Passing the Drug Test

By Chris Vestal

Published on Jan 3, 2016


Passing the Drug Test - Part 2

This is a continuation of Passing the Drug Test.

All characters described are fictional.

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I didn't really sleep well. Between the hunger from a early dinner, some residual burning in my piss slit, and just the anticipation of what was going to happen in the morning, I just had a real hard time falling asleep. I ended up getting out of bed even before my alarm went off. I put on some modest boxer briefs, loose fitting cargo pants, t-shirt and the requisite polo shirt. I grabbed my book bag and headed out the door, having to skip my normal caffeine and energy bar because of the physical. This left be a bit spaced out and grumpy as I made my way back across town to John's place.

I was a few minutes early when I pulled into John's driveway. Not wanting to seem anxious or desperate, I tried to chill out in the car waiting for the appointed time. As I was trying to calm myself, I saw the porch light come on and saw John waving me in. I guess he is an early riser too and didn't mind me being a bit early. I had to actively command my legs to get me out of the car and in the door of the house. John greeted me a bit over-enthusiastically for the time of day and led me right to the basement. The light in the basement almost blinded me as John told me to just sit in the chair and slide my pants and underwear to my ankles.

After John fastened the cuffs to my ankles and wrists again as he had yesterday, he told me it was time to talk about final payment arrangements. For the next four to six weeks I would have to report to his place after class on Friday afternoon prepared to spend the night. I would be released Saturday. During this time we would be making gay porn videos that John would then sell. The proceeds from the sale would pay off my debt. The harder core I could go, the fewer videos I would likely have to make. I readily agreed. Thinking about it, I probably agreed so quickly because I didn't have much imagination in the arena of gay porn, but at the time, in a morning fog, with a lot on my mind, I couldn't think of too many negative things. I further had to agree to turn on location sharing on my phone so that John or his "designees" as he called them could find me if I failed to report. John then followed up on this last point my bringing over a tablet with a video queued up. In a very pointed voice, John said "This is a small clip of what happens to guys who don't pay up. I don't bother with collections, or phone calls, or any of that nonsense. You will be brought in and subjected to a highly intense education session."

With the phrase "education session" rolling around in my head, John pressed play on the video. Shortly I was watching footage (again rather expertly filmed) of a tatted up lean guy that looked to be in his early 20s. He was writhing in pain on the floor curled up in the fetal position. His face was red, gasping for air. The guy was desperately trying to grab his balls, but couldn't as his wrists were chained to a collar around his neck. The chains were just short enough to keep his genitals excruciatingly out of reach. The action then stopped and the guy rolled slowly over to his back. I could see electrodes attached to his abs, balls, cock head, and even one shoved up his ass. Someone off camera untangles the cable bundle from the guy's leg while he catches his breath. Then just as his breathing settles down, his back arches up and he flips back over and begins another cycle of crying in pain. John shut off the video at this point as my face clearly showed he had made his point.

John asked me if I was ready to proceed. Still shaken from the video, my voice cracked as I told him yes. John repeated the process we went through yesterday, first draining out any residual dirty urine from my bladder, then slowly refilling it with clean urine until I thought I was about to bust. John helped me to my feet and I pulled my pants up. He once again admonished me to not take a piss before the test. The race was now on for me. I had to get to school, and get the test done before I exploded in my pants.

The drive over to school was mercifully free of idiot drivers. The last thing I needed in my current state was to have to make a sudden move with my legs or a case of road rage. I pulled into my parking spot at school at about the normal time I would arrive for practice. I walked somewhat stiffly down to the locker room where I was greeted by one of the assistant coaches seated at a table next to the locker room door. We got the paperwork started for the physical and in short order I was instructed to go into the locker room, strip down and the proceed to the drug test area that I would see setup near the urinals.

As I was undressing at my locker, I happen to see Travis a couple of lockers down. Travis has been our 180 pound guy for the last two seasons. He normally walked around closer to 195, and would have preferred competing up a class in weight. The problem was that until now, our team had a really good guy at 205, like division 1 scholarship kind of good. That guy graduated last year though, and our coach had told Travis that if he could bulk up to at least 210, he could have a crack at the slot. Now Travis was fairly tall, and tended to not put muscle mass on easily. I knew he had been working his tail off in the gym to pull it off. As Travis finished undressing, I noticed some bad acne around his shoulders. I glanced down at cock and balls and thought to myself they seemed a bit shrunken. (Hey, as I said, no secrets on a wrestling team). Both of these being signs of steroid use, they kind of concerned me. Travis is a really good guy to be around. He has that quiet intensity on the mat, but it doesn't translate into verbal bashing of everyone else. It would be a shame to lose him due to 'roid use.

In short order, I too was finished undressing and ended up walking over to the testing area with Travis. We didn't share any classes, so we took the opportunity to talk a bit and ease our minds somewhat. Travis went first. He completed the ritual of signing the stickers, and selecting a cup from the pile, then stepped around the screen. This left me naked, standing in front of the nurse administering the paperwork, with a piss hard-on. I was trying hard to look natural, not grabbing my cock or fidgeting trying to hold off just busting out and peeing everywhere. Travis seemed to be taking forever. Finally, he came out from behind the screen, head hanging down and shoulders slumped over. I grabbed his arm, and he told me he couldn't piss, and that he had an hour to try again. I tried to cheer him up. I told him to go drink down some of Jim's green tea wake-up juice, that should help out a lot.

At last it was my turn. I handed my cup and paperwork to the doc. I had to raise my hands up over my head while every inch of my body (including the hair on my head) was checked out for anything foreign. At last the time came for me to let go. With a huge gush I started filling the cup. I was going to have no issue filling the cup past the mark. In fact, it took a big effort in order to stop from overflowing the cup and peeing all over the doc's hand. The cup was taken, and i was allowed to finish peeing in the urinal. After my pee was checked for pH and temperature, I was told to put on some shorts and report to the mat room for the physical. I went back to my locker and pulled out pair of mid-length nylon mesh shorts that I normally use for running and card workouts. I slipped those on and headed down the hall.

A familiar rush of smells greeted me when I walked into our mat room. There was a slight sting of bleach, and slight odor of stale sweat that was permanently embedded in the walls. It was relaxing territory for me. The poking and prodding of the physical went by quickly with only minor issues. When I reached the station for the obligatory pervert doc assigned to "venereal disease checks, I hopped up on his cold table and slid my shorts off for him. The first thing he remarked on was my shaved balls and trimmed pubic hair. This netted me the safe sex lecture while he was starting his poking. I had to work to repress a grimace when he started squeezing my cock. I was sore down there from the recent days' activities and didn't want to trigger a further lecture on STDs. An eternity later, the groping was over, and slid my shorts back on over my semi-erect penis. The physical was completed after some awkward exercise (due to things moving around in loose shorts) to get my heart rate up so that they could check for any murmurs or valve issues, I made my way back the locker room with my now fully hard cock pointing the way.

I was told that unless I heard otherwise, I should report to the first practice on Thursday. With all of that stress over, I slept well that night. Tuesday and Wednesday went by with hardly any thought of my end-of-week obligations. Thursday morning came around, and we gathered for the first workouts of the season. I noticed Travis and Tyler were missing. To be honest, Tyler wasn't too much of a surprise. Only the manipulation of the legal system afforded by wealth kept that boy out of jail half the time. I was actually upset about Travis though. Later on in the day I was able to catch up to him and ask what happened. He confided in me that he had indeed failed the first drug test because of some of the supplements he was using. They let him take the test again on Wednesday though, and that one had come back clean. He would be back with the team tomorrow.

The first few workouts of a new season are always brutal. It seems like no matter how hard you try, you just can't keep in good enough condition so that when you come back its not puke-bucket awful. Friday morning's workouts were no exception to this. I could barely walk between classes and stay awake. As I got back to my car at the end of the day, I received a text from John. It was a gentle reminder not to forget about him. I replied that I hadn't and was headed his way. The drive over to John's house took longer in the afternoon, but I finally got there, only needing to give the finger to one driver. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed another car that seemed familiar. I walked up and the door opened just as I was reaching for the bell. John ushered me in and I about dropped my bag. Travis was waiting in the living room..

Next: Chapter 3

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