Parker Chris, Category - Encounters.

By John Parker

Published on Jan 20, 2021



If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional and if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

Please contribute what you can to nifty so we can all keep enjoying this, You get a lot more from here than you get from going to a movie.

Between my office and my home lies what the locals call a forest preserve, its a very large woods. It runs almost thirty miles along the western border of the city, the Allapachee river runs along one side of it or the other and frequently runs though it or across it. Some of it is developed recreational land; picnic tables, play grounds, public toilets, and groomed hiking/biking trails, but the majority of it is wild, with informal paths beaten through the woods, mostly by men like me; and I mean beaten in more ways than one. There are lots of car parks, even in the wild areas.

I'm married, but not happily. My domestic sex life is virtually non-existent. It had never been very good at the best of times, and there was damn little of it. My wife didn't consider it a spousal obligation, unless she wanted it. When we were younger I tried to please her, but for years I've just kissed her, sucked her tits and fucked her quickly when she wanted it. If you can imagine occasions when a wife would want to give her husband some sexual enjoyment, father's day, birthdays, anniversaries, it never ever happened. I used to be concerned that I might come home with an empty gun when she wanted sex, but not any more. The incidence of my having unloaded my pistol (which is frequent) and her wanting sex (which is almost never) never happened. I had planned to have one of her "headaches" if it did. We don't have any kids, which shouldn't surprise you.

I didn't introduce myself, I'm Parker Chris. People often get that backwards. My surname sounds like a given name, and vice versa. I'm older than I look, I've got the body of a reasonably fit man in his middle thirties, but I'm not going to tell you where I keep him. No, it's mine, but I'm more than a couple of years older than that. My face isn't really handsome, but no one has ever asked me to put a bag over my head when we fucked. My body is quite hairy, it lays on my body in a nice way, but there's a lot of it, and it's brown. Men who like it have had a lot of fun playing in it, not that I don't like it too. My eyes are magical. Normally they're hazel blue, depending on what I'm wearing, more green or more blue. When I'm angry, they turn green, but when I turned on they become a lusty Caribbean blue. They are very seductive, and I've used them to good advantage over the years.

Where do I get all this sex I've alluded to; mostly in the forest preserve. My wife has never seen my office, and she thinks it takes forty-five minutes longer to get there than it really does. That gives me an hour and half of slack time every day, actually more, because she thinks I stop at the health club on the way to work three times a week, which I do sometimes. I carry my suit with me, which kind of confirms the ruse. My boss is flexible in how I use my office hours. If I arrive early, I can leave early; If I'm late, I just stay later. Gwen doesn't know I have that flexibility either. Yes, I'm living a lie, but that knife cuts both ways and she started it years ago.

If I gave you the impression I fucked and/or got fucked five days a week, I didn't, it happened a few times, but two more likely, sometimes three, was kind of typical. Some days turned up dry, and on those I went to the club, and in the winter it was almost exclusively the club, most of the trails were muddy and most of the bathrooms were closed, still one hundred or so sex partners a year isn't bad, there were very few repeats. Call me a slut if you want to, I am, but you know you'd love to be me. What I'm going to share took place over several years, and I couldn't possibly put them in chronological order. I'm not going to tell you about the quick hand or blow jobs, there were too many, just saying that is about as exciting as the stories would be anyway. I'm only going to relate encounters that were in some way special. This story is self terminating. I don't live there any more, and where I do live now has extremely limited opportunities. The health club I belonged to was a fun place for gay men, but it closed down, all of it. I occasionally traveled for business in my new job, always stayed near a club branch, and every one was an erotic paradise, without exception. They're all gone now. I haven't done any outdoor cruising in years. When I would travel, I'd go to gay bars, I preferred leather bars, with patios; but I can't do that at home. I've been pretty much going to gay video arcades for the last couple of years, when I could. Since this virus hit, my only release is my right hand and Nifty.

My past was incredibly fun while it lasted, but now it's a curse. I'm horney most of the time, wear tight undies or a jock because I easily pop boners all day, for no specific reason.'' That's just a warning, if this seems like a life style you want to live.

"Into the woods," as the stage play says.

One morning I pulled into a fully developed area, but it was too early for anyone to be there. There was one other car there. I decided to see if I could find him, or them, hoping he or they were male. The likelihood that two men roaming the woods would ever find each other was small, but I was there and I hoped he was. It didn't take me long to find him. He was laying on a horizontal branch of a tree. He was completely naked and I didn't know where his clothes were. He was belly down, but the part of his body I could see was magnificent. He had powerful muscular arms and legs, a sweet bubble butt, and a back that any man would kill for. He laid looking at me with two huge soulful purple eyes. He was what fashion magazines call a "winter," snow white skin and ebony black hair on his head and in his arm pits. I assumed that anything on the other side would look the same. He looked like a panther laying on that branch, the sexiest animal I know. His muscles rippled as he moved. He had started to rock his hips on the branch he was laying on. I approached him and ran my hands over his body, from his ankles to his neck. Everything was firm and muscular, except that beautiful ass. I was having a man-feast picnic. He rolled over. I had to grab the tree to steady myself. If his back was astounding, there isn't a word for what I saw. He had a broad chest and his abs were totally defined. He had no body hair, except for a small tuft of black pubic hair. I don't think he groomed it, there just wasn't a lot of it. He looked at me as I wandered over his body, and he put his hand on my head as I sucked on his pink nipples. You're waiting for it, aren't you? He had large balls, like mine, but the prize was truly impressive. He was a little over six inches with a semi, but he was thick. His cock was as white and smooth as the rest of him, but his large glans was a pale pink like his tits. When he got fully erect he wasn't much longer, but he was thicker. I had a pocket full of condoms. Like potato chips, one is not enough. He crawled out of the tree. I tried to put a condom on him, but it only fit over the glans. These were the large ones, I needed them, but they weren't big enough for him. I blew him off, all the while staring into those incredible eyes. He crawled back into the tree and turned his head away. I took that as a "go away, but I wanted to stay with him forever. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen, before or since. I had a painful erection and took care of it walking back to my car.

I woke one morning with more than typical wood, I was incredibly horny for some reason. I took a drain and tucked it into a jock before it could get hard again. It was a club morning, so if my wife woke up, not likely, a jock was normal. Neither the forest nor the club proved productive. It wasn't a good day. My wife called to tell me that there was a tornado warning in our area and two tornadoes had already hit the ground. I told her that the building had a shelter and we had already been warned to be ready. Actually they had told us to go home, but I had a bigger storm in my pants that couldn't wait. I drove into a park, the weather looked ominous. I parked near a restroom, no other cars were here, I waited fifteen minutes and no cars came in. I was the only one stupid enough, or horny enough to be out here. When my brain has relocate itself down there, horny beats smart all the time. I was just about to leave, when a totally naked man stepped out of the restroom, stroking his cock, then went back in.

I turned the car off and went up to the restroom. He wasn't a man, maybe not even eighteen yet. He was built like a high school football linebacker, well built, but a bit of beef on him too. He was pretty. He never really got a full erection, at his age I had them all the time. I dropped my pants and I did. I never touched him, but exposing myself might have sent me to jail. I had been horny all day, and blew a large load across the bathroom floor. "Damn," he said, "do you do that all the time." "When ever I can," I said, zipping up my pants and walking back to my car. I hope he had a way to get home, the weather was looking really ugly.

The next week I left home early to "go to the club." I drove past an entry I'd never seen before, the car park wasn't visible from the street. There was another car there. I was surprised at this hour. His engine was idling. I pulled up a couple of spaces from him. I was in gym shorts and a t-shirt. I got out of my car, leaned against my hood, drinking a cup of coffee and rubbing my crotch. It was a misty morning, with one of those annoying rains, not heavy enough to need an umbrella, but still wet. He looked at me, but that was all. I took my shirt off and put it on the hood of my car, stuck my hand in my shorts and got more vigorous in what I was doing. Still no response. Last stand, then I was going to the club. I pulled my shorts down to my thighs and lowered my jock until my pubes and some cock were visible. I had my hand in the jock. He turned his car off and came out. He was dressed all in black, including a beard and a Fedora. He looked like a gangster. He pulled my jock and shorts down around my ankles and went for my cock, that's all he wanted. He jacked me off, and he was good at it. When I was about to cum, and he knew when it was, he did something. When I did cum, I shot six or seven thin squirts of cum. It hurt like hell, but all of them went a long way into the car park. I asked him how he did that. He just got up, went to his car and drove away. I was left standing there naked with my clothes around my ankles and a sore dick. I didn't know exactly where it hurt, but it did hurt. I was afraid he may have damaged me, but it turned out he hadn't. I paced it off, I had shot my spunk over eight feet. I got to work very early that day, and planned to use the excess time for some real fun after work.

I had my choice of three clubs, one near the office, the smallest one, one on the way, and one near my home, the biggest one. The big one had an adlib towel service. The middle one had a towel service, but you had to surrender your membership card for one towel. The smallest, you had to bring your own. I preferred the small one. You might think I'd want to be around more men. There were a good number of men of the persuasion at all of them, but at my preferred club, the ratio was much more favorable, you'll find out why. Not that it's all that hard to get a straight man to cross the line if you're good at it, and I am. You're not likely to get a fuck or a blow job yourself with a straight guy, but I've eaten some very satisfying cocks on straight guys.

The club had a steam room, sauna and whirlpool spa in the pool area, but those we coed and bathing attire was required. In the men's shower room there were a small sauna and steam room, each seated six men. There was room for two more to stand, but I never even had seen all six used at once in either. I had had a lot of fun in both, but I preferred the steam room. The dry heat of the sauna sometimes gave me nose bleeds, and it was too hot. You had to be more careful there because the room was well lit, and men using the shower stalls could see in. The steam room, was only dimly lit, not as hot as the sauna, and the steam made it look like it was a foggy day in London Town. Many men look a lot sexier if you can't see them to clearly. But what made the steam room special is that the glass door faced onto a small, well lit communal shower. Only men of the persuasion used it, men who wanted to see or be seen, for starters. There were only four shower heads, non adjustable, no shampoo or body wash dispensers. The water temperature was fixed at lukewarm. The water was operated with large push buttons. If you really wanted to take a shower, you had to keep pushing it. Every one who used it always showered off in the private showers before leaving the club. I think that this was here for men in the hot rooms to rinse off, but this was really a gay playroom. I've seen a lot of cum run down that drain over the years, but usually men would hook up in the shower, and move to the sauna or steam room to play. There was no way to dispose of spunk in either, so you had to eat it or coat your body with it. I often stood in front of the door whacking myself watching the show. The door was fogged over, so you had to wipe it clear periodically, but anyone standing in the shower could tell what I was doing. This afternoon two young men, maybe twenty years old walked into the shower together, and threw their arms around each other and began to kiss intensely, groping each other's bodies; didn't even turn on the water. It was a hot show, the two men had to be brothers, they looked a lot alike. One of them saw me, and came into the steam room, I stepped back. He liked the fur and played with it for a while, sucking my nipples, then knelt down and took my cock in his mouth. I let him do that for a few minutes, then we laid on top of each other on the bench and sucked each other. "Gonna cum, man." I said. He pushed me all they way into his throat, but didn't gag. I shot down his throat. He probably didn't even taste me. We got up, he turned me around and started to rim me. I knew where this was going. The door opened, and the other young man came in. "I'm John and this is Jean, we're brothers." "Twins." I asked." "Yes." "Who is older?" I asked, being nosy. "Neither, we were born by Caesarean Section, and my mom says we were wrapped in each others arms and came out together. We've spent the rest of our lives pretty much that way."

"Parker Chris," I said extending my hand. "Well, Chris." "No, Parker," I said. "Well Parker, my brother and are are going to fuck your brains out. I've already got you ready. When one of us is in your ass, the other one will be fucking the brother fucking you. You've never been fucked like this, you may walk a little funny when we're done, but you'll be happy." "I'd been the bottom man in a daisy chain before, but didn't tell them."

"John, I think it was John, was right. I had never been fucked like this before. Instead of each man fucking the one beneath him, the middle man in our sandwich was fucking both me and his brother at the same time. What resulted was a highly variable and unpredictable rhythm in my ass. Sometimes they would both slam hard at the same time, driving the man in me as far as he could go, some times it only felt like one, and sometimes it seemed like they had stopped because they had both pulled back at the same time. All of that, with them changing positions, and the two of them having similar but definitely different techniques, was driving me crazy, I didn't need that brain anyway. My love nut felt abused, but I had at least three prostate orgasms. "We're going to cum, Chris, I mean Parker, said Jean." How did he know his brother was going to cum, I thought? What happened next I didn't expect. Both of them entered me at once, I was well stretched by this time, so it was easy, but I'd never been double fucked before. I swear they did come at exactly the same time, and I felt both searing loads bathe my rectum. "Damn that was good," I said as they pulled out. I hadn't noticed that two other men had come in while this party was going on. They applauded. The brothers shared an intense kiss and hug. "Is there any of that left for me." They put their arms around me and both kissed me. I had never been Frenched by two men at the same time. I've told you I rarely did repeats, but this one happened once more, but that time it was three man hopscotch. It took them a while to teach me, but being the middle man in that erotic sandwich is something you can't even imagine.

One afternoon, the power went out at the office, at least half of it, and the half I was in. A construction company had severed a cable. They sent us home. I had four hours to myself. I was going to treat myself to a gay orgy, a masculine moveable feast. The were four vehicles already in the car park when I got there. I was optimistic that this was going to be a productive afternoon. I switched from my suit to gym shorts and a muscle shirt. I had walked almost a quarter of mile into the woods then had to take a leak. "Pretty impressive whiz, Sport." a voice said. I hadn't seen him, he was crouched in some bushes. He was a small man, but a huge one. He stood maybe five foot seven, but had a body that was the spitting image of the GI Joe doll, a blond brush cut, with huge guns sticking out of a camouflage tank top, every ripple of his chest and abs was visible in the lycra tank. He wore camo fatigues, in which his thighs completely filled the legs, he had a hunting knife strapped to his leg and a black bandanna tied around his neck He stood in front of me and I wrapped my arms around him, his back was equally impressive as his front. He grabbed my wrists and wrapped them around my back. Click, click. He had me in a set of handcuffs. I started to run, but he grabbed the cuffs and I fell on my ass. "Try that again, Sport, and you're going to get hurt." In short order he had my ankles spread apart about three feet and tied to two trees. Then my wrists. "What are you going to do?" "What ever I feel like, and you can't stop me." He took the bandana off his neck and gagged me with it. "I want to see what you have in here." He took his knife and cut off my shirt. "Nice rug," he said, "rubbing his hand up and down my chest and belly. "Got to see the rest of this." He cut my shorts off. I was standing there in just a jock, I was pretty sure that it didn't have much of a life left either. "Pretty nice," he said rubbing his hands over me, but it's a little soft, you should be in a gym working on these, instead of walking around out here." Like I didn't already know that. He punched me a couple times in the gut. Then he grabbed my nipples and pinched and tugged on them hard, harder than anyone had ever done. I liked it hard, but this was too hard. Then he put his mouth on my right nipple and devoured it, finally giving it a good hard bite that had to leave teeth marks. He cupped the pouch of my jock. "Gotta see these." My jock was laying with the rest of the pile of rags that were my clothes. "Impressive, Sport." He tried to work up a boner, but my cock wouldn't cooperate. "Is your little buddy scared, Sport." That wasn't the half of it. He tied a rope around my balls, then tied the other end around a rock. Then he dropped the rock. I had had weights on my balls before, but nothing near this heavy. It was close to eight pounds. My knees collapsed when it fell. He stood me back up and then kicked the rock a couple of times. He walked behind me and soon I felt a couple of wet fingers in my ass, he kept spitting on them until I was pretty soaked. I heard his zipper open. If the rest of him was like the parts I'd seen, I was in for for a lot of pain. As it turned out, he wasn't big at all. Two fingers were bigger than his cock. He fucked me for a good long time, then came. I can usually tell when a man is getting off in me, but I didn't feel anything. He called me every ugly nickname for a gay man, mingled with a few profane adjectives when he did cum.

"I've got to get me a souvenir." He took his knife out and knelt in front of me, grabbed my cock. Oh fucking shit, I said to myself, screaming no into the gag. I bucked my hips violently, but futilely to get him to let me go. "Stand still, Sport, or you're going to bleed." It was oddly reassuring to know that blood wasn't part of what his plans were. He shaved a two inch wide and four inch long patch of public hair just on top of my cock, and dropped it in a plastic bag. I wonder how much of that stuff he had collected. He took the bandana gag off me and stuffed it in his rear left pocket. I wished I had seen that before, he was flagging BDSM dominant.

"You got to be careful out here, Sport. You just might just get hurt someday." Someday, I thought?

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Nothing, Sport."

That's what he did, nothing. He left me tied up, picked up the small camo back pack he had, gave the rock hanging from my balls a swift kick and headed toward the parking lot. "No, you can't, you can't." I screamed. He didn't even look back.

Do you have a list of words that you'd rather never hear again, like rutabaga. Well, "Sport" had just moved to the top of my list.

About twenty minutes later two older men, at least older than me, came walking out of the woods. I told them what happened and asked them to untie me. "This isn't your lucky day, Sport." That damn word again. They both fucked me. Fortunately I was loosened and lubed by GI Joe, because these guys were quite a bit bigger than he. "Are you going to untie me?" As they walked away, not looking back either, one said, "You were stupid enough to get yourself in there; get yourself out."

I was afraid I was going to be here all night, I had cum running down the inside of my legs and started to cry. About two hours later, a woman came down the trail walking an Airedale. She didn't see me, but I called out. "My god, what happened to you?" You don't want to know, Ma'am." She untied my ankles and arms, I took the rock off my balls. My balls were scarlet purple, normally large, they were huge and swollen now, and didn't even hurt anymore. "Where are your clothes." "Right there between my feet." "But these are rags. How ...?" "You really don't want to know." "Thank you, you are an angel." "You certainly needed one." I walked away from what was left of my clothes and walked naked to the car park. I still had my shoes and socks, my car keys were in my sock. I had more clothes in my trunk. I stopped at the club to clean up and change. My balls were now back to normal size, but still red. There were two sets of teeth marks on my right nipple, I never felt the second bite, but you really couldn't see them unless you were looking for them, because of the hair. I trimmed my pubes around where he took his souvenir so it wasn't so obvious. I kind of liked it groomed like that and trimmed it up nice. My orgy had turned into a trip to hell and back. I could have gotten off at the club before going home, but sex was the furthest thing from my mind right then.

Back in the forest preserve one afternoon I was wearing a flesh colored bikini with a Brazilian cut, read half of each ass cheek exposed. But I was legally clothed. From a distance I might have looked naked. I was laying on a picnic table that some guys must have moved up to this knoll. The nearest pavilion was over a hundred yards away on the other side of a small copse. It was actually pretty private here, it was deep into the edge of the woods. It sat adjacent to a couple of beaten, probably fuck trails that went into the woods. I was here looking for a sensual massage and hand or blow job. I have had a few on this table before, and my DNA was already soaked into the wood. I heard someone coming out of the woods, it looked like I was going to get lucky.

Click, click. "Missed you, Sport!" "Oh fucking shit," I said, I was in those handcuffs again. "Get me out of these, asshole, and leave me alone." "Don't you want to have some fun again?" I'm not much into your idea of fun, shithead." "Your being very rude to me, Sport. I've got to do something about that." He pulled my bikini off, at least he didn't destroy it. He told me to lay down on my belly on the grass. I resisted, but he knocked me down. He sat in the middle of my back. Something bit me, then another and another. Shortly I was screaming my lungs out. I was being eaten alive by soldier fire ants. It seemed like it went on for an hour, but it was probably not even two minutes. He pulled me to my feet and helped wipe the ants off my body; more solicitous than I expected. "Lay on your back on the table with your head over the edge, Sport, I've got to leave, but I want a blow job before I go. He dropped the shorts he was wearing around his ankles. This was the first I had actually seen him naked. He was pretty much the image of the G.I Joe doll, pretty much even between his legs. I got to see what he fucked me with last time, what he had looked more like a fourteen year old boy's equipment than a man's. His balls were the size and color of cherry tomatoes, and his now erect cock couldn't have been much bigger than four inches if that, and was proportionate in girth. "Open up, Sport." I did, I wasn't stupid. He put his cock and balls in my mouth, there was still plenty of room for a candy bar in there. I sucked him as best I could, but I'd never had anything that small in my mouth that I hadn't chewed up and swallowed. He pulled out and shot his load across my lips. It wasn't impressive either. I've had runny noses that got we wetter than that. He grabbed my phone out of my shoe, did something and then put it back. His body and aggressive behavior were probably compensating for a woefully inadequate set of male equipment. "You're going to have to do something about that, Sport" he said, gesturing at my blistered belly and crotch, "It looks awfully nasty." Removing the cuffs, he walked off. "See you again, Sport." Not if I see you first, I said to myself.

A few days later I got a text with a picture. It was him. He was wearing a leather cod piece that he couldn't even begin to fill , a leather harness, and a leather hood, and had a whip in his hand. He was standing next to a man who had bright red lash marks from the shoulders to the back of his knees, some of which looked liked they were bleeding. He was suspended by the wrists, feet not touching the floor. Robert, that's him, at least a Robert sent this. He had a fist full of the man's hair, and was holding his head back. "Wish you were here," the message said. I replied, "You are one arrogant, sick mother fucker!" then blocked him.

I only saw him one more time. I was sitting on that picnic table in an old school style red jockstrap with an elastic mesh pouch. I was kind of proud of how I filled this thing out, especially with a cock ring, my big balls and fat cock. I had to wrap my dick around my balls. If I let it point up and it got hard, a little over two and a half inches of thick uncut manhood would force itself out under the three inch waist band. Robert was walking up to the knoll, he was wearing the camo outfit I had first seen him in. As he approached he said, "You're coming into the woods with me, aren't you?" "Not any more." "I didn't mean to make that sound like a question, Sport. You know I can make you do it." "Not any more." "Who's going to stop me, certainly not you, twinkle toes." "My buddies, Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson, " I said, pulling a pistol out of my Bermuda shorts. Robert laughed. "You're too much of a whimpering, lily-livered faggot to use that, it probably isn't even loaded." "Take one more step towards me, Robert, and you'll find out." He did. I fired a shot over his shoulder that creased his cheek, he was bleeding, but not a lot. "You missed me." "No I didn't, that bullet went exactly where I wanted it. Put your hand on your cheek." He saw the blood and took two steps backward. "Take it easy, Sport." "Use my name, you son of a bitch, you know it." "Take it easy, Chris." I didn't correct him. "Turn around and get your ass out of here, or I'll blast your cock and balls off with three shots in less than two seconds, and I'll have one left for your head if you're that stupid. They're damn small targets, but I'm good with this, otherwise you would have lost an ear or a few teeth." He left. I decided that I wasn't coming back to this part of the forest preserve again either.

Gwen and I were shopping one Saturday. Well, she was shopping, I was just spending money and carrying bags. If I wanted to buy anything, I had to do it myself. "Got to go to the John, Gwen. I'll find you when I get back." I went into the men's room, there was this beautiful young man with a mouth with fat lips that looked like a vulva. Neither of us made any gesture to hide our cocks. He had deep green eyes, I love green eyes on men, and he was blonde. We played at the urinal, then he walked into a toilet stall, "Come here," he said. I tried to follow him in, but he locked the door. I went into the next stall, there was about a two inch hole in the wall between them, and he had two fingers sticking through it. I stuck my cock through. He grabbed my ball sack and pulled my balls though the hole too, the first one hurt, the second one hurt a lot. He played for a while then blew a load under the stall and left. I couldn't get myself out. Another man came into the stall. "Can you push my balls back through this, I asked? "Can I have some fun with them first?" "Have your jollies, but get me out of this, please" He sucked on my cock and balls, and then said, "Will you cum?" "The guy who pulled them through there already took care of that." I lied. He pushed my balls back through the hole, he wasn't gentle, and it hurt like hell, but at least I was free." He came out of the stall, he couldn't have been more than sixteen.

"Where have you been, Gwen asked?" "I couldn't get it out." "Constipated?" I nodded.

I went looking for a new haunt in the forest preserve. I found one by accident. It wasn't marked and just looked like a side road. Technically it was developed, but minimally. There was one picnic table, a pit toilet, no water, and no trash can. The lack of a trash can hadn't seemed to bother some pigs. There was an older man sitting at the table reading, but mine was the only car. What brings a young man like you out this morning. I wasn't young, but I was compared to him. "Just looking for some fun I guess." "What kind of fun?" he said, not looking up from his book. "Stuff that men like." I answered. "I'm a man, and I like fun," he said, closing his book. "What kind?" I'm not opposed to making the first move, but somehow this was different. Subtle overtures were over. He sat next to me, kissed me deeply and began unbuttoning my shirt. "My, but this is lovely," he said running his hands through my body hair. Soon we were stripped down to our undies, almost naked, but still legally dressed. We were on the table making out. He was intensely hungry for a man. It had to have been a while. He pulled my briefs under my balls and started to suck me, damn was he hungry for cock. What he lacked in technique he made up with ardor. I came. "I haven't had a mouth full of that in a long time," he said, licking the spilled cum off his lips. I pulled his boxers down under his balls. "Don't waste your time, son." Given our age difference, the appellation was entirely appropriate. I ignored him and started giving the best blow job I could. It took a long time to get him a serious semi, never a fully hard erection, and even longer to get him to cum. But cum he did, and a surprising amount. "That's been sitting in there a long time, son. I laid next to him on the table. "My names, Ben." I introduced myself. "Would you consider coming to my place, this could be a lot more fun totally naked and in bed. I live alone." "Depends, where do you live?" About a fifteen minute walk from here. I don't drive anymore, so you can park in my garage. "I'll think about it, Ben, seriously." We exchanged contact information. "Have you ever been to The Bend, Chris?" I had stopped correcting people. "I don't know what you mean, Ben." "Have you ever seen a map of the Allapachee?" I had. "Well, about a mile and a half south of here, the river makes a wicked hair pin turn before running west for a while and then returning to the forest preserve. Millenia ago, the Allapachee was a much larger river, at the bend it carved out a large cave, more like a clam shell, because it's open at the top. The Bend isn't the turn in the river, it's the brothel that Sid runs inside the cave. He's the only pimp, and all the whores work for him. It's all male. It's only open on, weekends, go and you'll find out why."

I wasn't much into paying for something that I gave away for free, but he was really into what he was telling me. "There's no negotiating, a hundred bucks to get in and all the sex you want is included." He told me how to get there. "From here you just head south, but if you drive to the next pull out, it's a half mile closer. From there, the path is well worn, there's only one. It's still about a mile. When you get to the river you have to wade across, you'll have to take your clothes off, the water is waist deep, but you would have to take them off when you got there anyway." I was torn, but eventually decide to do it. I could afford it at least once. When I got there, a man, I assumed Sid, said, "You haven't been here before, what's the word?" "Sugar daddy," I said, like Ben told me. "That's an old one, but since you're new, I'll accept it." He put his hand out and I gave him five twenty dollar bills. "Take your clothes off and give them to me." I did. He tucked them into a cubby hole. "Give me an alias, not your real name. Every one will call you by it." I didn't know how, I found out soon. "G.I. Joe." He wrote it on my cubby hole and then my chest, actually my neck. "That will come off, I hope." "When you leave," Sid said. I walked into the cave. Everyone was naked. Most of the patrons were men much older than me, only a couple my age. You could tell the patrons, we were all were labelled. The whores weren't. The coterie of whores shocked the hell out of me, they were all boys between eight and eighteen. I hadn't been into the cave two minutes when a boy firmly grabbed my balls. "Nice to see you again, daddy." I ignored him and he walked away. Moments later a boy jumped up on me and threw his arms around my neck and his lgs around my waist. "I've missed you, daddy." I put my hands under his butt to keep him from falling. "That feels good, daddy, put your fingers in my hole like you used to." I peeled him off me. I couldn't believe what I seeing, it was a pederastic three ring circus, literally. There were three five foot square upholstered hassocks, each surrounded by four love seats. Boys were pretending to have sex while old men watched. Most of the men had at least one boy on his lap, a lot of them nursing cocks like momma's tits. A very handsome older boy came up to me. He kissed me, but I didn't kiss him back. He had the beautiful body of an almost mature young man, six feet tall. "Can I play in this, poppa bear," he said as he ran his hands through my fur. I let him for a while. I sorely wanted to have him. I had popped a boner, which disgusted me. "Will you do me, G.I. Joe?" "How old are you?" "I'm legal, eighteen. There are two of us, you can have both of us at once if you want." I really, really wanted to say no, but if I'd met him anywhere else I would have taken him. Using that to justify my actions, I said yes." "Both of us?" "No, just you." I walked with him to the third ring, there wasn't anyone else there right now. I sat down and he was on my still hard cock almost immediately. This young man really knew what he was doing. We switched to a 69. Shortly he said, "Can I ride on this?" I nodded and rolled over. "Do you need me to loosen that up." He spit on his hand and rubbed it on his anal button. "Your a big man, poppa bear, but I've had a lot bigger in there. I can take it just fine." I didn't think I could cum, the whole concept of this place disgusted me. I underestimated this young man's sexual talents. I busted fairly quickly. He laid on my chest. "Did you like that, Joe?" He sat up, my cock still in him. " "Do you want to cum?" I asked.

"I'd love to for you, Joe, but I can't. If I did it would be quitting time, and I plan to work today until around four." I had almost forgotten he was a whore, until he said that. "How long have you worked here?" "Almost ten years, and I still have every dollar. It's going to come in handy when I go to college next year." "Can I give you a tip?" "Not unless you've got some money stuffed up your ass, and I can't get into the locker room to put it away if you did. I go back in and I have to leave. There is a tip jar as you go out, you can't ear mark it for me. You don't know my name and I can't tell you. If you leave a tip, I'll get more than my earned share. We split tips evenly based on hours worked, Sid takes none of it." "Why more?" "I'm barely an adult, but most of the men in here wouldn't touch me, I'm over-the-hill in this business. None of the men in here want to play with anything this big," he grabbed his cock and balls. "And body hair isn't desirable, boys transitioning shave all of it off."

My cock was pretty soft, and he climbed off me, grabbed a tissue and cleaned me up. He ran his hands over my chest and belly, and said, "Thanks for letting me play in here, poppa bear, it really is a turn-on for me." He thanked me!

"Enjoy the rest of your time here, do you want me to introduce you to the other 'old man'?"

"No who-ever-you-are, I think I'm going to leave."

"How did you find out my name?" he said. We both laughed, and he gave me a long sweet kiss, which I returned this time.

I left in barely more than an hour after I came in, a little sick to my stomach, I considered this whole scene more than a little gross. "Leaving already, Joe? There's a great playground for men in there; when you come back, you just have to loosen up more." He cleaned the ink off me. I never contacted Ben again, if this was his space, I didn't want to be a part of it.

One morning I was cruising the forest preserve and saw a man of my apparent age just wandering, he was well built and very attractive, read that as hot. I walked up to him and said, "What brings you out here this morning? "I'm not really sure?" "I don't understand that, help me out." "I guess I'm looking for a man." "And if you find one, what are you going to do with him?" "I don't know?" "I still don't understand." "Sex, I guess." "You guess?" "I don't even know what sex with a man is." He was on the verge of crying. I hugged him and he gripped my body as hard as I had ever been hugged, and began to cry on my shoulder. He was terribly easy prey right now, and a lot of men would have taken advantage of it and left him desolate, confused, and probably suicidal in his current state if someone had used him and dumped him.

"Follow me." We walked arms around each other for a half mile deep into the woods, to a sheltered glade I'd never been to. I stripped naked while he watched. "Do it, this will be a lot easier for you if you do." He did, and I can't tell you how much I wanted what I saw, but I wasn't going to push it. I lay on the grass, and he laid on my shoulder and hesitantly put his hand on my abs. I grabbed him, letting him know it was okay. His hand migrated to my pecs. The next four hours were spent in gay sex education and he became a pretty good kisser. He told me a lot about himself and his life, it was pretty much like mine, but he didn't ask and I didn't share. I called the office and said I was taking a sick day. "Its pretty late for that, Parker." "Exactly how long am I allowed to stay on my knees barfing in the toilet before I call?" "Too much information, Parker." Before we left the woods we made out a lot, then we exchange blow jobs. He needed practice, I'd hope he's do it with me. He fucked me, he was hesitant, and then slammed the shit out of my ass. We went to lunch, my treat. We left my car and he drove. Over lunch we talked a lot about gay cruising. I felt like I was giving away a treasured asset, but he wasn't mine, and I couldn't be his. We drove back to the parking lot and I got out to get into my car. "Can we go back in there?" "Sure, I said, but why?" "I want you to fuck me, Chris." "It's Parker, Jim, why?" "I just do, I need you." We came back to the cars, hugged and kissed, a lot of public display for a newly gay man.

When I got home, Gwen said, "I called the office, they said you were sick." "I was barfing all morning, the nurse put me in the clinic with an IV."

In the morning I had a text, "I love you, Chris." He'd, eventually learn. I expected this and texted back, "You're sweet, Jim. We tried to get together, but it didn't work out a lot, maybe one or two times a month, only once three, for the next year."

"Jim, are you doing this with anyone else, you know I do?" Actually I had cut way back, sex with anyone else wasn't as satisfying anymore, and when Jim and I did it wasn't just raw lust, it was making love. I treasured it. I don't think I was ready to say I loved him, but if challenged on it I would say yes. If he said it, I'd give it right back to him. "No, Parker, just you." "Why?" "I don't know, I don't think that it could be as good with anyone else?" "What do you do when we can't get together?" "Dream about the next time, and, you know ..."

"I hadn't done 'you know' in a long time. I hadn't the need."

"Jim, you need a man, and you're going to have to learn how to find one."

"Why, Parker?"

"Because in two months, I'll be gone."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm moving south about a thousand miles to a new job."

"Oh god, Parker, don't leave me, don't leave me. I love you."

We hugged each other, crying. "I love you too, Jim. You knew it had to end sometime. I did too, it was the bitter sweet ending in my mind every time we made love."

"Take me with you."

"You know that neither of us can do that."

'What am I going to do?"

"Find other men, and I'll help you. We haven't been as lucky as I'd hoped since we met, but for the next two months, whenever you're available I'll be here with you, and teach you how to do it."

"Love me, Parker." We went into the woods and up to our glen. It was especially intense, but painful. That I had to tell Jim it was the last time made it worse. As we dressed, kissed and walked down I told him. "No!" "There had to be a last time, Jim. It hurts me as much as it hurts you." We hugged and cried. He wouldn't let me go. "Jim, I'd love to have you there the rest of my life, but you have to let go."

I wasn't sure he was going to come back, but he did. I was pretty sure he did it, hoping that I'd give in. I loved him too much to do that, however much I wanted to. I helped him hook up with other men, it was gut wrenching, but I didn't let on. He eventually figured how to do it himself, all he needed was confidence, what he had to offer assured he'd be successful. I had seen him walk into the woods with several men, it devastated me. The last time I went to bed with tears rolling down my cheeks. "What's wrong?" Gwen asked.


My new job was in a Southern gay mecca, just like my last was in a Northern one, but that's pretty much where the similarity ends. My old job was a seven and a half commitment of very flexible hours and a fruitful commute; my new one was ten inflexible hours a day, not including commute time, devoid of opportunity. My compensation more than doubled, but at a dear cost. I stayed in a suites motel for almost a month before Gwen moved down. On a few nights, I would check out gay haunts, but they weren't anywhere close, and my stays were quite short, even if they were occasionally eventful. That had been a mistake. I was looking forward to my first weekend where I could really emerge myself in the local gay culture, when HR, bless their fucking hide, either sent me back North on the weekends or brought my wife down to house hunt. I had bought a couple of hot videos as whacking material, but I had to throw it away when my wife came down. It had been years since I had to do myself. I remember one night, I was pretty drunk, I jacked off then slapped my cock silly because it hadn't given me what I needed. It wasn't lust, it was rage. My glans was purple, and sore for two days. I only did it once more, again, I was drunk, but seeing blood pouring out of your piss hole is very sobering. Have you ever apologized to your cock?

When I was in town, all I had were quickies, and never shared. A quick BJ, giving or getting, never enough time for a make out or a fuck. My only salvation was the fact that I traveled out of town once or twice a month, sometimes staying away a week at a time when I went to Europe. I took advantage of it. Home town just didn't work anymore, but the road did. I did my research, I didn't always have a lot of time, but I made the most of it. I was in Texas for a business meeting. I had told my boss that I was a nervous flyer, and couldn't just pop into a meeting and pop out. He accepted it, he was too, but I fucking loved to fly.

I landed hours before my meeting, had a hotel near to the gay places I'd located. I went to a bar around noon, There was only one man at the bar. "You hungry? This is the best burger for miles", he said, as grease dripped down his fingers and he licked it off. "Yeah," the bartended took my order. He actually cooked them at the back of the bar. It was damn good, messy as shit, but as good as I had ever had. "Give him another beer." He moved over next to me, toasted me and said, "Call me Lucky. Its not my name, but tell me what I can call you, not your name." I was feeling more comfortable than I had ever been with a man in a long time. "Jim," I said. I had just kicked myself in the balls, hard, but I thought that this afternoon would give me something I had missed for a long time. Hanging his name on it would help me, I thought.

"I finished my lunch and offered to pay for Lucky's and mine." "He already paid, but you can have the bar bill." "Anyone out there, Jamie," Lucky asked. "Only one guy, but he's cool." We grabbed our beer and walked into a back yard. At night this might be private, but now there were a lot of buildings looking down on it. Lucky led me around to a sheltered area. He dropped my jeans and briefs around my knees and started to suck me, then dropped his pants and laid on top of me. The man who was out there just watched us, sipping what looked like Scotch, and said, "Enjoy yourselves, I'll let you know if anyone comes out here." We had each other for quite a while, but neither of us seemed to want to get off, just share this experience. It wasn't a 69, just two boys splitting a tootsie pop."

"You got forty bucks, Jim?" "Are you starting to charge me for this, now?" "It's not for me, but I want to take you to a gay club where we can have a lot more fun."

"Can I pay for you?" "No I'm a premier member. You can share my room, Jim, but I can't guarantee you that you will be exclusive." "I'm just here with you." He told the attendant to give me a key, and went in. I paid my twenty, and surrendered my license. He validated it, I don't know how. That scared me. He gave me a three foot piece of surgical tubing and told me how to find the room. I got to the room, but Lucky wasn't there. I didn't know what to do. I finally found him in the John. "You okay, Lucky?" "Perfectly. What are you doing?" "Douching my ass, didn't they give you a hose." "How long does that take? "Until it runs clear." I knew men did it, but not why. I had fucked and sucked men, but not in that order, a little shit on the hose didn't bother me. "Are you doing that for me?" "Yes, first." "First?" "Jim, half the gay men in Texas have been in me, I don't know how many of these guys will breed me tonight." I thought I was experienced!

We went to our room, stripped and I said, "Can I suck you, Lucky." "Lay down and let me mouth fuck you for a while, Jim. I like to watch it go in and out. We've got to keep this to edging, or this afternoon will be wasted."

The official rules were wear a towel, no one did. There was a small pool with a sunning patio. Some men enjoying each other. There was a beefy man sitting on a lawn chair with his balls, big balls pushed through the webbing, obviously intentionally. He was slowly pumping a not particularly large cock, but the low hangers under him were perhaps the largest unpumped nuts I'd ever seen. They swayed from side to side as he stroked. "Do you want to go play with those, Lucky? I do, and they're plenty big enough for both of us." "We crawled under the chaise, we each sucked in half his sack and played, letting them pop out of our mouth and then kissing from time to time. "Thanks guys, he said, pulling his balls tight against the webbing."

Lucky and I jumped into the pool. There were three men already in there. None of us were swimming. I had been in a pool with naked men before, but not in a situation conducive to erotic play. I actually enjoyed looking at a decent size cock and balls underwater. The natural buoyancy of them, unlike when they just hang by gravity, was exciting to watch. A good set of low hangers under water were a good set of floaters and fun to watch..

I had never had my mouth on a cock under water, nor one on mine. Lucky wasn't very good at it, and only tried to suck me twice. I could hold my breathe a longtime, and could do him almost three minutes before needing to come up for air.

We went in to a very large sauna, I mean very large, it had several small rooms arranged in something like a maze, but with multiple connecting paths. It smelled of cedar like a sauna, but it was warmer on the patio than in here. If you broke a sweat, it would be of your own doing. "This room can be a lot of fun, Jim. Let's just cruise for a while."

I cuddled and groped a few men, then came upon a true Adonis. Young, but he had to be at least eighteen to be in here. Words can't describe how beautiful he was, and I won't try. Think of the most attractive young naked man you've ever seen, give him a number and square it. He could challenge the panther, but he was here, the panther wasn't. I tried to meet him. He wasn't interested, but I was resourceful. I went to find Lucky. He was being rimmed in a back area of the sauna, no pun intended. It took a long time before they finished, but I needed him.

"I'm going to use you, Lucky." "That's the sweetest thing you ever said, Jim." "Not that way, not yet. You'll see. There's a guy in here that I want to get my hands on, but he's only interested in young guys, and I know he'll be interested in you. I'm using you, but I don't think you'll mind." "That's him." "Damn, you have good taste in men, Jim." "I picked you up, didn't I?" He smiled and we exchanged a long deep erotic kiss. It's not that I didn't want to do it, but I wanted to make sure that Adonis saw it. I was making sure that he understood that Lucky and I, in pari-mutuel terms ran as an entry, both of us or neither, but I knew he would want Lucky as much as I wanted him. Adonis came over to us. This was going to work, Adonis was going to get Lucky, and I was going to get lucky. "Follow me." He took us to a remote corner of the sauna. He never actually touched me, but I had my hands all over most of that beautiful body for about twenty minutes.

"I've got to leave, Lucky, and I have to get off before I go, or it's going to be a painful evening. It doesn't necessarily have to be a fuck, and doesn't necessarily have to be with you."

"Yes, it necessarily does, Jim; and yes, it necessarily does. We've been in here almost two hours and I haven't had a cock up my ass yet, that's an Olympic personal-best, or worst, for me. Where do you want to fuck me?"

There were a lot of options. "How about on the lawn by the pool." "Delicious!"

We fucked in a variety of positions for twenty minutes. "When you're ready to cum, Jim, I want you to do it in my mouth." "We were in a reverse cowboy when I said, "Get off that Lucky and get down on me, I'm going to blow." We snowball kissed, I couldn't believe how much I had dumped in him. We kissed and shared it back and forth until it was gone. "Do you need to fuck me?" "No Jim, I'm going to be here until my asshole glows red, then I'll cum, more than once."

We kissed and I left, went to my hotel, showered and change into a suit I had a light dinner at the hotel and went to the meeting I was here for. I was ten minutes early. A handsome young man, he reminded me of Lucky, welcomed me. He was younger, but perhaps even more attractive. "We've been waiting for you , Mr. Chris. Every one else is here. "Please call me Jim." "What?" "I mean Parker, son, I don't know where that came from."

That was my sex life for almost two years. I told you the best of it, but even the worst, not that word makes any sense, was awfully good. For a man who was used to two or three men a week it was a crash diet, but for what it lacked in quantity it made up for in quality. And then it happened. I learned what Dickens meant by "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." They might as well just have cut my balls off. My boss retired and I was promoted. A vice president now, I rarely would have the chance to travel, and never alone. I had to choose one of my reports to replace me. Jeanie was the obvious choice. As an officer of the company, cruising became impossible. If I had gotten arrested it would be all over the papers, we were a prominent local corporation, and my "voluntary resignation" would be there with it. What made that especially hard to take was that half of the management committee, execs and chief officers were closet queers. They had male administrative assistants who were pretty rather than handsome, not overtly gay if you know what I mean, but my gaydar beam flashed rapidly the first time I met them. On more than one occasion when I met with my exec, I noticed shoes behind the modesty panel on his desk. I had two more rungs before I could have lunch brought in.

"Parker, can I speak with you." "That's my job, Jeanie." "You now I have an opening in my department." "Yes." "It's a twelve, but I've found who I want, but he's over qualified. I need you to make it a fourteen." "You're dead serious, aren't you." "Yes, and I want to bring him in at middle grade." "I've got to interview him before I can approve that. When can you get him here?" "He's probably on an airplane now. He'll be here tomorrow." "Do you always play me this way?" "That's my job, Parker."

Jeanie brought him to my office. "Parker, this is Reefer Welch." "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Welch (I hated that phrase, but never found a more pleasant one to replace it, it was so fucking insincere. He a good looking man, a little over six feet tall, well proportioned. He had a blond mustache and small beard, if we hired him the beard would have to go. He would represent the company well at first sight. I extended my hand, and he grasped it with a firm commanding handshake, good start I said to myself. "It's a special honor, Mr. Chris." Forty five years old, and this pup had just shown me how to sincerely express a first meeting. "Now that that's over, it's Parker, if Reefer is alright with you?" "It's my name, Parker." As an ice breaker I said, "I've never known a Reefer, at least one I'm willing to tell you about." He laughed and told me his parents were hippies, "You don't want to know my sister's name." I really did, but didn't ask.

The interview went extremely well. He was very composed. What impressed me the most was he always used we and us instead of you and me. I called Jeanie. "Reefer and I are having lunch in the executive dining room, will you join us?"

Like I have a choice, I thought. "I'm on another line, be there in five minutes."

We entered the dining room. I'd never been here before, thought Jeanie, a newby in here was unimaginable. Mostly, Reefer and I talked the details of the job. When we left the dining room Parker shook his hand and said, "Jeanie will be in touch." The perfunctory, "ask for the job" wasn't said, but he actually did it in a subtle but eloquent way. I was very impressed with this man.

As they walked off I said, "Jeanie, four o'clock."

"Jeanie, what is he asking for?"

"Actually, Parker, he wants the job more than the money."

"Make him an offer he won't refuse, but keep it reasonable and I'll approve it. I don't think we're the only ones looking at him."

Four days later I got a text from Jim. I had told him when I left that we shouldn't do it. It would only hurt us both. It had been over eight years, but it was bitter sweet to get it.

This is my boy friend, Parker. I'm divorced and we live together now. He included a selfie with him and another man, both naked and in our glen. That was a kick in the gut, but they looked so happy together I almost cried. Jim was obviously older, but time had been kind to him, kinder to him than me. His boy friend looked younger, but for men in their late twenties, early thirties it was hard to tell. His boy friend looked familiar, but I had been with a lot of naked men.

The text went on. "I wouldn't have texted you, but we're moving down to your area. I told you when you left to take me with you, it seems like it may happen. Reefer has a new job."

Stick a revolver in my mouth and empty it. This was going to kill me anyway.

The first day Reefer showed up for work he came to my office. "Parker, can I talk to you?" "Jeanie is your boss, Reefer, talk to her."

"I can't."

"Is this professional or personal?" I knew this was coming.

"Personal, Parker."

"He came in and closed the door, "When I interviewed for this position I had no idea about you and Jim, well I knew pretty much everything about Jim and and another man, but I didn't know it was you. when I finally told him all about it, and you, he hugged me saying, "Oh god, no!" Parker, we love each other, but he's still in love with you."

"Is he here?"

"No, not for a few weeks."

"We are a liberal company, Reefer, and give spousal benefits to committed couples."

"We're not exactly that, Parker."

"I'm going to forget I heard that, and HR doesn't need to know either. Just tell your rep and everything will be taken care of."

"Parker, I can't bring Jim down here and then tell him he can't have you. Jim desperately wants you and needs you, Parker. You can have him. I want you to, or us if you like. But if you can't accept that, I've got to leave the company. I don't want to. I'm going to love this job. You have to decide, but you have to do it soon. If you do, Jim calls me Reef."

"I can't make any promises, I'll consider it Reef." I had inadvertently tipped my hand. "Thank you, Parker, that's all I needed to hear.

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