Partying With Friends II

By Tommy Jones

Published on Jan 26, 2000



Thanks to all those who responded back to my first story and gave me a lot of feedback. Well the second story is finally done and I hope you enjoy. For those of you that are under 18, you know you should not be reading this so DON'T. Those of you that cannot handle Man to Man sexual contact should not read this too. This is another true experience that I have had with a guy. The names have been changed to protect those who do not want to be outted.

Partying With Best Friend II: Roommate affair.

It happened during the second month of living in my new apartment. I was still in awe to how big are apartment was and how cheap we got it. We got lucky because a CO-worker of mine also works for one of the cities biggest apartment rental agencies. She knew exactly what I wanted in an apartment and showed my two roommates and me it. Back to the story, one of my roommates and I had a mutual friend that was going to get married and we were in charge of setting up his bachelor party. That weekend we were going to have tons of people come down and stay at our apartment. Some guys some girls, some my friends, some my roommate's.

"So Andy how are we going to set up the sleeping arrangement for all these people?" I ask my roommate. "We can fit three on the couch since it pulls out into the bed, four more on the floor and then I can fit three in my room and you can too. Scott's not going to be here this weekend and we can fit three in his room and that should be it." "It's going to be hot as hell this weekend their saying on the Weather Channel" I say. SO far this summer we were getting record-breaking temperatures daily. So far that week the weather averaged 90-95 degrees and was not going to change. Seeing that we lived in a vintage apartment, there was not going to be much for air conditioning. All we had were three big fans to prop in the windows so it was going to be hot.

It was six in the evening and everyone was showing up. Well mainly the guys that were here for the bachelor party and the three girls that were staying with us just came by to drop off their crap before the bachelorette party. It turned out that eight of the people were going to stay at other friends' house's that had AC which was a good idea. But nevertheless they came by for the big festivities. What was planned was the bachelor party and then meet everyone downtown for a night at the bars. I was busy for awhile talking to some of the guys that were friends that went home for the summer to work and catching up on what they were doing so far, then I met him. He was My roommate's Andy's best friend Jeff roommate. Jeff was hot, he stood about 5'10, brown hair, blue eyes about 165. He graduated the same year of high school as Andy and me but he had just gotten out of the Marines. But his roommate was so fucking hot! He stood 6'2" about 180, brown hair but sexy blonde streaks, and piercing blue eyes that make you stare into them forever. His name was Jamie. "Hey nice to meet you guys" I finally managed to say. " I hope you guys don't mind me bringing Jamie my car broke down and Jamie had nothing to do not that he is single so he said he would come". Jeff explained " Oh no problems, you guys can follow me I'll show you around and get you guys some drinks" Andy says. WOW! Is all I could think about Jamie. I am not bad looking myself, though, I stand 6'3" light brown eyes black hair, swimmers build. My body had changed a lot since High school. I used to be anorexic looking but not I had a little meat and muscle on me but still had a nice six pac.

After a 30 minutes I started playing drinking games with some of my bud and Jamie asked to join in. " Sure, there's always room for another alcoholic" I say. "What's the came your playing" "Asshole!" We all yell out in unison. "Do you know how to play" ask one of the guys at the table. " Hell Yeah". For those of you that do not know how to play, all you do is through up cards that are higher in numbers then the one that was thrown out previously. For example if some one throws a 5 of any card then I have to beat it with a higher card. It also works for doubles. The best part of the game is that each person has a role. There is the president how can tell everyone win to drink, vice president treasurer, secretary, etc. then asshole who has no power except for making people drink when he deals out cards. Since Jamie was the last to join he was asshole. Not only do we get him drunk but also he decided to sit next to me. "Hey Brent" Says Jamie as he's shuffling out cards, " Drink two". "Oh big tough guy guess who's the asshole" I say. "that's right but I am boss now take three more... no wait, finish the rest of that beer" "Oh I am so glad I am president you guys are all going down especially you" I say. My first rule as president is every time a red card is thrown out Jamie drinks, the next is every time a black card is thrown Tim drinks and every time Tim drinks, Jaime drinks." I say. "Oh ho wait till I am president you're going down big boy," Jamie says. Well the game went on for ten minutes and everyone was just getting drunk off their ass. All of a sudden one card is slapped down by Jamie and he yells, "President motherfuckers!" I look at my hand to see three cards left. "I am going to get you fucked up buddy boy". All I could think of is oh shit I am screwed. SO the next game started and I was secretary, which was cool because there were only three people ahead of me and five below me. "The rule is that every card either red or black under 8 Brent drinks". Says Jamie. Oh shit is all I could think I am going to get wasted, incredibly wasted. The game went on for ten minutes like the first one but in this game everyone was more wound up, telling everyone to drink, making jokes telling their funny jokes. I realized that I had a real good buzz going and the game was going to go on for quite awhile then all of a sudden Andy runs in "Its time boys lets go". We all start filing into the living room getting seats so we can get a good view of the show. Then the groom to be, Ron was brought in and sat on a chair by Andy and me in the middle of the floor. "Well lets get this party started," says Andy as he turns on the stereo. That was the cue for this very big-breasted blonde, gorgeous woman to walks in. I think that every guy in the room creamed their pants. This stripper just went all out for Ron. Lap dances, muff dives spanking the whole hundred yards. Then she stands up and pulls me down on my back as well as Ron and Andy. She takes off all of our shirts one by one and spreads lotion on our stomachs in the form of a happy face. The next thing I know she is rubbing the lotion over all of us at the same time with her body. At first with her breast on my stomach and stretched out all over Andy and Ron, the she turns around so her crotch is on my stomach and breast on Ron's. I was pretty hot and then looked up to see Jamie looking directly at me. I looked away fast but slowly glanced again and noticed him looking again and then he turned away when he realized I was watching. After five more minutes, she got up and finished the rest of the show with Ron.

It was nine o' clock when the cabs showed up and time to go to the bars. We all piled into the cabs and headed downtown to the bars. Suprisingly I found that Jamie was in the same cab with me. On the way down we talked about what bars we wanted to go to and how many girls we were going to take home and I noticed that Jamie seemed out of place not knowing anyone but me, his roommate and Andy, so I started talking to him once again. We finally arrived on the main street where all the best bars are. It was time to let loose, even though most of us were pretty drunk already (including me). We went to the first bar, which was a main college hangout. We had about two or three drinks while enjoying Dave Matthew's blaring from the speakers. At that time I was still hanging with Jamie talking. I noticed that when he talked to me he looked deep into my eyes like he was exploring my soul. God was he so hot. I was not the only one thinking this. Two very good-looking girls approached us at the bars. "Hey guys, my name is Tracy and this is my friend Jill". Tracy was very good looking. I mean I had a hard on already being there talking to Jamie but she just made it even harder. She was a hot, tan average size brunette with light brown eyes. Jill looked like it her twin except for she had amazing blue eyes. " I am Jamie and this is my friend Brent". "HI nice to meet you." I say as nod to them. "So are you guys waiting for your girlfriends?" Jill asks. "Yeah they should be right out soon." Jamie says before I can answer. "Oh sorry you guys have a good night". Says Tracy with a frown. "Hey we don't have girlfriends why did you say that?" "Here lets go to another bar". We walk up to the other guys and tell them we were headed to another bar. "Hey we'll see you guys there". Andy slurs before getting back into a conversation with his girl for the night. "We won't see them they're to busy trying to get a piece of ass from some bar sluts." I say to Jamie. "That is why I told those girls that we have girlfriends. I am not into picking up bar sluts. You never know who they have fucked or whatever with." Says Jamie. "Well I am so drunk and horny I would have not mind". "Well I am pretty sure you will get a chance to get some later." He says to me with a lop-sided smile. We walked into the next bar, which was one of the biggest dance clubs in the area. We lucked out because it was college night and all drinks were a dollar for college students. Well what's left to say? Five bucks, and a few songs later, we were both plastered beyond belief. Jamie stumbles up to me. " I have to go." "Oh the bathroom over there" "No you idiot I am way too drunk to keep dancing and I need to go back home." "Yeah me too lets get a cab and head back. We both climbed in the back of a cab, and sang drunkenly all the way back to my apartments. When we walked in I noticed that I was only one. The bars are opened till three around here and knowing how those guys are they won't be back for at least an hour after bar time. "Well looks like you get the couch" I say to Jamie. "Hey do you mind if I sleep on your floor? You have that fan in your room and mine it is so hot." "Sure I have a sleeping bag on the floor you can sleep in." I went into the bathroom to do my business and take off my contacts and as I stand in front of the mirror I started thinking I have a hot drunk guy in my room but it sucks that he does not like guys at all. When I went into my room I saw Jamie lying on top of the sleeping bag in nothing in his boxers. WOW! I thought. I take of my clothes and got on the bed wearing nothing but my boxers and a semi-hard cock. After ten minute of lying on my sheets in the heat, Jamie sits up and crawls over to the head of my bed. " What's up Jamie do you have to hurl?" "No not at all but lying there, I noticed that I could see up your boxers and you have a fucking huge dick." All I could say was just Ugh! With my mouth wide open in shock. " I want it, I want to suck it and I want it up my ass now! I wanted since I first saw you tonight. I was not as drunk as I was acting I just wanted to get you home and have you fuck me all night. Will you?" My reaction to that was pulling off my boxers. "Go for it". The next thing I knew his warm mouth was wrapped around my hard cock. "Ugh God go for it Jamie". Jamie knew what he wanted and exactly how do get it. He licked the head of my dick s if it was a sucker and then deep throated it a few times before moving to my balls and licking and slurping them one at a time then both at once. Then he slowly licked all the way up to my nipples before moving to my lips and kissing them slowly and passionately. I opened my mouth to let his tongue explore my mouth and tongue. I started rubbing my hands all over his smooth almost hairless body back until I got to the waist line of his boxers. I let my finger hook his boxers and pulled them down so I could grab his smooth bubble butt. He then reached around and pulled his boxer off completely, then went back to giving my lips his full undivided attention. Slowly I moved my hand to his ass crack and slipped in between his crevice, rubbing his hot sweaty pucker. I then took one finger and slipped it inside of his asshole, he moaned softly and as I pushed it in more and then slid it back and forth. " Ah dude, Ah God that feels so good of fuck yeah." Jamie moaned in delight. I then put in another finger, which drove him mad. He started riding my fingers wildly. "Fuck me NOW, just do it." I got up and went to the door and locked it. Next I went over to my desk and grabbed a condom and went back to the bed, where Jamie was lying on his back with his legs spread wide apart and his ass calling for a big long dick. I then put on the condom and jumped into bed, grabbing his legs and placing them on my shoulder. As I moved my hot rod to his opening and slowly pushed it in, I heard him coo and ahh like a bitch in heat. I moved in deeper and deeper in to his tight accepting boy cunt. "Are you OK? "No fuck me with that big rod!" Jamie barked. As soon as he said that I started thrusting slowly in and out of his wanting ass picking up the pace each time until I was fucking him like a madman. "Ugh good fuck me harder with that big cock, oh yeah damn fuck me!" His panting and hard breathing was like music to my ear. I wanted this to last as long as I could so I pulled out and lay on my back. "If you like that you will love riding my big cock, now get on it". I ordered. Almost immediately he straddled me and lowered his ass onto my cock and then started riding it like a crazy. He was swearing, thrashing and yelling so much that I thought that I would have to call an exorcist to help him. Yet I still wasn't ready to let it end. I pushed him off and ordered him to get on his hands and knees. I got behind him and fucked him from behind. He then moved to his forearms and kept his as in the air as I kept fucking his sweet tight ass. I was now ready to blow. I felt myself getting closer and closer. "Ugh, I am going to drop a load Jamie, ah it's coming." As soon as I finished that sentence he pulled my cock out ripped of the condom and put my cock in his mouth right as I was about to blow. " AH, AH, Ah, Ohh!" I yelled as I shot my load down his throat. I fired seven hard shots that almost made me die. "Oh dude help me get down there I am going to blow too hurry up." With that I quickly put my mouth around his huge cock and slurped down his hot molten white gold. "Oh god that was good." I say panting trying to catch my breath. "Actually I am wrong that was damn good!" "Yeah it was". Jamie says while playing the hair on my chest. "We need to do this again". "Probably not tonight because the guys should be coming back, but we can do it before the wedding". "You got yourself a date".

Well guys let me know what you think especially all you other hot fellow college guys. Later

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