
By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jun 13, 2020



THANK YOU for your support and feedback re Patches. I've heard from so many different people from all over the world, it's really a humbling feeling.

Wanna chat? No prob!

Stay safe, Ryan


The irritating alarm on my mobile phone felt as though it went off like, two or three hours early.

Of course it would, if on a icy cold morning, you were snugly wrapped inside another man's arms.

But was exactly six a clock in the morning. Still dark out, but I promised Patches that I would wake him early enough to get him out of the house before my wife, Jen, came home, from God knows where she had chosen to spend the evening this time.

I'll never understand the mind of an alcoholic, who was getting worse and worse by the day. Try as I might, but if a lack of money and status and being stranded with a husband and a child in a rural, small village, was causing someone to over indulge on brandy and beer, what was I supposed to do? Lock her up?

She'll never go to rehab of her own free will, either.

I had Thomas, my ten year old son to think about. Any attempts I were to make to somehow control Jen, he was gonna have to witness it, and I won't do that to my son. Ever. He had suffered enough having her as his mother.

As I got dressed, I looked down at Patches, who was still sleeping soundly. His breathing coming and going in equal rhythm, and I could swear there was a smile on his face as he slept...whether it was my own mind placing ideas in my head, could be? But I'd like to think I was right, even if I wasn't.

I sighed. Where to go from here?

It would kill Thomas not to have Jen in his life. Call it unconditional love, but even though Jen treated him so despicably, he still loved her.

So if I got a divorce, which my congregation would perhaps actually, have a an all night celebration for, he would be the one who had to go back and forth spending time between Jen and myself.

The kid was ten. He had a very, very sheltered life inside our village, only having a few close friends in school, none of which lived anywhere near us. If he had a playdate, I usually drove to town to get him there and back.

But...inside my bed, was a man. A man who I was beginning to have very, very strong feelings for. A man, who was a self claimed, homeless nobody who called himself Patches because he didn't know what his birth name was.

The warmth that spread through my heart as I watched him sleep, made my soul ache. I was living a lie, in fact, I was no better than Jen! I knew that soon, I'd have to make a decision and carry on with my life somehow. With, or without Jen.

"Hey...wake up, pal! Hey, Patches...time to get up..."

"Hmmm...another five more minutes..."

He sounded so much like Thomas right then, it was actually frightening.

"Set the alarm early, you said. Don't wanna cause my missus any anger, you said. Do you think I wanted to get out of bed? I could lay here with you all day."

Bit too much? Relax, Josh. You got this.

Patches opened his eyes and placed his hands on my cushion.

"I can't even remember when last I slept inside a bed, man...but're right. Time to get up, and face the day! But first..."

I gave a little yelp as he almost yanked my arm off, pulling me from my standing position over towards the bed, until I solemnly fell on top of him. Both of us cackled softly in order not to wake Thomas, or even Jen, if she was perhaps passed out in the living room.

One never knew with her these days.

As I was laying on top of him, I wondered for the utmost time, what had happened to this beautiful, sexy, gorgeous young man, to have him where he was in his life. Homeless, jobless, and seemingly no immediate prospects.

I didn't have that much time to wonder to be honest, he gently pulled my face towards his and kissed me good morning, good and proper.

Dear God...this bloke was doing things to me that I didn't have a name for...the kiss was deep, he gently, but intently, sucked on my tongue as I drove it into his mouth.

His hands were caressing my back, rubbing my bare flesh through my t-shirt I was wearing. Freezing outside at six in the morning, it was just what I needed to warm me up. In turn, I caressed his clean, long blonde hair as we made out...I loved playing with a guy's hair...something to sensual and loving about the action that made me all kind's of hard down there.

Speaking of hard...his generous piece of meat that was in my mouth only the day before, was starting to make me horny as if my body was simply doing things without my consent, it started to gyrate and roughly grind itself against that steel hard eight inch penis.

Patches let out a soft groan, I loved his voice. It Christmas in a cup. I leaned down and kissed his neck, all the way down to his shoulders, bathing both of them in my lips and saliva.

His eyes was open and it was staring at the ceiling, like he was saying a prayer...his hands kept on rubbing places on my body...letting me know he was there, that I was doing good.

Lovingly, I reached down and gripped that red hot cock which was hidden underneath the clothes I had loaned him to sleep in.

"Josh...don't start something you can't finish..." Patches hissed, kissing my cheek and holding my gaze.

"Who says I won't finish," I whispered, gently starting to fumble his hard, clothed dick.

"Your wife..."

"Know what? Screw her. I wanna be here, right here, no where else."

Patches had a look in his eye, as if to think, well, this was too good to be true. Didn't he trust me, by now? Was there still some issues with what we were doing?

"Should I stop?" I asked, softly, against his ear.

"I didn't say that..." he replied, kissing my forehead.

The grin on my face was as wide as Rihanna's pussy.

Gripping his hard dick, I gently scooted down and bed and removed it from what he was wearing.

Once more, just like when I had it inside my mouth the day before and had swallowed his potent love juice, I kept being amazed at how equipped he actually was. This was solid eight inch penis. Rock hard as hard could be. Quivering with the beating of his heart.

I leaned forward and gobbled that stunning organ right up in my thirsty, hungry pie hole.

"OHHH FUCKKKK..." Patches moaned and gently, lovingly, placed his left hand palm on my head, guiding me in my quest.

I bobbed my head slowly, making sure I tasted and smelled every piece of length this stud had on offer. The veins inside his cock was truly amazing, it quite literally stood out like angry, dark blue Rottweiler's, ready to attack and spell their seed.

My tongue glided to his boiling baby makers, and low and behold, those golf ball sized eggs looked WAY too good to ignore.

Still jacking off his dick with my right hand I leaned in and took a taste of his right nut.

"Oh Jesus...!" came the shudder.

I'd forgive him that.

Wasn't he used to this kinda treatment? His hand on my head got stronger, the push down, even harder, almost fierce. It was like he was begging me to slobber all over his balls.

I dragged out his right nut as far as I possibly could, with my lips, trying without hurting him, all whilst slurping on it, bathing it with my tongue.

Knowing that I would soon be tasting their contents was driving me on. I was like a priest possessed. I dove on him and massaged the other nut, spitting out its twin brother before attacking said nut in equal fashion.

By now, Parches was squirming so much, he had almost all the bedding on the floor. He was huffing, puffing, his legs were shaking violently. I released his nut, giving those fat twins a final lick and a suck each, before returning my attention to his leaking cock.

My God...his pre cum was damn well pouring from that wide open piss slit. It was like a mini volcano in its own right.

Gathering some of said pre cum on my finger, I held it out to him.

Only for a second, it seemed that I made a mistake, was he even into this...however, he grinned, his eyes sparkling, and took my finger inside his own mouth, and with that, sucking his own pre cum from it.

I was so hard at that moment, I could slice tyres.

He sucked my finger until all his juices were gone, and dramatically smacked his lips. His cock was still on red alert however, and I once more PLUNGED my mouth right on it.

"That's it...that's it, baby...I love you so much...get in there..."

Did...he say what I thought he said... ?

His cock tasted as its owner looked...delicious. A steady flow of pre juices was practically leaping into my mouth. God, I loved the taste. Sweet, sour, everything in-between...sticky as hell though, my lips were glistening with pre ball batter.

I sucked on his cock head, eliciting yet another inward moan and almost a defeated sort lf sinking into the mattress. Jacking off the remainder of his eight inches, I kept tonging that cute piss slit, craving, wanting that essence inside.

"Getting close...yes baby hmmm"

Sucking harder than ever on just his cockhead both my hand and my head were a total blur on his genitals. His eyes seemed to roll back inside his head as he gripped more of my body, in sheer desperation just to touch me somehow, it seemed.

His balls were dangling in front of my eyes with the oral assault I was giving his cock, so beautiful, so powerful, so potent those orbs could be.

"Can't hold it...ahhh hell, man..."

He was serious. He couldn't anymore.

Spurt after spurt of white hot baby batter splattered across my hungry tongue, I could swear the sheer volume of sperm had painted my gums white gold... how the hell does he cum so much after creaming my face only the day before?

Globs of sperm just...seemed to jump and cascade out of that glimmering wet penis, I couldn't swallow it all, it was impossible.

After his flow of white wash had eventually stopped, thank god, he laid back and closed his eyes. His penis was softening and pretty soon it was back to its flaccid state, with one more drop of elixir leaking out of his foreskin.

Waste not, want not.

I scooped it up, hearing him hiss his disapproval as his dick had to be ultra sensitive right then, but you simply don't waste sperm. Sucking it off my finger, best thing ever. He tasted of pineapples.


He was still laying on the bed, not making a move to get up, and he was facing away from me.

"Yeah? You okay?" I asked nervously, afraid that I might have done something wrong.

He shook his head, and to my disbelief, a single tear escaped from his eye.

", my dude, don't cry...come on man, talk you me. What's wrong?"

He sniffed and finally looked me in the eye, and he took hold of my hand. As if inside a dream, he pulled it towards his chest, and placed my now, open palm across where his heart was. I felt every beat of it.

"Feel that?" he asked, his eyes now full of unshed tears and emotion.

"Of course I do," I replied, his skin underneath my hand palm as warm as could be.

"That's why I can't do this anymore."

My blood turned ice cold.! Please God, anything but this!

"What? Why?" was the only words my brain could register.

Patches smiled sadly, the smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"'re just...going along here. We're getting all sorts of feelings now and I can't take it anymore."

I suddenly remembered what he said as I gave him oral sex a few minutes ago...

He actually said the words...those three little words, that universal phrase that made the world a better place. I thought it was just in the heat of the moment...well, clearly not. He was really upset, and I hated to be, seemingly, the cause of it.

"Patches, we don't have to do all this, we can go on like before, we can pretend nothing was said..."

"Are you crazy? I meant every word! God... don't get it, do ya? You daft sod! I'm in love with you!"

Oh boy.

"You're married. You have a family. God, what am I still doing here? I'm messing up your life!"

I pulled Patches violently towards me and held both of his wrists inside my closed, angry fists. I think even he was surprised.

"Now you listen to me. You could never, ever mess me up. Never! I can't ...I can't imagine my life without you... oh man, don't you EVER say that again!" I croaked out, my emotions all over the place.

Patches looked down at the bed, before opening his mouth. I could hardly hear what he was saying.

"Would you leave your missus for me?"


Deathly silence.

"Tell me, Josh. Would you leave a woman who treats you like crap for a man who will worship the ground you walk on because he actually loves you?"

I had no words. The question...everything, this entire situation, was too much.

I didn't wanna think of the future! Was it so bad simply living in the moment, with the man I loved?

Holy crap.


Well, if I had ever still had doubts, it had just disappeared like thick fog in front of summer sun.

My God...I loved him. I loved, Patches!

A car door slamming shut shook us out of our demeanour.

"Jen! Oh, you gotta get outta here! Quick!"

Patches' face fell down like a ton of bricks, only for a split second, before he gently nodded, more to himself, than me, and got dressed in record time.

Tip toeing inside the corridor, I could hear Jen walking and stumbling into some furniture in what must have been yet ANOTHER drunken aftermath, so I knew we had time.

"Come on, come on!" I hissed towards Patches.

I felt so bad, so guilty, so incredibly two faced, in literally chasing him out, but I had no choice. With Jen home, Thomas could wake up and if he saw me and Patches like this...I didn't even wanna think about it.

I was still checking on where Jen was around the corridor, when I heard a door slam shut. He had to have used the backdoor as he always did...damn I felt like shit...he didn't deserve this, not at all.

"There you are! Home alone?" Jen sang joyfully as she plonked herself down on her favourite spot, the sofa in front of the telly.

"No, our son is still sleeping, but you keep singing, perhaps he'll wake up and see his mother DRUNK! AGAIN!" I said in sheer frustration.

Jen's face turned nasty as she took another swig of the brandy bottle she had literally clutched to her chest. She gingerly stood back up, facing me directly.

"You...are...PATHETIC! Look at you. You think I didn't know of your deep...dark...secret? You and that faggot ass bender from school days? Tommy, was it...?"

The last little bit of colour probably left my cheeks.

"Oh yeah. Righto! You think I didn't know? That day I came to tell you I was pregnant with your brat, I heard ya. You two! Arguing about it. I saw him storm out of the vicarage! In tears, haha!"

Jen took another swig and swallowed, before blowing her alcohol infused breath straight in my face. I closed my eyes to just...let the moment pass.

"Actually, I wasn't sure what I saw or heard. But the thing is wanted to call that brat, Thomas. You insisted on it! Then, I knew. My husband takes it up the ass."

In this entire little monologue of hers, I hadn't moved or even spoken once. I was was insane how she turned back the hands of time. She...KNEW.

Tommy, my first ever love from school, forced apart because I had to marry Jen, I had gotten her pregnant and it was deemed, the right thing to do...


That woke up.

"Hey bud! You slept well?" I tried my best to diffuse the tension, if only for his sake. He was an innocent child after all.

"I guess. Can we have Coco Pops?"

"Sure you can. It's inside the pantry. Why don't you, go get the box, and I'll check on getting the milk warmed up?"

"Deal!" he smiled and held out his fist which I bumped against mine.

How much, if any, did he hear?

Me and Thomas...our bond has always, always been close and solid. He was old enough to understand that his father was gay, though. I didn't know what his reaction would be to that, and I was NOT prepared to find out.

"Jen...we have to fix this. Please, for Thomas."

How fast did it take for one to get sober after drinking...because it sure seemed that my darling wife, was as clear as day inside her mind.

"There's nothing to fix. I want money. Lots of it. And if I can't have it, I'll marry it. I met a bloke, Josh. He's loaded. Treats me like I deserve to be."

That news should have shocked me, but considering that Jen had been staying out nights for days now, it didn't really, come as a surprise.

"Fine, so we get divorced, and then we go our separate..."

"Oh no...nooooo. Not gonna happen. See, I know, if you get the job in Chelsea, your salary will almost be triple to the peanuts you get now. It also comes with a huge house for the Vicar and his family. I did my homework. Bloke's married anyway, he won't leave his wife. She knows he cheats and she's got evidence. She uses it, he loses everything, coz he works for her father."

I sunk to my knees in sheer desolation.

"Jen, what do you want? You don't love me! You don't even love Thomas! What do you WANT?"

Just like that fateful day, ten years ago, when Jen told me she was pregnant with Thomas, she grinned evilly, and showed me that cocky demeanour so true to her.

"Until I say so, you're stuck to me. Unless you want me to tell Thomas, that he's named after the dude that Daddy had sex with..."

"YOU...YOU BITCH!" I hissed, my stomach hurting.

"Call the cops, the vicar just used bad language!" Jen taunted me as she sat back down and switched on the telly.

I was well and truly, in a word...fucked.


"I wanna try something," I told Patches, whilst kissing him on his cheek and letting go of his hand.

"Yeah, about time I blew you for a change," Patches said, smirking as he took another sip of coffee.

For some reason, which he didn't wanna talk about, he wasn't an alcohol drinker. So, oh my gawd...

"I won't say no, b5it I didn't mean that," I smiled and pointed towards the storeroom.

"Take a walk?"

Patches stood up, stretched his arms out and gulped down the last of his coffee.

He looked as rugged as ever. His tattoos was daunting, but that was it. He was just a tall, dark and handsome everyday bloke who fell on hard times. I had a good reason for what I wanted to do.

We left my office and walked past the Sister's Union who greeted Patches like an old friend. By now he was well known to them for visiting the soup kitchens and even volunteering these days. Anything, anyhow, to spend some more time with each other.

As we reached the storeroom, I closed the door, and took his hand.

"Kinky..." Patches grinned.

"Shut up. I just...please don't take this personally, I said, I wanted to try something. Look here."

Patches' eyes glided over the clothes that I had laid down for him. There was also hair gel, scissors, some deodorant, aftershave, clippers as well as some of my own suits I had bought with me.

"What's all this?" he whispered, amazed.

"Don't be angry. I just wanted to give you some sort of makeover. If you'll allow me to."

Patches ran his fingers through his hair as he saw the clippers, the blond mane falling back on his shoulders.

"You think I look like trash?" he said, turning his gaze to me.

"Okay, this, this is what I didn't want! I wanted this to be something special. No bad intentions...I've ruined this, haven't I now... "

The idiot...he was smiling at me!

"Kidding," he said, his eyes sparkling yet again.

"You're so bad...can we do this now?"

Patches leaned forward and kissed me. He caressed the side of my face and nuzzled his nose against mine.

"You're on. Go on, then. Glamourize me!"


After checking that the Sisters had left, after trimming his hair, so that the split ends were completely gone, washing and blow drying it so that it shone in the store room light, shaving his beard into a modern style outlook, undressing him...Lord help me...

...dressing him in a buttoned shirt, black solid jeans, along with one of my Calvin Klein belts, and finally, along with a clean jacket, I stood back and stared back at what we had done.

I couldn't get over the transformation. You would NEVER say that this man in front of me now, was ever living on the streets.

This, stunningly handsome bloke in front of me, looked as if he stepped straight out of a Men's Health catalogue.

I couldn't fathom it. He was living on the streets begging for food, when he could have a career as a model. It was just an example, but...It was such a waste!

"Hey, you okay?" Patches asked in that deep voice, walking over to me, the stud that he was. His hair was neatly tucked in behind his ears, opening up that sheer beautiful face.

I struggled to swallow. All this...Jen's antics, worrying about Thomas, and my forbidden relationship with Patches...I sighed.

"Look at you. You're so...I dunno, sexy comes to mind look good. Really, really good. What...I mean...why would you...?"

I felt Patches kneeling in front of me. He was so tall, that his face came all the time upwards to my chest.

"...why would I what?" he whispered.

I blinked and felt my body tremble.

"Looking like you do now, you can literally have any man out there. I'm nothing special. I'm married, with a child and above all, I'm a Vicar. Why stay with me? When there's so many guys out there?"

I gasped.

Patches swung his arms around my midriff and caressed his face into my chest.

"What the...what's this?" I stumbled.

"I'm hugging you. I want you."

"You literally heard nothing I just said..."

"Oh yeah, I did. I still want you. Only you," Patches said, his cheeky smile present as ever.

I didn't have the guts, to say to him, what he did to me, days ago.

I thought I wasn't ready to tell him how I felt.

He said it. He meant it.

So why was I such a damn coward?

He was smiling at me, a string of hair had come lose, and with a shaking hand, I gently replaced it behind his ear, never breaking eye contact.

"I...I love you. I love you. You hear me? You hear me, you big, beautiful man? I. Love. You." The last three words, a mere whisper.

Patches stood up and suddenly I was in his arms, he leaned down and kissed me, more passionately and with more sheer hunger than he had ever had before.

"Was that so hard to say?" he smiled as he caressed my back and shoulders.



Two men kissing inside the community hall could be seen, so much in love, their hearts belonging to each other, their souls perfectly in sync.

Each man, at that moment knew that he had found his soulmate, cheesy as it sounded.

Happiness didn't come around often, but it sure did, for Vicar Josh Adams, and the street smart stud, Patches.

What could possibly go wrong... ?


"Buddy, what's going on, those people over there are waiting for more soup," I said, slightly confused as I saw Thomas had not yet delivered his latest batch of food.

"Don't worry, l'll take care of this," Patches said, ruffling Thomas's hair before he laid the cups on a tray and walked off.

"Daddy, there is a man outside wanting to see you."

"Can't he wait? We're busy?"

"He said you would want to see him."


I took off my apron and working gloves.

"Tell Uncle Patches I'm outside if he needs me, yeah?"

After getting the eager nod from Thomas, I left my son and walked out of the community hall.

As my son had said, there was indeed a man waiting for me at where my car was parked.

"Afternoon, friend! How can I help?"

He man turned around and...


Nah uh.

This can't be happening...

"Hey Josh, long time no see."

Tommy. My lost high school love.


The same Tommy who broke things off with me, when Jen told me she was pregnant with my child, and before Patches, the only guy I had ever loved.

"I thought you were teaching school in London," I said, trying my utmost best to keep calm.

There was a time I loved this boy more than life itself.

Josh, focus.

"I am, but...recent information gathered has me back here. Jen contacted me, and she told me everything."

What the...what now?

"Since when did you and Jen have any contact? You guys hated each other in high school?"

Tommy stuck his hands inside his pockets.

"She must have gotten my number from my parents. They still live around here, you know."

"I know that, Tommy. But that still doesn't explain what she wants with you. We haven't been getting along, at all. As for me and you, we haven't seen each other in seven years. Why now? Why here?"

"Daddy, I spilled a little soup on my shoes!"

Thomas came running out of the community hall, not looking where he was going, the splashes of soup evident on his newly brought shoes, when he saw me, and then Tommy.

"Thomas, go inside. I'll be there in a minute."

"Wait, that's your son? You called Thomas?" Tommy surprisingly intercepted.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I countered.

Tommy took a deep breath, which he blew out very, very slowly, before he looked me in the eye...

"Josh, according to Jen, Thomas is my son. Not yours, but mine."


Oh wow. What now??

Lemme know xx

Next: Chapter 5

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