I like it to be red, and yours will be very red soon, but you eat my jock pouch first. Get it in your mouth nice and solid and I'll give you some more licks and tell you a little secret at the same time."

Patrick closed his eyes and opened his mouth. I shoved the wadded up pouch in his mouth and not slowly.

"It's going right in your mouth. Clean it well or you will be punished,"

I ordered. As the first lick of my belt kissed his naked ass Patrick started to grunt into my jock. I was not playing around, the licks were hard from the start. I whipped his sore ass hard and soon he was sobbing and in tears. I started to talk as the licks landed on his beautiful ass,

"I wore it for my first week here and you took it to bed with you that night didn't you?"

Patrick nodded, there was no way in denying it.

"You rubbed my jock on your dick and jacked off into it!"

I said giving him slow licks of the belt. I let my words sinking into his young brain as he at the same time the tasted my pouch.

"You even dared to put my jock into your mouth with all that dry cum on it as you jacked off!"

Patrick moaned hard listening to me as he remembered every detail. I reached for his dick, and watched him and that did the trick. I reached into the side of the pouch and pulled his hard dick out. Patrick just stared into my face, all wide-eyed and lost it.

My boy reacted to my words, the crack of the belt and superiority. This was what's he had been missing. I realized with amazement that he was going to cum just from getting it over my knees. As Patrick approached the brink, he understood that it was to be my boy, the leather belt, the mirror, and his surrender drove him to a glorious peak of sexual gratification. He, indeed, reached an extreme peak. He groaned in despair and gave him three more times and Patrick came. He shot all over the place, some good shots, and each time his cum shot he gave out a little yelp sound like a terrified puppy. When his climax finally stopped his dick oozed still cum over my legs.

"Look at you Patrick, you came all over the place!"

I chuckled and gave him three more licks, before I put the belt down and started to finger his tight butthole. Patrick moaned as he returned from his semi-unconscious state. He noticed and felt that my legs of his were

now coated with a huge spray of his boy cum.

"You dirty little faggot. You came on my legs,"

I said, once more brandishing the belt while Patrick was murmuring in my jock, "Thank you, Master. Thank you, Sir."

By now he was started to suck on the pouch, his nose used to my smell. I leaned way over, and I tucked his dick back into his pouch.

"You ready to get your bad boy ass fucked good and hard?!"

Patrick yelled through his smelly gag, "Yes, Sir!"

"Get on the floor onto your hands and knees and follow me!" I ordered.

I led Patrick over to the mirror.

"Get up, boy!"

Patrick stood and my eyes feasted over his teen body. Patrick looked good, well-developed, firm, with well-defined pectoral muscles which highlighted his chest before tapering sensuously to his slim narrow waist. The entire area was smooth, tanned and absolutely flawless. Patrick still had his body hair, but I knew he had to be shaved, because I like my boys to be smooth.

Patrick was a teen but had just a trace of peach fuzz underneath his arms and also a thin trace of golden down which extended from just beneath his deep navel down to his tan-line. The tan-line erotically showed off the stark contrast between his tanned abdominal muscles and the pale white skin of his extreme lower belly. The golden down continued down below the tan line and led to a small silky thatch of dark early adolescent pubic hair which was growing above the base of Patrick's now flaccid teen dick. It was the only hair down there as his dick and ball-sac were smooth and hairless as were his smooth tanned legs.

I wondered again if he wasn't already shaving regularly everywhere. Sean and Patrick were both on the swim team. So could easily be fanatic about neat clean bodied. Well, I like the looks of a clean shaved crotch. I think that it makes a boy sexy, his teen dick will stand out, especially Patrick's average dick. It seemed to make them larger. Patrick was naturally afraid of what was going to happen. I ordered,

"Get on the floor again, onto your hands and knees!"

Patrick did and was all fours with my old jock in his mouth, the worn out straps dangling down from his mouth.

I came over and started to check him, spreading his legs, checking under his balls. I order him to kneel while I spread his ass cheeks apart to search in and around his ass. He looked up at me and I just put a hand on top of his head.

"Just relax, I'm making sure you're ready."

Patrick had learned a lot about his sexual cravings. About me and the leather belt and his surrender. I knew what turned him on. Would he like to be my slave? Would he like being submissive to me? And most of all, would he like being fucked? There was no doubt in my mind on. Patrick needed to try all of the facets of sex so I told him,

"Okay Patrick. I'll give you a choice," I said. "You can choose to give your ass to me willingly, which is what I would prefer or not to do it. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," Patrick managed to mutter out.

I smiled, "Now, I will tell you what will happen in both cases, okay?"

I was stroking his curly blonde hair to make him feel better.

"If you choose to give your ass to me, I will be gentle and loving. I will break you in slowly. I won't lie to you, it will hurt a bit in the beginning, but later you'll enjoy it more than anything you ever experienced before. Also, I'll train you and get you into shape for free," I laughed, "Now that doesn't sound that bad, does it?"

Patrick tried to say something but I silenced him.

"Let me finish first. If you choose not to give it to me, which I hope for your sake you won't, I'll tell your brother Sean to fuck you. I know he wouldn't mind."

I gave Patrick one of my loving smiles which boys like him like so much.

"Sean was much like you, insecure, disobedient, but he had a lot of potential. Sean sucked my cock, I popped his cherry, yes Patrick, I did. I took good care of your brother, just as I'll take good care of you."

Patrick was startled by that thought.

"I've helped Sean to discover himself, he is wonderful strong man and he is a dominant male who likes to fuck, but deep inside he recognized me as the dominant one. You see, I have to keep my reputation around here, so I will order Sean to take your cherry if you choose not to give your ass to me. You have a sweet smooth boy pussy, a cherry ready to be picked, so tell me what you want."

Patrick was shocked, he totally trusted me and I knew he was ready for it but he surprised me by saying through his gag,

"Thank you, Sir. I will be your pussy."

I smiled, "Good boy, I glad you made the right choice. I will help you become as strong and as self-assured as Sean is, although I have a feeling you'll be quite different from him too."

With that I slapped his ass and straddled him and grabbed up the straps into my fist, "Walk, boy!"

I used the strap as reins and slowly walked him around the locker room spanking his butt with my bare hand,

"Come on, faster!"

This lasted just a little while longer. Soon Patrick got used to it and I led him through to door. We got to the class room of the gym. Patrick knew instantly what I would be doing. It was a large completely open room, with a bright blue wrestling mat in the middle.

"So, I think you know what you are going to be doing, but naturally

we'll throw an own twist in. You will do just as I say."

Patrick should have seen it coming seeing as he knew stuff like this happened all the time, but he still gulped, and instantly got a little nervous. I took the soaked jock from his mouth and ordered,

"Get up to the mat, time for me to get some real satisfaction!"

and Patrick knew what that meant. He got his ass up on the wrestling mat in a hurry, knee-chest position. I said nothing more, got down behind him and started in a serious ass-rimming, my tongue swirling around his needy hole. "Sir!"

Patrick's mumbled words were cut off as he felt my tongue snake into his cherry boy hole, tasting his boy musk. Patrick moaned in pleasure as my tongue assaulted at his tight entrance. Without being told Patrick leaned forward, putting his hands on the floor in front of him as I devoured his boy hole. Drool slipped down my mouth as licked and playfully bit his ass cheeks.

"Oh, my..." Patrick moaned, he lowered one hand to his pouch to fish out his dick, but I knocked his hand away. I was going to enjoy his young butt and he wasn't going to take it away from me.

"I'm so hard, please Sir, let me touch myself."

Patrick whimpered pleadingly. I didn't care about his need, he had enough. I kicked his hands off his pouch and Patrick realized that he would not be allowed to come. I wanted him to desire me as intensely as possible. I wanted this my way and I was going to enjoy it all the way.

I stuck my finger at his tight boy hole and he intuitively pushed back on it. Patrick moaned and slowly started to fuck himself on my finger. Patrick was on his way to become a willing slave boy. He was only eighteen, but hot and so eager to serve me.

"Good boy, go for it, there is no reason to hold back anymore"

I praised him as he continued to finger fuck him, I added another finger and then another.

"You got some nice smooth butt for me, don't you boy?"

Patrick didn't answer and I bit down on his left cheek, leaving a visible mark on him. Patrick howled in unanticipated shock and finally answered,

"Yes, sir. My ass if for you to use as you want. I want to feel your cock inside me."

The boy had watched a lot of Internet porn, no doubt about that.

"Can I have your cock, Sir?"

I pulled my fingers out his ass and stood up, rubbing my full jock against his ass. I whirled him around and grabbed a fist full of his curly blonde hair, pulling his head back before shoving my tongue into his eagerly awaiting mouth. He fumbled at first, but then his hands found my body and I felt him run his hands over my muscled body. I broke the kiss momentarily as I shoved my fingers in his mouth. I pulled my fingers from his mouth replaced it with my winding tongue. I returned to fingering his boy hole which caused him to moan in my mouth. I pulled his head back and began licking my way down his neck to his tiny pert nipples. I lashed my tongue at them, causing him to moan loudly. No one came in the gym this late on a Friday, and knew we were safe. I continued to play his body, first one nipple then the other, all the time my fingers went in and out of his boy hole.

"Time to put your mouth to work."

I snarled moving his mouth to my nipple. He greedily suckled, biting and swirling his tongue around my nipple. I moved him from one nip then to the other, testing his mouth work on my body. "Time to smell a real man."

With that I pulled my fingers from his hole eliciting a pitiful disappointed whine. Before he could protest I lifted my right arm and showed him my pit,

"Stop drooling, boy."

Patrick smelled the sweat coming off my body. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into my body so his cheek was against my chest and his nose was inches from my right pit. I let him huff my pit for a few minutes before pushing him away.

"I didn't shower nor shaved my body after my workout. I know little faggots like you love the smell of a real man. So go for it."

He started to say something but I put my finger against his lips,

"Shut up boy, when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it and give you permission to speak. Do you understand that?"

I asked with a smirk in my voice. Patrick nodded his head and instinct said, "Yes Sir."

A slap to the back of his head and brought him back to reality.

"Clean my pit bitch"

Patrick was unable to disobey my orders. The boy pushed his tongue through my pit hair and cleaned my man pit with passion. My hand on the back of my blonde head was strong and firm and I knew my strength was comforting to him. Patrick felt happy and safe this way, he needed my strength and power over him. Once he had licked and tasted my pit he pushed his head back against my hand. I was holding him in place for some minutes. I grabbed him by his curly hair. I pulled his now shiny face out of my pit looked him in the eye and asked,

"Is my pit clean, little faggot?"

Patrick simply nodded my head.

"Damn boy you really are a good bitch now, get to work on the other one."

Still holding him by the hair I shoved his face into my other pit and he went to work with determination. When he was finished I said to him,

"Now you are marked with my scent. Everyone you see will smell me on you and know you belong to me."

I once again pulled his face out of my pit by my hair,

"Open your mouth."

He was incapable of disobedience and opened his mouth and I let a drizzle of his spit drip down into his open mouth. For him this was humiliating thing I had just spit his mouth and he was still turned on to the max. "Swallow it, little faggot."

Instinctively I obeyed and swallowed.

"Damn I knew you were a little faggot."

Patrick felt more humiliated by my words but I saw also a sudden pride on his face. He was proud to follow my orders so well. I pushed him down on his knees, a fist full of curly blonde hair, my rock hard cock was throbbing so close to his face Patrick couldn't even focus on it. Pulling his head back a few inches, he was immediately hit with the intoxicating smell of my crotch and the unmistakable smell of my pre-cum. The smell shot to his brain like the most powerful drug on the planet.

Patrick was on a lust high as he drank in the sight and smell of my crotch. This was the moment to shoved his face into my crotch. Patrick knew what was required next as his sucked at the fabric, tasting the mixture of pre-cum, piss and sweat from the cloth. Patrick was an eager boy, he needed this. He'd been wanting this, desiring this for a long time and I was going to give it to him.

"Suck on my balls, boy."

I moved the restraining cloth aside giving my new boy his reward for good behavior. He immediately set about his task and slurped my smooth balls into his mouth, first one then the other, expertly, gently licking and caressing them with his tongue.

"Do you want my cock, boy?"

He moaned his confirmation.

"Do you want everything that comes out of it, boy?"

He moaned another confirmation, not wanting to let my sack free from his mouth.

"More than cum, comes of it, boy. You sure you can handle that?"

He looked up at me with desire and lust as the thought crept in. He let go of my balls and rubbed his face all over my crotch. He stared mesmerized at my tool and could see pre-cum beginning to drip out of the head of my cock. Patrick just stared at the my cock before my voice broke his reverie.

"Make will make me feel good, don't you?"

There was nothing Patrick wanted to do more in the moment than to make me feel good.

"Yes Sir. I'll take whatever you are willing to give me."

This boy was a freak and I loved it. I let him continue to rub my scent all over his face, allowing him to reveal in the smell of a real man.

"Open your mouth, boy."

I pulled his head back and he did as he was told.

"Just work the head, and only my cock-head."

I placed my cock on his lips. Swirling his tongue around the tip, tasting the juices that so amply leaked from me.

"Ready, boy?"

He moaned his assenting, longing to take more of my cock in his mouth.

"Don't spill a drop." I ordered. This might come as a surprise to you, but I was new to this. I've never asked a boy to take my piss before, and never forced a boy to drink it, but this time I let go a small steam of my piss into his mouth.

Patrick gagged at first but swallowed obediently. Once I was done, I smiled at his watering eyes that showed how proud he was that he had done that.

"Jack me, boy," I whispered. "Make me feel good."

Patrick reached over and started to give me a hand job. In his excitement at handling my hard cock, he jerked me too fast.

"Take it slow, boy. Make it last. Work my hard cock nice and slow. Get a good slow rhythm going on that fuck stick."

Patrick blushed and slowed the pace of his stroking of my rigid cock. He stroked my tool from top to bottom, spending some time working my cock-head with his fingers. I leaked pre-cum and he used that to lubricate my cock-head and shaft as he continued my slow hand job. I moaned quietly as he worked my cock. To me, he was a young expert. "Feels good, boy," I said and I made sure he could hear lust in my voice.

"Keep working my cock with your hand and I don't forget my balls."

Patrick dropped my rigid cock and focused on gently stroking and pulling my balls. After a few minutes working my balls I moved him back to my cock-head. Excited, he used my pre-cum as a natural lube to go back to working my cock-head and shaft with his hand, but I interrupted his doing.

"Show me how well you can suck my cock."

Patrick didn't need to be told twice. He was eager, almost too eager, choking himself on my cock. He fucked his face on my cock, taking as much as he could each time.

"Good boy," I encouraged stroking his blonde hair.

"You're going to make me happy. You are an excellent boy for me."

I let him bob up and down for some time before I had to get in that ass again. I pulled him off my cock, a hurt look on his face as he tried to pounce back on it. I pulled him to his feet and shoved him face first into the wall. "You do as I say." I growled in his ear, "or you will be punished, understood that, boy."

"I'm sorry, sir." He cried. "I just never sucked a dick before and didn't want to stop. I'll be good, I promise."

I pulled my gym bag and fished out my lube. I kept him pressed against the wall with my body as I lubed up two fingers and pressed them against his boy hole. The attention to his ass was raising his state of arousal to the max. The boy had not made up his mind about me playing with his ass, whether he should let me or not, but right now I was in charge of that decision. And whatever I decided, he would like it. Patrick lifted his left leg to give me better access. I removed my fingers. The boy whined in desire for me to keep doing what I was doing. I squeezed his dick and milked some more pre-cum and applied it to my fingers and went back to his boy hole. The boy moaned in appreciation and his moan was my signal to press my fingers harder against him until they slipped in. The boy's sphincter immediately tightened at the invasion. I wiggled my fingers, not pushing any further in. I stroked his dick little faster to take his mind of my fucking fingers. Once the boy relaxed, I pushed further inside. Patrick was in heaven and he pushed his ass back onto my fingers and humped his hips in sync with my jerking hand.

"You don't have my permission to cum boy, if you do you will be punished,"

I said and suddenly panic struck him,

"Sir, please I can't stop it, please!"

I quickly grabbed the base of his dick just below his balls and squeezed tightly, stifling his release.

"Oh! Fuck!" he shouted as his body convulsed but he didn't orgasm.

"Damn boy, I'm going to have to teach you some self-control," I said smirking. The boy groaned in frustration. I started to fuck him with my fingers and the boy's whole body was quivering until my talented fingers found his glad and pushed it. I warned him again,

"Do not cum without my permission, boy."

He cried out in sheer ecstasy as I massaged his dick head by making deep growling noises.

"Oh please sir, you're gonna make me cum!" he announced, and I pulled off, "You are not allowed to cum."

The boy groaned, he really wanted to blow his load. Patrick groaned, I had no idea how to control his orgasm, he'd never needed to hold back before. I pummeled his prostate gland again and the sensation was incredible and was sending him quickly over the edge.

"Sir stop! Fuck! I can't stop it! I'm cumming!"

The boy stiffened up and shot a huge first volley of cum, landing on his nipples and his chin. The remaining spurts landed from his neck down to his navel. The boy's sphincter tightened around my fingers. The boy was spent and breathing like he had just run a marathon.

"What's this?" I asked stern, "Did I give you permission to shoot your load, boy?"

Patrick trembled, he was afraid. He knew he would have to suffer the consequences for his orgasm.

I knew what to do. I lubed up my cock with his cum and began fingering him again, greasing up my soon to be stuffed boy.

"Oh, you'll be a good boy, right?"

There my boy was, naked, his my ass open to the world, and totally helpless, completely at my mercy!

Patrick looked over his shoulder at me, my cock was impressive, my cock-head was thick and bright red with a really wide cock-slit, it glistened with pre-cum, which was dribbling down. He saw me smearing an ample amount of boy cum on it. "Sweet Jesus!"

he gasped and fear kicked in, "I can't take that, it would tear me apart. You can 't do this to me."

He stayed in position, trying to show me, he wasn't scared, but he was nearly in tears. I smacked his ass, hard.

"Oh, that hurts!" he cried out in pain.

"Shut up!" I ordered, "and listen very carefully. You take it like a good boy and accept it as part of growing up. Try to relax and learn to enjoy it. You have no choice."

He was so confused, but I really planned this well, I knew what to do.

"Your ass is so hot, boy."

I said as I squeezed his ass cheeks with both hands,

"Your hole is so open and ready, and we can't let your slippery cum go to waste."

I lined my cock up on his boy hole and grabbed him by his hips and commanded him,

"Boy, you push now, like you are taking a dump, so I can slide in easily. Push back and take me boy!"

Patrick closed his eyes and did and slowly pushed the head of my cock into his sphincter. He jump back off it in pain.

"It'll hurt at first." I soothed in his ear, "but you want it, don't you boy, you need it don't you boy?"

"Yes, Sir." Patrick panted pushing back hard against me, taking me in.

"Oh, my god," He screamed in pain. I pulled my worn jock and shoved it in his mouth again. Patrick shuttered briefly as he grew accustomed to the sudden invader. I held him close and shushed him. "Good boy."

I licked the tear from his face. "Once you're ready, I want you to ride it, get used to it, and ride my cock. Make me proud, boy."

and before he knew it, my cock-head was in. He felt the burning

pain as his boy hole was stretched once more, "Oh, my god, you are so huge," he scream in my worn jock but I was gentle and gave me enough time to accommodate me. Patrick pushed back on me and I started slow gyrating motions with my hips, pushing more and more of my cock inside him, working his boy hole in the most pleasurable way. About half way in, I reached the sweet spot. A shockwave hit him again. Patrick continued to push back, until he felt my bush brushing against his back and my balls were touching his own nuts. After a few minutes he bounced back and forth against me.

I took hold of his narrow hips, guiding him and finally taking the lead and pound his firm young butt. Patrick arched his back with pleasure and sobbed his pleasure through my worn jock. The boy's hole was tight, and drawing my cum up too quickly.

I smacked his ass, left cheek then right a few times to loosen his grip, but when you enter virgin territory only one thing can loosen it up. I started to ride him with longer strokes, pulling almost all way out and pushing all the way in, hitting his pleasure spot on every down

stroke. Soon I was losing it. The pleasure was almost too much to bear. My moans were so loud that the whole gym must have known what was going on, but I didn't care. If anyone was there, let them know!

I picked up the pace and before I knew it I couldn't control myself any more, I was shooting. I released my man load deep in him, my cock expanding as rope after rope of my pent of man cum coated his insides. I pulled him close, biting down on his shoulder as the last of me filled him. I pulled him down on the bench with me, my cock still in his ass.

It took some time for both of us to regain control of our senses. I felt my cock soften a bit and I pulled it slowly out of his boy hole.

The boy wept his pleasure into the jock, as I stroked his hard throbbing dick. Patrick was close, I could tell. It only took a few moments for him to shoot his load over his stomach. I pulled the jock from his mouth and scooped up his load and fed it to his eager young mouth. I continued till had eaten it all, the look of satisfaction on his face.

"Thank you, sir."

He leaned back, exhausted from the ordeal.

"I wanted you so bad. I even moved my work out to coincide with yours."

Patrick confessed. I lifted him off me and pulled him back into my lap and kissed him gingerly.

"You're going to be my good little boy, aren't you?"

I maneuvered a finger into his well loaded boy hole. He was already getting hard again.

"You're going to let me eat that butt anytime I want, and use your body however I want."

He moaned wrapping his arms around me for support.

"Yes, Sir. I'll do whatever you want, as long as I can keep getting fucked by you."

I smiled. "Get dressed, you sound like a fucking whore." I growled. I removed my finger from his hole and pushed him to the floor.

"I've got plans for you."

We heard a noise at the door and I smiled.

"Straighten up, boy and turn around,"

I told him slapping him on his butt. Patrick did as asked. Sean was standing by the door fully erect.

"Your little brother was a virgin, Sean, he was very tight, very fine." Sean frowned, "So, you fucked him?"

Part admiration, part envy commingled in his voice as he looked at us.

"Yes Sean, I fucked your little brother."

I saw Sean 's mind was in turmoil, had that really happened? Or was it just a bad dream. Had I really fucked his own little brother? He wasn't able to understand he was too late to do it himself. With a fierce gesture he turned and walked away mumbling,

"Just you wait, my time will come soon."

I took Patrick in my arms and hugging him. Patrick looked up at me with a satisfied grin, he didn't really understand the situation, but I knew his fantasy was now a reality.

Thanks for reading!


Next: Chapter 4

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