By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Feb 10, 2002




"Damn, I'm glad it's Friday. I'm so fuckin' horny!"

"Roggins, you're always horny. Don't you ever get any?"

"Uh, sure, sure. Not in a while, though. This new chick I'm dating ain't puttin' out yet. Hope I get to nail her tonight."

"Hmmm. Listen, you like blowjobs, right?"

"Heh! Who doesn't?"

"Well, I could steer you to...OH, HI FRED! Listen, I'll talk to ya after lunch, okay? Yeah, see ya!" He waved. "Anyway, like I was saying. Best fuckin' blowjobs in town."

"Yeah? Who is she?"

"Before I tell you, you have to swear secrecy."

"Sure, alright."

"No, I really mean it. Me and the other guys don't want to ruin a good thing. Any word gets out, and we're gonna really be pissed off! Even if you don't go for don't tell a soul!"

"Hey, I can keep a secret. Okay, I swear."

"Alright. You see the blond kid sitting on the end of the table over my shoulder?"

"Pearson? Yeah. The chick next to him?"

"No, dummy. Pearson."

"Hunh?! Pearson's a cocksucker!"

"Hey, keep your voice down. I warned you."

"Okay, okay. You mean it? He's the one that gives...that you guys've been getting blowjobs from?"

"Yep. Man, he loves a cock in his mouth. Take ya right to the balls and won't let up til you blast a hot load down his throat. He's great!"

"Jeez, a guy...I don't know. You serious, you guys really let a fag suck you off?"

"Wise up, fella. Who sucks cocks better than a cocksucker? Chicks? Shit! I've never had a chick blow me like he does."

"Man, this is really weird. Who else?"

"Can't give ya no names, man. I'm just passin' this on as a favor, you know. You don't wanna do it, that's fine. Long as you keep quiet about it. He lives on the edge of the boundary line. He says if it ever gets around, he'll transfer to Central High in a flash. And...understand this...WE DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!"

"Okay, I get your point. Sheesh! Uh, gee...I guess if you guys do it it might be alright. But, I can't just walk up to him and say hey, would you like to blow me? you know. Whadda you guys do, all get together and fuck his mouth?"

"Naw, nothing so crude. Though I think he'd probably like that. Maybe I'll suggest it some time. But the guys might feel funny having other guys watching them naked with hard-ons."

"Why don't they pull their dicks outta their flies, then?"

"Well, kind of a rule with Pearson. If he blows ya, he wants to see you buck naked. But it's worth it, believe me. If he's in the mood and likes your ass, he'll lick it for ya. And I mean right on the old stinky butthole! Guess he likes mine, cause he always does it to me."

"Wow! So, uh, if I can't go up to him...what'll I do?"

"Interested, hunh? Okay, but he don't like being messed with. Once you pass him the note, you gotta go through with it."

"Note? Whadda you mean?"

"Got a pen and paper? Okay, write exactly what I tell you, okay? `Pearson: I have a hot, hard cock that really needs taken care of and I think you're just the guy who'd love to do it. You have nice lips, and I'd really like to feel them wrapped around my horny prick. I promise you a big load! Meet me in the basement of the gym at 4:30 behind the boiler. I'll be naked. Jimmy Roggins.'"

"I gotta sign my name?! And...well, that just doesn't sound like me. You know that. I don't...fuck as much as I let on. I'm too damned shy."

"Don't matter. See, you write it like that so he knows you were referred by us? Everybody writes the same note. That way he knows you're okay, see? And the boiler area is always deserted then cause the janitor starts his rounds at the other end of the school."

"S-should I do it t-today?"

"Why not? You're super horny, right? Why wait 'til Monday?"

"Uh, I guess. So what do I do?"

"Fold it up and pass it to him right after lunch. If he's not interested, he just won't show up. No sweat, right? Some guys he passes on. Like maybe he's got something else already set up, or something. Who knows? Don't take it personal. You can always try again."

"Damn. How much time we got left? I got a boner now. I sure can't get up and go over there with a boner in my pants!"

"Relax, we got a few minutes. Don't forget to be naked, now. He don't like to waste time. He likes to get it nice and slow...and get the fuck out in plenty of time. He's real careful. Just don't get there before 4:15. That's when the janitor leaves."

"Alright, I'll do it. But if you're BS-ing me, Wes, I'll... well, I'll get you, that's all."

"Trust me, man. He's really hot for it."

As Pearson was walking to class, Roggins stumbled up and quickly slapped the note into his surprised hand. He didn't have the nerve to look back.

Luckily, he thought, he didn't have Pearson in any of his classes for the rest of the day. That would have driven him bonkers!

All day long Jimmy had trouble keeping his boner down in class. Truth was, he'd made it with a couple of chicks, but he'd never been able to get them to go down on him. The thought of a blowjob excited the shit out of him...even if it had to come from a guy. And Pearson, of all people! He'd always figured the good-looking blond for a true ladies' man. Hell, they were always around him.

He walked around a while after last class, saw Mr. Casper leave, then made his way to the back of the gym and down the stairs. All the way to the back of the dark corridor, he ducked into the area behind the boiler. A good place, he figured. He set his books on a shelf and hesitated. But feeling the bulge in his pants, he took a big breath and started to strip off his clothes. Standing there, nervously, he took his stuff and carefully folded it up and placed it upon his books. He idly stroked his cock...which was already hard...then sort of relaxed and tried different positions to be in when Pearson arrived.

He spread his legs and held out his cock invitingly. He sat up on the shelf and squeezed the base of his cock, making it stand up. He even bent over and pushed his prick back between his legs. He could hear the pipes hissing above him, and giggled at his own actions. He had no idea as to how he'd act when, and if, Pearson showed up.

One thing he did remember, now, was that Pearson wore little bells on the sleeves of his jacket. And now he heard those bells tinkling like crazy. He was obviously in a hurry. Jimmy sighed deeply and leaned back against the shelf, putting his hands along the edges. He was trying to look very available and enticing.

Pearson rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. He gulped at seeing Jimmy stark naked, then held out the note.


"Ummm, you s-showed up!" Jimmy gasped.

"Yeah, but what're you trying to pull?"

"Hunh? Whadda you mean? I..." He started to get nervous again as Pearson walked closer...but not too close...and lowered his voice.

"What the hell gives you the idea I wanna blow you?"

"Y-ya don't?! But...don't you blow guys when you get that note?"

"Are you nuts? I've never blown a guy in my life. Wh...why do you t-think I'd wanna blow y-you?" he stammered.

"Uh, hey. This is all a m-mistake, I think. They told me ...he told give good b-blowjobs, an'..."

"Who? Who, dammit!"

"Aw, forget it, man. I think I just got took. I'm gonna kill that prick Wes!"

"Wes? Wes Potril? That sonofabitch! He's always hinting at me about queer stuff. Him and that buddy of his."


"Chip Mathews. Those two are tighter than a virgin's cunt. Probably suck and fuck each other all the time."

"Gee, you think so?"

"Naw, but it wouldn't surprise me."

"Guess I oughta get dressed. He swore me to secrecy, and I'll keep that. I won't tell nobody about this! Hell, nothing to tell, right?"

"Uh, hold on. still got a boner. That all cause you thought I was gonna blow you?"

"Uh, yeah. I...guess it is. Never had a blowjob. Oh, well..."

"Say," Ron moved closer, "the joke'd sure be on them if... if we did do something, wouldn't it?"

"Wh..whadda you mean?"

"Well," he tentatively reached down and took Jimmy's hard prick in his hand. "I got...I got a boner lookin' at you like that. Guess we could jack each other off or something. Always wondered what another guy's dick would feel like. And we're both horny." He looked up questioningly at Jimmy and used his other hand to pull his prick out.

"Woah!" Jimmy gushed. "I don't know, man..." But he didn't exactly pull away when Ronny took his hand and wrapped it around his stiff shaft.

"Come on, you've pulled a guy off before, haven't you?"

"No. Never. You have? But you said..."

"I know. But that was kid stuff. Never really felt one this big. Hey, it's kinda neat. You like it?"

"Um," Jimmy gasped at the pleasure.

"Just dudes gettin' each other off. Not really queer, right?"

"Gee, sure feels queer to me! B-but..."

"Good, hunh?"

"Y-yeah. Guess nobody'd know."

They stood there looking down and stroking each other's cocks, feeling quite embarrassed when they looked up, but not stopping.

"Y-you think they'll come in here?" Jimmy asked, licking his lips.

"We can hear them in time. Then we'll pound the shit outta them!"

"Yeah, sure, Ron. With one hand behind our backs!"

"Mmmm, feeling each other's dicks at the time!" he laughed.

"Can...can we do it fast?"

"Yeah, we could. Since...since you're sworn to secrecy... and me too...can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, I guess I did always wonder what it'd be like to... you know...s-suck on a guy's p-pecker."

"Really? Uh, guess I thought that too, a couple of times, but..."

"Wanna try it? I will...if you will."

"I dunno. That's really..."

"Okay, don't. But I'm gonna do it. You don't hafta I guess."

Pearson went to his knees and took Jimmy's prick in his mouth. He sucked on it. Jimmy'd never had his dick sucked, but he knew instinctively that Ron had never done it before either. But it sure felt good!

"Um, is it alright?" he looked up. "I never...does it feel good?"

"Yeah, fuck yeah! Feels great!"

"Good. Cause I like it. Oh, man, it's weird, but I like it!"

Jimmy felt sympathy for his new friend, and loved what he was doing for him. He reached down and fumbled a bit before playing in the guy's soft hair and urging him on without putting pressure on him.

He was getting better...and more exhuberant. Jimmy moaned. Ron got up quickly, and faced him.

"Man, that's neat! Go ahead, try it on's really neat!"

Jimmy looked around and listened carefully. "Uh, m-maybe just a little, okay? But if I don't like it, I'm gonna stop!"

"Deal!" Ron unbuckled his pants and let them drop. "But give it a fair try...I think you'll like it."

Jimmy knelt, staring at the hard cock he held. It was an effort to go forward, but when his dick twitched he threw caution to the proverbial wind and went down on it. Funny thing...he'd been feeling it for that last few minutes and somehow he knew he'd like it in his mouth. And he did. He really did! He even stopped himself from sucking on it so vigorously so Ron wouldn't know just how much.

But Ronny Pearson had already gotten his first taste of cock. He knew. He touched Jimmy's cheek.

"It's okay, man. I know it's good. Suck me real good--like you want to--cause I'm not done, either. I wanna suck you some more."

Jim slopped his mouth off. "But...this is so queer!"

"Ah, man, who gives a fuck!" He wrapped his hand around Jimmy's neck and drew him to the dusty floor. He mashed his face into Jim's groin and licked his dick. "M-maybe we could be suck buddies without being queer. You know, just suck each other off?"

"Off! Y-you mean...drink cum?!"

"Aw, shut up and suck, Jimmy. I'll drink yours. Just suck me til then, okay? I'll let you know..." He drew the prick into his mouth and played with Jimmy's balls.

Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. They went at each other hotly, totally forgetting where they were and what went before. They had hard pricks in their mouths and nothing else seemed to matter. The lights overhead seemed brighter for a second, but they paid no attention to it. When it happened again, they looked up in confusion.

"Hi there, fellas! You boys having a good time?"

"Wes! Chip!" they both cried.

"Oh, don't get up. No," they both pressed a foot down on each of them, "I really mean, DON'T GET UP! Those were just the Polaroids in case. Actually, we've been taping you guys the whole time from up there." He pointed to the rafters.

The boys stared at each other, hung their heads, and layed back on the floor feeling disgusted with themselves. Mostly at being caught.

"I trusted you, Wes," Jim nearly whispered. "Why would you do this to me?" Then he bolted up. "Were you in on this?!" he accused Ron, pointing a finger at him.

" me. Y-you think I wanted to be caught like this? They fucked us over!"

"Well, not yet!" Chip spoke for the first time. "But if you're good boys, we can manage that!" he laughed, viciously. Maybe too much so.

"You creep! You've been watching too many movies," Pearson cried. "Let me up and we'll see who's so tough!"

"Now, now," Wes cooed. "You fellas don't wanna start nothing, being so naked like that and all. And you with your pants around your ankles. Definitely not a position to be in for fighting, I'd say."

"What the hell's your game, Wes?" Jimmy snarled.

"Simple, boys," he crouched down and brazenly fiddled at each guy's cock and nuts--which were now quite deflated, "we figured you both for a couple of fruits. Figured you both didn't know it, either. But if we got you together things might happen. And they sure did! Damn! If you hadn't, and slugged it out or figured out it was a con job, well, we had a good laugh, right?"

"Yeah, but ya didn't!" Chip laughed. "Ya went at it... hoooo!"

"So whadda you want?" Ron asked. "Money, or you just wanna wreck us all over school?"

"Aw, fellas, you're hurting my feelings. I'm not a slimeball like that. Neither is Chip. He's just kinda crass. But that's only cause he's got such a big dick that all his brains are down there!"

"So?" Jimmy sighed, waiting for some dastardly explanation.

"So--and you can probably already figure this out--we want you guys to suck us off."

"NO FUCKIN' WAY, MAN!" Pearson cried.

"Now before you say no, guys, you really oughta see our cocks first. We already know you like it...we saw and heard that, right?"

They remained silent.

"Chip, pull your cock out and show it to them. Maybe that'll give 'em something to think about. Meanwhile, I'll explain a few things."

Brazenly, Chip opened his pants and pulled out a large, floppy prick that hung menacingly...and began to rise without assistance into a huge erection! He looked down at it, proudly, and grinned.

"Now I don't have anything like that tree trunk. In fact, it's kinda like yours, Ronny. Maybe not quite as cute, but I shoot a big load!"

"Who gives a fuck!" Jim cried.

"I'm gonna put it in your mouth first, sweetie, so pay attention!"


"Oh, I don't think so. You like suckin 'em too much! See, even now you both can't take your eyes off that thing. Now here's the deal. I got that idea about the note first cause I figured Pearson was a fag. Those pretty lips and cute round butt and all. And a horndog like you, Roggins...well, I guessed you'd like to stick your prick anywhere somebody'd let you. So we got you two together to watch the fireworks! You sure didn't let us down."

"Nobody'll believe it!" Pearson warned.

Wes waved the Polaroids, and pointed upward. "Camera's still on, boys...recording every word and naked twitch."


"Damnation. Let me finish, willya!" Wes took hold of Pearson's cock and felt it gently. "The note trip was actually something I wanted to get going. Like a suck club. See, much as I like sucking on that big prick over there...and he's got some really tasty cum, doncha Chip?"

"Damn right! Best I ever tasted!"

"Likes his own cum," Wes grinned. "See, him and me...we been suckin' and fuckin' each other for years. We're getting hungry for different cocks and buttholes, and we think you're both a couple of real cuties."

The boys gasped. "Y-you're a couple of fags!" Jim accused.

"Aw, gee..." Wes moaned. "Are we fags, Chip?"

"Hell no," he laughed, "we just like ta suck cock and fuck guys' butts! I really like that one down there!" He pointed at Pearson's ass. "Real soft and cushy! Might even lick it for 'im!"

"Gettin' the picture, fellas?" Wes smiled. "We don't wanna hurt ya, blackmail ya, or mess ya up. We wanna blow ya! We wanna suck your pricks and lick your balls and assholes. And we want you to do the same to us. We wanna start a suck club and send notes to hot guys."

"Are you nuts?" Pearson asked, more quietly.

"No. Think about it. You guys like sucking just proved it. We just wanna do it with you. Man, I'd love to blow that prick of yours! You too, Wes. That's why I picked you. I've seen that schlong of yours wagging around in the showers. Always made my mouth water."

"Do you believe these guys!" Jim asked Ron in astonishment.

Twisting his head thoughtfully, Pearson got a little grin on his face. "You know, I think I do. Only one way to find out, buddy." He grabbed Jimmy around the neck and leaned them both back against the wall onto a pile of empty burlap sacks. "If they crawl down and gobble our cocks, we'll know for sure."

Wes smiled. "Mmmm. Tasty proposition, guys," he rubbed himself. "That mean you're game for the whole thing? You gonna suck us, too?"

"Uh, let's see some tongue action first," Jimmy grinned.

"OK. Tell ya what. Fair's fair. Don't blame you for not trusting us. We'll get down first and suck your peckers. Not little nibbles, we'll suck 'em right down and get some good tastes...cause we wanna anyway. Then we'll get up and put our pricks in your mouths and you guys can suck on us. Camera's still on. Then when we're all trusting, we can really go at it! How's that?"

"Whadda you think, Jim? He's playin' with my prick like he likes it. Should we give 'em a chance?"

"My prick's about to bust, man. I was too horny to start with. I don't much give a shit about cameras 'n stuff. I gotta come soon even if I hafta jack off. Let's do it!"

"Ooooh, sweet butt!" Chip gasped. "I'm gonna do that first!" He lifted Pearson's butt up, grabbed his cock and ducked his face down. Ron gasped and Jim stared. There really wasn't any doubt left. The guy was licking on his asshole!

Even Wes hadn't started because he was watching Chip. "Whew! Fucker loves lickin' a butt, man! An' he's fuckin' good at it, too. Real good! Lift up your legs, baby," he said to Jim, "I sure wouldn't mind starting there myself!"

Excited, ready to submit, Jim pulled his legs back as Wes grabbed his prick and started licking his balls and underneath. He couldn't quite believe the things that were happening, but he sure wasn't going to complain. Especially when he felt Wes' tongue touching his asshole, and heard the guy sniffing it! He stared down, unbelieving, then glanced over where Chip had Ron's whole butt lifted up with his face pressed into it. He looked over at Ron's face. The guy had a glaze over his eyes. He looked at Jim and moaned, "Mmmm, mmmm, uhhh!" Jim knew exactly what he meant and moaned himself.

Almost at the same moment, they lowered the guys' legs and took their pricks into their mouths and sucked them. Not hard. Not fast. But definitely as if they enjoyed licking pricks! A short time. Ahhh, too damned short...they felt.

Wes slapped Chip on the back and got up. He dropped his pants and Chip maneuvered his own down. They took them off.

"Man, I hope he doesn't shove that thing down my throat!" Ron gasped at Jim. "I wanna suck it, but..."

He couldn't finish. Chip straddled his chest and started to flap his big prick on Ron's lips. Ronny opened his mouth. He reached up and grabbed it. He was ready to have it shoved down his throat! But Chip knew better...he was a cocksucker himself. He let the boy do it on his own. Mistake. Ron took too much and gagged--on his own.

Wes brandished a randy prick of his own. He was hairier in the crotch than Pearson, but Jim liked his stronger smell. Forgetting the subterfuge of the whole thing, he leaned up and licked it.

"Like it, doncha," Wes grinned.

"Yeah, I like it," Jim admitted, breathlessly. "Lemme suck it!"

"Hot damn, man! I knew we picked a couple of wild ones!"

Everything was now topsy-turvy from just a few moments ago. The boys' anger and fear was totally released, and they gladly sucked on the cocks in their mouths. They were really getting into it when they heard footsteps on the cement.

Wes looked over his shoulder. Mr. Casper, the young black janitor, stood there gaping.

"I, uh...forgot my wrench," he gasped, feeling himself at the sight.

"Fuck your wrench!" Wes cried. "Pull that big, black hose out and stick it in my mouth!"

Jim pulled off. "Wha...wha...?"

"Relax. Wait'll you see his juicy thing! I forgot to mention that me and Chip feel safe down here cause we blow Casper. He don't suck, but with a luscious big dick like that ...who cares?"

A long pole was soon dragged out of his pants. Wes resettled his cock into Jim's mouth, then turned his head and sucked on the janitor. Jim sucked...his eyes glancing up to see Wes blowing the black guy. Jim thought it was rather thoughtless for Wes to talk like that until Casper put his hands on his hips and thrust into the guy's mouth.

"Yeah, you love muh nigger dick, doncha? Little fag cocksuckin' high school boy diggin' on black cock! Mmmm, gonna suck on muh hole again?"

Jeez, they even sucked his asshole?!! Jim was really hot about this whole thing. He wondered if he'd be able to lick a butt!

"Mmmm-schloooh!" Wes smacked off the prick and wagged it around. He took a quick lick on the guy's balls. "Damned hot cock! Too bad you don't suck, man. You don't know what you're missing. But since you're such a chicken-shit, you'll have to wait for your blowjob." He twisted himself around and took Jim's cock into his mouth. They 69'ed.

Pearson was thoroughly engaged at sucking Chip's rammer. He'd only just learned to love doing it...and now he had one in his mouth that was absolutely massive! His mind reeled...he hugged Chip's big ass and ran his hands up and down his power- ful thighs. He really didn't give a fuck if he, or any one of them, was queer or not. He just knew he liked a big peeeenis in his mouth! Penis! Penis! Penis! That gorgeous thing that hung between a guy's legs. He wanted to suck 'em all!

"Gee, let's do like them," Chip suggested. "You better get on top since I got such a big one. I get kinda excited. I don't wanna hurt ya. That way I can lick your butt again, too!"

Pearson quickly agreed. He climbed on top of the big boy and straddled his head. He took a look at the other guys... watched Casper as he stood there jerking his prick...then bent over and got that big thing in his mouth again. But first, he wickedly licked on Chip's big balls! He never thought much about balls, before. He always thought they were kinda ugly. Not any more, though! He loved scooching them around in his mouth. Then he did his best to blow the guy. He lewdly sucked on the guy's huge cock knob, but found it easiest to run his tongue up and down the sides of the shaft.

The janitor took his pants off and squatted down real low with his ass right at Wes' face where he was sucking on Jim. He stroked his long nearly reached the floor.

As soon as the musky smell hit his nostrils, Wes looked up to see the spread bottom right there. He put his face into the crack, sniffed it, then licked up and down the sweaty valley, cleaning the curly hairs of sweat and who knows what else. He alternated between the two...licking the man's hole and sucking Jim's prick. Licking the man's hanging balls and sucking Jim's prick. Licking Jim's balls and driving his tongue into the janitor's backside.

Chip felt Ron was close to coming, so he took that opportunity to pull the boy's butt down to his lips so he could suck on his sweet hole again. Ron began to grind his bottom onto Chip's mouth while he stroked the big cock and glanced over to see Wes licking the janitor's butt. He went back to sucking on Chip's knob a while, then down the shaft.

Ron's leaking cock was rubbing along Chip's chest. When Chip began to thrust his tongue in and out of his asshole, making it gape, he knew he was about to come. So did Chip. He plunged his tongue in as deeply as he could, feeling the boy squirt all over him! Ron was breathlessly licking the fat shaft while his body shuttered. Suddenly, cream was running down the shaft...right onto his tongue. He lapped at it frantically, eating the guy's jizz! Chip wasn't much of a squirter. He came a lot, but it tended to just pour from his cockhead in abundance. Ron was having a hard time keeping up with the flow, but he sucked and slurped to get it all...following it up to the source and catching the last of it directly from Chip's gaping pisshole!

Casper had turned, and was kneeling there jacking off because Wes and Jim were really going at it! Humping into each other's mouths, they were soon shooting simultaneous loads. Gasping, the four of them sprawled out and caught their breaths.

Casper rested back on his ankles. "Who's gonna blow me?"

"Damn, guy, give us few minutes, willya!"

"UH! CAN'T W-WAIT!!" With his cock sticking straight up, he arched his back and grabbed the back of his thighs. Then he leaned over and took the knob between his lips! They sat there in awe, watching the guy suck his own prick! Then with both hands he squeezed his cock and balls, nearly tearing them from his body to get them closer to his mouth. He obviously loved his own peckerjuice!

Gushes of hot cum spurted into his mouth and ran down the sides. He was sucking and gulping it up noisily. It must have been tremendous...the amount he'd missed equaled two healthy loads!

"Wow! That was sure something!" Jim cried.

"Yeah. For a guy that won't suck a prick, you sure give a good blowjob!" Wes laughed.

The janitor licked his lips, grinning...a bit embarrassed. "Hell, it ain't queer to suck your own."

"Maybe not," Chip chuckled, "but it's only a step away. Anybody that can drink jizz like that shouldn't mind it from some other guy's dick!"

"Well, maybe I'll give it a try sometime after you boys start letting me plug your lily white buttholes!"

"Hell, man," Wes leaned over and began to lick the cream from his balls and cock, "you never mentioned it before. If I can take that rammer of Chip's I can handle yours!"

"Yeah? When can I do it?" Gasper grinned.

"Soon as you get it up again," Wes told him, smiling.

"That won't take long. Suck me again."

"Why not let the new boys try it?"

"Don't matter to me."

"Uh, hey..." Ron and Jimmy balked.

"Whatsa matter? Got sumthin' against black dick?" Casper asked.

"N-no," Ron assured him. "It's just that this is the first time for both of us and...well, it's too damned big!"

"Bollocks! You just sucked that huge thing of Chip's," he reminded.

"I wouldn't mind," Jimmy said, "but I ain't gonna suck no guy's dick who won't suck me!" He sounded adamant.

"Me too!" Pearson agreed, really wanting to avoid it. He was raised with prejudice, but didn't want to outright refuse because the man had too much on him if he wanted to get nasty about it.

"Wanna fuck my ass, Casper?" Wes shrugged. "Let's see ya lick a little dick. Just a couple of sucks, chicken-shit. Not man enough?"

"Well...maybe...seein's how you're all cocksuckers anyway ...guess you ain't gonna tell nobody..."

"Tell ya what," Wes hopped up, "stick your smelly ass up and I'll lick it for ya long as you got a cock in your mouth. How's that?"

"Whadda you mean, smelly?!" Casper acted offended.

"Get over it. I never complained, did I? Maybe it's just that hot musk, but you always got the smelliest ass I've ever licked."

"But ya like it, doncha, you little fag?"

"No, you dumb fuck. I always lick it out cause it's horrible!"

"Okay, gimme those white pricks. But you'd better suck my ass good for this!"

Ron and Jim were again sitting up side-by-side. They stared astonished as the black guy got on all fours and crawled up to them. He took Jimmy's prick first. It was only half-hard, but the guy took the whole thing in his mouth and began to suck it up. The boys looked wide-eyed at what he was doing. It amazed them to see a guy go down like that who wasn't even a cock- sucker! It was Jimmy's prick, but Ron gasped at seeing how incredibly hot it was seeing those big lips wrapped around a cock. Like they were made for giving blowjobs! Jim gasped too, and his cock was soon at full mast. He hated it when the lips came off.

"Hey! What about my asshole?" he asked Wes, a little perturbed.

"Aw, I'll get to it...relax. Keep going. I've been wanting to see you with a cock in your mouth for a long time. Lemme watch."

Casper stared at him for a moment. "Awright, you little prick. S'pose it must be excitin' seein' me do it, hunh? Well, feast your eyes, you little bastard. You'll never see it again!" He went back down on Jim and bobbed his head up and down on the stiff boner, twisting his mouth back and forth and using his long tongue on the shaft like a real cocksucker that loved prick. Must be that natural rhythm, Ron thought.

"Dang, this shit ain't so bad!" Casper said, surprised.

When he moved over to Pearson's cock, it was already standing at attention just from watching. Ron gulped and shivered nervously as the black guy grabbed it and wrapped his hand around it. And when Casper stared him in the eyes as he took it into his mouth, Ron felt he must be reading his mind and nearly feared he'd bite it off in retaliation! But as soon as he felt those lips and tongue go to work, he totally relaxed and felt his whole body tingle like nothing else.

This cock didn't have to grow in his mouth...still Casper took the whole thing each time and slurped noisily on it. Ron watched his mouth work up and down his hard prick for a while, then reached out and put his hands on Casper's smooth cheeks, feeling black skin for the first time in his life, and roughly pulled his mouth off.

"Whatsa matter? Don't like nigger lips 'round your precious dink?"

"No...I mean...I was gonna come! It felt so good," Ron said.

"Hmmm. I'm thinkin' maybe it wouldn't been no never-mind if ya did. Like he said, one guy's cum's as good as another." He leaned down and licked Pearson's balls, then looked up at him. "You sure that's it? You ain't gonna cut out on this, are ya?"

"Heck no!" Ron cried, shocking himself. He blushed, but added, "Can...can I go first?"

"What? Come?" Casper asked, suspiciously.

"No...s-suck your nigger dick! I...I mean..." he gulped, never meaning to use that word. "I'm sorry, I..."

Casper laughed. "Honey boy, long as you suck it, you can call it anything you want!" He got up and straddled Pearson's hips, pushing his crotch into Ron's face and waiting.

Pearson looked up at the grinning face. It was inches away, and he could definitely make out the man's different smell. It was stronger and muskier, and he knew a lot of it came because the guy no doubt had sweaty balls after working all day. It was strange, but intoxicating in a sexual way. His hand shook as he reached up and put his hand around the big, floppy piece of black meat. Oh, he'd lick that thing, alright! He'd suck and lick it all over! But he held it up and made a beeline for Casper's huge hanging balls. He wanted to get a real good whiff of the man's smell, so he nested his nose in them ...right in that moist spot next to his thigh. He sniffed loudly, not hiding what he was doing in the least.

"Mmmm, you smell good!" he muttered around the nuts. "Gooood."

"Yeah, one wild kid!" Wes gushed. "Big sweaty balls! That's good stuff, ain't it? Lick 'em for him, Pearson. Lick his nuts!"

Immediately, Ron began to lap his tongue over the heavy testicles. He licked the moist spot, too. Jimmy had bent his head over and rested it on Ron's shoulder...watching. When Ron moved to the other side of Casper's ballsack, he moved in and took over where Ron had left off. Now they both were licking the guy's balls.

"Hey, we can't see good!" Chip complained. "Lay down."

Eager, Casper moved away and sprawled onto the cold cement. Like a huge beacon, his stiff black prick beckoned to the boys. They crawled right over and each took a side. They went back to his balls, but soon their tongues couldn't wait any longer. They began to move up his long shaft. Together they licked it. Like two puppy dogs sharing a bone, they slathered all over his big cock and began to trade sucking on his fat knob...pushing it back and forth into each other's hungry mouths!

"Damn, look at 'em go!" Wes said triumphantly, rubbing his finger up and down Jimmy's asscrack. The boy didn't even notice.

"Try this one," Chip said, straddling Casper's face and pushing his big cock down to the man's lips. Casper just opened his mouth and sucked it without comment. Hell, why not? Those two guys had sucked him enough times, and these two new ones were driving him crazy trading off blowing him like that! They were going down pretty far, too.

"Woooie, we got sure got us two ebony-dick cocksuckers here!" Wes gushed, breathlessly, enjoying the show. His dick was stiff again. "You guys like that, you oughta try licking his asshole. Throw your legs up, it to 'em!"

In one fluid movement, without taking the cock from his lips, he brought his long legs way back. Chip held them there, lifting the black ass up and lewdly exposing the guy's big asshole.

Ron and Jimmy stared at it...then at each other. They'd never done this. They just froze...kinda looking at each other for permission, or to see if the other guy would make the first move.

Wes saw their hesitation. "I already cleaned it, you fruits. Now get down there and lick it!" He pushed Jimmy's face into the crack.

It didn't smell any worse than his balls had, Jimmy decided. Well, since I'm already here...he stuck out his tongue and ran it around the puffy black anus...not quite believing he was doing it.

Pearson was by now totally enamored of the guy's spice. He pushed Jimmy away and fluttered his tongue over the mound of flesh...licking faster and more frantically than his friend was doing. He wanted to taste it. It was big and gorgeous and didn't have any hair on it, and he wanted it to taste like something. He was lapping like crazy!

Seeing his friend going wild, Jimmy got back in there and did the same...except he pushed his tongue inside! That made Casper plop the dick from his mouth and lift his head up to watch them.

"OH, WOW!" Ron cried. He had to try it too. They actually fought over it for a while, before resuming their trade-offs. Now they were both plunging their tongues into the dank crevice, trying to outdo each other and see how far they could shove it up his rectum!

"Mutherfuckers!" Casper cried, watching them lick out his asshole.

"Damn, got my crank ready to blast!" Wes cried, jacking off.

Casper turned his head and looked at him. "Over here, you little turd. I'll fuckin' blow ya!" Wes scooted over on his knees real fast. He put his prick in Casper's face. The guy took the whole thing in and blew him expertly. It was so incredible, Wes tried desperately to hold off as long as he could. But he couldn't take more than a dozen suck strokes like that before he emptied his balls between those big hot slurping lips. Casper drank down every drop of his sweet jizz!

"AW, FUCK, I LIKE JIZZ!" he cried, licking his lips. "Better'n my own! Hey, you little fags are so good at trading off, spit on your dicks and let's see ya trade off pluggin' muh black ass while I suck off this other creep! Gimme that prick, Chippy!" He layed back down and let Chip fuck his mouth.

"Lemme go first, okay?" Jimmy pleaded. "I'm gonna come soon as I get in there, I just know it!"

"Go ahead," Ron agreed. "I don't mind sloppy seconds. I wanna take my time if I can."

Chip was still holding the guy's legs back, and Jim had to get up and squat down to insert his throbbing prick. He only hoped he'd get it in before he came. He'd never fucked an asshole before, but he knew it was gonna be tight. Either Casper had done this before, or he was really turned on... because his rubbery anus just accepted Jimmy's whole prick when the boy stupidly rammed it all the way in! He gasped around the big cock in his mouth, but otherwise didn't reject either.

"GOL DAMN!" Chip gasped, watching the man getting fucked.

"Yeah! Who woulda believed?!" Wes stared at the unbelievable sight.

Jim knew he shouldn't be looking down, but he couldn't resist seeing his cock stuffed up an asshole for the first time. He was pounding away and the sight of those big black asslips wrapped tightly around his shaft was making his cum boil. When he got a glimpse of the pink insides he was pulling out, it was just too exciting. It put him over the edge and his cock spewed a deluge of sperm into the hole! He didn't think he'd ever come so much before. It made him dizzy.

Ron hurried him out of there. Jimmy's cock squished out with a loud noise, and Ron quickly took his place, ramming just as thoughtlessly. Jimmy settled back to catch his breath. He was ready to faint.

"Poor baby," Wes chuckled. "Lemme see if your little weinie stinks." He put his face in Jimmy's lap and smelled his deflated cock. He opened his mouth and took the greasy thing between his lips, softly licking and sucking it clean, knowing it was tender. Jimmy stared down at him, too exhausted to be disgusted. Somehow with these guys it seemed perfectly natural that Wes should lick his dirty cock for him. It was in the guy's mouth before Jim had had a chance to see if there was any shit on it. Didn't matter. He figured Wes wouldn't mind anyway.

Wes didn't mind. The big guy really turned him on. Just seeing him get fucked like that was worth tasting his shit. And he could taste it!

Chip was alternating. He watched Casper blowing him. Watched Pearson fucking. And nodded knowingly when he saw Wes cleaning Jim's filthy cock. He knew it was filthy because he could see shit streaks coming out on Ron's shaft now. Just a little.

Ron wasn't even aware of it. He had his eyes closed, not making the same mistake as Jim had. He was fucking deeply, but with a much slower rhythm. He was luxuriating in his first assfuck--hardly believing he had his throbbing prick up a black guy's asshole! He couldn't imagine a better place he'd rather have it. He wanted to spend the rest of his life fucking them! Fuck one while sucking another. But when he thought about kissing those big black luscious lips...he couldn't control himself any more. That thought was too incredibly delicious! He opened his eyes and watched himself fucking. He jerked a little too much and his cock fell out. He groaned loudly seeing that hole gaping open like that and quickly stuck it back in. Oh, it was too good. He concentrated on thinking of something else. This just couldn't end yet! He watched Casper blowing Chip and met Chip's eyes for a second. They stared lustily at each other. Chip nodded and winked.

"Fuckin' good blowjob, man!" Chip cried. "Hot fuck, too!"

"It's's so..." Ron couldn't talk. He knew Wes and Jimmy were watching them also. Suddenly, he wanted to see that sight again. Purposely, this time, he pulled his cock out. He grabbed his prick at the base and half a dozen times he stuck it in and pulled it out, seeing how the anus stayed open for a while before clamping shut. It was the most obscenely sexual thing he'd ever seen. He didn't even mind the few streaks of shit on his was unimportant.

"OH MY GOD!" he cried, when he saw the hole just stay open. He aimed his cockhead and shot jizz all over the gaping anus and squirted down into the man's rectum. He wanted to shove it back in, but it was just as exciting jerking it off all over his big asshole!

"Oh, man, gimme that thing!" Chip hiked his elbows behind Casper's knees and pulled Pearson to him. "Stick it in my mouth, quick, he's suckin' me off! OH, MAN!"

Ron hobbled forward over Casper's legs and put his sticky cock in Chip's mouth. It was still hard and the guy sucked on it. Wes, seeing that spread anus with all that hot cream running over quickly crouched down and began to lick it up. "Stick your finger up my ass!" he directed Jimmy. Jim quickly obeyed, reaching down and ramming a wet finger up the guy's butt. He was right next to him, watching him lick the cum off and begin to suck it out of the guy's ass!

Chip was keeping his ass still, letting Casper suck his cock off. But his mouth was moving on Ron's cock. He wanted a taste of that too. Casper's asshole had always turned him on, too, and he'd always enjoyed licking it out. Both of them had always suspected that Casper purposely didn't clean his asshole very good, but they were never totally sure. Hell, with a hole that dark... who could see any?

Casper was gulping down a big heavy load from Chip's prick. While Wes continued to eat out his asshole, he also pressed down on the big black ass so Casper could get what he wanted next. His own cock! Pressed into a ball, he was able to take more of it than previously. Clearly half of his huge shaft went into his mouth. The other half Chip was licking on...along with his the janitor shot a monstrous load of thick jizz down his own throat!

"Whew!" he said, hiking up his pants. "You silly faggots sure know how to make a guy feel good! Listen, if you sicko perverts ever get that club going...let me know, willya?"

"Hey, aren't you gonna fuck us?" Wes cried.

"I got work to do. I can't hang around queering queers. You want this big black prick up your slutty me here tomorrow."

"All four of us?" Jimmy asked.

"Sure. Oh, by the way. How's my shit taste?"

Chip and Wes blushed...just a little bit.

"Good enough to try again," Wes gave him the finger.

"Hmmm. Alright. I'm gonna save up a whole turd for you fags! Letcha lick up a hot nigger turd tomorrow!" He left, laughing.

"Gee, you guys aren't really gonna..." Ron asked.

"I fuckin' would!" Chip declared. "I'll lick his fuckin' turd!"

"Me, too! Why the fuck not? He's too much," Wes sighed.

"Incredible!" Jimmy gushed.

"Probably will be," Wes said. "You guys ready to get fucked?"

They quickly scrambled into their clothes as Wes and Chip laughed. They whispered to each other, then Ron turned. "Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, and listen, don't shower after gym, okay?" Wes said.

"Yeah, even if you take a dump!" Chip added.

Outside, Jimmy gushed. "They're sick!"

"I know," Ron agreed. "I'm not gonna wipe...are you?"

"Hell no!" Jimmy giggled.

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