Passing My Oral Exam

Published on Jun 22, 2024


Passing My Oral Exam, Chapter 2

Passing My Oral Exam by Robby

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Chapter 2

The next morning everything seemed normal as Corey and I stumbled out of bed as late as possible to just barely make it to our first class on time. Any concerns I had about Corey having regrets seemed unfounded because he seemed exactly the same as he'd always been with me. We sat together in our first class, and then met up for lunch with others before heading to separate lab sessions for the afternoon.

Brandon, the guy from the mixer, was still flirting with me via email, but I was losing interest in him. I'd finally realized that we only ever talked about him. All of our emails were about his classes, his life, his body, and his sexual needs. The only time he'd mention me was to ask if I was getting excited about touching his body and sucking his dick. I'd mention things about myself, but he never replied to those comments. I'd heard girls complain about guys that only cared about themselves, and now knew exactly what they meant.

A bunch of us would meet up for dinner at the dining hall each evening. Our friend group was made up of girls and guys from several floors that had developed connections. We had a silly habit of pretending it was someone's birthday every day. We'd make that person stand as we sang happy birthday to them. Usually others from the dining hall would join in, but they weren't in on the fun. Corey decided it was my birthday and so I stood while they sang me happy birthday. His eyes were fixed on me the whole time and I found myself wondering if he was as excited about tonight as I was.

We usually showered after dinner and then hung out in just shorts and sometimes a shirt. When I exited our bathroom Corey told me to stay naked and he went to take his shower. We weren't prudes, but it wasn't normal for either of us to stay naked. I found myself wanting to cover up even though I was alone in the room.

Corey excited the bathroom naked and continued drying off with his towel. I usually would look away when he was naked to not make him feel uncomfortable, but this time I kept my eyes on him. I'd never let myself stare like this before, and I'm sure my pupils were huge as I found his slightly damp body visually intoxicating.

"I want you to lie on the bed like we're going to sixty nine." Corey's voice reminded me it was time to stop staring.

"Are we going to sixty nine?" You could not have missed the shock in my voice if you tried.

Corey laughed. "Nah, I just think you need some practice sucking dick like this. I'm pretty sure gay guys sixty nine a lot."

We both got onto my bed lying in the proper positions. I was extremely hard and Corey's cock was mostly hard. I found myself staring at the underside of his dick and balls for the first time. I was so horny I didn't wait for permission and took him into mouth.

Corey groaned. "Your tongue is now on the top of my dick, so you really need to use your lip more to work the bottom because you know that's where the most sensitive spot is."

My left arm was against the bed and I snaked it up to run along his legs. I loved the idea of touching his body even though he'd never really given me permission to do so. My right arm wasn't sure if it wanted to hold his cock or mine. I wanted to stroke myself, but I also wanted to stroke him. For the moment, I was using it on his hip to steady myself.

Corey's slight curve up made sucking him via sixty nine a bit easier. I'd found I could take 5 inches without triggering my gag reflex or hitting his cock head against the top of my throat. My tongue worked the top and sides of his cock as my eyes focused on his balls. I found myself fascinated with how his balls would move as I was sucking them. They each could be easily identified in his sack and I thought about how nice it would be to lick them.

I kept exploring his body with my hands feeling his calf muscles with one while the other had made the migration from his hip to his butt. Corey still hadn't complained about me touching him so I took that as approval to continue what I was doing.

"Slow down and try to take me deeper." He almost sounded lusty in the way he spoke to me.

I complied but kept triggering my gag reflex. He kept thrusting as I went down and I made it to 6 inches several times but I immediately had to back off. I kept trying but I'd hit my limit and have to stop. I took a break and stroked his cock with my right hand.

"You're doing really well don't give up." Corey's words of encouragement made me happy but I'd triggered my gag reflex so much I needed a breather.

"I just need to breathe a bit and figure out how to swallow all of it." Having just said it I realized that swallowing it was how you avoid the gag reflex. It made perfect sense to me that if I tried to swallow as I went deep I'd avoid gagging, but I had to get the timing right.

I resumed sucking and moved my right hand back to his butt and gave it a good squeeze. My timing was off the first few times I tried swallowing his cock, but then I got it right and my lips were around the base. I stayed there a few seconds and then tried it again and again.

"Holy fuck you did it. This is awesome!"

Getting to suck his dick and being praised for it? That just made me want to surpass his expectations further. I'd twist my head and tongue as I went down on him, then come off his cock so I could swirl my tongue around just the head, and repeat by swallowing his cock whole again.

His balls were starting to tighten up against his body but I knew I still had a bit to go.

"Let's see what happens when I do this."

I didn't know what he was going to do but then I felt his hand on my cock as he lightly stroked it. I kept working on his cock but I was half moaning and half screaming from him touching me. He had no clue how close I was just from sucking him. It's hard to concentrate on what you're doing when you're close to cumming and maybe that was something I needed to practice as well.

"You're leaking all over my hand. Keep sucking I'm close."

I grabbed his ass cheek again but this time I let my fingers slip further into his crack. He moaned as I continued working every inch of his cock with my lips and tongue making sure the spot just under the head was getting attention. I dove deep once more and then worked just the head swirling my tongue around it. His balls were now really tight and I knew he was about to cum.

"I can't hold it... fuck fuck fuck. I'm cumming."

He flooded my mouth and I lost it too. I felt myself shooting and blacked out for a bit. I don't remember swallowing but I must've because there was only the taste of his cum left in my mouth.

His voice brought me back my blackout. "Dude, you shot all over me. Gross."

I pulled off his cock, cleaned the end, and then let myself catch my breath. "That's what you get for stroking me."

Suddenly I had a crazy thought, so I flipped around and starting licking my cum off his chest and neck.

"Dude!" Corey was laughing as I licked my cum off his body. When I finished cleaning up his chest and neck he moved his stroking hand closer so I could clean it too.

Maybe I'd went too far this time. Corey moved off the bed and looked at me. He seemed shocked, but was smiling. I wondered what he was really thinking about all of this.

I decided to break the ice. "How did I do this time?"

"I don't think you need anymore practice. You're a fucking pro and I need another shower."

Corey went for his shower, and I became scared by how I felt inside. I no longer wanted Brandon at all. All I wanted was to keep sucking Corey whenever he wanted a blowjob.


Thanks for reading! Again, feel free to reach out via email me at More chapters will be on their way soon!

Next: Chapter 3

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