Party Hardy, Hoo-Rah!

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 29, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"Party hardy!" one guy said as he raised his beer and poured it over one of his buddies. "Hoo-rah, hoo-rah! Ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh!" That last was a pretty good rendition of a pig's grunting. The young Marine was extremely drunk, cute as a bug, and about nineteen years old, grinning like a maniac. I smiled at that, at him, nodded and moved on into the next room, where a card game was in full swing, gathered up empty plastic glasses and handed out fresh ones full of beer. Six guys playing cards, all young, all cute, all muscled, and all ignored me like I didn't exist.

How cruel the Fates can be! I was absolutely surrounded by young, muscled, gorgeous guys, talking, laughing, some wearing only a brief pair of briefs (a raunchy game of strip poker earlier had stripped some of them that far; I wasn't sure what had happened to the others...if anything), others wearing only their pants, all gyrating around to the music as they danced around each other. They were drinking, talking to each other, touching each other, smiling into each other's eyes. And me, smiling like a moron, nodding when I was looked at, all alone at one hell of a lively party!

Yeah, alone! I was alone here in three important ways. I was the only one who wasn't part of the games and comradeship born from shared recent experiences, they were nearly all strangers to me and unwilling to expand their friend base just now. I was the only one here (so far as I knew, anyway) who was gay. And I was the only one who wasn't a Marine fresh out of basic training.

Thanks to my longtime best friend who was now a Marine assigned to their base, my house had been invaded by the USMC. Well, sort of. He was throwing a party in my house (which wasn't very far from his Marine base) with my approval, and it was attended by every leatherneck who didn't currently have a girlfriend or somewhere else to go in the short leave they enjoyed before receiving their assignments. So I was keeping my cool as best I could, playing the convivial host, all the while surrounded by hot, young, gorgeous (and straight! Never forget that they were all straight!) men talking, drinking, playing cards, yelling, telling stories, knocking over lamps, dropping bottles on the floor. A popular comment of theirs seemed to be to grunt like a pig, that "Ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh!" sound. Another was to talk in alphabet soup; sort of like, "My JGE took a PRG to the HQ to get some MRV's, and the ABD told him to take it to the LN." I know, that's gobbledy-gook letters I've used that make no sense, but that's how it sounded to me! No sense! Like listening to a foreign language! I was excluded by this language they shared, and as I said, left smiling and nodding like a senile old man while they swarmed around me, ignoring me completely except when they wanted a beer.

Well, at least I finally had an excuse to end this long torment; it was after midnight and I had to work in the morning. I had given my friend use of the house until midnight and now it was time for him to get them to all go home, or go to a movie, or go anywhere, as long as they didn't stay here!

I saw Kevin in the crowd, but I'm not real sure he saw me. I sighed, decided it was better to let the late hour ride, if these young Marines stayed longer, fine, I'd just go to bed and hope the racket all went away sooner or later.

Two hunks, both shirtless, were seated on the stairs side by side, talking. I squeezed between them, putting my hands on their ample, rounded shoulders as I went up, saying a quick word of apology as I did, and then up the stairs, letting the sounds of happy men enjoying each other behind me. The loneliest feeling in the world, going up those stairs, a piece of life I was shut out of and could never, NEVER join no matter what I did.

At the top, just outside the bathroom, I paused and put my palms over my nose and mouth and inhaled. Did I smell just a bit of the young hormonal-driven sweat from those two guys on them? Maybe some. Maybe not.

Got into the bathroom, turned on the light, looked into the mirror and said, "You pathetic queer!" I'm allowed to call myself that. Why wasn't I getting out more, I was reasonably young still, being in the low thirties, reasonably good-looking, my body wouldn't take a lot of work to muscle up if I was diligent. Some aerobics, some weights, a few weeks at the gym and I could make a trek to the next town and the gay bar they had there.

Looked around the top floor as I walked to my bedroom. Four bedrooms, and I only used one. I'd offered a second to my friend to use if he wanted it, but the other two were all made up, ready for the overnight or week-long visitors I'd planned for and never had. I'd inherited this house, and I really should sell it, buy a smaller one. That or try to bring in some fellow gay men to share my life. You don't have to fuck a gay man to like having him around, you know. And if one did want to, I'd be right there....

God, that bed of mine was so cold when I slid under the covers! Felt real lonesome, too, a king-sized bed with only pint-sized me lying in it, too much room for comfort. The noise of the men, which had dimmed while I was up and active, began to worm its way into my brain again. Some were leaving, others were still downstairs. Their evening was drawing to a close, I would clean up dirty glasses and plates tomorrow and empty ashtrays, and try again to whiff that heady aroma of young male stud that had touched them before me.

A racket outside my door, a couple of guys had really tied one on. Those Marines had been putting away an awful lot of beer and there had been a dozen bottles of vodka down there as well. Maybe I'd wake up tomorrow and check the bedrooms or downstairs and find some passed-out young hunks in there, a final feast for my weary eyes as they slid over those fair young, white bodies. I'd have to check if they were breathing, wouldn't I? And touch them to wake them up, too.

My door opened and I saw in the light from the hallway they were two of my Marine guests, and both appeared totally smashed. One was a blond stud with a body that belonged on a surfboard instead of stuffed inside a green uniform. The other was darker-skinned, not black but maybe Latino, or something more exotic. That base pulled men from over a sizeable portion of the country, he could be Arabic or Hindu. Whichever, he was also plastered.

And they came in and I started to speak, then stopped. Inside, they closed the door, but the light under the door was enough that I could see they were kissing each other. And I mean hard!

Oh, God! Two young Marines were about to have sex right in my own bedroom! I shrunk away from the bed's edges, pulling my body into the center. They were at my bed's foot, they could come into it from any side. Maybe they wouldn't see me, I could lie there and watch them make love, oh, God, they were undressing each other! The blond guy was barechested, the darker guy was wearing only a tanktop. I saw the blond guy peel the tanktop over the other guy's head, then reach and stroke the ample, broad chest beneath. The dark guy reached and pulled the blond guy's buttocks toward him, locked their groins together, and he ground against the blond and the blond ground back. Then their hands were at their waistbands, and roaming around the inside of the top of the pants, as they loosened and slid them down. The boxers of the blond, the jockstrap of the dark guy, they went down with the pants, and now my two Marine studs were totally naked. Me, I sat in bed with the covers pulled up around my neck like a frightened virgin! If they saw me now, they would...they would leave! Darkness was still dominant, but as their eyes adjusted, they might see pale me in that bed!

"Come on!" one hissed to the other (I couldn't tell which, no accent) and they came toward the bed. If they were going to catch me, now was the time.

One on each side, they caught the covers and pulled them down, and I was bared as they climbed into bed. Please don't see me, please don't see me, please, please, let this moment last!

A pair of naked bodies pressed against me from both sides, me flat on my back between them. Two hard cocks burned my hips from either side, two hands slid up onto my chest, one higher than the other, two legs reached up to pinion my own legs into place. And two pairs of lips kissed my cheeks from both sides at once.

"Mmmm!" came the voice from my left. I could just see it was the blond guy, though in that state of near darkness, it was a case of comparing him to the guy on the other side to be certain.

"Shhh!" came the hiss from the dark guy. "We don't want to wake up the guy who owns this house!"

"Yeah, yeah, shhh!" the blond guy said.

The dark guy's hand came over and caught my face, steered it toward his, and he kissed me on the lips. Oh, God! Yes! Yes! Young, hardbodied studs in my bed, one of them kissing me, the other dipping his head down to suckle my nipple! Oh, Jeez!

I threw caution to the winds, I caught a hard dick in each hand and I nearly swooned at feeling them pulsing there. I couldn't jerk them much in that position, but I managed a few moves that won me dripping hot slime that sparked onto my thighs.

Dark guy grabbed my cock, and blond guy tried, but was thwarted. I wondered if he'd speak up, realize that there was a third man here, but he impacted the hand, and retreated, and instead the mouth began a trek down my body, its destination was to travel across my stomach and swallow me down.

Oh, God, they'd figure this out for sure, now! What to do, what to do? I fought my lips clear of the dark guy's mouth and hissed, softly as I could, "Fuck me!"

His hand released my cock (Yes!) and he began to turn me onto my side, and as he did, the blond guy, thinking I was pivoting toward him, moved, sliding down the bed to keep his mouth on track toward my cock. As I went onto my side, he made it, and scrunched to get his whole body downwards, and then as dark guy shoved me to be partially onto my stomach, the blond rolled onto his back to let me shove my dong down his throat.

I heard hawking sounds and knew the dark guy was lubing up his cock that way. Oh, God, if blond guy heard! I quickly licked my palm, getting it wet as I could, and I reached down with my moistened hand toward the blond guy, moving to strain to reach his cock!

I didn't make it, but he felt the wetness and didn't stop his own movements, and now I had a slicked-up wetted dong prying my buttocks apart.

I needed the blond guy up my way! I slapped at him with my wet hand again, and he pivoted, understanding that if he was to get any jollies, I needed his dick up where I was. The dark guy was pushing into my ass rather roughly, his coordination thrown off by his state of intoxication. The blond guy wasn't being too smooth either. That alcoholic fog was obscuring myself to them, each thought he was making love to the other, not the host of their party, that vacantly grinning non-Marine who had been passing out tiny frankfurter pieces on crackers imbedded into Cheez Whiz spritzes earlier. Not that guy. They had a fellow leatherneck in bed with them, blond guy was sucking a gyrene dick, dark guy was plugging a Marine ass. Not that other guy, he wasn't there, he was next door sleeping soundly, the poor ignorant bastard, bet he's a fag the way he kept studying us. Not him! Not me!

I agonized over every move I made, but I did it, I got blond guy's body upside down relative to mine, and I had dark guy on top of me, and I sucked the hot blond Marine cock into my mouth and I nearly passed out over how sweet it tasted, so warm, so youthful, so hard, so eager for life and adventure! And the dark Marine's pud buried itself all the way down to the crinkly pubic hairs!

I had to grunt now, sandwiched between two athletic Marine hardbodies in full rut, but that was okay. My grunts were blending with blond guy's to the dark guy, and blond guy though my grunts belonged to dark guy. Oh, God, I'd get away with this, I would, I would! Oh, oh, shit, yeah! A cock in my mouth, a cock in my ass, both being powered by hot muscled bodies honed to perfection in the roughest sort of basic training, the muscles toned to endure and power the body they belonged to in any way for as long as needed! These two jarheads could fuck and suck all night long if they needed to!

Oh, God! I was about to come! So soon, too soon, these two Marines weren't close to coming yet! Hold back, I begged my body, hold back, you have to wait for one of them to come or they'll know, they'll know!

Useless, useless, my cock was in control and it yodeled joy as I hit my climax, I moaned and grunted and, helpless, I jetted into the blond guy's mouth. Orgasm clawed all the air from my lungs, I let go of his cock and panted, laying my head on his inner thigh, and the blond guy sucked me clean and dry.

"Oh, yeah, you like that, don't you?" the dark guy said, his own passion rising. "Hot ass, God damn it, I love hot ass, fuck you, fuck you good, yeah, yeah, oh, OH, OH, GAH, HUH-HUH-UH-UH-HUNNNKHHHHHH!"

I was getting my ass rammed full of hot Marine jizz and I figured I was screwed in more ways than one. Blond guy couldn't think that climax was anything to do with dark guy. He had to figure it out, didn't he?

"Suck me, damn it, suck me!" growled blond guy, and he jabbed his cock at my face.

I couldn't believe it! I scarfed him down and I sucked on the hard knob blissfully.

"Oh, damn, so hot, fucking hot ass, you like that, don't you, don't you?

"Oh, yeah, oh, yeah!" blond guy said. Did the beer befuddle his brain that much? Couldn't he add up the numbers? A mouth sucking him and a mouth talking didn't add up to one! "Gonna cream, gonna cream!"

I was going to get caught. But damn it, I'd be caught with a mouthful of hot leatherneck spunk! I sucked on him hard, and the blond guy nattered on, answered by the black guy who had pulled out of my ass, and then the blond guy moaned, screeched, jetted his white hot load into my mouth!

"Oh, yeah, suck it, suck it, take it, take it all, God, yeah, suck it!"

"Like hell I will." said dark guy. "You done come ten minutes ago."

Blond guy was ejaculating at that moment, so I guess he didn't hear it. He flooded my mouth with hot jizz and I swallowed it blissfully, so much sperm and so warm, so warm!

"Oh, yeah, good, man, good! Oh, oh, oh!" blond guy moaned when he finished, and I was lapping up the last dregs of his spunk from his cockhead.

"You are one good fuck in bed." the dark guy said.

"You're not so bad yourself." the blond guy agreed.

"We'd better get out of here, before someone catches us."

"Yeah, a shame. I could use another go before morning."

"Let's get back to the base and we'll see."

The two got out of bed and grabbed their clothes and got out, I heard the bathroom door open and close, they must have gone in there to see how to get dressed. Me, I was sweaty and drenched in their sweat and had Marine jizz dripping from my ass and tingling on my lips. I waited there, and when after a time, I realized that I wasn't going to have to pay any price for being the third man in this little tea-for-two, I pulled the covers over me. I could smell their bodies' oils on my covers, and this time, there was no doubt about it. The aroma rocked me to sleep like a lullaby.

They were still partying downstairs. Party hardy, Marines, I thought to them as I fell asleep. Party hardy, hoo-rah!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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