Pathetic Slave Am I

By subservient bottom

Published on Apr 15, 2021


This story is based on fact. I honestly did virtually everything I say I did. There is very little sex depicted because, much to my disappointment, no sex in the main relationship happened. I thought about making some up to give the story some erotic flavor. But I decided against it because I wanted to honestly say it's all true. I changed names and other items slightly, but that's it. I hope you enjoy it. I had great fun writing it.

I would love some feedback at

And please consider donating to Nifty. I made sure I had enough money left over to make a contribution.

I would love your feedback.

I still can't believe I did this. You will think I was crazy and you are right, But I did, and I would do it again.

First a little about me. I am a closeted 70-year old WM, with one of the world's smallest dicks. When I was younger and it got hard it might have reached 5 inches. But I haven't had a boner in maybe 20 years, about the time my wife and I stopped having sex.

In my gay encounters, I have always been the submissive total bottom. I am not much into pain, but love being ordered around, having others take pleasure by using me.

For example, before the pandemic, I would regularly attend monthly cocksucking parties with about 15 or 20 other older gentlemen. One particular participant, an Asian guy with a big dick, became my "boss" there. First I would suck him until he would cum in my mouth. Then he would point out what other men he wanted me to blow while he watched. I don't know how it began, we just sensed that he was my superior.

But I digress.

Before I get into the story, I will tell where things stand now. About a month into our "relationship" I had given my master a considerable amount of money. I loved doing it, thrilled as a matter of fact. But in a moment of sanity I told him I could no longer afford it. He was very angry, called me all sorts of names and said he would have nothing more to do with me.

In the ensuing six months I have thought of him often. There was something missing. Could I be addicted to being used and abused? I sent him a conciliatory email and told him I would like to revive our relationship, maybe giving him smaller amounts. I said I would send him something out of my Covid stimulus money to get things restarted. His response was, "Hahahaha."

I really want to do this and if he is really through with me I might try to find a new master, preferably one in Northern California who also wants a sexual slave. But I will take what I can get.

Here is what I am talking about.

I always have loved reading the Nifty "Authoritarian" stories. I even had one of mine published (Lawyer Owns Me, June 2018). I would always identify with the guy being dominated in the stories.

In browsing the stories one day, a particular entry caught my eye. "Nifty Provides Me Pathetic Slaves". An unusual title to say the least.

I read it and found it erotic and fascinating. Instead of the usual graphic descriptions of sexual encounters BDSM etc, this was a personal narrative of how the author Daniel had posted on Nifty almost as a lark that he was looking for slaves. He said he was stunned by the response, which was mostly from what he called "pathetic old queers" throwing themselves at him by the dozens. I I could understand that because I soon was one of them. Just from his superior tone, I was hooked. I knew then that I would do anything for him

He said that for sex he was interested only in younger "twinks". That there was a slim chance he might let an older guy suck his cock, but no way would he fuck any "70-year-old ass."

He would use the older guys in other ways. He said if you wanted to be his slave you should email him, put "To Master from slave" in the subject line.

He wanted a "blackmail picture" of you nude with "I am Daniel Davis' Slave" written across your chest. He also demanded that in any communication with him the word "SIr" or "Master" be included in every sentence.

I have seldom been more excited about anything. The possibility just turned me on so much, it awakened the erotic desire in me to put myself totally in someone else's control. .

In the introduction, the author said the story was fiction, but he made it sound so real I took it as for real. Wishful thinking on my part? Maybe. But I was so excited at the possibility of being under someone's control that I went all in. Although I had hoped for sex, I was greatly excited at this prospect.

I couldn't make writing on my chest work, so I took a selfie of me nude and holding a sign that said what he wanted. I attached it to the email and basically "threw myself at him."

I even -- and here is where the madness begins -- offered a "good faith gesture" of $100. I didn't know how to get him the money. I was so desperate I even offered to give him my bank account number and password if he promised to take just $100.

For about three days I eagerly awaited his response. I was so distracted I couldn't think of anything else. He finally answered, with the following. "Send an Amazon gift card to this email address. And make it $150, faggot,"

I was ecstatic. Within 5 minutes he had his $150. A feeling of masochistic joy swept over me. I suspect he was more than a little surprised.

About two days later he sent me an email. He said he wanted to know everything about me, where I lived, how much money I made, where I worked, marital status, how I became a queer, some tales of my sexual experiences. I responded as quickly as I could. I first told him that for the nature of expediency I would forego the "Sir" and "Master" in this email alone. I told him it would take quite a while to answer all his questions. I was afraid that in that time I might not hear from him for days, so I told him that I wanted to badly to receive his emails that I would give him $10 for each one he sent me through the end of the month. I asked him if he wanted me to pay for each one individually. Also, to further please him and humiliate myself, I told him I if I paid him for five emails at a time, it would be $60, or $12 per.

I went on to give him a few details, but I was looking forward to really writing my life story, especially the sex part. I also gave him my email password (which he still has and I have not changed) and that if he wanted to take over that part of my life I would not open an email until he approved it. I expected him to be happy at the prospect, but I received an angry response.

"I didn't say you could skip out using Sir in every sentence. You just take that upon yourself. Just like you take it upon yourself to negotiate my per email fee. You like to make assumptions.

Just do what I told you. Fucking cunt."

I was terrified he would stop our communications. I immediately ordered another gift card for $25. In the message line of the card I wrote "Fine for Insubordination".

Then I sent him an email, with "Sir" or "Master" in every sentence. I groveled with my apology and told him I had fined myself $25 which he should have received. I explained to him I was not "negotiating" but offering a way to make things even better for him. I also said that as punishment for not using the words of respect in my previous email I would charge myself $1 for every sentence. I counted 84 sentences, so I fined myself $84 and sent a gift card to him in that amount.

. Then I answered all his questions except about my sexual adventures. I explained I was going to save those for a later email so I could spend time on them.

He now knew quite a bit about me. I knew nothing about him. For all I know he could be an 18-year-old having fun and making money at an old man's expense. I was in such a thrall I really didn't care, but I did ask him respectfully what were his age, location and living situation.

His response was abrupt but encouraging. He said he was pleased with what I had written to him so far, and was looking forward to more.

He said he lived in the Los Angeles area with his girlfriend and that he was a well-endowed 40 year-old, who also fucked young boys.

He closed with "I do expect the email payments, you pathetic slave."

By that time we had reached five emails and payment was due. I asked him if he wanted retroactive pay for the three emails he had sent before our arrangement or did I get a grace period.

"I demand retroactive payment, no grace period," was his response.

So that made it eight emails. I decided to "pay ahead" and order a card for $120, meaning I had paid for ten. I sent it (or thought I had) and sent him an email to look out for them. Three days later I got an angry email.

"Where is my gift card, you fucking bitch. Are you holding out on me?"

I checked my receipt and saw that I had a typo in his address. I immediately sent a new one, Then I just corrected the original card and sent that one, also. So now he had been paid $240 for emails, meaning I had paid for 20.

By now Daniel knew what he had in me, and intended to make the most of it.

In his next email he said. "You stupid fuck, can't even type right, make we wait for what's due me. You are fined again, and fines should hurt. They will be $50 from now on. Send it now, and add $25 to the first fine. Fucking cunt."

I gladly tried to send him another $100 but it didn't go through. Amazon had suspended my account for suspicious activity. I contacted them and said that any card for Daniel Davis was to be honored. We had no further trouble on that score.

Master and I tried to come up with other ways for me to pay, but the prepaid MasterCard, etc., required him to fill in his bank account and he was reluctant to do that. He should have known that even I been able to get his bank account number, I would have done nothing with it.

End of Part 1

i welcome feedback and comments. Two years ago I published "Lasywer Owns Me"

You can find in the Authoritarian category June 23, 2019

Next: Chapter 2

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