Part Time Office Bitch

By Full Boy

Published on Nov 10, 2010


The next couple of weeks went fine at work; Donnie had now become the office manager, Mrs. Davis had finally retired. Donnie was proudly prancing around the office as if a peacock putting on the mating dance surrounded by his office bitches. He quickly called a mandatory office employee meeting for 3 P.M. that afternoon. The start of the meeting was pretty run of the mill, the usual bull shit up until the end when Donnie announced the purchase of a new computer system which would basically automate the entire office process from patient registration to billing and accounts receivable. The software vendor was based in Boston and Donnie announced that he would be picking a core implementation team, which would travel to Boston to learn the software system then come back and setup the system then train the other office staff on how to use it. Donnie said he would put up the core team list on the bulletin board by the end of the week. The meeting was adjourned and everyone was talking, wondering whom Donnie would pick.

I really did not worry or care about the project because I was getting ready to register for college classes and worrying more about asking Donnie if the hospital would work with me on my schedule so I could attend classes. Well Friday afternoon when I get to work, low and behold my name was one of the four office workers on the list for the core training team. Donnie, Mr. Peacock himself was on top of the list, along with Doris, another lady, and then me! I said to myself "Shit! I do not have time for this right now" besides I had never flown on an airplane in my life. About an hour after starting work, Donnie pranced into the main office and gathered his core team around him, he began talking about the trip, saying, "Don't worry, I will handle all of the travel arrangements, you just show up at the airport". We had two weeks before the trip, and I grew more nervous, the closer travel time got.

I asked the other two ladies what type of clothes they were going to wear on the trip, they told me casual, and they were not dressing up for class and travel. So I borrowed my aunt's suitcase, went through my closet trying to find something to pack. I ended up buying a few new things to take on the trip including some new white Hanes jockey type underwear; I figured I would leave my jock straps at home. We were flying out on Monday morning at 8 A.M. and Donnie told us to gather at work and he would take us all to the airport. I did not sleep much at all on Sunday night; I got up about 5 A.M. and headed to work to meet the core team.

I decided to wear jeans and a sweatshirt since it was cold and being January I knew Boston would be cold too. We all got to the office before Donnie and as I looked around the room, everyone looked strange in jeans because I never saw any of the other ladies wear casual clothes. When Donnie arrived, I got my first look at him without a suit! He had very form fitting jeans that nicely defined his hot little ass, the nice bulge in the front showed off his packet too! He had a white button down shirt, and keeping with his preppy appearance wore his ever present penny loafers! He boasted loudly, "Ready ladies, lets go...oh you too Mark". We gathered our luggage and headed down the hall following Donnie like a bunch of ducks follows their mom.

As we got to the parking lot, I was surprised Donnie sporting a nice newer range rover! I thought, "Dam, he must have got a huge raise with the job promotion". He quickly loaded up the luggage, as everyone prepared to get in, Donnie said, "Mark, you ride up front, and help me with those airport signs...I always have a hard time trying to read them and driving". I hopped in the front, the other two ladies got in the back and we headed toward the airport. Donnie made small talk as we drove to the airport, mostly talking about this pregnant wife, or his new car. We got to the airport, I helped guide Donnie to the long-term parking lot, and I saw the large planes flying in overhead, I felt my heart palpitate and felt nauseated. I think Donnie sensed I was a little stressed, he said "Mark, you look a little white, are you ok". I said well for my first time flying...I guess I am ok". The two ladies began fussing over me, saying, "Oh it will be fine, we fly all the time". Donnie butted in, "Ladies.... he will be fine, he is a big boy".

We got in the terminal, checked the bags, and Donnie handed out the tickets to each of us. We were trying to see who sat next to whom, the two ladies were side by side, and it looks as if Donnie and I were sitting together. We passed check in, and as we were walking toward the gate, I walked behind Donnie admiring his cute hot ass; I was mesmerized with how it shook and swayed as he walked. I wondered what Donnie had in store for this week. While sitting at the gate, everyone either checked their messages, or read some kind of magazine. Donnie was on his cell talking with the wifey, whom he had left with her mother while he was gone due to her last stage pregnancy. Finally time to board, I felt a lump in my throat as we walked onto the plane, it was a smaller plane where you walk out onto the runway, and we were changing planes in Charlotte. We got in the aisle; Donnie asked if I wanted the window seat, I said, "NO, I will sit on the aisle side. Donnie slide past me, his nice firm ass swipe by me as he slides into the window seat and I sat down on the isle seat. I grip the arm rests as the captain announces we will be taking off shortly, Donnie looks over and grins..."Boy, don't worry, I will take care of you". Luckily, we get to Charlotte without my throwing up all over Donnie, there is no lay over so we are all four running through the terminal to the next gate, make it just in time to get on board. At least this plane is huge with three rows of seats. Again, Donnie takes the window seat and I sit next to him. As my nerves setting, I get a sniff of Donnie's cologne, he smells incredible.

We make it to Boston safely, wait patiently for the luggage, and then Donnie gets a taxi to take us all to the hotel. After we arrive, we wait in the lobby while Donnie gets the room cards; the hotel is very nice and looks very old historically. Donnie comes over and hands one card to the two ladies, as says, "This room is for you two", "Mark, you will be sharing with me". I said, "I thought everyone had their own room". Donnie says, "Nope hospital will not spring for it.... two to a room, same sexes to a room". I had to admit I was not really upset, the thoughts of getting to see Donnie naked, really made my cock change positions in my new jockeys. We take the elevator to the 14th floor; the ladies' room is across the hallway from Donnie's room and mine. Donnie tells the ladies, "Ok freshen up and we will meet in the lobby in one hour to go out to dinner".

Donnie opens the door, we walk inside, there is at least two large beds. We put the luggage on the luggage stand; Donnie goes into the bathroom, as I check out the room. I open my luggage, take out a few things and lay them on the bed closer to the window. I sit down on the bed; Donnie walks out and says "what you doing on that bed". I said, "Oh sorry, you can have this bed if you want". Donnie says, "Boy, it doesn't matter which bed you use because I will be in it too". My mind was racing with dirty thoughts; Donnie walked over and grabbed my hand placing it on his nicely packaged bulge! He said "Boy say hello to your dessert for tonight, hope your hungry". There was a knock on the door, the ladies "We are ready to go to dinner, are you guys ready". Donnie says "Yep, just a minute". I turn to walk toward the door, Donnie walked up behind me, wrapped both arms around me pulling me close, putting his chin on my shoulder, runs his hands down to my hips, then back to my ass..."Yep, we are just about ready". The he turns me lose and walked to the door, opened it and we walked out to see the ladies standing in the hallway. We all went to the lobby, where Donnie questioned the desk clerk about places to eat; we got a cab and headed to the restaurant. All the way there, I could not keep my mind off Donnie's cock! I wanted him totally naked, and as soon as possible. We all had a nice dinner, then Donnie took care of the check, since the hospital was paying for the trip, then we got a cab back to the hotel. My cock was semi hard thinking about the prospects for tonight.

Once back in the room, I was a little disappointed that Donnie did not jump me right then; however, Donnie gathered a few items from his luggage and when into the bathroom. While Donnie was in the bathroom, I went through my luggage to lay out something to wear to class the next day, and then Donnie came out wearing boxers and a white tee! I remember the time I saw Donnie's hot little ass, he had a Speedo tan line, so I was a little confused about the boxers. Donnie said "All your kido" he was referring to the bathroom so I went in and brushed my teeth. I came out just wearing my white jockey briefs and Donnie was already in bed with the television remote flipping through channels. The covers were folded neatly across his stomach, revealing that he had take off his white tee. His gorgeous tan upper body was all I could stare at as I walked to the other side of the bed. Mostly hairless, but his nipples had tuffs of hair around them. I sat down on the bed; slide my legs under the covers, resting beside of Donnie in the bed.

It was then Donnie made his move, he rolls over throwing one leg across me, his hand working my briefs down my legs until they are completely off, he throws them across the room. I can now tell he is naked under the cover. His hard cock rubbing against my leg as he is positioning himself; moves on top of me. He starts lightly kissing my neck, ears, and moves around to my mouth, his tongue brushes across my lips; it feels like electricity running through my body. Donnie has never been affectionate at all in our encounters, and I find I like it a lot. He presses his lips to mine, I open my mouth, his tongue enters my mouth, and he starts kissing me passionately. While kissing me, Donnie rubs his body and hips against mine, our cocks massaging each other and it feels so good. Donnie makes light moaning noises, the warm feel of his naked body is mine blowing.

Donnie's mouth finds my tongue; he begins sucking it hard and deep. His hands work down my body, fully caressing my ass cheeks as he picks up speed working his hips into mine. Finally speaking, Donnie says, "Boy I wanted to get you like this for months now". I said, "So you planned this huh". Donnie said, "Hell YES". My cock felt like it was on fire, precum was coating my belly between our bodies. Donnie's cock was sliding up and down on my belly mixing our precum creating a slippery mess. As Donnie lifted himself up, I used my tongue on his nipples, taking the hairy tuffs into my mouth, using my tongue to surround each nipple. I could tell he liked that because he lowered himself, using one hand forces my face onto his nipple. "Use your teeth baby" Donnie said. I gripped his nipples with my teeth biting down; he let out a louder moan saying "Yeah, work that tit boy".

Donnie worked his way between my open legs, pushing my bottom up onto his thighs working his cock toward my ass. I felt the head circling my hole, next the head was knocking against my pink hot hole, and Donnie sank his hot meat in my ass, sliding all the way and did not stop until his nuts were resting against my ass cheeks. He let out a pleasurable moan as he leaned in slamming his tongue back in my mouth. As Donnie's tongue was raping my mouth, he began slamming my ass hard with his cock. He moved my legs up on his shoulders and began furiously slamming my hot hole. I could hear loud smacking sounds from his thighs pounding against my ass. Donnie was beginning to drip sweat from his forehead onto me as he drove into me, my cock was responding nicely as it bobbed back and forth. "Take my fucking cock boy, yeah that ass likes my cock don't it bitches all love this cock". I did not care what Donnie said at this point, all I wanted was his load in my ass! Each slam of his cock brought me closer to orgasm, it was clear Donnie was getting close, he began panting heavily, sweating like a pig in heat, and grunting with each thrust. I felt me nuts let loose as cum begin spraying from my cock, Donnie did not even slow down, if anything he got faster and deeper with his humping. With one loud final grunt, he thrust deep into my hole and froze, I felt the rhythm in his cock as it pumped his love juice in my ass. I could not help but think how he pumped his load into his pregnant wife back home. After the last drop of cum and Donnie's cock began to soften, he collapsed on top of me, panting. Finally he gave me another wet slopping kiss, and said "Boy, get to sleep tomorrow is going to be a long day. He rolled off me, positioned himself up close behind me and wrapped his arms around me and we drifted off to sleep. This was the first time I ever sleep all night with another guy, it was wonderful, peaceful, and one amazing feeling.

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Next: Chapter 6

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