Parking Lot Gloryhole

By ten.labolgcbs@wonrohtuaeal

Published on Nov 20, 2009


Hunky's Surprise

L.A. Emerich

If you shouldn't, don't. You know what you can and can't do. I'm not your mother.

I woke up the next morning and made coffee. As the smell of the joe wafted through the house, I took a shower and shaved. I ran my tongue over my teeth as the hot spray ran down my body, finding the remains of the debauchery that I only hoped was not a dream of someone in a new place. The salty, slick taste that I found could have been the remains of too many cigarettes, but the long, brown pubie that I plucked from my teeth ensured that it hadn't been a dream.

I finished my wash-up, spending extra time on my turd box, just in case. The Boy Scouts had taught me to be prepared. Finished with my morning routine, I poured a cup of coffee and put a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave. As the gruel cooked, I ruminated on the thought of possessing my own, private gloryhole. The implications wrecked havoc with my libido. It would have been easy to fall into the libidinous fault of the cum pig that I was. But, I had a job to do. I had to figure out how to juggle the responsibility of being a professor, perhaps finding a man for life, and inhaling all the cock that my newfound option represented. I was pulled three ways from Sunday and was horny as fuck. Being pragmatic, I decided to enjoy the weekend and worry about all the practical shit, come Monday.

I finished my breakfast, standing in my kitchen, and thought about priorities. First on my list, was getting my house in order. I'm not a raging queen or anything, but I do like order in my life. The inside of the house came first, followed by picking up some victuals, and then the yard. That's the way that my practical mind had it figured out. But the true cocksucker that existed inside of me knew where my first effort should go.

I lit my first cig of the day and walked out to the garage. That dry, dusty smell hit me again and I vowed to make it better. I walked to the doors at the back of the garage that bordered the parking lot and opened them wide. They creaked and groaned in protest as I scoped out the bar. It wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't ramshackle either. It wasn't menacing or out of character to the neighborhood. The roof was tiled, like a cabana from the Caribbean and the walls were painted in a pastel green. It could have used a paint job and some of the tiles were broken, but as long as it provided me with all of the dick that I needed, it could have been a temple that I would worship at forever as far as I was concerned. A light breeze swept through the garage as I checked out the rest of the place. I walked outside to the trashcan storage and checked it out. The lean-to was kind of cramped with the two trashcans that could be rolled to the curb on trash day. The two gloryholes, the objects of my fascination, were blatant and obvious. My mouth watered thinking about the cocks that had been sucked through them. I ran a finger over the wood of the holes, making sure that they were smooth. As I did, a shudder ran through me at the thought of the cum tubes that had grazed it., making it smooth. I looked around the small, enclosed area and found a red light bulb that was enclosed by a glass cone. In the sparse light, I could see that it was only a 25-watt bulb. That explained the murky quality from the night before. I put my crotch up to the hole to check the height; it was perfect for my six-foot frame. It took everything that I had to not whip out my cock and stick it through; I didn't want to know it from that side. I wanted to keep my head on the other side, figuratively and factually.

I went back inside and checked out the area behind the half-wall. It wasn't much. I took up the small cushion for the cocksucker and replaced it with a furniture pad that covered the entire area, sweeping it out first. I noticed that between the holes was a shelf. I could just envision my water bottle and poppers propped up there, waiting for me to revive myself between dicks. My Boy Scout mantra entered my mind at the sight of the shelf. I ran inside and rutted through boxes, looking for paraphernalia to enhance the experience. I found my favorite eight-inch dildo, my bottle of jungle juice, and a rag to wipe up errant cum. I walked back out to the garage and placed my treasures on the shelf and made an emphatic nod at my perspicacity. One never knew what might be needed.

As I went to close up the doors to the garage, a Cadillac drove into the parking lot. I watched as it found a space and the driver got out. As he got out of the car and looked over at me, I could see that he didn't appear to be a student in need of a beer. He was older than me, probably mid-thirties wearing a hot wife beater, and gave me a nod. I nodded back and smiled, playing the new neighbor. His muscular torso undulated as he approached me from across the parking lot.

"Hey, how's it going? " He said, propping a zippered moneybag under his arm. "You the new owner?"

"Guilty." I replied, regretting my flippant response as implying some sort of culpability on my part for events of the previous evening.

"Name's Glenn." He said, walking towards me and putting out a hand to shake.

"Brandon." I replied. Glenn was hot. He had a whole Daddy-thing going, with shaved head and a hoop in his left ear. "How's it going?"

"Doing okay. Nice day for it." Glenn offered, shaking my hand and looking me straight in the eye. "You getting moved in okay?" Glenn had steel-gray eyes that looked into the depths of me. It was as if a giant mixer took up residence in my gut and began to rotate on the `whip' setting. The air between us had a twittering quality that seemed to be waiting for a tilt to the left or right to decide where the wind would take us.

"Just checking the place out and getting acclimated." I said, letting go of his large hand. "Place needs some work." Glenn smiled at me and chuckled.

"Yeah, place has been empty for awhile, a lot of things have been neglected. Glad to see someone taking up residence." Glenn responded, moving the moneybag from under one arm to the other, grazing the prominent pouch in his jeans on the way. "I want to be good neighbors. If you have any problems or err...concerns, just let me know."

"I heard a little last night, but it hasn't been that long since I was one of them to let it get to me." I offered, gazing down at Glenn's pouch. He noticed my looking and dropped one of his fists to the fly of his jeans. It looked as if his imprisoned serpent rose to meet the effort.

"Glad to hear it. The last guy didn't seem to mind it either." Glenn said.

"I've heard he was pretty amenable to the situation. I hope I can be as accommodating." I said, looking into Glenn's intense gaze.

"Me too. You need any help?" Glenn offered, grazing a thumb over his growing lump.

I ran my tongue over my lower lip and thought up a plan. It was obvious that we had the same thing in mind. "I could use a little help. I need to make sure that the trashcans are up to code. Do you know anything about that?"

"I'm an expert with trash." Glenn answered, walking to the lean-to.

"Let me get these doors and I'll meet you over there." I replied, closing the doors and rushing to the half-wall. I knelt down and picked up the bottle of poppers. I shook them to get the best effect and broke the seal. The sound of the bottle gasp ensured that a fresh hit was eminent.

"Hallo." I heard Glenn say, expecting me to come through the gate. I knelt down on the furniture pad and took a hit from my bottle of joy. The effect hit me instantaneously as my face flushed and the saliva factory in my mouth went into overdrive. I looked through the gloryhole in front of me and rubbed a finger on the smooth wood. My gasp of horniness got Glenn's attention.

"Fuck yeah." I heard him say as the sound of his zipper unclenching blazed a trail through my horny brain. I hit the popper bottle again and waited for Glenn to become the center of my universe. As the wave of intensity hit me, Glenn's torpedo came through my gloryhole. I say torpedo, because it was shaped just like one. The head was respectable and led to a seven and a half inch cock that widened to a base that was anchored in a prodigious bush. It was about the most delectable prick that I could have envisioned in my popper induced buzz. A husky gasp escaped my throat to be replaced by his cock that took up residence in my throat in one thrust. I let his cock lay on my tongue, enjoying the weightiness in my mouth. My spit covered it as it throbbed in time to the fluctuations of my tongue. I backed off after a moment to explore. Glenn's dick had one of those loose circumcisions that left skin to nibble, and nibble I did. I took his extra skin between my lips and mauled it. My excursion afforded me time to take another hit from my poppers. I put the bottle to my nose and engulfed the head. I made a concerted effort to take my time and enjoy his beautiful cock. I worked on the head as the amyl took effect. Capping the bottle, I decided to go to town. Glenn didn't know what hit him as I started to take his fleshy cock to the root and back to the head in my velvety throat. He bounced off the side of my garage, matching my plunging lips with his plunging hips. The friction of his throbbing tool caused my blood-engorged lips to tingle as I assaulted his cock as if it were the last cock on earth. `Fucking cock down my gullet,' I thought as I gave Glenn hot head. It was as if it was all I needed to make my world complete. His cock exploding on my flaring tongue completed me. The fat tube on the underside of his tube expanded as Glenn showed gave me the ultimate compliment. Copious shots of clumpy cum filled my mouth while Glenn moaned and shuddered from my assault on his fat cock.

"Aw dude...that was hottttt!!! Glenn hissed as I cleaned up his prick. It glistened as I ran my tongue over it, sharing his load and my spit with his hard fuck tool. "I'm sorry, I gotta go." Glenn apologized, zipping up. He put a finger through the hole and I accepted it in my mouth. "The soccer team is gonna be here any minute for their banquet. I gotta go.. You oughta hang around." Glenn said, swiping my mouth with his fat finger. I nodded, knowing that he knew that I would be available.

Glenn left and I sat back, letting the after affect of popper-head wear off. I took a couple of deep breaths that allowed my heart to slow down to somewhere close to normal. I heard the noise of a large vehicle pull up as I searched for my pack of cigs. I walked outside and gazed over the fence to see a large van pull up and hot soccer players pile out. There was a lot of grab-assing and high fives as they poured out of the van and entered the bar. As I watched the testosterone infused spectacle in front of me I lit my smoke. I drew on it and felt my cell vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and clicked on talk.


"Hey dude, it's Ben." It took me a minute to figure out that Ben was Hunky.

"Hey Ben, what's up?"

"Not much, what's up with you?" He asked. I thought about the three hot dicks that I had sucked since beating off thinking about Hunky. I was so up, that it would have taken the space shuttle to shoot me down.

"Not shit." I answered, hoping to give the impression that I was as laid back as he.

"You still need me to come over?" His grating voice asked, making my insides throb with need.

"Yeah. I got some stuff that you could help me with." I answered, leaving the implication open to interpretation.

"Cool. I'll be over in a little while." He said. I could hear the leer in his voice.

"I'm cleaning out the garage, so I might be out back." I added. He took a moment before answering. I could almost see the gears in his hunky mind drawing the conclusion that was the truth.

"I'll be right over." He said, ringing off. I couldn't believe my luck, three cocks down and the fourth on deck. I couldn't wait for that hot muscle man to come over and fuck my throat, and more if it went the way that I wanted.

I hit my smoke and came down from Hunky's voice and started on the rest of my effort to clean the garage. I moved the boxes on top of the workbench and cleaned the grimy windows of the doors. It took awhile as they were filthy. When I got to the third window, I had a good view of the parking lot. There was another van there and two cars. As I looked through the now clean window I watched a young guy walk out of the place and walk around the side of the soccer van. He wore athletic attire and looked around as if making sure that he was alone. I watched his demeanor relax as he reached into the pocket of his shorts and retrieve a pack of smokes. He lit up and bent his head back, enjoying the smoke invading his lungs. He smoked in the jock way of holding his cig between his finger and his thumb, keeping alert for witnesses to his sin. It wasn't long until he had a friend come out and look for him. I watched as he looked around the van to see who was there. He motioned his friend over and offered him a smoke. I watched the new arrival light up as the pulse in my groin went into overdrive. Soccer player number one scratched at his crotch and pointed with his cigarette at my garage. I could see that number two nodded and grabbed his own cock, nodding in my direction. My blood pressure shot through my head as I watched them walk towards me. I threw down my cleaning rag and hurried to the other side of the half-wall to invite them in, so to speak. I heard them enter the lean-to as I knelt down on the pad.

"Been waiting all day for this." I heard.

"I need your dick, man." Another voice answered.

I looked through the hole to see number one kneel down next to my trashcans and start mouthing number two through his shorts. Number leaned his head back and took a hit off of his smoke as his buddy mouthed his cock through the fabric. It was like my own private porno before my eyes.

"Suck my cock." Two said, pulling down the front of his shorts and hooking them under his balls. I reached for my fat dildo and stuck the end into my mouth. As One sucked his buddy's cock, I made my dildo slick to invade my tight ass.

"Fuck dude, you know how to make me feel good." Two exploded as One took him to the root. I took my friend and ran him over my twitching hole. My ass pulsated at the remembrance of many nights spent on the end of my ever-ready buddy. I sat the base of the dildo on the pad and lined my ass up as I watched the soccer buddies engage in some fucking hot oral. As I plunged down on it, a gasp escaped me. I reached for the poppers and took a healthy hit.

"Did you hear that?" Two said, patting One's head and pausing his dick in One's throat.

"I didn't hear anything." One replied, lapping at the head of Two's big cock. "Your dick tastes as good as usual. You got a load for me?" I rocked on my buddy and huffed my poppers, watching these two studs get into it. I reached out a finger and rubbed it over the lip of the gloryhole.

"We're not alone." Two said, plunging into One's throat for my entertainment. He was obviously putting on a show for me as I bounced up and down on my favorite dildo. It grazed my prostate and caused me to gasp.

"You want some dude?" Two asked with eyes glazed with lust.

"Fuck yeah." I gasped, riding the high of the poppers and my fat dildo buddy. I sank down deep on it and leaned towards the gloryhole. :"Stick it in." I wasn't disappointed. Two's slim cock came through and I engulfed it immediately. I worked the already spit-slicked pole, making Two moan. One might have been a little miffed, but you couldn't tell it from the fat poker that he thrust at me through the other hole. I left Two's long dick and went to One's cock in a flash. I went back and forth, pleasuring both of the hot soccer players as I rode my dildo to a place that I had only visited rarely.

"Need a hand?" I heard over my shoulder. Hunky's gravelly voice invaded my lusty mindset and I nodded. Hunky sank down next to me taking One's cock in his hand as I looked at him with my throat filled with Two's dick. "I want that ass when were done." He said, taking One's pole to the root.

Hunky and I sucked soccer dick until they exploded. I watched Hunky swallow One's load as I rode my buddy, imagining my buddy was him. Hunky licked One's cockhead, leaving a long stream of cum from the head to those luscious lips. Holding that hard, soccer dick, he looked at me and said. "Let's go inside..."

Hey all, Hope you enjoyed this installment. What happened with Hunky was a reader suggestion. Wish my life was as exciting as Brandon's. Wish I had a gloryhole to share with Hunky. If you have a gloryhole to share with a sexy minded dude, let me know. We could make beautiful music together. Think about all the dick we could share. Hot as shit. Let me know what you think. Take care.

Next: Chapter 3

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