Passion in Fashion


Published on Oct 11, 2001


Hello to all Niftians.....I have returned to write another chapter of "Passion in Fashion"! I know I have been away for awhile, but life has seldom been for writing lately. I hope all my die-hard fans are still out there, and to the new ones I may make with this new chapter, Welcome! I would love to hear from any of you who choose to. I am always looking to make new friends, and given what our nation experienced September 11th, we need all the friends we can get:-)

"Passion in Fashion"

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISCLAIMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This work of fiction is for pure fun and stroke purposes.

"Passion In Fashion" -21


Lance entered the hotel room that belonged to Josh, but it seemed that Josh was spending less time there these days, and more in Chris'.

'Oh Well, just as well he stay with Chris.' Lance mused.

He crossed the room, and landed on the bed like a dead weight. The past several hours of concerts, and Danny were enough to make anyone want to sleep for at least a week. Lance gazed around the room and quickly scanned the items strewed around. Assorted shirts and undergarments were littering the furniture and floor of the suite. Lance's eyes drifted to a particularly shabby pile laying on the chaise lounge.

'Must be J.C.'s.' He let his gaze linger on the clothes for what seemed to be an hour. Squinting at an item that seemed to be wedged in the mess, Lance rose from the bed and went towards the pile. Extracting the item of interest, Lance took it out with his right index finger and when he realized what it was let it drop to the floor and stood there wide-eyed with embarrassment and surprise. Watching the item for a moment, Lance was able to collect himself, even though no one was there to witness it.

'I never knew Josh wore these?' He thought as he looked at what appeared to be a well-worn and soiled jockstrap. Lance stared at the pair, as one would look at a dead bird, pity and interest. Suddenly a wave of curiosity and insane want filled Lance's thoughts. Stooping down, he collected the item and gave it the once over. Although he was curious for curiosity sake, Lance examined the item thoroughly. He looked at the inner strap, noticing a faint brown tinge.

'Hmmm...' He muttered.

He looked into the pouch, which usually held Josh's manhood, and was not surprised to see a faint yellow patch where the head of Josh's cock would sit. Lace looked at this with growing curiosity. The patch, although, almost invisible against the pale cotton fabric, was quite evident when held up to the light. A wan smile spread across Lance's face as if he had been let in on a funny secret.

" Looks like Josh likes to have a little fun before the show."

He let out a small laugh as he deposited the strap where he had collected it, and went back to the bed. Looking at the phone, Lance picked it up and dialed down to the lobby.

"Hello, May I have the Concierge."

After a moment, Lance was greeted by a voice on the other end of the line.

"May I help you Mr. Bass?" Came the polite reply.

" Yeah," Lance began," Has the rest of our group come back yet?"

After a moment of awkward silence, the Concierge answered, " It doesn't appear like they have. Do you want me to call when they do?"

"Please do. Thanks." As he hung up the receiver, Lance's brows knitted into a worried knot.

" I wonder why Danny isn't back yet?"

He let out a sigh, and attributed it to jitters. After another long moment of lying in bed, Lance got up and headed on into the bathroom to relieve himself. As he entered the bathroom, he thought about locking the door, but remembered that Danny would be there at any moment.

"Oh well," He muttered, " I don't think Josh will be walking in on me."

Lance was more right than he knew..


The door latched and all for men went for the kill. Arms, legs and bare skin went flying in a torrid frenzy of passion. Given the past hour's events in that bathroom, Things were now finally getting into full tilt. Chad's hands went for Josh's shoulders and pinned him to the marble wall. The gaze he shot Josh was one of pure lust. Chris, on the other hand, was already worshipping at the cock of Chuck. Chris became the consummate cock whore, as he deep throated Chuck's ever expanding boner.

"Josh, quit lookin, and start cookin'!" Chad said as he shoved Josh down on the floor, to copy what Chris was doing with Chuck. Josh gazed mesmerized at Chad's dick. It seemed to fill his vision with a slightly red mushroom head. The foreskin was beginning to retract, revealing more of the bulbous head. Josh licked his already wet lips as he sank those lips; the lips that sang the songs that America's teenage girls swooned to, on the engorged cock of Chad.

Chad and Chuck looked at their respective cock maids and then at each other. Both communicated their wordless amazement, as the two of the hottest names in the music business were doing their best at making them orgasm. As the heat and sweet smell of sex wafted through the air, Chad grabbed over to Chuck and began to twist his lover's tits.

"Yeah baby, you know your man." Chuck gasped as the oral and finger stimuli were beginning to make him loose all sexual control. Chad let go of the tit and stared down at Josh. Josh reflexively gazed upward at Chad as he seeked approval in Chad's beautiful eyes.

" You like what you got in your mouth?" Chad asked a now impaled Josh.

"Yeah Bitch!" The voice belonged to Chuck, as he began to ram his fuck took into Chris' mouth with an ever increasing pace.

Both cocksuckers were trapped in a wordless reply, as they each were intent in making the cocks that were in their mouths a permanent fixture. Chad and Chuck looked at each other and gave each other high five's. These two men were now the ultimate masters of these men. Josh and Chris were now locked in ever increasing rapture as they increased their sucking. Slurping and slobbering were the order of the day, as Chad and Chuck linked arm to shoulder as both rammed the kneeling men in unison.

"Take our cocks you sluts!" Chad yelled.

"Suck the cum out of that fat cock, Chris!" Chuck joined in.

Both Josh and Chris grabbed onto the cocks and began to twist and suck, as if their very lives depended on it. The steam and sound of the running shower were like a torrential Bangladeshi Monsoon. After a few more minutes of sucking, both Chad and Chuck pulled off the two cock-o-holics from their now, red poles.

" Now that you worked us up, Its time we brought you down." Chad said to the two men, who were now sititng on their knees, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Josh and Chris looked at each other for a moment, as what Chad said sank into their psyche. Each of them began to rise off the marble floor as they started at their sex masters. Chris spoke first.

" How are you gonna bring us down?"

Chuck wordlessly grabbed Chris and led him over to the shower. He shoved Chris in and then grabbed at Josh. " C'mon Sexy, time you get your man ready." Josh numbly entered the shower. The Hot water was a welcomed blanket of protection to his bare, sweaty flesh. Chad urged Josh to get on his knees facing Chris' hairy ass.

" Josh, make sure Chris is ready." Chad then shoved Josh's face into Chris' waiting butt. His large nose made contact with Chris' firm, fuzzy buns. As Josh took in the smell of soap, and sex, he was beginning to let himself get caught up in the overwhelming want of eating Chris' ass out. He was rewarded with the sight of Chris, furiously beating his meat, and urging Josh on.

" Yeah, eat me, Josh. Do what they want. I can't stand it!" Without warning, Chris grabbed Josh's hair and ripped his head towards his ass. Josh's hands found the mounds and split them apart. The sight of Chris' red rosebud was enough for Josh to lather his tongue into the anal trench. Josh let his full, wide organ strafe the inner hairs of Chris' ass. Both Chad and Chuck were now masturbating to this site, that no porn video or erotic story would or could ever convey. Josh was awash in steaming water, which poured down with relentless force. He paused a moment as he swirled his tongue in his mouth. Sweet and tangy tastes were intermingled with the taste of Chad's cock that had lingered in his mouth. Josh though he would never eat chocolate again after tasting the sweets that were nestled in Chris' ass.

"Look at him go!' Chuck exclaimed as his fist slid ever so swiftly on his cock.

"He was made to eat ass." Chad said as he too was busily beating away. All four men were in the throws of sexual energy any of them had seldom been in. As Josh moved his face away from Chris' butt, Chuck then seized the moment.

" OK Josh you made him ready, now let me do my thing." He shoved Josh aside as Chuck aimed his fiery rod towards Chris. Sensing that impalement was immanent, Chris thrusted his ass towards the cock. Chuck scarcely stopped to allow time for his as to adjust, as he rammed his cock deep into the singer's ass. Chris's cries were quickly replaced with a halfhearted plea to stop, then were stifled with moans and grunts of animal passion.

"Fuck my hairy ass." Chris said with growing pleasure.

Chad then took the cue to raise Josh to his feet and brace him up to the wall. Spreading his legs so that he was in place, Chad aped his lover's actions and rammed his cock up to the hilt of J.C.'s tight, hairless ass with one thrust. Josh's scream was caught in his throat, as the pure pleasure of a moan escaped instead. Chuck and Chad soon matched up their rhythm to coincide. Each man was now fucking his respective man at the same time.

" I Can't fucking believe it man." Chad said out of breath, as if every thrust took all his strength, " I am fucking J.C. from N'Sync!!"

" Believe it Hon," Chuck replied, " Cause baby, these whore's were made to be fucked."

Both Josh and Chris were even more turned on by the dialogue the two men were exchanging. Had Josh and Chris become these two men's sex servants? Or was it just the heat of the moment? In any case, Josh decided to not worry about that, all he worried about now was that Chad would pull out his cock from the soft, warm home it had made for itself inside his bowels. He suspected that Chris was thinking the same thing; both men continued to thrust their asses towards the men who were literally raping them. Each thrust, made them break, each retreat made them whimper in need. They had been broken, and they had found their true calling.

After a few more minutes of the riveting each was receiving, Chuck was able to grunt a few words,

" I'm gonna ..........cum!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Came Chad's reply as both men, pushed and held the asses of the two performers rigid as each of them ejaculated their semen into the men. They held onto the men for what seemed to be forever. A pure perfect moment held in a breathless instant in time. Josh and Chris leaned into the grasps of the two pilagers, desperate for a moment of affection after a time of passion and rage. Chad caressed Josh's chest with one hand, while he stroked his cock with the other. Chad had turned Chris around. A faint pop was heard as his cock dislodged from the singer's bottom.

"I'm not usually at the bottom of it all." Chris said in between kissing Chuck.

"Just goes to show that we all become bottom feeders at one time or another. " Came the reply.

J.C. nestled his head onto Chad's perfectly sculpted chest, purely enjoying the moment,

" I would love to stay like this forever." He let out a sigh; A sigh that one would expect from someone who had come to the end of a long journey.

Chuck looked over at Chad and at J.C. in particular. He let out a soft chuckle.

" Josh? You wouldn't be trying to steal my man, now would you?"

"You never know," Josh answered. " Maybe he would love a change of pace?" He raised his head to look at Chad, who had a wide grin on his face.

" Boys, boys." Chris intoned, " There will be time enough later for who will love who. For right now," Chris grabbed onto the back of Chuck's head and led him out of the bathroom, " It's time to make our guests feel `welcomed'." It seemed that Chris was now going to turn the tables on Chuck. Josh and Chad looked at each other. Then after shutting off the shower, and grabbing some towels followed Chris and Chuck into the bedroom.

" Is Chuck a bottom?" Josh asked is new companion reflexively.

" He is now." Came Chad's hurried reply.


Jaime, Danny and Craig sped along the darken streets of Anaheim, heading on towards the hotel. All three men sat in silence, until Danny broke the quiet.

" I think I am going to go home."

Craig looked at Danny thru the rear view mirror, " Are you going to stay at the Hotel tonight?"

" I don't know?" Came his reply.

" Well, don't let Es or what we told you get you spooked." Jaime replied. " Lance and you are in love, and no one should come between that."

Danny looked out the window. The cars and the lights were a shiny distraction to what was swimming in his mind. He did love Lance, but he was worried that Es and what Lance did would under mind their budding relationship. Danny was not ready to let his heart be hurt again.

" It's not that. " He said. " I just need to get a few things."

Jaime turned towards Danny and smiled. " I bet you do." Both he and Craig let out a giddy little laugh. Danny felt even more ill at ease. Just what or who was waiting for him at the Hilton? Was Escobar going to make a last ditch effort to come between him and Lance, or was it all in his head? The car came to the front portico of the hotel entrance. All three men exited the car and headed on into the lobby. Danny went with the other two men towards the elevator. After Security checked them thru, they entered the waiting car. As the doors slid closed, A man in a red jacket came up to the closing doors and questioned the secuirty guard.

" Who was going up to the Band's floor?"

"Some of the staff." Came the guards reply.

"Ok. Thanks." The man was the Concierge, he then went to his desk and rang the room Lance was in. After several rings, the automatic answering machine picked up. Puzzled, the man left word that the men were on their way up, hopping that Mr. Bass was in the bathroom or asleep. He hung up the reciever and went about his work.

" Well at least I did what was asked. " he mused and thought nothing more of it.


Danny felt more relieved when he entered the hallway leading towards the band's rooms. Jamie and Craig went their separate ways, leaving Danny to walk to the room by himself. His gait took on a more leisurely and unfettered pace as he neared the room. Finally he arrived at the room that was to be his and Lance's. He fumbled for the key that Greg had provided for him after the concert, and after another moment of trying, was able to get the door open, He walked in to the room, which was lit only by a sole light in the bathroom. Danny was about to call out to Lance, but his voice caught him in mid throat. He heard what sounded like grunting and panting coming from the bathroom.

" Yeah, oh yeah that is."

"Danny's heart was in his throat. Had Lance finally given in to Josh's demands and desires? Had He been put on to be made a fool? All the insane questions a new lover would have swam in his mind as he neared the door, which was opened just a crack. What he saw inside was not quite what he imagined he would see. Inside the marble bathroom, was Lance, sitting on the toilet, mastrubating like there was no tomorrow. Although Danny was intrigued by Lance's member, he was floored to see what it was that was making Lance beat off so furiously, Clutched in Lance's left hand, which was now buried in his face, was a soiled jockstrap; But what made Danny's heart sink was what Lance was grunting.

" Oh yeah! J.C. you need to clean these things more!"

Danny slowly let his arm slide against the door, letting it slide open silently. As it did, Lance shot a stream of white lighting over the basin and onto the floor. As he let out a sigh of exhausted energy, Danny chose that time to make his presence known.

" Did I come at a bad time? Or should I leave you and Josh's dirty laundry to clean up?"

Lance, who's complexion was pale enough, went dead white as he saw Danny looking at him. Lance immediately threw the soiled linen on the floor and stood up, trying to put on his pants.

"Danny, I can explain!"

" Explain what? That you don't want Josh, but want his Jock?"

" No! That's not it at all!" he exclaimed, " Please give me a sec."

Danny turned towards the door, " We can discuss it tomorrow Lance, for now I will leave you and your buddy ` Jock' to wash up!"

Danny stormed out the door and down the hall. Lance was dumbfounded, but made no attempt to follow him. He would let Danny rest and tomorrow he would explain the whole thing. Danny went to the elevator and began to stab the down button repeatedly. All he wanted to do was go home and bawl. After all the good that had happened today, he was so royally fucked in the space of a few hours. He needed to forget everything. As if by magic, the doors to the lift opened and there stood Escobar, preparing to exit. He looked at Danny.

" Hey Danny listen. About that incident."

He never finished. Danny had shoved him into the back of the elevator and pinned him to the wall. Es was momentarily surprised and was ready to fight him off, but he soon forgot that line of thought. As the doors were closing on the elevator car, anyone who would have been watching, would have seen Danny and Escobar recreating the elevator scene from Fatal Attraction. Danny had begun to kiss Es passionately and with all the fire he had been bottling up from today's events.

Es pried him off long enough to gasp. " I thought you'd see it my way." And the doors drew to a close.


Well Folks, till next time, Ciao and PLEASE KEEP YOUR LETTERS COMING!!!!!?

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